It's not only vax injuries.

The US is lagging behind Europe in other areas, too--namely the "transgender" social contagion. The mutilations have ceased.

This tells us a lot: in the not-too-distant past, the US was a world leader in medicine & technology. Now? We've become an international laughingstock, lead by a president with dementia.

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I read this from Eugyppius this morning. Germany is slowly admitting the errors of their ways and recognizing the mRNA and LNP injured. Yet the U.S. Government and their 3 lettered Public Health beasts and the state sponsored Advocacy Journalists are still telling its citizens that mRNA shit shots are safe and effective. But good for Germany.

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I am 1/4 German from my Mom's side, and I really suggest everyone read JFK's 1963 speech at The Berlin Wall:


"While the wall (insert Vaxx) is the most obvious and vivid demonstration of the failures of the Communist system, for all the world to see, we take no satisfaction in it, for it is, as your Mayor has said, an offense not only against history but an offense against humanity, separating families, dividing husbands and wives and brothers and sisters, and dividing a people who wish to be joined together."

I have embraced my independent voter status for 20+ years in NYC, but I will register as a "D" so that I can vote for - https://www.kennedy24.com

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This will never happen in MSM in the U.S. They know they are complicit.

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There was no need for the gratuitous slam on the German people. This isn't the first time.

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the germans know something about crimes against humanity so it would be fitting if they showed moral leadership in a world that has lost its ethical bearings

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Completely unnecessary to tag contemporary Germans with a racism/cultural-ism jab here Alex, as though there weren’t a mountain of who-cares-who-owns-it reasons instead.

Ironically, insinuating that because they are German, that suggests their growing discomfort with BionTech has anything to do with the owner’s Turkish backgrounds (or eye color) is the exact same flaw you are ascribing to them.

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The truth shall set you free

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When do we have a Boston Vax party and dump the mRNA shots out of the Santa Monica pier?

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For those with a brain and a heart, that are listening within, true science and true religion, have pronounced the propaganda of corrupted power brokers, not only merely dead upon onset, but most sincerely dead. Pay attention, consider the source and motive and intuition will dispell the dogma and doctrine of the governmental industrial complex, the proverbial money changers.

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My youngest son frequents a meme site that usually reports news several days in advance of the U. S. Media (Notice/ Not News Media). People using the site frequently ask, "What has happened to the U. S. ?" They can't believe what goes on here.

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Right Alex...let's HOPE. To date there has not been a smidgen of actual accountability of anything in well over 3 years now done "intentionally" to humanity. Just the same old deafening redundancy day after day, with the perps who did it all in the process of planning the next plandemic if not already planned. ZERO accountability anywhere to be seen. All the same players in all the same positions. Just sayin

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It sure was worth the read. Thank you, Alex! Wow.

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We're Germanies western neighbor (the Netherlands). Nothing in MSM. Opposition is growing but anyone who dares to challenge the vax narrative is still considered a conspiracy thinker. Lots of things going on under the radar of the MSM channels, but so far it remains a relatively small group that manages to publish something.

I can only hope we will get in the stage where Germany is at one point. There has been an enormous manipulation, censorship and fear mongering going on here. They dropped the vaccine mandates here, and probably are hoping to get away with it. That it will blow over. It should not. The mRNA maniacs are now planning to extend this mechanism to other 'vaccines'. People need to become aware of the dangers of the mRNA approach.

I only have one question about the Covid madness: was it deliberate or was it stupidity (driven by fear of an invisible enemy)? My current guess is that it was deliberate from the side of Big Pharma (they have a track record), and stupidity on the side of the governments (with some money undoubtedly being pushed here and there). Not even mentioning the WHO, which is largely sponsored by Big Pharma.... Call it a conspiracy if you like.

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Its about time...

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Keep going Alex, you are winning.

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