An obvious follow up from a member of Congress should have been: “Madame president, would calling for genocide of blacks be a threat or form of harassment? How about calling for killing all people of Chinese descent?”

Context indeed.

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Or genocide of transgender victims of capitalism? Oh yeah, they already have tenure.

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Were they all women? (By the traditional definition.)

I mean, I love women, but a lot (most?) are too nice too nip this virulent, sickening behavior in the bud.

There's a reason why "wait till your father gets home" cures 99% of childish antics.

And to be clear these are children. Yet it still remains to be seen if they will become adults or "kidults" over time.

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Yes, all women with condescending smirks and smiles as they answered as if they all read from the same script.

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I suspect they all did read from the same script.

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That’s because they all use the same law firm.

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I don’t think “nice” is what keeps these women from nipping this in the bud. They are complicit, fanning the flames of hatred. These women are poisonous.

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I think Brandenburg vs. Ohio keeps them from nipping it in the bud. Brandenburg called for "revengence" against blacks, "revengence" against Jews, publicly supported sending all blacks to Africa and all Jews to Israel, and the Supreme Court said that his words were protected by the First Amendment.

They established a standard that what is not protected speech is a call for imminent lawless action.

So saying "I call for vengeance against GROUP Z, let's march on DC to demand change" was deemed allowed, but "Let's go lynch some GROUP Z" can be banned and punished.

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You're right to some degree. Some of these directors are likely poisonous as you say.

But some are "cool moms" - which is a dated reference to the Mean Girls movie.

I will likely never get over my initial fascination of the downfall of the Women's March movement. It started strong with loads of public support & basically ended because they started chanting "Death to Isreal".

Striking parallel in my opinion.

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Pretty sure Stefanik actually asked that during the back & forth.

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Well since Harvard doesn’t want Asia students?

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I agree! The entire time I was watching I wanted her to make the comparison. I would have loved to see their reactions and hear their answers.

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I was hoping that type of question would be asked!

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I am still in shock after watching the atrocities of the Ivys. I am sick to my stomach. As a Jew. I am scared. I am freaked out and have been crying daily in disbelief that we are seeing the Shoah repeat itself.

My neighbor is a professor at USC Actors Dept. He was discussing Schindlers Lust and the Holocaust. Not one..I repeat not one of tbe students heard of the Holocaust. He asked them to watch the film as an additional discuss for credit. Not one did. We are living in a world of brainwashed idiots and I am losing hope for tbe next generation of leaders, Doctors, Scientists, Engines or just society.

Seeing the circus yesterday made me feel despair. Where do we go from here?

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Do not despair. There are still many of us who can see evil for what it is, who understand the history of the Jews and the world and who stand with you and will bear arms as necessary to protect you and ourselves from this ancient evil.

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How is that possible to not know of the holocaust? The whole educational system has failed.

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Hell majority of young people know absolutely NO history. That’s why it will repeat.

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They all saw "Schindler's Lust" but it didn't really tell the story with historical accuracy. Sorry, but that terrible typo above...

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And is still failing.......

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Under no circumstances fall into despair. There are loads of silent warriors and lovers of freedom who will fight to defend your right to live and practice your Judaism as you see fit. Long live Israel!

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No idea of the Holocaust or the vile history of Lenin and Stalin or Mao.

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No idea of Holodomor or how Russia historically uses food and energy to control/influence populations and nations. If they acquire the vast Ukrainian farmland, seaports, and huge natural gas reserves, we're in for a very bad time.

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How many college students could tell which countries were on which sides in ww2? How many could say when it happened? How many know the significance of today's date December 7th? By the way Happy Hanukkah.

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Name a country. Give them a globe. How many of them could find the country?

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or that Hitler promised Hungary that it would get much of its empire back if it alligned with him. Hungary is still hoping to revive a Greater Hungary and coveting part of Ukraine (Zakarpatttia Oblast). Ever wonder what Putin has promised Orban?

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I started to comment that I understand your shock, fear, grief and despair. However, as someone who is not Jewish, I probably really don't, no matter how much I may try. But try not to give in to these feelings. Press on. To borrow an expression from the recovery movement, just do "the next right thing" on a daily basis. Live your life, stand up for what you believe, and know that there are in fact others who are with you. And yes, those of us who are with you, like myself, need to become louder.

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At least remember that there are many in America who support Jews and Israel. I think a high majority. But often they do not speak up enough. Or do not know how.

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This practicing Catholic shares your worries and horror at it all, and expresses solidarity with you. After reading Dennis Prager’s Townhall piece, we mounted a mezuzah on our doorframe.

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I'm shocked, too. And appalled. And disgusted by yesterday's circus.

I have watched many Shoah interviews--available on YouTube. These are elderly survivors of the atrocities, sharing their experiences because it should never happen again.

I am not Jewish. I am a human being, and there were many non-Jews who were victims of the Nazis.

This week, to my horror, I discovered that the Shoah Project is now interviewing survivors of Oct. 7.

Those so-called students need to be dragged to the Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington.

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There are many books about the atrocities the Jewish people were ;subjected to in the 30's and 40's. Albert Spear's book, "Inside The Third Reich" is a good example. But no one reads them, people stick their head in the sand and pretend it wasn't so bad or never happened at all. I'm a Gentile but I will stand armed with the Jewish people if this insanity progresses to the next level. Gaza is the test case. These terrorists are perpetuating genocide and there is no negotiating that. If we had an honest, thinking media they would show the movies and documentaries of the Holocaust. But our country has descended into Marxism and it hates the idea of an all powerful God.

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"... I will stand armed with the Jewish people if this insanity progresses to the next level." How about Christians? The persecution and atrocities have been going on for years. The quiet has been deafening. I wonder why?

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That's why we should be standing together.

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Careful. There probably isn't too many professors at USC Actor's Department. Don't accidentally out your friend and paint a target on his back.

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Dec 8, 2023·edited Dec 9, 2023

The strangest part of this saga is that liberal Jews largely created the woke Frankenstein monster that now wants to destroy them. They thought they could protect themselves by pitting whites against blacks, Americans against migrants, women against men, gays against straights, the "educated" against the "deplorables." Jews have been among the greatest advocates of every "social justice" lunacy of my lifetime. I have known some conservative Jews who realized the left wing alliance was a bargain with the Devil, but too many of my Jewish friends were utterly impervious to reason when confronted with the dangers of this strategy. If the blatant anti-semitism of the universities does not awaken most Jews to the left wing threat, then despair is the only rational response. Things didn't end well for Dr Frankenstein.

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Universities first killed scientific truth (Lia Thomas is a woman). Now they've moved on to moral truth.

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MAO or commie 101. TRUTH is what fits the narrative 1st.

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Let us hope that they have gone too far. I think many have seen now the foolishness of the Left. The backlash (or returning pendulum) is coming.

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Dec 7, 2023·edited Dec 7, 2023

Don’t give a penny to these institutions. Then the issue is resolved. That is what should be done. When my university alumni called me up since the pandemic debacle, I hung up and lost their number. They had shut students in dorms and forced vaccinations, in order to attend. I will never give them a penny nor step foot on their campus again. Nor will my children go to a school that forced Covid vaccinations. We all have the power collectively so use it people.

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Sad reality is, we are all giving money to these institutions, in the form of the Federal Student Loan program brought to you by our political masters. This river of cash from the US Treasury flowing into Ivy coffers funds all of the Marxist lunatics disseminating ethnic hate and propagandizing our children with DEI. Worse, I would bet the student loan program meets with the approval of most DC Republicans.

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I did the same with my alma mater and told them exactly why I was doing it.

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If Israel ceases to exist it will be a genocide. One can already see the hatred toward Jews that remained hidden for so long boiling to the surface. Jews are protected because of the Jewish state. If it no longer existed, every Jew would be slaughtered. I know this firsthand because I recently lived in Egypt for 3 years and saw the hatred beneath the smiling faces presented to tourists. My family escaped out of Egypt right before the 6 Day War. I was only ten but I will never forget Nassar's voice screaming over microphones in the streets of Cairo, death to America and its stooge Israel. That sentiment hasn't changed throughout the Middle East. It's also disturbing to witness many friends and colleagues of mine who saw through the COVID scam and BLM etc now completely taken in by the propaganda and calling for the end of the Nazi Zionist state. Unbelievable. No words. "Embracing Extinction in a Posthuman Era" https://open.substack.com/pub/khmezek/p/embracing-extinction-in-a-posthuman

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Such real-authentic 1st hand experience people NEED to know and hear. Thank you!

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"Except when the minority is the Jews.". Or white, Christian males, or Trump supporters. In short, not leftists.

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Most Jews are leftists. That's why they are so outraged when the protections they used to enjoy suddenly don't apply to them. Yawn. Say, White Lives Matter, Alex. A couple of years ago, All Lives Matter would have been sufficient. Not anymore.

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Yeah, the Jews have been running with the foxes and hunting with the hounds for a long time. They just found out that the hounds they have been encouraging to attack American society for the last twelve decades have these sharp things in their mouths that they use to rip flesh. Who knew?

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I thank the Elite Faculty members at prestigious universities for showing all of us how rotten, disgusting and dangerous they are to a free people.

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At the first sign or trouble it will be strong working class men with guns who they will look to for protection.

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These folks are going to get The Donald elected again and I am starting to warm up to that idea.

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They are going to get Donald re-elected and they will be puzzled by his reelection.

I'm warming up to the idea too - I went from absolute zero Kelvin, to, oh I don't know, about three degrees Kelvin.

But, I'm at about the same temperature for our geriatric president.

How did we end up with these two idiots?

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And can we be honest here? Who in their right mind would EVER send their kids to these disgusting "lower" educational institutions? I have a straight A high schooler who has 0 desire to go to one of these schools and his father graduated from Penn! Complete waste of $ and I can't wait for the college bubble to pop. I would never waste my money sending my kids to a whole bunch of colleges in America. Honestly only the first 5 colleges on the FIRE list score high enough to be considered. College is quickly becoming a complete joke in America. Only the stupid attend!

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Dec 7, 2023·edited Dec 7, 2023

The top five FIRE schools are (drumroll please):

Michigan Technological University (78.01)

Auburn University (72.53)

University of New Hampshire (72.17)

Oregon State University (71.56)

Florida State University (69.64)

This list surprised me a bit. In fact, I'm wondering if there is a problem with FIRE's methodology, as it listed Hillsdale College with a "Warning" label - this despite the fact that Hillsdale is the school with the greatest level of devotion to our founding documents - the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence. So that tells me there is something wrong at FIRE.

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Another beneficial outcome from yesterday's hearing? A lot of people that thought that universities were for learning, found out otherwise. They're exclusive clubs where people's brains are stripped of the ability to actually think.

As an ultra Orthodox Jew I'm constantly told how bad and backwards we are for not educating our children to the standards given to our secular neighbors.

After watching yesterday's public display of everything wrong with secular education, especially in the so called "institutions of higher learning" , my

communities decisions regarding our children's education doesn't seem so backwards anymore.

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Jewish people have common cause with the right - standing for freedom, equality and free speech - yet vote overwhelming with the left, standing for control, Animal-Farm-equaly, and speech codes.

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That is changing right now. I have Jewish friends who are buying weapons and learning to use them. They are voting Republican for the first time ever (as am I)

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I think this mindset and shift contributed to how DeSantis flipped Florida to deep red on his re-election by 20 points.

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This is true in my experience too. Seeing the signs calling Jewish people "white supremacists" in NYC etc have brought home to at least some friends of mine that perhaps that racist statement about Trump supporters was just that, racist.

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I would not get too excited, as much as I'd like to see a Republican victory, they did not do that well last month.

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Dec 7, 2023·edited Dec 7, 2023

The GREAT silver lining of that tragic Oct day in a very very very tiny place on earth, is we all now KNOW who is WHO and how they VOTE. The irony of it all is just how many Jewish Americans vote BLUE just as the vast majority of the protestors DO. How is that reconciled with these Jewish Americans. Those protestors in the streets supporting HAMAS and it's agenda with what it wants to be done to Israel and it's people are for the most part the same people who support BLM, DEI, ESG, CRT, SEL, Climate HOAX, Men can be pregnant, Men can compete against women and use the same locker room and bathrooms, and the same people who believe MASKS work, lockdowns were justified and the EUA gene therapy injections worked and were not very harmful. Oct shed sooooo much LIGHT in the greater scheme of things. Just sayin...

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That is what true free speech is for. It shines the light. Now everyone knows who these people, our elites, really are. And maybe now the majority of Americans will decide that we don't want the "elite" making the important decisions on our behalf. One can hope.

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Stefanik’s question should be asked of every university administrator by every past, current, and future alumni donor. Not just at the Ivies, but every school soliciting funds. And unless immediately and resoundingly they answer “yes,” not a single further penny should be given.

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Spot on, Alex!

Expose the moral bankruptcy of those duplicitous bottom feeders. Let them be known far and wide for their greatest strength, which is by far, their shameless cowardice. They are lost in the depravity of their victim studies fake narrative.

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And did the students including the head of the law review who harassed a Jewish student violate Harvards code of conduct? If so, have they been disciplined? Sadly I suspect the answer to both questions is no.

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Aside from the obvious outrage at these feckless Ivy League presidents’ refusal to answer has anyone else noticed these disgraceful females were all obviously affirmative action hires.

Instead of merit these check the box appointments result in weak and incompetent fools for whom merit is anathema. There is no context when a loud and violent group demands the death of Jews.

They should all be fired immediately. As one headline described these schools “Poisoned Ivy.”

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