Maybe the fact that the MRNA/lipid nanoparticles DO NOT stay in the arm muscle as promised by Fauci/CDC/Big Pharma, but float around the whole body including crossing the blood brain barrier, and then amass in the heart/brain/organs? I would think this is a pretty significant finding and should cause a lot of concern, and reason to STOP injecting people (just me I guess). Everything stems from this key failure, and yet it is ignored by both sides?

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It is the most f*cked up way to do a vaccine. The mRNA goes everywhere. Spike gets made everywhere. Clotting happens everywhere. And then the auto-immune attack happens everywhere. Cardiac and neurological damage galore.

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All that and you get the virus anyway.

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while getting really sick and infecting others. such efficacy!

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Yeah I have friends who have had a zillion jabs and now they are sick all the time. One with Covid the other with several other URIs.

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The enormous amount of carnage and death caused by the mRNA "vaccines" is intentional.

Read this book, and you will finally understand why these diabolical "vaccines" are being used:

The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health, by Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

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The first 100 pages of this book will drop your jaw repeatedly. Alex’s book is excellent. RFK’s book is off the chart.

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The final chapter of RFK Jr.'s book is even more eye-opening than the first 100 pages.

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Add Robert Yoho's Butchered by Healthcare, he has covid podcast too

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Best investment! The information is staggering. I’m reading Alex’s book next.

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Alex's book is an easy read compared to Kennedy's. RFK Jr.'s book is truly staggering, overwhelming, devastating, and monumental. I think it's the most important book of our time.

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Easy read yet informational. It's written so those with absolutely no medical background can understand it.

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True. But Pandemia's scope of inquiry is absolutely minuscule compared to what Kennedy presents in the Real Anthony Fauci. And one does not need a medical or scientific background to appreciate or understand RFK Jr.'s book. It is dense, and long, and difficult to read because of the nature of the facts he presents, but at the same time it's brilliantly written, in a lively, engaging style.

In case you're wondering, I'm not Bobby Kennedy's publicist. I just have tremendous admiration for this magnum opus and think everyone needs to read it.

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Agree with about RFK’s book, which remains #1 best seller in spite of media blackout. Apparently scant few in the political class haven’t read the copy RFK Jr. sent to every member of Congress. Or, if they did, they find big Pharma campaign donations and insider trading more important than the terrifying truth.

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Members of Congress can read?

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I agree! Both are must reads. However, RFK Jr.'s has outstanding documentation.

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I had to buy the audiobook too. LOL.

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it is very difficult to read. I think he wrote each chapter separately as they don't flow well and some things are repeated over and over. But it is well worth the read! Shocking!

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“Toxic Legacy” probly more important. Glyphosate in our food, water, wine. Pharma ain’t the only industry poisoning America

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Dr Scott Atlas' book is fantastic as well

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While I don't believe this was his intention, he finished the job of turning me against Trump.

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Wow....the brutal truth of him I guess? How he is, I mean. I've indeed Atlas' book & 2 copies of RFKjr's - one to loan out to friends I'd like to help see the truth

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anyone at this point who is not aware of the intentionality has not been paying attention or unbale to confront what happened, is happening and will continue too since to date there has been zero accountability for any of this. Why would it change?

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Many many younger people who are pragmatic & too busy to do the research. They work a lot have a busy family life &have very little free time

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Add Dr. Peter Breggin’s book “Covid19 and The Global Predators: We Are The Prey” to your reading list as well. Then listen to the Joe Rogan podcasts with Dr. Peter McCullough and Dr. Robert Malone. You’ll know more after that than the director of the CDC.

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And sadly waaay more than some of the Supreme Court Justices!

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I listened to both podcasts with the doctors and what an education I received an all things NIH, COVID, Fauci, our deteriorating U.S. medical system, and much more. So worth the 3 or so hours to watch both. I’m going to watch them both again just to keep the info top of mind.

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I second the Breggin book endorsement.

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While the virus multiplies in your sinuses, throat and upper respiratory system...Go figure

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And starts from mucus system, where it sits waiting to attack. Kill it here. CHLORHEXIDINE

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is chlorhexidine comparable to hydroxychloroquine?

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Betadine nasal spray or viridine (povidone iodine) nasal spray is on the list. You can get the viridine at most drug stores. Almost impossible to find the betadine spray online.... I am NOT a DR.... but I did sleep at a Holiday Inn.

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Dr. McCullough mentioned povidone iodine 10% in a 1:10 dilution as nasal spray, also to gargle with it. He also said you could use Hydrogen peroxide similarly (can't remember the dilution offhand), and he also mentioned Betadine. McCullough said the infection begins in the nasal passages and you have a couple of days to zap it with the nasal sprays. This makes sense to me, because when you think about it, the various covid tests are done in the NOSE!

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yes easy to get

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No, it is topical.

Iodine .5% is enough per McCullough, for nose or mouth, available at any drug store.

It may not stop an infection but it will drastically reduce the viral load, give your body time to mount a defense.

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Iodine works great to mitigate a lessen!

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thank you, will look into it further/later. GB

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No. It is chlorhexidine, and is found in some oral mouth wash

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Introducing a genetic material that doesn’t match your DNA and the proteins. In time your body will attract itself to rid because it’s foreign to ones genetic characteristic we are the same but each of us are different.

The immune system as whole is a fabulous system but we all are unique in our own individual genetics. Example would be we have all heard about people waiting for a transplant but they have not found a perfect from someone. In some cases one maybe found that’s not a perfect match. In order for the body to accept this foreign transplant that’s of themselves immune suppressant drugs are used to slow the immune system from attacking the transplant. Some patients do ok but some do not the immune system will mount a huge response to the transplant as a infection and attack to protect the body. The condition is called graft vs host outcome is not good. I learned this from personal experience.

This so called vaccine is a synthetic RMA not of nature what we have seen is huge amounts of serious injuries that are live changing fro hesry neurological strokes and death all across the board in all age groups within days or weeks after the jab. This is immoral and evil actions by governments crimes against humanity not a coincidence.

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Dam didn’t proof read ( find a perfect match) ( that’s not)

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Got it anyway. Thanks

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All design event 201

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Yes, those particles do circulate and accumulate in tissue. About two months ago I scheduled a Mammogram for my yearly check up.The screener asked me if I had the vaccine recently. I told them I was not vaccinated. She wanted to be sure because the Mammogram could not be read accurately by the Radiologist because the lipid nanoparticles accumulate in the breast tissue. That was an eye opener.

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Same…I’ve never been asked about vaccines in the prior 3 months until this last mammogram. Interestingly when I donated blood they also asked if I’d received any vaccines in the previous 3 months. I’ve given blood for years and don’t recall them asking me about vaccines.

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Yes, I heard Dr. McCullough say that you shouldn't get a mammogram for a year now because of this very thing. I told my friend because she had a bad mammogram, and is vaxxed. She is not happy and said she won't be getting a booster. I believe the Japan study showed they also amass in the Cervix or Uterus? Dr. McCullough said he suspects the lipid-nanoparticles are amassing in the heart for males and that what is causing the Myocarditis.

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They pass through the blood brain barrier and get in the brain, also. My neighbor got vaccine-induced, auto-immune encephalopathy after he received the vax. Was a successful business owner, very active, and now needs 24-hour supervision in a facility. No hope for a recovery.

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Terrible, I'm so sorry. Watching "gross negligence" medical malpractice on the whole world in real time is pretty mind blowing. Besides Gates/Fauci/Wellensky I most disgusted at our complacent media who are covering all of this up for the Medical Industrial Complex. They're traitors plain and simple (NO one likes traitors). They made people feel these shots were safe. They made it possible for more people to be harmed. They made it possible for these bad shots to be rolled out to our kids. They are just as responsible because had they not covered up the issues, helped block early treatment (horse medicine), and try to make sudden death the "new normal" our country and the world would be in a healthier place right now.

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My neighbor was hospitalized 4 times for weeks at a time. The doctors said they didn't know the cause, but the nurses told the family that they knew the vaccine was the cause.

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Oh my gosh—that is beyond horrible. I am so sorry.

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The Japan study showed they amassed in the ovaries. I worry for our future children. Women are born with all of their eggs. What happens when they are corrupted by spike proteins?

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That's the fear, and again WHY once we have proof that the MRNA/lipid nanoparticles did not stay in the arm muscle and flushed immediately out of the body like they PROMISED, are these shots still being pushed? That should of been GAME OVER, and what I think we should HAMMER them on.

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There is no liability. They don't care. The alphabet agencies don't care either because most people don't keep up with anything. There is no accountability. People are fully trusting, like infants!

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Why doesn't someone (like Dr. McCullough or Dr. Malone) contact the authorities performing Bob Saget's autopsy suggesting they look for lipid-nanoparticles?

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Do you know why only for a year? Do the particles go away over time?

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He didn't say. He has an account on Twitter now, I'll see if he responds.

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I believe it is the ovaries (not, or at least not as much) in the cervix/uterus.

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Same question was asked to me last month, when I made an appointment for my annual mammogram.

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WOW Jacqueline thank you very much for the information. I will reply to my friends and family., We are on this like a tick on the hound. I hope every one has their own (trite word I know) support group for moral and research support.

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Lies lol

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And meanwhile we keep losing more and more athletes as a result. And maybe Bob Saget as well.

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Media willfully ignoring young, extremely healthy athletes who are dying or having heart attacks.

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No no no. It is common for athletes to drop dead on the playing field 🤣🤣🤣

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Right! Remember Lou Gehrig?

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“Today, I consider myself the luckiest man on the face of the Earth.” -Lou Gehrig on receiving his booster shot

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I heard Abe Lincoln said something similar...

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This site is tracking these Athlete issues. Here’s the latest update as of today.

423 Athlete Cardiac Arrests, Serious Issues, 253 Dead, After COVID Shot

12 more added in less than a week (10 deaths).


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Thankyou! Been wondering if anyone was tracking

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And, young boys too. I can't help but wonder if some of the jabs are aimed at removing a portion of the healthy male population. But, why? Is it because having a predominantly female population is easier to control?

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Much easier. When we have hardly any young men, we will not be able to have a military.

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Precisely, Antoinette!

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Killing off two or three generations of fighting aged men…

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Yep. :(

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if the horror stories about still births and severely affected new borns are true (are they true?), then women of a reproductive age are targeted as well.

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The miscarriage part is true. A friend of a friend lost a baby right after getting the vax. She was a couple months along. Baby was healthy before the vax in scans.

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Yeah, that part sounds parallel with quotes from Margaret Sanger's ominous 'wisdom': "..the gradual suppression, elimination and eventual extinction, of defective stocks--those human weeds which threaten the blooming of the finest flowers of American civilization.'

Which begs another question: Is this MRNA 'gene' therapy being targeted at certain racial groups?

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We as a Society have never given experimental drugs or vaccines to pregnant women. But they are doing it now. That is so unethical and immoral.

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or old people or cancer patients...they are giving it to people who WERE NOT IN THE TRIAL WE HAVE NEVER DONE THIS BEFORE. IT IS UNETHICAL. WHAT DOES THAT TELL YOU

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very true :-((

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Not if the state has been killing off our boys! Mama bears are fierce!! Better stop poking us now—starting with your jab!

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Hard for governments to suppress the motherly instinct to protect their young... but, the pro abortion crowd...well, that's another story.

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Watch the ending of Dr. Strangelove and look at Epstein's plans for his Arizona ranch.

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Just guessing [without checking] that my reaction will be 'ewwwwwwww'.

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Eww. Eww. Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. *blech. *vom *hork

Gotta shake it off! *full body shudder*

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Control women? What planet are you on? I want to move there! :-)

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LMAO! That's one control group this here woman won't be in, sonny! I'm a rebel! Which is also why I refuse to get the jab. ;p

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I've never met a woman that doesn't do whatever they want which was why I was asking :-) I finally found one that wanted to make me happy so I married her, but control her? Not happening.

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Good man! My husband gave up a looooooooong time ago! =0))

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I saw a PGA player was hospitalized in November for heart inflammation. Of course my first thoughts went to vaccines. The CNN article didn’t mention anything about his vaccine status. Apparently it’s common for a healthy 50ish yo to have an inflamed heart.

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NurseLaura, do you recall who that was? I’m a huge golf geek and I missed this completely.

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Steve Stricker

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CNN certainly wouldn’t mention vax status. But the Fox article I read didn’t either. Stricker thinks it may be the stress of his Ryder Cup captaincy. 🙄

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Jan 10, 2022
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My wife just said the same thing to me. What is wrong with these people!!

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This explains the horrific damage. This Dr/ Researcher was suicided shortly after he posted this:



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Worked with graphene as an artist for many years....very aware of its toxic properties

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They have already injected hundreds of millions of Americans. If the truth comes out now, every aspect of our government will be hated, the uproar will be catastrophic for those who rule us.

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"I am in blood / Stepp'd in so far that, should I wade no more, / Returning were as tedious as go o'er". They are in too deep to go back.

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what about the food hoarding? I've heard there have been some testing for genetically modified food. Maybe they're trying to avoid that? Or western governments are going to start withholding food from people who don't get vaccinated?

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It's clear the spike protein is a toxin. Why would you train your body to create a toxin that will result in destruction of its own otherwise healthy cells? mRNA tech to create a toxic protein is inherently dangerous. That can NEVER be corrected or controlled.

The Chinese controlled the pandemic using early treatment. Period. End of story.

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They have far more knowing than we know on how all of this has been played on America. They knew well before 2020 as did others "we know" in the states in high level positions. You KNOW who they are

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As I've said many times, they are merely following Napoleon's advice to his marshals at Austerlitz with respect to opposition forces who had declared themselves to be the enemy of the French, "The enemy is making a mistake. Why should we interrupt him?"

The Western Empire has for years declared itself to be China's enemy. Why do we expect them to try to correct the Empire's self-destruction?

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Not quite sure I follow. My insinuation was China (CCP specifically) had far more knowledge than most people realize with the whu-flu agenda

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I don't think they hold any patents, except maybe Shi Zhengli.

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Do you feel the CCP has any sway over the puppet administration, have colluded with Fauci and his minions and the likes of Bill Gates the largest individual backer of the WHO?

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Do you feel the wu-flu came out of that wuhan lab?

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What do you mean ignored by both sides? This article is saying that China is NOT ignoring it and is staying clear of the vaccines.

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Did anyone expect the mRNA shots to stay in the deltoid? I think you learn in med school stuff injected there can get into lymph nodes and all over.

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Yeah isn't the point a shot to make sure it gets distributed all over?

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mRNA vaccine is no longer detectable in the brain after about 25 hours. The Japanese study noted that only 0.009% of the mRNA vaccine could be detected in the rat’s brain at 48-hour, which is still 0% when rounded off. Plus, the abovementioned luciferase-based animal studies find that the mRNA vaccine-induced production of proteins lasts for a few days only.

The mRNA vaccine is fragile (degrades easily) that needs to be stored in extreme cold: Moderna’s and Pfizer’s mRNA vaccines must be kept at −15 to −25 °C and −60 to −90 °C, respectively. The human body temperature is 37°C, so the mRNA vaccine can’t survive for long therein. Moreover, the mRNA dose has a limit, so the cells would stop translating the mRNA into proteins once the mRNA supply runs out.

So, overall, we see that the Covid-19 mRNA vaccines can get into the brain but in very tiny amounts that should be harmless and cleared within days.

The more you know......

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Not according to Dr. Robert Malone, inventor of the technology. Listen to his discussion on Joe Roman’s podcast. The more you know…..

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Incomplete knowledge is dangerous. First please stop calling it as mRNA. It is chemically modified mRNA, where the base U has been replaced by a synthetic analogue to escape nucleases which will otherwise destroy foreign mRNA. Your point about limited mRNA supply being consumed only holds for natural mRNA, do a deep dive in literature and you will find that it is it not so certain about lifetime of synthetically modified mRNA where a great heterogeneity in translation time has been observed in prior animal work. Now let’s talk about bio distribution: Luciferin bio distribution studies are qualitatively alright but misleading due to properties of light transport in tissue, the green-yellow light emitted by luciferin- luciferase interaction strongly attenuates at a depth of a few mm and doesn’t accurately reflect uptake in deeper internal organs. Even with that there is published data about synthetic mRNA translating protein up to 29 days in animals. This was verified in clinical data with vaccinated patients where exosomes containing spike protein were circulating 4-6 weeks after the shot. Other work has shown spike protein on its own is pathogenic, why would you want arbitrary cells in your body to make a known pathogenic protein for unknown amounts of time. I fully respect your right to experiment on yourself but please stop mandating and let people make their own health decisions

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Or maybe they have other plans? Denninger, Karl (February 13, 2021). "The West's Obituary." The Market Ticker. https://market-ticker.org/akcs-www?post=241577

Right now the Chinese are furiously working in their biolabs, as are a whole host of other nefarious nations, such as North Korea and likely Iran....The nightmare scenario that has always driven bioweapons research is the push to discover some genetically distinct means of targeting a bioweapon such that it only kills your adversary and leaves everyone else alone. It's even worse for your adversary if your side gets and transmits it but doesn't get sick. This has never been found despite diligent effort in the past; all attempts to find such a distinct vulnerability have failed, showing reactivity across the board and thus strongly suggesting that if that "thing" was completed and got out it would kill indiscriminately.

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Jan 10, 2022
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thank you for posting this. although quite a technical read for most, it provides an interesting context for the presence of the often ill-understood diseases in tropical areas. having lived in the tropics, where malaria, hemorrhagic fever/dengue, Chikungunya and a myriad of water-borne diseases during the monsoon season are part of every-day life, one can only wonder at the effects of the mRNA vaxx!

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Jan 10, 2022
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this is really helpful and very clearly formulated, TQ.

it came to my mind though that if a one-size-fits-all would be appropriate, we wouldn't need so many shoe stores. or a zillion types of shampoo. or different kinds of cars ;-)

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