I am in my late 30's, I got covid in early September 2021. I had symptoms for 1 day and immediately contacted a telemedicine doctor out of Austin that I found through the FLCCC website. I was referred to that website by another physician that couldn't get me in to see him early enough (I live in Texas). I was prescribed IVM and their I-MASK+ protocol and within 2 days of taking the medications, I was better, no breathing issues, no trips to the ER. My husband tested positive a week later and was treated the same way and had the same results. I believe the key to beating covid is EARLY treatment. Don't be afraid and wait until it's too late. I was able to get treated without even testing positive or going into an actual doctors office! I should also add that I have 2 kids, 11 and 13, they also had covid with almost zero symptoms. It's criminal what the MSM and the government did to supress information and in some places ban the use of Ivermectin. It is horrible and very disheartening to know that doctors and nurses stood by and allowed people to die knowing full and well there were treatments for covid available that actually work. Just thinking of the number of people that could have been saved if they were treated properly instead of being admitted and put on a ventilator to die breaks my heart.
the people responsible for suppressing early treatment--Fauci, and the heads of FDA, CDC, WHO--they are guilty of murder. There is no other way to put it. We've known since March 2020 that IVM works. Bangladesh has been treating covid patients with IVM since March 2020 and they have 1/13 the number of deaths from covid that the US has.
the u.s. has 5% of the worlds population and 25% of the worlds covid deaths and we used to have healthcare that was the best of the best. the fact that ivm is not just frowned upon but openly mocked is criminal. i don't believe that we actually had 25% of the worlds deaths but when gunshot victims(or car accident victims or any of the other mislabeled deaths) are said to have died of covid, it really looks insidious...
Ivm is not only frowned upon but DENIED in hospitals. And actually are refusing to fill prescriptions and reporting doctors who prescribe it. Very Orwellian.
A friend of a friend who asked for IVM while in ICU with Covid, and was getting worse on Remdesivir, (surprise, surprise) was told he would have to get a court order to get IVM! He’s been in the hospital for over a month now and so weak because was only allowed to sit in a chair or be in bed. It’s criminal!
Let’s try again. I have read Remdesiver is very hard on the kidneys and organs and can result in severe damage. I am not sure this is true but I am looking into this just to be sure. I understand it is better to demand monoclonal antibodies before admission, they cannot give them to you after admission.
My UCLA doctor refused to do a Covid B and C cell titer claiming UCLA labs did NOT do that test! A major teaching hospital! And she was already drawing blood from my arm.
But wait! I forgot! Doctors don’t WANT to know if their patients have natural immunity!
We have SICKCARE for Profit ,Period !!! Curing Disease is a bad business model!! Americans need to walk away from the Western Medical Model and become Self reliant in promoting one's own Health !! Anymore, Most Doctors are just Robots programmed to follow the Profit model of Medicine!!! Hell,even AARP has said the key to longevity is to stay OUT OF THE SYSTEM !!
I’m on your team!!! I love the “Sickcare for Profit” metaphor! I successfully managed my healthcare without having insurance for years. Paid cash and rarely went to the ‘regular’ doctor! Then when I turned 65 I signed up for Medicare and the ‘supplemental’ insurance they say you have to have…what a crock of crap that system and insurance racket is! I never trusted the healthcare system and having ‘insurance’ now has enabled me to see how f-Ed up the Industrial Medical Healthcare Complex really is.
I am first hand experienced with sick care for profit. Been having an odd health condition for 3 years now and I have gone thru about 10 neurologists at Mass General alone. More tests than you could imagine. Still no diagnosis. However a couple of weeks ago I had some blood work done and my pancreas enzymes were high(high enough that a nurse called me snd said I should go to the emergency department. I had no belly pain so she said if I didn’t want to go, I should just be ready to go if I began feeling abdominal pain. My doctor then set me up to get a colonoscopy and an appt with a GI doc. The GI doctor could not explain why I needed a colonoscopy but said maybe to look for diverticulitis. I’m no doctor so I figured, ok. I saw another nurse the next day for a different issue and she thought it sounded strange since a colonoscopy doesn’t look at the pancreas. Went thru the whole ‘cleanse’ routine(what a literal pain in the ass). At my colonoscopy spot, the nurse prepping me looked befuddled when I told her my colonoscopy was for my elevated pancreas enzymes. Then when I was in the scope room, the doc gave me a release to sign. I asked him about the pancreas enzymes. He said a colonoscopy wouldn’t find anything that may be wrong with my pancreas. So I walked. It was all to scoop up some easy money in my opinion. Another blood test the following week showed my pancreas enzymes back to an acceptable range. My doc should have just redrawn blood. The latest blood showed my kidney function was not good. lol. I have read that Covid can mess up organs including the pancreas and kidneys so maybe this is from an asymptotic Covid infection. Insanity…
Grandpa had diabetes in the depression. The family spent tons of money trying to help him. Finally a doctor came along who cured him. With a simple procedure that was diet and nutrition and hot baths. On specifically time schedule. A lot of times this is for profit
A little off topic . . . . my doctor just kiddingly informed me of something they call scoping for dollars meaning the patient doesn't need the procedure at all.
i had heard this stat the other day. i went worldmeters website to do the math myself. though not as skewed, it is still very skewed. world pop=7.9 billion. US pop=340 million(depending on the actual number of illegal aliens you believe live in the US). so the US has ~4.3% of the world population. WW COVID deaths=4,893,091. US deaths=739,948. SO that is about 15% of deaths. something still smells fishy about that. Q:are we that much more unhealthy or elderly or is our healthcare system that much worse than the rest of the world? A:Maybe, No and didn't used to be...
The American diet compared to that of developing countries is based on heavily processed foods - your typical Costco frozen aisle selection plus lots of sodas, candy, chips, and sweets. Poorer countries tend to feed their people with basic staples of whole foods (i.e. rice, beans, bread, potatoes, etc.). Also, physical activity is basically nil in our society whereas other countries rely heavily on public transit and walking long distances to get to their destination (i.e. school, doctor/hospitals, etc.). However, US hospitals are overestimating C19 deaths and hospitalizations when patients arrived for OTHER REASONS not covid symptoms.
Agreed. That is why I answered ‘maybe’ for US citizens being less healthy. I know we are not the longest lived citizens. The ‘pay and pray’ healthcare is more likely the real reason. And the misrepresentation of ‘death with Covid’ vs ‘death caused by Covid’.
I use WorldMeters a lot, but you have to understand they only use numbers as reported by the countries/states involved. We were told early by Dr. Birx that "The intent is if someone dies with COVID-19, we are counting that as a COVID-19 death." The video of her saying this is still on youtube.
“Even if you died of a clear alternate cause, but you had COVID at the same time, it’s still listed as a COVID death.” — State of Illinois chief medical officer
We also know now that the CDC quietly changed its reporting during the pandemic. Turns out only 6% of those who had died at that time and who also tested positive did NOT have underlying medical issues The other 94% had an average of 2.6 co-morbidities each. (The CDC took it down quickly, but I have a screen grab of both the chart and the text explaining what that 6% column referred to.)
We're counting deaths from murder, suicide, accidents, terminal cancer, heart attacks, etc. where the person also had a Covid-positive test -- and are those positive results legitimate? We have no way to know.
We don't know how many people died OF the coronavirus, as opposed to WITH it. Very big, damaging decisions have been made -- and continue to the made -- based on what may be wildly inflated numbers.
I agree. Inflating the numbers and not stratifying the data showing that the virus isn’t really much of a danger to anyone except the old and ill has allowed the govt to continue the draconian policies to control the population.
We don’t have 25% of the world’s deaths. We are the only country I know of which has deliberately counted the deaths of every person who died, who also tested positive for COVID, even posthumously. And we have never been told at how many CT cycles our tests are being run, so ever the number of cases is suspect. In any case, our death count is all those who died WITH Covid, not just OF it.
Probably should have said the US has 25% of the reported deaths. The reporting here is BS. With vs of is an important distinction that vastly inflated our numbers and also gave the Magnificent Pandemics the cudgel to beat America into COVID submission. I am as skeptical of China’s numbers as I am of ours. They are as concerned with appearances as our own government is instead of being concerned with the well being of their respective citizens.
In Aug 2020 the CDC changed its reporting of Covid deaths to show that just 6% were solely from Covid, and that the other 94% of those who died had an average of 2.6 co-morbidities -- likely contributors to the deaths. I saved a screen shot of both the revised chart and the explanation, and I'm glad I did because within three days it was REMOVED and hasn't been shown that way since. At the same time, many doctors and other medical professionals have expressed that our real VAERS numbers (adverse events -- injuries and death -- from the vaccines) are actually 10x to 100x what has been reported. It's appalling.
They never hid the way we were counting deaths. Dr. Birx said it loud and clear: "The intent is if someone dies with COVID-19, we are counting that as a COVID-19 death,” concluded Birx.
I see it all over social media. People are still calling it "horse paste", and criticizing anyone who tells a story of success using it. The media has done its brainwashing job well.
Did ya’ll catch the clip of Joe Rogan lambasting “Dr.” Sanjay Gupta for not coming down on CNN when they said Rogan had taken “horse paste” for Covid? He admitted they were wrong.
Rogan said, “Bro…I can afford the pharmaceutical human Ivermectin!”
The rest of us can afford it too! Our doctors just refuse to order it!
The Nobel Prize was for Avermectin (yes, with an A), from which Ivermectin was derived. It was originally a drug approved for humans. You know this but most people don't. Those who keep using the horse paste claim are either uninformed or intentionally misleading. Pretty sad.
that's 1/13 the number of deaths per million population. So if the US had been treating covid early with IVM and other vitamins/plant extracts/drugs as appropriate, we would have approximately 60,000 covid deaths. Instead, we have 700,000!
We don't "have 700,000"... That's the count of every person who died of any cause and who also tested positive for Covid. We will never know how many Americans actually died OF Covid, rather than WITH it.
A WHO scientist is actually being sued right now by the Indian Bar Association for disparaging ivermectin and faces the death penalty or life in prisonment if found guilty.
that sounds extreme, but these ghouls who have suppressed and even prohibited the use of Ivermectin are guilty of murder. Here's another outrageous Ivermectin story: "According to a news report published October 4, 2021, "Jeffrey Smith tested positive for COVID-19 July 9, was hospitalized, and was admitted to the intensive care unit July 15. He was put on the hospital's COVID-19 protocol of the antiviral drug, Remdesivir, along with plasma and steroids. On July 27, after a period of relative stability, Jeffrey Smith's condition began to decline.
He was sedated and intubated, and placed on a ventilator on August 1.
Smith was in a medically-induced coma on August 20, according to an affidavit his wife filed with her lawsuit. 'My husband is on death's doorstep; he has no other options,' she wrote, adding at another point that her husband's chances of survival had dropped to less than 30%."
In August, Judge Gregory Howard ordered the hospital, West Chester, to honor the family's request to treat him with Ivermectin.
Judge Howard approved Dr. Fred Wagshul's prescription of Ivermectin 30 mg daily for three weeks. Dr. Wagshul is a renowned Pulmonary Specialist who reports having treated over 2,000 patients with Ivermectin with 100% success.
Over thirteen days, Smith faithfully got the Ivermectin, and began to improve, said Dr. Wagshul. It looked like Ralph Lorigo had worked another miracle.
And then the unthinkable occurred. A new judge ordered the Ivermectin stopped against the wishes of his wife, his family, and Dr. Wagshul.
And soon after that, 51-year-old Jeffrey Smith died!
Judge Michael Oster reversed the ruling before Smith could receive the entire three weeks of court-ordered Ivermectin. As a result, he only received 13 doses out of the 21 mandated by the previous order. According to Ralph Lorigo, lead attorney, "they were planning to begin weaning off the ventilator.""
Just curious, possible reason do you have for saying they are guilty of murder? Why do you suppose they say ivermectin is not safe? I’d really like to know
Early in the pandemic, the only tests done -- and there were few -- used IVM by itself, with mixed results. The documented success in India and other places comes from using IVM in conjunction with zinc, Vit C and D3. The FDA STILL hasn't approved IVM for treatment of COVID, although it IS FDA Approved for human use to treat infections caused by some parasitic worms and head lice and skin conditions like rosacea. The FDA web site says IVM can be dangerous in large doses. Well, duh. Any FDA Approved medication can be! There is no logical explanation for the FDA to have withheld Approval. Doctors could have (and did) prescribe it "off label" -- meaning for other than the FDA Approved uses -- but pharmacists refused or were prevented from filling the prescriptions because of the lack of FDA Approval for use in the treatment of COVID. That's my understanding. If the facts show that there was a deliberate withholding of this drug for this use, someone should be held responsible. Think of all the suffering and deaths that could have been prevented...
If we make it through this, I would love to contribute toward something wonderful for him. He came out personally. He didn’t hide. (Although God knows we benefited greatly from those scientists and doctors who came out under aliases as well!). But Dr. McCullough just laid it all out there knowing the risks and knowing we do not know how this ends. There are few people whom I admire like him.
That's a good point you made. I have been focused on the high number of unnecessary deaths due to the withholding of medications, one of whom was my sister-in-law.
But you're right - Dr McCullough is a hero for daring everything and speaking up.
Perhaps one day the Malone's & Berenson's & so many others who stood alone will be recognized for their contributions to humanity.
A friend of ours just shared her husband's experience of nearly dying at the local hospital. She was fighting with them over the phone to use treatments and they were refusing, at the same time telling her he was most likely going to die. The doctor or nurse she was talking to on the phone literally told her to "calm her shit down." To a woman whose husband is dying!! Thankfully a mutual friend was the attending nurse and advocated for him and he survived but not without major lung damage. The pulmonologist they are seeing now said they need to sue the hospital.
I agree! And I am an RN who USED to work in a hospital until my religious exemption was denied! Thanks to someone on this site, I ordered my own IVM through the website recommended to have on hand just in case the evils decide to formulate another “variant” ! I had a bad cold in Feb. 2020 but refused to get tested, did not want to be another (false?) positive number—stayed home and recouped.
Moderate-certainty evidence finds that large reductions in COVID-19 deaths are possible using ivermectin. Using ivermectin early in the clinical course may reduce numbers progressing to severe disease. The apparent safety and low cost suggest that ivermectin is likely to have a significant impact on the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic globally.
Bereson goes by RCTs. Large ones are expensive to run so generally only big pharma does them. As I hold big science in extreme disregard at this point in time I only trust emperical evidence
the studies arent inconclusive, that is complete garbage and alex is completely wrong on this topic, as are you. www.ivmmeta.com , this is FAR MORE CONCLUSIVE THAN ANY OTHER DRUG OUT THERE. Anyone saying otherwise is being manipulated by corrupt pharma shills. Over 50% of drugs are recommended based on expert opinion alone, the remaining 49% have either 1 observational trial or 1 rct, less than 1% have more than that. Having 60+ trials, many which are peer reviewed is absolutely conclusive. Dont fall for the myth that large RCTs are greater than a meta analysis, they arent
This "pandemic" never should have gotten off the ground but there was too much money to be made, too much power to be had over the world's population, and the great reset to be launched.
I think your best bet is to use it as part of a triage (like Zelenko and McCullough advocate). The thing that Alex never seems to mention: Ivm, azq, etc are all intended here as part of a triage treatment. It works. But that means doctors can't be certain of which components work better than others. It would be highly unethical to attempt rct's on people that are having severe breathing problems by giving some placebo, some of them one drug, some two drugs, etc. So this is a situation where honest doctors just attack it with various drugs and vitamins, knowing that in combination, it's highly likely to work. I had covid, just took some tylenol, nyquil at night and got over it just fine. Most people don't need *any* of these other things, but there's no harm in taking them.
The protocol is to give it within the first couple of days of infection, in the correct dosage, and in conjunction with zinc, Vit C and D3. Any doctor or hospital could have authorized this and prevented millions of people getting so sick as to require intubation and ICU care. But the FDA still has not Approved IVM. Why?
Good point. Why are we never told, or allowed to know, at how many cycles the positive results are found? Again, the doctors who have spoken out about this -- including Dr. Kary Mullis, the inventor of the PCR test -- have been demeaned and silenced. Why? PCR inventor: "It doesn't tell you that you are sick..." "If they can find this virus in you at all - and with PCR, if you do it well, you can find almost anything in anybody.”
Alex has a blindspot towards IVM. No drug company is going to pay for RCT's for an over the counter off label use drug like IVM which won't make them any money. It's that simple. Alex will be waiting forever for RCT's for IVM...or until he gets covid.
There are over 20 RCT's for IVM and over 60 trials of all sorts. Beyond trials, there is real world experience. India has 4 times our population and a fraction of our deaths. They use IVM. Try Indonesia too. Then look at Vietnam. They had a total of 35 covid deaths when they started their mass vaccination program on 3/8/2021. Now their deaths total 20,763. Someone is doing something right and it ain't us.
The studies of IVM efficacy and safety are a lot more conclusive than any the NIH or CDC have been pushing for other covid treatments or prophylactics, or that the FDA has approved. Take a look at bottom of page 2 on this NIH Table from July 2021: https://www.covid19treatmentguidelines.nih.gov/tables/table-2e/ (Forget the first drug; it's a killer)
It’s not going to hurt - I followed math+ in early July - protocol is designed to address the multiple attack vectors of this virus . I couldn’t care less which drug was the most efficacious. It’s like baking a cake - yeah you might be able to skip or substitute an ingredient - but it’s the combination of ingredients that produce the cake.
The 6,000 member doctors organization in Japan -- comparable to our AMA -- has recommended that Japan approve the use of IVM for the treatment of COVID.
Who gives a rats ass about that “the studies are inconclusive”! If you use the IVM and it works, there’s your study! Also if you are in a ‘risk’ category where you may be exposed to people on a daily basis, you might want to dip into your stash of IVM and start taking a weekly “prophylactic” dose. I just heard an interview with Dr. Mercola and a doctor, Dr. Carvallo from Buenos Aires, who takes a prophylactic régimen of IVM once a week for 4 months, takes a two month break, then starts up the régimen again. His dosing is 0.2 mg per kilogram of body weight. (A kilogram is approx 2.2 lbs…same as a kilo of you know what weighs! 😉)
“News of India's defeat of the Delta variant should be common knowledge. It is just about as obvious as the nose on one's face. It is so clear when one looks at the graphs that no one can deny it. Yet, for some reason, we are not allowed to talk about it.
“Thus, for example, Wikipedia cannot mention the peer-reviewed meta-analyses by Dr. Tess Lawrie or Dr. Pierre Kory published in the American Journal of Therapeutics. Wikipedia is not allowed to publish the recent meta-analysis on Ivermectin authored by Dr. Andrew Hill. Furthermore, it is not allowed to say anything concerning www.ivmmeta.com showing the 61 studies comprising 23,000 patients which reveal up to a 96% reduction in death [prophylaxis] with Ivermectin.”
SOME studies are inconclusive. If you look into the details, those were studies testing IVM by itself. The successful use of it in India and other places was when it was used in conjunction with zinc, Vit C and D3. Our FDA still has not acknowledged these successes, nor approved IVM.
Lots of bad studies getting lumped in with good ones. There is likely a window where a sufficient Ivermectin course of doses will make a difference, but we are not super close to figuring it out. Lots of already hospitalized people not responding to treatment hurting outcomes
This is why Kory and Marick are always tweaking their dosage model with IVM. The last weekly update I saw they recommended 4-5 days early of higher doses rather than lower doses over a few weeks.
Who is Alex? Joe Rogan had Dr Sanjy Guptha on and was giving him a good education about ivermectin and how his company (CNN) has totally suppressed how well it works. The Dr seemed like he didn’t know?? I’ve lost major respect for MD’s and or hospital systems.
Exactly. Those who are peddling the narrative and are put on the spot (which is a rarity, so good on Joe Rogan) have to "pretend not to know things" in order to maintain the credibility they imagine they still have.
Alex hasn't taken the time to do the research. It's out there in abundance, so I have become a little less interested in what he is doing. If you can't see the obvious, well what can I say.
Agreed, he also said he hadn't been vaccinated, which is odd. He thinks of the "vaccine" as a therapeutic available for the near end of life folks. This is where he is out of his lane.
Agreed. The vulnerable (children, elderly, immunocompromised) will not gain any protection by being shot up with poison. Period. In his logic, that the elderly should get it, I guess he could rationalize that children should get it too. Anyways. I was disappointed when I heard him suggesting the elderly would benefit from it. After *all* the data he reported on and *all* the conclusions he drew I was shocked. Still am.
I decided to start the Front Line Doctors Protocol about month and half ago which includes Ivermectin. No side effect issues and so far no Virus. I was already taking vitamins D and C.
He said he isn't convinced the concrete evidence is not yet there. He definitely didn't say don't use it or that it's unsafe, or that it shouldn't be really available, etc.
I can respect that. He can't fight all fronts of this battle.
Dr. McCullough is a good one. He took a stance to pursue that facts and has paid a price. Early on he warned about numerous vaccine damage cases coming to his office. I think Baylor booted him for being truthful.
I shared this with family members because I found it compelling. My brother called it “conspiracy theorist ideology” in a speech to “anti-government ultra-conservatives.” SMH. What is wrong with advocating treatment for sick patients?! It’s so sad how much division the propaganda is creating even amongst families.
Every Covid patient who has died without being treated with one of the effective protocols developed by front line doctors was the victim of medical malpractice.
Late 60s, day 1 two pills of 6mg each and day 3 another two pills of 6 mg each. They sell them here with 4 in a pak.
I took them probably on day 5 or 6. The dr thought my oxy levels too low- mid 80s- and even told my husband he wanted to hospitalize me although i felt ok except was tired, low energy. He wouldnt prescribe ivermectin so i called a dr in the US and he emailed me prescription. The day after i took it my levels went up. I never would have gone to a hospital.
I am in my late 30's, I got covid in early September 2021. I had symptoms for 1 day and immediately contacted a telemedicine doctor out of Austin that I found through the FLCCC website. I was referred to that website by another physician that couldn't get me in to see him early enough (I live in Texas). I was prescribed IVM and their I-MASK+ protocol and within 2 days of taking the medications, I was better, no breathing issues, no trips to the ER. My husband tested positive a week later and was treated the same way and had the same results. I believe the key to beating covid is EARLY treatment. Don't be afraid and wait until it's too late. I was able to get treated without even testing positive or going into an actual doctors office! I should also add that I have 2 kids, 11 and 13, they also had covid with almost zero symptoms. It's criminal what the MSM and the government did to supress information and in some places ban the use of Ivermectin. It is horrible and very disheartening to know that doctors and nurses stood by and allowed people to die knowing full and well there were treatments for covid available that actually work. Just thinking of the number of people that could have been saved if they were treated properly instead of being admitted and put on a ventilator to die breaks my heart.
I finally watched Peter McCullough's Oct. 2 presentation about early treatment for covid, and the fact that most doctors insist that there isn't any. "Malfeasance" is what he called it, and he's exactly right. A must-watch: https://rumble.com/vnbv86-winning-the-war-against-therapeutic-nihilism-and-trusted-treatments-vs-unte.html
the people responsible for suppressing early treatment--Fauci, and the heads of FDA, CDC, WHO--they are guilty of murder. There is no other way to put it. We've known since March 2020 that IVM works. Bangladesh has been treating covid patients with IVM since March 2020 and they have 1/13 the number of deaths from covid that the US has.
the u.s. has 5% of the worlds population and 25% of the worlds covid deaths and we used to have healthcare that was the best of the best. the fact that ivm is not just frowned upon but openly mocked is criminal. i don't believe that we actually had 25% of the worlds deaths but when gunshot victims(or car accident victims or any of the other mislabeled deaths) are said to have died of covid, it really looks insidious...
Ivm is not only frowned upon but DENIED in hospitals. And actually are refusing to fill prescriptions and reporting doctors who prescribe it. Very Orwellian.
A friend of a friend who asked for IVM while in ICU with Covid, and was getting worse on Remdesivir, (surprise, surprise) was told he would have to get a court order to get IVM! He’s been in the hospital for over a month now and so weak because was only allowed to sit in a chair or be in bed. It’s criminal!
Many patients are being killed by hospitals' protocols. Look up Dr. Bryan Ardis who explains it in detail.
Let’s try again. I have read Remdesiver is very hard on the kidneys and organs and can result in severe damage. I am not sure this is true but I am looking into this just to be sure. I understand it is better to demand monoclonal antibodies before admission, they cannot give them to you after admission.
What was his outcome? Prayers that he’s still alive…
Yet I hear it’s actually on the treatment list below the other things. However it’s not covered by Medicare
My UCLA doctor refused to do a Covid B and C cell titer claiming UCLA labs did NOT do that test! A major teaching hospital! And she was already drawing blood from my arm.
But wait! I forgot! Doctors don’t WANT to know if their patients have natural immunity!
We have SICKCARE for Profit ,Period !!! Curing Disease is a bad business model!! Americans need to walk away from the Western Medical Model and become Self reliant in promoting one's own Health !! Anymore, Most Doctors are just Robots programmed to follow the Profit model of Medicine!!! Hell,even AARP has said the key to longevity is to stay OUT OF THE SYSTEM !!
I’m on your team!!! I love the “Sickcare for Profit” metaphor! I successfully managed my healthcare without having insurance for years. Paid cash and rarely went to the ‘regular’ doctor! Then when I turned 65 I signed up for Medicare and the ‘supplemental’ insurance they say you have to have…what a crock of crap that system and insurance racket is! I never trusted the healthcare system and having ‘insurance’ now has enabled me to see how f-Ed up the Industrial Medical Healthcare Complex really is.
You mean AARP that is one of the biggest contributors to the DNC next to teachers unions? THAT AARP??!
Again, follow the money🤫
When I found out I canceled my AARP membership immediately!
Yes, The Truth sometimes leaks out..LOL
I am first hand experienced with sick care for profit. Been having an odd health condition for 3 years now and I have gone thru about 10 neurologists at Mass General alone. More tests than you could imagine. Still no diagnosis. However a couple of weeks ago I had some blood work done and my pancreas enzymes were high(high enough that a nurse called me snd said I should go to the emergency department. I had no belly pain so she said if I didn’t want to go, I should just be ready to go if I began feeling abdominal pain. My doctor then set me up to get a colonoscopy and an appt with a GI doc. The GI doctor could not explain why I needed a colonoscopy but said maybe to look for diverticulitis. I’m no doctor so I figured, ok. I saw another nurse the next day for a different issue and she thought it sounded strange since a colonoscopy doesn’t look at the pancreas. Went thru the whole ‘cleanse’ routine(what a literal pain in the ass). At my colonoscopy spot, the nurse prepping me looked befuddled when I told her my colonoscopy was for my elevated pancreas enzymes. Then when I was in the scope room, the doc gave me a release to sign. I asked him about the pancreas enzymes. He said a colonoscopy wouldn’t find anything that may be wrong with my pancreas. So I walked. It was all to scoop up some easy money in my opinion. Another blood test the following week showed my pancreas enzymes back to an acceptable range. My doc should have just redrawn blood. The latest blood showed my kidney function was not good. lol. I have read that Covid can mess up organs including the pancreas and kidneys so maybe this is from an asymptotic Covid infection. Insanity…
Grandpa had diabetes in the depression. The family spent tons of money trying to help him. Finally a doctor came along who cured him. With a simple procedure that was diet and nutrition and hot baths. On specifically time schedule. A lot of times this is for profit
A little off topic . . . . my doctor just kiddingly informed me of something they call scoping for dollars meaning the patient doesn't need the procedure at all.
I see it every day, even with proof of studies and data.. sinking sand🤬
i had heard this stat the other day. i went worldmeters website to do the math myself. though not as skewed, it is still very skewed. world pop=7.9 billion. US pop=340 million(depending on the actual number of illegal aliens you believe live in the US). so the US has ~4.3% of the world population. WW COVID deaths=4,893,091. US deaths=739,948. SO that is about 15% of deaths. something still smells fishy about that. Q:are we that much more unhealthy or elderly or is our healthcare system that much worse than the rest of the world? A:Maybe, No and didn't used to be...
The American diet compared to that of developing countries is based on heavily processed foods - your typical Costco frozen aisle selection plus lots of sodas, candy, chips, and sweets. Poorer countries tend to feed their people with basic staples of whole foods (i.e. rice, beans, bread, potatoes, etc.). Also, physical activity is basically nil in our society whereas other countries rely heavily on public transit and walking long distances to get to their destination (i.e. school, doctor/hospitals, etc.). However, US hospitals are overestimating C19 deaths and hospitalizations when patients arrived for OTHER REASONS not covid symptoms.
Agreed. That is why I answered ‘maybe’ for US citizens being less healthy. I know we are not the longest lived citizens. The ‘pay and pray’ healthcare is more likely the real reason. And the misrepresentation of ‘death with Covid’ vs ‘death caused by Covid’.
So true. And in other countries IVM and HCQ is over the counter.
Some other countries don’t count Covid deaths as everyone that dies and also tests positive for COVID.
I couldn't find ANY other country which counts COVID deaths the way we do...
I think Americans are definitely more obese than in many nations
there are a few in the running--India and Italy for instance
I use WorldMeters a lot, but you have to understand they only use numbers as reported by the countries/states involved. We were told early by Dr. Birx that "The intent is if someone dies with COVID-19, we are counting that as a COVID-19 death." The video of her saying this is still on youtube.
“Even if you died of a clear alternate cause, but you had COVID at the same time, it’s still listed as a COVID death.” — State of Illinois chief medical officer
We also know now that the CDC quietly changed its reporting during the pandemic. Turns out only 6% of those who had died at that time and who also tested positive did NOT have underlying medical issues The other 94% had an average of 2.6 co-morbidities each. (The CDC took it down quickly, but I have a screen grab of both the chart and the text explaining what that 6% column referred to.)
We're counting deaths from murder, suicide, accidents, terminal cancer, heart attacks, etc. where the person also had a Covid-positive test -- and are those positive results legitimate? We have no way to know.
We don't know how many people died OF the coronavirus, as opposed to WITH it. Very big, damaging decisions have been made -- and continue to the made -- based on what may be wildly inflated numbers.
I agree. Inflating the numbers and not stratifying the data showing that the virus isn’t really much of a danger to anyone except the old and ill has allowed the govt to continue the draconian policies to control the population.
We don’t have 25% of the world’s deaths. We are the only country I know of which has deliberately counted the deaths of every person who died, who also tested positive for COVID, even posthumously. And we have never been told at how many CT cycles our tests are being run, so ever the number of cases is suspect. In any case, our death count is all those who died WITH Covid, not just OF it.
Probably should have said the US has 25% of the reported deaths. The reporting here is BS. With vs of is an important distinction that vastly inflated our numbers and also gave the Magnificent Pandemics the cudgel to beat America into COVID submission. I am as skeptical of China’s numbers as I am of ours. They are as concerned with appearances as our own government is instead of being concerned with the well being of their respective citizens.
In Aug 2020 the CDC changed its reporting of Covid deaths to show that just 6% were solely from Covid, and that the other 94% of those who died had an average of 2.6 co-morbidities -- likely contributors to the deaths. I saved a screen shot of both the revised chart and the explanation, and I'm glad I did because within three days it was REMOVED and hasn't been shown that way since. At the same time, many doctors and other medical professionals have expressed that our real VAERS numbers (adverse events -- injuries and death -- from the vaccines) are actually 10x to 100x what has been reported. It's appalling.
They never hid the way we were counting deaths. Dr. Birx said it loud and clear: "The intent is if someone dies with COVID-19, we are counting that as a COVID-19 death,” concluded Birx.
She also spoke about false positive tests, which further muddy the COVID death numbers: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GdN--11btc0&feature=youtu.be&fbclid=IwAR2yYFcJO7ZmxnmW66Z-2gyLv-qk7_8CGjUa0swAPqmR9x_5Yrg3PAfsH-I
And they are admitting the scam…
I see it all over social media. People are still calling it "horse paste", and criticizing anyone who tells a story of success using it. The media has done its brainwashing job well.
Did ya’ll catch the clip of Joe Rogan lambasting “Dr.” Sanjay Gupta for not coming down on CNN when they said Rogan had taken “horse paste” for Covid? He admitted they were wrong.
Rogan said, “Bro…I can afford the pharmaceutical human Ivermectin!”
The rest of us can afford it too! Our doctors just refuse to order it!
Did you see the clip of Sanjay Gupta w/ Don Lemon today? Totally punked out.
A Nobel Prize for a "horse paste." Did not know equine transportation was so valued.
The Nobel Prize was for Avermectin (yes, with an A), from which Ivermectin was derived. It was originally a drug approved for humans. You know this but most people don't. Those who keep using the horse paste claim are either uninformed or intentionally misleading. Pretty sad.
that's 1/13 the number of deaths per million population. So if the US had been treating covid early with IVM and other vitamins/plant extracts/drugs as appropriate, we would have approximately 60,000 covid deaths. Instead, we have 700,000!
That is a freakin’ profound statement that should make every cowardly physician cower in fear.
That is, every physician who refused to acknowledge “The Science” and their Hippocratic Oath:
First: Do No Harm.
We don't "have 700,000"... That's the count of every person who died of any cause and who also tested positive for Covid. We will never know how many Americans actually died OF Covid, rather than WITH it.
Echo that sentiment. They....Fauci, especially and all his gain of function cronies..are criminals of the highest order.
I totally agree! And I hope that are punished for their crimes in this world or the next…although I’d love to be alive to see it in this world!!
A WHO scientist is actually being sued right now by the Indian Bar Association for disparaging ivermectin and faces the death penalty or life in prisonment if found guilty.
The Indian Bar Association Sues W.H.O. Scientist Over Ivermectin: https://www.thedesertreview.com/opinion/columnists/indian-bar-association-sues-who-scientist-over-ivermectin/article_f90599f8-c7be-11eb-a8dc-0b3cbb3b4dfa.html
India Could Sentence W.H.O. Chief Scientist to Death for Misleading Over Ivermectin and Killing Indians: https://www.nextbigfuture.com/2021/06/india-could-sentence-who-chief-scientist-to-death-for-misleading-over-ivermectin-and-killing-indians.html
that sounds extreme, but these ghouls who have suppressed and even prohibited the use of Ivermectin are guilty of murder. Here's another outrageous Ivermectin story: "According to a news report published October 4, 2021, "Jeffrey Smith tested positive for COVID-19 July 9, was hospitalized, and was admitted to the intensive care unit July 15. He was put on the hospital's COVID-19 protocol of the antiviral drug, Remdesivir, along with plasma and steroids. On July 27, after a period of relative stability, Jeffrey Smith's condition began to decline.
He was sedated and intubated, and placed on a ventilator on August 1.
Smith was in a medically-induced coma on August 20, according to an affidavit his wife filed with her lawsuit. 'My husband is on death's doorstep; he has no other options,' she wrote, adding at another point that her husband's chances of survival had dropped to less than 30%."
In August, Judge Gregory Howard ordered the hospital, West Chester, to honor the family's request to treat him with Ivermectin.
Judge Howard approved Dr. Fred Wagshul's prescription of Ivermectin 30 mg daily for three weeks. Dr. Wagshul is a renowned Pulmonary Specialist who reports having treated over 2,000 patients with Ivermectin with 100% success.
Over thirteen days, Smith faithfully got the Ivermectin, and began to improve, said Dr. Wagshul. It looked like Ralph Lorigo had worked another miracle.
And then the unthinkable occurred. A new judge ordered the Ivermectin stopped against the wishes of his wife, his family, and Dr. Wagshul.
And soon after that, 51-year-old Jeffrey Smith died!
Judge Michael Oster reversed the ruling before Smith could receive the entire three weeks of court-ordered Ivermectin. As a result, he only received 13 doses out of the 21 mandated by the previous order. According to Ralph Lorigo, lead attorney, "they were planning to begin weaning off the ventilator.""
Just curious, possible reason do you have for saying they are guilty of murder? Why do you suppose they say ivermectin is not safe? I’d really like to know
Early in the pandemic, the only tests done -- and there were few -- used IVM by itself, with mixed results. The documented success in India and other places comes from using IVM in conjunction with zinc, Vit C and D3. The FDA STILL hasn't approved IVM for treatment of COVID, although it IS FDA Approved for human use to treat infections caused by some parasitic worms and head lice and skin conditions like rosacea. The FDA web site says IVM can be dangerous in large doses. Well, duh. Any FDA Approved medication can be! There is no logical explanation for the FDA to have withheld Approval. Doctors could have (and did) prescribe it "off label" -- meaning for other than the FDA Approved uses -- but pharmacists refused or were prevented from filling the prescriptions because of the lack of FDA Approval for use in the treatment of COVID. That's my understanding. If the facts show that there was a deliberate withholding of this drug for this use, someone should be held responsible. Think of all the suffering and deaths that could have been prevented...
Peter McCullough is nothing short of heroic - smart, compassionate and courageous.
If we make it through this, I would love to contribute toward something wonderful for him. He came out personally. He didn’t hide. (Although God knows we benefited greatly from those scientists and doctors who came out under aliases as well!). But Dr. McCullough just laid it all out there knowing the risks and knowing we do not know how this ends. There are few people whom I admire like him.
That's a good point you made. I have been focused on the high number of unnecessary deaths due to the withholding of medications, one of whom was my sister-in-law.
But you're right - Dr McCullough is a hero for daring everything and speaking up.
Perhaps one day the Malone's & Berenson's & so many others who stood alone will be recognized for their contributions to humanity.
Thank God a voice with his credentials and experience is speaking out.
A friend of ours just shared her husband's experience of nearly dying at the local hospital. She was fighting with them over the phone to use treatments and they were refusing, at the same time telling her he was most likely going to die. The doctor or nurse she was talking to on the phone literally told her to "calm her shit down." To a woman whose husband is dying!! Thankfully a mutual friend was the attending nurse and advocated for him and he survived but not without major lung damage. The pulmonologist they are seeing now said they need to sue the hospital.
Yeah you're better off treating yourself at home than ever setting foot in a Hospital. They will kill you.
I agree! And I am an RN who USED to work in a hospital until my religious exemption was denied! Thanks to someone on this site, I ordered my own IVM through the website recommended to have on hand just in case the evils decide to formulate another “variant” ! I had a bad cold in Feb. 2020 but refused to get tested, did not want to be another (false?) positive number—stayed home and recouped.
Alex said Ivermectin does not work on the Joe Rogan show! It worked for both myself age 69 and for my fully vaccinated wife, age 71.
He did not say, "It doesn't work." He said the studies are inconclusive. And they are. I hope it works because I've got a cabinet full of Ivermectin.
I'm sorry, but by what standard is this "inconclusive"?
Exactly!!! The data are overwhelmingly conclusive.
hey, thanks for sending a link to the report!
i was reading this study yesterday but the article i found had a conclusion which sounds very much like a home run for ivermectin...
Moderate-certainty evidence finds that large reductions in COVID-19 deaths are possible using ivermectin. Using ivermectin early in the clinical course may reduce numbers progressing to severe disease. The apparent safety and low cost suggest that ivermectin is likely to have a significant impact on the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic globally.
Bereson goes by RCTs. Large ones are expensive to run so generally only big pharma does them. As I hold big science in extreme disregard at this point in time I only trust emperical evidence
Yes Big Pharma doesn't make massive money off Ivermectin.
the studies arent inconclusive, that is complete garbage and alex is completely wrong on this topic, as are you. www.ivmmeta.com , this is FAR MORE CONCLUSIVE THAN ANY OTHER DRUG OUT THERE. Anyone saying otherwise is being manipulated by corrupt pharma shills. Over 50% of drugs are recommended based on expert opinion alone, the remaining 49% have either 1 observational trial or 1 rct, less than 1% have more than that. Having 60+ trials, many which are peer reviewed is absolutely conclusive. Dont fall for the myth that large RCTs are greater than a meta analysis, they arent
This "pandemic" never should have gotten off the ground but there was too much money to be made, too much power to be had over the world's population, and the great reset to be launched.
I think your best bet is to use it as part of a triage (like Zelenko and McCullough advocate). The thing that Alex never seems to mention: Ivm, azq, etc are all intended here as part of a triage treatment. It works. But that means doctors can't be certain of which components work better than others. It would be highly unethical to attempt rct's on people that are having severe breathing problems by giving some placebo, some of them one drug, some two drugs, etc. So this is a situation where honest doctors just attack it with various drugs and vitamins, knowing that in combination, it's highly likely to work. I had covid, just took some tylenol, nyquil at night and got over it just fine. Most people don't need *any* of these other things, but there's no harm in taking them.
Precisely. That’s why the FLCCC have developed several protocols for prophylaxis and early intervention treatment.
The protocol is to give it within the first couple of days of infection, in the correct dosage, and in conjunction with zinc, Vit C and D3. Any doctor or hospital could have authorized this and prevented millions of people getting so sick as to require intubation and ICU care. But the FDA still has not Approved IVM. Why?
IVM is more conclusive than the PCR Test they have used to push their panic porn.
Good point. Why are we never told, or allowed to know, at how many cycles the positive results are found? Again, the doctors who have spoken out about this -- including Dr. Kary Mullis, the inventor of the PCR test -- have been demeaned and silenced. Why? PCR inventor: "It doesn't tell you that you are sick..." "If they can find this virus in you at all - and with PCR, if you do it well, you can find almost anything in anybody.”
Alex has a blindspot towards IVM. No drug company is going to pay for RCT's for an over the counter off label use drug like IVM which won't make them any money. It's that simple. Alex will be waiting forever for RCT's for IVM...or until he gets covid.
There are over 20 RCT's for IVM and over 60 trials of all sorts. Beyond trials, there is real world experience. India has 4 times our population and a fraction of our deaths. They use IVM. Try Indonesia too. Then look at Vietnam. They had a total of 35 covid deaths when they started their mass vaccination program on 3/8/2021. Now their deaths total 20,763. Someone is doing something right and it ain't us.
I love Alex but he has two blind spots as far as I know: IVM and America's Frontline Doctors.
And election fraud. He thinks Trump lost and should just say he lost.
We could start a GoFundMe page to fund a study but the page would be banned!
Pfizer is developing its own version that it can money from - it may or may not be called “ Prizermectin” 😏
IVM is not OTC.
It is in other countries.
No, but if you get it at the farm store it is.
The studies of IVM efficacy and safety are a lot more conclusive than any the NIH or CDC have been pushing for other covid treatments or prophylactics, or that the FDA has approved. Take a look at bottom of page 2 on this NIH Table from July 2021: https://www.covid19treatmentguidelines.nih.gov/tables/table-2e/ (Forget the first drug; it's a killer)
We don't need studies. Look at Índia and other countries that have used IVM and their amazing results.
It’s not going to hurt - I followed math+ in early July - protocol is designed to address the multiple attack vectors of this virus . I couldn’t care less which drug was the most efficacious. It’s like baking a cake - yeah you might be able to skip or substitute an ingredient - but it’s the combination of ingredients that produce the cake.
I refuse to believe that all of the physicians around the world who are reporting great results with IVM are all lying.
They have no incentive to lie.in fact - they’ve all suffered tremendously
The 6,000 member doctors organization in Japan -- comparable to our AMA -- has recommended that Japan approve the use of IVM for the treatment of COVID.
Who gives a rats ass about that “the studies are inconclusive”! If you use the IVM and it works, there’s your study! Also if you are in a ‘risk’ category where you may be exposed to people on a daily basis, you might want to dip into your stash of IVM and start taking a weekly “prophylactic” dose. I just heard an interview with Dr. Mercola and a doctor, Dr. Carvallo from Buenos Aires, who takes a prophylactic régimen of IVM once a week for 4 months, takes a two month break, then starts up the régimen again. His dosing is 0.2 mg per kilogram of body weight. (A kilogram is approx 2.2 lbs…same as a kilo of you know what weighs! 😉)
Exactly, and there’s nothing to lose given the extraordinary safety profile of Ivermectin.
exactly. When the medical field, CDC, NIH withhold valuable information which they do, all we have sometimes is anecdotal evidence.
Calling studies inconclusive is the party line. I hope he's not going to flack for Merck's pill
If he does, I quit! There will then be no hope left for humanity! ◄Dave►
How about the Mega Analysis studies that are out there! The jab is also, not long term studied!
Studies are not inconclusive.
“News of India's defeat of the Delta variant should be common knowledge. It is just about as obvious as the nose on one's face. It is so clear when one looks at the graphs that no one can deny it. Yet, for some reason, we are not allowed to talk about it.
“Thus, for example, Wikipedia cannot mention the peer-reviewed meta-analyses by Dr. Tess Lawrie or Dr. Pierre Kory published in the American Journal of Therapeutics. Wikipedia is not allowed to publish the recent meta-analysis on Ivermectin authored by Dr. Andrew Hill. Furthermore, it is not allowed to say anything concerning www.ivmmeta.com showing the 61 studies comprising 23,000 patients which reveal up to a 96% reduction in death [prophylaxis] with Ivermectin.”
SOME studies are inconclusive. If you look into the details, those were studies testing IVM by itself. The successful use of it in India and other places was when it was used in conjunction with zinc, Vit C and D3. Our FDA still has not acknowledged these successes, nor approved IVM.
Lots of bad studies getting lumped in with good ones. There is likely a window where a sufficient Ivermectin course of doses will make a difference, but we are not super close to figuring it out. Lots of already hospitalized people not responding to treatment hurting outcomes
This is why Kory and Marick are always tweaking their dosage model with IVM. The last weekly update I saw they recommended 4-5 days early of higher doses rather than lower doses over a few weeks.
Who is Alex? Joe Rogan had Dr Sanjy Guptha on and was giving him a good education about ivermectin and how his company (CNN) has totally suppressed how well it works. The Dr seemed like he didn’t know?? I’ve lost major respect for MD’s and or hospital systems.
Alex Berenson, the originator of the substack you are literally posting on. lol
He knew....just another bobblehead for CNN
Exactly. Those who are peddling the narrative and are put on the spot (which is a rarity, so good on Joe Rogan) have to "pretend not to know things" in order to maintain the credibility they imagine they still have.
Alex hasn't taken the time to do the research. It's out there in abundance, so I have become a little less interested in what he is doing. If you can't see the obvious, well what can I say.
He also said the elderly should take the poke. Poison is poison no matter what age it is given.
Agreed, he also said he hadn't been vaccinated, which is odd. He thinks of the "vaccine" as a therapeutic available for the near end of life folks. This is where he is out of his lane.
Agreed. The vulnerable (children, elderly, immunocompromised) will not gain any protection by being shot up with poison. Period. In his logic, that the elderly should get it, I guess he could rationalize that children should get it too. Anyways. I was disappointed when I heard him suggesting the elderly would benefit from it. After *all* the data he reported on and *all* the conclusions he drew I was shocked. Still am.
Anecdote: I took it, and I did not die. My whole family had contact with me when I was contagious and took the old Iv and nobody got Covid.
I decided to start the Front Line Doctors Protocol about month and half ago which includes Ivermectin. No side effect issues and so far no Virus. I was already taking vitamins D and C.
He said he isn't convinced the concrete evidence is not yet there. He definitely didn't say don't use it or that it's unsafe, or that it shouldn't be really available, etc.
I can respect that. He can't fight all fronts of this battle.
There is no greater front in this battle than early treatment.
Hey if I can figure out that it works he should be able to
Dr. McCullough is a good one. He took a stance to pursue that facts and has paid a price. Early on he warned about numerous vaccine damage cases coming to his office. I think Baylor booted him for being truthful.
I shared this with family members because I found it compelling. My brother called it “conspiracy theorist ideology” in a speech to “anti-government ultra-conservatives.” SMH. What is wrong with advocating treatment for sick patients?! It’s so sad how much division the propaganda is creating even amongst families.
Especially when the treatments being used have extremely wide therapeutic windows?
Dr. McCullough has three things most doctors do not possess: Brains, courage and a conscience.
Yes and dr ryan cole as well
As a physician I share his opinion.
I agree, a must watch video
Every Covid patient who has died without being treated with one of the effective protocols developed by front line doctors was the victim of medical malpractice.
Indeed and there is no qualified immunity for having done so, but because it was done by the masterminds there will be no accountability.
I also had covid with mid 80s oxygen levels, took ivm and next day levels climbed to low 90s, on second dose of ivm my oxy levels were mid-high 90s.
If you don’t mind me asking, how old are you approximately, what dosage did you take, and what day post symptom onset was it?
I know someone who was 52, female, 135lbs, took on day 5, and recovered nicely, she said she clearly felt a change/improvement 24 hours post dosing.
Late 60s, day 1 two pills of 6mg each and day 3 another two pills of 6 mg each. They sell them here with 4 in a pak.
I took them probably on day 5 or 6. The dr thought my oxy levels too low- mid 80s- and even told my husband he wanted to hospitalize me although i felt ok except was tired, low energy. He wouldnt prescribe ivermectin so i called a dr in the US and he emailed me prescription. The day after i took it my levels went up. I never would have gone to a hospital.