In the meantime take a look at this video from the streets of Melbourne, where protesters are battling police for the third straight day over a new government rule that all construction workers must be vaccinated
in massachusetts, ar's are no longer sold because the attorney general here is a left-wing, anti-gun nut who thinks black guns look mean. i was lucky enough to get one before sales were banned. now finding ammo is almost like finding the holy grail...
Nothing magic about ARs. Whatever is available works fine. Champion shooter was asked what weapon he would want for the apocalypse. He said a .22 pistol because you can carry a thousand rounds in your pockets and if you're a good shot it doesn't matter how big the hole is.
Ruger PC9 carbine in 9mm. A lot more stopping power than .22LR, and ammo is relatively plentiful. The Ruger is a takedown that can go into a backpack in two pieces. Reassembles in seconds. A good choice for Canadians where handguns are highly restricted. If you're Canadian get your gun license now while you still can, and get some decent guns while they're available.
All that said, I hope and pray that it never, ever becomes necessary to use guns in our culture. That would mean total failure across the board, and life would become horrific for everyone.
Total failure has occurred frequently in every society, throughout history. Complacency always prevails between those events, with popular assumptions it could never happen again, because we've become so intellectually advanced and sophisticated. Folks in Portland, Minneapolis and others are less complacent. We should be, too. Prepare.
Of course, that cost-benefit analysis totally flips for people who are not a good shot (under adrenaline). Hence why law enforcement switched to higher calibers after the Miami shootout.
But I think the "apocalypse sustainability" argument for .22 is strong. Propellent will become scarce before lead, just as we've seen all year. Once you're assembling your own cartridge, you want more bullets per gram, not more grams per bullet.
Anybody can learn to be a good shot. And to manage adrenaline.
Powder and primers are very short supply now. Partly due to closing Remington plant, but driven by increased demand from millions of new gun owners. That's a good thing.
Reloading rimfire ammo isn't easy. Blackpowder with a flintlock is pretty much immune from technological challenges. Right now the biggest issue is getting primers for reloading purposes.
Percussion caps (+bolt action) are an under-acknowledged perfection of the classic rifle, overshadowed as they were by solid propellent and all-in-one cartridges. They played a roll in a few pivotal moments of late 19th century history, namely inspiring the Sepoy Mutiny and deciding the Austro-Prussian war.
It's funny how both modern firearms and vaccines are imagined as 20th century tech but are much more primitive in origin.
And my kid took my M&P 15-22. It looks ‘mean’ but can be bought in Massachusetts. And I have been shot with a BB gun. 22 cal is small but will hurt a lot more snd I will bleed more from a 22.
Yep and thanks but not cheap anymore. 70+ cents per round these days. PTB(prior to Biden) I could get most of what I shoot for 20-30 cents per round. Shooting isn’t a poor mans sport. Oh and not all sellers on Gunbroker will ship to Massachusetts. Target sports out of CT is good too.
Did you actually look? Much cheaper than 70. 5.56 is everywhere. The Russian steel case garbage is scarce because of the Obiden. It is pricey but living in Mass you know all about that. Lol. Not holy grail at all. Plenty available.
Just looked. One of the sellers that will ship to Massachsetts has auctions where it looks like 55-60 cents per round. Still 70-80 for ‘buy it now’ ammo in the calibers I am interested in. I appreciate the heads up.
I have not looked for 556/223 recently as I am already pretty flush with it. I will go have another look though for 45, 9 mm and 380(for my wife). Thanks.
I can’t find 380 for under .70 a round. Can’t have a fun day at the range at those prices. If it drops back down to a quarter a round, I’m gonna buy it all.
Royal Ammo Shop is a complete rip-off fraud, check if the site you buy from takes credit cards, has a phone # and address, then google the address. They got me for $280 for a case of 7.62, and i sent with zelle, filed a complaint. Don't pay with bitcoin and really just avoid fake companies like this.
Yes Massachusetts is a mixed up state. I am a native Cape Codder and have grown up around guns and men that fought in WW2 that had nothing but respect and safe handling of fire arms in their speech
Been contemplating a weapon purchase for the first time in my life. The more arms in the hands of citizens the less likely our govt will be go full Aussie on us.
Unfortunately if the military isn’t standing for the people, our fire power is a piss hole in the snow compared to what they have. I think arming yourself against other citizens in case things go really badly is a more realistic aim. An AR15 is useless against ‘over the horizon’ strikes by our own govt. Biden took out a bunch of kids on an instant…
That's incorrect. The US standing army is vastly out-gunned by American patriots -- 90 million to 1.5 million. If you doubt what a guerilla-style force can do, see the Taliban vs. the United States. Furthermore a massive percentage of the military would side with the patriots, probably a majority.
i understand the disparity in total weapon count however there are huge differences between u.s. citizens and the taliban. very few americans are experienced in guerilla warfare where the taliban have been fighting a guerilla war for decades and the afghani's in general have been fighting guerilla wars for decades or even centuries. the military has not been fighting the guerilla wars the u.s. have essentially lost(afghanistan, viet nam, iraq, etc) in the same way they would put down an insurrection by u.s. citizens. in the foreign wars. concern for the citizens of countries we have invaded has prevented the military from using their full force. that will not be the case if they need to put down an insurrection. there will be no news reports showing an american child running down a dirt road naked after having her clothes burnt off by napalm. there will not be protests against a war waged against american citizens. they will roll over protestors with tanks in a similar way the chinese did in tiananmen square. the military has been handcuffed and hamstrung in our foreign wars. they will not be if they are putting down an insurrection regardless of that insurrections aims and popularity.
I’m in Aus (not in Melbs thank god) and I saw an interesting post recently that stated that the chance of severe injury from rubber bullets is about 13% or so and the chance of death is 3% - which is much higher than covid for most age groups. So it begs the question - why the brute force if this is about quelling strain on hospitals and also about reverence for life?
The cartridge typically has just as much propellent as a regular bullet. This is by necessity in some cases (if being used in an semi/auto, the action is calibrated to high blowback, anything lower would jam all the time) and, as far as I can tell, by economic convenience in cases when a lower charge would work fine (pump shotguns). So, the bullet is rubber but it has just as much energy as a regular round.
There has been a bit of development of lower-charge specialty shotguns, both pump and semi action. I lost the link somewhere. The impossibility of "non-lethal" weapons is a fascinating subject.
This is insane What Fauci and Collins did building a Bio weapon destroying lives economies worldwide. Why or how do these 2 remain free in society. What kind of sick People let these 2 not be held accountable. Where is our FBI are they too busy reading the Proud boys Text messages instead of doing their job.
It's not "our" FBI, and it never has been. Stop thinking in the trained paradigm; free your mind and take back your liberties!
The FBI is an unconstitutional federal law enforcement agency. It has never been constitutional or "ours" -- it has always been "theirs". When the FBI was originally created, it was an advisory organization, not a true law enforcement organization. Do you know why? Because the federal lawmakers who created it knew the Constitution didn't give them any authority for it, so they went with an advisory organization because the people back then saw the restrictions the Constitution imposed on the federal government, and wouldn't have tolerated the FBI as it now exists. BTW, you know why the Gun Control Act of 1934 taxed automatic weapons rather than banned them? For the same reasons. We had tyrants in the federal government back then too, but they had to at least pay lip service to the restrictions the Constitution imposed upon their authority, so they taxed automatic weapons because that was cutting edge tyranny at the time. By the time Reagan was in power in the 1980's they had trampled on enough of the Constitution that they knew they could get away with banning "new production" automatic weapons. Now we're at the stage where resident Biden wants to take away our ARs and 9mm pistols. The federal government hasn't operated within the federal Constitution for at least three generations. And you think what Fauci did is insane? The Founding Fathers understood men like Fauci always have and always will exist. That's why they gave us a Constitution that guaranteed a federal government that was financially poor and had extremely limited power.
Sorry for the rant, but if you keep being surprised by what's going on or keep telling yourself "this is insane", then respectfully, you need to alter your analytical paradigm. If you're constantly surprised by what's happening, then your analytical paradigm is not properly in synch with the reality you're dealing with.
The thing that is bothering me these days is this question: if all these things are unconstitutional (and they are), then is the Constitution a toothless guardian and a failed document?
In other words, is limited govt. just a scam and a lie?
You know, it's funny you ask that question, because I was just wondering the same thing about Maseratis. I mean, I don't have one right now, and no one I know has one. In fact, I may never have one. So are Maseratis really just a scam and a lie?
(#sarc, BTW) Are you for real???
Do you not have any understanding whatsoever that for the first 120 years of this country's history we had a limited federal government that lived by the Constitution? Do you really have no idea that for the first half of our country's existence we lived by the Constitution??? So what, because you couldn't keep the Republic the Founders gave us, you think it's all a scam and a lie? What the heck is wrong with you -- you think something only exists, is only real, if you possess it right now?
A constitutional federal government isn't a scam or a lie -- WE LOST THAT PRECIOUS GIFT THE FOUNDERS GAVE US! Now it's up to us to dig our heels in and try to recover it.
Down boy, I’m on your side. I’m a constitutionalist and strict constructionist.
But here’s the thing - tho it definitely accelerated with the Progressive movement at the turn of the 20th century, the collapse of the ideal of enumerated powers did not last much beyond the Civil War.
We have case after case of the Supremes ignoring the enumerated powers concept throughout our history.
The bottom line question is this: why isn’t the Constitution protecting us now? It’s the same Constitution, with the same restrictions that existed in 1796.
I remember when US v. Lopez (1996) was decided against the state’s restriction on drug free zones on the basis that there was no constitutional provision for anti drug laws - *AND* Congress had forgotten to invoke the magic phrase “interstate commerce.” I rejoiced because for a brief shining moment it looked like the supremes had rediscovered the 10th amendment.
(I was a naive young law student back then.)
So why isn’t the limited government structure of the 10th Amendment still protecting us today?
First, there's a lot to unpack in your reply, and I really won't be able to address it all here. First, because this is Alex's substack, and it's not appropriate for me to hijack it off topic (even if the topic is kind of a logical tangent). Second, because the comments section doesn't allow me to really express a lot in the structured way I would if this were my blog (rather than being a commenter on someone else's blog). And third, because ... well, there's just a lot to unpack in your reply (that's not meant as an insult, so don't take it that way).
Second, and with all that being said: yes, if I had to give a single reason (and there's more than just one reason), the Progressive movement (American marxism) undid much of what the Founders gave us. Marxism (and not the good kind of marxism, like Groucho, Chico, Harpo, and what the heck, even Zeppo and Gummo) spent 100(+) years destroying what our Founders gave us in the way of limited government and a constitutional focus on individual liberties. There are other factors too (e.g., the fact that all prosperous civilizations tend to get fat and lazy and unappreciative of what they have), but Progressivism has actively worked to undermine our constitutional system and our focus on individual liberties in a broad swath attack on our political, cultural, and family life.
Third, the courts have never really protected our Constitution, and I think it's foolish to think they did, would, or will. It sounds like we're in the same business (I'm an attorney), and I can tell you that there is no more hard left anti-individual freedom group than the legal community. The legal world is populated by disaffected dissidents who realized they couldn't talk us into voting for what they wanted, so they went into the laws to sue us into doing what they want to force us into doing. This, too, is a broad topic I won't be able to detail here, but here's something most people don't realize, and are surprised when I tell them: most of the hardcore environmental restrictions we have in the US are the result, not of legislation or regulation, but rather phone "adversarial" groups suing the EPA for not doing what the left wants but the law prohibits, and then entering into settlement agreements that are ratified by a court, and which legally obligate the EPA to do what it could never have done otherwise. When Dick told Cade that to impose tyranny, the first thing they had to do was kill all the lawyers, he was wrong. Leave the lawyers alive to do what they do and you'll have tyranny soon enough.
Probably quicker than if you kill them all.
Fourth, what protected us and our Constitutional system was an educated population that valued freedom and wasn't afraid of struggle. Bread and circuses destroyed the Roman Republican spirit, and it has destroyed the American Republican spirit too.
Anyway ... this is already running on, but I apologize for jumping down your throat. What set me off is the fact that our struggle (which is not hopeless, but is by no means guaranteed either) is hard enough without defeatism within our ranks. But we're cool from my perspective.
It isn't the "same constitution." The vaunted, sacred 14th Amendment fundamentally un-wrote everything else before it, which is why it had to be ignored for nearly a century. It's impossible to delineate any limit on the Federal gov's power otherwise. (Not that other amendments didn't add more damage). Since 14A's resurrection in the Civil Rights era, SCOTUS has just been playing footsie with autocracy. (This is presumably the subject of Kesler's Two Constitutions though I haven't gotten around to reading it.)
For the moment, however, the Federal gov hasn't crossed the threshold of true autocracy, which of course is nothing other than state power over Public Health (defined via a 14A SCOTUS precedent).
This can and likely will all be solved by a move toward nullification; and it may lead to another civil war depending on the Federal gov's nerve.
The bigger problem is that all our *state* governments implicitly have that power under 10A / Dual Sovereignty - it's implicit, because none of them set any limits on state medical coercion in their bills of rights.
The original gun control Supreme Court case, US v. Miller (ca. 1930’s) held that sawed off shotgun bans were constitutional *because* they were not military arms, and therefore NOT protected under the 2nd Amendment.
Get that? Military arms were protected by the 2nd Amendment for private citizens.
When you start to use the court to interpret "shall not be infringed" you are on a seriously bad road. The phrase is clear. I guess it may come down to what your definition of the word "is" is. (Clinton humor)
The FBI has determined that the greatest threat America currently faces is white supremacist domestic terrorism. That means you and me. Which will make scenes like this one in Melbourne not only possible, but acceptable here as well.
The FBI has been weaponized by the deep state. If they ignore the constitution, they are traitors to the country. They're liars, not to be trusted. So be it. Bring it on.
I think there should be a class action suit against the Frankenstein for all the medical bills, pcr tests, etc, nobody should be paying a dime out of pocket for any of it.
Yes, they allow Fauci and Collins in Power and continue to destroy our country and other countries. They allow Sex Trafficking, illegal aliens, Drugs that kill People and CNN to spread Marxism and statism misinformation daily. Does anyone have a Person Name who can fix this Twilight zone episode. We do have Joe Barely Alive Biden, who is in Medically induced serious cognitive decline. You do Realize and his accomplishments are Built Back Better is the Taliban.
If you have to be persuaded, reminded, pressured, lied to, incentivized, coerced, bullied, socially shamed, guilt-tripped, threatened, punished and criminalized…
If all this is considered necessary to gain you compliance - you can be absolutely certain that what is being promoted is not in your best interest.”
I see all that and try to square it with what I am reading about Uttar Pardesh, an Indian state with ten times the population of Australia that seems to have beaten covid without beating their citizens.
I hope Alex can write about it or find a journalist in India who can explain what is happening in Uttar Pradesh to compare with Israel or places like Australia.
what about SWEDEN? it has fully returned to its previous functioning and stopped all these mentally sick behaviours imposed by a few strangers (WEF/ Gares/Soros etc., on the World.
Yes, Sweden too. However, Uttar Pradesh has a population of close to 250 million or so, with no covid deaths for long stretches and fewer than 200 people in the whole state currently with covid.
Isn't Uttar Pradesh one of the Indian states that kept allowing ivermectin to be used by its citizens? Unlike some other states that allowed the Indian WHO ho to talk then into banning its use.
I am torn on it, though I have enough for my husband and I just in case. I read Swiss Policy research a lot as well. I got a prescription back in April with a refill. CVS filled it. That said, different CVS's will fill it. Small pharmacies in my area are filling them. Doctors that don't accept Medicare/ medicate are writing them still.
Triad area of NC..... Check locally owned pharmacies if you can't get them through CVS. If you have a prescription they are required by law to transfer it to another pharmacy if you request that.
Here in SoCal I was able to get it from CVS but, after the Joe Rogan fiasco, they stopped filling. I just ordered from India without a prescription and they took PayPal
Remarkable indeed. It was a group of lawyers that went after a corrupt health officer tied to the WHO that allowed the wide spread use of Ivermectin and vitamins. 240 million people living in mostly squalid conditions and they kick Covid 19 ass.
We are the experiment, and I not talking about the vaccine... I am talking about the most efficient way to control! Different countries, different approaches, but all with one goal in mind - CONTROL
I have this nagging feeling that THIS is what the end game is here...except we still have guns. They just keep pushing and pushing, knowing full well that eventually we will take up arms and fight. Is it possible that they are trying to push us into a civil war with each other and the government? Everyday I hear more and more people (who I once thought were sane) dehumanizing their fellow human beings. It's going to be easy to turn us all against each's already there really. Where do we go from here? I don't want to fight my fellow countrymen, but I won't tolerate this kind of bullshit. THIS is the hill I will die on.
"Divide and Conquer": vax v no-vax; white v black; male v female; binary gender v gender-flavour-of-the-day; climate, immigration, and so on and on and on. AMERICANS MUST REMAIN UNITED against tyrannical globalist.
You won't get the chance. They will push until there is just enough of a flare up that they can finally justify more bans and restrictions. Gun culture will then die out over the following 1-2 generations. USA will be left with a multiethnic majority with no common culture, bred to look to the state for safety and security. The state and the oligarchy get what they want without firing a shot.
Kinda fatalistic, John. There's tens of millions of American gun & rifle owners, who don't agree with your outlook. There's over 100million who don't agree with this administration's policies, edicts, mandates and tyrannical rule. There's hundreds of thousands of capable combat veterans out there, who are pissed off. The lower ranks of the military are not happy with the shit being shoved down their throats. The elite globalists, oligarchies and deep state are underestimating the resistance. We'll see, won't we? "...without firing a shot..."? Uh...I don't think so.
Ok, so, here in Oz, in some States and coming soon to ALL of them, we must get shots or we cannot work. I`m 54, I don`t have as much to lose, but I`ll die to prevent my kids ( 20,22 and 25) from getting this shot. My daughter, 25, MUST get the shot by Oct 15 or she fails her nursing course. Her partner, 30, must get his by the same period or he loses his construction industry apprenticeship/gets sacked. My 22 year old son, studying teaching, will be next and my 22 year old son studying engineering will follow...the pressure on all of them, especially my daughter in Victoria, the most socialist of all our States and the longest locked-down, is incredible.
So many are brainwashed.....My daughter`s best friend, whom we have all known since she was a baby, is a covid believer and recently received her second Pfizer shot...she has bled for the 2 weeks since but responds by imploring my daughter to " just go get the shot".....The issue here is we only have Astra Zenica, Pfizer or the just-arriving Moderna shots, no J&J in Oz.....l
I cannot leave my State of Queensland to drive 3000 kms South to Victoria to rescue her, as if I leave my State, I cannot re-enter without getting jabbed and cannot enter Victoria without getting jabbed...Moreover, she cannot go beyond a 10km travel limit to get close to the Victorian-New South Wales border....and cannot enter Queensland without getting jabbed...We are all imprisoned one way or another if we will not comply with the Vaxxination mandates.....But I am URGING them all to hold out as long as possible.
Btw, there has been ZERO mention in our media of the FDA decision on covid booster shots, which was 4 days ago in the US....that`s how bad the censorship is, I follow independent news sources like this one and Bannon`s War Room and yet the rest of my nation has no idea about the majority vote on the risks of covid boosters.....Insane times. Pity us and don`t let it happen to you.
sad. Your daughter can’t qualify unless she has the jab???! And you can’t visit each other without getting it - not even the option to provide a negative LFT???!
If this were about a deadly plague how much resistance would there be to the vaxx? Despite the horrendous adverse reactions and deaths reported following injections, how many might still take the risk in that knowledge: if it were the only treatment option?
Yet, there would certainly not be the censorship we’ve seen of other preventative or treatment interventions if we were really experiencing a deadly pandemic.
No, this the playing out of a decades-long master plan, that may or may not be about purging the planet, but certainly is about an attack on freedom and a bid for global control by elites.
Who would have imagined prior 2020 that there would be armed police threatening injury in a bid to subjugate a population into vax compliance and curtail their right to protest?
Australian Citizens need to find away to Arm up. There is no "normal" coming back...but the future doesn't have to be the one the Globalists dream of !!
As someone who lives in Melbourne, I can tell you that the experience is utterly terrifying. My country has sadly turned into an insane fear-ridden dictatorship from once being a great place. This is a total disgrace. As I have a British passport, I am trying to convince my wife that we should move to the UK.
TY for reminding me where I live. I get depressed reading about these horrible controls over personal freedom. We are better off than many places but we have to be vigilant.
I admire Florida's resistance to the regime, but if push comes to shove, it's not where I would want to be. Basically the lowest fuel resiliency in the nation. The entire southeast is dependent on a pipeline that goes through, guess where, Louisiana. The southeast's supply of refined fuel, including stockpiles but mostly consisting of whatever's already in the station and your car, covers only 3 - 5 days of regular use per the Federal DOE's own contracted analysis. (just google "aoc petroleum fuel resiliency," then go to page 24.
See what happens when Citizens are disarmed! The authoritarians run amok!! Private entities need to re-arm Australian Citizens. What is happening in Australia is coming to a place near you!! If peaceful disobedience fails...prepare for the next phase. There is way more of us than these loser authoritarians. RESIST !!!
If the USA had any kind of Leadership, Australia would be sanctioned, tossed out of all military alliances, etc, until Civil Liberty and Freedoms are restored in Australia. Is there a difference between North Korea and Australia at this point?
The problem is the media lie. Check out therealrukshan on Facebook for the unedited truth. I don't think he was there this morning, but he's at the shrine right now... the police are moving in to attack a peaceful crowd on the steps of our sacred war memorial
No, Kathy. this is far, far more than the smokescreen "so called Emergency passed" there is no Emergency if you look at the honest and reliable scinetific Data, this is about about absolute control in the long term, in so many many ways in our lives. Look at the CVs' of the people, for example in Australia - the Chair of the Covid19 Advisory C'tee about the Seasonal Flu with a man-manufactured/planned spike! c'tee to the Australian Federal Government??? NOT ONE Person on that c'tee is a medical person, but the Chairwoman is a former WHO, GATES/CEPI/Oz Gov't employee in Health and Finance areas & other like groups employee/Affiliate - the same profiles in other Western FORMER Democracies - (Ms Jane Halton). write to your Federal Polly and tell them that you hold them LEGALLY accountable, give them statistics about this Flu as they certainly have not kept up with the latest information that more vaccinated people are getting the Flu and more deaths than Unvaccinated people now. Its in official statistics now. European Agency is more reliable than USA corrupted society at all levels-even their Courts, sadly Oz follows USA/UK like zombies. Oz now buying their very expensive Submarines to be made Overseas.
Question these "Servants of the People" do your research!! find sites and Newspapers that actually print your comments and well sourced information.
Australians have not been active enough in their domestic/International matters for years - NOW is the time to do so and keep doing it. Australia is not for the few to decide its for Australians to do so.
now the msm talking point is that the protesters have taken siege of the shrine of remembrance and by doing so have disrespected our fallen. Yet every Anzac Day they hoohaa on about never forgetting the 'freedoms' we have BECAUSE of our fallen.
Check out what the President of Croatia has just said - they are done with ALL of this nonsense and apparently so is Romania:
"I don't care. We're vaccinated enough, and everyone knows it... Let them [the EU] fence us with wire... We need to know what the goal of this frenzy is?"
"I start every day with CNN and those few channels. And I wonder if I'm normal or are they crazy? They spread panic. They do it from the beginning. They are not the only ones. Since the New Year, I only listen to nonsense."
My Aussie brothers and sisters in Vic will continue to fight for the right NOT to get jabbed. An to end the insane lockdowns, travel restrictions, etc.
The situation in Melbourne is terrifying and should scare the hell out of people. Covid has nothing on a tyrannical police state. What about the video from Auckland, I saw the cops arrested two guys for having a car full of KFC and charged him with some covid law violation. Sadly, many in this country seem to gravitate towards these tyrannical type of solutions when faced with adversity. I’d rather die from some illness then live under the government boot.
See what happens when Citizens are disarmed! The authoritarians run amok!! Private entities need to re-arm Australian Citizens. What is happening in Australia is coming to a place near you!! If peaceful disobedience fails...prepare for the next phase. There is way more of us than these loser authoritarians. RESIST !!!
this is not my work but i laughed at it when i saw it last year. now i am not laughing so much since it seems almost prescient...
"Ten years from now, you'll put on a jacket and find a mask in the pocket. "Oh man, what a weird year that was," you'll chuckle to yourself. Then you'll pick up your machete and continue across the wasteland, keeping to the shadows to avoid the roving gangs of cannibal raiders."
Reminds me of The Hunger Games. Only choice is to change the Government. One way they could do it is a general Countrywide strike. Shut everything down.
Yep, I am all for a "general strike" here now. Shut everything down. My red-pilling over the past few years has been amazing. I'm like a revolutionary radical now. But I haven't moved. It's been the damned government that has moved and placed me in that category.
There was no Right until the LEFT came along !! Majority of Citizens haven't move, but politics moved LEFT. Now, what was Central is considered right-wing !!
I'm trying to find the link but Kieran Gilbert of Sky News has just reported Andrew's has banned media's use of aerial drones reporting live on the protests. How Stalin-esque
There was an attempted "truckers' strike" over this in Australia a few weeks ago. From what I'm reading, there was a total media blackout, and private CB communication was jammed. They are probably jamming private communications of all sorts now to prevent the protestors from coordinating. Big Tech and the MSM are all aiding an abetting the tyrants. Happily.
thks wondered what happened to the TRUCKIES strike in Oz.
Even the average person is censored on the Internet now by Google read CIA and others . Algorithms that are working 24/7 on all emails mainstream emails now. Esp., anything containing references to this charade/fraud.
this is only a very small "taste" of the control that is in the future IF THESE Psychopaths (& they meet the definition of Psychopaths') are NOT STOPPED and that requires each individual on this Planet to pull together and find ways of communicating. there are many other reliable alternatives now and they MUST be supported.
"that requires each individual on this Planet to pull together and find ways of communicating."
I've been on the internet since the mid 80s when it started to be public and for nerds/geeks before 1996 or so. So for a long time, i've been encouraging MUCH when i can and especially when the topic comes up, that people who make comments/replies like yours, that they NEED TO TAKE INITIATIVE to learn how to use and get into the habit of using ENCRYPTED COMMUNICATIONS (like learning how on an introductory level, to use encrypted email [PGP], text messages etc on your PC or phone etc) to which if so many more people were doing this/got into the habit of dong this (which especially since the Eric Snowden revelations has started a fire under their rear end to get into the habit of such) if they really cared about protecting their communication, then the megalomaniacal ruling children of satan you refer to, their control over us would be dramatically reduced. Yes there are alternative ways but we must try to do our best in due diligence to ensure these alternative ways are not run secretly by govt and/or military operative operations etc tricking us into thinking they were started by true "Freedom Fighters" etc. Encrypted communications like Telegram for now, seem to have been started by genuine freedom fighters who are not anti-govt but anti corrupt/crooked Socialist and or Communist govt pro God-given rights US Constitution type govt.
no he just announced at the time i posted but there was no news banner. he said that andrew's had implemented a three day ban on media's use of drones over the protest.
apparently pretty much anything can be mandated under a 'health' order. my daughter was forced to quarantine two weeks in a hotel and then got charged 3K for her detention. I sought legal advise who told me that it WAS constitutional under a health order
perfect example of why not to give the guns...don't own one, don't want one but definitely see the value of having one after following these shenanigans over the last month
Let's just say after this I'm kicking myself for not acting because ammo prices were too high. I don't give a flying fiddler's fornication now. Next week, I'm doing a significant transfer of wealth into the precious metals of brass and lead.
It occurs to me that I need to recalibrate some scopes and sights because it's been a long time and they tend to drift. I'm gonna be giving my bride a tutorial on laser boresighting from ballistics charts.
Just remember, come the Mad Max, face colander times, the most precious metals are indeed brass and lead. Also, barterable items. Lord Humongous won't take Bitcoin, by the way. He might take gold, but booze and antibiotics may be a better bet to barter your safe passage through the badlands.
I'm am joking, but only a little bit. I fear those face colander times will soon be upon us.
I wonder if this is why they got the deal? In what world does it make sense to sell nuclear sub technology to a country that is acting more like communist China than those that are not? Joe Biden is compromised by China, it’s clear to me. All major decisions he has made since being in office have helped them not us. I also think technology ends up in the hands of China.
Leave the sub deal out of was years in the making and is a geo-political chess move for the entire Indo-Pacific theatre on a multi-decade time frame and the target is China. This is about Dan Andrews and the brainwashed % of the population that is OK with it. This stuff is, sadly, the makings of a civil war.
The reports in the MSM on Tuesday's march were the opposite to what I saw. Not hundreds but thousands (maybe 20 000) . Not all tradies but people from all walks of life. From where I joined in Flinders Street, the march was peaceful. I saw no violence from the police either that day.
There's a powerful force in this world that seeks to divide us at all levels, even our families. I know there are also divisions among the police. Many didn't join to spend their time kicking children out of playgrounds and telling people off about masks. It's hard not to get sucked in but think it's important not to buy into it.
I'm currently staying in the CBD in Melbourne. I was researching for a post and I'd just watched the YT video of the FDA ADCOM where they advised against boosters for the general population. I heard the noise in the street below and went down to see what was going on.
The march was going by. I yelled out that the FDA ADCOM had just advised against boosters. One guy hi fived me. He said to join them but 'take the stupid mask off first'. So I did.
I walked beside a carpenter who knew a lot about mRNA. If he doesn't take the jab he'll lose his job. I met an immunologist who told me about a NEJM paper and a nurse who's concerned about babies born with tremors whose mothers had been vaccinated.
Coming off the bridge, the riot police lined the road at the bottom on the left. The protesters filtered off to the right. The riot squad stood in a line for a while then got back in their vans and left.
Today in the city, I saw young man handcuffed on the ground. Ten police in attendance. I asked what he'd done to deserve such heavy-handed treatment . An officer told me he had resisted arrest for breaching covid restrictions and what business was it of mine anyway. I said this was an important time in history and I wanted to record it. Whatever's going on, there's something very wrong about it.
From their expressions, I felt that was one thing we all agreed on.
the tremors in newborns has been noted here too. astounding that we all have to trade anecdotal evidence because they've decided systematic reporting and investigation of vaccine side effects is a crime against the empire. but we are trading anecdotes and the word gets out however it does. of course the media here and there isn't curious to follow the obvious story, why so many health care workers are refusing the vax. really vital that they keep telling what they've seen. keep reporting what you're seeing too. Best from USA.
This is the first I am reading about tremors in newborns. I was thinking we were just about to the point where infants born now could have been going thru early cellular division while their mothers were ‘spiked’. This is horrifying. I did a search and found nothing about tremors. Some news about the vaccine making it into their newborns though. So much for placental barriers…
i've read at least two mentions of infant tremors, one with a terrible video of a newborn going thru them. both would have been on social media, not "news" or journals. but that's what we've got at the moment. samizdat testimonies of vaccine side effects. and those testimonies always at risk of being shut down and deleted.
What is most frightening about this is how willing the police are to go out and crackdown on their fellow citizens. Coming to America, soon. You can be an anarchist rioter and the system will treat you like a saint. But stand up against vaccine mandates and you will be crushed.
Correction: the police are cracking down on the 10% of the population demonized as "The Unvaccinated". The rest of the population is either fully in support of the police, or ambivalent enough to avoid taking a strong position.
Dan Andrews, the Victoria premier, who has specialized in quadrupling down on bad bets for 18 months, is one of the superstars of pandementia. He has spent his entire adult life working in the Labour party and the government. He was made for this. The plot twist this week of actual trade unionists turning against him is excellent (as much as the media there and worldwide wants to paint this as rightwing pretenders rioting in worker drag). So valuable to have avatars of the different mindsets available now for future reference. Do you want to be Australia or Sweden? Dan Andrews or Ron DeSantis?
I am ashamed and DISGUSTED with Farmer Andrews, he's no Leader, this is a puppet, a control freak - doing others bidding, abusing human beings who have every right to walk and show THEIR THINKING in having the Nuremberg and other LEGAL abuses imposed upon them. Where are the other Politicians in Victoria who are also liable to be prosecuted for this? this is not for one person to make decisions, and a person who is obviously not aware of the latest HONEST and RELIABLE Science available now. The Premier? who signed on his own volition - where are his party members and the Opposition? an agreement for the Chinese Belt Road in Victoria??
THIS IS N OT THE AUSTRALIAN WAY at all!!! SHAME ON YOU ANDREWS - those that fought in WARS for our Country must be turning in horror in their graves! my Father volunteered in WW11- he was born in 1900 but lowered his age and was a most honest person. but as he said when he was offered a part pension after the War " No, the Country MUST get on its feet" he NEVER took any pension or help in Australia and look at what is happening now and has for many years now. I watch these videos and read of the Dictator ways and abuse of the citizens by one puppet Psychopath over a seasonal Flu that is now mutating - as all flu's do, but this one has a MAN MADE SPIKE in it - THAT is the DANGER to individuals' health - SHAME! SHAME! SHAME!
Australia used to be known for its independent minded citizens, stay the Course people, stay the Course! for you, your family and the future of Australia.
Yes, looks like this "rescue vehicle" is doing a lot of "rescuing" of the people in this situation. Orwell would be appalled at the wayward colony down under.
The Right to bare Arms is necessary for a FREE Society...Australian Citizens were disarmed awhile back in the name of safety from nutjobs. Are they safe from the F.....g Nut Jobs now????
This is only the beginning. I've feared the day would have to come but hoped it wouldn't. The time for peaceful non-violence is over. There are two choices left; the people surrender completely or they must resist actively. Do enough have the will for that?
"And if it seem evil unto you to serve the LORD, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD." - Joshua 24:15
Patrick Henry sure seems to have cut out a part of what is in the Book of Joshua in the Old Covenant/Testament and removed the rest of God's word and then added what he desired to express. Yet again, all through history, men take (either honourably or in a dishonourable robbing way) from God's Words, cut and snip out what they like and then add their own mortal minded worldly views which when it is done in the robbing from God type fleshly way, they present it to the ignorant of God's Words as if they came up with it all themselves and are so wise on their own when it is clear they have removed God from it to get credit for themselves under the guise of being so magnanimous, righteous, selfless and wise.
It is true that man is given by God as a gift, freedom of choice to choose either to follow God truly or follow His enemy, but if the liberty man seeks is one that is not truly following what God/Jesus defines as liberty, then the liberty man seeks is a false/illusory liberty that brings upon himself the very death that he believed was worthy for his definition of liberty that removed His Creator's ultimate definition of it which then merits him eternal perdition.
I'm in Australia (not Melbourne) and my family are seriously evaluating leaving the country (have EU passport). I know it's a pick your poison scenario, but we don't have any hope here - very apathetic populace.
We know of quite a number of people who are also looking to permanently leave once international begins. Many doctors, cardiologists and other medical staff are starting to resign too.
Via Adams Economics Telegram there is a story of "medical military" going door to door threatening people into vaccination. Please have a look...I live in NZ and really hope we never follow their example.
Hard to believe cops are in for this. What would they do if the whole force just up and walked out. Otherwise, both left and right are going to be in for defunding police.
The Police are acting like Hitler's Brown Shirts right now...don't they know history...Hitler did away with the Brown Shirts to achieve complete control. It is a disgrace that police all over the world are blindly following these elected losers without questioning their authority. Don't they have families too !! Do they want the future they are helping to create?? I hope not !!!
Mass hysteria and madness seems to be a worldwide condition. Almost every country is doing things without rhyme or reason. Leadership worldwide has failed all people.
There was no Right until the LEFT came along !! Majority of Citizens haven't move, but politics moved LEFT. Now, what was Central is considered right-wing ! Don't get boxed in by labels !!
I was going to buy an AR-15 but thought “nah I don’t need one”
So I bought two
in massachusetts, ar's are no longer sold because the attorney general here is a left-wing, anti-gun nut who thinks black guns look mean. i was lucky enough to get one before sales were banned. now finding ammo is almost like finding the holy grail...
Nothing magic about ARs. Whatever is available works fine. Champion shooter was asked what weapon he would want for the apocalypse. He said a .22 pistol because you can carry a thousand rounds in your pockets and if you're a good shot it doesn't matter how big the hole is.
Ruger PC9 carbine in 9mm. A lot more stopping power than .22LR, and ammo is relatively plentiful. The Ruger is a takedown that can go into a backpack in two pieces. Reassembles in seconds. A good choice for Canadians where handguns are highly restricted. If you're Canadian get your gun license now while you still can, and get some decent guns while they're available.
All that said, I hope and pray that it never, ever becomes necessary to use guns in our culture. That would mean total failure across the board, and life would become horrific for everyone.
Total failure has occurred frequently in every society, throughout history. Complacency always prevails between those events, with popular assumptions it could never happen again, because we've become so intellectually advanced and sophisticated. Folks in Portland, Minneapolis and others are less complacent. We should be, too. Prepare.
Of course, that cost-benefit analysis totally flips for people who are not a good shot (under adrenaline). Hence why law enforcement switched to higher calibers after the Miami shootout.
But I think the "apocalypse sustainability" argument for .22 is strong. Propellent will become scarce before lead, just as we've seen all year. Once you're assembling your own cartridge, you want more bullets per gram, not more grams per bullet.
Anybody can learn to be a good shot. And to manage adrenaline.
Powder and primers are very short supply now. Partly due to closing Remington plant, but driven by increased demand from millions of new gun owners. That's a good thing.
Reloading rimfire ammo isn't easy. Blackpowder with a flintlock is pretty much immune from technological challenges. Right now the biggest issue is getting primers for reloading purposes.
Percussion caps (+bolt action) are an under-acknowledged perfection of the classic rifle, overshadowed as they were by solid propellent and all-in-one cartridges. They played a roll in a few pivotal moments of late 19th century history, namely inspiring the Sepoy Mutiny and deciding the Austro-Prussian war.
It's funny how both modern firearms and vaccines are imagined as 20th century tech but are much more primitive in origin.
22’s will rattle around inside the skull from what I have read but I’d rather keep my distance from my target…
Ruger LR22
I have a AK-47 chambered in 22. Fun but probably not the most accurate.
And my kid took my M&P 15-22. It looks ‘mean’ but can be bought in Massachusetts. And I have been shot with a BB gun. 22 cal is small but will hurt a lot more snd I will bleed more from a 22.
And in the thoracic cavity
So true, .22 still can kill
I have .22 rifle and I'm not afraid to use it
They make them in pink, don't they? ;-)
my daughter prefers anodized purple
Yes, they do, so you can fight tyranny and still be girly! See
True. I guess our AG isn’t racist. She discriminates equally based on a guns content of character…
Ammoseek online Plenty of ammo cheap.
Yep and thanks but not cheap anymore. 70+ cents per round these days. PTB(prior to Biden) I could get most of what I shoot for 20-30 cents per round. Shooting isn’t a poor mans sport. Oh and not all sellers on Gunbroker will ship to Massachusetts. Target sports out of CT is good too.
Did you actually look? Much cheaper than 70. 5.56 is everywhere. The Russian steel case garbage is scarce because of the Obiden. It is pricey but living in Mass you know all about that. Lol. Not holy grail at all. Plenty available.
Just looked. One of the sellers that will ship to Massachsetts has auctions where it looks like 55-60 cents per round. Still 70-80 for ‘buy it now’ ammo in the calibers I am interested in. I appreciate the heads up.
I have not looked for 556/223 recently as I am already pretty flush with it. I will go have another look though for 45, 9 mm and 380(for my wife). Thanks.
I can’t find 380 for under .70 a round. Can’t have a fun day at the range at those prices. If it drops back down to a quarter a round, I’m gonna buy it all.
Royal Ammo Shop is a complete rip-off fraud, check if the site you buy from takes credit cards, has a phone # and address, then google the address. They got me for $280 for a case of 7.62, and i sent with zelle, filed a complaint. Don't pay with bitcoin and really just avoid fake companies like this.
Yes Massachusetts is a mixed up state. I am a native Cape Codder and have grown up around guns and men that fought in WW2 that had nothing but respect and safe handling of fire arms in their speech
Betcha his bodyguards have them.
My bodyguard is an American Bulldog…
Been contemplating a weapon purchase for the first time in my life. The more arms in the hands of citizens the less likely our govt will be go full Aussie on us.
Unfortunately if the military isn’t standing for the people, our fire power is a piss hole in the snow compared to what they have. I think arming yourself against other citizens in case things go really badly is a more realistic aim. An AR15 is useless against ‘over the horizon’ strikes by our own govt. Biden took out a bunch of kids on an instant…
That's incorrect. The US standing army is vastly out-gunned by American patriots -- 90 million to 1.5 million. If you doubt what a guerilla-style force can do, see the Taliban vs. the United States. Furthermore a massive percentage of the military would side with the patriots, probably a majority.
i understand the disparity in total weapon count however there are huge differences between u.s. citizens and the taliban. very few americans are experienced in guerilla warfare where the taliban have been fighting a guerilla war for decades and the afghani's in general have been fighting guerilla wars for decades or even centuries. the military has not been fighting the guerilla wars the u.s. have essentially lost(afghanistan, viet nam, iraq, etc) in the same way they would put down an insurrection by u.s. citizens. in the foreign wars. concern for the citizens of countries we have invaded has prevented the military from using their full force. that will not be the case if they need to put down an insurrection. there will be no news reports showing an american child running down a dirt road naked after having her clothes burnt off by napalm. there will not be protests against a war waged against american citizens. they will roll over protestors with tanks in a similar way the chinese did in tiananmen square. the military has been handcuffed and hamstrung in our foreign wars. they will not be if they are putting down an insurrection regardless of that insurrections aims and popularity.
Flanking to the weak side is as old as Athens and Sparta
Just saw this posted elsewhere. The only pandemic now is one of fear, and the only science that is being followed is political.
I’m in Aus (not in Melbs thank god) and I saw an interesting post recently that stated that the chance of severe injury from rubber bullets is about 13% or so and the chance of death is 3% - which is much higher than covid for most age groups. So it begs the question - why the brute force if this is about quelling strain on hospitals and also about reverence for life?
Yes, rubber bullets sound kind of tame, so I was shocked when I learned how big and horrible they are.
The cartridge typically has just as much propellent as a regular bullet. This is by necessity in some cases (if being used in an semi/auto, the action is calibrated to high blowback, anything lower would jam all the time) and, as far as I can tell, by economic convenience in cases when a lower charge would work fine (pump shotguns). So, the bullet is rubber but it has just as much energy as a regular round.
There has been a bit of development of lower-charge specialty shotguns, both pump and semi action. I lost the link somewhere. The impossibility of "non-lethal" weapons is a fascinating subject.
This is insane What Fauci and Collins did building a Bio weapon destroying lives economies worldwide. Why or how do these 2 remain free in society. What kind of sick People let these 2 not be held accountable. Where is our FBI are they too busy reading the Proud boys Text messages instead of doing their job.
It's not "our" FBI, and it never has been. Stop thinking in the trained paradigm; free your mind and take back your liberties!
The FBI is an unconstitutional federal law enforcement agency. It has never been constitutional or "ours" -- it has always been "theirs". When the FBI was originally created, it was an advisory organization, not a true law enforcement organization. Do you know why? Because the federal lawmakers who created it knew the Constitution didn't give them any authority for it, so they went with an advisory organization because the people back then saw the restrictions the Constitution imposed on the federal government, and wouldn't have tolerated the FBI as it now exists. BTW, you know why the Gun Control Act of 1934 taxed automatic weapons rather than banned them? For the same reasons. We had tyrants in the federal government back then too, but they had to at least pay lip service to the restrictions the Constitution imposed upon their authority, so they taxed automatic weapons because that was cutting edge tyranny at the time. By the time Reagan was in power in the 1980's they had trampled on enough of the Constitution that they knew they could get away with banning "new production" automatic weapons. Now we're at the stage where resident Biden wants to take away our ARs and 9mm pistols. The federal government hasn't operated within the federal Constitution for at least three generations. And you think what Fauci did is insane? The Founding Fathers understood men like Fauci always have and always will exist. That's why they gave us a Constitution that guaranteed a federal government that was financially poor and had extremely limited power.
Sorry for the rant, but if you keep being surprised by what's going on or keep telling yourself "this is insane", then respectfully, you need to alter your analytical paradigm. If you're constantly surprised by what's happening, then your analytical paradigm is not properly in synch with the reality you're dealing with.
The thing that is bothering me these days is this question: if all these things are unconstitutional (and they are), then is the Constitution a toothless guardian and a failed document?
In other words, is limited govt. just a scam and a lie?
You know, it's funny you ask that question, because I was just wondering the same thing about Maseratis. I mean, I don't have one right now, and no one I know has one. In fact, I may never have one. So are Maseratis really just a scam and a lie?
(#sarc, BTW) Are you for real???
Do you not have any understanding whatsoever that for the first 120 years of this country's history we had a limited federal government that lived by the Constitution? Do you really have no idea that for the first half of our country's existence we lived by the Constitution??? So what, because you couldn't keep the Republic the Founders gave us, you think it's all a scam and a lie? What the heck is wrong with you -- you think something only exists, is only real, if you possess it right now?
A constitutional federal government isn't a scam or a lie -- WE LOST THAT PRECIOUS GIFT THE FOUNDERS GAVE US! Now it's up to us to dig our heels in and try to recover it.
I don't know if it's too late to recover what the Founders gave us, but I know it's too damn early to give up on trying to recover it.
Down boy, I’m on your side. I’m a constitutionalist and strict constructionist.
But here’s the thing - tho it definitely accelerated with the Progressive movement at the turn of the 20th century, the collapse of the ideal of enumerated powers did not last much beyond the Civil War.
We have case after case of the Supremes ignoring the enumerated powers concept throughout our history.
The bottom line question is this: why isn’t the Constitution protecting us now? It’s the same Constitution, with the same restrictions that existed in 1796.
I remember when US v. Lopez (1996) was decided against the state’s restriction on drug free zones on the basis that there was no constitutional provision for anti drug laws - *AND* Congress had forgotten to invoke the magic phrase “interstate commerce.” I rejoiced because for a brief shining moment it looked like the supremes had rediscovered the 10th amendment.
(I was a naive young law student back then.)
So why isn’t the limited government structure of the 10th Amendment still protecting us today?
So a few things...
First, there's a lot to unpack in your reply, and I really won't be able to address it all here. First, because this is Alex's substack, and it's not appropriate for me to hijack it off topic (even if the topic is kind of a logical tangent). Second, because the comments section doesn't allow me to really express a lot in the structured way I would if this were my blog (rather than being a commenter on someone else's blog). And third, because ... well, there's just a lot to unpack in your reply (that's not meant as an insult, so don't take it that way).
Second, and with all that being said: yes, if I had to give a single reason (and there's more than just one reason), the Progressive movement (American marxism) undid much of what the Founders gave us. Marxism (and not the good kind of marxism, like Groucho, Chico, Harpo, and what the heck, even Zeppo and Gummo) spent 100(+) years destroying what our Founders gave us in the way of limited government and a constitutional focus on individual liberties. There are other factors too (e.g., the fact that all prosperous civilizations tend to get fat and lazy and unappreciative of what they have), but Progressivism has actively worked to undermine our constitutional system and our focus on individual liberties in a broad swath attack on our political, cultural, and family life.
Third, the courts have never really protected our Constitution, and I think it's foolish to think they did, would, or will. It sounds like we're in the same business (I'm an attorney), and I can tell you that there is no more hard left anti-individual freedom group than the legal community. The legal world is populated by disaffected dissidents who realized they couldn't talk us into voting for what they wanted, so they went into the laws to sue us into doing what they want to force us into doing. This, too, is a broad topic I won't be able to detail here, but here's something most people don't realize, and are surprised when I tell them: most of the hardcore environmental restrictions we have in the US are the result, not of legislation or regulation, but rather phone "adversarial" groups suing the EPA for not doing what the left wants but the law prohibits, and then entering into settlement agreements that are ratified by a court, and which legally obligate the EPA to do what it could never have done otherwise. When Dick told Cade that to impose tyranny, the first thing they had to do was kill all the lawyers, he was wrong. Leave the lawyers alive to do what they do and you'll have tyranny soon enough.
Probably quicker than if you kill them all.
Fourth, what protected us and our Constitutional system was an educated population that valued freedom and wasn't afraid of struggle. Bread and circuses destroyed the Roman Republican spirit, and it has destroyed the American Republican spirit too.
Anyway ... this is already running on, but I apologize for jumping down your throat. What set me off is the fact that our struggle (which is not hopeless, but is by no means guaranteed either) is hard enough without defeatism within our ranks. But we're cool from my perspective.
No problem, brother. Totally understand how my cynicism could be mistaken for defeatism.
It isn't the "same constitution." The vaunted, sacred 14th Amendment fundamentally un-wrote everything else before it, which is why it had to be ignored for nearly a century. It's impossible to delineate any limit on the Federal gov's power otherwise. (Not that other amendments didn't add more damage). Since 14A's resurrection in the Civil Rights era, SCOTUS has just been playing footsie with autocracy. (This is presumably the subject of Kesler's Two Constitutions though I haven't gotten around to reading it.)
For the moment, however, the Federal gov hasn't crossed the threshold of true autocracy, which of course is nothing other than state power over Public Health (defined via a 14A SCOTUS precedent).
This can and likely will all be solved by a move toward nullification; and it may lead to another civil war depending on the Federal gov's nerve.
The bigger problem is that all our *state* governments implicitly have that power under 10A / Dual Sovereignty - it's implicit, because none of them set any limits on state medical coercion in their bills of rights.
Great point, Brian.
This, right here. ^^^^^
The original gun control Supreme Court case, US v. Miller (ca. 1930’s) held that sawed off shotgun bans were constitutional *because* they were not military arms, and therefore NOT protected under the 2nd Amendment.
Get that? Military arms were protected by the 2nd Amendment for private citizens.
When you start to use the court to interpret "shall not be infringed" you are on a seriously bad road. The phrase is clear. I guess it may come down to what your definition of the word "is" is. (Clinton humor)
FBI and DOJ have pretty shady history. I think your hope is placed in the wrong place.
Extremely GOOD question!!!
The FBI has determined that the greatest threat America currently faces is white supremacist domestic terrorism. That means you and me. Which will make scenes like this one in Melbourne not only possible, but acceptable here as well.
The FBI has been weaponized by the deep state. If they ignore the constitution, they are traitors to the country. They're liars, not to be trusted. So be it. Bring it on.
I think there should be a class action suit against the Frankenstein for all the medical bills, pcr tests, etc, nobody should be paying a dime out of pocket for any of it.
The FBI and all intelligence agencies have broken the oath they took. They are the enemy.
Yes, they allow Fauci and Collins in Power and continue to destroy our country and other countries. They allow Sex Trafficking, illegal aliens, Drugs that kill People and CNN to spread Marxism and statism misinformation daily. Does anyone have a Person Name who can fix this Twilight zone episode. We do have Joe Barely Alive Biden, who is in Medically induced serious cognitive decline. You do Realize and his accomplishments are Built Back Better is the Taliban.
Imagine a vaccine so safe you have to be threatened to take it, for a disease so deadly you have to be tested to know you have it."
If you have to be persuaded, reminded, pressured, lied to, incentivized, coerced, bullied, socially shamed, guilt-tripped, threatened, punished and criminalized…
If all this is considered necessary to gain you compliance - you can be absolutely certain that what is being promoted is not in your best interest.”
-Ian Watson
I see all that and try to square it with what I am reading about Uttar Pardesh, an Indian state with ten times the population of Australia that seems to have beaten covid without beating their citizens.
I hope Alex can write about it or find a journalist in India who can explain what is happening in Uttar Pradesh to compare with Israel or places like Australia.
what about SWEDEN? it has fully returned to its previous functioning and stopped all these mentally sick behaviours imposed by a few strangers (WEF/ Gares/Soros etc., on the World.
Yes, Sweden too. However, Uttar Pradesh has a population of close to 250 million or so, with no covid deaths for long stretches and fewer than 200 people in the whole state currently with covid.
Isn't Uttar Pradesh one of the Indian states that kept allowing ivermectin to be used by its citizens? Unlike some other states that allowed the Indian WHO ho to talk then into banning its use.
Even the UK has stopped everything. Most places NEVER masked children under 10, much less 2 year olds.
This is insane, but gullible sheep vote for their political Gods, and they’ve been convinced they want dystopia
11% vaccinated and cases plummeted. I've been watching India too. What do they do differently than the U.S.?
Ivermectin was promoted by health authorities in India as a therapeutic and was widely used by citizens during the surge in Covid cases.
Not until the health minister was purged. She was a WHO hack.
The Ivermectin really works (in India). Not in many other countries when you cant get it bc its been prohibited by pharmacies! God help us!
You can buy it in Mexico at the local market. El Salvador is sending kits with vitamins C and D, Zinc and Ivermectin to all its people.
Treated better in Mexico and El Salvador than the US who only wants you to get a jab.
I am torn on it, though I have enough for my husband and I just in case. I read Swiss Policy research a lot as well. I got a prescription back in April with a refill. CVS filled it. That said, different CVS's will fill it. Small pharmacies in my area are filling them. Doctors that don't accept Medicare/ medicate are writing them still.
Where are you located? In US, GA state, CVS not filling. Walgreens had ordered but not coming in.
Triad area of NC..... Check locally owned pharmacies if you can't get them through CVS. If you have a prescription they are required by law to transfer it to another pharmacy if you request that.
You can buy it online without a prescription at
Here in SoCal I was able to get it from CVS but, after the Joe Rogan fiasco, they stopped filling. I just ordered from India without a prescription and they took PayPal
Joe Rogan's experience was only a "fiasco" if you're part of the fascist regime (or one the millions of useful idiots)
How long is the wait to get it from India?
Ordered Friday, shipped today. Supposedly 20 business days from shipping.
Remarkable indeed. It was a group of lawyers that went after a corrupt health officer tied to the WHO that allowed the wide spread use of Ivermectin and vitamins. 240 million people living in mostly squalid conditions and they kick Covid 19 ass.
I suspect their lower numbers are connected to the use of HCQ for parasites, which are endemic in some areas.
We are the experiment, and I not talking about the vaccine... I am talking about the most efficient way to control! Different countries, different approaches, but all with one goal in mind - CONTROL
I have this nagging feeling that THIS is what the end game is here...except we still have guns. They just keep pushing and pushing, knowing full well that eventually we will take up arms and fight. Is it possible that they are trying to push us into a civil war with each other and the government? Everyday I hear more and more people (who I once thought were sane) dehumanizing their fellow human beings. It's going to be easy to turn us all against each's already there really. Where do we go from here? I don't want to fight my fellow countrymen, but I won't tolerate this kind of bullshit. THIS is the hill I will die on.
"Divide and Conquer": vax v no-vax; white v black; male v female; binary gender v gender-flavour-of-the-day; climate, immigration, and so on and on and on. AMERICANS MUST REMAIN UNITED against tyrannical globalist.
I knew this was their end game the first week of this plandemic.
Me too and I’m not even smart! Just seemed obvious.
Which is why Trump with his "Cannot let the cure be worse than the problem itself" talk had to go.
i thought it was all a ploy to get Biden elected and that masks etc would all be over post election. Guess i was wrong.
You won't get the chance. They will push until there is just enough of a flare up that they can finally justify more bans and restrictions. Gun culture will then die out over the following 1-2 generations. USA will be left with a multiethnic majority with no common culture, bred to look to the state for safety and security. The state and the oligarchy get what they want without firing a shot.
Kinda fatalistic, John. There's tens of millions of American gun & rifle owners, who don't agree with your outlook. There's over 100million who don't agree with this administration's policies, edicts, mandates and tyrannical rule. There's hundreds of thousands of capable combat veterans out there, who are pissed off. The lower ranks of the military are not happy with the shit being shoved down their throats. The elite globalists, oligarchies and deep state are underestimating the resistance. We'll see, won't we? "...without firing a shot..."? Uh...I don't think so.
Ok, so, here in Oz, in some States and coming soon to ALL of them, we must get shots or we cannot work. I`m 54, I don`t have as much to lose, but I`ll die to prevent my kids ( 20,22 and 25) from getting this shot. My daughter, 25, MUST get the shot by Oct 15 or she fails her nursing course. Her partner, 30, must get his by the same period or he loses his construction industry apprenticeship/gets sacked. My 22 year old son, studying teaching, will be next and my 22 year old son studying engineering will follow...the pressure on all of them, especially my daughter in Victoria, the most socialist of all our States and the longest locked-down, is incredible.
So many are brainwashed.....My daughter`s best friend, whom we have all known since she was a baby, is a covid believer and recently received her second Pfizer shot...she has bled for the 2 weeks since but responds by imploring my daughter to " just go get the shot".....The issue here is we only have Astra Zenica, Pfizer or the just-arriving Moderna shots, no J&J in Oz.....l
I cannot leave my State of Queensland to drive 3000 kms South to Victoria to rescue her, as if I leave my State, I cannot re-enter without getting jabbed and cannot enter Victoria without getting jabbed...Moreover, she cannot go beyond a 10km travel limit to get close to the Victorian-New South Wales border....and cannot enter Queensland without getting jabbed...We are all imprisoned one way or another if we will not comply with the Vaxxination mandates.....But I am URGING them all to hold out as long as possible.
Btw, there has been ZERO mention in our media of the FDA decision on covid booster shots, which was 4 days ago in the US....that`s how bad the censorship is, I follow independent news sources like this one and Bannon`s War Room and yet the rest of my nation has no idea about the majority vote on the risks of covid boosters.....Insane times. Pity us and don`t let it happen to you.
Your story is truly incredibly
sad. Your daughter can’t qualify unless she has the jab???! And you can’t visit each other without getting it - not even the option to provide a negative LFT???!
If this were about a deadly plague how much resistance would there be to the vaxx? Despite the horrendous adverse reactions and deaths reported following injections, how many might still take the risk in that knowledge: if it were the only treatment option?
Yet, there would certainly not be the censorship we’ve seen of other preventative or treatment interventions if we were really experiencing a deadly pandemic.
No, this the playing out of a decades-long master plan, that may or may not be about purging the planet, but certainly is about an attack on freedom and a bid for global control by elites.
Who would have imagined prior 2020 that there would be armed police threatening injury in a bid to subjugate a population into vax compliance and curtail their right to protest?
What’s happening in Aus (and to a lesser extent in many other countries) is nothing less than power-crazed tyranny laced with lunacy.
Australian Citizens need to find away to Arm up. There is no "normal" coming back...but the future doesn't have to be the one the Globalists dream of !!
I hear the Taliban has arms for sale.
Exactly, must secure by any means the defense that those gov forces are carrying
Scotty, this is horrific. May God protect you and give you strength in this nightmare.
I’m so sorry
Wow. That's an awful state of affairs.
Where is your federal govt in all this?
As someone who lives in Melbourne, I can tell you that the experience is utterly terrifying. My country has sadly turned into an insane fear-ridden dictatorship from once being a great place. This is a total disgrace. As I have a British passport, I am trying to convince my wife that we should move to the UK.
I'm planning on leaving the UK, make no mistake we haven't had it much better. Southern US states are only remaining sanctity in the anglosphere.
Indeed. God bless the Great State of Florida! Come on over.
TY for reminding me where I live. I get depressed reading about these horrible controls over personal freedom. We are better off than many places but we have to be vigilant.
Agreed Andy! I took our new surgeon general as a really good sign though.
I admire Florida's resistance to the regime, but if push comes to shove, it's not where I would want to be. Basically the lowest fuel resiliency in the nation. The entire southeast is dependent on a pipeline that goes through, guess where, Louisiana. The southeast's supply of refined fuel, including stockpiles but mostly consisting of whatever's already in the station and your car, covers only 3 - 5 days of regular use per the Federal DOE's own contracted analysis. (just google "aoc petroleum fuel resiliency," then go to page 24.
Midwest and Western states excluding the west coast are pretty good as well.
Happy to live in Ohio, but it's sure nice to go south in the winter for a sunshine break.
Not New Mexico.
See what happens when Citizens are disarmed! The authoritarians run amok!! Private entities need to re-arm Australian Citizens. What is happening in Australia is coming to a place near you!! If peaceful disobedience fails...prepare for the next phase. There is way more of us than these loser authoritarians. RESIST !!!
Such a tragedy! How did this happen? Time for Melbourne to get smart again.
Or maybe it is just too late.
It looks like the ship has sailed.
They were disarmed !!
If the USA had any kind of Leadership, Australia would be sanctioned, tossed out of all military alliances, etc, until Civil Liberty and Freedoms are restored in Australia. Is there a difference between North Korea and Australia at this point?
You think this isn't coming to the US? Please, you're watching a blueprint being presented at a globalist board meeting right now.
"Is there a difference between North Korea and Australia at this point?"
Bigger spiders.
On a more serious note, everything you wrote applies to Canada as well. We now share a border with a second China.
You joking right? Beijing Biden wants the exact same results for the US as is going on in Australia.
Great point, but the USA is just as bad, but more cautious because of the 2nd amendment.
We had our hands up in the air when they opened fire
God FREE you! It horrifies me to see these things happening to you!
Makes the bad guys really stand out when it’s peaceful. Aussie media loves pointing out the protesters’ “mob mentality” if they get violent.
The problem is the media lie. Check out therealrukshan on Facebook for the unedited truth. I don't think he was there this morning, but he's at the shrine right now... the police are moving in to attack a peaceful crowd on the steps of our sacred war memorial
And more sadness. When will this insanity stop? All because they want to vaccinate the Whole world for a flu.
No, Kathy. this is far, far more than the smokescreen "so called Emergency passed" there is no Emergency if you look at the honest and reliable scinetific Data, this is about about absolute control in the long term, in so many many ways in our lives. Look at the CVs' of the people, for example in Australia - the Chair of the Covid19 Advisory C'tee about the Seasonal Flu with a man-manufactured/planned spike! c'tee to the Australian Federal Government??? NOT ONE Person on that c'tee is a medical person, but the Chairwoman is a former WHO, GATES/CEPI/Oz Gov't employee in Health and Finance areas & other like groups employee/Affiliate - the same profiles in other Western FORMER Democracies - (Ms Jane Halton). write to your Federal Polly and tell them that you hold them LEGALLY accountable, give them statistics about this Flu as they certainly have not kept up with the latest information that more vaccinated people are getting the Flu and more deaths than Unvaccinated people now. Its in official statistics now. European Agency is more reliable than USA corrupted society at all levels-even their Courts, sadly Oz follows USA/UK like zombies. Oz now buying their very expensive Submarines to be made Overseas.
Question these "Servants of the People" do your research!! find sites and Newspapers that actually print your comments and well sourced information.
Australians have not been active enough in their domestic/International matters for years - NOW is the time to do so and keep doing it. Australia is not for the few to decide its for Australians to do so.
now the msm talking point is that the protesters have taken siege of the shrine of remembrance and by doing so have disrespected our fallen. Yet every Anzac Day they hoohaa on about never forgetting the 'freedoms' we have BECAUSE of our fallen.
Man I miss the days when I thought that was all a crazy conspiracy theory :(
we've been trying but people get arrested or fined or stopped for protesting under the guise of 'health orders'.
True. Act NOW!
Thank you! The MSM is the same everywhere, it’s mind-boggling
The Government CONTROL mentality is WORSE!!!
Sad, sad, sad.
Yes, extremely SAD!!!
Canadians: now that Trudeau is back he'll move swiftly to disarm the Canadian public in the same way Australians and Brits have been disarmed.
So the election was rigged there too?
you read my mind, to me the Newsom situation and Turd-eau seems similar.
Authoritarianism is FAR more lethal than any virus…….
Yes. And this is all is was ever about.
Leading Cause of Death is Government. The most terrifying words you'll ever hear is... "Hi, We Are from the Government and We are here to help you! "
Check out what the President of Croatia has just said - they are done with ALL of this nonsense and apparently so is Romania:
"I don't care. We're vaccinated enough, and everyone knows it... Let them [the EU] fence us with wire... We need to know what the goal of this frenzy is?"
"I start every day with CNN and those few channels. And I wonder if I'm normal or are they crazy? They spread panic. They do it from the beginning. They are not the only ones. Since the New Year, I only listen to nonsense."
Romania too is apparently done after only convincing 25% of the population to get jabbed...
Thanks for the links.
I've seen quite a bit of footage in Melbourne today. Unbelievable, draconian measures. I hope they keep protesting.
My Aussie brothers and sisters in Vic will continue to fight for the right NOT to get jabbed. An to end the insane lockdowns, travel restrictions, etc.
The situation in Melbourne is terrifying and should scare the hell out of people. Covid has nothing on a tyrannical police state. What about the video from Auckland, I saw the cops arrested two guys for having a car full of KFC and charged him with some covid law violation. Sadly, many in this country seem to gravitate towards these tyrannical type of solutions when faced with adversity. I’d rather die from some illness then live under the government boot.
See what happens when Citizens are disarmed! The authoritarians run amok!! Private entities need to re-arm Australian Citizens. What is happening in Australia is coming to a place near you!! If peaceful disobedience fails...prepare for the next phase. There is way more of us than these loser authoritarians. RESIST !!!
this is not my work but i laughed at it when i saw it last year. now i am not laughing so much since it seems almost prescient...
"Ten years from now, you'll put on a jacket and find a mask in the pocket. "Oh man, what a weird year that was," you'll chuckle to yourself. Then you'll pick up your machete and continue across the wasteland, keeping to the shadows to avoid the roving gangs of cannibal raiders."
Reminds me of The Hunger Games. Only choice is to change the Government. One way they could do it is a general Countrywide strike. Shut everything down.
Yep, I am all for a "general strike" here now. Shut everything down. My red-pilling over the past few years has been amazing. I'm like a revolutionary radical now. But I haven't moved. It's been the damned government that has moved and placed me in that category.
There was no Right until the LEFT came along !! Majority of Citizens haven't move, but politics moved LEFT. Now, what was Central is considered right-wing !!
I'm trying to find the link but Kieran Gilbert of Sky News has just reported Andrew's has banned media's use of aerial drones reporting live on the protests. How Stalin-esque
There was an attempted "truckers' strike" over this in Australia a few weeks ago. From what I'm reading, there was a total media blackout, and private CB communication was jammed. They are probably jamming private communications of all sorts now to prevent the protestors from coordinating. Big Tech and the MSM are all aiding an abetting the tyrants. Happily.
FIGHT!!! People, FIGHT!!!
thks wondered what happened to the TRUCKIES strike in Oz.
Even the average person is censored on the Internet now by Google read CIA and others . Algorithms that are working 24/7 on all emails mainstream emails now. Esp., anything containing references to this charade/fraud.
this is only a very small "taste" of the control that is in the future IF THESE Psychopaths (& they meet the definition of Psychopaths') are NOT STOPPED and that requires each individual on this Planet to pull together and find ways of communicating. there are many other reliable alternatives now and they MUST be supported.
"that requires each individual on this Planet to pull together and find ways of communicating."
I've been on the internet since the mid 80s when it started to be public and for nerds/geeks before 1996 or so. So for a long time, i've been encouraging MUCH when i can and especially when the topic comes up, that people who make comments/replies like yours, that they NEED TO TAKE INITIATIVE to learn how to use and get into the habit of using ENCRYPTED COMMUNICATIONS (like learning how on an introductory level, to use encrypted email [PGP], text messages etc on your PC or phone etc) to which if so many more people were doing this/got into the habit of dong this (which especially since the Eric Snowden revelations has started a fire under their rear end to get into the habit of such) if they really cared about protecting their communication, then the megalomaniacal ruling children of satan you refer to, their control over us would be dramatically reduced. Yes there are alternative ways but we must try to do our best in due diligence to ensure these alternative ways are not run secretly by govt and/or military operative operations etc tricking us into thinking they were started by true "Freedom Fighters" etc. Encrypted communications like Telegram for now, seem to have been started by genuine freedom fighters who are not anti-govt but anti corrupt/crooked Socialist and or Communist govt pro God-given rights US Constitution type govt.
- a remnant disciple of Jesus the Christ
no he just announced at the time i posted but there was no news banner. he said that andrew's had implemented a three day ban on media's use of drones over the protest.
How can he get by with that kind of "order'???!!!
apparently pretty much anything can be mandated under a 'health' order. my daughter was forced to quarantine two weeks in a hotel and then got charged 3K for her detention. I sought legal advise who told me that it WAS constitutional under a health order
perfect example of why not to give the guns...don't own one, don't want one but definitely see the value of having one after following these shenanigans over the last month
Let's just say after this I'm kicking myself for not acting because ammo prices were too high. I don't give a flying fiddler's fornication now. Next week, I'm doing a significant transfer of wealth into the precious metals of brass and lead.
It occurs to me that I need to recalibrate some scopes and sights because it's been a long time and they tend to drift. I'm gonna be giving my bride a tutorial on laser boresighting from ballistics charts.
Just remember, come the Mad Max, face colander times, the most precious metals are indeed brass and lead. Also, barterable items. Lord Humongous won't take Bitcoin, by the way. He might take gold, but booze and antibiotics may be a better bet to barter your safe passage through the badlands.
I'm am joking, but only a little bit. I fear those face colander times will soon be upon us.
Buy one. You won’t regret it.
If America had a real President, we’d be punishing Australia, not making deals with them.
I wonder if this is why they got the deal? In what world does it make sense to sell nuclear sub technology to a country that is acting more like communist China than those that are not? Joe Biden is compromised by China, it’s clear to me. All major decisions he has made since being in office have helped them not us. I also think technology ends up in the hands of China.
China is one puppeteer controlling Joey-boy, but other strings are attached here in Amerrika..,
Leave the sub deal out of was years in the making and is a geo-political chess move for the entire Indo-Pacific theatre on a multi-decade time frame and the target is China. This is about Dan Andrews and the brainwashed % of the population that is OK with it. This stuff is, sadly, the makings of a civil war.
Avi's doing a great job showing up the MSM.
The reports in the MSM on Tuesday's march were the opposite to what I saw. Not hundreds but thousands (maybe 20 000) . Not all tradies but people from all walks of life. From where I joined in Flinders Street, the march was peaceful. I saw no violence from the police either that day.
There's a powerful force in this world that seeks to divide us at all levels, even our families. I know there are also divisions among the police. Many didn't join to spend their time kicking children out of playgrounds and telling people off about masks. It's hard not to get sucked in but think it's important not to buy into it.
I'm currently staying in the CBD in Melbourne. I was researching for a post and I'd just watched the YT video of the FDA ADCOM where they advised against boosters for the general population. I heard the noise in the street below and went down to see what was going on.
The march was going by. I yelled out that the FDA ADCOM had just advised against boosters. One guy hi fived me. He said to join them but 'take the stupid mask off first'. So I did.
I walked beside a carpenter who knew a lot about mRNA. If he doesn't take the jab he'll lose his job. I met an immunologist who told me about a NEJM paper and a nurse who's concerned about babies born with tremors whose mothers had been vaccinated.
Coming off the bridge, the riot police lined the road at the bottom on the left. The protesters filtered off to the right. The riot squad stood in a line for a while then got back in their vans and left.
Today in the city, I saw young man handcuffed on the ground. Ten police in attendance. I asked what he'd done to deserve such heavy-handed treatment . An officer told me he had resisted arrest for breaching covid restrictions and what business was it of mine anyway. I said this was an important time in history and I wanted to record it. Whatever's going on, there's something very wrong about it.
From their expressions, I felt that was one thing we all agreed on.
the tremors in newborns has been noted here too. astounding that we all have to trade anecdotal evidence because they've decided systematic reporting and investigation of vaccine side effects is a crime against the empire. but we are trading anecdotes and the word gets out however it does. of course the media here and there isn't curious to follow the obvious story, why so many health care workers are refusing the vax. really vital that they keep telling what they've seen. keep reporting what you're seeing too. Best from USA.
This is the first I am reading about tremors in newborns. I was thinking we were just about to the point where infants born now could have been going thru early cellular division while their mothers were ‘spiked’. This is horrifying. I did a search and found nothing about tremors. Some news about the vaccine making it into their newborns though. So much for placental barriers…
i've read at least two mentions of infant tremors, one with a terrible video of a newborn going thru them. both would have been on social media, not "news" or journals. but that's what we've got at the moment. samizdat testimonies of vaccine side effects. and those testimonies always at risk of being shut down and deleted.
At this point, I'm think I'm going to apologize to Alex Jones. You were right, buddy.
What is most frightening about this is how willing the police are to go out and crackdown on their fellow citizens. Coming to America, soon. You can be an anarchist rioter and the system will treat you like a saint. But stand up against vaccine mandates and you will be crushed.
Correction: the police are cracking down on the 10% of the population demonized as "The Unvaccinated". The rest of the population is either fully in support of the police, or ambivalent enough to avoid taking a strong position.
Those who stand and watch eventually find themselves in the line, too. Tyranny Ensnares All !!
Most Sheriffs won't support this, it's the state and feds that you have to worry about.
Dan Andrews, the Victoria premier, who has specialized in quadrupling down on bad bets for 18 months, is one of the superstars of pandementia. He has spent his entire adult life working in the Labour party and the government. He was made for this. The plot twist this week of actual trade unionists turning against him is excellent (as much as the media there and worldwide wants to paint this as rightwing pretenders rioting in worker drag). So valuable to have avatars of the different mindsets available now for future reference. Do you want to be Australia or Sweden? Dan Andrews or Ron DeSantis?
I am ashamed and DISGUSTED with Farmer Andrews, he's no Leader, this is a puppet, a control freak - doing others bidding, abusing human beings who have every right to walk and show THEIR THINKING in having the Nuremberg and other LEGAL abuses imposed upon them. Where are the other Politicians in Victoria who are also liable to be prosecuted for this? this is not for one person to make decisions, and a person who is obviously not aware of the latest HONEST and RELIABLE Science available now. The Premier? who signed on his own volition - where are his party members and the Opposition? an agreement for the Chinese Belt Road in Victoria??
THIS IS N OT THE AUSTRALIAN WAY at all!!! SHAME ON YOU ANDREWS - those that fought in WARS for our Country must be turning in horror in their graves! my Father volunteered in WW11- he was born in 1900 but lowered his age and was a most honest person. but as he said when he was offered a part pension after the War " No, the Country MUST get on its feet" he NEVER took any pension or help in Australia and look at what is happening now and has for many years now. I watch these videos and read of the Dictator ways and abuse of the citizens by one puppet Psychopath over a seasonal Flu that is now mutating - as all flu's do, but this one has a MAN MADE SPIKE in it - THAT is the DANGER to individuals' health - SHAME! SHAME! SHAME!
Australia used to be known for its independent minded citizens, stay the Course people, stay the Course! for you, your family and the future of Australia.
YES! Thank you!!!
shame on what's his name too.... oh yeh Scotty from Marketing
Melbourne had a 6.2 earthquake today. Didn't know they were earthquake prone.
Yes, looks like this "rescue vehicle" is doing a lot of "rescuing" of the people in this situation. Orwell would be appalled at the wayward colony down under.
Just a preview of what is to come in the US of A. Don't scoff.
The Right to bare Arms is necessary for a FREE Society...Australian Citizens were disarmed awhile back in the name of safety from nutjobs. Are they safe from the F.....g Nut Jobs now????
The nut jobs are in charge
This is only the beginning. I've feared the day would have to come but hoped it wouldn't. The time for peaceful non-violence is over. There are two choices left; the people surrender completely or they must resist actively. Do enough have the will for that?
Make no mistake, this is coming here. We all must make our decisions about where we draw the line.
"I know not what course, other's may take, but as for me and my house, give me liberty or give me death" -- Patrick Henry
"And if it seem evil unto you to serve the LORD, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD." - Joshua 24:15
Patrick Henry sure seems to have cut out a part of what is in the Book of Joshua in the Old Covenant/Testament and removed the rest of God's word and then added what he desired to express. Yet again, all through history, men take (either honourably or in a dishonourable robbing way) from God's Words, cut and snip out what they like and then add their own mortal minded worldly views which when it is done in the robbing from God type fleshly way, they present it to the ignorant of God's Words as if they came up with it all themselves and are so wise on their own when it is clear they have removed God from it to get credit for themselves under the guise of being so magnanimous, righteous, selfless and wise.
It is true that man is given by God as a gift, freedom of choice to choose either to follow God truly or follow His enemy, but if the liberty man seeks is one that is not truly following what God/Jesus defines as liberty, then the liberty man seeks is a false/illusory liberty that brings upon himself the very death that he believed was worthy for his definition of liberty that removed His Creator's ultimate definition of it which then merits him eternal perdition.
- Junior, a remnant disciple of Jesus the Christ.
This is what happens when you disarm a society. Take note.
I'm in Australia (not Melbourne) and my family are seriously evaluating leaving the country (have EU passport). I know it's a pick your poison scenario, but we don't have any hope here - very apathetic populace.
We know of quite a number of people who are also looking to permanently leave once international begins. Many doctors, cardiologists and other medical staff are starting to resign too.
go to croatia or romania - seems like eastern europe is done with this nonsense:
Saw that. Unfortunately, most EU countries are complying with the Green Passport. Doing lots of research.
I've seen multiple videos of the Australians protesters and I've seen NO looting or purposeful destruction of property.
They are not just protesting the vaccine mandates for themselves, but for all of us worldwide.
So, in Melbourne the police shoot you for your health. I've given up debating. Those who still cannot see that this is madness are beyond saving.
Look how quickly Australia went full Nazi; never go full Nazi...
don't go ANY proportion of Nazi, fascism is evil incarnate
The cops are now a part of the problem.
Brown shirts are making a come back
We are determined to protect the health of the public if we have to bash the public's head in to do it
Via Adams Economics Telegram there is a story of "medical military" going door to door threatening people into vaccination. Please have a look...I live in NZ and really hope we never follow their example.
How ridiculous it is that they are shooting people over a health issue. Anyone else see the absurdity?
sorry Chase but Jacinda Ardern was president of a young socialists group....
When in the Course of Human Events....
Hard to believe cops are in for this. What would they do if the whole force just up and walked out. Otherwise, both left and right are going to be in for defunding police.
The Police are acting like Hitler's Brown Shirts right now...don't they know history...Hitler did away with the Brown Shirts to achieve complete control. It is a disgrace that police all over the world are blindly following these elected losers without questioning their authority. Don't they have families too !! Do they want the future they are helping to create?? I hope not !!!
Mass hysteria and madness seems to be a worldwide condition. Almost every country is doing things without rhyme or reason. Leadership worldwide has failed all people.
Insane! Simply INSANE!!! When will they WAKE UP and STOP the WITCH HUNTS and base their policies on REAL SCIENCE???!!!
Sick and scary. Australia and New Zealand were on my travel bucket list. Oh well, where’s my eraser
There was no Right until the LEFT came along !! Majority of Citizens haven't move, but politics moved LEFT. Now, what was Central is considered right-wing ! Don't get boxed in by labels !!
Given up firearms has consequences; so does giving up your moral rights to self-defense.
Which new sci-fi series is this?