Jul 3·edited Jul 3

"Even if you don’t like Joe Biden, the headlines and articles are almost painful."

No Alex, its not painful it is breath of fresh air. If those bastards did their job in 2019 and 2020 we would not be in the mess we are now. Fuck the mainstream media. They brought this not only on themselves but they subject the rest of us to the worst president in my lifetime, and I would bet almost anyone else's lifetime. No not painful.

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This video was released before the 2020 election and was either censored or shadow banned..The brave man who made it deserves recognition.

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Ahh..but you see all these people think they're waiting on a vacancy in the Trinity....so they're "justified" by the lies...plus there's Nazis that must be vanquished.

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I just hope everyone stays focused and alert when Trump wins in November. Complacency has always been our biggest enemy. And DJT will still face the sewer monsters. And while I prefer a Republican majority, I don’t trust them either. We must continue to fight for “written in stone” laws so the abuses of power over the last two decades cannot easily happen again. I say easily because we all know how laws can be manipulated and degraded. The next four years will possibly give us some breathing room, but vigilance is required.

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Oh man...you just hit the nail on the head

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One of the first orders of business needs to be the education system. Civics and the Founding Documents HAVE to be mandatory from K-12 in any school receiving tax dollars of any sort. And any post high school student who accepts government assistance should be mandated to take the same, along with economics. Plus a mandatory minimum of one year of service. I would like to see any medical student have their tuition paid upon completion of three years of service after licensure. We are in deep trouble there.

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couldn't agree more. Fred Jewett just posted something that everyone should read about how to turn a democracy into a dictatorship. It's from the forties...but prescient....and to your point, exactly what we're witnessing.

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I would only pay medical school tuition for doctors who are not captured by pHarma.

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Sounds like you HEARD Vivek's call as well on complacency. We must not allow ourselves to focus on what the chaotic DEMS are doing. Stick to the issues and never let UP!

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Jul 3·edited Jul 3

Resignation? Perhaps. But all of this is part and parcel of the Democratic Party, for a long time, being under the control of Satan, and Obama is Satan’s chief acolyte. That is why the title of this Substack could not be more appropriate. As Jesus would say; they are of their father the devil, and their will is to do their father's desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, and has nothing to do with the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks according to his own nature, for he is a liar and the father of lies. So the Democrats have only two plays in their playbook…lies and murder. The lies have finally failed. If I were Biden I would either resign soon, as you said “for the good of the country”, or get some food tasters quick. What I find almost as pathetic and depressing is to know that the evil is so broad, and corruption so deep, among Democrats, particularly in Washington and the MSM, that even until now there hasn’t been a single patriot come forward to expose the deluge of lies.

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I keep expecting to hear “he’s had a tragic accident” or just a plain old “died suddenly”.

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Or "mysterious and unexplained causes" like those dying from the vaxxes.

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And it's a part of their core philosophy. People keep forgetting that a lot of these people are Marxists and post-modernists. Dialog is all about power for them. Only the older libs are slightly sheepish about "justification". It's not just that it's an emergency (though many seem positively deranged about Trump) it's always an emergency; they must further The Omnicause.

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that's right, because you can't have progress without always having an "emergency"...real...or imagined. If they can't "find" one they'll manufacturer it.

it's really that simple when you're dealing with progressivism.

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Just watched the video - Ali is spot-on. He did the research and captured the evidence on video - and recent events appear to concur what he suspected. What a true shame that it was concealed by the Powers That Be!

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It makes the crime much bigger than “ they have been lying the last 6 -9 months. Biden and company conveal

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Interesting stuff. It is nice to have it all in one neat package.

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Thank you for sharing this. Those hiding this are EVIL

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Everyone needs to see this video. Biden and company lied to the country before the 2020 election. The enormity of the betrayal can’t be overstated.

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This shows this condition had started by at least 2017. Everyone in the White House - all his doctors and family members - know this - and have known for seven years.

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They deserve every bit of contempt they receive.

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I keep coming back to this riddle: Who investigates the investigators?

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Such a riddle that must be solved too!

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Some times, investigators do investigate the investigators. As of now, clearly not enough.

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I posted this in comments on another stack, equally applicable here: All of these "this is elder abuse" and "I don't want to minimize the tragedy of dementia" and "I feel sorry for him"--no. He gave himself over early to his lust for recognition and was willing to do and say anything to get it, and so he is squarely where he deserves to be. His dementia anger (when it appears) is simply a manifestation of the anger and hatred for anything that is not about him that has fueled his entire life. He is getting everything he wished for. I have no sympathy. The wages of sin is death. (I took care of my Alzheimer's-afflicted dad until his death, and so I'm not speaking from ignorance.)

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I feel no sympathy for him or his dysfunctional and evil family members. I'm just glad that karma might be kicking in while he's still alive and might partially realize what all his corruption led to for he and his family.

Just resigning isn't enough, though. He and his family need to be prosecuted for all their crimes and corruption. For example, His mandatory "vaccines" killed or injured millions. His lockdowns probably killed tens of thousands. He proudly presided over the growth of the Censorship Industrial Complex.

... And this doesn't include the family's run-of-the-mill graft involving shady people in China and Ukraine.

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His legacy is being written as I type this as a dementia addled stooge for his wife and Obama. Plus a racketeer when his perverted brain was still functional.

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To be fair, the Mainstream media job is to lie, so as they were lying and spreading propaganda to the public, that was part of their job; to lie.

However I find it interesting that they are turning on Joe. I know Alex laid out his reasons, but usually, they just DOUBLE DOWN saying everything’s fine. Like with the vaccines and side effects, ‘don’t worry, it’s safe and effective,’ so for them to tell the truth is …interesting to say the least:


Are we seeing them turn on their own? Will there be a new candidate? More to come this election cycle

:: grabs popcorn ::

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What choice do they have? If they ignore the obvious, everyone will know they are in on the conspiracy. Or: everyone will know/conclude the world's A-list "journalists" are dumb as a door knob.

Either scenario is damning to them. And the same scenarios/conclusions apply to all the Covid scandals they've ignored or were too obtuse to figure out on their own.

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It's like we have an endless caravan of Inspector Clouseaus, in white Ford Broncos, going the wrong way on I-5, and thinking the gridlock is a surprise hero's parade just for them.

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I wrote a column on my Stack 16 months ago with the headline: "We are being led by the obtuse."

That column holds up!

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indeed. i'm going to go read it.

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I'll save you the time .... "Our World is Being Led by the Obtuse" - By Bill Rice, Jr - free to 35 million Substack users. Written 16 months ago.

I just re-read this piece. I used some excerpts from Alex to develop my point.


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This line wins the Internet for today...

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They are that clueless.

What they're doing to this country is the same thing as if you gave Evil Kneivels motorcycle to Jerry Lewis The Nutty Professor.

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Previously they doubled-down on obviously false things, daring anyone to contradict them ("(fill in the blank) denier!" "racist!" etc). It's a power flex, you pretend the emperor has clothes and that men can become women, etc, to submit to the order.

So, another way to look at this is that a lot of these people can feel the power shift and are trying to distance themselves. I would say rats leaving a sinking ship except I actually like rats.

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ZERO remorse for what they do and could care less what we think. Lowest of the SCUM grading system

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This is all part of the Obama team plan. When the MSM turned on old Joe, they all did at the same moment as soon as they got the fax. It was within HOURS of protesting he was at the top of his game, a warrior able to leap tall buildings in a single bound.

Many of us have been tricked into thinking Kamala was old Joes insurance policy. Nobody would think of kicking him out the door if she is next in line, right?

I say who better for the Obama camp to lead by the nose than the kindred spirit, Harris?

No, this is all by plan and is being executed flawlessly.

Who better to represent the decline of the US than Kamala Harris? A true representative of the democrat establishment: sucked into the vortex of DC on her knees cackling like a peacock.

January 2025 we can welcome pResident Harris unless we put the binders on Dominion.

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I view this as one of the most promising and potentially significant developments of my lifetime. A real "truth bomb" has finally gone off. (Almost) everybody now gets that our "trusted" public servants and the "watchdog" press are completely captured and corrupt.

The ball is now in our court as to what to do with this new knowledge.

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agree. it feels like an inflection point that's 50 years coming due.

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I think many of us are starting to reach this exciting conclusion. Maybe we have reached the proverbial "tipping point." I mean, the country might already be too-far-gone to fix, but maybe not. The tipping point is that so many people now seem to "get" what's caused all our problems and societal decline.

When you identify or acknowledge a problem, you have a chance to fix it.

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Agree. The problem has been named and defined, BUT, my biggest concern is do we have the perseverance and intestinal fortitude to see it through...cuz it's going to take at least a generation for mop up.

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I totally agree with DC. And don’t forget, Biden is responsible for the unlawful vaccine mandates on an experimental drug. That is the biggest disgrace!!! Mainstream media went along with it and silenced anyone questioning it (I can’t wait for you to win your case Alex).

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I am with you on Alex kicking the crap outta this administration in court.

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Jimmy Carter can now die in peace.

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That is correct. He was just waiting for me to give him the go ahead. 🤣🤣🤣

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Took the words right out of my mouth! What's painful is what life has been like since FJB was inaugurated...his policies have brought this country to a new low, and perhaps one we will not recover from in our lifetime or our kid's lifetime.

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Ya’know, this is just another example of demonratz hypocrisy: does anyone think/believe this would be happening if the 💩 💩 🧠 lawfare attacks had been successful and 💩 💩 🧠 was leading in the polls at this time? Not if you’re honest. These evil hounds from hell would be propping up 💩 💩 🧠 until their home froze over if President Trump was lagging or even out (or the same for any other challenger).

The problem I see is that the typical/average Demonrat voter has little more cognitive ability than 💩 💩 🧠 and will take to heart what’s going down; and vote for ‘d’ instead of America.

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Yup. That is exactly the problem. The polis will continue to vote against their own best interests because they think Democrats align with their worldview. They fail to understand that a government's job is not to project that worldview put to govern in such a fashion that you can attempt to live and promote that view to those who might agree with it, just as I am allowed to express my worldview and attempt to convince folks without fear of official retribution. This is why liberal Jews (I am Jewish) continue to vote for democrats because they believe the democratic platform aligns with what the Torah says.

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you mean if they did the job that you expext them to do, which is reporting.

they did their job. they helped a psyop get a demented old pos elected. and now they have a new job. but it ain't news or reporting.

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If memory serves early newspapers, 19th century, were originally organs of a party to push the party's agenda. That supposedly changed in the early part of the 20th c. when journalism, at least the news side, was supposed to be objective and hard hitting, "just the facts". Many of us were sucked in and wanted to believe that news reporters did exactly that. Walter Cronkite was the most trusted man in America. Starting with Reagan the mask slowly stared coming off. With Bush 43 the mask was gone and with Trump they started ripping their faces off. That is why Substack serves a vital need to provide unfiltered info (though recent posts by Robert Malone has even brought that notion into question). Anyway, Resist, you but it quite nicely and succinctly.

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You can see how the MSM has been covering for the democrat party. They aren’t news organizations, but partisans.

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And as long as I am adding, these are the same people saying “2020 was the most free, fair and accurate election ever, amen.”

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They are all acting surprised but it has been clear for years there were issues.

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I’d also add that they covered for the Biden laptop nonsense purely to help the Democrat party. And yet plenty of people think they are neutral et.

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did you mean pravdasans?

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They are the major part of the problem. When we start the Purging Process, we must start in the newsrooms.

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then the classroom....and don't get me started on bureaucrats

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I'm not exaggerating. EVERY important organization in society MUST be thoroughly purged ... "for the good of our children."

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Bill, any way of purging this idiot Castro Jr. aka Trudope in Canada. The knives are out for him, however CBC is on his payroll as are their affiliates. Can't wait for PDJT to win in America, perhaps he can help us get rid of this puke. He refuses to step down when we the people sign petitions and chant FJT!! Cheers.

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Personally I chalk up the MSM's support of Demorats to their sincere desire not to go bankrupt like many MSM's in Canada have done despite government handouts.

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Jul 3·edited Jul 3

Well, if so, at least that is a rational motive behind the behavior

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What I don’t understand is why everyone is discounting the probability of Kamala ascending. It doesn’t matter that she didn’t stand a chance before she was selected to be VP; the fact is that she’s there NOW and is the obvious choice. Unless they can lure her into resigning, there’s no way the Dems can just pass over her and land on another candidate. Ditching the black female?? Plus it’s the neatest legal and financial pathway.

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I dunno, imo the real albatross is Kamala....not Biden. If they had a plausible backup they would've already dumped Biden in the bin.

If the Dems bump Kamala they have to run a black woman.....hahaha...DEI comes home to roost.

The radical base will go nuts if they allow another white guy to be their candidate. That might leave the door open for Michelle Obama in my opinion....and of course she would be "rising to the occasion" to defeat the Nazis under everyone's beds.

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Woooh! Ryan, I agree. I have nightmares that Michelle Obama will be the candidate. Lord help us all.

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Joan of Arc turned Veruca Salt. Come, sweet death, if I ever have to hear her again

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To use a New Jersey expression “ They ( Democrats) shat the bed.” No going back… Dems and media own this shit show.

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They're like dogs to puke. They'll just keep going back.

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,,,,thanks for the visual….. 🤢🤢🤢

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Sorry...sometimes you get me too!...:]

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And the more they lie, the more they double down with their blame game etc, the more ridiculous and dishonest they look. Adolescent lesson : once caught, stop lying.

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Jul 3·edited Jul 3

I thought crazy Maxine Waters might step up - but she's 85, even older than Joe. Michelle Obama could probably beat Trump but, unlike her husband, she seems disinterested in returning to the political scene.

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I do not believe for one moment that Michelle Obama says she hates politics and would not run.

Lies! I’m not a betting person, but I would bet that she WOULD run. Lying liar continues to lie.

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She'll do it if enough money passes under the table.

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Michelle loved the perks of the office, the work not so much.

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Yes, Kamala is the real albatross.

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I have read that the fundraising already done for Biden/Harris can't be used unless one of them is on the ticket so that is why Kamala is trending in betting markets as the new DNC candidate. I think you are on the mark here.

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Well, when you say that my comment was right on the mark, you are obviously demonstrating your own keen intellect, my dear fellow!

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Jul 3·edited Jul 3

Those who think that Kamala should be thrown overboard in favor of 'Big Mike,' must be sniffing glue. Michelle wouldn't wear well. Her racism and hatred of America are well known and would be hard to disguise. The dems should just suck it up and find a way to quickly replace a senile man old white man who has no business being anywhere near the seat of power and sink or swim with the current multi-racial (half Indian) VP. Given the right people to advise her, Trump may find it much more difficult to win the selection. Kamala is actually a capable public speaker who was the Attorney General of our largest state, while Michelle has never held public office. Trump will have his hands full if there's another debate. If I recall correctly, Kamala clearly won her VP debate with the hapless Mike Pence.

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You forgot about all the videos of her inappropriate cackling and her special friends that helped her become AG, tho.

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Please just show me one speech where she comes off as a capable speaker.

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Biden will resign under the guise that he is selfless and putting country above power so they can usher someone in.

I can not remember any time in my life that this country has been more vulnerable. Our enemies know they have a short window.

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His resignation will be coerced by Republicans fake smear campaign that with the help of the media has given him sadly no other choice….. 🎻🎻🎻🎻

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At this point, MSM and Democrats have only two possible explanations for this situation- they are either too gullible and stupid to be in the job, or they are complicit in propelling and and maintaining a dementia patient in the Oval Office. So which is it? Stupid or complicit?

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Both depending on who. The talking head teleprompter readers are too busy reading the propaganda to actually see. The people writing and foisting this stuff on them and us are complicit and malevolent. They are part of "the team."

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whichever it is someone in charge needs to stop putting the words END OF QUOTE in the teleprompter — it sort gives the game away, that, and REPEAT

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As Franklin D. Roosevelt so eloquently stated, "In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way." We're all sitting in a front row seat to watch the systematic, scripted take down of Biden and the lying media apparatus. It's glorious!

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I am really enjoying watching this play out, more than I should. Dana Bash on CNN looks like she had to use 10 vials of Botox to keep the frozen face look during the debate. Jake Tapper looked like he swallowed a lemon. It was the first time I’ve seen Trump onstage where he wasn’t the center of attention. I could not keep my eyes of Biden.

The narratives and counter narratives will be fascinating.

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How about those hand signals from Bash to Biden?

I'm sure that was all above board.

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I saw that. They can't resist giving a "helping hand" to Joe.

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Alex: the MSM have been willing participants in the gaslighting of the American electorate. We have been told our economy is GREAT- never been better!- we are just too dumb to understand how Build Back Better and the “Inflation Reduction Act” ( has there ever been a more disingenuous name for a massive new spending scheme?) have made our lives so much better. Notice lots of folks dying from turbo cancer and other assorted ailments? Why, the rise in mortality has NOTHING TO DO with the death vax our kindly government tried to force on us. Oppose funding the proxy war in Ukraine and enriching the loathsome Zelensky? Why, you are a Putin stooge and should just shut up, dummy. I could go on and on but you get the gist of the never ending lies from our government and their very willing accomplices

In the MSM. Now that they have been forced to at least partially acknowledge the truth of Biden’s cognitive decline, they are in no way embarrassed or ashamed of their duplicity. I promise they will double down harder on the lies - telling us whoever the Dems undemocratically install as their candidate is the best thing since sliced bread. No room for introspection, no effort to actually investigate the massive, criminal cover up they have been engaged in the past three and one half years. Oh no, they will just proceed to feed us propaganda regarding the glorious qualifications for office of whoever the Dems anoint. Wish I was wrong but I’m not.

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Jul 3·edited Jul 3

The media will be just as introspective and thoughtful about this [their failure to report Biden’s surprising decline!!] as they were when Hillary lost and Trump won — it was so inexplicable to them, so confusing. Their period of self-reflection should clock in at about one day or less.

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You’re being generous, AG. The media will never admit errors or attempt to understand the great unwashed voters in flyover country. They hate us.

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Notice how even now that they are in “truth telling mode” none are saying he is “unfit” or “disabled” as that would trigger calls for 25th Amendment and immediate replacement by VP. It’s all that he blundered or had a bad day like a normal president or candidate. Even now they are hyper aware of language use.

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to this date I have not heard one journalist ask the most obvious question:

If Biden can only "work" between 11 AM and 4 PM with a 2 hour nap in between...what happens when he can't work the rest of the 21 hours?

I mean the world doesn't stop for his schedule.

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Yes, at 3am when the Secret Service rustles him out bed, shuffle him through tunnels to a bunker room, I’m sure he will be sharp as a tack……

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in a recent interview RFK Jr painted this exact picture — chilling — as the President has 6 mins to decide what to do, imagine that with Biden, if you will

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He should be removed under the 25th amendment, since he won’t resign.

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Indeed. In a sane world...where people actually care about our country

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They still haven't admitted they lied about Russian interference, or how dangerous Covid 19 was and is, but their lies about Biden's dementia is where they started to feel embarrassment?

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In my view, Biden won't step aside because his closest advisors, Dr. Jill and son Hunter, are urging him to stay and fight. If Biden does drop out, there will be a scramble for the nomination. All of those who have been mentioned (and many others) believe they can do the job - why shouldn't they after watching an addled old coot at the helm for 3 1/2 years. The Dems are all about power and every governor, senator, et al. wants to be Commander in Chief. There is a rationale for moving Kamala to the top spot, but it's clear that, although she loves yellow school buses and Venn diagrams, and appreciates the significance of the passage of time, our Border Czar is a mental lightweight.

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I think Jill and Hunter only are concerned about Hunters presidential pardon.

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Are you insinuating that they don’t love Joe and have his best interests at heart? Shocking!

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Jill doesn't care about Hunter one bit. He's not her kid and his emails made clear that he's always seen her as a wicked step mother figure in his life.

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Plus he has to stay in so he can pardon Hunter.

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I think they are worried about Trump (maybe even RFK, Jr) ordering the Justice Department to actually investigate all the Biden corruption of recent years and decades. The only way they can be certain to stop this is if Biden is still president for four more years (or his designated replacement).

Trump actually screwed the pooch when he didn't go after "Crooked Hillary" like he said he was. Maybe this time, he will have learned his lesson? You better go after the crooks (who have gone after you for eight years).

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I don’t think Trump’s the outsider he once was and even then he was “rolled”

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I feel the same way about Elon Musk. He better get/expose all the people that want to shut him down and bankrupt him ... before they get him. I wonder if he's reached the same conclusion?

The cool thing is that Musk doesn't have to expose these crooks himself - He's got millions of potential "citizen journalists" who can do this job for him - using his social media platform.

The same applies to Substack. I wonder if its founders are thinking about "selling out." They don't really need to ... if they'd just allow all the citizen journalists on this platform to do the work they are trying to do.

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The problem with pardoning Hunter is that once pardoned, Hunter can no longer plead the 5th when questioned about the business activities of the other Bidens.

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I'm so torn on this. I hope he stays so we can get these totalitarians out.

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It actually might be a good thing if he "wins" the "election."

If that happens, you are going to see some REAL CHANGE in America. Maybe in the nick of time.

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Those are Kamala's best hits! I think her love of yellow school buses is #1.

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Jul 3·edited Jul 3

You know it's serious when Alex is coming around. 😂

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Except I do not agree that he is "coming around". The mere fact that he thinks that reporting the truth is "painful" not only for Mr. Potato Head but for those who covered for him for over for years shows where Alex's sympathies truly lie.

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Can't disagree

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I think that anyone could tell Joe that he's not President right now and he would believe it and be fine with it, but try telling that to Jill.

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They'll have to pry the WH door from her cold, dead hands. Nod to the late Charlton Heston.

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Jul 3·edited Jul 3

that is an interesting suggestion, even RFK Jr thinks that Biden himself probably doesn’t know that Kennedy has been repeatedly denied Secret Service protection— that it’s the handlers. (Bobby has known Biden for decades.)

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It's always a good question about what Biden actually knows. Maybe not much.

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We're witnessing a preference cascade against the Bidens, great, they deserve it.

What we really need is a preference cascade against ALL the insanity the Left has pushed through media propaganda over the last 20 years:

covid & health bureaucracies, DEI, defund the police nonsense, boys playing in girls sports, climate change lunacy, open borders, drag queen story hours, money printing/MMT, J6 prosecutions, funding Ukraine corruption, pallets of cash to Iran, and maybe the hardest one to accept: Donald Trump was an OK president -- not great, but certainly not Satan, and things will be more than fine if he's elected (far better than they are, now).

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Trump would be a lot better than what we have now, but I still don't think he'll really "drain the swamp." The biggest - or scariest - part of the Swamp is the Science/Medicine Industrial Complex and their alliance with Big Pharma.

Everyone in this Complex is pushing MORE "amazing" mRNA vaccines. Trump is a big supporter of this technology. I doubt he'll clean house in this sector.

The easiest solution would be to remove the civil immunity for producing toxic vaccines. Sick the trial lawyers on Big Pharma. (But the trial lawyers, with a few exceptions, are captured too).

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People need to take responsibility for their health and refuse mRNA products (and all vaccines, really). I’m probably on the far-fringes even in this space but I will not take any pharma product. I’m not feeding that beast with my own health. They want to keep us sick and dependent on them .

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Trump is STILL putting his foot in his mouth over operation warp speed.

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Jul 4·edited Jul 4

It's called a monkey beat. And yes, it is fully deserved. The debacle in the democratic party over a replacement is true entertainment. They're even talking about Michele Obama. They were pushing Gavin Newsome for a while. But the train-wreck of California is so bad its becoming difficult for Grewsome Newsome to live it down for the campaign.

It's still nearly 7 weeks to the convention. Have lots of popcorn on hand over this summer.

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"Oh, what a tangled web we weave/When first we practice to deceive!"

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That's the great advantage our side still has. The "truth" IS easier to defend ... and covering up cascading lies ... gets harder and harder to pull off.

That's why they had to ramp up the massive Censorship Industrial Complex. I never knew that would be such an easy task, but it apparently was.

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How does anybody still buy MSM papers or watch MSM news?

They have been blatantly lying and covering up for years!

"Don't believe the evidence of your own eyes!"

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