Thousands (maybe millions?) of stories exactly like this are being actively censored -- but that doesn't mean they aren't happening......

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We live in a totalitarian state, only unlike the past, the current tyrants wear white coats or expensive suits, and the propagandists are employed by billionaires. The truth will never be admitted by our masters. Two days ago I was told the hospital in East Texas, of all places, that I use to work at, requires new employees to either get the gene therapy or wear a mask all the time…dumb and dumber, or eviler and evil.

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TEXAS???? We just had two separate friends move to Texas with their families from Commifornia (not Dems/Lefties).

Think Texas won’t turn blue (Marxist)???? THINK AGAIN.

It’s not safe anywhere, anymore.

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Sadly you are right. It’s almost as if the world at large itself is under some evil authority....nah, just self serving elitists.

Maybe they are one and the same!

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You are 100% correct Maureen…”evil authority”! At 59, I look around, and realize that the world now, is not the world I grew up in. It’s absolutely bizarre! And very, very frightening to see.

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If someone told me thirty years ago that government agencies would openly go beserk and the MSM would blatantly cover it even though the truth about it was plain to see but millions of people would buy into it anyway, I wouldn’t believe you. Yet here we are.

It’s Opposite Day every day. I’m the bad guy for calling it out. It would be amusing if it didn’t cause stuff like death or plunge so many into abject poverty.

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As Oregonians know all too well, when you import a bunch of non-Oregonians, you end up in a place that no longer resembles Oregon. Californians…..errr…..non-Oregonians come into Oregon and they use their political power guaranteed by our Constitution to alter the political landscape. (Oregon is far from the only example. Colorado and Arizona are feeling the same effects.)

The same exact thing is true of America and importing non-Americans. Sooner or later you end up in a place that no longer resembles America. (One Reason commenter says “Import not-Americans, get not-America”)

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Sounds like logical, rational thought.

The world seems full of really dumb smart people who have degrees and credentials but lack coherent understanding. We used to call it common sense.

It’s all nonsense now. Right is wrong, up is down. Boys are girls.


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My husband is a taxi driver and worked throughout the pandemic. He was going to get vaccinated until many of his customers told him of their side effects day in day out. Still he has stories and this is what changed his mind no matter how much I begged him. Thank the lord they had No appointments when he tried to book.

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The side effects were apparent immediately, yet the CDC still parroted "safe and effective"

These are stats from THE VERY FIRST MONTH:


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I got wrapped up in my own outrage and didn’t even respond to your heartbreaking story. I love the part where you and your wife respond with respect to the situation. I pray for you, your wife and all of us who have unceremoniously lost our right to so many things we (I) thought were a guarantee.

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Millions. I have no first-hand knowledge of anyone that died from Covid, but have five people. I know they have had vaccine problems, including some fairly serious ones.

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I hit “like” but don’t like what you are saying. It’s a sad situation that has left millions of people world wide with compromised immune function and serious damage that doesn’t appear to be transient.

My husband and son both got the Moderna jabs. Within a few weeks after the second shot they both developed pneumonia from a summer cold. They’ve both contracted COVID at least four times. It hit my husband hardest and he continues to get very sick with every minor cold. He’s sick again now. I never got the jab but did get COVID last Christmas. I felt pretty awful but never in a life threatening way. I felt much worse with this other evil RSV infection from the previous month. I hope I have some continuing natural immunity to COVID. From what I’ve read(and I have devoured much info on COVID over the past few years) it would appear that those who get vaxxed have a higher recurring rate of reinfection than those who’ve acquired natural immunity. This has been my personal observation as well. My husband did lose coworkers to COVID though they were vaxxed with other compromising health issues.

The whole ordeal cost many more lives than it most likely would have had government interference not taken place. The damage from the lockdowns and the forced vaccine mandates will not be fully realized for years to come. Just the missed health screening for millions of seniors is resulting in cancers not found until it’s too far gone. The extra weight many gained from reduced activity also has profound health consequences. Obesity is now our most troubling health threat. This trend began before COVID but was certainly exacerbated by it. The craziest thing is that most of it never need have occurred at all. The fact that it did makes so much of the real motivation all the more suspect.

But hey, trust the sCieNce, right?

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This breaks my heart. I completely abandoned my GP because every time I went, they badgered me to get the jab. Now I pay out of pocket, despite having insurance, to go to a functional medicine doctor. I just don't trust the mainstream doctors (or media, or govt) anymore. Sad.

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My GP never pressured me, I had Covid, told her I was immune. She respected my decision. A rarity I'm sure.

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I got lucky. My GP refused to give the jab unless a patient demanded it.

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Jim, I think most often we make our own luck with common sense and good decision making. Good for you.

There are physicians out there who were skeptical or at least rational about not jumping into something tested so little - and respectful of individual decision making. Thank goodness it sounds as if some of us found those docs.

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Yes few and far between but I had at least two doctors tell me not to get it amazingly!

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I find that absolutely amazing too. Impressive! I searched for a new physician who was at least skeptical and ours told my husband and me that she would not tell her patients what to do one way or the other (although she did discuss several “issues” she saw around them) EXCEPT that she was absolutely against anyone of child bearing age getting them. She had done her research.

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My husband doc told his younger patients they didn’t need to get it if they already had Covid.

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Even telling them that is bs in my opinion.

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Well I bet you’re not a doctor with a job on the line.

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Up here in Canadistan our doctors were told too tow the line or else. Gag orders were put in place in the spring of 2021. How do I know that, a doctor told me so.

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My bf and I lost our jobs. I was forced to retire after 23 years, and my bf lost everything after 17 years. Some of our former coworkers were forced to sell their home and move to other states (for their children). Doctors are just like anyone else. Some just have guts, and others don’t. I have to look at myself in the mirror everyday.

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Are you aware of the doctors that have died???? A doctor that will kill himself is not a doctor I would want telling me ANYTHING. It actually is sickening.

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My doc respects mine as well. The nurse asked if I'd been jabbed, I said no, and so the doctor never even mentioned it thereafter.

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I was able to get a medical exemption from mine, due to having had cancer. That saved my job. Forever grateful to him

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My wife was pestered about the vax so much I asked the doctor if he was a Pfizer Rep or a doctor. Silence.

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Uh.....well, they DO pay me bonuses........

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FYI doctors get nothing from drug reps anymore. Highly illegal.

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CAIRVaxGrant Opportunity Exclusively for KidsVaxGrant Awardees

Funded by the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) and administered by Physicians for a Healthy California (PHC), CAIRVaxGrant is offering additional financial support to KidsVaxGrant awardees.

CAIRVaxGrant provides a $10,000 practice support grant to providers willing to commit to entering all historical electronic health record (EHR) immunizations into the California Immunization Registry (CAIR) OR Healthy Futures/RIDE.

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Well you know what I’m talking about…they used to lavish gifts on docs that’s illegal now.

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Unless government is the one doing it?


The NYC Test & Trace Corps announced today that organizations participating in the ‘NYC Vaccine Referral Bonus’ program, an initiative launched two months ago to encourage more New Yorkers to get the COVID-19 vaccine, have now facilitated over 20,000 vaccinations. The City has worked with community-based organizations to encourage their members to get vaccinated, awarding them $100 for each referral that leads to an individual receiving their first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine at a City-run site.

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I just told my doctor, "Nope." I said my father had a debilitating case of Guillain-Barre in 2021. Her response: "Then don't get the J&J; get an mRNA shot instead."

She hasn't bothered me about it since, but as I moved out of state, we only do telemedicine now. And as I understand it, she won't see unjabbed patients in person. Wow.

However, I haven't yet been able to find a good GP, so until I do, she's my doc--her and the local urgent care.

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Wow…U of WA doctors won’t do telehealth appts unless you’re in-state. I had to forego a telehealth appt for speech therapy when I was in CA. Glad you have that option (but hope you’re in a state that values personal/medical freedom!).

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Thanks for the tip! Wish I were closer to Boca (I'm 3+ hours north); I'd go see them in person.

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Your correct trust in the medical profession is gone!

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We also changed from the GP we really liked to a functional practice. Our original doctors were "all Covid all the time" and would see patients OUTSIDE!

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that's just failure of the IQ test

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I’m with you...

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My daughter got her vaccine early in 2021 and ended up with pericarditis - no joke - her internal medicine doctor was straight up about it. All of these reports are going to remain anecdotal because it's not in Pfizer or Moderna's best interest to collect the information. I think that borders on criminal behavior - how does an EUA work for that?

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The drug companies were assured immunity, so they could have cared less. Now that the deception (and criminality) is all coming to light, well...it's back to trusting the feckless, lying uniparty in Congress to "do something." Or the Supreme Court (also compromised). They'll crater--as they always do--because they each got initiated to the Deep State early on [accurately read: "set up by"], so all have blackmail-able pasts now. Politicians' self-interest ALWAYS trumps "what's best for the nation."

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Are you familiar with Whitney Webb? She does excellent journalism and research! Amazing stuff!

“One Nation Under Blackmail”, Vol.1/2

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Yes I am--saw it a few months back. Appreciate the recommend though!

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bought both physical volumes before AmazonDeepState drops it

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I am going to look into her so thanks!

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MJ-- there is no “borders” about it. It IS criminal behavior. It IS unethical. It IS immoral. It IS putting the patients interests last. These are horrible stories and what is most saddening is that the people who should care, who advertise that they care...don’t care.

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Yeah the whole COVID debacle was a big wake-up call. Doctors were frequently heavily pressured

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I subscribe to Unreported Truths and recently JFK Facts. The parallels are more than striking:

— the Warren Commission never solicited information that contradicted their lone gunman theory just like the govt now does not want doctors to report to a passive VAERS. And uses threats. [EDIT: actually the “natural origin theory” is the best analogy to the “lone gun man” theory. Both are debunked but WiKipedia never got the memo.]

— The CIA and media colluded then and the media is still riddled with intelligence operatives to suppress information.

— Literal assassination then character assassination now.

— And most importantly (and this is where I am starting to part ways with Alex somewhat) the people and institutions we are focusing on aren’t really the right ones, even though these entities like Pfizer or the FDA or even Fauci himself have played significantly harmful support roles in the Covid debacle-this was a military operation carried out by military contractors.

I have listened to several RFK interviews, but this one between Brand & Kennedy (because it is on Rumble) clearly puts the puzzle together. https://rumble.com/v2nermq-russell-and-rfk-jr-fauci-cia-secrets-and-running-for-president-128-stay-fre.html

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I am sorry to hear that. I’ve heard otherwise educated and intelligent people just blow the notion that the vaxes are often more hazardous than the disease off as right wing conspiracy theory!!!

The problem with sticking your head in the sand is that it leaves your big behind exposed.

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Those Doctors are cowards

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if each and every doctor who realised what was going on had stood up, the few that did would not be suffering so hard. The jabs would have stopped and so would the deaths and badly injured.

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Eric Metaxas says the same about pastors not speaking up in Nazi Germany; if they had all stood firm, hitler could not have made the advances that he did. 60% were too afraid to oppose him, but almost all lost everything anyway.

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There’s the rub.

Do something and suffer or do nothing and suffer anyway.

This dilemma has been rehearsed repeatedly throughout human history yet we seem unable to learn.

I am hardly in a position to point fingers. My perfection card never got stamped, punched, verified or proven effective...

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I would like Metaxas to interview RFK, jr.

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Mass formation psychosis

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You're correct!

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You misspelled the word; it's "bastards."

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Cowards that just want the $$ from the government!

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One of these days, someone - maybe Joseph Ladapo - will do a study comparing deaths in vaccinated to deaths in unvaccinated, stratified by age. Anyone with access to government records and the will to know the truth could do it easily. And when that's done, the whole house of cards will crumble. At least that's my dream, it keeps me going.

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Keep dreaming. There are far too many people who kneel at a person of authority and don't stop to think there might be an ulterior motive in their pronouncements. But one does need some measure of critical thinking skills to separate the dreck from the dross.

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Oooh, shots fired and on target!

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This is typical Doctor behavior for any vaccine injury. I believe my daughter is vaccine injured after her 3 year shots. After many months of different illnesses, she had signs of hearing loss. The doctors blew me off. Even after her pediatrician had ordered an audiology exam. She had 25% hearing loss (mild range at 3.5 yrs old). We weren’t able to get an appointment with an ENT. Her pediatrician moved, the new pediatrician said she was fine. At 5 years old she was unfortunately diagnosed with single-side deafness on her right, in the profound range (100% loss). The MMR pkg insert has hearing loss listed as an adverse event. When I brought this up to her pediatrician, he said, “We don’t know what caused her hearing loss, but it’s NOT the vaccine!” When we went to a geneticist to test for hearing loss genes, I asked if she should continue to be vaccinated because she has a suspected genetic mutation in the MTHFR genes. The geneticist said, “nearly 50% of the population has an MTHFR mutation. Everyone should be vaccinated.” I had learned that depending on the mutation, some people have a difficult time detoxing the ingredients in the vaccines. People with it should also avoid artificial folate (folic acid). I had my daughters hair tested for metals. Hers was high in aluminum and another metal. I forget which ones. Aluminum is an adjuvant in vaccines.

There’s no doubt in my mind that these vaccines are designed to cause harm. They affect our quality of life and shorten our lifespan. I do not trust any doctor, scientist, or media outlet that believes in these snake oil products.

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Welp there is a guy here on Substack, Joe Martino, who wrote an essay years ago about the shockingly scant trials that were done to test the safety of the required battery of vaccines for children. It opened my eyes to look at the subject from a different perspective. After this recent whole COVID debacle I have lost all confidence in most doctors, all drug manufacturers, health care regulation institutions and most media.

What you don’t know CAN hurt you. If you don’t want to know, shame on you for being in denial.

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Thousands of under reported cases here in America.

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Every time I read a sad story like this, my eyes tear up. Then I get MAD!!! The people behind this shit show should be arrested, convicted and thrown in jail. But alas, it will never happen to my satisfaction. I pray that God sorts it out.

To the reader and his wife, I pray for a full recovery.

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The receptionist yelled at her? Wow. She’s a hard core vaccine soldier

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I had the receptionist follow me into the exam room, holding a mask out to me. I said, “No, I will not wear that.” She didn’t know what the hell to do! See what compliance does? It makes lots of sheep. I was doing this two years ago, grocery shopping. It was like the Twilight Zone!

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I had a huge row in reception with both the receptionist and the nurse yelling at me to put a mask on. I stood my ground. Then the doctor heard all the yelling and came out, and couldn't believe what was happening! They just wouldn't stop shouting at me and he couldn't get a word in. Eventually I said are you denying me medical treatment? (which is against the law) and one of them said yes, so I left, lawyered up and now have a slowly moving court case happening, which I will win but still...Jeez! The doctor actually called me to apologize and luckily was able to help me over the phone, but it was a pretty upsetting experience tbh. These people are seriously mentally ill.

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I guess the dental receptionist never paused to consider how the dentist was going to work on you while you were wearing your mask huh? 🤣🤣

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They don’t think that far in advance 🤪!

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Lola, I went through the same thing at the dentist office! I said the same as you did, “So you’re refusing care unless I wear a mask?” She asked the dentist, and he allowed me to come in. I’m sure it didn’t hurt that I was paying out of pocket, which insurance doesn’t cover (💰). Upsetting is an understatement! There are no words for people to act this barbaric.

Good for you!!!!

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So sad! I went to the doctor in August of 2021 for something totally unrelated to Covid that I still suffer from. The doctor spend the entire appointment trying to convince to take the Covid Vax and never followed up with the original reason I was at the appointment. These bastards need to pay for what they have done.

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Probably because they were offering him incentive bonuses to vaccinate. Awful!

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Continuing to censor these stories and refusing to report them to VAERS is criminal negligence. Period.

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You’d think so. It’s actually considered an ethics violation to challenge the federal agencies and in many states doctors have been threatened with license revocation for noncompliance.


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Why doesn't your subscriber or his wife do their own report to VAERS? The VAERS website says "Anyone can report an adverse event to VAERS. " https://vaers.hhs.gov/reportevent.html

But it s a bit confusing. Down the same page they say


As of August 2022, there are four vaccines available to protect against COVID-19 disease:

Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine (Comirnaty®)

Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine (Spikevax®)

Johnson & Johnson's Janssen COVID-19 Vaccine

Novavax COVID-19 Vaccine, Adjuvanted


Three of these have links (J&J) doesn't. But when you click on the Pfizer or Moderna links you get


Page Not Found

We’re sorry. The page you are looking for is not available for one of the following reasons.

The link to this page may not be correct or is out-of-date.

You have bookmarked a page that has moved.


But on the left-hand side there is a menu. If you click on Report and Adverse Event, it gives you two options, one of which is "Report Online." If you click on that you do get a form to report the event


Sort of cumbersome but if the doctors won't do it, the patients and their loved-ones must. If not they, who?

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Will anyone ever finally say who was behind all this and why? Too coordinated to be random.

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Who was REALLY behind this? Our friends and neighbors who ran screaming and cheering alongside it

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Someone was powerful enough to weaponize a flu virus and shut down the world economy. Friends and neighbors were just dumb sheep.

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Yup. Whole thing seemed fishy. Gotta deep dive to get the truth even though there’s most likely dozens or more people who know it. They’re maybe afraid of being suicided or “robbed” without being robbed like that poor young man who was killed execution style in his car in DC but nothing was taken . Had zero to do with his impending testimony about the Clintons of course.

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read a similar story a while ago. And very little if any doctors aknowledge. Only recently bleedings were recognized as a side effect. It 's just women.... is what I thought.

There are some very good articles from Midwestern Doctor on Substack, but I don't know if they may help the lady.

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I am so terribly sorry for you both!!

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Heartbreaking. And far, far too common. I pay out-of-pocket for a naturopathic doctor now because I don't trust the medical profession. I keep my insurance as my "hit by a bus" policy.

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