It is irrelevant what President Biden has. What IS relevant is the fact that his family AND the staff at the WH have kept this hidden and LIED to the American people. And for what? Power? Money? Prestige? Whatever the reason this is a travesty. It is sad to watch anyone go through the stages of elderly decline. BUT to lie to the people who put him in office is not defensible. It is a crime.

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Honestly, it's treason. I know AB doesn't want the 25th invoked, but this country is not safe with him in office. As much as it pains me to say this, Kamala needs to govern through the end of his term.

I mean the time elapse has already stretched the bounds. We are sitting ducks. How many seconds in a day can POTUS not be lucid without compromising national security? The answer is NEVER.

Our constitution calls for a unitary executive (something like that). In other words, nobody else has the power vested in them by We The People other than the president to run the executive branch.

He's incompetent to stand trial or run for reelection, ergo he can't run the country.

Sorry the 25th is the right thing to do if we care about the country....and I don't say that lightly...because I abhor everything Kamala stands for. Nonetheless, I am a patriot and would say the same thing if the inverse were true with Trump.

If they replace him at the convention then democracy dies in broad daylight because they will have completely disregarded the primary voters. The Dem's have the opportunity to do right by the country, their voters and probably politically by removing him NOW. And honestly, if Kamala does not seek to remove him from office then she is not following the constitution or discharging her duties....how in the hell could she justify any further delay?!

Again it is treason to allow him to stay in office.

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The thing is Ryan...he makes ZERO decisions so on the surface it looks pathetic and unsafe, but we all know it's his puppeteers in control of it ALL

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yeah, i know, but I have to hit on 16 or i'd be a phony

the truth is my heart weeps for this nation...we are wayward.

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That’s so true! He’s been a puppet since day 1, so as far as “running the country,” nothing would change. But I cringe & want to cry at the thought of generations to come seeing Kamala Harris on the classroom posters of US Presidents in their classrooms…or is that something that’s been outlawed since Pres Trump took office (as my Grandson said, “The Bad Guy.” We had to have a little talk after that).

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The Grandson is fortunate to have you!

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If he and his family had a shred of decency he would resign and spare us the spectacle of invoking the 25th Amendment.

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i know, right?!

it's so disgusting. really hard to be patriotic these days....

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Or at minimum, admit he won't be able to fulfill the 4 year term (if elected) but he will oversee the orderly transfer of power to his VP (who will almost certainly be Kamala Harris).

Try honesty.

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Jul 6Edited

Kamala was chosen specifically because having her in 1st position of succession would be an unpalatable choice were it necessary to invoke the 25th.

I watched videos of his departure from AF1 in Madison WI yesterday but saw nothing further of the volume of attendance of his supporters at whatever campaign event brought him there.

On the ramp he looked vastly better than what I saw of him during the debate! He managed to get down the entire flight of stairs without stumbling... so maybe he had a 'bad' night last week? After several days of 'coaching' to prepare?

What's he like when awakened at 2 AM by a hotline call? Or are those allowed to disturb his 'off-time" between 4 PM and 10 AM when he's not discharging his duty as the head of the Executive Branch?

Being President means being President 24/7/365 for the entire term of office, not just 6 hours a day @ 35% cognitive functionality... if that.

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6 hours a day for only FOUR days a week—at best! #PartTimePresident

We should cut his pay in half—retroactively.

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There wasn’t much to share in terms of attendance except they could barely fill the junior high gym where the “rally” was held. I guess they only had so much money to pay the attendees.

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I always wonder whether attendance is small because no one cares to go see him, or whether it is deliberately KEPT small because the fewer people that see him the better.

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Since the campaign selected this location, my guess is the latter—plus, they know he can’t fill larger venues.

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And that doesn't even take into account the amount of time he's spent on vacation...

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If is is Parkinson’s, the timing of his L Dopa meds makes a big difference in his functioning.

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I have said treason so many times today!

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What else should we call it?...:]

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Sure seems like someone has read the constitution. A man after my own heart! I agree wholeheartedly with every word you said. Wanna start a podcast on the document? I’ve been toying with the idea myself as it’s not something that just Harvard educated silver spoon dumbasses need to tell us all what it says. It wasn’t written for educated people to understand. It’s plain and simple and any ambiguities argued are only for lawyers to interpret to bend for their clients. It’s black and white. If the 25th A isn’t invoked it just shows who is trying to destroy democracy.

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I'm on on whatever will help end this nightmare and educate people.

The fact is, is if actual history was taught we might have been able to avoid the worst of the last 8 years.

There is no better cautionary tale than history.

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You’re writing from the perspective of a patriot. There are none of those in the White House or Dem party. I think that’s been proven over the past three years at least. Sad for our once great country

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They already skipped the Democratic ‘primaries’, did you see anyone debating or any Democratic primary vote?

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No other Democrat was allowed to challenge Biden. Seems like Dems should have been just a little bit mad about that.

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That's right. They did it in both 16' and 20'.

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This is why he campaigned from the basement in 2020. I remember seeing him back then and thinking to myself, Jill is committing elder abuse, he can't be President.

And I believe yes, it is all for power and money. It's all these people care about. It certainly isn't us or the country.

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Exactly I am stunned that everybody is so stunned! We’ve been seeing this for three + years!

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I'm actually stunned that everyone pretending to be stunned thinks we will believe they are stunned!

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The redundancy is truly deafening isn't IT!

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In spite of the shenannigans in the election, a hell of a lot of people voted for the turnip. The media were either stupid or mendacious with their inadequate coverage, and the Biden voters were willfully oblivious to his medical condition.

The astounding thing is that anybody watching the debate or the interview is the least bit surprised.

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To steal a line from Stephen K Bannon,

"Elections have consequences and stolen elections have catastrophic consequences."

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Well, I saw a clip of that idiot Joy Reid saying she would vote for Biden even if he were comatose, just to keep Trump out of the White House.

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Because they want to reserve the “right” to end more than a million human lives in the womb each year. That’s a new high following the end of Roe v Wade. It’s almost like they’re getting more abortions intentionally.

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PROPHESY? “One day, democrats will restrict your freedoms, restrict your history, and restrict your safety. All in the name of professional victims that don’t understand the consequences of their ignorance. Ronald Reagan, 1987.

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damn. so good. thx for posting that

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Holy Smokes…couldn’t have been more prophetic! Professional Victims…let me count the ways!!!!

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Sadly, this appears to be a hoax—if you’re willing to believe fakenews Gannett, that is.


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Thank you for that. I will double check... with other sources... (USA Today's reputation as 'FACT CHECKER is, at best, dubious; generally bias against anything-Conservative.)

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Yes, hence my Gannett disclaimer 👍🏼

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Jul 6Edited

Power. Someone recently state that if one person is elected to an office and another group of people are running the government, this would be the definition of a coup d'etat, in this case bloodless; unless you count all the people who died related to poor covid therapies offered by the CDC or in the Ukraine.

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"...all the people who died related to poor covid therapies offered by the CDC or in the Ukraine."

If I'd authored your post I would have added Israel as well.

10/7 wouldn't have happened had a Republican President been in charge.

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A whole lotta bad wouldn’t have happened….and wouldn’t still be happening.

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And the 13 military heroes at Abbey Gate.

And the 3 additional Gold Star families created in January when an enemy drone hit a military base in Jordan.

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Jul 7Edited

So we have established this was not a "bloodless" coup. There has been a tremendous cost and no accountability.

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Correct! It does not matter what he has. He can't do the job and should be removed immediately. Looks like he won't go down without a fight.

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Sometimes he refers to himself and vice president, so perhaps it wouldn't be so hard to convince him that a new President is needed for him.

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memo to self: person who says we beat Medicare should not have most powerful job in world

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Having said that, they only kept it a secret from the people who could not give a flying you know what. The rest of us, who can think for ourselves and do not watch MSM, have known about this since before the 2020 election. The US has become the joke of the world since we allowed the democrats to cheat and put a demented patient into the oval office.

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My Father died of Dementia with Lewy Bodies (LBD)in 2014. He was a genius and also a very caring personality. The most loving man I have ever known. We kept him at home. He was angry and delusional and would accuse my Mother of horrible things. We sent him to Emory for testing. He spent 5 hours. Failed all of the cognitive tests. I came home from AZ to help. I got the report which was 12 pages long. The “diagnosis” was Marital Issues. We set an appointment with a Counselor and my Mom asked me to attend. The Psychologist asked me why I was there. I have never felt so absolutely stupid and angry all at the same time. He had Parkinson-type symptoms with the “mask”, the stiff gate, the shaking hands, the slurred speech etc. The psychologist said wait a minute and went and found a card of a psychologist specializing in the Elderly. We saw her the next day. She met with my Mother and I and then My Dad. Both read the report from Emory. Both were flabbergasted. A few days later my Mother myself and my sisters went alone to her office. She told us the Diagnosis of LBD. No one had heard of it. She told us the life span was much shorter than Alzheimer’s in an otherwise healthy man. 7 years from the onset of symptoms. We met with a Neurologist and he would basically monitor the progression of the disease. This was in 2011. He died in their home in 2014. I lived with him and my Mother. we added hospice and a caretaker part time. Looking back the symptoms started in 2008.

Every time I see Biden I see my Dads illness. I am not a Dr. but from his behavior in the basement to his mishaps and “gaffs” and Parkinsonism display I am horrified. Now, thankfully LBD is known by Physicians and certainly any neurologist worth his salt.

If I am right, he is in late stage LBD. If they are pumping him full of God-Knows-What he has even less time. I think Biden was a criminal before this illness. I still think NO ONE deserves this treatment.

The people in charge of this treason need to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. I pray that we can come back from this but my fear is that even Trump can’t battle a Congress, Senate, CIA/FBI and Judicial System that is in on the plan.

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World leaders have also seemingly covered for Joe Biden during photo ops...

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This is all to keep the Democrats and those in charge IN POWER. They are desperate to not lose their power again.

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I‘m not a neurologist, but this has been on my mind ever since Alex‘s article a few days back: Parkinsons is one thing, but the other list of possibilities is stomach churning.

He cannot be running the country - he simply doesn‘t have the ability to do so - and many folks, including myself, have pointed that out ever since 2020.

So who the hell is? And no one in the media seems interested in touching that question.

And something I mentioned in a previous commment: who is visiting him on the Biden compound in Delaware? Why is he there so frequently? Unlike the White House or Camp David, it‘s far more secretive and official records aren‘t kept. But I‘m certain if we knew what is going on during his many trips to Delaware, we may have an better idea about who is running the show.

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He never did run this country. That was a cabal of Obama and others. Despicable people who need to be held accountable.

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Every. Single. Person. Involved must be taken to task

Everyone from the puppet masters themselves to the propagandists who have hidden this for years.

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The biggest lie ever told was that Biden is running the country. People won't vote for Trump because the media tells them Trump lies. Yet these same people will vote for Biden again after watching the debate with Trump.

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maybe Alex could get a log of the visitors to the Delaware residence...

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There‘s no official log kept.

It is private property. Much like Mar-a-Lago.

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Lewy body dementia. Seen it before and it is tragic and quickly becomes very severe.

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The Transnational Deep State is running the show according to multiple websites. Payseur family seems to be be at the top of TDS.

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hmmmmm. I wonder if China cares what's causing it, when even a hillbilly like me can see with my own eyes?

It's all been a conspiracy for four friggin' years. Where are the watchdog groups? Why wasn't the 25th amendment invoked? Where are the whistle blowers?

When's the DOJ going to release those Biden audio tapes?

Never because it would reveal a clown has moved into the palace and has turned it into a circus.

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The Chinese know and they've known for a long time. Xi met Biden early on, he saw, he knew. Putin knows too.

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Agree. It's all so obvious

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Democrats get cover from fellow Democrats, the media and Hollywood. Republicans unfortunately will attack other Republicans. Prime example, President Trump. Republicans get shredded by the media with lies. Hollywood loves Democrats. They host fundraisers, they donate and they campaign with them. They covered for Biden also. I know they're not the brightest bunch but are they so stupid they didn't realize something was wrong with Joe?

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Power lust is more powerful than a thousand suns.

Methinks they never intended to keep him in office if he got reelected. They just thought he was their best chance.

And in their hubris they thought they could guess how long before it was obvious to everyone that Biden was out to pasture...because they thought they were going to win.

Hell, at this point it wouldn't surprise me to find out Jill brokered that deal. And now she's the odd man out because she "oversold" the "deal".

They'll eventually bring out the long knives and then throw her under the bus.

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They were sure 91 indictments against Trump would be enough to get him out of the race. Once he was gone, they assumed Biden would easily win. They thought they could keep the dementia hidden longer. The debate was Biden's undoing. His condition was painfully obvious to most. The Democrats knew that he would not be able to win so they started this campaign to get rid of him. What they didn't realize is that even with dementia, Joe's not going to let go.

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As the doctor points out, there could be other explanations for these symptoms. My husband had nearly identical ones. Caused by congestive heart failure. Even the periodic brain fog, caused by mini strokes as the condition progressed. He died this spring, after a similar decline in physical and mental functioning over a couple of years. But the important thing is not necessarily the cause, but the symptoms, which regardless of cause render him incapable of fulfilling his duties as president. Which is obvious to all of us.

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I‘m so, so sorry for your loss

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Sorry for your loss. My father had dementia for 4 years before he passed in 1997. When I watched Biden I noticed some similarities to my father's condition.

The loss of words in the middle of a sentence.

Quickness to anger without cause.

The blank stare.

The stiff gate.

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I know. It's so hard to experience first hand. But... this guy cannot do the job of being our President (anymore than our loved ones could have).

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Sorry for your loss.🙏

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The other big question is who are the puppeteers and wirepullers who have been making decisions for Joe when he is sundowning? America needs the names, and is entitled to have a list of those who have been "guiding" our country while Joe is incapacitated,

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I have an inside source tell me it's Chuck Schumer and his staff pulling the strings. From what I heard, it was going to be Pelosi, but she asked chuck to run him for a bit, and he liked it and has done it ever since. This is why Biden's speeches have been so hateful.

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Schumer is the guy who told two Supreme Court justices “you won’t know what hit you.” So it all fits together.

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Agreed- once I heard this, things made much more sense!

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A collective of globalists and oligarchs

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Start with Dr. Jilly and her pit bull “office husband” Anthony Bernal.

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Valerie Jarrett and Obama

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What about the possibility that his condition has been accelerated by the Covid Vaccines?

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I think in a lot of cases, the injectable Covid products do not cause a problem but exacerbate existing problems and hurry them along. I have no expertise in this field, it’s just my thought after seeing what some people in my life have experienced in the last three years.

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If you research Dr Peter McCullough he has quite a bit of information on what the injections are known to cause and exacerbate

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Yup. Turbo cancer is EVERYWHERE now.

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Covid vaccine side effects. How many did he get? 5, 6, 7? If this was not so serious, I would feel sorry for him.

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yeah, he's definitely "up to mutate"...

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I had already guessed Lewy Body. Lewy Body is the second most common type of dementia, and it also includes Parkinson symptoms, swollen ankles, shuffling feet, loss of balance, and diminished affect. Although the lifespan is severely shortened you can live with it for quite a few years.

My brother who will be 72 this month was diagnosed with Lewy Body 3 years ago, although probably has had it much longer. He could bike until this spring (was an avid cyclist) and still boxes (great for Parkinson’s part of his disease). It is believed it is possibly caused by a head injury earlier in life.

I just had a fairly long conversation with my brother and he was fairly clear during our lengthy chat. But he has bad days, and sundowning is common. There are medications that lessen symptoms but unfortunately eventually they become less effective.

Currently, my brother is not the same man that he used be……super host of amazing parties and very engaging. His affect has changed. Watching Biden, I see many of the same symptoms, although cognitively Biden appears further along in progression. He is also older which could mean he has less reserves. Every individual does not have the exact same symptoms, but Lewy Body is a very possible diagnosis for the cluster of symptoms we have observed for years, and their frequency and severity are advancing rapidly

The most important thing as so many have expressed is that he is not in any way shape or form able to perform the duties of his office. Anyone who says different is delusional. Or lying. God help us all.

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You’re a blessing to your brother ❤️

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So sorry that you and your brother are dealing with this - lost two wonderful friends to this affliction.

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Sorry - sent to wrong person!

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Oops - this should have gone to Deb O:

So sorry that you and your brother are dealing with this- I lost two wonderful friends to this affliction.

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Totally understood.

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“there is one last possible explanation for his Parkinsonism and that would be a medication side effect. But if that were true, they would tell us what the medicine was by now,”


Unless it was the statin he takes.

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It's possible it came from the oil cancer he got from his mom's windshield? 😂😂

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It would be interesting to hear an honest opinion from Michael J. Fox, who has been dealing with Parkinsons for over 30 years. He has the physical issues, but he doesn't have dementia.

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I’ve known other people with Parkinson’s. Also no dementia. In fact, it seemed one of the crueler aspects was their minds were fully intact as they deteriorated.

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Yeah, they wouldn’t want to throw shade on a Pharma compatriot.

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Psychiatric medications can cause bleeding more so if on blood thinner as well.

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My father had Parkinson's disease. Parkinson's is also the #2 or #3 cause for dementia (Alzheimer's is #1. Stroke is #2 or #3). My entire family knew many years ago that Biden had Parkinson's and back then the beginning stages of dementia. His mind is going to get progressively worse quickly. This is insane that he was elected and doubly insane that he is the candidate again. We are truly a banana republic run by fools (most of whom belong to the democratic party and the media).

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Tripling insane he said just yday in Madison Wisconsin he is not going anywhere. He is simply being "allowed" to stay IN. Hard to find perfect PUPPETS. I mean look at the world and America since this puppet was placed into the WH

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In a laptop email, Hunter Biden made a passing mention of his father's dementia to someone. That was from 2012.

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What disturbs me, or highlights my increasing disturbance, in / with our unbalanced government and media. For whatever reason there came a clarion call for President Trump to take a cognitive test (which, as he says, he passed beautifully - "no one has ever passed a cognitive test as beautifully as I did ." 🤣). Where have the calls for 💩 💩 🧠 to take such an exam before his stellar performance last week? The signs were there but, oh no, 💩 💩 🧠 is as sharp as a tack, olympians have trouble keeping up with him; just last month he beat the reigning PGA champ by 5 and it was only kept quiet so that the PGA rankings wouldn’t suffer.

It’s this communal effort to bias information flow, tilt the three branches of government, etc., that worries me more than having someone with Limburger cheese for brains in the Oval Office.

Shame shame shame

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The PGA rankings… 😂

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"the scandal is that they are hiding this" WTF It's OVERTLY obvious, and has been for friggin years. What type of person does one have to be to NOT notice?

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haha, brilliant minds. i more or less said that at the same time you did!....:)

Cheers Brogan!

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First the medical: He clearly is Parkinsonian. As to the cause, several here have suggested statin toxicity. I remember reading a while back that Joe is taking statins. These drugs are known neurotoxins and can cause dementia, neuropathy, Parkinsonism, and even amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (Lou Gehrig’s disease). BTW, they don’t prevent death and shouldn’t be prescribed, but that’s a separate issue.

Second the political: JB was installed in a coup and is under the control of those who installed him. From oil to Afghanistan to the open border, every decision and policy from his administration harms our country and benefits our enemies.

He should have been impeached a long time ago.

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100% puppet

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Vascular dementia in an old man who had multiple Covid vaccinations. Who would have thought?

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Wouldn’t you like for them to announce that one. Liberal worlds minds would explode

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Thanks Alex and thank you to Dr. Anonymous…I know several people with a Parkinson’s diagnosis and they all present differently. They do all share the frozen look where at times their faces are expressionless. I have always contended that anyone who has had two brain survives for cerebral aneurysms is going to have frayed synapses at some point. All that being said, “we” need to be told the truth. Diagnosis, treatment, on going medication etc…. You cannot separate his symptoms from his ability to do his job in a timely and effective way. And he’s not.

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As a family physician for over 50 years, I completely concur with the above. And the fact that his handlers and family are still trying to deny this is scandalous. His debate performance was not "jet lag", "cold", etc. He needs to step down ASAP or invoke the 25th. Although I'd like to see him stay in and get trounced in November but our country might not make it to November.

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Yeah, ok, but why is he STILL IN OFFICE?!

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i'm tellin' ya, blow torches and pliers are more efficient than pitchforks....just sayin'

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