I just read yesterday that if we do not act now all the ice is going to be gone in the Artic within 10 years!!! I think I heard that in 1997, 2007 and then again in 2017. Wouldn't it be great to get absurdly wealthy from being wrong and horrible at your job?

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Exactly right. GCC is the biggest scam all time.

It is for the elites to control all of the world's energy, thereby giving them the power to dictate whether you can bring life into this world. Seems straightforward and...potentially EVIL. I can't think of a more powerful form of control than to control "power".

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The simple explanation that a warming climate actually causes (and is not the cause of) increases in atmospheric CO2 isn't even considered to be part of the debate. Anyone advocating it is immediately branded a radical, then ostracized and banned from the science clubhouse.

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Even if it were true, why should anyone care?

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Mann’s “ interpretation,” seems like the real issue to most conservatives.

Saying we must cut carbon dioxide by some large number is very risky. If carbon dioxide were cut dramatically, it could lead to starvation, disease, and massive poverty.

It’s understandable Mann’s conclusion would get such a response.

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Glad you seem to have discovered Steyn -- at last...

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I agree. I'm a fan.

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What Steyn does is very different from what Alex does - a commentator, not a reporter - but a vastly well-read and uniquely witty one...

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Great article, Alex, on a vitally important matter. You took a fairly complex subject and outlined it in easy to follow manner.

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An outrage. Mann's chart is in fact fraudulent, and Steyn showed it in the trial. Unfortunately, Steyn represented himself, and so had a fool as a client.

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I disagree Ed, Steyn did a masterful job of representing himself.

Ann McElhinney and Phelim McAleer did a masterful job covering the trial and praised Steyn's court presentations. I wouldn't expect anyone to listen to all the episodes but the last episode made it clear the jury was in the tank for climate change BS.


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The basic problem IMHO is that the venue for the trial was Washington DC. That's like having an Israeli tried in Damascus or Tehran and expecting a fair outcome.

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Yes, figuring out how to change the venue was the legal trick that could have saved him. But he did as well as can be expected in DC. I think we all know there are no fair trials in DC (or any blue city) any more.

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Replying to myself, yeesh, I overused the word masterful. I wanted to sound "air you dite".

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Ask climate alarmist what the actual percentage of CO2 is currently in the atmosphere. I've NEVER known a single one to come anywhere close to getting it correct. Want to know? Is it 30%? Nope. 10%? Nope. 2%? Nope. 0.5%? Nope. The correct answer is . . . 0.04% ! It's a colorless, odorless gas which is critical to plant respiration and growth and actually comprises a minute fraction of Earth's atmosphere. Naturally, Google will direct you to all kinds of journal articles rationalizing how such a minute fraction of the atmosphere might drive climate change.

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Well, I mean, that's not right. Certainly CO2 can have a large effect on temperature, it's just that the effect increases as the log of the amount. Under such conditions, doubling the CO2 might increase average temperatures by about 2 degrees Fahrenheit. The Warmunists can't scare people with that kind of number over a few hundred years or more, so they introduce unphysical positive feedback to their models. A more reasonable approach would recognize that the Earth exhibits homeostasis and so any insult (such as increasing the CO2) exhibits negative feedback so that doubling CO2 might get maybe 1.5 degrees Fahrenheit or less. Given the serious positive effects of increased CO2 on plant growth, any plan to reduce CO2 emissions is by its very nature anti-life.

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I've heard their "more reasonable" approach and don't buy that one, either. Throughout Earth's geological history, the biggest threats to the climate have come from outer space, and (so far) there's not a damn thing we can do about it.

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IF one looks closely the very same people who brought you the great plandemic of 2020 are also behind the great climate hoax agenda. Sure some other names thrown in, and psychopathic entities on each fraud side, but many of the SAME individuals and entities backing BOTH. The globalist agenda is so overtly OBVIOUS to all who pay attention. Fortunately, many more minds are now aware than pre plandemic. This is a spiritual battle at this point far more than anything else.

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The man-made climate change myth, and its attendant alarmism are the holiest of holies with establishment government, media and academia. Scientists questioning it are routinely censored, silenced, ostracized, banned and fired from teaching jobs. No surprise that they will upend decades of sensible legal precedent to protect it from criticism.

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The Climate Change Chicken Littles get the Nobel Prize for Lying and Scientific Fraud.

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Michael Mann is the avatar of the Culture of Irresponsibility infecting our institutions of higher education. Just as Freedom without Responsibility becomes License, so academic freedom without responsibility (or accountability) becomes ... licentious. Mann is a petulant child who whines (and sues) when others expose him, but apparently is unwilling to honestly engage in the marketplace of ideas. Other than that, he's just a wonderful human being!

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Great interview with Judith Curry exposing level of fraudulent climate studies coming out of the once great halls of PSU—specifically the hockey stick graph. (Jump to 16:00 to get to the graph)


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Ooh good link!

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They get into the graph fraud at about 16:00.

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Yeah watching now. Good stuff man

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Share the love, brother!

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For those interested in learning more about how Sandusky was railroaded by a corrupt system, please check out John Zieglar's work: https://www.framingpaterno.com/

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And any increase in co2, would probably be matched with an increase in plankton, which would clear a lot of the co2 away to maintain homeostasis.

Another problem with global warming being caused by humans, is that the data used is actually subjective in the sense that it’s not actual temperature data, which has only existed in any adequate way for the last 100 years, if that.

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When it comes to January 2020 viral pneumonia what everyone knows as COVID-19 a respiratory disease critical care. No one knew better than you Alex Berenson. This was why when Fauci's legacy media most doctors on and off TV had no clue nor did they know anyone who worked or worked with these types of patients. Chris Cuomo lied on television cable news about having COVID-19 and got paid big bucks for it. Most of those doctors everyone sees on cable news have never seen nor treated nor do they have the skills or years of training. I want to say this to all fellowship students who are in a hospital setting I see you and others like Alex Berenson do as well. Drop your mask I don't care if you have a wife who is a doctor as well. Fellowship students, you are a future role model you don't see me as one of the very few from day one at Harvard University who never wears a mask. In Massachusetts, if you are over 65 it seems they want you to update your mRNA SHOT. Our White House is desperate still targeting our elderly people. This group would be happy with a warm blanket and a bowl of chicken 🐔 soup and most would be still here with loved ones. Some lie so much they have convinced themselves it's true.

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what did Mann do with the data that is considered fraudulent?

What was the “trick” that Mann had supposedly used to “hide the decline.”

Decline of what? Temperatures global averages?

Please understand, I'm not defending Mann, I just didn't get that from this article. Maybe it has been discussed before or maybe I just didn't see it. But I would be interested to know.

I am personally very skeptical of modern day climate science, especially any recommended courses of action.

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Basically he bonded two sets of data together – badly. Tree ring "proxy" data, and modern temperature data. Used different bases, and a mathematically suspect method of joining them.

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As I understand "hide the decline" it refers to the hockey stick graph using tree rings and Ice cores to measure temperature up until 1960. In 1960 the hockey stick uses thermometer temperature data because the tree rings showed a decline in temperature while thermometers showed an increase.

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Watch this great interview with Judith Curry exposing level of fraudulent climate studies coming out of the once great halls of PSU—specifically the hockey stick graph. (Jump to 16:00 to get to the graph)


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Take Note: First, the truth is an absolute defense against any libel suit (libel is defamation that’s written, while slander is spoken). If our facts were right, we couldn’t be sued. Not one word has ever been debunked, nearly 100% confirmed. The Opinion and Parody came as a "Bonus" @ NurembergTrials.net

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ok - you did well last time but the fantasy island joke was......well, pretty awful.

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