Global elites haven’t won hearts & minds of the majority. Totalitarianism ensues.

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For the left & the elites it all in the name of saving Democracy! It's getting old and boring at this point. How about Musk being nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize for his defense of freedom of speech? Love to hear your thoughts on that Alex.

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This puts a new light on those who have been programmed to tow the narrative line, with "programmed" taking on a deeper and fuller meaning. They seem more and more like Manchurian candidates who can be called out of their passive and thought-free existence with a single word (often "Trump") and then sputter and rage until momentarily spent. The elites have put a lot of time and effort into cultivating their "army", but now they're seeing we don't really care what people think of us, not even if it means losing friends and family. Freedom and truth are more important to us.

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The elites are getting terrified of a public that has now had their eyes opened and is saying “no”. No more vaccines, no more lockdowns, no more intimidation, no more illegal immigration, no more high gas prices, no more…well, the list goes on. The anti globalist movement is gaining momentum and more followers. And the tactics employed by the government, MSM and 3 letter agencies are reaching a crescendo that only further shows their lack of concern for the public but only a concern for their gain in power and finances.

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Government, academia and the main stream media have let down the average American family and now have no idea how to connect with them and seemingly have very little interest in trying to understand why the public does not merely, not believe them but actually believes that these institutions are acting in ways that are contrary to the good of the average American family. Are theses elites really that blind to how the average American feels about inflation, crime and illegal immigration or the destruction of the family or the destruction/loss of childhood learning due to Covid lockdown? Are elites evil or simply pathologically clueless to how everyday American feel about their country.

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The final line about Substack rang true (as a fellow Substacker). Since Substack is still a private company and hasn't (yet) been gobbled up by Meta and Zucked (or worse), we have no idea how many 'stacks have been dropped or restricted...nor do we know their algorithms for subjects and comments.

The company's founders have made very brave statements about free speech--but the real crunch will come when the defamation lawsuits start to fly...or when Trump is elected and the national security state creates a false-flag that will make Jan 6 look like a teaparty and "democracy is saved."

And lots more people will go to jail. Or "disappear."

There was a time when the above sentence would have been far, far beyond the Overton Window...not so much in 2024. I know it; you know it, too.

For those on Substack writing non-controversial stuff...fine. But for those of us in active opposition to the "elites" (a gross misnomer), this is the gremlin sitting on our shoulder as we type words that might...worse-case...get us deplatformed, investigated, indicted, tried by the Judge Engorons out there.

Republics are, historically, very fragile political institutions. Ours is old, tired, decadent, corrupt.

It will not end well. And yet--write we must.

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I would highly, highly encourage everybody to watch this recent Tucker Carlson interview with Mike Benz about how the U.S. Deep State/Industrialized Military Complex has been in mass censorship mode against our people since 2016 and it's getting worse. I don't usually post links, but this will be one of the most important 1-hour interviews you will watch in your lifetime.


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Alex, Kudos to choosing this direction for your research! I hope that one of the places it takes you is the suppression of Ivermectin, so you will finally understand the real reasons it was attacked (which is NOT because it's either unsafe or ineffective).

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May God protect you and bless you for your

willingness to stand, taking the slings and arrows.

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Feb 21·edited Feb 21

As far as substack is concerned, I’m pretty sure every single one of its subscribers is extremely sensitive to any form of censorship on the platform. It simply won’t be tolerated. Try it once, and I am GONE. And I suspect I speak for most everyone here.

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I naively thought the news was worth something and felt so betrayed after Covid. I was shocked that no one in the media was asking about lockdown harms, demanding vax studies, pushing back on vax mandates. I wrote two letters to the editor of our local paper (they did get published!) decrying the media's lack of responsible reporting. One woman from the former Czechoslovakia found my phone number, called me up and thanked me for being so brave. Pushing back publicly on radical restrictions was now considered an act of bravery similar to dissident behaviour behind the Iron Curtain. I was suspended from Twitter for 9 months (likely for asking inconvenient questions about the vaccine) and then reinstated post Elon. I discovered that most people aren't willing to speak up. They are totally oblivious to the power and responsibility inherent in the right to speak freely.

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I will give you an example My Governor Hitler Healy wants everyone to think that the LGBTQP community is real. I can think that but in reality, it is not. Pharmaceutical companies have been paying legacy media for advertising revenue and their silence on the truth. Our president should fix this so that they have to work for us as a reader and the legacy media is supposed to be for us the people. We need a shift in truth-telling to protect the people's customers of these big companies. America is so divided prices for everyone are out of control and things are far worse today than when Uncle Joe became president. I believe that we may go into civil war here in America regardless of who our next president might be things are horrible here in Massachusetts our governor is paying with taxpayer's money $2000.00 per person for 31 days just to cater for 3 meals a day plus 5-star hotels they are living in and American citizens drug addicted homeless people are in the gutter of every street in Massachusetts. I am not making this up or just thinking about it either. My eyes don't play tricks and my name is not Uncle Joe Robinhood Biden

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As a Republican still neutral on the GOP nomination for President (I vote March 5th), I strongly advise that people remember something journalist Salena Zito (Washington Examiner, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, etc.) observed about Trump supporters in 2016. They take him seriously, but not literally. That's outstanding advice. That's why I never hyperventilate over his "outside the Overton window" statements. It's wise to actually figure out what he's saying in such instances (with NATO, pay your fair share. Looking at you, Canada).

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Free speech is a luxury an empire in decline cannot afford, since protecting the privilege of its ruling class when it can no longer afford enough bread and circuses to keep the proletariat (the word does originate that far back) from discovering that they can either walk away from the ruling class, or decapitate it. Of course, the decline, of America as much as Rome, is ineluctable, but the reaction of the ruling class often seems t make it much steeper and more destructive than it would need to be, if they were able and willing to moderate, in some degree, their class selfishness and arrogance. But I guess that's human nature.

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'...Roosevelt listed the “Four Freedoms” vital to life - and offered “freedom of speech” as the first freedom, even before “freedom of fear.”'

Alex, a quick correction: FDR said "freedom FROM fear," not "freedom of fear." Although that last one would be an interesting concept in and of itself. Presumably, we all remain free to fear whatever we view as scary. The problem, of course, comes when some people try to impose their fears (like Covid) on everybody else.

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Thanks Alex, another great read from you. Appreciate you using your analytical skills plus articulate communication skills to provide so much insight. Your truth telling is a huge challenge and literal sacrifice in this totalitarian climate, but without brave folks like you, we are all screwed. THANK YOU!!

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