Let me just say this, as an ex full time journo, including years with The Boston Globe in Boston and in Brazil with Larry Rohter, the last big foreign corrie star for the NYT...the NYT is a garbage paper full of garbage people at the top. Be glad you are gone from that toxic cesspool and the propaganda it pumps out on both foreign policy and domestic in service to what some have referred to as "the blob" or "The Cathedral" or "The Regime." They deserve our scorn. Our world will be better when the NYT building is no longer full of useless journalist sycophants, but full of migrants living on NYC tax payers instead. Cant think of a more fair, deserving outcome for that news organization.

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Amazing that people believe the experimental "vaccine" to work yet are scared of getting infected. They are wearing masks alone in cars, fearful of any human contact.

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Today our local paper had a USA Today article titled, "Disrust in vaccines may be the horrific legacy of COVID-19" which went on to blame "anti-vaxxers" for the fact that no one wants to get covid boosters and a lot of people are now mistrustful of childhood vaccine advice. The article failed to mention the fact that public health and the pharma industry flat-out lied about the safety and efficacy of the covid "vaccines" and the government tried incredibly hard to force them on everyone through employment mandates and other means of coercion. That's why people are vaccine hesitant, not because of RFK Jr.

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I agree with everything in this article except for the key piece that the Times is missing. No, it won't solve the problem for the CDC to admit that the vaccines didn't work. CDC refusal to admit reality is just a symptom, not the actual problem. The problem is that government felt that it had the right to control the populace by force and intimidation.

And that's what "institutions" are actually all about at this point. Yes, the left only resorts to bans, restrictions and controls. There is zero respect for individual liberty and self determination. But on the right, the McConnell wing of the Republican party is just as invested in bureaucratic control over the populace.

The problem is that the covid experience has woken the public to the fact that the regulatory industry and regulatory impulses of elected bodies and bureaucracies have been allowed their power to expand far beyond what is healthy for any society. And we reject it.

Here's what everybody is now coming to grips with - everybody has had the misfortune of working with a boss who is well educated, maybe even graduated from the best schools in the nation. Despite this, he's nothing but an empty suit - completely incompetent. There is zero reason to believe that the same situation does not manifest itself just as often among the "expert class" who will drive so many restrictions, bans and control of the American people.

The problem will not stop when the CDC admits their incompetence. It will stop when the public demands that all of government - in particular "the experts" - understand that their role is to research and advise, nothing else. The public gets to make their own decisions after weighing this advice. At that point we can start to move forward in a healthy manner.

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Again, you need to focus on the companies that are STILL mandating these shots, like CVS, for their employees. Or the colleges that STILL mandate them for the students. THAT is the real story (crime) here.

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I wrote what I thought was a very balanced reader comment in NYT, saying Japan and Sweden rejected lockdowns yet somehow succeeded. The US approach harmed both society and economy, badly. Comment not printed (and I have a near-100 percent publication rate.) Go figure.

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I'm over 70 and I have never had a flu shot or a Covid "vaccine. Came down with Covid in July 2021 and again in July 2022 but I came out fine.

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The NYT shills for big Pharma because it’s getting paid to do so. I suspect all big MSM platforms, no matter the medium, are kept afloat by Pharma money (and in the NYT case, Deep State/IC government money). Thus, they’ll never be truthful about the genetic therapy injections. They’ll talk around it, and blame everything else, but never the DeathVax. No one, with any common sense or critical thinking skills, trusts anything they write. Their only usefulness is as a barometer for when the tyrant class is trying to change the “narrative” or prepare the battle space for some awful edict or abuse coming our way.

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"So it (NYT) will continue to look around, puzzled, as its credibility erodes alongside the institutions it supposedly covers as a watchdog." Beautiful!

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Question for Alex's readers and for NY Times staffers: How many people have ever gotten the flu after dutifully getting their flu "vaccine?"

Also: How many people ever said this to themselves: "You know, maybe that flu shot does't really work. Maybe it's not effective after all."

Since the NY Times never questioned the efficacy or necessity of the flu shot scam, they of course weren't going to question the efficacy and safety of the Covid vaccine either.

One non-event (with zero skepticism) led to the other tragic event (and zero skepticism).


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There are two sides to this coin.

The first, as you indicate, the vaccines didn't really work as promised and everyone knows this, even if they won't admit it.

But the second, and I believe more relevant fact is, Covid is not and never was nearly as dangerous as it was broadcast to be by the media and governments, and EVERYONE KNOWS THIS TOO. Especially after Omicron (it has recently been revealed that even before Omicron German authorities felt the annual flu was far more deadly, though of course they never said this out loud).

So the relaxed attitude about Covid and rejection of the vaccines is really down to this: we all know it is of little danger, and certainly not worth intrusive or complicated countermeasures. But this, too, is a universal recognition the media will not admit to.

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Did you see that Elon is funding the approximately 100k shortfall of Dr Kaur's, Canadian doctor, fine and committed to funding her appeal! You may want to advertise your fundraising on your X. Dr Jay B interviewed her and raised almost 200K in 10 days. 🥳🥳

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And in a weird turn of events I just got an enthusiastic text message from my pharmacy that basically said "lucky you, the CDC is recommending an(other?) mRNA booster for anyone over 65! Come on in!"

All I could think is you've got to be kidding.....seriously! Are you stupid? (If it wasn't useful to get a text when a script was ready, I would have disconnected immediately.) I've been pissed off for 4 years now.

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Dr Christian’s vaccinated parents came out of isolation to celebrate their 62 nd wedding anniversary, caught Covid, and died quickly almost at the same time( my paraphrase). This couple must have been well into to their 80s to be able to celebrate a 62 anniversary. The jabs( I refuse to call them vaccines, they were brand new gene technologies) were NEVER safe or effective but there needs to be a discussion about death. How beautiful that an in love couple was able to celebrate their 62 anniversary and die practically together at a ripe old age. If the virus had been naturally occurring and not a product of Gain of Function( diabolical research) this would not have even been remarked on.

People die , preferably when old and have lived a good life. This anecdote is not a tragedy.

Never mind all the fuss about the deaths in nursing homes during covid. Most of these facilities are horrible places where old people , many with dementia, go to die if they have no family or their family won’t care for them. What difference does it make if a person in a home dies of pneumococcal pneumonia after aspiration, urinary sepsis ( when the Foley catheter bag isn’t emptied ) or covid pneumonia? Death is death.

Let’s talk about the nursing home industry and the neglect and often abuse that takes place in them , on a daily basis. The nursing homes were more concerned about the epidemic of empty beds that occurs when many inmates die at the same time. Empty beds are not billable.

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If we thought the Covid stuff was bad just wait until the US becomes part of the WHO Pandemic Treaty. The US needs to remove itself completely from the WHO.

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OK - I will send money when you take back what you have said about Ivermectin and write your support Trump 100%. Deal?

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