Yes, but using population-level longitudinal data inherently corrects for that, which is why I like it better than anything except RCTs.

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Good afternoon Mr. Berenson, let’s have a moment of candor, healthcare has been completely hijacked and disrupted eternally by people who have no ability to make clinical treatment interventions, much less diagnoses.

And, people in the healthcare industry have completely acquiesced and shriveled to cowering balls of protoplasm allowing this to get worse every damn day.

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The trust is gone

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For you? Yes. For many others here, also.

However, look at how many folks signed up for this latest development. Their trust hasn't only not left, it's gotten stronger. In spite of all the disconfirming evidence.

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I love "disconfirming". I didn't know it existed but it's perfect!

The situation sucks all the way around but at least I'm learning new words.

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it's like 'disliving'

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Not sure their trust has changed, but I can assure you their intelligence hasn’t. Uninformed is uninformed.

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Their intelligence might have changed......it might have worsened.... the kids have lost 20% of their IQ, perhaps that applies to the adults as well? If so we really are reducing to lemmings running off the cliff..... yipppee! freedom!......splat.

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Gone, and long forgotten.

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That article does not say that he is a fraud. It says he gets some things right and some things wrong.

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Shocker right!!

What next, cant wait for an article to say humans are not perfect

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Ha ha. The report says he’s wrong. But…. Where’s the beef?

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You are correct. I feel like this article sums it all up.


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Brought to you by Obamacare

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I went to a Townhall in regards to Obamacare and they made a comment that our present healthcare system was just so bad because we were still seeing so many cardiac deaths. I’m like OK people have to die of some thing so we’re always going to have some thing that’s going to be our major killer.

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I tried to read it, but as a physician, it was just too painful and disturbing.

And what’s even more disgusting as hell is how healthcare organizations are giving people who aren’t physicians equal rights and responsibilities, like nurses and physicians assistants, I’m even waiting for people who don’t have a medical background to start telling us how to take care of ourselves at hospitals like janitors and secretaries…

In this day and age, maybe staff like that do know more?…

So thanks for the recommendation, I hope people who read it don’t walk away as jaded and cynical as I have become in the last 15+ years.

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"I’m even waiting for people who don’t have a medical background to start telling us how to take care of ourselves..." Oh, you mean like Bill Gates?

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The comment was geared about people working at hospitals, but my point was also people who don’t have a high level of authority and control over peoples’ lives medically at least.

Besides, Gates and his ilk have been doing it for years, now they’re just being brazen about it…

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How about all the medical experts running healthcare insurance? Don’t they make millions of medical decisions daily through coverage or no coverage?

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but, but, but - their Hypocritical Oaths!

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Yep, like I’ve been telling folks, people in positions of authority influence power and control, need to be pervasively and painfully ostracized and marginalized to flee our shores…

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Absolutely without a doubt!! I've watched sadly as our 2 main health care systems in this state, one backed with a billionaire (now senile) banker's money, go full speed corporate (but "we're not a corporation not-for-profit" bullshit dodge). I used to work for one them half a generation ago, my wife retired as a worn out RN a couple years back from the same place. Back when the unvaxed were the constantly mentioned bioweapons last year, I watched the billionaire backed fuckers constantly lie to use using the CDC terminology and metrics. And the bought-and-paid for local media lapped it up!! I hate to become totally cynical about the health care system, but I don't know what can be done besides "burning it all down to the foundation" and starting again with actually righteous and courageous people...? I mean the billionaire backed health care system is the # 1 paycheck writer in this state, and the propped up Sisters system is probably within a number or two of the first place slick bastards. What are we actually to do to change things...???

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We all have to go sooner or later but, unless you want to go sooner, stay away from drug pushers dispensing pharmaceuticals. And ignore drug pushing health bureaucrats and politicians as well. You've really seen them all in action these past two years. How could you ever trust them again. Ever. They have trashed their reputations beyond repair. Best to find other ways to get well and stay well.

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“cowering balls of protoplasm”


Reminds me that my pathologist father used to call me his “little piece of protoplasm.”

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Fair enough. I guess all I am adding is that observational studies are often plumb full of confounders, and hence biases. Those believing that the flu shot protects old people from dying of the flu, then that is the same level of "evidence" that statins prevent car accidents. Or elephants cause peanuts to appear. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19349320/

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Definitely correct..... elephants do cause peanuts to appear.

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I'm a scientist myself (not in the medical field) so I get the concern regarding data integrity. I'm right there and insist on it in my own work and that of my team.

However, the "confounder" crowd miss a simple point, how are those charts possible? If vaccines worked anything like they are claimed to work (they save lives!!), the trend should be *obvious*. So what if the bottom chart tilts a little one way or the other when adjusted for confounders, the correlation will still be terrible. Maybe they do reduce deaths by a few per-cent when the numbers are adjusted, but the number needed to treat (NNT) is still huge and completely at odds with how flu vaccines are marketed. Flu vaccine uptake increased 15-fold from 1980, a few percent change isn't going to cut it.

This seemingly obvious fact is so readily evident that I've concluded those harping about confounders are either obsessed nitpickers or disingenuous. The forest among the trees crowd.

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There's a term for that which I can't recall and many are guilty of it.

We discover an industry has been lying to us, which in this case would be big pharma, government and the media with the covid vaccines effectiveness and then we don't think they are lying to us about the effectiveness of flu vaccines.

Additionally a favourite argument among the anti covid vaccine group is that we are not anti vaxxers because we have no issue with the flu vaccine because it's been around for decades and is safe...

To accept that the flu vaccine is yet another scam is enough to make us spiral even further.

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Are you perhaps thinking of Gell-Mann Amnesia?

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I never accepted it. I’ve never gotten it and refused to get it for my kids.

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I was forced to take it when I was in the Army in the 90s. I've never been more sick than after taking that crap. I haven't had any vaccines in over a quarter century now. And I will continue that streak to my deathbed.

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I think also a lot of 'medical' settings require or strongly encourage employees - who are mostly younger and healthy - to get flu vaccine.

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True. I worked for a hospital and we were required to get annual influenza shots even though we worked in an admin building miles away from patient care. Those who complied got a sticker for their badge (precursor to vax passport) and those who did not were forced to wear masks from October through April. This started in 2015.

I went 30 years, no flu, and then got the flu the year my forced vaccinations started.

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Yep. What you describe is how it’s been for my daughter. Around then they started requiring different colored masks for those who didn’t get a flu shot. Oh and in the past two years...extra benefits for jabbed employees...bonuses, $10,000 lotteries, extra paid time off, on and on. Also the ‘lepers/outcasts’ must still mask while jabbed folks don’t, aren’t permitted to eat in the break room with others, sit in on meetings...on and on.

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Sounds like some are already toiling under certain aspects of the social credit system before it's even been officially implemented. Just getting you all a little bit acclimatised, I suppose.

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I think they are rather subtly trying to kill us. And in some cases, not so subtly.

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After working in the hospital setting for 25 years, I noticed a distinct shift in hospital policy and approach regarding flu vax around that same time. And discouragement toward anyone who wanted an exemption.

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Interestingly, I learned of corona viruses and the specter of a SARS-like pandemic about this time. Our hospital was running hypotheticals on # of ECMO units needed in worst/best case scenarios. I have no doubt that this has been planned for years.

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i worked for govt. agency that said if you didn't get flu vac your sick leave for flu would be limited.

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I used to have a supervisor who told me if I didn’t get the flu shot, I’d ‘get into trouble for missing work from the flu’. Yep, illegal, etc. I just started lying to my employer, saying I’d gotten the flu shot from my doctor. And I’d tell my doctor I got the flu shot at my employer’s flu shot clinic.

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truly sad sort of coercion

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All health care workers

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Yep. My RN daughter has to resubmit her flu shot exemption form every single year. And now she’ll also have to resubmit her religious exemption for the stupid C19 shot every year.

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they can get a flu shot exemption? My daughter is just starting nursing school and has already had reactions to the required covid and flu shots.

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Yes. Advise her to only do the religious (not the medical) exemption. They try to keep this option under wraps, to discourage employees from doing it, as their Medicare funding is based upon %age of employees vaccinated. Maybe your daughter can succeed with the medical exemption due to her reactions, but, these days, I doubt it. The religious exemptions mainly work due to legalities. Good luck! My daughter did succeed in getting her Covid19 religious exemption approved, but she sure has been subjected to a lot of harassment and discrimination because of it. It makes me very angry.

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And to think certainly some cause of this is Federal baseline budgeting - we have X amount to spend on Y (vaccine promotion) and we need to spend it every year - or we lose it for next! Gotta spend! Lord help us all, if the Covid money is now part of the baseline like what happened with the Obama 08 bailouts. Yep the federal budget has been 1 trillion plussed up since the 07 spend with the '08 spend and every year there after with that spend fest CR stunt the house drops on us every year.

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We are filling out the exemptions....It's a game. We enjoy saying...all the Vaxxed are calling in...They are SICK, with the Rona.

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And children too!!

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Another way to say it is that if flu shots were largely effective, flu deaths would be near zero at this point. If COVID shots were anywhere near as effective as advertised, COVID would have been over many months ago & we wouldn't be discussing <5 year olds & second boosters.

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or newborns, if they're not snuffed for saleable baby parts

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Mar 29, 2022
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avarice is all, at the end of empire

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They are not incentivized to conduct real risk/reward analysis. All they want perpetual mandatory subscription revenue.

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…kinda like Catholic indulgences: imaginary risk, fraudulent remedy. Same schtick, just as corrupt and just as profitable.

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Ok. When I turned 62 (6 years ago) I started to get a flu shot. After the SHITSHOW of 20/21 I absolutely refuse to get any flu or covid shot. Done like a dinner……

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Got it one time so I didn't have to wear a mask at the hospital for my clinicals. Absolutely got the flu a couple days later, but ya know... The flu shot doesn't cause the flu.

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Forced (ordered by the XO, one of only two holdouts in the command) to get the flu shot while on active duty in the navy back in the late 60s. Sick as a dog; in bed for a week. I'm a quick learner: never again!

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Like all vaccines, they are a combination of chemicals, preservatives, foreign genetic material from cows, monkeys,chickens. It's a toxic soup. A vaccine is a poisoning and the result is your body trying to expel the poison via fever, mucus, coughing, inflammation...in other words, the flu. That is the flu. A reaction to toxins, stress, nutritional deficiency.

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Read the cited article. I can make it worse.

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Me too... haha, just a coincidence that we got sick right after shot!

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I am finished with all vaccines... i am finally awake

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Go read “Virus Mania” and check out “Dr Tom Cowan” on bitchute.

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Read Dissolving Illusions by Dr. Humphries. You will learn how we've been conned for centuries on this topic.

Oh, and read how vaccines are killing more children than they are helping in certain high disease pressure areas and when administered in the wrong order in this TED talk:

How vaccines train the immune system in ways no one expected | Christine Stabell Benn | TEDxAarhus


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The reason we have no large, randomized trials comparing flu outcomes in vaxxed vs. unvaxxed elderly is the same reason we have no large studies looking at autism rates in fully vaxxed vs. unvaxxed children. No rocket science degree is needed to figure this one out.

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Yep. And the trials would all be bogus anyway, I suppose.

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The populations aren’t even roughly comparable in size. Unless you compare across borders (continents, really), which makes it nearly impossible to control for anything.

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The wisest comment to understand these issues - “follow the money.”

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i find it's better to opt for less medical intervention. obviously emergency surgery is an exception but for the most part, stay away. for me that means: no annual check ups, no mammograms, no routine screenings or vaccinations. as long as i feel good, i don't go looking for trouble. it means going to an integrative or functional doctor who doesn't take insurance and functions outside of the system. it means turning down the "free" annual home visit from a nurse that my insurance company provides.

the medical industrial complex has many jobs and it needs you to be continually sick to keep all those jobs going. as a nation, we would all be way better off without a fauci, a collins and a walensky, with an FDA that is supported by the tax payers and not by pharma, and with a much smaller (if any) CDC

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Amen. I order my own labs now in intervals to check on easy stuff like cbc iron d3 cholesterol etc. the only thing for women that makes sense to me is a Pap smear every 3 years or so. One can avoid normal offices and use a functional medicine doc or home with midwife…. I would never get a mammogram. Another terrible scam that drives fear into women and is a money racket.

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i forgot about PAP smears! while i agree that they are good (not a damaging intervention) i have only had maybe 3 of them in my life (almost 69). i used to see a GYN only before i bought a house. i figured i didn't want to sign a 30 year mortgage if i was going to die of breast cancer so i'd go in for a feel. the GYN always panicked, gave me a lecture about the importance of early detection, told me that one in 10, 9, 7 women would get breast cancer (i told her that her stats were going in the wrong direction) and wrote me a script for a mammogram which i told her i would never get.

i had a small lump in my left breast that she would freak out over but it came and went with my cycles so i knew it wasn't a problem. it went away ,for good and forever when i used a little natural progesterone cream and she remarked "well, i guess it wasn't cancer then" to which i replied "aren't i glad i didn't have all those mammograms."

i had many female employees and watched them worry every year when they went in to see if their bodies had turned on them. it seemed to generate a lot of stress which can't be good

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Completely agree w/your thoughts. Was sent for my 1st Mammogram several years ago. Thought they saw something suspicious. Required an Ultrasound.

Only cysts...No worry. It had me in a mental loop that I was completely blindsided by. The only comment was "Don't you feel better knowing that you don't have cancer". My response was, "This wasn't in my world until I took this unnecessary test ." I was angry for years. No more Fishing Expeditions!!!!

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You know this thinking is very prevalent and the medical industry isn’t at all considering the mental harm those false positives cause. I only reached the age for mammograms now (though outside the USA they don’t even do them before 50 and then no annually), and knew I don’t want it. I’ve had my emotional roller coaster from first trimester screening that is just as bad if not worse. It’s false positive rate is appalling and a financial boon to MFMs. Scaring a pregnant woman with flawed tests is to me unethical. If I had known that the tests false positive rate is very high after age 35, and especially so in CA due to their policy of when to collect blood (falsifies results in a nutshell), I wouldn’t have agreed. Instead they told me how fortunate I am my baby was okay after all! And how I got all those extra ultrasounds and fear mongering for late term issues based on an erroneous blood test (it was correlated to 12 weeks, collected at 10 weeks and said protein doubles eveye 2-3 days so it’s way off). I was upset and mad. This is medicine HARMING pregnant mamas and their babies. After that I started to research any and everything they offer. Turns out most of it is unnecessary, or so inaccurate that it’s questionable.

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Ultrasounds don’t emit harmful radiation and are better at picking up anomalies. If I ever feel a suspicious lump I’ll opt for one. But never ever the mammogram.

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The same happened to me around 40. Silly.

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Absolutely correct. Every pap smear I ever had (only 3) came back abnormal. Then it was on to the treadmill of hell with more tests, bullying to get D&C, etc. It's been 30 years since my last pap smear. The stress from the medical treadmill was not for me. Will I die from cancer someday? Probably. But until that day comes I would like to live. Cancer diagnostic tests are medical tyranny just like the clot shots.

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So glad to hear this. I thought I was the only one who didn’t get mammograms. I threw away my doctor’s script too.

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i figured that my great grandmother, my grandmother and for half of her life, my mother didn't have them since they didn't exist and they turned out just fine

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Buy the biggest, grandest, best located home you can afford the down and monthly payment on, when you figure you're not going to be around. much longer. Only thing better than sticking the credit system with a big uncollectable debt is sticking FraudXi with 100 vexxes.

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agree. "type 0 breast cancer" is bullshit. DCIS ductal carcinoma in situ does not need to be treated.

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oh my god! yes, i know a woman who just had a DOUBLE mastectomy for her DCIS type 0 breast "cancer"!!!!! can you imagine? and now she thanks she's a survivor and is so grateful to the mammogram industrial complex for "saving" her life.

then again, she also was grateful to the vaccine industrial complex because her awful case of covid would have been "so much worse" if she hadn't had those "life saving" vaccines!!!

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Just more brainwashing, I guess. Pharma is wrecking our lives and our health.

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Absolutely agree. Yet the annual mammograms spot this, women get mastectomies for this, radiation and years of aromatase inhibitors like tamoxifen and their lovely side effects.

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and another woman i know with DCIS "discovered" by mammogram had radiation to the chest which affected her running times. she can't carry as much oxygen as she did before the radiation but still she's "lucky to be alive" and very grateful.

i also know two women who had clear mammograms but were certain that they had cancer because things "felt wrong" with them. of course their subjective experience was discounted because the mammogram said everything was fine. except that they did actually have cancer.

and yet both were still grateful to the mammograms that had failed to diagnose them early! which is kind of like Bill Clinton saying that what happened in Florida with the Bush/Gore election proves that your vote counts. it actually proves the reverse

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Not even Grade 3, which is the most aggressive and termed 'the young women's cancer' because it can kill so quickly?

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I would hope a woman would be paying attention to her health and body and would therefore be quickly alerted from the signs/signals she was getting from her body. But so many of us are not paying attention.

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And you don't even need a Pap if you have had just one or two otherwise monogamous partners.

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My husband was on tour for decades. I'm taking the Pap smears.

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Yes. Though I learned hpv can show up years later. It is rare but can happen. I was worried as my ex spouse turned out to be not monogamous and thus exposed me to potential harm. I’m trusting my immune system for now but will do the paps 3-5 years until menopause.

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Yes, it can. I'm lucky; my spouse and I have been together forever. As far as I know, neither of us has ever cheated. I still get the Pap every 3 years but the doctor just told me I could probably stop. Still considering it.

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makes sense. I would like to make them stop taking my cholesterol. Useless info. Pap smear necessary of course. Never had a mammogram. Too many women I know with bad outcomes with no cancer.

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Yes I know cholesterol I hyped etc. I like to see my baseline and take it from there. The way I eat the normal doctor would despair I’m sure. I like red meat and eat it. Organic abs antibiotic free. Lots abs lots of free range eggs and tons of veggies. Yet I’m low weight and in good shape. But I’ve learned years ago conventional nutrition advice is absolutely detrimental to our health!

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Cholesterol is a nutrient.

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This. After having a mother who suffered from MS for 25 years (and died at 65) and a sister who suffered for a year with cancer (and died at 34) I’ve seen too much damage done by “well meaning” doctors. Our family now sees a naturopath and avoids mainstream medical unless it’s a true emergency. And even then we push back at whatever advice they give. My dad told me in the beginning “if I Covid, don’t you dare let them put me on a respirator.” Turns out he was right.

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this happened to my best friend. she had a lung disease which i believe was not helped by conventional treatment. then she got an e-mail from her job warning everyone that "someone" who also worked there had a roommate who tested positive for covid which put her in a panic.

she started to feel fluish and had a fever. she wanted a covid test and her doctor could not provide one so she walked 2 blocks to Columbia Presbyterian where she was tested, pronounced positive, put on a ventilator and killed in 2 weeks.

she had oxygen tanks and a pulse oximeter at home. i think she could have made it if she had stayed put but once the hospital got hold of her, she was doomed

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I’m sorry to hear that. We (my dad and I) found that, in both my mom and sister’s cases, with each intervention they would get two more problems to deal with, and then the two solutions lead to some other problems. Suddenly you’re too far down the hole that you can’t find a way out. And when you die, doctors say “we did all we could.” It’s maddening. Sometimes waiting and seeing is the best way to go.

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Damn, that's rough. You are probably right, however.

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Exactly what I do now! Interestingly, now I am inundated with letters, phone calls, texts and emails from prior medical providers, begging me to come in for tests and exams. So they can find something wrong with me, so they can then sell me more tests, drugs, and maybe a surgery here and there. No, thanks. It’s obvious they need to drum up business.

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CDC- corruption disinformation collusion

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amen! 🎶 Sing that out!

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"as long as I feel good, don't go looking for trouble" - YES!!!! Why is this so hard for the m-asses to understand? 53yo woman here, ridiculed for not mammogramming, colonoscopy-ing, no shingles shot, etcetera. (I still feel like a kid, FFS! I do great cartwheels and am trying to learn the handstand!) My advice is to stay away from doctors & hospitals as much as possible!

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Mar 29, 2022Edited
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There's always exceptions. Especially folks with cancers such as these that "run in the family". But why aren't we using more Cologuard (poop test for colon cancers) rather than putting people thru these routine colonoscopies? Colonoscopy prep can change your gut flora, and of course - not for the better.

Vitamin D is your best bet against ALL cancers... https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1470481/

You can make vitamin D for FREE by getting out in the sun, but the doctors told everyone to stay out of the sun and/or to use extreme amounts of sunscreen. Guess what? Conventional sunscreens are cancer causing and hormone disrupting! https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/78-sunscreens-cancer-causing-ingredients/

I guess my point is - like the covid shots - we have these interventions that seem like they should be good, seem like they make sense... and then a few or many years later, we find out it was pretty much all wrong. Think about hormone replacement therapy - many women had that in the 80s, it was horse urine... oooops, that caused cancer! Whoopsie! Cox-2 inhibitors (Vioxx) in the late 90s - heart attacks and strokes, WHOOOPSIE again!!!! (sorry for the sarcasm, it's not directed at you Al, it's directed at my 15 years in pharma.)

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I haven’t seen an official study but I have heard that as the rate of sunscreen use has increased, the rate of skin cancer has also increased.

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So savage with your data. I love it.

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I am 64. I got one flu shot in my life during the fall of 2017. Three weeks after I got the shot I got one of the worst illnesses of my life. I went to the doctor (who had pushed the flu shot). She tested me for "influenza" and said I came out negative (which is what she told me in advance she believed would be the case. I then asked her if there could be any connection to having gotten the flu shot and my experience of a serious virus (no less horrific than a serious flue) just three weeks later. Guess what she told me? She said that there's a possibility my immune system was under stress from the flu shot which made me more vulnerable to contracting a serious illness from a different type of virus.

I replied, "Gee, thanks for telling me that now." I never got another flu shot and never will. Ohhh, and when I asked her in the late spring of 2020 what her treatment options were for COVID she told me that we are to stay at home and rest and increase vitamin C. She then went on the offense about the use of hydroxychloroquine even though I didn't bring it up. She didn't bother to suggest I lose weight (I was 60 lbs overweight at that time).

I fired her on that phone call. One of the best decisions I ever made.

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Thanks for sharing this. I no longer go to ‘regular’ doctors. I mean, why would I? They never helped me at all. Only see my functional medicine MD now.

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You can heal the body using foods. Drugs mainly mask symptoms or make things worse.

But most people are deficient in 1 or more B vitamin and most of the fat soluble vitamins. Starting there usually makes people feel better at the very least.

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(like)(a lot)

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I have never taken a flu shot, but my wife used to have them encouraged for teaching a few years. She had the same experience. Any time she had the shot, she got ill. She dreaded getting them.

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After cooling my heels in the waiting room for more than an hour, I asked the medical receptionist what the problem was. "Our entire staff got the flu shot yesterday," she told me. "More than half of them called in sick today."

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Similar experience. Doc pushed it and it was the only time I got flu. So much more sick than The Cov!! Also know of a man who had it pushed, had a stroke and his wife could not retire because they needed health coverage for his long term care!! Instead of enjoying their years, she is his care giver. No accountability for docs or big pharma!!

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and the long-term drugs he now needs to be on are made by the same ones who made the clot shots

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The increase vitamin c was not a bad thing.

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I worked in medical distribution and I can vouch for the push by McKesson Corp to sell as many flu vaccines as possible. Everyone was required to sell at least 1,200 vials annually. If you didn’t they would threaten to take your ability to sell flu vaccines and have another representative call on your accounts to sell them. McKesson being the same company that fired employees for not getting injected with the gene therapy shots they directly profit from. Corporate healthcare at its finest. Follow the money…never about actually about health.

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Frankly, I no longer care about any of the data. I don’t trust that ANY of it is accurate, anyway. It just doesn’t seem to matter to me any more, as I am never again going to get any injections of any kind. I admit to being sick and tired of graphs, charts, data. I used to review them to help in decision-making. No longer needed; I’ve made my decisions.

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I love that you keep the conversation going. Problem is we can’t expect adults to enter the room. We are dealing with “health officials” who buy their own bobble heads!! We can never forget what they did to our country and, especially, our children!!

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Excellent points, Alex!

They will never do trials to see if the flu shot works, just like they wouldn't do any scientific studies to see what kinds of masks worked best. (None of them.)

It's also why they allowed Pfizer and Moderna to blow up their "Vaccine" trials. They definitely don't want to know if they are "safe and effective."

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i have two friends who volunteered for the moderna trial. they really believe in the potential for cancer, etc and wanted to help it along. the study was unblinded after only two months and the wife (placebo arm) was given her vaccines. the husband (treatment arm) was so worried about covid that he went out and got himself the two shot pfizer series and was eagerly awaiting a booster until i talked him out of it. people are nuts

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If you were in the same room, you could probably smell the FEAR on them. It's made many people completely irrational.

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Ehh of course it's about money. Also the overwhelming majority of journalists the last thirty years are liberals. They aren't going to go against the status quo. They don't even have the balls to say Lia Thomas has an unfair advantage over other female swimmers. You think they would go against big pharma? LOL.... they don't want two in the back of the head

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“Lia” doesn’t have an unfair advantage over “other” female swimmers. “Lia” has an unfair advantage over female swimmers. Think of the last line from the original Jake from State Farm ad...

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don't remember the original Jake SF ad - it doesn't come to mind

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Oh, dig it up on the interweb, before it’s lost forever.

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voila! at least he's not on maternity leave


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If Alex doesn’t watch out he will start pointing his investigative skills at the safety and efficacy of other shots on the CDC schedule and then he might REALLY find some interesting stuff that some of us have known for a long time. It can be seen if you want to see it.

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Never mind flu shots. Did anyone see THIS? Is he revving up for another round of tyranny?

On Sunday, the Grand High Exalted Omnipotent Mystical Medical Guru of Health, Healing and Wizardry, Anthony "I am the Science" Fauci warned:

"If things change and we do get a variant that does give us an uptick in cases and hospitalization, we should be prepared and flexible enough to pivot toward going back – at least temporarily – to a more rigid type of restrictions, such as requiring masks indoor."

Hey, you pompous fraud, "pivot" THIS!

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What a visual!!

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If people only held their breaths while indoors, masks would be totally unnecessary 🤪

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I know. It's kinda upsetting.

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My response to that piece of scum is less polite than yours😛

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At the risk of repeating myself: I worked as a hospital nurse in the 80s, early 90s. No one got flu shots. It was certainly not mandated. When I turned 51 my PCP said, "oh, you need a flu shot". I was skeptical. She assured me it was safe and recommended for anyone over 50. "Ok". First shot, no problem. Second shot age 52: incapacitated by sudden intense burning pain down right arm into index finger, many M.D. visits later diagnosed with brachial neuritis. Could not lift my right arm up over my head for 14 months due to partial paralysis of muscles in my shoulder girdle (an immune mediated response) with a winged scapula.

2022, age 60: permanent neuropathy right hand/fingers/thumb, right shoulder/arm weaker with atrophy. I learned all about the VICP, submitted my case and 3 years later I received a modest settlement from Uncle Sam. No flu shot since nor will I ever do it again. I doubt I'll take any vaccine again. I was maimed for life. Flu shots are unnecessary, dangerous and highly ineffective.

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I'm so sorry that happened to you. I think a lot of people will be vaccine-wary in the future due to stories like yours. I've only had the flu shot once, and I'll never have another.

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If you look at the CDC all cause mortality charts, most “flu” deaths are actually pneumonia deaths. I just heard a talk by Dr Bryan Ardis about this very thing, although other people have been pointing this out for years. Lumping pneumonia deaths in with flu deaths makes many people think they need a flu shot. A study done a few years ago at Walter Reed found that getting a flu shot can increase your risk by 36% of getting other respiratory illnesses. Also keep in mind that many people who think they have the flu really have a different respiratory virus. They don’t test everyone who thinks they have to flu to see if they really have the flu, but they can get counted as flu cases.

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Backs up my personal anecdotal evidence- husband: flu shot mandated for work: gets flu every time, me- sleeps next to guy, doesn’t get flu shot, doesn’t get flu. Dr says “would have been worse flu without the shot”. Cant prove a negative.

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I never heard anyone complain about the flu in my life. Then about a decade ago I started hearing people say "Oh you've never had the flu then. You will know if you have the flu cause you'll be in bed for a week feeling like your dying"

I had never heard someone say that about the flu. I mind people saying it sucked but nobody was so bad they couldn't walk.

Wasn't till many years later I realized oh ten years ago was when they started marketing flu shots to young people. I never take it and don't get the flu.

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I know, right? In my 20s, the flu didn't keep me out of class or work (so frowned on now!)

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Worst time that I ever had "the flu" was weeks after I had the one and only flu shot I have ever taken. Doctor always says that was just a coincidence, but it's a "coincidence" that has never happened in the 10 years since then with no flu shot. Isn't that just coincidental?!

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The only time I had to be hospitalized (other than for childbirth) was days after I got my one and only flu shot, I got the flu with 104 degree fever. Never again.

I'll take the flu. I'll take Covid (did version 1). Rather have those viruses without the poison on board.

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seems more logical than anything they are telling us

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How many other medicines are approved, used widely, have potential side effects, and do not work?

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The scientific answer to your question is "lots".

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The brevity of "lots" is impactful!

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Now, this is science. ☝🏻

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Flu deaths are just estimates. There's no widespread testing. So..

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Yeah. None of these ‘numbers’ have any meaning to me any more. Can never tell where the numbers really, truly come from. 💩

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Berenson always dropping truth bombs 💣

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So, if the flu shots do not result in a discernable improvement in healthy outcomes, why has it become a standard component of routine healthcare? Who benefits from a vaccination that does nothing to change the outcome?

Those are rhetorical questions - just follow the money.

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Sadly, just follow the money" now replaces most legitimate research, and journalism, and government. And not just in public health.

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Follow the $cience

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FDA just approved five doses. Why does pharma even bother? We all know how this works.

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In my area they are playing word games. They are calling it the 2nd Shot. (for the brain dead and those that can't count...It's 4 shots and counting here).

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People will line up unless something big happens. I know of a triple vaccinated woman, her five year old doubly vaccinated and has a newborn. She won’t allow anyone to see her family cause she thinks baby will die from Covid. Not even triple vax grandma is allowed to come inside. She was allowed to come to the front yard with a n95 and 10 meter distance to see the new baby. It is that bad.

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Full blown psychotic breakdown there. This is a result of the government and 'experts' (the ones in white coats) not contextualizing the risk profile for people (deliberate or otherwise). For two years they grouped everyone into one data point as if they're a single cohort. The astute or just plain level headed among us figured this out early, but it appears a signifiant segment of the population did not.

This is why the application of 'nudging' and mandates was so dangerous and corrosive. Fear is man's most primal emotion and not easily controlled. The 'scientist-quack' establishment (paediatricians (the biggest vaccine pushers), epidemiologists (e.g. Eric FenglL Dink), behavioural scientists, virologists, general practitioners, cardiologists (hello Topol!) etc.) saw no problem because their hubris made them believe they can control it with a snap of a finger. Now they're seeing what they've unleashed and they can't control the monster they've helped create. On what planet are paediatricians to believe it's ok to give an experimental mRNA medical procedure that is still in trial stages to children who simply DO NOT need it? That girl should (maybe she was) have been told by her paediatrician, 'Hey, the kids are alright. Chill'. Instead, the peeds applied fear mongering tactics saying, 'you never know and you don't want your kid to get it and....DIE!'

Which begs the question if they're so smart how could they not seen this would be the result? How could they have been so naive to believe that mixing 'nudge' tactics with politics would end well? This is why I don't and won't accept them saying, 'whoops Sa-wee! Who knew?' Especially behvavioral scientists who should have known better. The second the government asked them for help, they shoulda have been all 'no thanks'. But you know, arrogance.

They should all resign or be fired. Which would be poetic justice since they helped foster the atmosphere of mandates that cost millions their jobs and lives.

Incompetent at best and criminals at worst as far as I'm concerned.

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Put another way, "As long as they don't know the vaccines are unsafe and ineffective, they can continue to insist they are safe and effective." If I am supposed to trust the science, shouldn't science be all about the truth, especially when it comes to public health. Too many have fallen for the Big Lie and our best weapon is the truth. "You will know the truth and the truth will set you free." Stay strong and free!

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And always remember that every medication taken OFF the market by the FDA was once deemed “safe and effective” BY the FDA …. coincidentally several 3-letter agencies are not within my circle of trust …. FDA, CDC, NIH, CIA, FBI …. Oh I digress …. always follow the money, that is their Bible.

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I’ve learned to do the opposite of whatever they recommend.

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There is a graph in this article that shows that influenza mortality increased after vaccination was introduced. Your graph did not show that. https://circleofmamas.com/health-news/cdc-made-up-80000-flu-deaths-to-push-flu-shots/

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I checked out your link. Briefly. It looks very informative. And very well done. I subscribed to your newsletter.

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Thank you!

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Cochrane reports have looked at the very few clinical trials for the flu shot and have found little to no efficacy or maybe a trend to efficacy. Some trials also show thAt annual flu shots do weaken immunity over time. As a healthcare worker I fought them every year til I retired. As a Medical Director I refused to mandate flu shots or masks in lieu of flu shot and fought my hospital leadership til basically it was time to go or get fired. As a former industrial hygienist I understood the limits of masks years ago. As a happy retiree I stay as far away from the algorithm-driven health care as possible.

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The ongoing Covid vaccine jihad and massive public dishonesty campaign had a predecessor. History seems to always repeat itself. Thank you for providing data to cement what I had long suspected: Flu shots are a near-complete waste of time and money, driven by Group Think.

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Well stated as usual Alex. I've usually gotten the flu shot because it seems to be quite low risk for side effects and maybe it helps a little? This data pretty much confirms it really doesn't help. In the future I think I'll skip the inconvenience of a pointless stop at Walgreens.

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We only thought they were relatively safe and effective due to marketing. By the pharmaceutical industry. Not based on reality.

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you'll be skipping the toxins that are in those shots as well!

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Let us not forget the influenza strains that may be popular are predicted 3-5 years out. It's why the vaccines don't work all that well; mainly because the populace isn't introduced to the predicted strains. Vaccinated patients may be hospitalized or die because they caught a different strain. It's been made crystal clear the CDC et al are not prognosticators. Like, bigly.

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Thank you for answering a question I have been hearing from others but did not have any data to support an answer, do influenza vaccines really work? You are right that flu vaccines do not demonstrate any level of effectiveness, and am not surprised but I am disappointed that this appears to be the case. I am old enough to remember going to the local high school and getting a sugar cube that contained the Sabin polio vaccine. At the time, it seemed cool to a little kid to get in line and get sugar cubes! I just read a book on Polio and as it turns out Polio was never really the epidemic that it was portrayed either. Most kids got a type of Polio that they most likely did not even notice and got natural life time immunity to all Polio types, but the poor kids that needed leg braces, and the pathetic iron lung pics that got the ball rolling, with FDR being the poster child. I guess we must be completely skeptical of everything. It is a pathetic what this has all come down to.

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I also remember getting the polio sugar cubes at about age 4-5 at the local elementary school. I agree that it’s very discouraging to learn all the lies we’ve been subjected to all our lives. Most folks just can’t, or won’t, accept it. It sure is no fun.

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Alex wrote:

"As long as they don’t know the vaccines are useless, they can continue to insist they are useful - and that the only problem is that not enough people have received them."

My opinion, as informed as it may or may not be, is that history will show the 2020-era mRNA flu shots were not useless, but HARMFUL. I don't think it hyperbolic to speculate that a decade from now we may be talking about "COVID Vaccines" like we do today about DES (diethylstilbestrol).

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I hope so. They’re bending over backwards to claim they’re ‘safe abs effective’. It’ll take a major event to turn this around.

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The ineffectiveness of the flu vaccine has been known to researchers for ~15-20 years. Here are 3 peer-reviewed studies from respected journals that highlight the phenomenon:




A couple months ago I raised this topic with my primary care provider. It did not go well.

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Lol what did they say. I’ve been avoiding the convo and claimed I got it at Safeway.

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An honest Geriatric internal medicine doctor will tell you that >65 give you zero protection from catch the flu that season. Because most of the time they make the wrong formula that was planned for that season. And most already have natural immunity for life anyways. Now with these latest mRNA shot who they focused so much on the elderly when you see the numbers of deaths from previous years you will see they have done far more harm than good. Other words you cut the lifetime of your loved ones. Dont forget people like Berenson had to wear many hats for the past 2 years where most patients could not have family or loved ones visiting the ones, he has cared for the mental wear toll that it puts on you. This is something that most have no clue or experienced. There is a lot of hurting people here in America and the media ignoring the truth and all the lies they have told talking about WW3 is never going to fix the damages they have created and have done to millions.

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We need studies on all the shots! 54% of our kids are chronically ill. Autism is now 1 in 37. If it keeps going at its current rate we will be at 1 in 2 kids by 2030. This is the real pandemic.

RFK Jr for President or at least Secretary of HHS.

And all of our great scientists forget about the elementary chemical concept of synergy. That's where combining two chemicals or shots can get you an entirely different third chemical or effect. Did they test the synergy of giving you the flu shot with the covid shot? Of course not.

Oh and did you know that they never bothered to test the covid shot for cancer or genotoxicity? Or reproductive harm? Yah, the rats don't breed fast enough. But with tens of thousands of woman complaining about menstrual cycle irregularities, we know that reproduction is affected.

Start a whisper campaign: The covid 19 vaccine was never tested for cancer. And the whistleblowing doctors from the military are saying that cancer is up 300% according to their database (before it was tampered with).

So the FDA committee on approving the shots for our babies meets April 6th. See the Toby Rogers substack for info. Save our babies!!

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Don’t need ‘studies’. Just don’t get any shots.

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Which means no school or daycare for kids!

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Even better. A 2 for 1 deal.

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that's how they get you

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Studies? Performed by who? Would you trust the results?

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They are already telling people to get used to the combined flu covid shot every year. The MMR, after all has no problems (sarcasm)

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There are studies on all the shots. See “Miller’s Review of Critical Vaccine Studies” (2016) or the introductory version at “Vaccines: Are they Really Safe. and Effective?” (updated 2015) both by Neil Z Miller.

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Are there studies comparing vaccinated vs unvaxxed kids over time?

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We do NOT 'adjust' data (except perhaps economic, where it makes sense). Adjusted data is not data. At best it is an approximation. At worst, it is an attempt to fit observation to theory (instead of the other way around).

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I would be able to break down the efficacy of the flu vaccine by all those factors if they gave me the raw data and the raw data supported that breakdown (i.e. if there were the appropriate and consistent fields associated with age, smoker status, ...). It really shouldn't be too hard. Usually, the hardest thing about this type of analysis is trying to understand their data format. I did that kind of crap for over 40 years for the DoD. It is possible that they just didn't look at the efficacy but that would be idiotic. My guess is that they did look and just didn't like the results. They didn't want to encourage vaccine hesitancy.

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The was really “useful” for me Alex, thank you. Plus Medicare irritatingly keeps reminding me to get a flu shot, I stopped my yearly flu vaccines starting last year (HATED the side effects of feeling sick & sore 3 days). I’ll take my chances fending off ALL the viruses on my own now.

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I've been on Medicare for almost 3 years and they've never reminded me. Maybe because the only claim I've made has been for blood work. (My integrative medicine doc doesn't accept any insurance.) Or maybe because they don't have my email address (and never will).

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Yeah, don’t give them your email address. I made that mistake.

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Illness is with multiple factors and impacts, as is treatment. You can put 100 people in a room and expose them to the same quantity of an infectious pathogen, and there could be as many as 100 different responses.

So, you can’t compare the 80 year old woman to the eight-year-old boy, nor can you compare the 30 year old husband to the 32-year-old wife, and certainly you can’t compare the intellectually disordered person to a rocket scientist.

At the end of the day, if you let nonclinical people define how an illness attacks and disrupts and diminishes a population, you won’t get the right answers. They may have non-medical perspectives that could provide some insight to factors that can aggravate the illness as well as impact on treating it, but, I don’t tell politicians how to legislate, besides creating laws that are only gonna fuck up mine and other peoples lives while these scumbags running the country are completely unaffected!…

So, here’s the tip, if you give somebody a treatment intervention and it’s working minimally or less effectively at least 20 or more percent of the time, you should be cautious, reluctant, and suspicious.

This “vaccine“ or “inoculation“ is not grounded in reality, it’s about money prestige and in the end, I think genocide.

Talk amongst yourselves…

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Interesting article. https://academic.oup.com/ofid/article/8/3/ofab069/6129135

"Evidence suggests that repeated influenza vaccination may reduce vaccine effectiveness (VE)." Well, so much for that annual flu shot!

Worth reading the PDF of the study included in the link, e.g.:

"It has been suggested that the protection conferred by influenza vaccine in a season could prevent the natural immunity from exposure to circulating influenza viruses, and may therefore increase the risk of infection and impact VE in subsequent seasons [7]."


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Running potable water, good sanitation systems, exercise, good diet, and eschewing pharmaceutical poisons and 24/7 propaganda streams seem to be the most effective preventives against most diseases, including mental health disorders.

Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines, and The Forgotten History https://dissolvingillusions.com

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I have been talking about this exact subject. Where’s the control group/the placebo group? For both flu and Covid. The public deserves the real data.

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I think they use the same relative efficacy when talking about flu shots as Covid shots rather than absolute efficacy. That always makes a difference to actual real world efficacy of these shots. When you look at absolute efficacy I think they are not so helpful if I can recall rightly. A whole ton of people need to get shots to save one person from hospitalization and death.

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Given that we are dealing with government agencies notorious for manipulating the data as it pleases to advance a wicked agenda, and a pharmaceutical industry that effectively owns those government agencies, keeping in mind that Pfizer has been effectively operating a continuing criminal enterprise at least since 2004 and 2009, how can the data we see be considered valid?

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"And it would give us a definitive answer. Within a few months after the end of flu season we would know - not guess, know - whether flu vaccines actually reduced flu deaths. " Ah Ha! Got you now Alex. Your study did not measure the critical - "but you got less sick" - measurement we use for the mRNA!! /s

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Funny. I like. But, your sarcasm is sad, is it not? Why? Because it fits. It's true.

THAT is sad. :-)

They also use the same 'measurement' for pneumonia and shingles vaccines. Sadder still.

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I am 69 and have never had the flu and never had the vaccine. I take vit. C & zinc with d3 to inhance my immune system.

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Forcing a drug company (like CDC, NIH, etc) to assess all cause mortality should happen for every product they push.

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What is the basis for the number of flu deaths? Isn't it just an estimation? If yes, you would need to examine the bases for this estimation, too, right?

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Yes, and the CDC as much as says so on their website.

I first looked into this general subject 2 years ago, in the early months of the pandemic (for reasons I explain in a different comment). The annual influenza death toll is NOT an actual head count. It's extrapolated from [whatever it is, I don't know]. That's why their number can be changed; because they come out with it at the end of a flu season, but more data continue to pour in over the ensuing months, and when that data are accounted for, the previous estimate is adjusted. But it's still just an estimate.

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There are no “strains”. Perhaps you’re catching on (barely) that shots don’t make you healthy or protect you, instead they give you toxicity which can cause illness, symptoms, and death.

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