First, thanks for signing up. However you found Unreported Truths, you are joining a revolution in journalism - and the pace is only accelerating.
If you’re paying, great. If not, and you feel like upgrading, you can here:
You won’t get much extra - I am trying to reach as many people as possible, and that means keeping most of my reporting free - but you will get occasional bonus articles, especially from Your Dept. Of Pandemia (Attention citizens!) and have the chance to comment on posts like this.
Second, expect two to five emails a day (probably on the high end the next couple of days since I am catching up). Nearly all Covid/vaccine at this point, though I hope that will change over time.
Third, I wrote a book called PANDEMIA, which covers the whole shebang through Sept. 2021. It’s pretty good, and it’s sold pretty good since it came out Nov. 30 (though not by RFK Jr.’s standards).
Anyway, get yerself a copy! The hardcover is $18.96 and the Kindle is $2.99 (for the time being).
If you prefer Audible (my dulcet tones in your ear), you can find it here:
And finally, if you want a signed first edition of PANDEMIA, you need to be a “founding member” of the Substack - that’s the $300 level. Again, you can upgrade at
If you are a founding member, and you would like a signed copy , email me at with your address, and I’ll get you one!
Okay, enough business.
Now back to reporting.
Found you on Twitter in 2019, but I was permanently suspended on January 9, 2020 after 10 years. No warning. I think it was #LaptopFromHell that got me. I’m a 64 year old grandmother of 7, so obviously I’m a huge risk…🙄. Thankful to have found you here. Carry on!
Attention new arrivals:
"Pandemia" is excellent. Full of easy-to-understand information that brings the covid shitshow into focus.
This substack is my go-to source for pandemic-related information that Alex gives us in easily digestible prose. Thank god, too, cuz I sure couldn't understand all the technical stuff.
Whatever you pay--and I hope you do pay--it's the best $$$ you'll spend this year. (Yes, Alex will keep you informed even if you don't pay, but sheesh! The guy should make a buck for his effort.
My family & most of my friends think I'm nuts. "Unreported Truths" keeps me sane.