Only two facts matter: the virus's risk was tiny for anyone who wasn't already very sick, so lockdowns were a terrible idea; and the vaccines made no difference to the course of the epidemic.
Why were there 600k excess deaths? Most were iatrogenic I assume as Sweden (which also didn't use intubation) did not have excess mortality once they stopped that.
So there is no outrage that public health created the virus in the first place, killed people via vents, violated our rights, stole the election, put us in massive debt and inflation (instead of terming out the debt for generations), then forces a net harmful vax.
Massive crime upon crime and no one cares. Fauci is a hero.
but how do you know which is which? who were the evil among us?
surely not bill gates, the world economic forum and all the others that participated in a simulation event called event 201 in 2019 - which mocked a scenario outlining a pandemic caused by a coronavirus and gameplanned all the likely outcomes and responses out of the blue for no reason at all...
Hey Ryan, You reckon? You would hope so. In UK we are being led by the nose into our next dystopian nightmare: Islamofication! We are fast losing our country with the full endorsement and facilitation of our stupid socialist government. Read the Qur'an! It's all in there and plain to see. Much of Europe is the same. I am far more terrified of our future than our past. I truly fear it's already too late. God help us all.
Also what percentage of those died with a dx based on PCR testing with an extremely high false positive rate? And I am sure as a former ME that the majority did not have COVID as the proximate cause of death. When one of the Hennepin County MEs wrote that the true COVID deaths were 60% of what was originally reported he got fired.
There was a man shot and killed in Iowa City whose death was attributed to COVID based on post-mortum testing. That case illustrated how accurate the death count was.
Yes. This was widespread here in CA, as I heard from very angry patients working at local hospitals where they were told that they must code gunshot deaths, car crash deaths, cancer deaths, as COVID deaths if their nasal swab test came back positive. It meant an extra bit of $$$$ from the US govt for them.
Problem is that we will never know so the death count numbers are totally inaccurate such that they are pretty much meaningless. Kind of like giving the control group the shot because the administrators "felt sorry for them", because they couldn't have this lifesaving intervention. What a sick joke. I am thankful every day that the majority of my family and extended family (we couldn't stop all of them unfortunately) did not get the shot. Now with Vaccine induced Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome becoming a reality, this is going to get much worse before if gets better. Really praying for some accountability and actual consequences to be meted out to the perpetrators.
This is exactly what I've been wanting to post. This is out of control, I paid $12 for 1 1/2 dozen of eggs. Notice how many were comparing our health to the Amish then all of a sudden there is a measles out break in Texas hitting the Amish?
Menonite, but I get your point. Menonite aren't completely off the grid, nor do they avoid all modern medicine. Some have religious objections to vaccines.
Thankfully that practice has been stopped, I understand.
Joel Salatin, regenerative farmer extraordinaire of Polyface Farms in Virginia, has said something to the effect that you cull the sick ones, and the ones that do not contract the disease, you breed because they have some immunity and/or stronger immune systems, and you'll eventually get a strong flock. So far no one has listened to him that I know of...
That's why you can't count COVID deaths. But there were 600k excess deaths and those were caused by something. Have not seen a good accounting of the true cause
My guess would be (1) the endless fear mongering that caused hospital and nursing home staff to fear their patients, and thus provide only the minimum level of care, if that; (2) the removal of family and friends who would have observed what was going on; (3) the removal of oversight in nursing homes as a way to reduce "exposure. This was true in PA and probably other places; (4) short staffing due to #1 and also to relentless testing and rules regarding return to work; (5) vents and Remdesivir which may have killed more than they helped; (6) the ease by which iatrogenic deaths could be attributed to covid and not malpractice.
Yes. He repeated it in the Washington Post in March 2020. Anyone who doubted the motives of hyping drama and fear, it is the attempt to obtain power by far left extremists.
And while Alex was speaking truth then and was censored by the Biden White House for it, Jay Battacharya, Martin Kulldorff and Sunetra Gupta were also speaking the truth in 2020 (The Great Barrington Declaration) and being 'marginalized as fringe epidemeologists' by Fauci and Collins when they were actually at the very top of their field at Stanford, Harvard and Oxford. Does anyone see a pattern here? LET"S NOT FORGET!!!!
Worse yet, when you made a case that lockdowns are destructive and will almost certainly kill uninfected people (depression, loneliness, isolation, economic distress and addiction kill), hearing replies of "well they have to do something", meaning any government action is better than doing nothing at all. And when you say yes, but locking the economy down is going to kill people too, even more people, and destroy their livelihoods, the person you are talking to just shakes their head and says something has to be done. Panic robs people of their ability to think logically.
Yep, in March 2020 I was afraid. By August 2020, I was pissed off.
In August 2020, at the time of his 90th birthday, my father asked me, "Who dies of this?" I answered, "You. Old people. Except you're pretty healthy. You don't have diabetes, or high blood pressure, or kidney problems. You're not overweight. So probably NOT you."
My father is now four months away from his grandson's wedding, and five months away from his 95th birthday.
Same. OMG i can't believe how similar our experience was.
I also have a 96 year old grandmother (only difference). I told her the same thing. She got delta and literally walked it off and was over it in than a week.
And thank goodness your 95 year old grandfather is thriving at that age.
Five years later, there is still a not small number of otherwise intelligent people who believe that the vaccines saved them and that fewer people would have died if only we locked down earlier.
I recently had a conversation with a good friend of mine (we rarely talk about politics or COVID because we don't agree) but it was late 2024 and I was talking about censorship, and used how government used tech to censor people who had a different opinion on COVID, and those people almost all were proven right. He disagreed, because there is "no evidence" that COVID came from a lab, that the vaccines don't work, that the virus wasn't all that deadly, and ample evidence that public health was right. I pointed all these things were in dispute, and that's why censorship in 2020 and 21 was wrong -- because the topics should have been discussed and investigated. And he cited there was too much "disinformation" that public health couldn't help people if they listened to people who were wrong. (This is a summary of a much longer conversation.)
It also seemed to reveal an authoritarianism that was present in many people, but latent. They just needed some impetus to reveal it, and ‘my health’ worked perfectly.
There were probably a dozen or so masked, presumably vaccinated people who got very angry with me because I wasn’t wearing a mask, and I don’t think it was because they were concerned about my health. I think covid gave them ‘permission’ to scream at a stranger. And our local police department closed access to parks because people might gather there - the knee-jerk reaction to limit freedom for whatever reason.
I think you're 100% right. We all know many stories of people who called the police or public health on others for not following "the rules." I remember my niece's soccer coach was having the girls come to his house and do drills in his garage after he was prevented from practicing -- one on one! -- in the park. His neighbor called the police. I was never confrontational during COVID, if a store confronted me about not wearing a mask, I just left. Most no longer get my business (i.e. Sprouts, which was the worst -- and that's sad, because they have great produce.)
The "no evidence" trope drives me crazy. So smarmy and dismissive. First off, claiming no evidence is like proving a negative. It usually simply cannot be done. And second, there WAS evidence! It might have been circumstantial, but circumstantial evidence can still be powerful. And third, one can always claim "no evidence" if one dedicates their life to making sure it's never investigated. Lazy, corrupt, entitled, useless bureaucrats a la Fauci sitting on his ass claiming no evidence because he's making sure there isn't. Put the murderer in charge of the investigation and of course, there is no evidence.
I turned to substacks to read good (supportive) comments from sane people who saw through the ruse from early on, in my case it was the cruise ships anchored just off shore that made me realize they were lying. It blew my mind but then I was rocked again when most of my long time friends fell hard for the lies, which was depressing (btw, it's odd when some of us who saw the Covid lies early on still don't/can't believe that a Venn group of Covid Scammers used Covid to steal the 2020 election... or have people such as Berenson changed their minds as more proof and easy extrapolations pour out in the shadow of the Biden/Harris switch)... but now that I'm reading Nehl's "The Indoctrinated Brain", I think I'm understanding my friends' brain fog a bit more.
For me it was Michael Yeadon and Judy Mikovits early on in 2020 who KNEW what was going to occur with the planned injection agenda and sure enough they were RIGHT!
For me it was Drs. Scott Atlas (Stanford), Paul Marik & Pierre Kory who were early proponents of Ivermectin because they had seen its success first hand, Harvey Risch - a proponent of Hydroxychloroquine (Yale), and Bhattacharya (Stanford). Senator Ron Johnson was Superb with the two hearings he held in 2020 and I learned so much from those. And then the Great Barrington Declaration in Oct 2020 was excellent.
There was a lot of info out there for those of us who were paying attention. The demonization of IVM & HCQ when there was nothing else available raised huge red flags. Who does that - doesn’t allow physicians to do what they have done historically which is try safe meds off label to see what might work? And since when couldn’t another physician or scientist ask a question without being demonized? That was also a huge stop sign for me. Something was going on but it wasn’t what it seemed.
Someone above said he will never forget this. I feel the same. I have had a couple of friends who I’m sure died because of the jabs and have others who were injured. I’m angry.
I hit the like button but I don’t like your comment. I hate your comment. Because it’s true. No accountability. Why bother having a prison population? The worst mass murderers look like saints next to many of our Covid era government types. Death, depression, mental health issues, vaccine injuries— and all the same players are still roaming free. With lots of cash to boot.
He, Phil Murphy of NJ, Tom Wolf of PA, and Wretched Whitmer of MI are personally responsible for thousands of unnecessary nursing home deaths. In my view, these governors murdered the elderly in the nursing homes. And Cuomo will probably be mayor. And Wretched will run for President. No justice.
Alex--is this a typo?: "New York had everything going against it ...and yet the coronavirus did overrun its hospitals." Is "did" correct? Or should it be "did not"?
The reason is simple. Our government that profited from COVID will not admit any wrong-doing because they fear their personal motives will be exposed. We were lied to from the beginning for the personal benefit of politicians, their cronies, and Big Pharma who cheered the whole time - while giving millions in 'campaign contributions' payouts.
Think of it. Our elected officials knowingly harmed their constituents for their personal and professional gain. Our elected officials knowing harmed the nation they were sworn to protect for their personal and professional gain.
And where was our vaunted media? Defenders of the truth! Fighting of Democracy! They were complicit, that's where. Because the lockdowns furthered their social and globalist agenda. Never let a crisis go to waste, right? Oh, and the ACLU? Crickets. They and our mainstream media lack integrity, as do far too many of our elected 'leaders'.
1) Lockdowns don't work and do tremendous harm to an entire society and thus were not in the official plan for dealing with a Pandemic.
2) Masks don't work on a wide scale basis to prevent infection and were also not in the official plan for Pandemics.
3) No corona virus vaccine has ever proven effective and safe in 50 years of research. Every attempt to create one (human or animal) has utterly failed.
4) Vaccines are not always safe, and need proper testing before use on a wide scale. Pushing or mandating untested vaccines is horrific and may well result in massive damage to the vaccinated population and destroy public trust for generations.
5) Existing drugs and supplements are the fastest means to treat those stricken in a Pandemic. Existing drugs' safety profiles are known, the only variable is their effectiveness against the new infection. Doctors should be encouraged to use off label medications and share results, leading to the best effective treatment(s) being recommended for use.
6) Panic and stress suppress the population's immune system, and will almost certainly cause additional deaths. Panic and fear mongering should be avoided at all costs.
7) Giving out the wrong information and advice (like incessantly washing hands, using hand sanitizer, wiping down every item brought into a household) will damage public trust and confidence. Tell people only what is proven, not speculation.
Every single one of the above were violated almost immediately when COVID-19 was determined to be spreading in the USA. Laws need to be passed and enacted to prevent any of this from ever happening again, with serious penalties for abuse prescribed for public health officials at the federal, state and local levels (prison time, fines, barring from any public health position).
Alex, I know there was a federal plan for handling pandemics in place in 2019. If you could get a copy of that document and post, it that would be great. I for one would take the time to read it and compare the plan to what actually was done. I suspect that comparison would be very illuminating.
When he was campaigning in 2020, Biden claimed Trump was responsible for all the COVID deaths on his watch. But when the number of COVID deaths under Biden exceeded the number under Trump, even with a so-called vaccine, neither the White House nor its media lackies said a word.
Remember the puppet in chief in Dec of 2021 calling all the NON injected a danger to society on national TV! How he was ALLOWED to get away with that alone was just so TELLING. Talk about dividing a country with that ONE mention alone. So many families were broken up as well as friendships etc. Just no accountability for ANY of it!
Three epidemiologists who didn't forget are Jay Bhattacharya, Martin Kulldorff and Sunetra Gupta, authors of the Great Barrington Protocol. They were nearly ruined by the establishment for trying to remind others to take care of the old and infirm yet let others live. Why are we hanging back on prosecutions? Yes, I know Fauci was pardoned, but the states can prosecute civily. Get them!
I agree. But it was more than a political battle. MANY people benefited from the shutdowns. The elite got to WFH from their second homes at the beach and near the ski slopes! The teacher unions made money. Preachers got a break from Sunday services, weddings, etc. It was a welcome break for many regular folks...until parents woke up and discovered their children were being harmed and fought back. I credit Governor DeSantis for getting us out of this mess! He was brave to open up first. Then the parents finally found their voice. Tragic.
I'm not saying I was some magnificent soothsayer, but I was skeptical of the hysteria from the outset, and I knew it was, and would be, bullsh1t from top to bottom when Fauci told us we had to social-distance by six feet...while the WHO said three feet.
I figured, if they can't even get on the same page on something THAT basic, they were making it all up.
And that was long before the BLM parades were permitted, but not churchgoing. Riots by hundreds, but solo surfers went to jail.
From that point on, I was as militant as I could be without going to prison.
Excellent reminder and I am glad Alex touched on this, but to your point, it had BS all over it. I did not cancel my vacation that summer. The county we went to in upstate NY had exactly 4 cases by July of 2020. We didn't cancel Christmas 2020 or anything thereafter. But I think COVID was more a political operation. Perhaps even informal coordination among the like-minded in media, the D party, and international players. It was the magic bullet to get rid of Trump who had just been impeached and not removed for asking Zelensky to look into Biden family corruption. Trump was acquitted February 5, 2020 and the economy was humming. COVID had just started spreading. COVID became Democrat/Anti-Trumper plan B in my opinion. Biden, the "hero of impeachment and victim of Trump" won the SC primary magically on February 29. The Black people of SC found new love for the old racist from Delaware. He'd be a "steady hand" as opposed to the "chaotic Trump" who kept blaming China for the virus and not bats and pangolins. Soon after, the primaries were shut down, Biden went into the basement and we all went into lockdown and the economy was tanked. They actually tried to use that against Trump in 2024 as if we would forget COVID but remember some bad economy Trump was responsible for. Only Biden could not remember why (and maybe KJP because it wasn't in her book). As you say, the riots were allowed to happen and blow up. Remember they even had a letter from doctors saying that was more important than avoiding the spread of the virus (maybe the surfers should have declared a surf riot!). Of course, Europe was going right along with dispensing with Trump and their added bonus was the excuse to crack down on speech and dissent which we continue to see the fruits of today. I could go on but I am sure you get the point.
"I’ll never forget asking my doctor how many of his patients had died of Covid. He has since retired, but at the time he was in his eighties. Given his age and the fact he was in New York City, I assumed he’d have lost a half-dozen or more. The answer was one, a guy in his nineties."
My parents were 85 and 83 when the Chinese virus arrived. Within a year or two they both caught it, had nasty bouts with it, but survived. (IIRC, my dad caught it from helping a friend move INTO a nursing home. The irony. Or, well I won't come out and say it, but, "Dad, WTF were you thinking??")
Today, they're 90 and 88 (knock on wood), and still living alone, without supervision or assistance, in the house they bought in 1979.
The anger is still there, though mostly suppressed. Watching it happen in real time damaged my faith in humanity and definitely in the medical community. Viruses will virus - and there's no getting around it. The "rules" simply made it last longer and the intrusion (door knocking for those over 50yo) was appalling. Took quiet strength to resist, and the fallout was/is enormous even today. Lies and manipulation; appalling and easy to recognize the gaslighting even then. Fear porn, sadly, works on many.
Why were there 600k excess deaths? Most were iatrogenic I assume as Sweden (which also didn't use intubation) did not have excess mortality once they stopped that.
So there is no outrage that public health created the virus in the first place, killed people via vents, violated our rights, stole the election, put us in massive debt and inflation (instead of terming out the debt for generations), then forces a net harmful vax.
Massive crime upon crime and no one cares. Fauci is a hero.
Mind blown. I will never get over it
Had the policy been to do nothing there would've been about 200k deaths.
A terrible flu season.
The cold hard truth is this country had more cowards than non-cowards. The cowards have some responsibility.
They will never face up to that....and that's why they must do everything to keep up the narrative.
I'd say 80% cowards/sheep who just go with the current thing and 20% evil who saw this as opportunity, as Alex notes
but how do you know which is which? who were the evil among us?
surely not bill gates, the world economic forum and all the others that participated in a simulation event called event 201 in 2019 - which mocked a scenario outlining a pandemic caused by a coronavirus and gameplanned all the likely outcomes and responses out of the blue for no reason at all...
All of it was so obvious. They basically told us exactly what was going to happen, before it did.
Can't fool too many these days unless they have full blown TDS/MDS that damages their logic. Those crazy eyes are a real occurrence.
I think a fair few learned a lesson and would be more skeptical if faced with something of this nature again.
And we are now… 😊
Hey Ryan, You reckon? You would hope so. In UK we are being led by the nose into our next dystopian nightmare: Islamofication! We are fast losing our country with the full endorsement and facilitation of our stupid socialist government. Read the Qur'an! It's all in there and plain to see. Much of Europe is the same. I am far more terrified of our future than our past. I truly fear it's already too late. God help us all.
Also what percentage of those died with a dx based on PCR testing with an extremely high false positive rate? And I am sure as a former ME that the majority did not have COVID as the proximate cause of death. When one of the Hennepin County MEs wrote that the true COVID deaths were 60% of what was originally reported he got fired.
There was a man shot and killed in Iowa City whose death was attributed to COVID based on post-mortum testing. That case illustrated how accurate the death count was.
Yes. This was widespread here in CA, as I heard from very angry patients working at local hospitals where they were told that they must code gunshot deaths, car crash deaths, cancer deaths, as COVID deaths if their nasal swab test came back positive. It meant an extra bit of $$$$ from the US govt for them.
Don’t forget, George Floyd is counted as a Covid death
Dozens of cases like that. How many do we not know is the question?
Problem is that we will never know so the death count numbers are totally inaccurate such that they are pretty much meaningless. Kind of like giving the control group the shot because the administrators "felt sorry for them", because they couldn't have this lifesaving intervention. What a sick joke. I am thankful every day that the majority of my family and extended family (we couldn't stop all of them unfortunately) did not get the shot. Now with Vaccine induced Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome becoming a reality, this is going to get much worse before if gets better. Really praying for some accountability and actual consequences to be meted out to the perpetrators.
Hospitals received big dollar reimbursements if it were a “Covid” death.
They are using that exact CON of PCR testing on Chickens too having intentionally killed close to 175 MILLION birds since 2022
This is exactly what I've been wanting to post. This is out of control, I paid $12 for 1 1/2 dozen of eggs. Notice how many were comparing our health to the Amish then all of a sudden there is a measles out break in Texas hitting the Amish?
Menonite, but I get your point. Menonite aren't completely off the grid, nor do they avoid all modern medicine. Some have religious objections to vaccines.
It makes me sick if they are FORCED to vaccinate their children with MRNA or is there still an appeals path.
Thankfully that practice has been stopped, I understand.
Joel Salatin, regenerative farmer extraordinaire of Polyface Farms in Virginia, has said something to the effect that you cull the sick ones, and the ones that do not contract the disease, you breed because they have some immunity and/or stronger immune systems, and you'll eventually get a strong flock. So far no one has listened to him that I know of...
That's why you can't count COVID deaths. But there were 600k excess deaths and those were caused by something. Have not seen a good accounting of the true cause
My guess would be (1) the endless fear mongering that caused hospital and nursing home staff to fear their patients, and thus provide only the minimum level of care, if that; (2) the removal of family and friends who would have observed what was going on; (3) the removal of oversight in nursing homes as a way to reduce "exposure. This was true in PA and probably other places; (4) short staffing due to #1 and also to relentless testing and rules regarding return to work; (5) vents and Remdesivir which may have killed more than they helped; (6) the ease by which iatrogenic deaths could be attributed to covid and not malpractice.
#1-5 make sense. #6 does not cause excess mort, it just shifts it from one bucket to the other.
I've seen 60,000-80,000 excess deaths cited, not 600,000. Can you point me in the direction of that number?
See CDC wonder database or their COVID excess mortality page
Exactly! The greatest CON and CRIME against humanity in the history of TIME, and all of it was just ALLOWED to play out and still is!
Exactly. And Rahm Emmanuel even said it in an editorial about covid: never let a crisis go to waste. The leftists even published their goals.
He may have said it again, but the first time he said it was during the 2008 financial crisis.
Yes. He repeated it in the Washington Post in March 2020. Anyone who doubted the motives of hyping drama and fear, it is the attempt to obtain power by far left extremists.
And while Alex was speaking truth then and was censored by the Biden White House for it, Jay Battacharya, Martin Kulldorff and Sunetra Gupta were also speaking the truth in 2020 (The Great Barrington Declaration) and being 'marginalized as fringe epidemeologists' by Fauci and Collins when they were actually at the very top of their field at Stanford, Harvard and Oxford. Does anyone see a pattern here? LET"S NOT FORGET!!!!
....the mid-distance blank stares you'd get when you tried to explain the OBVIOUS....
Worse yet, when you made a case that lockdowns are destructive and will almost certainly kill uninfected people (depression, loneliness, isolation, economic distress and addiction kill), hearing replies of "well they have to do something", meaning any government action is better than doing nothing at all. And when you say yes, but locking the economy down is going to kill people too, even more people, and destroy their livelihoods, the person you are talking to just shakes their head and says something has to be done. Panic robs people of their ability to think logically.
Yes. All of it maddening.
Easiest call all time.
Yep, in March 2020 I was afraid. By August 2020, I was pissed off.
In August 2020, at the time of his 90th birthday, my father asked me, "Who dies of this?" I answered, "You. Old people. Except you're pretty healthy. You don't have diabetes, or high blood pressure, or kidney problems. You're not overweight. So probably NOT you."
My father is now four months away from his grandson's wedding, and five months away from his 95th birthday.
I remain pissed off.
Hey Rosie, Greetings from UK.
You have been making me laugh from the beginning. I always love your posts. So glad to hear your dad made it too.
I think you are awesome! Please stay 'pissed off'!
What a nice reply! Thank you!
I truly enjoy recognizing names of other commenters who've been posting for all these years. We've become a community--thanks to Alex Berenson.
Same. OMG i can't believe how similar our experience was.
I also have a 96 year old grandmother (only difference). I told her the same thing. She got delta and literally walked it off and was over it in than a week.
And thank goodness your 95 year old grandfather is thriving at that age.
We're a community, not just survivors of Anthony Fauci's conceit and quest for power.
Five years later, there is still a not small number of otherwise intelligent people who believe that the vaccines saved them and that fewer people would have died if only we locked down earlier.
I recently had a conversation with a good friend of mine (we rarely talk about politics or COVID because we don't agree) but it was late 2024 and I was talking about censorship, and used how government used tech to censor people who had a different opinion on COVID, and those people almost all were proven right. He disagreed, because there is "no evidence" that COVID came from a lab, that the vaccines don't work, that the virus wasn't all that deadly, and ample evidence that public health was right. I pointed all these things were in dispute, and that's why censorship in 2020 and 21 was wrong -- because the topics should have been discussed and investigated. And he cited there was too much "disinformation" that public health couldn't help people if they listened to people who were wrong. (This is a summary of a much longer conversation.)
COVID broke people.
It also seemed to reveal an authoritarianism that was present in many people, but latent. They just needed some impetus to reveal it, and ‘my health’ worked perfectly.
There were probably a dozen or so masked, presumably vaccinated people who got very angry with me because I wasn’t wearing a mask, and I don’t think it was because they were concerned about my health. I think covid gave them ‘permission’ to scream at a stranger. And our local police department closed access to parks because people might gather there - the knee-jerk reaction to limit freedom for whatever reason.
I think you're 100% right. We all know many stories of people who called the police or public health on others for not following "the rules." I remember my niece's soccer coach was having the girls come to his house and do drills in his garage after he was prevented from practicing -- one on one! -- in the park. His neighbor called the police. I was never confrontational during COVID, if a store confronted me about not wearing a mask, I just left. Most no longer get my business (i.e. Sprouts, which was the worst -- and that's sad, because they have great produce.)
The "no evidence" trope drives me crazy. So smarmy and dismissive. First off, claiming no evidence is like proving a negative. It usually simply cannot be done. And second, there WAS evidence! It might have been circumstantial, but circumstantial evidence can still be powerful. And third, one can always claim "no evidence" if one dedicates their life to making sure it's never investigated. Lazy, corrupt, entitled, useless bureaucrats a la Fauci sitting on his ass claiming no evidence because he's making sure there isn't. Put the murderer in charge of the investigation and of course, there is no evidence.
I turned to substacks to read good (supportive) comments from sane people who saw through the ruse from early on, in my case it was the cruise ships anchored just off shore that made me realize they were lying. It blew my mind but then I was rocked again when most of my long time friends fell hard for the lies, which was depressing (btw, it's odd when some of us who saw the Covid lies early on still don't/can't believe that a Venn group of Covid Scammers used Covid to steal the 2020 election... or have people such as Berenson changed their minds as more proof and easy extrapolations pour out in the shadow of the Biden/Harris switch)... but now that I'm reading Nehl's "The Indoctrinated Brain", I think I'm understanding my friends' brain fog a bit more.
I became a Substack addict as a result of Covid. It and X are now my only source of news.
You were the first voice of reason I heard back then and your speaking out helped me stay strong
For me it was Michael Yeadon and Judy Mikovits early on in 2020 who KNEW what was going to occur with the planned injection agenda and sure enough they were RIGHT!
For me it was Drs. Scott Atlas (Stanford), Paul Marik & Pierre Kory who were early proponents of Ivermectin because they had seen its success first hand, Harvey Risch - a proponent of Hydroxychloroquine (Yale), and Bhattacharya (Stanford). Senator Ron Johnson was Superb with the two hearings he held in 2020 and I learned so much from those. And then the Great Barrington Declaration in Oct 2020 was excellent.
There was a lot of info out there for those of us who were paying attention. The demonization of IVM & HCQ when there was nothing else available raised huge red flags. Who does that - doesn’t allow physicians to do what they have done historically which is try safe meds off label to see what might work? And since when couldn’t another physician or scientist ask a question without being demonized? That was also a huge stop sign for me. Something was going on but it wasn’t what it seemed.
Someone above said he will never forget this. I feel the same. I have had a couple of friends who I’m sure died because of the jabs and have others who were injured. I’m angry.
There were no consequences.
Not ONE person on planet earth has been held accountable for ANY of it 5 years IN! Not ONE!
I hit the like button but I don’t like your comment. I hate your comment. Because it’s true. No accountability. Why bother having a prison population? The worst mass murderers look like saints next to many of our Covid era government types. Death, depression, mental health issues, vaccine injuries— and all the same players are still roaming free. With lots of cash to boot.
And untold despair. There will never be recompense for that.
Its incalculable
Yes... I feel that viscerally too!
Andrew Cuomo is running for Mayor of New York.
He, Phil Murphy of NJ, Tom Wolf of PA, and Wretched Whitmer of MI are personally responsible for thousands of unnecessary nursing home deaths. In my view, these governors murdered the elderly in the nursing homes. And Cuomo will probably be mayor. And Wretched will run for President. No justice.
The public has no long term memory at all. Very sad...
The opposition needs to run a bunch of ads playing clips from COVID times about his behavior.
he groped like a dozen women, but at least he didn't cooperate with ICE to deport all our friendly (and unfriendly) amigos like Eric Adams!
Alex--is this a typo?: "New York had everything going against it ...and yet the coronavirus did overrun its hospitals." Is "did" correct? Or should it be "did not"?
No, correct as written; that is the whole point of Alex’s posting!!
The reason is simple. Our government that profited from COVID will not admit any wrong-doing because they fear their personal motives will be exposed. We were lied to from the beginning for the personal benefit of politicians, their cronies, and Big Pharma who cheered the whole time - while giving millions in 'campaign contributions' payouts.
Think of it. Our elected officials knowingly harmed their constituents for their personal and professional gain. Our elected officials knowing harmed the nation they were sworn to protect for their personal and professional gain.
And where was our vaunted media? Defenders of the truth! Fighting of Democracy! They were complicit, that's where. Because the lockdowns furthered their social and globalist agenda. Never let a crisis go to waste, right? Oh, and the ACLU? Crickets. They and our mainstream media lack integrity, as do far too many of our elected 'leaders'.
An old French saying runs along the line of "better to lie than admit to confusion in the State".
Facts known in 2019:
1) Lockdowns don't work and do tremendous harm to an entire society and thus were not in the official plan for dealing with a Pandemic.
2) Masks don't work on a wide scale basis to prevent infection and were also not in the official plan for Pandemics.
3) No corona virus vaccine has ever proven effective and safe in 50 years of research. Every attempt to create one (human or animal) has utterly failed.
4) Vaccines are not always safe, and need proper testing before use on a wide scale. Pushing or mandating untested vaccines is horrific and may well result in massive damage to the vaccinated population and destroy public trust for generations.
5) Existing drugs and supplements are the fastest means to treat those stricken in a Pandemic. Existing drugs' safety profiles are known, the only variable is their effectiveness against the new infection. Doctors should be encouraged to use off label medications and share results, leading to the best effective treatment(s) being recommended for use.
6) Panic and stress suppress the population's immune system, and will almost certainly cause additional deaths. Panic and fear mongering should be avoided at all costs.
7) Giving out the wrong information and advice (like incessantly washing hands, using hand sanitizer, wiping down every item brought into a household) will damage public trust and confidence. Tell people only what is proven, not speculation.
Every single one of the above were violated almost immediately when COVID-19 was determined to be spreading in the USA. Laws need to be passed and enacted to prevent any of this from ever happening again, with serious penalties for abuse prescribed for public health officials at the federal, state and local levels (prison time, fines, barring from any public health position).
Alex, I know there was a federal plan for handling pandemics in place in 2019. If you could get a copy of that document and post, it that would be great. I for one would take the time to read it and compare the plan to what actually was done. I suspect that comparison would be very illuminating.
In a neo MARXIST world it's about re-crafting history or the narrative. Science-Facts are what the narrative needs them to be
When he was campaigning in 2020, Biden claimed Trump was responsible for all the COVID deaths on his watch. But when the number of COVID deaths under Biden exceeded the number under Trump, even with a so-called vaccine, neither the White House nor its media lackies said a word.
Remember the puppet in chief in Dec of 2021 calling all the NON injected a danger to society on national TV! How he was ALLOWED to get away with that alone was just so TELLING. Talk about dividing a country with that ONE mention alone. So many families were broken up as well as friendships etc. Just no accountability for ANY of it!
Three epidemiologists who didn't forget are Jay Bhattacharya, Martin Kulldorff and Sunetra Gupta, authors of the Great Barrington Protocol. They were nearly ruined by the establishment for trying to remind others to take care of the old and infirm yet let others live. Why are we hanging back on prosecutions? Yes, I know Fauci was pardoned, but the states can prosecute civily. Get them!
RFK Jr wasn’t fooled either. And he had Facui down pat.
I agree. But it was more than a political battle. MANY people benefited from the shutdowns. The elite got to WFH from their second homes at the beach and near the ski slopes! The teacher unions made money. Preachers got a break from Sunday services, weddings, etc. It was a welcome break for many regular folks...until parents woke up and discovered their children were being harmed and fought back. I credit Governor DeSantis for getting us out of this mess! He was brave to open up first. Then the parents finally found their voice. Tragic.
Do you mean “did not”?
...and yet the coronavirus did overrun its hospitals
I'm not saying I was some magnificent soothsayer, but I was skeptical of the hysteria from the outset, and I knew it was, and would be, bullsh1t from top to bottom when Fauci told us we had to social-distance by six feet...while the WHO said three feet.
I figured, if they can't even get on the same page on something THAT basic, they were making it all up.
And that was long before the BLM parades were permitted, but not churchgoing. Riots by hundreds, but solo surfers went to jail.
From that point on, I was as militant as I could be without going to prison.
Excellent reminder and I am glad Alex touched on this, but to your point, it had BS all over it. I did not cancel my vacation that summer. The county we went to in upstate NY had exactly 4 cases by July of 2020. We didn't cancel Christmas 2020 or anything thereafter. But I think COVID was more a political operation. Perhaps even informal coordination among the like-minded in media, the D party, and international players. It was the magic bullet to get rid of Trump who had just been impeached and not removed for asking Zelensky to look into Biden family corruption. Trump was acquitted February 5, 2020 and the economy was humming. COVID had just started spreading. COVID became Democrat/Anti-Trumper plan B in my opinion. Biden, the "hero of impeachment and victim of Trump" won the SC primary magically on February 29. The Black people of SC found new love for the old racist from Delaware. He'd be a "steady hand" as opposed to the "chaotic Trump" who kept blaming China for the virus and not bats and pangolins. Soon after, the primaries were shut down, Biden went into the basement and we all went into lockdown and the economy was tanked. They actually tried to use that against Trump in 2024 as if we would forget COVID but remember some bad economy Trump was responsible for. Only Biden could not remember why (and maybe KJP because it wasn't in her book). As you say, the riots were allowed to happen and blow up. Remember they even had a letter from doctors saying that was more important than avoiding the spread of the virus (maybe the surfers should have declared a surf riot!). Of course, Europe was going right along with dispensing with Trump and their added bonus was the excuse to crack down on speech and dissent which we continue to see the fruits of today. I could go on but I am sure you get the point.
I thank you for summing it up in perfect detail.
"I’ll never forget asking my doctor how many of his patients had died of Covid. He has since retired, but at the time he was in his eighties. Given his age and the fact he was in New York City, I assumed he’d have lost a half-dozen or more. The answer was one, a guy in his nineties."
My parents were 85 and 83 when the Chinese virus arrived. Within a year or two they both caught it, had nasty bouts with it, but survived. (IIRC, my dad caught it from helping a friend move INTO a nursing home. The irony. Or, well I won't come out and say it, but, "Dad, WTF were you thinking??")
Today, they're 90 and 88 (knock on wood), and still living alone, without supervision or assistance, in the house they bought in 1979.
The anger is still there, though mostly suppressed. Watching it happen in real time damaged my faith in humanity and definitely in the medical community. Viruses will virus - and there's no getting around it. The "rules" simply made it last longer and the intrusion (door knocking for those over 50yo) was appalling. Took quiet strength to resist, and the fallout was/is enormous even today. Lies and manipulation; appalling and easy to recognize the gaslighting even then. Fear porn, sadly, works on many.