c'mon guys, it's just Sudden Doctor Death Syndrome

the simplest explanation is usually correct

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Kind of odd that there hasn’t been a sudden politician death syndrome.

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Hold on to that Dream!

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That's right! Fauci is a doctor. (Or so he claims.)

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So is Jill

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Cause most got saline? I don’t know but it’s been rumoured that fake vaccination was offered in several large hospitals!

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I heard that about pro athletes. If true, then Kyrie Irving sacrificed millions in salary and endorsements so he didn't have to live a lie.

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I know of professional sports teams who faked it.

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If most got saline, how did Joe get Covid?

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They told Joe it was saline.

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Oh good one!

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They could shoot bleach into Brandon and he would not let go of the reign. Obama needs this third term to prove he is not a complete imbecile.

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Did he get it? Are you sure?

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They are all exempt from vaccines. Only the plebs are forced to comply.

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We can only wish.....

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They don’t do much….oh, I mean they don’t do much exercise…

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From your mouth to Gods ears!! Somebody’s ears!!

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Its kind of like Sudden Airline Pilot Death Syndrome.

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Ugh. I'm flying soon.

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Why aren't we flying by AI or remote yet? Should at least be the backup system.

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There is a copilot and I think the odds of both captain and copilot being incapacitated are pretty small.

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it should, but i seem to remember boeing's autopilot actually caused plane crashes. it had a flaw that experienced pilots could recognize, but newer pilots flying planes for airlines that didn't pay for extra safety features were exposed to the flaw.

i'm pro-capitalist, but i think this whole thing was handled poorly


"Two Boeing 737 Max 8 jets, a variant of the world’s most popular jetliner, crashed within six months of each other in a stunning rate of failure that raises questions about the airplane’s automated systems.

Preliminary data from the first crash, Lion Air Flight 610, suggests that the automated system forced the plane into a steep dive soon after takeoff. At least half a dozen pilots have complained about unexpected nosedives from the system."


"The crashed Ethiopian Airlines and Lion Air jetliners lacked two safety features that could have helped avert the disasters because Boeing charged extra to have them installed on 737 MAX 8 planes — but the company will now make one of them standard, according to a report."

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Capitalism is great but I'm pro FAA. When things go wrong at thirty thousand feet the invisible hand of the free market is not going to guide that plane down safely 🤷🏻‍♂️

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Actually a lot of the work in setting up a landing approach is handled by onboard autopilot systems. A non-pilot with experience on desktop flight simulators could probably do it, provided he could establish communications with the control tower. Remote access would be vulnerable to hacking and is a no-no (for the time being).

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Ai isn't good at landing planes because computer scientists don't know how to land o lanes

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I have landed a plane. It isn't rocket science. It is knowing your variables and adjusting accordingly. AI is actually good at that. I'm not saying we should trust AI 100%, but it would make a decent backup plan compared to unconscious pilots and nothing else. Same goes for remote control by air traffic controllers with pilot licenses.

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Good one

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Yes, people are in such blind denial they would more readily accept SDDS (Sudden Doctor Death Syndrome) than the truth of vaccine injury and death.

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Oh, the wit! Funny………..

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They've been working so hard they're literally dropping dead!

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Right the newly defined and classified SDDS phenomena!

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Jul 29, 2022
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I read it all and the CDC, NAIAD, NIH, WHO, PUBLIC HEALTH, and STATE HEALTH BOARDS should never have mandated the vaccine, much less stopped the therapeutic use of ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine.

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Diane - thanks for the amazing info. Have a good buddy, Vietnam Vet, took 2 doses, since forever sworn off that, just had quadruple bypass. Like you mentioned - heart is fine, it's the dang platelets. Do you have any insights on how to mitigate? Asking for a very dear friend. Thanks again.

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Yes FLCCC protocol for anyone "spiked" ... check it out. Apparently controlled fasting helps a LOT! See the link to post-vax info. Good luck.

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I guess that explains the clots, too?

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Jul 30, 2022Edited
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Thank you again Diane! Yes - I had forgotten about the FLCCC protocol, as he was jabbed Spring and Fall of last year. I will share this info with his wife. She is open to holistic approaches. Yes he is as tough as they come, they don't make them like him any more. I will thank him for his service on your behalf, and please extend my gratefulness to your own father for his service to our country.

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Thank you Diane. This was excellent info.

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Jul 30, 2022
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I am one of the ones who was thought to be very low risk and almost died with subsequent complications which are no doubt phenotypically MCAS. Long COVID was debilitating for months until I took A cocktail of three repurposed drugs ( maraviroc, statin, blood thinner) having already used total FLCCC protocol early plus every other drug or supplement known to provide benefit. In four weeks LC sx we’re literally all gone. Curious to understand the link between the afore mentioned supportive research and links with MCAS. Scheduling an appt with immunologist. If you know of THE person in this field please share. Many thanks!

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endothelial dysfunction prime site for toxic spike protein attachment ACE-2 receptors. ATP spins up but imperfectly resulting in "rogue" hydroxyl groups = inflamation on both micro and macro levels leading to blood clots.

Autopsies rarely done not wanting an answer...inflammatory events in small blood vessels (endothelitis), characterized by an abundance of T lymphocytes and sequestered, dead endothelial cells within the vessel lumen.

Spike proteins = there for life. Each shot maybe 200 billion cells ( If Line 1 retrotransposons successfully reverse transcribe even .05% of the time) ...do the math and consider the boosters now. Younger accumulates enough.

Just saying.

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You're right: absent autopsies, the hospitals' claims that there's nothing to see here ring very false.

What a heartbreaking waste of life!

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One would think they wouldn't specifically address the vaccine connection in their statements if they hadn't been mandating the 4th dose, right?

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yeah, it would have been very simple & direct to say "Look, this is private medical information, but I do have permission to publicly disclose that none of these doctors had their 4th booster as has been recently allowed, and is still very much encouraged - especially for those in high risk groups."

but their statement was intentionally vague & meaningless. why?

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They're so used to getting away with lying and bullying they don't realize how exposed they are.

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Every time. "Safe and effectice" "these are not the droids..."

They never sit you down and discuss detailed data like the good guys do. Alex and kory and malone and mccullough and cole and lawrie etc etc, get into the science.

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Please consider your comment about a vaccine that was not tested. We have lost four good friends shortly after they got the vaccine and first booster---yes, they died with sudden onset of heart and odd cancers.

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Nicely said.

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Bet the doctors who got fired are feeling pretty good about their decision.

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Exactly. Their denial is a smoking gun.

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Exactly!! The 4th vaccine brings on stripping people of their entire immune system---and “boom” you’re injured for life and more likely dead!

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Even if it wasn’t the fourth vaccine, having had three and then being exposed to a lot of shedding by other people all around them might’ve been a bridge too far. 

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More than a waste. It is institutional homocide. Genocide, if you will.

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Denials cost nothing. In themselves. But in the larger context, they can be very costly.

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I don't know anyone who trusts medical institutions anymore and this stuff is part of the reason. Haughty handwaving pronouncements and they don't realize their ass is showing.

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Exactly what my husband said.

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To the families of these doctors: Very sorry for your loss. I'm sure it's beyond painful. It feels so wrong. If, by chance, the covid jabs are somehow related, I hope you will speak out when you are able.

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So very sad. My condolences to their family and friends. I pray that one is not my Ortho-Surgeon that performed two of my spinal fusions at the Trillium Hospital in Mississauga. Dr..... is over fifty, has a large practice with patients from all around Ontario, including myself, an hour away. He is a very skillful, kind doctor with a great sense of humor, I have been a patient of his for over 20 years. This is a big loss to Trillium Health and doctors from the surrounding areas. Damn Turdope, too bad it was not politicians especially the L here in Canada. God Bless.

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Donna: I heard on Fox last night that Tamara Lich was released from jail on the condition that she couldn’t talk bad about The Twit Trudeau……..Is that correct?

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Yes that is the same I heard. That Turd is insane throwing temper-tantrums, punishing anyone that does not align with him and his way of thinking. He is hated, despised all around the country. If he says a few words, the media, journalists are not allowed any questions. This is as of last week, after he finished what he was spewing, he said "No questions"!!! Tamara did not deserve the 48 days in jail. We shall see at the trial what will happen. I have huge respect for Tamara. God Bless her.

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Ok, let’s all (well, Americans, we don’t want the twit Trudeau coming after anybody in Canada) as I was saying, let’s all suppose that I ………say………overheard someone saying in line at the store,………..say I heard someone say that they heard that the worlds largest pissant , let’s say, you know like the tu-tu-wearing Trudeau has a servant powder his ass after he bathes. I’m just sayin………..

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Anyway, thanks, Donna. I hope she prevails and sues big time.

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That is funny, I would agree with you. I hope and pray the best for Tamara. Thanks for the support, Denise.

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Wow. No questions, just like Biden.

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Yes, sickening.

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Yes, please let us know.

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I second that. Please.

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Remember how some of us balked 2 years ago at the naysayers saying people will start dropping dead in 2 years?? 😵

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The horrific looks I received from friends & family when I said there was no way in hell I’d be a Guinea pig and take the jab will

be forever etched in my mind. Only two friends have said I was smart not to do it. The rest still think they’re alive because they got jabbed numerous times.

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A neice is getting married on a cruise soon. We told her sorry but we are not getting vaxxed and therefore we cannot attend. We are the only ones not going. But I'm fine with that if it means not playing Russian Roulette with my health.

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I have a grandnephew getting married tomorrow in Long Island. They had an insert in the invitation requesting all attendees whether vaccinated or not have a negative covid test. Not sure who will be checking the paperwork at the door. They also said that in order to reduce the carbon footprint, you should RSVP by internet rather than mail. OMG! I've said that needless to say I would not be attending this soiree. Not vaccinated. Pretty sure that the internet is responsible for a much bigger carbon footprint than the USPS.

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Mass hysteria is very powerful in humans. They will never believe the truth. Good for you to avoid the herd mentality.

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I've had the same experience but none of my jabbed friends think I was smart.

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Well they were two friends who didn’t want to get it but caved due to family pressure. Both had some negative side effects that scared them. They knew in their gut that it wasn’t right.

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I've actually had a family member and a friend tell me that I was right and they were wrong.. and one even admitted to being naive for having believed big pharma and the government. In hindsight he realizes how foolish it was, not that I really care at this point. He is suffering and I hate it.

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Sorry your relative is suffering. But the admissions by the others is amazing to me. We're gearing up for another lock down in New Mexico.

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I suspect there are a lot more of us than we are led to believe. I recently saw a claim from the CDC that "nine of ten Americans have started their COVID vaccine series." I thought, no way! I bet at least 30% of Americans are unvaccinated, (obviously depending on geographics). Still, they want us to believe we are a tiny fraction. Power in numbers!

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Exactly!! We refused the vaccine and we are grateful everyday that we can read and found so many warnings available.

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So true! Don't these people read and listen beyond MSM? It's not hard to broaden one's news sources. I don't get it??

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No, the people I know do not and they don't want to hear anything that might cause them to doubt their beliefs that were pounded into them by propaganda.

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I read early on that deaths will start coming 2 to 10 years after the vax. One of the many honest doc I follow said that, and I believe him.

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More statistically "out of control" deaths. My bet is the governments start colluding with the insurance industries like they do with social media to crush this "dissenting misinformation".

Never in my lifetime could I have imagined this type of overt threat to the general population by our elected (and mostly unelected) officials all with a sworn duty to protect and serve. Beyond criminal.

Pray, plan, prepare and RESIST.

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Well, these 5 physicians are part of the "mysterious" increase in all cause mortality that the life insurance industry has let slip. I'm sure the actuaries will be put back in line soon by the illustrious Prime Minister of Canada.

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It would be great if some life/health insurance actuaries would speak out. They are seeing the disaster in real-time, and their job is to evaluate risk, for their (for-profit) employers. Doubt any life insurance company will wallpaper over billions in payouts which is what we are looking at.

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Trudeau Castro is a communist.

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And a Son of A Communist! (derogatory humor).

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He absolutely is!!

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I did my first 100 reloads this week, .38 special.

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Exactly Correct!! It is coming fast and we must not be deceived.

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Sudden death is the new orange

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My almost 13-year-old daughter is on day three of covid. Pureblood. Had 101.8 fever the first night but is fever free now. Coughs once every few hours. I’m so glad she’s unvaxxed; it could’ve been so much worse! 😜

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Unvaxxed is safe and effective! We actually have the data to back that up!

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Here’s hoping! I had it in late April. Hoping that natural immunity will hold up!

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I've had it twice, but the second was very mild. Hopefully that's all I'll face of covid in the future.

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Just had it in our home. Wife and son both I'll. My stepson is vaxxed (disabled and my wife listened to the docs) my wife is not. Symptoms and severity pretty much the same. Son caught it first.

Me? Nothing while caring for them both. I recovered from SARS-COVI-1 eighteen years ago. I was told my immunity from that may mitigate COVID-19. I've been around it plenty and haven't so much as coughed or had a sore throat.

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Exactly. You were smart and your child’s immune system will be stronger.

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Not gonna lie, Alex had a lot to do with that decision. And El Gato and Gummibear. The dissidents of Twitter saved a lot of people’s lives.

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that is "el gato"... don't get me wrong, i love the guy.... incredible mind and biting wit, but the lack of CAPITALIZATIONS! LOL!

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Irony is the best humor! Glad she is doing well.

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These hospitals remind me of Sgt Schultz. I hear noting, I see nothing, I know nothing! My confidence in our "health care" agencies, hospitals and doctors is declining as rapidly as the number of people voluntarily taking the vaccines/boosters!

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I wish doctors had started caring after Dr Barton Williams died in February 2021.

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What infuriates me is lack of interest in the “suddenly in his sleep death at 62” of Dr Paul Farmer (an elite doc beloved of the left for his international medical work among the poor & he was big vaccine advocate, so I assume vaxxed himself). CRICKETS.

MSM AND erstwhile “ left wing media” — looking at you Mother Jones & Democracy Now — have a globalist uni-voice.

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I thought the left were supposed to be the anti big gov folks! Where’s all the old hippies, the aclu and the millennials against big pharma & censorship

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Do you mean millennials or GENX (very late 40s to 50-somethings.) Setting aside conservatives, the other GenXers who maintained a "traditional liberal belief" in things like free-speech & the rule of law seem to be writing on 'Stack, like our own dear Alex. I think the majority of his (paid) subscribers 'skew boomer' with the notable exception of my fav millennial, NCmom.

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Tragic. Also, Dr. Dimitri Ndina in Nashville died shortly after taking the booster.

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a young doc in Boston died (bled out) right after his first shot and it was widely reported early in 2021 - but described as a 'very rare' reaction

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Dr Barton Williams - was he the one in Florida whose platelets dropped to zero and he died within maybe two weeks of his first jab?

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Nope. Dr Barton Williams worked in Memphis. And yes a Dr in Flordia died after taking the vaccine— that made headlines...before the censorship.

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Florida was Dr Micheal Gregory - thrombocytopenia death post vax

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I’ll never forget that!

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I was literally forwarding an email of my own to a group of many contacts that I try to keep up to date on topics like this, as my inbox made a ding, and here was the email from alex. How can they assure us that they are not vaccine related before they perform an autopsy? Are they going to look for evidence of clotting? Why is it that athletic folks are falling more than the sedentary ones it seems lately? Soccer players Etc

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I have no doubt that they all had great life insurance policies and that the hospitals will generously pay off the families to not pursue autopsies or make any negative comments about their loved ones being jabbed.

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true, and i bet the friendly intrahospital soccer matches are on hold for unrelated reasons

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Funny coincidence. I was at a Hospital today speaking with an employee concerning traveling and vacations. She mentioned she was not able to travel to a country because she was not vaccinated. "Wow", I said "how did you escape the jab?" She told me her job at the hospital it was not required. She also told me, that the reason for her decision was because a lot of the Medical staff who were "vaccinated" had developed thrombosis and cardiac problems afterwards. I should have asked her what she meant by a lot. But who cares? For something that is touted as safe, it sure doesn't look like it.

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Well as I live and breath, here is something I found coming out of Canada.


Ok just another conspiracy theory nut job. I get it.

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These doctors were obviously killed by climate change. There is no other explanation...confirmed by super scientist Al Gore and high school dropout Greta Thunberg.

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I'm not saying I have any proof Bill Gates wants to depopulate the world, but it is incredible how conspiracy theories seem to be coming true whether intentional or by accident. Actually, I think Bill just lacks sense outside the computer world and every time he thinks he is saving lives he actually ends up making things worse.

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You give him wayyy to much credit in thinking he isn’t aware of his threat to humanity. I live in a farming part of the country…his evil touches all.

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No : he is evil.

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i wasn't sure what to think about bill gates until he proposed the classic cartoon villain move, BLOCKING OUT THE SUN


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He thinks like an engineer! It always look good on paper......

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I'm pretty sure there is a Ted talk or some such video that shows him saying that population control will be achieved through vaccines. It's from around 2018 or 2019.

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His major talent was for business. Microsoft became a behemoth due to its monopoly business practices, not its inventiveness. Jobs was another control freak but at least had some creativity.

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Sorry, but the media will not be front paging these tragedies.

I live in Massachusetts where no one seems to know (or want to know) anything about the VAERS reports. Even if these tragedies did get reported, anyone who dared suggest the shots were the cause would be shamed as a conspiracy theorist.

The people (all well educated) I know who took 2 shots and 2 boosters, then got a 'covid cold', couldn't wait to tell me with great confidence the shots saved them from getting really sick. Now they can't wait to get an Omicron booster (presumably so they won't get another cold or will sniffle for three days instead of four...) Same people: thrilled babies and children are now able to get their 'shots'. Mandates? All good.

These people all have amnesia too about the initial statements by the 'authorities' the shots would stop them from ever getting sick. And no memory of the blaming and shaming of the unvaccinated. Seriously? No memory of Fauci, the President and the media all insisting this was a virus of the unvaccinated? Nope. Never happened. I'm making all that up. Furthermore, they all hold Pfizer, Gates, Fauci, the CDC - in highest regard.

I recognize this is a whiny rant and the tragedy of doctors dying should help me keep things in perspective. Its just that I kept hoping people were going to wake up - but they are not waking up.

Its all exhausting and getting to me, especially as Mr Gates' tabletop rehearsal seemed to have monkeypox all set and ready to go to be sure to keep all this illogic going....

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Not a whiny rant! It is a story we all here relate to. Monkeypox is a cover for shingles, and other formerly immunosuppressed viruses. It is a sh*t show. Amnesia is being kind. Folks cannot connect the dots, we all will carry the fallout of the media who failed us. And the people who should not have been so comforted by the media lies. And media was a conduit for the real evil.

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Thank you so much - it is really hard feeling alone in this and Alex' substack and hearing from people like you has really helped.

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Be strong KFH and you are not alone, we are all here to ask what happened. And figure out the future.

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I could have written the same message as you. I have the same experiences and feelings.

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Me as well..it is so frustrating; one feels helpless in fact. Unsure of what we should do next...shall we continue to forward the data, and share the truth to friends and family, or just sit and wait for things to get really bad.

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I saw a gay friend and his partner today. He was going to be in my area and wanted to visit after no contact for about 45 years! I was thrilled to see him, but I decided to just say upfront that I am not vaccinated and tell him the stories of my brother-in-law and 3 friends who died "unexpectedly from apparent" etc. He and his partner were taken aback by my talking openly about my skepticism of the narrative, etc. But when he was leaving, I told him I hoped he didn't get any more boosters because I remember his friendship and would hate to lose him. He told me he was "starting to get scared." As they were scared into getting the jabs, maybe they'll be scared into disavowing them. I'm hopeful at least.

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You are not alone in Mass, though you are right there are very few of us.

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thank you - I actually found plenty on the internet (major time waster) - but its even more annoying to have it proved to them and when I get going my anger comes through and that is off-putting so I need to keep my mouth shut and stay out of trouble

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When you try to show them evidence, they won't look in my experience.

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We will be completely free of mandates when politicians start dropping like flies. But do they get the same vaccines as the plebs? That we might never know.

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