How about their actual names but all upside down with melting candle wax treatment?

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Boston University CREATES a new Covid strain that has an 80% kill rate — echoing dangerous experiments feared to have started pandemic


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Twitter is the only issue right now?

Good thing you’re not running for office, Alex, because people wouldn’t know your platforms because you wouldn’t be on Twitter to tell us…

Sheesh, Am I the only one here who is not supportive of this relentless focus on a social media site that has no benefit to humanity?! But, you do allow me to comment here, so thank you, but I’m not here because of Twitter, I’m here because of my absolute disgust with the way people handled themselves for the last 2+ years.

Covid = wolf, and everyone’s screaming the goddamn word, and I’m sick of it!

Have a nice day.🤪

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Names listed above own the science and they are using CNN Google Twitter Facebook and others to control the narrative. Just like they do with Global warming.

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Too tame.

Learn to fight like hell.

Be in their face.

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While I very much appreciate the work Alex has done how much he LOVES playing the victim is what separates him the most from Alex Jones and clearly shows how much he still is “of the left.” I had thirteen readers on medium and got de-platformed for writing an analysis, for my family, of why I didn’t take the vaccine. Just try to pretend you aren’t actually the biggest victim in all this Alex, you’d be amazed how freeing it is …

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I would only want a hoodie. And I didn't and don't give a shit about Hollywood's foursome then or now.

So a hoodie with a better slogan.

Like, I don't know, off the top of my head....


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Alex Jones on estrogen maybe.

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"Also a hoodie, but that’s only for me."

You need a grapefruit sized lump on the back your neck for a hoodie...

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The “Midterm Strain”

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I think there are a lot better t-shirt ideas, ask the audience!!

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Damned Lies.

& Statistics

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go Brandon

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In a righteous world there would be a SNL skit featuring Fauci, Gottlieb, Slavitt and Bourla at an encounter session at the Esalen Institute.

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Ivermectin and HCQ

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You could only wish you were right about as many things as Alex Jones was.

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Sorry to be slow on the uptake here, but is that image the real t-shirt, or will it read "Tony & Scott & Andy & Al? I'd buy the latter for sure. or the mug.

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Weird but both Jones and you are banned everywhere!! What could the 2 of you possibly have in common?

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Can wait to support your cause again, they need to go down; I wish more lawsuits were coming from others.

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What’s wrong with Alex? Normal free speech as far ad I can tell.

PT Barnum would be so crucified by this mob of first Amendment violating government employees and politicians .

Freedom of speech is a God given right and the government is specifically enjoined from prohibiting it.

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That "movie" was anti-marriage agitprop spewed by the tribe who gave the world communism both academically, and then physically.

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I want the shirt. My husband’s name is Bob, Mine is Carol. First two dogs were Ted & Alice. We have a sense of humor. Although this isn’t funny.......

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Sorry Alex, you’re one of us now

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Sad fact is that these folks were all pretty normal years ago when they were get sucked into working for the feds

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Whitman, Price, and Haddad!!

If you know, you know.

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Aren't all hipsters overage these days?

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Full support here!!! Taking a stand against bloodshed is everyone's battle - except for those elites who's lies will catch them at some point. Fight like mad 👊🏻

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Hey Alex, Have you watched the movie- documentary, “ Shots- eugenics to pandemics” it’s on TUBI & Amazon sells it. It documents you & it’s pretty accurate about everything. Really gives background about Big Pharma too. A lot on Fauci & Gates. They are beyond corrupt. 🙈. Check it out readers- let me know your reviews. Highly recommended for the history alone- especially public school kids like me. I’m sure this wasn’t in my history books. 😂 Good info. - Gates even talks about de-populating at a meeting. Fauci gets a bad review by PCR inventor. Not sure that means anything? Doesn’t a negative and a negative equal a positive? More accurate info. is always a good thing.

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Avatar has my t-shirt.

Make yer own. Just get some fabric paint.

Also made my own Flatten the Fear bumper sticker in Aoril, 2020.

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Ken & Karen & Tony & Rochelle

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Alex, I need me one of these !

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Alex, aren’t you too young for this cultural reference??

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As another former EV'er, I'm in!

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too bad Elliott Gould and Jack Nicholson are a tad long in the tooth, and therefore might want the jabs

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'This should be totally forbidden, it's playing with fire': Experts condemn Boston lab for creating a new deadly Covid strain with an 80% kill rate — warning it could spark a 'lab-generated pandemic'


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I’m sorry to hear about your grandchildren being part of this. I have two adult sons, one jabbed (college, etc.). I agree with you wholeheartedly about the lack of root cause finding in medicine today. Frustrates me to no end. Why fix someone when you can get them on a prescription subscription? Saw and orthopedic surgeon for a eval. First question out of them for pre-visit screening was “what pharmacy do you use?” For a friggin’ eval. I take Tylenol and Advil to proactively knock down inflammation before golf. Outside of that, I try to stay away from any Big Pharma bullshit. Medicine is very disheartening. I need to find a solid natural doc.

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I would love a coffee mug, but will contribute to the lawsuit either way.

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I would buy that shirt. Heh.

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LOL @ anyone saying that you are anything close to Alex Jones! What are they going to say next?! That you are the new Jesus Christ? The new Zeus? The new Superman? LMAO

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It’s one thing when history repeats itself every generation or so, but in this country, history repeats itself every couple of months.

And people haven’t learned anything, and frankly, I’m with the Joker, I want to sit and watch the world burn!

Because, I’m going to save the cowards who cower and kneel to these evil bastard Republ-ocrats who crush our lives every damn day?!

And when I read these threads when I’m allowed to comment, I know in my heart over 90% of the people commenting here at the end of the day won’t stand up if their lives depended on it, because nothing has changed, and there’s no way I’m going to take on the evil scum to save all the cowards and whores who enable the hate and lust for power by being apathetic indifferent uncaring losers …

how many commenters here have children who are still dependent on you, and you’re not going to save their lives?

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Yahoo Finance is doing a live feed with the Pfiser CEO he wants a vax that last!

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How do I get one?

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Whoo-hoo! Count me in. (Please use high quality fabric. None of that cheap shit, we’ll be wearing it frequently!)

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"Beagle Puppy Torturer"

"Twitter Censor"

"Gott-lier Stooge"

"Lizard Man" (Have you ever seen that weird thing that happens with Bourla's neck in an interview?)

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Alex, you need to starting kicking butt.

Being banned from Twitter has harmed you by "depersoning" you, has essentially cut you off from so many people who listen to you to hear the truth, and has decreased your earning potential.

Still thinking you are too nice.

Anger can be a tremendous motivating factor.

Learn to fight like hell.

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Just one, pleeese. I'm retired on limited dollars......but I'll never stop buying your books......

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I hear that Alex has a special on Infowars Crew tees if you want one 😁🇺🇸

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