The White House has begun an extraordinary assault on free speech in America. It is no longer content merely to force social media companies to suppress dissenting views. It appears to be setting the stage to use federal police powers.
How else to read the “National Terrorism Advisory System Bulletin” the Department of Homeland Security issued on Monday? Its first sentence:
SUMMARY OF THE TERRORISM THREAT TO THE UNITED STATES: The United States remains in a heightened threat environment fueled by several factors, including an online environment filled with false or misleading narratives and conspiracy theories... [emphasis added]
You read those words right.
The government now says “misleading narratives” are the most dangerous contributor to terrorism against the United States.
The bulletin’s next sentence:
These threat actors seek to exacerbate societal friction to sow discord and undermine public trust in government institutions to encourage unrest, which could potentially inspire acts of violence. [emphasis added]
You read those words right too.
A federal agency says that to “undermine public trust in government institutions” is now considered terrorism. Speech doesn’t even have to encourage rebellion or violence generally, much less against anyone specific. It just has to “potentially inspire” violence.
Later, the bulletin explains exactly what speech the government now considers a terrorist danger:
Widespread online proliferation of false or misleading narratives regarding unsubstantiated widespread election fraud and COVID-19.
There’s that word misleading again.
Who’s defining “misleading”? Misleading to whom? Misleading how?
I have no doubt whatsoever that I fit as a terrorist threat under these guidelines.
So does Joe Rogan. And Tucker Carlson. After all, we’ve “undermine[d] public trust in government institutions” about Covid and the mRNA shots (I try not to call them vaccines anymore).
This bulletin marks an extraordinary escalation of the war on speech and the First Amendment.
The Biden Administration has issued five bulletins since it assumed power. Regularly issuing these warnings at all is problematic - they are not “alerts” to warn people about specific and ongoing terrorist plots. Thus they inevitably contain political judgment about what future threats may be the most severe.
But none of the earlier reports contained language remotely similar to Monday’s.
The original January 2021 bulletin highlighted “ideologically-motivated violent extremists” and specific threats of violence against “critical infrastructure.” The fourth discussed how foreign and domestic extremists were trying “to inspire potential followers to conduct attacks in the United States, including by exploiting recent events in Afghanistan.” It added "that as of November 10, 2021, DHS is not aware of an imminent and credible threat.”
In contrast, Monday’s bulletin clearly equates speech with terroristic activity. That connection may seem ridiculous and absurd. It is not.
These public statements are not merely wallpaper. They can reflect secret government decisions about what police or intelligence tactics are acceptable against targeted groups.
This is not a conspiracy theory; in 2017, Central Intelligence Agency director Mike Pompeo publicly called Wikileaks a “non-state hostile intelligence service.” As Yahoo News reported three years later:
More than just a provocative talking point, the designation opened the door for agency operatives to take far more aggressive actions, treating the organization as it does adversary spy services.
What, if anything, are government agencies planning to do about the terrorist threat that I and other Covid skeptics represent? I have no idea.
But make no mistake. This bulletin marks a clear escalation of the targeting from the highest levels of the federal government that began last year.
Remember: in July President Biden, Jennifer Psaki, and Surgeon General Vivek Murthy all encouraged social media companies to clamp down on Covid vaccine skeptics less than 24 hours before Twitter began the process of deplatforming me. Last week Psaki specifically targeted Rogan, who has a much larger audience.
Now, though, the government appears to want to target my First Amendment rights directly.
The stakes here could not be higher.
What if our worst fears about the mRNA Covid vaccines come to pass? What if they turn out to have long-term immunosuppressive effects that lead not just to more infections but to more serious illness over time?
I want to be clear. I’m not saying they do.Or will. But both the epidemiological data and the new cellular studies suggest the risk of such an outcome is non-zero.
It is not hard to imagine the anger and unrest that would accompany such revelations. The entire public health establishment and nearly every politician and elite institution in the United States has strongly encouraged Americans to take these shots. Many did so willingly, but millions more agreed to do so only because they faced unemployment if they did not comply. The defense that we just didn’t know, we took them ourselves, will be thin indeed.
But if pointing out problems with vaccines - or even potential problems - is not speech but terrorism, then the government can do what it needs to make the “terrorists” go away.
And we will be one step closer to 1984.
NOTE: I have never done this before, and I probably won’t again for a while. But if you’ve gotten this far, I hope you will consider supporting Unreported Truths with a subscription. I don’t know how long or messy this fight may become, and I’m eager for all the help I can get. (And if you sold your Bitcoin at the high last year and want a signed copy of PANDEMIA - I’m still sending them to people who become founding members.)
No matter what, I will not back down. This threat to free speech cannot go unchallenged. I hope you will join me.
It’s Obama! HE started the coup by weaponizing the IRS, CIA, FBI and purged the US military officer corps of anyone he deemed undesirable. He knew Hillary created the Russian Collusion bullshit because Brennan briefed him on it. He knew it. Was false but he said nothing for 4 years while he watched the aging Mueller get used by Weissman and the other scumbags while the country tore itself apart.
Obama now has a pattern of hiding behind elderly white men that he uses as decoys or Trojan horses. The Benghazi liar and scapegoat Susan Rice is his proxy to make sure Biden does things “by the book”. Unfortunately it’s the one written by Saul Alinsky.
Obama was just another pretty face who could read a script. He had as much to do with actual decisions as Biden. I doubt we'll ever know who makes the actual decisions. We may as well be dealing with SPECTRE from James Bond or aliens from another planet. All we can do is hold the actual "doers" we know about accountable in some way.
There’s a very troubling connection to Iran and Hussein Obama. His Iraq pullout benefited Iran. He gave Iran pallets of cash for the flawed nuke deal. He remained silent when Iran rose in protest against Khomeini. He was angry when the Egyptian military removed The Muslim Brotherhood from power even though millions of Egyptians were in the streets protesting the Brotherhoods tyranny. He ordered NASA to do outreach to make Muslims proud of their contributions( that’s a head scratcher). And in the his narcissistic autobiography said at the end of the day” he would always stand with the Muslims”.
I wish Obama had PUBLICLY reached out to Iran. For some reason, Iran has been one of a few countries ostracized by the globalists, the neo-libs and the neocons. I don't think they're our enemies (or our friends). The US should stay out of conflicts in the Middle East. Let Israel and Iran work things out for themselves.
When a nation state led by thugs hiding behind a religious cloak refer to my country as The Great Satan, they’re our enemy. When that state directly sponsors the building of IED/roadside bombs that killed or maimed thousands of American and allied troops, they’re an enemy. When they export terror and destabilize the entire region, they’re our enemy. When they align with enemies like China and Russia and the brutal dictatorship in Venezuela, you guessed it, Enemy.
If the people driving the fuel trucks stop, that will stop them. A general strike - like in Poland in 1989 - will stop them. They produce nothing but rules and regulations, they are utterly dependent on truckers and garbagemen and plumbers, and the rest of the working class, perhaps it's time for them to find out.
Wouldn't it be amazing if the garbage haulers, plumbers, mechanics, welders, electricians, etc. joined the truckers in their movement? We would ALL suffer in the short term, but speaking for myself, it would be worth it.
I agree! I wonder if the newest crop of illegal aliens would join in? As in that song, Country Folks Will Survive. And there are "Country Folks" everywhere! We can hunt, fish, grow fruits and vegetables, burn wood in our fireplaces, and we can defend ourselves against a tyrannical government!
The revolution taking place in Canada shows the power of one group. In Ottawa the tow truck companies refuse to remove those trucks sitting there. As long as those drivers decide to hold firm, the traffic snarl remains. No guns, no violence just a sit-down strike with big vehicles. The police are torn and are sympathetic to the truckers as are the military. The effort is dispersed. At long a citizens support them, the government hands are tied.
If the "almighty" Senor Trudeau Castro came down from his lofty perch, with an olive branch....or a pine bough, after all, it is 🇨🇦, and ask "hey Bros, can't we all just get along? Let's resolve this....together!"
The electricians, plumbers, construction workers, roofers, tile setters, dock workers, sailors, rail workers, meat cutters, store clerks, hotel maids, gardeners, house painters, house keepers, taxi drivers, policemen, firemen, and Truckers!
Those are the people who actually make civilation civil!!
Come on, Biden, Pelosi, McConnell, Trudeau, show a little respect!!
The answer is that it IS the big money that controls it, but ONLY BECAUSE THE GOVERNMENT HAS THAT power.
If the government’s power is limited and it is **illegal* for it do most of what it is doing, then big money has no power to use the government
Having said that: by far the *biggest* constituency of power is the government itself- meaning they dole out money to a branch of government which in turns keeps those politicians in power for doing so. Today this is the security state: DOD, Intel, FBI, and the contractors associated with these entities.
All one has to do is look at China and most regimes throughout all of history and see eventually the government turns on the wealthy elite too. Just like we are currently experiencing them turning on US citizens now. It’s an out of control Albatross
"The defense that we just didn’t know, we took them ourselves, will be thin indeed." That's quite probable—but each passing day, I'm wondering more if those politicians/bureaucrats who took the jabs on camera to "encourage" the rest of us, were actually taking jabs of the vaccine or jabs of saline.
Correct, Biden is a puppet manipulated by the same folks who called the shots for Obama, another puppet, and sad to say likely controlled Trump as well.
Obama once said he would be fine with running an election from his basement with an earpiece in his ear:
"I used to say, if, if I could make an arrangement where I had a stand-in, a front man, a front woman and they had an earpiece in and I was in the basement in my sweats … I’d be fine with that."
Courage, fellow Patriots! In a time when men's hearts will fail them, we must remain strong. I'm sure we are all on various lists, not just for following Alex - hell - I helped a day at the AZ election audit so I KNOW I'm on multiple lists. KEEP THE FAITH - RIGHT IS ON OUR SIDE!
I bet we are. I have already speculated on that strong possibility. I mean, Canadian police go after a 78 year old man who honked his horn in support of the hard working truckers who are actually fighting for freedom. Jan. 6, kill a woman for doing...nothing, etc.
Ravkoo Mail Order Pharmacy which has/had a bustling Ivermectin clientele sent out letters warning customers their data was hacked. Bought Ivermectin? Your data was hunted.
Oh no doubt Tucker will be on fire over this tonight! I will definitely enjoy watching him take a blow torch to this latest attempt of complete dictatorship by the Biden Admin.
They wouldn't be silencing Fox, they'd be silencing Tucker. Fox is NOT your pal. The Murdochs haven't fired Tucker because he's the only thing keeping them from losing the rest of their audience. Why keep it alive? OAN & Epoch Times are the real deal.
They want to take down Fox, Newsmax and some independent news channels are now gone from cable. If the citizens cannot be informed or updated on government corruption there will be no problems. Right? Zombie tax payers is what they want.
Fox is owned by the gun-grabbing, deluge "migration", 1-way "free trade", global feudalist Murdochs who actively assisted the coup d'etat. Even Tucker collaborated, muzzling Trump's lawyers for refusing to dox witnesses etc, which he'd never done to leftists.
NewsMax is run by Chris Ruddy, a toady of the Clinton-Bush crime syndicate. No accident he fired Emerald Robinson & hired LoLibertarian Judge Nappy Pants Napolitano.
Breitbart's been infiltrated by election fraud deniers, who helped Rand Paul certify the stolen election & seat The Xiden Junta.
Well, I do not nor have I ever gotten news from social media. Never started an account with MySpace, Ackbook, Uselessgram, twitless, none of the "oooo, let's Make it look like I am dancing or record the dancing, on & on, etc. I would rather watch Fox (yes, choices are very limited there & not stellar), Newsmax, OAN, a few online news sites, and never ABC, CBS, NBC, msnbc, cnn, etc. Sooo, glad I gave you an opportunity to rant. I will continue to do what I do rather than be controlled or told what to do by anyone. Hope your day is better than it seems to be.
I responded to your rant at me and I will always stand up for myself. My, you are so bitter. Maybe you should step outside and enjoy the fresh air. Being online all the time isn't good for anyone. Hope tomorrow is better for you. :)
that’s why it’s such a big deal they want to take down OAN right now. OAN is smaller and more vulnerable than FOX is. Right now I have OAN in my lineup on DirecTV, but since AT&T bought them, they’re putting the bullseye on conservative stations.
True. We don't watch cable at all anymore. Real America's Voice ( and, Lindells's site, have news coverage, and reliable commentary. If Tucker is particularly good, we'll catch it online later somewhere.
Sounds like the government is getting ready to squash the flood of very bad covid shot news about to burst forward. Now, if only the MSM would wake up and do their F**King Job to protect the People from the overreach of Government.
Absolutely correct! For the first time a mainstream source yesterday admitted a 24 year old died from the vaccine. Many other pieces are slowly circulating into the mainstream.
The effects of the bio-weapon shots must be getting to an uncontrollable tipping point.
Many people like us believe the narrative is crumbling and we are winning. I warn we should not celebrate yet, I believe the shadow government has a couple more tricks, and this latest bulletin may foreshadow what is to come if we do not figure out how to Constitutionally put a halt to these tyrants.
See Dr Malones blog here on Substack entitled "Regarding the Defense Medical Epidemiological Database Data Dump". In the military, an unbelievably wide range of categories of medical problems up huge percentages post-mandatory-vax compared to pre-mandatory-vax.
Remember CB radios? Time to buy a CB radio just like the truckers have. They don't depend on wireless towers or carriers like AT&T who just turn over your phone and text records to the J6 committee at the drop of a hat. Get prepared and get a CB radio.
No one will protect you, you have to band together and protect yourselves. If the people driving the fuel trucks stop, that will stop them. A general strike - like in Poland in 1989 - will stop them. They produce nothing but rules and regulations, they are utterly dependent on truckers and garbagemen and plumbers, and the rest of the working class, perhaps it's time for them to find out.
Yes, we do and I am so sick of defeatists that sit around and say oh life is done, America has fallen. I have kids that have yet to start their adult lives and grandchildren yet to be born, a husband that served this country for 12 years, a grandfather that died fighting in the revolutionary war, so I am not going to just roll over and say it's done.
There is nothing worse than the current situation where the Commie Dems control everything. Sure there are some terrible RINOs but overall the Pubs are much better than what we have now.
That’s why they hate Trump so bad. He freed the GOP from their grip in a hostile takeover, exposing the fakery. We thought we had a choice but it’s just like walking down the laundry detergent aisle at Walmart. Unilever owns most of the various brands. McConnell is a piece of shit for calling the day after Jan 5 an insurrection. He’s pwned by China. That’s why he and Romney and Christy are leading the charge trying to discredit Trump.
Yes those RINO or Worse types are the big problem. Almost all the Senate Pubs are Uniparty or Worse. I don't like the 6 year term. Also they use to be appointed by the State Legislators. At least in Congress the 2 year term allows for faster change. You will never see a MTG type Senate Pub.
My problem with the 6 years is that it becomes too club like. If a Senator is reelected that is 12 years which is too long. I totally agree about term limits but that will never happen. Also agree about going back to be appointed by the state legislators but that also is never going to happen.
I voted for exactly one Democrat candidate in my entire life and I have been hounded for money from Dems in general ever since. The only way I could have ever gotten on their lists if if they had access to voting records. And here I thought my vote was private.
I voted for one Democrat one time. He was running for Insurance Commissioner and I knew him from Rotary. Seemed like a good guy and I’d never heard of the Republican. So I voted for him. And a couple years later he was convicted and going to the big house for misuse of government funds and setting up a petty cash slush fund with his mistress that he hired as his secretary. Never again.
Nothing forces Trump to raise money through or for the Deep State GOPe.
Caveat emptor:
Never donate through "WinRed". Not even to good candidates. Mail checks instead.
WinRed is owned by the RINO GOPe and controlled by Ronna Romney. 4% of every donation is kept by the Party to fund RINO campaigns. Woke Visa takes an additional cut.
If you mail a check, 100% goes to the good candidate. I order "billpay" checks online. The bank even pays for the postage.
To me the big problem is the Senate. That is where the Pubs are the worse. Yes there are super RINOs in Congress but they can be easier to weed out because the 2 year term. The Senate is a big club. I wish they only had 3 year terms.
Sorry I totally disagree. All you have to do is look at the Commie Dem Blue States and Commie Dem Urban Areas. Yes there are many RINOs and Uniparty Pub figures but the Commie Dems are far, far, far, worse as a whole.
True, but unfortunately, Republicans mistakenly assume they have to pander to deluge legal immigration to win them over. They're quite capable of understanding that over-immigration destroys everyone's quality of life.
"Blacks" are starting to break our way. Xiden's popularity dropped massively with them over the last few months.
(I put black in quotes because I don't believe in race. No such thing as black & white. It's a continuum. Race is racist, a Democrat specialty.)
Yep. And LoLibertarians are strictly spoilers for CommieDems. They got 2-4% in many areas, enough to swing it to Xiden. Dems would've had to steal a LOT more votes otherwise. It would be even worse if they actually won races. LoLibertarian immigration, amnesty, border & 1-way "free trade" polices amount to national suicide & mass wealth redistribution. They actually believe there should be no limits on legal immigration - which means no USA. They can't honestly take the pledge of allegiance let alone the constitutional oath.
I agree with that the DEMs are far worse as a whole....On a national level the direction seems to be the same.....DEMs go Fast , RePubs go Slow......But The Direction is the Same. Less Freedom in the end.
The Senate is the big problem. Most of the Pubs are Uniparty and are in there for 6 Fing years! You are not going to see a MTG like Pub Senator. It's one big club.
Let’s not forget who passed the Patriot Act, the most civil liberty destroying legislation in our history
Look, the whole apparatus is a scam. Literally not one thing they say is truth. Every single thing is a false pretense for the real reason for an action. And that real reason is always taking more power or money or both.
The ONLY government that can exist is a very limited government- that has so little power that working in it is not much more appealing than being President of a home owners association
I learned that anyone who actively campaigns to be a homeowners association President is not the person you want to give even the slightest amount of power. They’re already addicted to it or soon will be. You want the guy or gal that shows up and asks appropriate questions but not just to hear themselves talk and get attention. The one you want says no the first time you offer to nominate them. And then if he misses a meeting you nominate him and call him after the meeting to offer your congratulations.
That’s the last time I ever missed a damn meeting!
Government should be something you do for two years and then you’re out. Done. And even those two years would not be full time.
I couldn’t wait to be off the HOA. But I served my two years because someone had to do it and then pass the baton.
The current US state is a full time elaborate scam. Every statement on TV, every “state of the union”, every press release, all just propaganda false pretense for their real agenda which is more power and money for itself and those who keep them in power.
"Those who keep them in power..." If the people driving the fuel trucks stop, that will stop them. A general strike - like in Poland in 1989 - will stop them. They produce nothing but rules and regulations, they are utterly dependent on truckers and garbagemen and plumbers, and the rest of the working class, perhaps it's time for them to find out.
And then came Trump. They thought it would be fun to torture the GOP with him for a few months and he would suck the oxygen spit of the room and complicate things. Then their plan fell apart when Trumpnet became self aware and won the GOP nomination and they saw the juggernaut of the Trump Train. The phenomenon of the Trump Rallies absolutely terrified them. He wasn’t a member of the club and he didn’t owe anyone anything.
Well it's going to be really sad if the Commie Dems can hold on to majorities in the Congress and the Senate. Anyone that would rather have Commie Dems in the majority like now deserves the worse. I can't stand many Pubs but there is nothing lower than Commie Dems.
Steven, I live in Oregon and everything you say about blue states is true in spades. The third rail is vaccines/vaccinations/pharma and the both R's and D's have not had the courage to touch that rail and still don't. The Ds never will! Other than Ron Johnson and Rand Paul on the senate side, what other R's are stepping up to the plate?
And yesterday they all voted to continue to fund the vax mandates (well 51 R's joined the D's ) to pass HR 6617. Spineless weenies, we should send them a backbone. and is where you can find all the bills, who sponsors them etc. This is "the" site to go for info & the staff , Congress go here for information on bills. Good website to bookmark too.
Republicans aren’t ideal, but stop letting the Democrats actually doing this off the hook. This kind of crap is basically saying “I’m a whiny baby and I want Brandon in charge forever because my feelings are hurt.”
Vote in better republicans in the primaries - but this crap is exactly how Democrats win.
I was a Rush listener and for years he said the goal of the Democrats was to be in charge without elections because they can’t win an argument on the merit of their ideas/plans for society.
At least they’re trying to talk about the issues. The GOP is trying to rid itself of the country club Republican RINO’s. They belong on the Democrat plantation with the limousine liberals
Bullshit. They all teamed up to stab him in the back like Roman Senators. Big Tech, Pharma, Never Trumpers, RINO’s, the DOJ, IRS, FBI and all the legacy media censored the Hunter Biden laptop story, etc.
The mantra in my house is the complaining continues but nothing changes (this is the G-rated version). What will they do and how will they get others to join & fight back?
Both parties are controlled by same power (the secret police in ex communist countries used to do this same plot ... owning the decedents). Maybe there are few congressmen that are not completely under control but they are minority to be able to do something meaningful
I thought the most serious threat to democracy was white supremacy. Before that it was Russian collusion. It's obvious that the existential threat to democracy is OUR OWN GOVERNENT!
I realized that I was being considered a 'terrorist' by my Canadian government pretty much when I decided to not take the vaxx last year. I kind of waffle back and forth between 'thing's aren't really this bad' and 'thing's are horrid'.
Although we are completely peace loving, law abiding, tax paying citizens, those who would have been considered the backbone of our respective countries even a year ago, we are now persona non grata for not complying with the set narrative.
Someone elsewhere posted that we are in WW3. We are. It is not only a battle against the vaxx passes and authoritarianism but against evil plain and simple. So whatever your religious persuasion, pray, pray, pray. It is the evil that must be defeated and love must reign supreme.
Bannon televised this a couple days ago. It’s infuriating x 1000. Biden regime just keeps digging their heels in the more people speak out. This will only backfire on them
Biden doesn’t give himself enough credit. He pretty much undermines trust in government all by himself.
I highly doubt it’s Biden behind these machinations. He’s the face and name we all can put to them, but these aren’t his moves.
It’s Obama! HE started the coup by weaponizing the IRS, CIA, FBI and purged the US military officer corps of anyone he deemed undesirable. He knew Hillary created the Russian Collusion bullshit because Brennan briefed him on it. He knew it. Was false but he said nothing for 4 years while he watched the aging Mueller get used by Weissman and the other scumbags while the country tore itself apart.
Obama now has a pattern of hiding behind elderly white men that he uses as decoys or Trojan horses. The Benghazi liar and scapegoat Susan Rice is his proxy to make sure Biden does things “by the book”. Unfortunately it’s the one written by Saul Alinsky.
He "fundamentally transformed America".
By supporting the big banks in 2008; biggest theft ever in history. Now he gets to live in his multi million dollar Mansions, a true man of the people
Obama was just another pretty face who could read a script. He had as much to do with actual decisions as Biden. I doubt we'll ever know who makes the actual decisions. We may as well be dealing with SPECTRE from James Bond or aliens from another planet. All we can do is hold the actual "doers" we know about accountable in some way.
Obama through Susan Rice and others.
Totally agree and thank you for not forgetting Benghazi.
Never forgive. Never forget.
I always seemed to me that Obama was carrying out someone else's orders. He never had the gravitas of a leader.
Obama was a pussy.
Citigroup and Goldman Sachs for starters.
There’s a very troubling connection to Iran and Hussein Obama. His Iraq pullout benefited Iran. He gave Iran pallets of cash for the flawed nuke deal. He remained silent when Iran rose in protest against Khomeini. He was angry when the Egyptian military removed The Muslim Brotherhood from power even though millions of Egyptians were in the streets protesting the Brotherhoods tyranny. He ordered NASA to do outreach to make Muslims proud of their contributions( that’s a head scratcher). And in the his narcissistic autobiography said at the end of the day” he would always stand with the Muslims”.
I wish Obama had PUBLICLY reached out to Iran. For some reason, Iran has been one of a few countries ostracized by the globalists, the neo-libs and the neocons. I don't think they're our enemies (or our friends). The US should stay out of conflicts in the Middle East. Let Israel and Iran work things out for themselves.
When a nation state led by thugs hiding behind a religious cloak refer to my country as The Great Satan, they’re our enemy. When that state directly sponsors the building of IED/roadside bombs that killed or maimed thousands of American and allied troops, they’re an enemy. When they export terror and destabilize the entire region, they’re our enemy. When they align with enemies like China and Russia and the brutal dictatorship in Venezuela, you guessed it, Enemy.
Or the intellect.
Spot on!
Does it even matter? The entire government is completely out of control and thus far there is nothing stopping them
If the people driving the fuel trucks stop, that will stop them. A general strike - like in Poland in 1989 - will stop them. They produce nothing but rules and regulations, they are utterly dependent on truckers and garbagemen and plumbers, and the rest of the working class, perhaps it's time for them to find out.
Wouldn't it be amazing if the garbage haulers, plumbers, mechanics, welders, electricians, etc. joined the truckers in their movement? We would ALL suffer in the short term, but speaking for myself, it would be worth it.
I agree! I wonder if the newest crop of illegal aliens would join in? As in that song, Country Folks Will Survive. And there are "Country Folks" everywhere! We can hunt, fish, grow fruits and vegetables, burn wood in our fireplaces, and we can defend ourselves against a tyrannical government!
The revolution taking place in Canada shows the power of one group. In Ottawa the tow truck companies refuse to remove those trucks sitting there. As long as those drivers decide to hold firm, the traffic snarl remains. No guns, no violence just a sit-down strike with big vehicles. The police are torn and are sympathetic to the truckers as are the military. The effort is dispersed. At long a citizens support them, the government hands are tied.
If the "almighty" Senor Trudeau Castro came down from his lofty perch, with an olive branch....or a pine bough, after all, it is 🇨🇦, and ask "hey Bros, can't we all just get along? Let's resolve this....together!"
The electricians, plumbers, construction workers, roofers, tile setters, dock workers, sailors, rail workers, meat cutters, store clerks, hotel maids, gardeners, house painters, house keepers, taxi drivers, policemen, firemen, and Truckers!
Those are the people who actually make civilation civil!!
Come on, Biden, Pelosi, McConnell, Trudeau, show a little respect!!
Is it the government or the big money that controls it?
This is an important question
The answer is that it IS the big money that controls it, but ONLY BECAUSE THE GOVERNMENT HAS THAT power.
If the government’s power is limited and it is **illegal* for it do most of what it is doing, then big money has no power to use the government
Having said that: by far the *biggest* constituency of power is the government itself- meaning they dole out money to a branch of government which in turns keeps those politicians in power for doing so. Today this is the security state: DOD, Intel, FBI, and the contractors associated with these entities.
All one has to do is look at China and most regimes throughout all of history and see eventually the government turns on the wealthy elite too. Just like we are currently experiencing them turning on US citizens now. It’s an out of control Albatross
Bankers Ultimately Control Everything..."It's who controls the money"
If by “big money” you mean Yuan, then the answer is Yau-es!
‘The real question is not to know why people rebel, but why they don’t rebel.’ Wilhelm Reich
You rebel scum! Lol
"The defense that we just didn’t know, we took them ourselves, will be thin indeed." That's quite probable—but each passing day, I'm wondering more if those politicians/bureaucrats who took the jabs on camera to "encourage" the rest of us, were actually taking jabs of the vaccine or jabs of saline.
Normal saline I suspect.
LOL - i've often wondered this exact same thing... quite possible, sadly..
Correct, A Neuron Link Chip is in Biden's Brain, Communicates via WiFi. When he stumbles or stutters, the signal is weak.
That's why we are upgrading the USA to 5G, faster downloads for our android government officials.
I am Fucutos of Android. Resistance is Futile. Prepare to be assimilated.
Hahaha 😂😂
That's classic!!
LMAO! Thanks for the good laugh.
Correct, Biden is a puppet manipulated by the same folks who called the shots for Obama, another puppet, and sad to say likely controlled Trump as well.
If they controlled Trump, he wouldn’t have lost. He’s not part of the secret circle.
The only thing he can "move" is his bowels. But, he's not sure when.
Biden is very regular. He shits at 7am every morning. Problem is he gets up at 8…..
Obama once said he would be fine with running an election from his basement with an earpiece in his ear:
"I used to say, if, if I could make an arrangement where I had a stand-in, a front man, a front woman and they had an earpiece in and I was in the basement in my sweats … I’d be fine with that."
Yup. It's 'Bammy.
Does this mean all of Alex’s reader’s device ID’s are on a terrorist watch list? Lol. 1. Capital Rioters 2. Taliban 3. Berenson Subscribers.
Courage, fellow Patriots! In a time when men's hearts will fail them, we must remain strong. I'm sure we are all on various lists, not just for following Alex - hell - I helped a day at the AZ election audit so I KNOW I'm on multiple lists. KEEP THE FAITH - RIGHT IS ON OUR SIDE!
I bet we are. I have already speculated on that strong possibility. I mean, Canadian police go after a 78 year old man who honked his horn in support of the hard working truckers who are actually fighting for freedom. Jan. 6, kill a woman for doing...nothing, etc.
Lol those of us posting under our real names. (gulp)
That doesn’t matter. Your device id is all they need to find you. You can’t hide that.
To be fair I was joking:-) I’m sure my smart oven listens in on me.
I told a girlfriend to get rid of Alexa as it is very intrusive. Her reply was oh I can't it was a gift from my daughter. Yup, useful idiot.
They know who we are, where we are and all that we do.
I got booted from Twitter for warning about the coming pandemic. They don’t like others to control the timeline.
Does VPN make a difference?
Not for that.
Count me in as an enemy of The State.
Probably. Not a joke.
If you're here, you're probably on a list for other reasons! ha!
I’m on so many lists I stopped counting.
Parallel institutions ….
Ravkoo Mail Order Pharmacy which has/had a bustling Ivermectin clientele sent out letters warning customers their data was hacked. Bought Ivermectin? Your data was hunted.
We all know we’re going to the gulag. Just don’t go without a fight.
Teach the children quietly
For some day sons and daughters
Will rise up and fight while we stood still
Biden is a pawn (marionette), the guy doesn't know where he is most of the time. The handlers though must be jailed
It is not just USA folks. And I haven’t checked other countries yet but you can bet this is another coordinated event.
One world govt on deck
A two-year Democrat Reign of Terror
Thanks 💜 unfortunately 🎯
How can someone so stupid simutlaneously be so evil?.
I hope Tucker mentions this tonight.
Oh no doubt Tucker will be on fire over this tonight! I will definitely enjoy watching him take a blow torch to this latest attempt of complete dictatorship by the Biden Admin.
I suspect Tucker will be dealt with soon, the guy is stepping on too many powerful toes. If they silence FOX, they are pretty much in full control
They wouldn't be silencing Fox, they'd be silencing Tucker. Fox is NOT your pal. The Murdochs haven't fired Tucker because he's the only thing keeping them from losing the rest of their audience. Why keep it alive? OAN & Epoch Times are the real deal.
I'll stick with Tucker for now
Me too!
Who cares?
Nailed it!
They want to take down Fox, Newsmax and some independent news channels are now gone from cable. If the citizens cannot be informed or updated on government corruption there will be no problems. Right? Zombie tax payers is what they want.
Neither Fox nor Newsmax are your pal.
Fox is owned by the gun-grabbing, deluge "migration", 1-way "free trade", global feudalist Murdochs who actively assisted the coup d'etat. Even Tucker collaborated, muzzling Trump's lawyers for refusing to dox witnesses etc, which he'd never done to leftists.
NewsMax is run by Chris Ruddy, a toady of the Clinton-Bush crime syndicate. No accident he fired Emerald Robinson & hired LoLibertarian Judge Nappy Pants Napolitano.
Breitbart's been infiltrated by election fraud deniers, who helped Rand Paul certify the stolen election & seat The Xiden Junta.
OAN & Epoch Times are the real deal.
I don't care who owns them as long as it provides objective news
It doesn't. e.g., Fox calling the election for The Xiden Junta before anyone else, NewsMax censoring Mike Lindell. Both aided The Big Steal.
We all have our own views, yours differ from mine. They are not saints but are the closest out there to my opinion
Well, I do not nor have I ever gotten news from social media. Never started an account with MySpace, Ackbook, Uselessgram, twitless, none of the "oooo, let's Make it look like I am dancing or record the dancing, on & on, etc. I would rather watch Fox (yes, choices are very limited there & not stellar), Newsmax, OAN, a few online news sites, and never ABC, CBS, NBC, msnbc, cnn, etc. Sooo, glad I gave you an opportunity to rant. I will continue to do what I do rather than be controlled or told what to do by anyone. Hope your day is better than it seems to be.
Good for you, genius. As if you didn't just rant.
I responded to your rant at me and I will always stand up for myself. My, you are so bitter. Maybe you should step outside and enjoy the fresh air. Being online all the time isn't good for anyone. Hope tomorrow is better for you. :)
that’s why it’s such a big deal they want to take down OAN right now. OAN is smaller and more vulnerable than FOX is. Right now I have OAN in my lineup on DirecTV, but since AT&T bought them, they’re putting the bullseye on conservative stations.
More than opinion, this should be the first segment on Bret Baier today. This is big news.
Bret Baier is at Fox. Don't get your hopes up. Except for a few exceptions they have gone to the dark side and can't be trusted.
Still better than CNN & MSNBC
True. We don't watch cable at all anymore. Real America's Voice ( and, Lindells's site, have news coverage, and reliable commentary. If Tucker is particularly good, we'll catch it online later somewhere.
MSNBC and Fox are owned by the same company...
I know.
Yes, this must be PRIORITY DISCUSSION.
This attack on speech must be stopped before it becomes a bloody war against political dissenters toward the overlord class.
I'll be watching.
I do too!
I hope he invites Alex on tonight.
That would be cool. And/or Dr. McCullough.
BTW--tonight's Tucker interview on Fox Nation is Dr. Malone.
Pretty sure this is EXACTLY why we have the 1st amendment.
And the Second! ✅
We only have 1A because of 2A
And both will be gone if the DEEP STATE 'wins' the election in November
Things may reach a point where millions of Americans will be forced to look in the mirror and ask themselves: "Am I prepared to die for freedom?"
Sounds like the government is getting ready to squash the flood of very bad covid shot news about to burst forward. Now, if only the MSM would wake up and do their F**King Job to protect the People from the overreach of Government.
Absolutely correct! For the first time a mainstream source yesterday admitted a 24 year old died from the vaccine. Many other pieces are slowly circulating into the mainstream.
The effects of the bio-weapon shots must be getting to an uncontrollable tipping point.
Many people like us believe the narrative is crumbling and we are winning. I warn we should not celebrate yet, I believe the shadow government has a couple more tricks, and this latest bulletin may foreshadow what is to come if we do not figure out how to Constitutionally put a halt to these tyrants.
See Dr Malones blog here on Substack entitled "Regarding the Defense Medical Epidemiological Database Data Dump". In the military, an unbelievably wide range of categories of medical problems up huge percentages post-mandatory-vax compared to pre-mandatory-vax.
They adjusted those numbers already per Steve Kirsch, I believe
Remember CB radios? Time to buy a CB radio just like the truckers have. They don't depend on wireless towers or carriers like AT&T who just turn over your phone and text records to the J6 committee at the drop of a hat. Get prepared and get a CB radio.
Sure do. Used to use them. Glad you posted this as I was just thinking of those radios the other day.
No one will protect you, you have to band together and protect yourselves. If the people driving the fuel trucks stop, that will stop them. A general strike - like in Poland in 1989 - will stop them. They produce nothing but rules and regulations, they are utterly dependent on truckers and garbagemen and plumbers, and the rest of the working class, perhaps it's time for them to find out.
Their job is to report what the intelligence agencies tell them to. They do it well.
And the 2nd!
You still think we have a Constitution?
Yes, we do and I am so sick of defeatists that sit around and say oh life is done, America has fallen. I have kids that have yet to start their adult lives and grandchildren yet to be born, a husband that served this country for 12 years, a grandfather that died fighting in the revolutionary war, so I am not going to just roll over and say it's done.
Yes, "A grandfather" just because I didn't say how many greats he was doesn't mean he wasn't still a grandfather 🙄
We do at my house. 💪
Your house & my house but not the White House.
So relieved to hear Republicans in Congress denouncing this. Oh wait…
GOP is no better
These two parties are like the fake wrestling on TV. It’s all theatre.
There are a few good Republicans. Thomas Massie comes to mind.
Rand Paul. Elise Stefanik, Stephanie Boyce, Josh Hawley
Literally a few. Like three.
Those few are needed to keep the illusion going that there is room for dissent.
There is nothing worse than the current situation where the Commie Dems control everything. Sure there are some terrible RINOs but overall the Pubs are much better than what we have now.
Yes he is great. Totally off the grid.
That’s why they hate Trump so bad. He freed the GOP from their grip in a hostile takeover, exposing the fakery. We thought we had a choice but it’s just like walking down the laundry detergent aisle at Walmart. Unilever owns most of the various brands. McConnell is a piece of shit for calling the day after Jan 5 an insurrection. He’s pwned by China. That’s why he and Romney and Christy are leading the charge trying to discredit Trump.
I wouldn’t say he freed them. He presented a risk to the whole sham.
But yes I agree with the gist of what you are saying. Mo question Mitch would rather have Biden in the White House than Trump.
It’s all about power
Yes those RINO or Worse types are the big problem. Almost all the Senate Pubs are Uniparty or Worse. I don't like the 6 year term. Also they use to be appointed by the State Legislators. At least in Congress the 2 year term allows for faster change. You will never see a MTG type Senate Pub.
My problem with the 6 years is that it becomes too club like. If a Senator is reelected that is 12 years which is too long. I totally agree about term limits but that will never happen. Also agree about going back to be appointed by the state legislators but that also is never going to happen.
Meanwhile Dumbo Trump continues to raise money through RNC.
Keep your friends close and your enemies closer. If you’re taking over a Party you don’t concede the National Committee to the RINO’s.
I voted for exactly one Democrat candidate in my entire life and I have been hounded for money from Dems in general ever since. The only way I could have ever gotten on their lists if if they had access to voting records. And here I thought my vote was private.
I voted for one Democrat one time. He was running for Insurance Commissioner and I knew him from Rotary. Seemed like a good guy and I’d never heard of the Republican. So I voted for him. And a couple years later he was convicted and going to the big house for misuse of government funds and setting up a petty cash slush fund with his mistress that he hired as his secretary. Never again.
Did you ever donate to a Dem, or register Dem?
Nothing forces Trump to raise money through or for the Deep State GOPe.
Caveat emptor:
Never donate through "WinRed". Not even to good candidates. Mail checks instead.
WinRed is owned by the RINO GOPe and controlled by Ronna Romney. 4% of every donation is kept by the Party to fund RINO campaigns. Woke Visa takes an additional cut.
If you mail a check, 100% goes to the good candidate. I order "billpay" checks online. The bank even pays for the postage.
As a whole the Commie Dems are far worse which is saying something.
Steven D Heck--Yes the Dems are far worse, but I'm trying to find an equivalent "fake wrestling" analogy which to apply to their "worseness".
To me the big problem is the Senate. That is where the Pubs are the worse. Yes there are super RINOs in Congress but they can be easier to weed out because the 2 year term. The Senate is a big club. I wish they only had 3 year terms.
Real Housewives or Jersey Whores
The Rock has hit an all time low. Pro Wrestling is has long ago gone Woke.
George the Animal Steele was my old school favorite. That was Pro Wrestling.
Both Parties are Wings of The Same Bird....Both end up in the same Direction.
Sorry I totally disagree. All you have to do is look at the Commie Dem Blue States and Commie Dem Urban Areas. Yes there are many RINOs and Uniparty Pub figures but the Commie Dems are far, far, far, worse as a whole.
And the best chance we have of saving this country is taking over the rest of the Republican Party. The Precinct Project is important. MAGA!
Yes totally agree. Local and build up. The Hispanic vote is the key.
True, but unfortunately, Republicans mistakenly assume they have to pander to deluge legal immigration to win them over. They're quite capable of understanding that over-immigration destroys everyone's quality of life.
"Blacks" are starting to break our way. Xiden's popularity dropped massively with them over the last few months.
(I put black in quotes because I don't believe in race. No such thing as black & white. It's a continuum. Race is racist, a Democrat specialty.)
Yep. And LoLibertarians are strictly spoilers for CommieDems. They got 2-4% in many areas, enough to swing it to Xiden. Dems would've had to steal a LOT more votes otherwise. It would be even worse if they actually won races. LoLibertarian immigration, amnesty, border & 1-way "free trade" polices amount to national suicide & mass wealth redistribution. They actually believe there should be no limits on legal immigration - which means no USA. They can't honestly take the pledge of allegiance let alone the constitutional oath.
I agree with that the DEMs are far worse as a whole....On a national level the direction seems to be the same.....DEMs go Fast , RePubs go Slow......But The Direction is the Same. Less Freedom in the end.
The Senate is the big problem. Most of the Pubs are Uniparty and are in there for 6 Fing years! You are not going to see a MTG like Pub Senator. It's one big club.
Trump used a real chair and took them down. When they retaliated, his tag team partner got alligator arms and refused to tap him. Et tu Pence?
Which is why we have an election in November.
Let’s not forget who passed the Patriot Act, the most civil liberty destroying legislation in our history
Look, the whole apparatus is a scam. Literally not one thing they say is truth. Every single thing is a false pretense for the real reason for an action. And that real reason is always taking more power or money or both.
The ONLY government that can exist is a very limited government- that has so little power that working in it is not much more appealing than being President of a home owners association
I learned that anyone who actively campaigns to be a homeowners association President is not the person you want to give even the slightest amount of power. They’re already addicted to it or soon will be. You want the guy or gal that shows up and asks appropriate questions but not just to hear themselves talk and get attention. The one you want says no the first time you offer to nominate them. And then if he misses a meeting you nominate him and call him after the meeting to offer your congratulations.
That’s the last time I ever missed a damn meeting!
Government should be something you do for two years and then you’re out. Done. And even those two years would not be full time.
I couldn’t wait to be off the HOA. But I served my two years because someone had to do it and then pass the baton.
The current US state is a full time elaborate scam. Every statement on TV, every “state of the union”, every press release, all just propaganda false pretense for their real agenda which is more power and money for itself and those who keep them in power.
"Those who keep them in power..." If the people driving the fuel trucks stop, that will stop them. A general strike - like in Poland in 1989 - will stop them. They produce nothing but rules and regulations, they are utterly dependent on truckers and garbagemen and plumbers, and the rest of the working class, perhaps it's time for them to find out.
Joe “You Lie! Wilson. Forever beloved for calling out Obama
And then came Trump. They thought it would be fun to torture the GOP with him for a few months and he would suck the oxygen spit of the room and complicate things. Then their plan fell apart when Trumpnet became self aware and won the GOP nomination and they saw the juggernaut of the Trump Train. The phenomenon of the Trump Rallies absolutely terrified them. He wasn’t a member of the club and he didn’t owe anyone anything.
patriot act=stage 1 thinking-ruling elites never think what happens next cause it doesn't effect them
Well it's going to be really sad if the Commie Dems can hold on to majorities in the Congress and the Senate. Anyone that would rather have Commie Dems in the majority like now deserves the worse. I can't stand many Pubs but there is nothing lower than Commie Dems.
Steven, I live in Oregon and everything you say about blue states is true in spades. The third rail is vaccines/vaccinations/pharma and the both R's and D's have not had the courage to touch that rail and still don't. The Ds never will! Other than Ron Johnson and Rand Paul on the senate side, what other R's are stepping up to the plate?
The Senate is one big Club. That is the big problem. I think they need limit terms to 3 years.
I take MTG over most the men in Congress and Senate. She would kick most of their butts.
And yesterday they all voted to continue to fund the vax mandates (well 51 R's joined the D's ) to pass HR 6617. Spineless weenies, we should send them a backbone.
As a whole the Commie Dems are far worse.
Is there a list of these Rs?
The problem is you have Purple Pubs in Congress. They vote Commie Dem just to stay in office. Also totally crazed anti Trump types like AK and LC.
Ant as in anti?
Yes "anti". Thanks. and is where you can find all the bills, who sponsors them etc. This is "the" site to go for info & the staff , Congress go here for information on bills. Good website to bookmark too.
Republicans aren’t ideal, but stop letting the Democrats actually doing this off the hook. This kind of crap is basically saying “I’m a whiny baby and I want Brandon in charge forever because my feelings are hurt.”
Vote in better republicans in the primaries - but this crap is exactly how Democrats win.
I was a Rush listener and for years he said the goal of the Democrats was to be in charge without elections because they can’t win an argument on the merit of their ideas/plans for society.
Most truckers spent years listening to Rush every day on the road. Not surprised that they’re leading the charge against tyranny and despotism.
But, I’m sure Jim Jordan or Matt Gaetz will write a book about it and appear on Hannity to express their outrage (and sell their book at Amazon)
The best actors in the country are in DC not Hollywood
They are literally professional con artists and scammers
Politics is Hollywood for ugly people.
SO true. They take their low self esteem out on everyone else. These are the people who nobody liked in school and they are getting their revenge now.
No doubt. Throw traitor Dan Crenshaw in there too. They all suck.
I think Dan Crenshaw just trades stocks all day. He’s a player.
There’s a long list.
At least they’re trying to talk about the issues. The GOP is trying to rid itself of the country club Republican RINO’s. They belong on the Democrat plantation with the limousine liberals
I’m done with talking politicians who appear every night on Fox to declare how OUTRAGED they are & 6 months later are hawking a book on Amazon.
They’re elected officials dammit.
What would you have them do? Trump was an elected official but Twitter and Fakebook still censored him.
If you can’t function without Twitter or Facebook, you have no business being President.
And he functioned very well with all the roadblocks that were thrown at him. But your boy Biden is doing such a great job.
Bullshit. They all teamed up to stab him in the back like Roman Senators. Big Tech, Pharma, Never Trumpers, RINO’s, the DOJ, IRS, FBI and all the legacy media censored the Hunter Biden laptop story, etc.
The mantra in my house is the complaining continues but nothing changes (this is the G-rated version). What will they do and how will they get others to join & fight back?
Same thought. They were pulling this crap after Sep 11.
When the "Patriot Act" was announced, a fellow newspaper editor said to me, "No good will come of this."
He didn't know how correct he was.
Because even in times of national emergency, we can come up with a neat little acronym!
USA PATRIOT Act was ready to go years before 911, They just needed an excuse. Written in the 90's.
A government emergency plan that they were looking for an excuse for. That sounds familiar.
Oh yes it does!
I don’t know anymore whether to go dig a hole and bury my head or just throw up in a corner. I’m thinking…..maybe both! Give me strength!
How about get drunk & pass out?
Sounds like a plan!
Been there, done that
Exactly. Republicans have proven they have no spine.
Not true. But we need to banish McConnell and Romney and primary their RINO asses.
Both parties are controlled by same power (the secret police in ex communist countries used to do this same plot ... owning the decedents). Maybe there are few congressmen that are not completely under control but they are minority to be able to do something meaningful
All, but few republicans are being investigated by Pelosi's Capitol police agents.
I thought the most serious threat to democracy was white supremacy. Before that it was Russian collusion. It's obvious that the existential threat to democracy is OUR OWN GOVERNENT!
You forgot the greatest threat of all: Parents that show up to school board meetings.
I realized that I was being considered a 'terrorist' by my Canadian government pretty much when I decided to not take the vaxx last year. I kind of waffle back and forth between 'thing's aren't really this bad' and 'thing's are horrid'.
Although we are completely peace loving, law abiding, tax paying citizens, those who would have been considered the backbone of our respective countries even a year ago, we are now persona non grata for not complying with the set narrative.
Someone elsewhere posted that we are in WW3. We are. It is not only a battle against the vaxx passes and authoritarianism but against evil plain and simple. So whatever your religious persuasion, pray, pray, pray. It is the evil that must be defeated and love must reign supreme.
Bannon televised this a couple days ago. It’s infuriating x 1000. Biden regime just keeps digging their heels in the more people speak out. This will only backfire on them
And ya know? People keep saying Bannon is nuts.
More like crazy as fox.