Dude you are the Rocky Balboa of Covid. I live in Toronto which is Silicon Valley for covid hysteria that rivals only well, Silicon Valley. At the beginning of the pandemic I noticed there was one guy always popping up in my twitter feed in March 2020 as one of then few people making sense. I thought "that's weird, this guy's apparently a leftyish journalist from NY, how can he be saying these common sense things?" Then a year later I really started to pay attention when I saw you weren't backing down, and were being called out as a heretic and granny killer. Then I heard you on Rogan and had the balls to tell him masks were basically useless, which even surprised him. I got all your booklets and shared them. You got banned from Twitter which greatly upset me. You stuck it out with substack and it is paying dividends. I know the book will be a success. Congrats.

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I went for a walk listening to the whole joe rogan episode and learned a great deal just from that alone and everything said turned out to be true. Toronto is a city where it seems at least half people on the street are masked and seem really happy to embrace vaxx passports and have no qualms asking you if you’ve gotten your shots. I feel very much in minority and Alex’s tweets and now substack have been a mental lifeline for me (I can’t stomach the ‘news’ anymore). I have booklets and looking forward to PANDEMIA!

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I don’t see the latest episode on Spotify

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me neither!

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Any idea of whats going on w the episode?!

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I don’t either. 🤔

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He made sense talking about the harms of legalizing and minimizing pot, too. Nice to be able to listen to a leftyish anybody🤣

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He is Rocky Balboa!! next time Alex goes on Tucker "Gonna Fly Now" has to be his soundtrack!

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Toronto is beat out for hysteria only by Melbourne and Sydney.

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Colonial Anglo Saxon self righteousness?

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The Anglosphere is among the most covid crazy in the world. Also Israel, France, other parts of the EU.

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yes max covid hysteria. correct. and 1% of all hsptl beds in ontario are actually covid RELATED. ONE PERCENT> and the avg age of death of covid in ontario is 86 and the avg age of death in ontario is 76. and until last week NOT A SINGLE PERSON UNDER AGE 18 died of covid (the one that did 20 months into this ordeal was an unwell individual who likely died WITH and not OF covid). even the CDC said a long time ago of all the numbers only 6% actually died of covid. WTF. i am thinking this media blackout is sketch and not a hacker. my sense is too much info was being shared. we knew this was coming. too many drs and nurses were being vocal. too many people were sharing their adverse events. i myself had 2 family members DIE of blood clots in one wknd.... sudden blood clots and boom adios dead.... had shots. and another member of fam with ocular blood clot. and neighbors BIL a healthy 42 yr old triathlete died of pathogenic priming 2 wks post pfizer. we are too close to the mark. i have worn a mask only ONE TIME....when i voted. they would not allow me to vote without one. otherwise i have never put one on, nor my 4 children. not a chance.

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C Bell....you’re a classic! Keep fighting that good fight.

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Hopefully you'll discuss the CDC Director fully admitting this past weekend, that the "vaccines" do not stop transmission. And she even alluded to the fact that they don't keep you from getting infected.

You'd think more people would be talking about this.

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And yet another study........Vitamin D is an effective & inexpensive form of Covid Prevention !!


We need more public service announcements about boosting Vit D3 levels...It works!!

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Mercola has been saying this since the beginning.

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Yes but of course he is in the 'dozen' so TPTB need to let that info appear from some other sources, for it to creep into the not-mis-not-dis-informationsphere. SMH b/c it amounts to murder, ultimately, that they suppress these treatments. Profit-motivated murder.

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Yes-especially from sunlight. See recent podcast

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Close relative is a Mercola fan. I thought her concerns at the beginning were ridiculous. As far as I can tell Mercola may be proven right about everything. And what he predicts is pretty grim. I got the vaccine, I am now on his suggested post-vaccine plan.

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Good for you 🥰 I love your openness

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What’s the post vaccine plan?

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some of it is on the PDF transcript on this page. https://sharisnyder.wordpress.com/2021/02/02/4125/ He has elsewhere suggested sauna time for detox and deinflammation

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sure has and during every resp seasonal virus.

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Pre-vaccine, in the early days, I remember seeing a lot about the benefits of boosting vit. D in the UK media, and some in the US. The NHS went so far as to start offering free vit. D supplements (my mum got some). There was also a push for losing weight, eating healthy foods, exercise; it all stopped after the relentless push for the vaccine started.

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Pharma got wind of that and shut it down pretty quickly. No money for them in taking care of yourself

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Make sure bare minimum you are taking 5000 or more IUs. 10-20k would be ideal. Add vitamin C(1-3000) and no more than 50mg of Zinc

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The key is to measure actual blood levels and adjust intake accordingly.

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please not necessary -- your body takes what it needs and the rest gets released

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Yes, however,it is important to see if supplementation/plus sunshine get the blood levels to above 50 as indicated in the above study. Not everyone has an easy time achieving protective levels of vit D, so testing is a good guide to daily requirements. Once or twice a year test is all I'm saying.

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I had to take a 50,000 mega does once a week at first my Vitamin D was so depleted - had to get blood work done once a month until it finally got up to normal - took about 6 months ! Now taking 10,000 / day most of the time.

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What say you, holistic doctor, best suppliments?

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10,000-20,000 IUs a day? Sublingual seems the best way.

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With K2

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And magnesium - boosts uptake.

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Yup. Very few people are aware that many vitamins work synergistically, and need another vitamin to be properly absorbed by the body. D3 needs K2, C, and Magnesium, all taken with a good fat (butter, coconut oil) for optimum absorption. Add Zinc (w/Selenium is optimal) and Quercetin for powerful immune support.

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I saw a MSM piece that reported on a study that discredited vitamin D in Covid prevention. That's how I knew how heinous this all was and we're still suffering from the myth that 'fat is bad for you' because the sugar industry paid 3 Harvard professors to demonise saturated fat.

Thanks for the info. I'll add magnesium to my diet. I also thought that vitamins A (the great protector) and D (the house keeper) were partners and both should be in the high normal range. Natural sources of course for vitamin A.

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yes and people are afraid of the sun and need to get sun, its why these viruses are seasonal. they dont actually go away, its just that our D goes up. the viruses are still around, we just are more immune. sunblock stops the UVB from actually synthesizing into D. insufficient magnesium as you said is another one. insufficient cholesterol and sulphates as well.

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Agreed, should have mentioned the sun. And the time of day in the sun is important too - that was something I learned last year when I had my vit. D tested by Grassroots Health. Epsom baths is a good way of absorbing magnesium if you don't want to be popping pills all day.

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vit D has always been effective against respiratory viruses. its so ridiculous. but yes many studies have supported this. its clear the spike cannot replicate when D is sufficient at 50 nanograms i believe the measurement is. its all entirely nonsense

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Agreed which is why fish oil has been a staple supplement for those in Northern Europe and indigenous populations since time began.

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unfortunately fish is amazing but fish oil is actually what they used to use before anti rejection drugs were available. when people used to have organ transplants they were put on fish oil bc it turns down the immune response so much it wouldnt reject the organ. at the same time it also turned off the immune response to everything else and they ended up with cancer. i used to give my whole fam high dose fish oil and once i learned that i was like WHOA. also its essentially a PUFA. it becomes rancid at body temp. in your body. its also a dose situation where a fish is some oil and fish oil is simply too much.

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Ever since they changed the definition of vaccine, Vitamin D is MY vaccine.

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I think the FDA and CDC are finding that C19 is worldwide and while they might be able to use the US media and big tech to cover for them, they can't force Isreal, UK, India, etc to fully join the cult. As the lies and propaganda accumulate and the evidence continues to prove them wrong they are now having to be more aggressive with damage control and more careful with calling a blue sky red when the evidence will make them look silly.

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What a surprise people aren't the same everywhere🙄-- WHO (hehe) would have thought (snark)

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Just looked for this video. It has been blocked by "Microsoft Edge". What the heck.

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Can you switch browsers? I'm on Safari.

I doubt you'll find it on the CNN site. I give Blitzer credit for asking the right question, but Fakebook buried the video.

Maybe the clip on this tweet will work...


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You could also try Brave browser.

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Pfizer and the FDA are very clear about it. It's shocking most people are unaware of it.


Read the answer to:

"Does Comirnaty protect against asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infection (i.e. the individual is infected with SARS-CoV-2, but does not have signs or symptoms of COVID-19)?"


"If a person has received Comirnaty, will the vaccine protect against transmission of SARS-CoV-2 from individuals who are infected despite vaccination?"

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Hope vs Science at the CDC/FDA.....We are in trouble because of these idiots !!!

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We're in trouble because people still trust these idiots.

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Both comments are correct , idiots in charge and sheeple who only watch TV , they don’t read , no critical thinking for themselves!

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Where was this 2nd admission? Sort of negates the "passport" idea but they kept on with it even after she said it to Blitzer a month ago

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I love your handle! :-D

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Would you happen to have a reference for this? I would love to pass it along to a few folks I know.

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New Granada (@NewGranada1979) Tweeted:

REPORT: 🤔 Rochelle Walensky, Director ofthe CDC now says, the 'vaccine' can no longer prevent transmission. https://t.co/sl7SSxjuQG https://twitter.com/NewGranada1979/status/1444550378838577153?s=20

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Thank you!

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Too late, Alex, the NYT this morning has all but declared it’s OVER, lol.. (I know, I got whiplash, too). The worst is over and it will just exist as a “flu or cold” in our lives from now on…ALTHOUGH, the Fauch says it’s still to soon to say if we can “gather for Christmas!” Lolololol..still, though, wait for it?? 40-50% increases in food prices and a huge supply chain mess and prob the worst inflation we have seen in a long time all caused by this dreaded panini so no one is to blame.. will be the coal in our stockings ..tsk, tsk..

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Something big must be about to come out, so the NYT is being used by "government officials" to get ahead of it.

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Any speculation what the something big will be?

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CDC is ending it's RT-PCR test on 12/31/2021....it is "almost like is was planned" Can't be,Can it? The Flu and Cold will be back, and the damage has been done!!

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But isn’t it being replaced by something?

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Yes. A more comprehensive coovid test. It'll be our 2022 election mail in ballot program, watch.

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Gottleib said it’s inevitable the vaccine will be in the regular children’s vaccine protocol. Any thoughts?

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Of course he did!! He's on Pfizer's Board !! Money Money Monnnneeeeyyyy !!!!!

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So this is never going to end. 😭

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So Biden will let people fly? 🙄

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Can’t wait to see that interview - I have followed you from day one w covid - you have taken a lot of crap yet never backed down ! Thank you for all you have and are doing !!

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Enjoy California I mean Austin

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Preordered several copies already. Gifts for friends: two for thr school directors who closed my sons' respective schools for a year; one for mom who pressured all four of my family members to get the jan (2 out of 4 of us have heart-related vaccine injury), one for my downstairs neighbor who chewed out my whole family for walking past them on our stoop without a mask on, one for the friend who kicked my husband out of his house because he had just flown back to new york from a red state and was thus full of cooties; five for all the friends who refused to celebrate my 50th bday because of covid, one for the lifelong friend who still won't talk to me because of the "misinformation" posts i made on facebook in march 2020; one for the uber liberal illiberal gay friend who just yelled a string of expletives at top volume in a restaurant to my husband when he tried to calmly raise concerns that unvaxxed were treated like second-class citizens in new york. Probably missed a few but It's a good start!

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You either live in NY or Cali. About that life-long friend, you do realize that a true friend, under very limited circumstances ends a relationship. Especially over a different opinion on a matter that none of is will know the outcome for years.

I don't know you, but happy belated 50th birthday!

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Certified mail to Dr. Anthony Fauci

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Maybe best to wait for the audiobook, lock Fauci in a room and play it on a loop.

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And live stream it so we can all enjoy!

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That fraud doesn't even read his work emails or studies! It would be a waste.

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LOL!! 🤣

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Alex Berenson deserves the Nobel Prize in Literature, the Pulitzer and the Golden Gloves Championship Title for never backing down and always speaking truth to power. History will judge you as a true hero, Alex. God bless you for the work you do.

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Can’t wait to hear it. Your last Rogan appearance is what first brought you to my attention.

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Spread the word! You are LOVED AND SUPPORTED! Thank you for your bravery!

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Bought, rather pre-ordered, the thingy. It felt like a revolutionary action, buying a book, before Amazon bans its.

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The Tuckster gonna get the other one? No point needed!

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Welcome to Texas...Austin's a mess but try getting out to the Hill Country...

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preprint study from San Fran suggesting high vaccination rates are pushing variants, among other things. https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.08.19.21262139v1

"Fully vaccinated were more likely than unvaccinated persons to be infected by variants carrying mutations associated with decreased antibody neutralization (L452R, L452Q, E484K, and/or F490S) (78% versus 48%, p = 1.96e-08), but not by those associated with increased infectivity (L452R and/or N501Y) (85% versus 77%, p = 0.092). Differences in viral loads were non-significant between unvaccinated and fully vaccinated persons overall (p = 0.99) and according to lineage (p = 0.09 – 0.78)"

"The predominance of immune-evading variants among breakthrough cases indicates selective pressure for immune-resistant variants locally over time in the vaccinated population concurrent with ongoing viral circulation in the community. In particular, the delta variant, which is the predominant circulating lineage in the United States as of July 2021, has been shown to be resistant to vaccine-induced immunity as well as being more infectious than alpha."

"We also found that differences in viral RNA loads (as estimated using Ct values) between vaccine breakthrough and unvaccinated infections were non-significant (p = 0.99), regardless of lineage."

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Kinda shoots "pandemic of the unvaccinated" right between the eyes. Given that the vaccinated have a higher likelihood of carrying variants that can evade vaccine-induced immune response, vaccinated need to be protected from the vaccinated.

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Absolutely. And mandates????? Pfffffft.

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Excellent! I love your talks with JRE. It gives me something to listen to on my morning jog. I’ve lost 40 pounds (and still going) so I will be sure to kick Ro butt if I get it.

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Awesome to have you. Welcome to Austin. See Lake Travis and relax in some Texas sun. Hill country is nice place to visit. Definitely get some world famous Texas barbecue. Our state is honored to have you bro!

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And the other one goes to … Tucker Carlson!

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Nah, Joe Rogan got Covid, he must be dead now...

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Horse medicine cured him !

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OMG the collective “Left” is going to lose there ever loving minds - you and Joe together and speaking freely??? Watch out for the incoming arrows you 2 are going to need your own iron domes!

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The only thing more toxic to the left would be if you added free thinkers like Naomi Wolf, Jordan Petersen, Russell Brand, Nicki Minaj & Kanye West too.

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You could sell that free-ranging discussion on some cable channel pay-per-view! I’d pay $40 to watch that live! Have it on at a bar and sell tickets!

Might as well have some fun while we are being schooled!

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32 min ago

What are you talking about? Alex identifies as left leaning as does Joe Rogan. Joe endorsed Bernie Sanders for christ's sake. The only people who have to worry would be anti-enlightenment reactionaries.

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welcome to the Lone Star State! Make sure to ask Joe what he thinks of vax mandates now that he's immune. :)

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Tell him to clean up his mouth so he can instruct our kids too!

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Our kids use that language...unfortunately. The f-bomb has become just another adjective to them.

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Yes please!

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Pocahontas ain’t gonna be happy…

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That's FAUXcahontas.

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Dude, you need to address why your rogan interview hasn't dropped yet

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I hope Molly Jong enjoys the other copy! Eric Ding-Ding will be so jealous.

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When did or does this air?

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More anecdotal but factual info. A nurse I know in OKC tells me that another nurse visited a cardiologist's office where she used to work as the only nurse. Since Covid and the vaccine the cardiologist's business is booming. Three PA's and multiple nurses now. Think it's related to the vaccine?

My chiropractor was walking out the door after my adjustment a few days ago. I mentioned the Dr. Blaylock article that advised not getting the vaccine and disclosed that the vaccine damage and deaths may be a lot higher than reported on VAERS. The chiropractor closed the door and told me about a patient who was in the same room the day before. He was a healthy 45 year old local businessman. He and his wife had paid for a vacation to the Bahamas that required the vaccine. So he said I will take the Pfizer. Within 48 hrs of the first shot he developed palsy and had a stroke. And the beat goes on!

Truth, hurry up and get your shoes on!

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I read all 4 of your prior Covid books, each one excellent. I have already pre-ordered your new book. (Thanks for one of the 2 copies for me. Just kidding). Keep up the good work.

I do have a question, what is a good response to the stupid argument that some mask holes make, that the difference with Covid-19 and why we don't have , or don't deserve our freedom of choice, is because if we get sick (which they always love), then we will infect OTHERS. They always hang their argument on "innocent others ". I tell them that most masks are ineffective. And the Jab, even Director Welensky, on Sunday said, "the vaccine does not prevent transmission to others ". Yet, they always come back to these innocent others, and therefore conclude that we are SELFISH.

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The obvious answer, as you said, is that these particular "vaccines" don't stop spread, neither do masks. But as far as freedom versus selfishness goes ... These "vaccines" are unproven, untested and dangerous. Making you, or anyone, be a test subject in an experiment, and possibly be maimed or die in order to save "innocents" is criminally depraved indifference and against the Nuremberg code.

When vaccines work as they're supposed to, your injection protects you, and you don't worry about my vaccination status. The fact that these injections do no such thing, is proof that they don't work as initially advertised. Selfishness is expecting you to risk your life and health for someone else because Anthony Fauci said so. Actually, that's just nuts.

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I think the federal government has been playing legal games with The Constitution and our Civil Liberties since 9/11/01.

I have read that Bush/Cheney suspended the Constitution on 9/11 and that Biden had The Patriot Act all ready to go. Then every year the NDAA’s have been rubber-stamped allowing the detention of US citizens. Heck, Obama even had two American citizens killed in drone strikes with no charges, no trials!

I would betcha that’s the reason the vast majority in Congress have been so silent for so long: We are all still living under “emergency orders”.

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I walk away from those people. Only by suffering the consequences of their own stupidity will they learn.

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This might just get me to look for Rogan. I've been lost ever since Rush died😢. Perfect opportunity to finally check out the podcast.

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Rogan is very different from Rush. I like(d) both of them, but they're coming from very different backgrounds and perspectives.

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Preordered it from The Netherlands on amazon.nl

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Any idea when this episode will be listed on Spotify??

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I'd like to know too. I've asked several times and have gotten no answers. I'm guessing Joe may have gotten pushback from Spotify and decided not to post it. Disappointing.

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Does Rogan usually wait this long to post episodes? I don’t keep up close enough to know since he left YT.

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He does not. Alex is being very quiet about this so there must've been an agreement of some sort not to publish it. Censorship again. It's a shame.

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I hope that’s not the case. I’ve been checking Joe Rogan’s page daily, looking for it.

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Alex or Joe need to address it if they decided not publish.

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When can we see the podcast? Didn’t see it in spotify

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amazing. just pre ordered from amazon. appreciate all you do so very much. we share your info (and others who are incredibly brave as well) with everyone we can to try to guard humanity from what will be inevitable if we do not succeed. - so much gratitude from muskoka ontario. if you ever need a place to visit i own a luxury lakehouse rental and you would be welcome there at no cost as a token of our appreciation for your amazing contribution to trying to save humanity.

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Very nice of you Erika. But it’s a bitch trying to get into Canada. We miss the great north. 😢❤️

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sure is. nightmare actually.

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Fantastic! 3 hours of information you can't get anywhere else. It seems as if info on the Merck anti-viral pill which will be available in December, was kept quite secret. And Biden has only mentioned monoclonal antibodies once. What the hell is going on?

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He only mentioned it when he was going to not allow Red states to have enough! Florida has Desantis and he got us more without Bozo . I’m not sure he could even pronounce the word !

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Good point! He wasn't educating people and letting them know to seek out the antibodies as soon as you are sick- it was to cut Florida's supply in half!

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They want the people to be sick and afraid...much easier to control. After all individuals don't really matter, only the collective. "We are Borg. Resistance is Futile."

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I'm starting to hear negative things about the new Merck pill. Not sure if it's a hit job or if the pill will become another way for them to poison us.

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I’m skeptical too ! Also, another big pharma is making a “generic” ivermectin?? Sorry , I forget which company . That’s crazy since the real one has been around for a long time and it’s cheap !!

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That's Merck. They know there's money to be made so they are rebranding their Ivermectin.

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Going to give a copy to Alex Jones? I know he lives somewhere around Austin...

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I hope that copy is going to Jones!

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I don’t care about the points Alex, but I’m guessing the other copy is going to Anthony “I’m not Bob” Fauci!

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Auction it to raise money for the Twitter lawsuit.

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When Rogan moved to Spotify he let them delete a few dozen episodes with edgy guests due to pressure from Spotify's progressives. Folding to pressure like that, I don't see how they could stand up against government pressure. They must have started making calls to shut it down as soon as they saw Alex's announcement. Fingers crossed Rogan fights harder to get it released.

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I’ll be extremely disappointed with Joe.

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You know ... this is kind of a watershed moment for Rogan.

His guest let it slip that the podcast is coming out. He's getting censored. Is he going to stand up or is he going to act like it never happened and collect his cash?

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No way Rogan let’s this be censored is it?

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Money talks, and Spotify pays him tens of millions.

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I’d likely be out as a Rogan fan. Let’s see if they put it out this week.

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I'm also not finding the episode on Spotify. Advise?

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Me too

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Where can I find this podcast? It's not showing up on spotify.

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Was this censored? I can't find the episode on any platform.

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Where is this interview with Rogan? I can't find it on YouTube or Spotify. Is this interview being censored?

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Yea October 8 and i dont see it. You guys locked up or do do i need patience?

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can someone tell me why i am getting phone calls at my house from the "vaccine booking center" in ontario. i told her to never call here again and she told me i was immature. who the fuck says that? also she called for my son and i said she could not talk to him and i told her to never call here again. what is going on. how do they know? how can they be doing this? i am ready to get my passports and leave this shithole ontario.

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Well, they tried free beer and subway passes and Krispy Creme donuts, now all they have left is total bullshit.

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I don't normally believe in this kind of thing, but when I opened this post it was at 777 likes and that feels like a good omen.

Thank you Alex. For everything.

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Have you seen this leaked analysis of mRNA VE of CMS data by humetrix?


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It's the story of a lifetime and Alex is one of the few willing to tell it.

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How much editing are they doing on your visit with Joe? Spotify is staffed by idiots who made Spotify get rid of certain older JRE episodes. Hope they don’t censor all of the words they don’t like…

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When will the podcast be available????

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Where's the Joe Rogan podcast?

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