I heard around 50% of counties in New York are rejecting Her Excellency's mask mandate...

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In August Cattaraugus County in rural upstate New York declared itself a "Constitutional County" by unanimous act of the Legislature and will not be enforcing any unconstitutional mandates against its residents. The measure was passed before a packed meeting of the County Legislature amid much cheering and celebration.

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I read one county in Calif segregated itself from the state so as not to enforce any restrictions, vaccines nor masks nor anything, and they did so knowing they would be sacrificing receiving any funds from the state.

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Cattaraugus and its neighboring counties in Western NY have a long history of resisting state control. The residents have joined forces with members of the Seneca Nation, who control several reservations there, to undermine or bypass all kinds of state taxes and regulations for as long as I can remember.

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Good! That's what all counties should do in states that are run by 1, or a few, heavily populated blue counties. Let them have the asinine laws they voted for! Leave the rest of us out of it.

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Glory to the Senecas!

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and Erie prostrates itself for the governor as usual

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Yep. Ass kissers.

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If only Erie county was with those that see the crazy!

But unfortunately we have Idiot Polancarz!🙄

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The jerks voted for an idiot

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If they won't receive any state funds, they should refuse to enforce state income tax too. This is my kinda town!!

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Is this option available in every state?

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To my knowledge, there is no legal support for the action that these counties and municipalities are taking in declaring themselves "constitutional republics;" just as there is no legal support for mask/vaccine mandates, lockdowns, etc.

One of the reasons why these counties/municipalities are passing these illegal declarations is to try to force the hand of the federal and state government agencies that are issuing illegal "protective" measures. The attitude of these counties/municipalities is, go ahead, bring legal challenges to our unconstitutional constitutional republics. We will turn right around and file a counter-complaint against you all on the same grounds.

So far, Big Brother is not taking the bait.

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Actually they could nullify a federal requirement. Look it up. It requires an authority such as a sheriff, County Council, city council or such

Democrat cities that are “sanctuary cities” have practiced nullification to accomplish that

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And the feds have let them get away with it.

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It is not nearly as cut and dry as you're making it seem. The anti-commandeering doctrine is borne out of the 10th Amendment and it prohibits the federal government from commandeering rights that are reserved for the States. Thus, it gives the States the authority to nullify or ignore federal laws that encroach on the powers that the US Constitution has set aside for the States.

The situation we are seeing here is different. These are not States, but local governments that are interposing themselves between the federal government and the people. Again, to my knowledge, there is no legal precedent that would authorize this type of action.

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I’m also reading a book for Hillsdale, land of hope, and it speaks of nullification happening late 1700s. So it’s been around for a while

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It's sorta "possession is 9/10ths of the law." Certainly worth a try.

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One has to wonder how the governor of New York state could hope to enforce any type of mandate in a rural county without at least some cooperation from local law enforcement.

This puts me in mind of an incident that occurred in a small rural town in Missouri in 1980. There was a bully that was essentially terrorizing everyone. In this case, even local law enforcement were afraid of this guy. Well, one day he ended up being riddled with bullets in broad daylight in the center of town.

To this day the murder is unsolved. When state authorities investigated, pretty much everyone either refused to answer questions, or told the state investigators they were hiding under a pool table in the local bar during the shooting.. One investigator who was later interviewed said, "According to our investigation, there must of been about two dozen people under that pool table."

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Per Dr. David Martin [Fullyliveacademy.com, Davidmartin.world, on YouTube David Martin's World (? I didn't write this one in my notes)] Mask Mandates are illegal under the FTC's Deceptive Medical Practices clause that says (paraphrasing), It is illegal to promote a product that is to diagnose or treat a disease, without 2 independent peer reviewed clinical trials that verify the truth of the statement. Violating this Clause can result in civil charges in most states. - There are no clinical trials proving they work. There is 1 published, 3 year trial on cloth masks proving they do not work and actually cause physical harm. - Also, the mandates are a violation of the Medical Standards Act, because of practicing medicine without a license, as it is "against medical advice" (legal jargon = AMA). This is a felony. Additionally, it illegal for physicians to ask you to follow medical advice that has been proven to be false. Also a felony. You can download these points from his Fullyliveacademy.com site @ the Attorney General link. Print and send, or hand to the people "coercing" you. (It's not forcing, or leveraging, you to do this. Legally, it is coercion.) Ask these people if they're willing to face up to 8 felony counts, for you to have to follow their "mandates." --- Please look at his sites and LMK if I wrote something down wrong. Thanks!

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Exactly. Attacking the counties' measures would inevitably raise the issue of the constitutionality of the states' own actions. Something the states wish to avoid unless they can be assured of a friendly forum.

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Not if your county (like mine in NC) is run by Blue people

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Your county is run by Smurfs?

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Aha this might be the difference between the county I live in, where the masks were mandated, and the next one where I have only seen one person wear one.

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Butte county in Oroville (N. California about 150 miles east of SF).

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My parents lived there from 1990 to 2016, when my WWII vet father passed onto Heaven. We spent just about all our military leave visiting Oroville. Wonderful town.

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Those folks cannot be bought. Good for them.

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City of Oroville

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That's strength to fight back! God bless them! It good to hear that that's happening in Kalifornia, too.

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Which county is it?

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Oroville is in No CA. It is north of Sacramento, mid way between Redding & Sacramento, near Chico, CA.

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I used to live in Allegany County in college. Those people did what they damn well pleased. NYC was a distant crazy planet, likewise Albany.

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Been to Allegany numerous times visiting friends and can verify that. They still have ashtrays in bars. You won't necessarily get kicked out for lighting up, but you will get kicked out for extinguishing your butt on the furniture or the floor.

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National Civil Disobedience is a solution by Americans to NIH jerks Lord Fauci, Collins and this Keystone Cops brainless admin. We don’t need no stinking lyrics by some old lying grifter coot, to a wonderful song from a wonderful American Classic movie

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"National Civil Disobedience"... now that has a nice ring to it!

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Hubby grew up in Ransomville, up near Niagara Falls, still has a few family there. He took the J/J and had to go do Cardio tests today, and wear monitor 48 hrs.

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I don’t mean to like your comment, Gail. I hope your hubby will be just fine .

What is troubling is the lack of transparency as to risks and safety and now hearing these Pharma Oligarchs want to keep safety data secret for at least 50 years.

The concept of mRNA vaccines is great but efficacy is not uncertain. China uses a VAX much like the traditional vax’s, (although less effective).

Why not focus on treatments, therapeutics , plasma’s from the immune

Prayers to you , your husband and family

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The FDA has upped the amount of time they are asking, to produce the Pfizer data, for the FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) from 55 years to 75 years. They requested the extra 20 years after starting injection of children.

To me, it's obvious that they are trying to drag feet until the majority of the injected are dead. I also find it very questionable that the totalitarian/fascist grab for the world is taking place 79/80 years after the attack on Pearl Harbor and the entrance of the US into WWII. The majority of WWII vets are dead, the majority of concentration camp survivors are dead. The dead can't speak up against what is going on. There are a few and they are speaking, but is anyone listening?

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Where’s Bill Gates on this ? He’s preached that there are too many people and de-population ‘population control’ for years . He owns most of the farmland in the US.

He’s tinkered with population control in Honduras via water supply.

Now it’s ‘Impossible Meat’, his steak in a test tube. Years ago he was pissed at China for copying and counterfeiting his Windows 95, boo hoo! Now he’s in bed with them along with Lord Fauci and Hunter the Facilitator and the rest of mindless ‘blue lemmings’

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he does not own most of it, just more than any other individual. And he has some very nice farms with water rights. When he is found guilty of conspiracy and fraud, he will lose those, they are in his private trust

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He's in with them b/c they want the same things....mo' money, mo' power, mo' dead. He also footed the bill for childrens vaccinations in Africa, I'm sorry I don't remember the countries, that left lots of children physically handicapped.

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I'm not dead and will resist this tyranny until my dying breath!!

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ANGRY! and heavily REDACTED. Several generations will not know how they've been affected. My dad died of lung cancer in 1975, 503rd Airborne under MacArthur. 5 major battles, Corregidor was the last big 1. If hubs CARDIO was concerned enough to run tests he normally doesn't run for a yearly routine visit means they are seeing MORE Heart issues in existing and new patients. He was not suppose to see him till Jan. I harped till he called him. He just thinks he's the Alpha, because he's a 20 yr career USN Ret. Veteran, and Prof for Jr Tech College. I ran the house, and kids.

Alex, RFK JR, Robert Yoho, Tucker Carlson, Townhall a little, are speaking, writing, I forward as much to my states Eagle Forum. and most of my friends are FB conservatives, many are Vets, Pain war survivors, email is not censored yet. And I bet everyone who reads Alex's work does too.

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Dad not only breathed in the gun fire, bombs of war, he worked as a Boilermaker in a large steel mill, yet they will blame it all on the Cigs the Army supplied him and hooked him.

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I know, they need a Angry one too. They will need it, his niece is a nurse, hub a firefighter, they had the mild version still have to have jabs, but their 9 yr old surviving twin (crib death) nearly died. Nearly all his family are Liberals. It's one time I'm glad they are scattered and not visiting close. 2 g. nephews 1 is Army, 1 Border Patrol, so mandated jabs.

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I guess I'm lucky that the majority of my family are dead or don't give a big rat's ass about me, I would be crazy from the additional pressure. The one cousin that cares believes as I do, so that's a huge plus, too.

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God bless your husband, you and the rest of your family.

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I’m so sorry. Prayers.

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My "like" heart was simply acknowledgement of the results from your husband's J/J jab. Sincerely hoping all turns out well for you and yours.

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Niagara Falls america dumping ground of environmental pollution

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Gail, when did your husband get his j&j vaccine?

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Oh how I wish I could have been there for the signing!

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Absolutely correct. Nassau county is adjacent to NYC and to Suffolk County, the only 2 counties on Long Island. Nassau isn’t enforcing anything, Suffolk is. So I go to Costco in Suffolk , o have to wear a mask. When I go to Costco in Nassau, no mask.

How’s that for supreme Logic ?

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There is zero logic at all connected with the vaccines nor the masks, and it is mindboggling to me that so many do not see this.

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I have a choice of supermarkets. Two are in a town without mask mandates; one is in a town that requires masks. I informed that store's manager that I wouldn't spend my money in his store until he grows a spine and the tells the town officials to stuff it.

I don't know if it'll make any difference, but it makes me feel better.

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I think it will. People have had enough of this ‘lemming behavior’. We the People have power over that small few that truly believe they’re the last word. They have another thing coming!

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Now Rosie is going to drive a wedge between me and Gail...yes Lions and Lionesses. Rise and speak your minds!

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Just another service available from "Unreported Truths."


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I don't have a choice of grocery stores but my county and most of the state are free to shop, dine as they want. Jabs/masks are up to individuals. And we are a Permitless RED state, with 4 big blue restricted counties. we ignore them, except at a doctor's. Then it's more for our protection. I use my Hearing Impairment to ignore them. I'm to old to tolerate fools. Been an activist to long and, they can see the gun on my hip I'm not afraid to use if needed to boot.

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Ok. Now I’m officially in love with Gail...😁

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Bravo Gail! Wish you could be my neighbor👏👏

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Tennessee is a great state, as long as you avoid the 4 BLUE COUNTIES. MEMPHIS IS THE WORSE, CRIME/COVID CAPITAL.

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Love your attitude! God bless you!

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The Virus Knows...It's Tricky !!

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It’s amazing how it waits for you as you enter a restaurant but disappears as soon as you sit down .

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And last year, it only came out to attack at some bars in some states at precisely 10pm!

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It’s a Union Virus

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Absolutely love the humor on this site. Thanks for my laugh of the day!

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Lololol, love that

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Compliance is the supreme objective. You think by now more sheeple would say no but being sheeple...never will.

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Give Nassau county your business.

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You bet! Left my cart at Costco Sufflok County and had a nice drive to Nassau. Sad that I voted for the schnook that promised less intrusiveness for Suffolk, and Nassau delivered less intrusions

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I just cam up with a new tune like ‘Dr Francis Collins’’ pandemic song

“I left my cart, at a Costco in Suffolk County, am bound for Nassau where masks are unneeded🎵

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That's because it's a little known fact that Nassau county is actually a Commonwealth county and as such is able to ignore NY state law ANYTIME it wants. I've heard several people say that if you look in a New York law book it says that these laws apply to all counties in New York state except Nassau county.

Nassau and Suffolk are both Republican counties but because Nassau is a Commonwealth county they can ignore state laws or unlawful mandates anytime they want. Apparently Nassau has a 97% vaccinated rate.. Which is shocking by itself

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I live in Albany county, but will only shop/ do business in the surrounding counties where they are not enforcing masking- Rensselaer and Saratoga counties. Support the counties that are standing up.

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Saratoga is where I grew up though I don't live there anymore. Glad to hear they are saying FU!

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How long do you think this would last if everybody wore a mask that said Let's Go Brandon?

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Either that or something like *This mask is useless".

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A girlfriend says, "if your mask works to protect you, why should my not wearing a mask upset you?' Huh? What? Logic? 😱🐏🐑

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Because they used the nonsensical brain washing of "my mask protects you and yours protects me" which put another way is my mask doesn't protect me and yours doesn't protect you so how is the mask working? But suddenly two or three masks would work so let the nuts wear three masks and leave the rest of us alone.

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Why do you need to make me get injected? Doesn't your vaccine work?

Why do you need me to wear a mask? Doesn't yours work?

Covid Logic 1a:

My toothpaste only prevents cavities if you use it too.

My bulletproof vest only works if you wear one.

My diet only works if you’re on it too.

My umbrella only works if you carry one.

My toilet paper only works if you wipe your ass.

My rubber only works if you wear one too.

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And if you say well, the "virus" is .125 microns and your mask is what 300 microns pore size so how does that mask work then. They would say more masks then more better better better blockage. Beam me up Scottie, there is no intelligent life here! 🚀🚀

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They don't know the math. It takes a picture to show them. Even my generation has a poorer education than those who went to 1 room schools. We didn't have to learn the metric system. We think in inches, feet, yards. MG, MCG's come when you start taking meds or supplements. And I'm not learning any language than American English. Keep your foreign language to yourself and learn ours if you want to live here.

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Several MD’s at a renown medical institution explained that if you can smell the bakery at a grocery store the mask is ineffective. What’s more, healthcare workers in wards wear N95 masks and have to be certified periodically to use those masks.

A Stalin or a Mussolini or a Mao type is coming to rule us in the near future

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CONTROL, CREATE FEAR, LOOK LIKE YOUR DOING SOMETHING TO HELP, Most people have been so poorly educated they have no concept that a Virus can't be killed like a Germ can. Or what treats what. I'd be dead if I didn't check every drug they script. I learned the word NO when I divorced my 1st husband. Took 10 yrs to find the right 1. I raised 3 boys in that decade. I ruled. HCQ is the generic every RA doc uses PLACQUENIL is the name brand, and everyone should use it. Treats RA/LUPUS. AND I WOULDN'T TAKE IT IF YOU PAIDME TO. Nasty thing. I'd rather have the Horse wormer. I bet the wormer my 2 dogs take would work as well. The big thing it does is empty out the intestines. Kill the eggs. Enough Miralax will empty the intestines. You can even give it to your constipated pets per body weight in their water or wet food.

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Dec 18, 2021
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You jest but did you see that basketball player claiming he showers with a mask on once he tested positive? I think the belief in masks are worse than the belief in vaccines

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Logic? 😂😂😂

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I wanted one that says, "I can't breathe," but my wife said no.

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OMG...that mask would be more insulting that to see your smiling face. Drives people mad to see a maskless person in some areas, like CLE Clinic.

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I want one of those masks....or one that just says, "FJB!" I'd wear the darn thing everywhere!

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Etsy has them

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👍 Awesome! Thanks!

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And I hope 100% of them vote next year!

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All you gotta do is say no and put the financial screws to any business that enforces it… like United Airlines.

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If true, that would be great, but they should also reject the vaccine mandate as well.

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The Oroville city council declared the city a Constitutional Republic. Love it! Read about it here:


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Hochul is the Devul.

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Yep. You bet.

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Not loser Erie county

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Go NY State!!!

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My son was going to use the restroom in a restaurant and they told him he had to wear a mask when not seated... he grabbed a chair sat on it and started scooting toward the bathroom... it illustrated the stupidity and they let him walk into the restroom unmasked.

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Ha! A lightweight portable wheeled chair could be this season's Christmas gift for people living in Stupid Land.

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I love the new walker ones with a toilet under the seat! Brilliant.

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I had a similar thing happen in Washington State: I asked the server if I had to wear a mask to go to the head. "Yes", he said. "Wearing while in the john and standing at the urinal?". I asked. "Yes", he said. "Can I take it off if I am sitting on the crapper?" I asked pointing out that I would be seated in there just as I was at the table eating. "I'll have to call the Governor on that one." he stated. We both had a good laugh.

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You’re raising a future attorney.

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Please don't insult him!

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What's the difference between a dead snake in the road and a dead lawyer in the road?

There are skid marks leading up to the snake.

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😂🤣😂🤣 That's a really good one!

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Dec 18, 2021
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A good start.

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He's a maritime captain... but probably could have been an attorney.

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I have a cousin that's a maritime lawyer. Ya think they know each other? 😉😋

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LOL... it's a big ocean!

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LOL...love it!

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This is one of the best things I've heard all day. 🤗

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😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣 Your son is brilliant! You have done a good job!

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That's awesome to see. The only realistic chance we have of defeating the forces currently aligned against us is through widespread and peaceful non-compliance.

But even if we do manage to slow their advance, they'll only re-group and then attack from another direction because as I've said before, this is a war and if they lose, they die. If we lose, we lose everything that makes being a human being worthwhile.

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RESIST = NON-COMPLIANCE. ( The Authoritarians can't stand independent thinkers )

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Ain't it the truth! SMH.

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I think as the oldest of 4, I received all the rebel genes. Baltimore born, my Southern mom, wouldn't stay married to a skirt chaser husband, 6 weeks later we were in Tennessee sans a husband/dad. Took her 2 husbands more before she got it right on number 3.

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Your last statements are exactly why “peaceful non-compliance” will not work. We will need to crush these azoles into the concrete to defeat them!

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I'm loaded for bear, but in the words of a somewhat well-known former president: don't shoot until you see the whites of their eyes.

It's important to keep our powder dry until such time as tactical operations can be undertaken to weaken their command and control structure.

That said, the peaceful non-compliance is a low-risk way to signal to others who are complying out of fear or because they've bought into the narrative that there are others to are willing to fight this, and the value of adding numbers to our movement can't be overstated.

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@ATF @FBI you might want to red flag this fella and check into his well-being. It sounds like he's been radicalized and could possibly be planning an attack or something.

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Anyone who sees what's going on has been radicalized in the eyes of the system. Oh, and blow me.

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If you're kidding, it's not funny. If you're not, leave the site and don't come back.

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FJB has been a better gun salesman than Obumer was.

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A very intelligent and insightful comment. Thanks, James.

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NYS DOH FOIL 21-12-323

There is no signed executive order from the NYS Governor. No mandate. Stop wearing the masks. They are lying to you.

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Exactly - same situation in CA. Despite all the hype, the only thing issued was a guidance memo by the health director. Not even enforceable. People are so trained here, they just cave at the drop of hat.

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I live in So Cal - still fighting mask wars, it’s so tiresome. My son is still forced to wear a mask all day long in school. Almost time to “head red”.

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Almost? What more needs to happen? Pretty much everyone in my generation in LA is dumping the Dems. I have college age kids, they're not ready to run...yet. Half are burned out and look like they're going to give up voting, other half drank the Kool Aid and the sky is falling.

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I moved out of commie LA County to Ventura, where it’s s little more relaxed, but the mass formation psychosis infected are plentiful here as well.

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I live in Ventura county too. Don’t wear a mask at church, don’t wear a mask at the market. Nobody says a word. I like to look around and see who’s wearing and who isn’t. 75% of the ones wearing them have them under their noses or chins. Ridiculous!

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yep, all the Aldi employees in Arlington TX wear them under the nose. They hate the masks but aldi is pretty liberal (german history). Masks under nose remind me of boys wearing their pants under their damn asses

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I'm thinking about Montana

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If you do, go red, don't vote for the same crap you have in Kalifornia when you get there. You will not make your new state happy.

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Come to OH! We have been mask free as a state for quite a while, all schools are in person learning and no masks on kids, no vax cards required to enter any business, no vax requirement on kids, cost of living is great and nice people! Strong red state!

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Our Ca county mask mandate has been in effect since September so nothing changed for us other than I still get glares and big sighs of disgust but oh well, move along!

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if they sigh at you, rush them....they'll fall against the aisle shelves. I did that to a woman in 2020, if you;re stupid enough to interact with me that way, I'll give it right back you bitch.

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The Los Angeles vaccine mandate states anyone that claims a medical or religious exemption qualifies, no paperwork required. All you have to do is state that you are exempt. Restaurants, bars, businesses still won't let anyone in without showing proof of vaccination due to "Mandates".

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it is amazing! there has never been a legal mandate of any kind and yet this HUGE CLUSTER FUK has occurred. Pitiful ppl have submitted to vaxx's for nothing! ONly fear.

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Yeah, But the Holy Queen decreed...so it is so !!

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exactly, why don't people realize this.

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Connecticut isn't done. The kids school is talking about doing away with the "screen and stay" program for unvaccinated and increasing testing because there are so many new "cases". These people are mentally ill.

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Where in Connecticut is this happening? Lamont needs to be stripped of his emergency powers at once. No more King Ned!

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Wilton... There were 9 new cases (6 kids, 3 bus drivers) in one day and so they are panicking.

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Let me guess. None were sick.

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I assume not, I think they would have said. Right before T-giving they had four kids that sat together at a table in school all test positive but I know one of the mom's and she said her son was completely asymptomatic (but of course, had to test, quarantine during Thanksgiving, etc.)

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They need to do more than just reject the mask mandate! They need to get on social media and voice their distain for this oppression!

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There is a lot on social media about this, the problem is that facebook and twitter and google suppress any negative mention of masks and vaccines, how's that for free speech, and why cannot they be sued for going against the constitution (among other things).

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Use made up code words to get around the censoring. People will understand. Also did you see that “bombshell” paper from a few days ago on how fb’s “fact checkers” are really just sharing opinions?! I mean…obviously…but now there’s some news on it. I like staying on fb to reach a more diverse audience, but other avenues for info and conversation are important to keep digging the dirt!!

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Abandon those and get on other social media sites and spread the word!

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That’s what I do! Sometimes I feel like it’s lame or pointless to, but people see stuff outside their own echo chambers that way. I don’t get much hate, and I do get love from my choir—which the haters or fence sitters can see! And even among the (mostly) silence I’m greeted with I’m sure people are reading/watching/listening/slowly waking up.

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People need the facts. We need to post them and share them with as many people as we can. Yesterday I heard Fauci stating that if you get the shot you run the risk of suffering adverse affects to it. You don't hear that on social media.

On top of that, why are we calling these people within the media journalists? They are not doing their job. They are look at their social media content and call that investigative reporting. They should be called "content creators" because it is their own reality and not what is actually going on out there!

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Fauxchi admitted there are adverse effects?! Are you for real? Seriously? --- Does this mean that people are waking up to all the adverse events on VAERS are real?

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I was listening to the Charlie Kirk podcast and that is where I heard Fauci say it. CK may have that clip on Rumble. I’ll see if I can find the episode and post it here.

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Shame! You know you're not allowed to voice your opinion on (un)social media.

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I can't bear this anymore. A thirteen-year-old in the small town where I live in Dutchess County NY has suffered severe brain damage after her Pfizer shot. Two years ago no one trusted Big Pharma. What the Pfuck happened?

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Project Veritas had an undercover series on big pharma & one of the scientists admitting that Pfizer (I believe it was that one) runs on vax money now. So , doesn't matter what happens rdg vax damages, follow the money.

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You are correct. It was Pfizer. The vaxx has made several new Billionaires at the company(s)....above and beyond the ones in congress.

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Fauci, that's what. Some people seem to trust his saggy old ass. Another young life goes on his account, the rat.

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Big pharma showered politicians, medical providers, and the main stream media with lots and lots of $$$

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Pfuck Biden

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Is that why the New York Rangers sent me an email yesterday saying children ages 5-11 need to be vaccinated to enter the building? Because some clown in Dutchess county puts up a sign New Yorkers are done with mandates? You vastly underestimate the stupidity of New Yorkers…and homo sapiens

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In Manhattan, the brainwashed bedwetters are as grimly obedient as ever.

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I know Kathy Hochul, and would never have guessed that she would be the type of Governor to push for or voluntarily consent to these ridiculous rules. I find it suspicious that just prior to her announcement of the mask and vax mandates, Letitia James, the heir-apparent under Cuomo withdrew her candidacy for the next gubernatorial election, leaving the field wide open for Hochul to be the Democratic nominee. I would speculate that her superiors in the Democrat Party heirarchy are using both her and James as puppets to carry forward their unpopular policies.

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Regardless, that makes her complicit.

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This period has revealed profound differences in values that otherwise were undisturbed beneath the surface.

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She’s worse than Cuomo. No one likes her!

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George soros has hochul in his back or front pocket

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Lure her out into the open.

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Hate her

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Upstate I'm sure they've had enough of this and are not going to comply. New York City is whole different thing. Most of them love those mandates. It makes them all feel "safe".

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This is unfortunately true. Even when NYC thought the vaccines worked and the mask mandate was lifted, people still wore masks. I am always amazed to see people walking or riding their bike, ALONE and OUTSIDE, wearing a mask. Some people do things without any thought. Bunch of sheep.

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For NY lovers, sorry, but not sorry. The culture is so immoral. Anything goes there.

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Yes, I think many are addicted to the fear and masks. A friend said she likes to wear a mask ard people she doesn't know. And we thought Linus was the only one with a security blanket! 😛

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I'm convinced that this covid situation has brought out the anti-social in a lot of people. I have a friend who always said that he bought online only because of the convenience but when I found out recently how infrequently he left his apt, I realized it wasn't the convenience but the fact that he just doesn't want to go out in public. A lot of people are wearing masks because it helps them dodge the public and they don't have to interact or show emotion. It's really a sick society that we're a part of right now and I won't partake in it.

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Do they feel "safe" from the masked throwing molotov cocktails into bodegas

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I’ve learned to duck beneath the deadly “covid layer” that’s about 5 feet above the floor in every restaurant. That’s why it’s safe to SIT but not STAND without a muzzle. Science is amazing!

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What I hear you saying is...bars are very dangerous, ask for a table in the dining room

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Love this!

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Quite frankly these mandates are only as good as the people to enforce them. And if more of those low life enforcers are shunned and shamed the way they are trying to shun and shame these poor small businesses and patrons that are just trying to stay above water all of this would be moot. Time for the masses to say NO!!!

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In Germany, the Pure People are urging boycotts of any business whose owners are not vaccinated. Sound familiar?

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In the US, Pure Blood refers to the unvaccinated.

But yes, it is distressingly familiar.

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It is amazing to me that anyone at all is following these insane mandates. It is so stupid to believe that the masks stop the spread while you are standing but once you are seated, you magically cannot spread it anymore. The stupidity is mind boggling.

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Kinda like the 6' separation BS.

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Yes, maintain 6' of distance and avoid small enclosed spaces... unless you're on a plane, in which case forget about what we just said.

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Seeing lots of this, from Buffalo to Rochester to Albany and in between.

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Oh man....we need MORE of that here in S. California. I was basically "run" down in a grocery store by a clerk saying I needed to wear a mask or use their free contactless pick up service. That's ok, I said, I'll take my dollars to a different store. And then left a very full cart. This nonsense has to STOP. I refuse to comply with Comrade Gruesom's lame ass "mask mandate."

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People are just getting tired of the whole charade, as they should. Everyone has put their lives on hold for two years. Enough is enough. Listening to Fauci hold onto his control and continue the same talk - masks, vaccines, boosters - day in and day out is now just a droning noise in the background where no one is paying attention anymore. The masks did nothing. Everyone knows it. The vaccines are not stopping it. They know it. No one wants to give up any more of their lives for this madman and his dictates.

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Ha! We have similar signs in my area that are like “our king Inslee have thus decreed you must wear a mask unless seated at the table”. Then no one is actually doing it lol. Another place in a red county in WA got visited by Labor and Industries in the summer and was told to enforce masks. So they did for a week then made a sign that said “L&I wants people to wear a mask but do what you want”

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I'm really surprised that happened in WA. Was it Eastern WA?

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They are trying to kill us all. Good luck everyone.

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Yes, it's all about control and depopulation. You will need a lot of control if you intend to kill 95% of the population.

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I'm hearing out in CA same kinda thing going on; very few complying and no enforcement

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Went to Chargers game last night... 70000 screaming people, about 10% mask compliance. Great to see

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Well, this is just common sense. Standing is how you catch it.

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How is this illustrating NY being done with mandates? Need hope over here in nyc

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I think it will be a long time before NYC feels like its former self. It's kind of depressing now.

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change happens gradually and then suddenly. When NYC finds itself suddenly in the toilet with empty stores and a shrinking tax base, they'll suddenly realize what a mistake these mask/vaccine mandates were. FL and TX are anti-mask and anti-vax. And guess what, FL and TX are getting a ton of influx of new residents. NYC and LA not so much.

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Mainly Florida, since DeSantis is the real deal. Texas Gov Abbot's a phony, only does the right thing (or pretends to) under heavy pressure from real Rs. His anti-mandate EOs are widely ignored, yet he refused to call a special session to ban mandates in an enforceable law with teeth. For the truth about Vichy "Republican" Abbott, browse TexasScorecard.com

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Abbott is a typical politician in many ways. He doesn't want to make waves. He doesn't want to do anything to radical and basically sticks with the pack. He really walks that center line, not too far right, not too far left. Centrist politics picks up a lot of votes, which is frankly why I wonder how these far left libertards actually get elected, starting with Creepy Joe and going all the way to AOC and Rashida Taliban.

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Weaselly half-assed baby-step cuck behavior may pick up votes, but it loses even more. Pisses off the true R base. Remember, Abbott's decrees put hair dressers in jail and destroyed tens of thousands of small business while letting the big chains & Amazon make trillions of dollars. Three serious challengers in next years primary.

Know this too: Abbott & House Speaker Phelen killed a bill to ban child sex change surgeries after taking hundreds of thousands of dollars from kiddie sex change mills. Abbott refuses to call a special session to ban kiddie sex changes. There's no way that's picking up center votes.

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I forgot about that hairdresser, the one in dallas. Abbott only cares about getting reelected and he's very good at raising money. Somehow these people that put out these ridiculous mandates get reeleected. Hell, Newsome survived the recall and he sucks more than Abbott. You are right though, these people need to be voted out. I didn't even hear about the kiddie sex changes but that's disturbing and that's clearly a left-wing issue that was meant to pick up demtards that believe in sex changes. There's not a true republican out there that believes that trans is anything but a mental illness.

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Today the metropolitan opera announced booster mandates 🙄 this city is so illogical and inconsistent it hurts.

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For the audience?

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Apparently for the audience. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/12/15/arts/music/met-opera-coronavirus-booster-shots-mandate.html

Some people would rather take poison than see an opera. Now they have to take poison in order to see one.

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Except, of course, not funny at all!

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The Post said performers too. Who knows?

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For everyone it seems!

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Especially with the remaining sane people fleeing to free states while they still can.

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Ugh right! But gee I wonder why they like FL TX and Arizona??? Again, so blind and illogical and able to taint anything good

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Tennessee governor told all unvaxxed police officers from blue states to come to Tennessee and he’d hire them.

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They've been fleeing to Florida for some time, but DeSantis welcomes more. Years ago it may have been true that the majority of folks fleeing commie-lib states were bringing that crap with them, but not anymore. DeSantis just presided over giving Florida a majority of R voters for the first time in the history of the state.

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DeSantis won’t have it! 🇺🇸

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I went there in October and was forced to eat outside because I didn't have a vax card.

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There are places in FL that are red (as in communist), perhaps you were in one of these locals.

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Seems a bit sarcastic. Putting "Governor" in quotes.

Bad Subjects! Bad! You'll wear your petri dish and LIKE IT. Or else.


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Not sarcastic. Dismissive.

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WAIT - major key. Tysm

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😂 That was the key for me to understand! It just clicked, thanks so much. (“Major key” is a DJ khaled saying for “that’s important”)

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Thanks. What's Tysm?

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Thank you so much :)

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Because the people are finally standing up.

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Not a bad thing. We’ve really done will following the ‘rules’. Dems seem to want to drag it out through 2022 elections.

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I feel like I’m missing something. Isn’t this poster about requiring masks? How does it refer to mandates? Feeling slow here haha

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Well, there are quote marks around Governor, so they're calling her official status into question (rightly), and by stating the policy, showing how completely inane it is (you aren't breathing in and out when you're seated and eating???)

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Apparently criminal to eat while standing too, as it should be! Covid is a smart virus. It knows not to attack when you OBEY DECREES. It knows not to attack when your mask is off, provided you're eating. It knows when you've been bad or good, so be good for goodness sake!

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Take your mask off and breathe some fresh air. :)

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Trust me. I do ;) was the only one maskless on the subway yesterday 💥

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Nice. Any hassle?

I went maskless in a trendy market called Lazy Acres yesterday with my "Unvaccinated" Star of David t-shirt. A little meat counter karen said he couldn't serve me unless I wore the petri dish. I shrugged & moved on.

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No issues yet. Maybe some mean looks which fuel me even more ha. My friend got kicked out of Trader Joe’s the other day tho. I’m not brave enough to wear any cool merch though - I probably just look like a reckless millennial/gen z

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Bombard the regime with phone calls and letters calling an end to this oppression! Make your voice heard!

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We were supposed to go in April but I refuse to get vaccinated. Praying the new mayor has more sense though I'm not holding my breath.

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It isn't. Maybe the people are but not the government.

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The people are what count.

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The government disagrees.

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I've seen reports 22 counties are not enforcing the mandate however if you look at the media they're saying it's 11. I'm not positive on that. As far as people they're mixed in every county. You have the ones in a trance, vaccinated people that never wanted it, vaccinated that realize what's happening, and the unvaccinated that are being ostracized from society. Hochuls "Apostle's" will never understand what's going on. The part that gets me is I believe the people that are against this out number the one who do. However the people who want to be told what to do are louder.

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I think it's 34 counties now.

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Wow! Do you have a list?

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I keep thinking of the old George Carline joke about how most people who go to nude beaches are people you probably don't want to see nude.

People pushing masks are ugly. And not just on the outside.

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I live in Cornwall, NY, 10 minutes from Beacon. Out of NYC, the rest of the valley is over mandates. Kathy "who dat?" will be out on her arse like the Cuomo boys this time next year.

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Just letting these petty tyrants resign or leave office in disgrace isn't enough. Every single aspiring Eichmann who participated in this assault on humanity, from the governors all the way down to the school board members, needs to be denied the dignity of a natural death.

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Yesterday was my husbands Christmas Party and we were looking forward to it so much. 2-3 days before he received notification if you're unvaccinated you must wear a mask the entire time unless eating or drinking at a table. Also included they would be checking for vax proof at the door. We did not go and he's furious. 60 employees and 5 unvaccinated still there. Then it closes with please help keep everyone healthy, safe, and happy.

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I can't blame him for being upset. I would be livid.

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It's a cult and they know not what they're doing because they're essentially brainwashed zombies now.

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Leftists like to create a million rules so they can then selectively enforce them.

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We stop smiling, we're dead!

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Except for the death smile! Rictus

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That's a hipster liberal city

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Everyone should just stop with the insanity.

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If the businesses and people ignore it, if they are fined, they could contest it in court. And I understand that these 'mandates' which are not accompanied by any executive orders, and therefore are not laws, will lose in court. What amazes me more is how so many businesses just go along with it.

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Albany county seems to be ignoring the mask mandates in many places..keep it going people…” “do not comply”

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COVID will be over only when the people say it is over.

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We're talking masks when I know three people who heard from 4 different companies in the last day (one is a contractor) post your first Jab by the 27th or you're fired. Pyrrhic victory.

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He's going after the Military hard.

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Investigation Revealed 98% of those Infected with COVID-19 After Christmas Dinner in Norway were Fully Vaccinated


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ThAt jUsT mEaNs tHe vACcINe iS wOrKinG

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Our Dutchess county executive Marc Molinaro announced he will not enforce the “Governor’s “ mask mandate!

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OK--but are the fine folks of Beacon standing up bravely for schoolchildren too? If not, this is temper and not the first beating of the drums of freedom...

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Such an "improvement" over Cuomo.

It is almost like they're working hard to keep the same policies in place, swapping out the figureheads as necessary.

Glad the "reliably blue" people are starting to wake up. I'm guessing it will start with the working class first, since they must live closer to reality.

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Guys, if we buy gift cards from the people who stand strong we can win. Signal to these businesses that we will support them for standing up.

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Who wants to be part of dividing the American people? No one elected her she is a plant.

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San Fran Bay Area counties are just getting started. I guess they are jealous of all the attention nyc is getting.

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Refugees Not Given Covid Shots Because Drug Makers Fear Lawsuits Over Deadly Side Effects – Friday Live


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Yet American citizens CAN'T SUE THEM. I think I read somewhere that covers ALL VACCINES they use. Kids/Adults. It was just a small paragraph in the many articles I go through.

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Fauci - Nothing More Than a Modern Day Snake Oil Salesman

“Fauci "transformed" the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) "into the world's biggest incubator and promoter of new pharmaceutical products."


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Imagine knowing what is best for you whilst having the highest covid death toll in the world and bragging about it. The best comedy comes from American know it alls

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Ive always contended that smoking a lot of weed will curdle your brain, obviously 50% of the American people have gone and proved it. They are the democrat, socialist, nazi, commie 50% who still believe the wooflu pandemic horseshite and still wear their pathetic little masks.

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it has effects, but believe me curdling your brain isn't one of them.

If you were a dumb fuck to begin with and you smoke a heap of dope for years you'll still be a dumb fuck.

But if you were smart to begin with and you continued to read and learn, you can really go overboard and still be a hell of a lot smarter than many non-consumers.

I have been very extreme in my self experiment for a hell of a lot of years now and my brain seems to work better than almost anybody else I can see around.

But it doesn't work the same way it did when I was a teenager.

That was the point I suppose.

I wanted to turn a maths mind into an artist's one.

Maybe it worked, maybe it didn't.

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Dec 17, 2021
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Pot makes you paranoid? I always thought it was coke that made you paranoid.

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I think it wasn't so much the drugs. Otherwise how do you explain the straight people's mushy brains. And don't try telling me that they ain't.

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Kathy is showing herself to be quite the Karen.

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Kathy is more fascist than Karen

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Hochul is a dingbat! Someone please banish her to the Tree of Woe. We New Yorkers will consider that an Xmas gift

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Doesn't look like they're done to me.

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I’m getting tired of seeing so many New York plates in Miami.

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get ready for more in the next month.

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Another week...Another 600 Americans Reported DEAD to VAERS

Covid "Vaxxines" 1 Year

Each Case has ID#

20,224 are DEAD!

2,968,000 Adverse Reactions.

Flu Vaccines 1 year

50 on Average Die

20,000 Adverse Reactions


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Thank-you for that data.

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