My daughter attenda a college in NJ. She has a documented vaccine injury but her cardiologist is “afraid” to give her an exemption letter for the booster. The schools knows about her injury and will not bend on the booster exemption without a letter. So GET THIS...the college is hosting a college fair next week with thousands of students expected to attend. There’s NO VAX REQUIRED for these attendees! This is violation of their own policy!!!!

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The level of hypocrisy no longer surprises me. It's disgusting.

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Not just hypocrisy, but also complete lack of logic or common sense.

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And abject dishonesty with a splash of corruption.

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I think it runs deeper. Hypocrisy is on display when it comes to the virtue-signaling non-believers: mostly Leftist politicians. But the cult is confused, fearful (be it of the disease or the disgrace from the collective), and truly ignorant of the way the world works. They've been mind-f**ked so hard... It's scary and sad.

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You are right on. This is beyond hypocrisy. This has even an experiment by the elite or new order elites to see where the boundaries are. Also elections in November. They are hoping the public has a short memory. It's an ugly time in history.

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The colleges are the worst offenders in my experience. Our son attends a NY state university that just lifted the mask policy but, are you ready? not for religious exemption students. Their federal funding is priority.

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Critical Thinking Never arrived at the College Level.

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I’m trying to teach it!!

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Teachers can’t teach what they don’t know.

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Good luck

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And neither do they teach it .

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Deeply liberal-progressive indoctrinated for a very long time most major public University settings for sure! Let's HOPE no one forgets who was responsible for most all of the past several years. Overwhelming in BLUE States and BLUE cities. Remember, when you vote next because don't think for a moment these very same perps will not do exactly the same crap next flu and cold season or once 22 subsides. These people have no remorse in what they have done and continue to try and do with humanity and especially the children!

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You're 100% right yet I think I'll remember the Republicans that were complicit even more..... some because of what they said or did and many because of what they didn't say or didn't do.

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Many weak cowardly GOP for sure! None of them though would have mandated masking or injections. perhaps a few exceptions, but nothing remotely close to what the commiecRATS actually did with humanity

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Left the GOP years ago. They’ve failed their constituents over and over again.

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Independent now?

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They aren't just weak and cowardly, they have agendas and financial gain that align with big govt, big tech, big corporations, big pharma and that includes mandates and other policies that promote selling more jabs and that make their big donors happy at our expense.

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Yet, the Rep Governors have led the way in protecting people's rights to choose medical treatments. Look at De Santis.

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Rand Paul has always been outspoken. Unfortunately he is the only one.

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Don't forget it was Trump who started the masks and lockdowns. He is still pushing the vaccine. Both sides are responsible.

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Correct he did, but if you remember he quickly moved to suggesting early treatment options to be made available like HCQ and monoclonal AB's etc, to open up and never mandated or would have mandated a thing. If that would have been a commiecRAT in office just imagine where this country would have been and how destroyed we would be currently. Trump buffered (didn't stop) what happened as 2020 ended and the puppet entered the WH. Look around the country and notice how it's all the BLUE states and BLUE cities that have the greatest destruction, crime and mass psychosis from masking virtue signaling. As for Trump and the OWS championing of the experimental gene therapy I am the first to say it was a HUGE mistake and the mere fact he continues to applaud it today is not gonna bode well for him

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He is still pushing the vaccines. I haven't heard him retract anything.

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Yes...its what I said :)

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I remember screaming at the TV WTF when he announced OWS in May of 2020. Knew then it was not good...

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So stop writing them checks.

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But the profs don’t need the jab.


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My theory on why this has happened: administrators are in a paralytic CYA mode after a decade plus of spoiled brat tantrums and "words are literally violence" nonsense. They are having a bit of a psychotic break in their attempts to set up an unimpeachable safety regime.

Nothing else makes sense.

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This is how all the major institutions have been conditioned and captured

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Good News...But RESISTANCE must continue until the last Authoritarian crawls back into the f..King hole they emerged from two years ago.

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They won’t go willingly. We MUST keep pushing back. Do Not let this be forgotten!!!!

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And the hole is nuked.

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If he were your bro he’d be Brondan

But either way, LGB

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to clarify, the doctor is afraid of financial loss but not afraid of doing harm

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Financial "loss"? How about total ruin? Docs have lost their licenses over exemptions. I know Dollar Tree is hiring. But at $14/hr its hard to pay off $500,000 in medical school debt. The public needs to take this battle to politicians and state medical boards. Docs cannot fight this on their own.

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how are docs fighting this... they’re the ones with the technical knowledge to write the letters, take the argument to the medical board... if they were angry enough... the older ones presumably have their debt paid off, what’s their excuse...

there should be at least half as many letters to the medical boards as there are cases reported to VAERS

at least truckers are trying to help register the ‘public disapproval’ the way they know how

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No institutional respect or support for docs who think/speak independently. This started to kick into high gear with the implementation of EMRs in 2014. Most docs just likely want to quietly live their lives and help their patients. They were never readied for this sort of battle. Meanwhile respect for doctoring as a profession is cratering. It's the saddest thing.

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I’ve sacked my Safe and Effective family doctor . Bought a parrot instead .

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Loss of license, or even censure by the AMA would destroy their future prospects be devastating financially. The “heroes” of Early Treatment have had significant losses.

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if this ever ends we’ll all have significant losses... already do.

kids are next ... states are quietly updating existing vax laws... pending in California SB 871 adds covid vax as required & eliminates ALL exemptions including MEDICAL & BELIEF... so as things go parents will be without choice this fall unless they homeschool

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Starve the cancer


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Home schools are booming these days. As are private schools that don't require the jabs.

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I wonder if it's possible to sue the AMA for medical malpractice. Or something else, since they are the ones at the heart of this issue.

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Doctors are with us

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Yes, State Medical Boards develop rules for hospitals. State Legislators oversee State Medical Boards. Write to your Legislators, but first view FLCCC’s Weekly Update from 2 weeks ago. An attorney who sues hospitals for malfeasance was a guest and explained the State Legislature’s role in incentives for all things Covid, from PCR to death. The FLCCC doctors detailed the curtailment of patients’ rights within hospitals. Worse than imaginable! Write to your Legislators!

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Thanks for the info!

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Dollar Tree just got hit with the same Family Dollar RAT Infestation recall. And it's now $1.25 Store. Keep buying from China.

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The first few that step forward WILL suffer severe personal losses of all kinds. Fortunately, it would be temporary and their heroism will never be forgotten or unrewarded. I am sure many are in the profession for money and recognition only, but there has to be plenty in it for the love of healing humanity.

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This is already happening. Look at Drs. Kory & Marik of the FLCCC, or Dr. Peter McCullough, for example. Prominent docs with amazing credential. Frontline docs that have successfully treated THOUSANDS of c19 patients with the early treatment protocols that are being censored by Fauci et al.

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Oh, the irony!

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Seems that way , doesn’t it !

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We live in a crazy world.

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So don't use him as your doctor anymore.

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I would not take a chance with her health. Without your health, you have nothing. There is no going back if she gets it. Send her to Hillsdale College in Michigan or any other college that does not require it.

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Have a neighbor whose daughter is going to Hillsdale next year. Such a well thought out institution...

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It’s about the only place I donate anymore. My kids are grown but if I had to do it again, I would definitely send them there!

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They have some excellent online classes anyone can take and an awesome constitution course which I believe is no cost to take

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State colleges and universities in Florida do not require the jab. And have been mask optional all year. My son goes to UCF 😁

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My daughter is at Carroll College in MT—no vax mandate. Find schools without the mandate.

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Or Messiah in PA! Great people, open minded and none of this foolishness

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I'm still not completely buying the official story (suicide) of the Stanford soccer goalkeeper Katie Meyer's death. Not too many details & the school had a recent booster deadline.

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yeah, and they're still trying to blame the vaxx death of bob sagett on "hitting his head and going to bed, thinking 'it was nothing' "....too bad that sounds like BULLSHIT. He got boosted and died 2 weeks later

THE ORIGINAL REPORT SAID"NO SIGNS OF FOUL PLAY OR DRUG/ALCOHOL RELATED" you can't go back an add in some bullshit excuse


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Hollywood hard knocks: Comediennes Heather McDonald, Chelsea Handler latest to receive their "vaccine" reality checks - The COVID Blog


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In the podcast link below, Bob Saget on Dec 13 at timestamp 7:09 states “I just got my booster…”. check it out at: https://youtu.be/93-k_NFJmQA?t=41

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I think you're grasping at straws here. I totally believe a girl would off herself over a disciplinary letter from a college, especially an athlete who probably has been so stressed out for the last ten years of her life. Who knows tho.... Mental illness has obviously been multiplied ten fold since the lockdown.

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Supposedly, the coroner is the one who said it was "self-inflicted". My friend's healthy client was found deceased less than 48 hours after his 2nd jab. The coroner told his brother that it was caused by the vax, but he was not allowed to put it on the autopsy report and was required to enter "natural causes". BTW he didn't want to get the jab, but his friends kept pushing him and he gave in.

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My guess it was the vax too. Stanford is probably trying to cover that up and put pressure on ME. If she did the right thing and was facing disciplinary action, that’s when you hire an attorney, not commit suicide. And I agree, she seemed to have a in your face personality. Those types usually fight. Unfortunately, parents don’t seem to want to push back. Maybe they were threatened or offered compensation. Who knows?

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yep....and 2 healthy black women. 1 miss america and 2 miss ? somebody JUMPED TO THEIR DEATHS within weeks of each other. Tell me why??? I'll guarantee you they were BOOSTED

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I'm going to hazard a guess...no

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Find a cardiologist who will write it! The colleges don’t care as long as they have the paperwork. They are not questioning the doctors at all…I’m very familiar with this process.

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The problem is the doctors fear the medical boards. Who knows where those exemption letters go after the colleges receive them. And what that could mean down the line for the doctors who write them.

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The exemption letters are uploaded as part of the students education records, and are subjected to FERPA regulations under education records. Not easily accessed, but not impossible either and may be accessed under "emergency" conditions.

"School officials must comply with FERPA in releasing immunization

records and other health records to outside local and state health

authorities. Generally, parents must provide consent before such

information is released. FERPA does permit disclosure of education

records to appropriate officials in connection with an emergency if the

knowledge of such information is necessary to protect the health or

safety of the student or other persons. See 34 CFR § 99.31(a)(10) and §



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Not sure about other systems, but in CA, UC and CSU Exemption requests are submitted to the "Location Vaccine Authority" (maybe a University's Chief Medical Officer) which maintains all vaccine records for the University. While these records are considered "medical", and therefore should be confidential, University policy also states vaccine records are "subject to audit" https://policy.ucop.edu/doc/5000695/SARS-CoV-2_Covid-19

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Are they scrutinizing the vax cards?

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Vax cards have to be uploaded into the system. Not sure how they're looked at.

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Initially when announcing Vaccine policy, Univ of CA announced students didn't have to upload any documentation since the system already had the info from state databases. Perhaps that wasn't true so they have since required vax cards. Another possibility: maybe they realized they let a cat out of the bag they shouldn't have. Either way, using fake documentation seems really risky to me.

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They won’t write it. Any entity that administers Covid vaccines had to sign an agreement saying they would follow cdc guidelines on the Covid vaccines - the cdc guidelines do not allow for any medical exemptions at all.

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CDC has nothing to say on exemptions because they do not recommend requiring vaccination in the first place. See here:


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They won’t even put in my chart that I experienced side effects following the jab. The neuro dared to write it but wouldn’t confirm causation. Most doctors refuse to believe it is relayed and the few that know, know they’ll be fired if they say it. Medical boards, ama abs politicians to blame.

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Any college in the U.S. that says it’s discriminating on the basis of vaccination status — even with an opportunity for exemptions — in order to comply with CDC guidance, is speaking falsely. The CDC guidance is only to encourage the use of vaccines and to make it convenient to get them. Their guidance never makes vaccination a requirement. Since the Americans with Disabilities Act was passed in 1990 it’s been against the law to discriminate against those regarded differently-immune (e.g. HIV-positive persons).

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It does not appear the court system is interpreting it this way, for colleges or work mandates.

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I don’t hear anybody either pro- or anti-mandate talking about the issue in these terms, so I don’t think this specific question has had its day in court. In the cases I’m familiar with the question always is about who has the authority to impose health and safety requirements, not about whether this particular requirement violates equal opportunity law.

But I think it’s telling that the CDC does not recommend denying employment or educational opportunities based on vaccination status. They know it would be against the law.

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I think that calls for a huge protest!

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Better yet, a lawsuit. Perhaps one of the class action variety.

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I’d love to go on Tucker Carlson about it!

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Unfortunately, Tucker is too obsessed with Ukraine right now. He must have been given an ultimatum.

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Could very well be! I'm still missing GG every night.

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My cardiologist refused to give me an exemption for a cardiac issue he treats me for. I differed to my OBGYN who’s been w/ me for 31 yrs. Without hesitation he wrote me an exemption letter. It was accepted w/o question or hesitation. PTL

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Courageous OB - God bless you all.

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Crazy that a cardiologist, of all people, refused. I'd find a new one if I were you.

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Thank God. One more good doc.

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MDs in CA are also afraid to give exemptions, because they received a letter from the CA Medical Association saying that they could lose their medical license, if the reason for the exemption was not approved. But there were no reasons listed for approval or non-approval.

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Name & Shame

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Good point.

He is not fulfilling the professional obligations entrusted to him. It's on him to have the backbone to correct his board, not the other way around. This is expected of all doctors. When a union goes on strike, we don't let the workers say, "what can I do? I personally disagree with violence, but the Union apparatchiks have decided I have to hold this picket line with these brass knuckles and this bludgeon, so what can I do? I'm scared for my job, you understand. <smash>" When someone represents you professionally, they represent you, not the other way around. Even if they have some enforcement power over you, as a professional it's on YOU to keep THEM in line.

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How is it the mafia like coercion and bribery apparent with the Government-Pharma industrial complex is not deemed a crime against humanity on its face? To think the vast majority of medical personnel have been threatened and or afraid to suggest useful life saving options the past few years, as well as giving those who need an exemption assistance is surreal!

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Going to have to take careful consideration of one’s own health and that of the family. God bless

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Find a new doctor

Have a family member damaged by shot

Found a doctor with enough courage to write the exemption

God bless

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Her doctor should be afraid NOT to give her the exemption letter if there's a documented history of injury. Seriously? I'd find a new doctor!

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Shame on your cardiologist!

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How are these medical personnel NOT held accountable for what they advise? I mean it's bordering on medical malfeasance...

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So the pretzel "logic" here is: You can attend our college fair for prospective students if unvaccinated, but if you then decide to enroll, you must get vaxed to attend.

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Yes so if my daughter wants to attend this event, she’s not allowed in unless she has three injections. But if someone wants to attend from another college, potentially a transfer student, no vaccine is necessary.

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This is in direct violation of their own policy

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My unjabbed husband just got covid. 48 hours of sore throat, minimal cough and stuffy nose. I’m suspicious of the test I got at Walgreens. Who knows if it’s really covid.

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So many people no longer trust the medical establishment. We're just beginning to see the extent of the damage that's been done.

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Do you remember...

>silent lunches

>kids on buckets

>washing groceries

>quarantining books

>drive-up graduation

>"essential items only" >banning elderly visits

>virtual school >firing for medical status

>forcing hospital patients to die alone.

Never again.

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> using toxic drugs as "treatment"

> denying treatments proven ro work

> "requiring" people to get certain injections

Oops...these are still going on so we don't need to remember...yet.

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We need our Freedoms back in our own control and be able to Free thinking.

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We need people willing to fight for our freedoms. Too many people are concerned with being kicked out of their cliques.

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Our Covid masters think no one can think but them.

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yes!! But we also need to get legislation clearly forbidding these Emergency Powers and stating in no uncertain terms that medical freedom and body sovereignty is a God-given human right that shall never again be violated.

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Just diagnoised with lymphocytic colitis, every FREAKING DRUG has the same or worse side effects. Xixifan is starting to work, but the Gastro will not renew the antibiotic. Half the drugs I've reacted to, the others have same issues as lymphocytic colitis. Or make you a Zombie. HELL NO, keep your crap. I can't change my diet, you told me NO Seeds, No Grapefruit, Soy, and premade Gluten free tastes like Horse S. I don't feel like cooking the crap either. And he'd have to consult 3 other Specialist for their ok which won't happen. MEDICAL FREEDOM is a MUST!

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Please consider seeking out a good ND - they are actually better educated than MDs...true. I feel for your situation.

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Tennessee does NOT license ND's. we don't have many for that reason. Eat more fish, he is not the one who reacts to seafood, I am. Our Patient's Bill of Rights was just KILLED by the RINOS. I eat out of cups and saucers, not plates. Their drugs damaged the jaw bone, my 2nd lower denture doesn't adhere, very little jaw bone left, Top are still my own, but shifting in the jaw. Just leave me on the Xixifan for 6 weeks. It is beginning to work. I made my displeasure very strongly known. Biden is fixing to screw with Medicare which means Tricare Prime/Life too. He and obama had planned this back under obama to force everyone on obamacare, that left many bankrupt.

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We should start a new #NeverForget campaign

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I second that motion

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Never Again.

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Mar 5, 2022
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The damage by the mistrust or the damage by the medical community? These people have killed more people "practicing medicine" than they have "saved" by probably ten fold. Most of the industry is a murderous plot disguised as science.

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This is why I hope that the Surgeon General finds out who was right or wrong and People like Frum and Fauci need to be held accountable.

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I assume you mean a NEW surgeon general. The present clown is part of the problem.

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Either way the empty Vessel of a Surgeon General appointed by a delusional mannequin or one that is elected by the American people.

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Y'know, Anthony, I sometimes have trouble ridiculing "Brandon."

My mother died of dementia, and it was awful to watch--not just her decline, but my Dad had so much trouble watching it.

That said, over and over again, I ask myself WHAT is wrong with Brandon's family that they allowed him to run for president?

It's not just keep him at home and don't subject the nation to this clearly impaired person. It's preserve his dignity. Like it or not, he is a former vice president of the United States. He's entitled to privacy as his mind deteriorates.

I shake my head over these twin national disasters: rampant dishonesty by the medical establishment AND a cognitively impaired president.

In the meantime, Let's go, Brandon!

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Current Surgeon General is now demanding records of "Misinformation" from tech platforms. He is as evil as the rest of them.


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I would say Stupid the Surgeon General close to being a Moron buffoon!

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That guy just looks like an unhealthy zombie. He always has his mouth hanging open...it's creepy.

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Western Medicine is the the biggest cause of death. Avoid at all costs.

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It doesn't even kill that well. It just keeps you coming back for more. Just alive enough to continually be convinced you need more services/drugs/interventions.

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Right on. People are so worried about having medical insurance and I say, get a catastrophic policy for broken bones, accidents, appendix, and so on, but stay the hell away from big medical. They just want repeat customers. 😖

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An expensive, life-long medication for everything if they can manage it.

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That's called a cold. I wish people would stop getting these tests that are giving false positives and pushing case numbers

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I agree with you. We got a home test out of curiosity but this case will not be reported in any way so it won’t contribute to any numbers. I myself have never once been tested for covid and I am unjabbed. We will not contribute to the problem.

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How do we find out if this has happened? Some people still have to be tested weekly.

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So don't stick the swab into your nose. Blow out the mucus into a tissue or plastic spoon, run the swab through that, and then put the swab into the tube. Snot is snot, no matter how it comes out.

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If you’re curious , order a blood antibody test in a few weeks.

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The home tests are poisonous. I ordered the 'free' ones our government distributed but I will not use it...I will sell them

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Great idea! What will they sell for- out of curiousity? Although I really don’t want to use a government website for any reason. I learned the hard way when poking around on the Obamacare site doing research and was stupid enough to use my real phone number, it was an avalanche of telemarketing calls immediately after that. It was unbelievable.

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neither did mine!

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Thank you for posting this....just crazy but can you hear Nancy lisping out (in 2020) "Testing, Testing, Testing?" I also wonder about all those home tests the gov. is supposed to be mailing out, they won't affect the numbers but what else might they do?

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I wonder how many of those test swabs Nancy has jammed up her snout.

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I wrote this because I think we need to laugh and stop testing. Hope you enjoy https://amyloftus.substack.com/p/laughter-break?s=w

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These tests are frauds. It's testing for genetic material. STOP WITH THE TESTING ALREADY!

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This is the one test we have taken in two years and the results are private. I spent $26 on the test from Walgreens out of curiousity. Nobody will know these results. We won’t contribute to the problem. We would never go to a testing site. Never ever. I don’t think I will be going to a doctor again anytime soon after what we have seen the past two years. I’m pretty sure I had covid in summer 2020 and even then I did not take a test.

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Plus some of the test kits the government sent us have a poison in them called sodium azide, thank you Joe

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Yeah we didn’t order any “free” test kits. We didn’t want to line Big Pharma pockets. The $26 I spent on the two kits is the total sum of what we have spent on covid. Never spent a dime on masks or anything else.

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The tests were already ordered and paid for. I got them but I will sell them to any hyponchondriac who wants to continue their nonsense.

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I did the same! And for the same reason!

The neurotics are likely to buy them even after the expiration date.

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Vitamin D! Buy Vitamin D!

(The fruit-flavored gummies are yummy!)

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We started taking vitamin d (flccc protocol) as soon as I discovered it in the early days of the scamdemic. We do like the gummies!

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That too

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That's really the thing now....no way to know if one has "covid" or if at this point, covid is just a variety of flu and/or a cold etc. Seems to me and from what I am seeing, it's a frigging COLD at this point. My unjabbed son (who had early Covid in Nov-Dec 2019) and then who had Omicron (supposedly) in early January, came down with a cold type thing 2 weeks ago tomorrow. Then my unjabbed husband got the same thing 3 days later. And now I've got what I always used to call a "head cold", and this is nearly 2 weeks after my son came down with it. Enough of covid, flu and colds are back. People need to get real about it. It's barely anything, to be honest, minor symptoms.

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it is I bet, I just had it, unvaxxed. it was mild, but I took IVM and HCQ amongst other things, wife did not get it. I have had worse hangovers

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Hubby did the flccc protocol including ivm. He has felt worse after a bad sunburn. It really was nothing.

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Are hospitals lifting vaccine mandates for healthcare providers? Of course not, but many are not mandating boosters. They are complete hypocrites, especially since vaccines do not prevent transmission of Covid to patients, and if you are not boosted are you truly considered vaccinated by the CDC? Pure EVIL.... Retiring soon from the medical profession.

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Quickly waning effectiveness of the shots is fact. But resistance to boosters is now too high. So ‘the science’ now pretends people that took 2 or 3 shots have enough shots no matter how long ago, and the unvaxxed still need pressure to get theirs. Completely disconnected from reality.

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British Columbia issued a NEW VACCINE MANDATE for all healthcare workers, including those working at home.

Congratulations in advance of your retirement....freedom!

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Thank you

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“They” may be running away from the shots and mandates but it looks like they are just regrouping for next time. They going after the “misinformation” spreaders ie. truth tellers with new laws and regulations. They may not have succeeded this time but they are learning from their mistakes. Do not become complacent, they are going to try again.

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Touche' 🎯

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You have to take a step back and marvel at this. They went apeshit crazy forcing these on us under threat of societal isolation, job loss and ruin only to say a few months later, yeah never mind. These people have to be held accountable

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They thought there would be this big public health triumph and we would all embrace the Great Reset

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Whoa! The Covid scam was only a step in the implementation of the Great Reset. Ukraine is another.

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Right, there.

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Masks cannot filter "invisible to the eye" aerosols; they are and always have been spit guards, not filters. It appears the virus does not spread very well by way of spit.

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that is one of the best and simplist way of describing the ineffectiveness of masks. spit guards, not filters. wonder if i can convince anyone in my mask-loving state of that?

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This is an oldie but goodie...

Do underwear and pants stop flatulence odors? Depends

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I'm going to use this one on my idiot BIL and sister, who just can't let go of their masks.

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Depends probably don't either...wait

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Check out the Ontario Nurses Association 2015 and 2018 law suit. They tried to force the nurses to get the flu shot or wear mask and the Canadian Hospitals requirements for nurses were found to be "Illogical and unreasonable"! All of this was already known!

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Yes the nurses union in BC fought it for years, won in 2020 but mask or flu shot was back on the books in 2021! Of course it’s just punitive no scientific reason.

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Control freaks don't care about the truth they only care about getting their way.

Tyranny and duplicity is the history of mankind!

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Unraveling and they have banished the COVID gnome to the basement. Fauci is now considered political poison with the mid-terms coming. There cannot be any reminders.

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Why can't they just admit they were wrong? They were wrong about masks stopping spread. They were wrong about kids killing teachers. They were wrong about closing schools. Own up already and say you're sorry. The people you hurt deserve it. Only then can we all move on #apologize

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They are way out on the end of a very slender limb and there is no way back for them. What does it say when their “solution” is to start WW III?

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I know the People who are in Russia don't see all the Buildings turned into dust in Ukraine. This must be Uncle Joey promised build back better plan! 🤔

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Now, that’s funny…….

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They weren't wrong, the jabs did exactly as they intended, harm people, destroy the middle class and the greatest transfer of wealth

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The CDC David Frum and the Elite media is doing everything possible to cover it up.

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Yep, harm chaos and death, part of the definition of evil/ sociopathy.

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Whahahahaha that's exactly the point. They CAN'T admit they were and are wrong because they would then HAVE to be honest with themselves about the failure of ALL their belief systems. They're living a fraud so naturally they're stuck in it.

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But that is not objective reality and this is why they want to control the narrative. David Frum Anthony Fauci think they are God and are trying to be worse than Lennon.

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John Lenin was a Marxist songwriter.

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Agreed, that's why I sought clarification. Most would more natually associate Lenin with Marxism though.

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Admitting error invites culpability.

It's like when being interrogated: say nothing.

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Enough people together can point out their Mistakes!

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You must remember the old Mark Twain saying. "Confession is good for the soul, but it's bad for my reputation".

It's hard for almost anyone to admit they were wrong (and even harder the more important the issue). For politicians it is next to impossible. Their careers depend on the perception they're doing the right thing.

In Spring of 2020, "the right thing" meant imposing restrictions to "flatten the curve", "stop the spread", and "save lives". Now "the right thing" is to lift the restrictions and "return to normalcy". The process is just getting started, but it's clearly now the trend.

See how that works?

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They may have been wrong by some measures but by helping create a mass panic they were able to implement the vote-by-mail scheme that brought us President Vegetable Lasagna.

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Sociopaths admit they are wrong?!

Wow, hold your breath until that happens…

Just don’t let them send you to a hospital…

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Yep. We just got the notice from our higher ups at the State (CA) that no one is mandated to wear a mask in the office anymore, after lifting it for the innoculated a week or so ago. But they still recommend it! Now we need the schools to back off. Zero cases in our kids school this week and only 3 for last two weeks. It is over (for now).

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Yes, but the vaccine mandate rule is still in effect.

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That mandate needs to be rescinded. Our kids don’t need a vax that has not been tested long enough. Too many bad outcomes for kids. DONT VACCINATE YOUR KIDS!

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Need a constitutional amendment affirming the right to bodily autonomy.

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It’s lifted in most of the Bay Area. Even the school now emailed masks are voluntary (I bet my ass most kids will still show up with N95s).

The city of SF still has the vax pass and no mention of rescinding it. The state has the bill to force vax all 5+ kids come January 2023. It better not pass. I signed a petition against it.

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The LA County mask mandate was just lifted. I only found out because I started seeing unmasked people in Trader Joe's, and I asked a cashier. Could be a lot of people don't know about it yet.

LA City has (or maybe had) a vaccine mandate for indoor dining, but I ate at a restaurant yesterday and was never asked to show proof of vaccination.

If this continues, I think school mask and vaccination mandates will go away as well in a few weeks or months. Very quietly of course.

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SF still asks for vax passes. You can’t even go to the Academy of Sciences without a booster. Monterey aquarium requires vax or test abs masks.

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> You can’t even go to the Academy of Sciences without a booster.

They should not be allowed to make up their own rules. Public mandates are one problem. They're not justified, and they were implemented as a political truncheon to inflict loss and humiliation on a partisan faction. But private mandates should never be allowed. This is private health information. It should be a crime to request it, much less to bargain for it in any way.

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Agreed. Horrific. I cancelled my membership and won’t reinstate it even after I’m allowed back there.

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In Washington state, King Inslee (governor), is removing the mask mandate starting Saturday, 3/12/2022 (except for hospitals and doctor offices).

But King Inslee is keeping the vaccine mandate, and he refuses to expire the "Emergency Declaration", giving him full, unilateral control over everyone. Inslee is an evil socialist tyrrant.

Note: King County, WA is requiring that all school students must continue to wear a mask for the next several months - even though the state mask mandate is being lifted.

I will NEVER FORGET how these politicians ruined my life and the lives of my friends in Washington state.

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And yet, who wants to bet on the odds that less than 10% of alleged outraged West Coast residents actually move, while these sociopathic F’s crushing their constituents will never stop, never even note peripherally they F’ed up as rulers, and actually cheer on peoples’ ruin and death…

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I'll be writing about this later today!

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More Americans are dying from Covid every day than the same date last year. How can the 'science' groupies legitimize removing mask mandates now? Yes I know the numbers are inflated, but apples to apples means they lied then or they're lying now. BTW we are approaching 1,000,000 American deaths. Where's Brandon little schedule he keeps right here in his pocket and his moments of silence and Beau comparisons

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Is there any other disease where we just add deaths every year and never reset for calendar year comparison? Also with no breakdown of age and comorbidities, also including all the deaths with covid instead of just from covid, plus while encouraging zero early treatment, plus while incentivizing remdesevir and vents. That million deaths figure is 100% propaganda.

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Yeah, we should ban the automobile. You know how many people have died on America's roads...since 1896?! It's a pandemic!

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Exactly, in our CA county, instead of counting the total cases of the vaxxed and unvaxxed when the vax became available, they count all cases from the beginning of 2020, so it looks like the vax is a success.

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People who tested positive but died from a car accident were counted too…..

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But Fauci and Wallensky said that happens in VAERS too. We will just have to wait for Wallensky to give that more accurate vaccine death figure she promised congress a few months ago. Any day now, I'm sure.

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But then we'd have to admit the virus is seasonal!

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But that’s only unvaccinated people dying! Young ones, kids and such. Dontcha know? /sarcasm end

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With all due respect the real death toll from Covid is not anywhere near 1 million.

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Cue the NYT shrieking about deathsantis

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I took my 84 year old dad to his eye appointment to receive injections for macular degeneration 2 weeks ago. The office has a strict masking policy. He argued with them at the front desk about mask theatrics and with his doctor during the appointment. He said “I don’t mind if you want to wear your political views on your face but it is tyranny for you to force me to support your political views in order to be treated for a serious medical condition “. He was calm and respectful. It was awesome.

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Anybody seen the flu? It's quite obvious what's been going on....

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Flus don’t get hospitals a $30000 dollar bonus.

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Had it over Christmas. Kicked my butt.

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my 84 year old dad has a benign brain tumor and been nauseous - finally took him to ER ...they did bio fire rapid test...results were covid positive. Whatever..his chest x ray showed clear lungs...they wanted to "observe" him and let him go in the morning. I said fine because I wanted an IV in him to rehydrate. The next day came and his caregiver goes to see/get him and she has to suit up in a space suit, N95 and told once she enters his room she can't leave for any reason and if she does, she can't return until the next day. I called the RN on the floor and told her I did NOT agree to admit him into covid captivity. This is NOT what's ailing him. Nurse couldn't agree more and kept saying I understand how you feel. I asked if they tested again and he's negative what happens...he will remain insolation. I told her we're pulling him immediately, going home and will start fresh somewhere else. She was nice until I told her this is all nonsense and she told me the pandemic is still going on. (insert eye roll ) and Kindly thanked her.

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Glad that you were able to get him out AMA. I doubt that it would be allowed in CA and most blue states. Chances are the police would have been called and you would have been taken to jail.

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Wait till everyone realizes the flu vaccine is also not effective. Just talking with a coworker trying to get on with a new company in our industry- the other company requires the injection for new hires. She feels coerced and under duress getting it. I told her to wait. I bet they’ll drop their mandate by the end of the month.

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Yes! Wait them out.

All these mandates have become a moving target.

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It’s surprisingly not known. Even super mainstream resources like the Cochrane Collaboration clearly show the flu shot is useless. But somehow the cdc decided to ram it down the American throat years ago. Half of the country doesn’t buy it though 😂

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I disagree. Companies that chose mandates on their own wont get rid of them. That would be unfair to employees already clot shotted.

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Many of the companies are only requiring it of new hires, giving exemptions to current employees.

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I'm waiting to see when the supermarkets and other retailers remove the plexiglass from the cash register stations.

Not to mention TSA and the airlines idiotic mask requirements.

This has been one L-O-N-G two years.

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I was at TJ here in California and no plexiglass, mask free lady at checkout. Me mask free too. Lotsa folks though with masks and one who it 25 year old with n95 and cloth mask 🤦‍♀️. She was all afraid of me and my kids… literally ran from us 🤪

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Tell her to get a HazMat suit.

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Like button won’t work lol but yes. I still see face shield wearers. Can’t help stupid. It’s like living in crazy land here south of San Francisco in the land of the virtue signalers.

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Click on the "like" button, then refresh. The generally works.

(I know: it's a nuisance.)

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What are they going to do with all that “environmentally unfriendly” plastic? I see some hypocrisy there!

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Maybe they can be solar panels? Not sure.

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They are getting ready to remove the mask mandate for airlines but the flight attendants union is fighting them tooth and nail kind of like the teachers unions

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Fine! Let the flight attendants wear masks! They can wear TWO or SIX masks.

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That never occurred to me. Simple solution and to the point.

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That's been the solution all along. Frightened? Worried? Nervous? Fine! Wear a mask! Otherwise, leave me alone.

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Ok, smiling already…..I may have to rally the family with their Pom poms……Rants of Rio….sardonic, sarcastic.Yay!

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I totally agree with you I mean if you want to wear one or more and they work then it should not really matter if I'm wearing one

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So absurd

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I guess it is absurd because you don't agree with it yet what you find absurd the next person might agree with my assessment so I guess it's all about perception. You are entitled to your opinion I guess I just don't agree with your assessment that mine is absurd but this is America and that's what makes it the greatest country on earth

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I think (hope?) she meant the masks are absurd.

Sometimes these threads are difficult to follow.

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It may have been in reference to my other comment but I am unsure as you point out the threads here can become quite confusing

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Masks are designed to protect the wearer. You wear a dust mask to prevent you from inhaling dust. You don't wear it to keep someone else from inhaling your exhaled dust.

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Yes dust masks work for dust. No mask including N95 stops an airborne virus from penetrating said mask as the micron rating is not high enough to stop it. I'm fact there used to be 10 or more studies on the CDC website proving just that, that they do not work to stop airborne viruses, until around March of 2020 but they did not fit the narrative so they disappeared.

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Alex, now do election integrity. Should be the easiest process in the world to introduce transparency and auditability. It's very opaque and ripe for malfeasance. Doesn't have to be.

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Dinesh did with 2000 Mules

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Can't wait for that, but the more the merrier!

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I've got my pitchfork. Let's roll!

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I'll bring the torches!

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I'll bring the popcorn!!!

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I’ll bring the tar and feathers!

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With all the lies and skullduggery I wouldn't trust even a flu shot. Pharma are tainted forever as far as I'm concerned

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Yeah because these pharmacies are 'accidentally' giving people COVID shots when they go in for flu shots

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And yet the nj teachers Union is STILL pushing the Governor to reconsider and keep our kids masked up!!

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Just follow the science.........political science that is.......

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It's power, authority. It is NOT science.

REMEMBER this when the union tries to get a pay raise.

Also, inform individual teachers that you will fight any pay raises because their union is power-drunk.

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Desantis scolded some kids standing in the background saying they looked ridiculous in masks he said take them off… now parents were triggered by this(liberals). Trump/Desantis tkt

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How sensitive have we become? DeSantis told the students they didn't need to wear the masks. Now that's referred to as bullying.

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Right, meanwhile these people bullied everyone who pushed back against masks and jabs

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Per one of the comments there, "Ron specifically said that they could wear them if they want to. Saying he was 'caught on hot mic" implies that Ron said something which he didn't want broadcast, which isn't true."

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I vote for Tom & Jerry, certainly more entertaining.

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Desantis stands for freedom!

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Good news. That being said, other storylines I am most interested in are…

1. Crimes against humanity prosecution for Massvaxists.

2. Removal of liability protection for manufacturers.

3. Transfer of mandate responsibility from fed to states.

4. Results of medical studies on acute, mid-term and long-term adverse side effect of mass gene transfer therapy injections.

5. Origination of COVID-19.

6. Progress in development of therapies for vaccinated individuals to minimize the adverse side effects of compromised immune systems.

Some of these are dependent on free and fair elections occurring, which is far from guaranteed.

We are still in the early stages of this decades long plan to implement COVID as a globalist tool for exerting power over the masses. As people start to loose interest, the globalists will creep back in with under-the-radar policies unless we declaw them now! Recurring contrived distractions linked with apparent reductions in governmental COVID controls all feed into maximizing the predictable apathy of the masses as people return to yoga class, Little League and the other important life events. Now is the time to be the most active in the fight against the Massvaxists!

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Great LIST rmac!

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My daughter attends Purdue. They went mask optional in all areas except classrooms. This week they asked for feedback on whether they should go optional in class. So many students still believe they are protecting older professors and immunocompromised people by being vaxxed and wearing masks. Unbelievable for a science based university. The brainwashing is so deep. They also hired Jerome Adams who wears 2 masks and constantly pushes boosters. At least they don’t mandate the vax. I’ve so far been able to keep my daughter from getting it but the coercion is so heavy! She is the only non-vaxxed in her friend group. Her boyfriend just got boosted. I worry about this generation and what this is doing to them.

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If your daughter wants kids, she better dump the boyfriend because he will probably be sterile since he insists on getting boosters

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Yea I thought of that. Also hope that crap isn’t shedding on to her

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I am a Purdue grad and have seen the same propaganda from Jerome and Mitch. I am completely embarrassed. The CEO for my company is a Purdue grad and follows the same bogus science of Mitch and Jerome. Neil Armstrong and all the other great astronauts from Purdue have to be rolling over in their graves.

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It’s been so disappointing.

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Univ of Maryland College Park has no mask mandate anymore - except in the classrooms!! But they did require the students to get 2 shots + booster or they couldn't leave their rooms when on campus. Absolute lunacy.

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And by the way has NEVER tested positive - had covid in her senior year April 2020 & nothing since not even during Omicron

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Wow! Are they really that clueless or just dependent on the federal funds? My daughter has to test weekly

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I spent 6 days in an Advent hospital (in Cent FL) in January with Covid Pneumonia. The staff was incredible. Some of them even wore the mask under their nose when in the room with me. They told me the vaccine really wasn't effective against Omicron, they had vaccinated and unvaccinated on the floor, some vaccinated more severe than me, but there was no rhyme or reason who got it or who would be hospitalized.

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Beware the chides of March...

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Have you seen this? The government/HHS was buying advertising time on all the major news orgs to promote the vax. Pharma has captured DC.


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I’m so happy the cracks are opening and the WICKED WILL SOON BE EXPOSED!!!! Get right with God people, it’s about to get very turbulent.

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Here in Scotland we are still required to wear everywhere in doors. Enforceable by law.

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The greatest shame, and greatest crime, is the willingness of those who should know better to support what they knew was a dangerous fraud.

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Can’t treat stupid and reckless, well, nature eventually catches up with such DNA deformities…

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Stupid is relative, and the smarter ones usually find ways to protect the rest of us. Like hospitals. Sometimes the smart ones fail us. Then it's up to the stupid and reckless to get them back on track.

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I've been wearing (when mandated) the same mask for months. Doesn't hurt behind my ears. Wore it daily on a week long cruise in January. I call it my COVID costume. PS. Never had Covid.

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Are vaccines required for all the cruise lines still?

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yes for the ones I'm on and going on: Princess, NCL. But I'm sure that will disappear in a month or two.

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They might as well since every cruise with fully jabbed and tested before departure, have had COVID outbreaks

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This is the same hospital that when I was discharged after being treated for Covid, made me wear a mask as I left the hospital.

Ponder that, then take in this one: the hospital where I go for pulmonary rehab has patients there for that and cardio rehab, and pregnant women seeing their OBs, among others, sharing an entrance with people coming for monoclonal antibody treatment. And yes, we have to wear masks while we do our rehab exercises.

I am so tired of the stupidity.

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The establishment is trying to quietly slink away from the jab. CDC’s VAERS data is compelling, and may be understated by 20-fold per a recent Columbia University study. Attorney Renz has stripped away the shroud from the DoD’s own data, showing a horrific spike in deaths and injuries following the jab. Multiple insurance companies saw a tsunami of non-Covid deaths in 2021, after the vaccines were introduced, with 40% or more increases in claims. (A 10% increase would have been a once in a 200-year event per one insurance observer.) Wall Street is quietly moving money away from Big Pharma. And just this week, the UK revealed that 80-90% of Covid deaths are in vaccinated persons. And of course the nonstop and increasing string of young people - athletes, entertainers - are dropping over with myocarditis, strokes, or heart attacks.

The Faucian Haunted House of cards is about to collapse. Maybe that’s why he disappeared from the spotlight three weeks ago.

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Evidently the scamdemic is over. Our local big box is giving away free N95 masks at the entrance. I picked up about 6 as I left, for lawn mowing in the summer.

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We still haven’t received our free Covid tests.

Thanks Brandon!

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My company lifted the mask mandate for vaccinated employees in non clinical areas, but all unvaccinated staff are still required to wear N95 mask even though I have already had covid. Makes no sense.

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You should push back with the CDC's own data...people who've had it have better immunity.

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Masks are coming off and NEVER going back on.

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Clearly, what is needed are special signs informing if an area is "Injected only".

Suitable places should be public transport, drinking fountains and schools.

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Bathrooms too. Back of the bus for you!

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Now if only doctors, dentists and hospitals in Michigan would do this. They seem to be one of the last hold outs here, which is ridiculous since they SHOULD know ‘the science’ better than anyone. But, alas, they only follow ‘authoritarian control’ science.

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They follow the AMA and the ADA which will have their licenses yanked by their states in a heartbeat.

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Some local dentists are randomly visited unannounced by Dept of Public Health goons trying to catch them in "noncompliance." In the People's Republic of MD.

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Failure of propaganda always produces a strange landscape of “how to carefully back away without losing credibility”. That is usually impossible-therefore the chaotic appearance. Always 2 “wars” going on.. a propaganda (media) war-and the actual war… the actual war is the only one that counts. If you wait long enough… you always discover the truth. As in the late 30’s and 40’s… if you are old enough to have known any people in Germany … a lot believed the propaganda of the “success of the third reich”- right up until the forces marched into the city to liberate them. They were truly shocked… happy.. but shocked. Propaganda- is certainly not a new tactic. It is very old. Censorship is the first red flag that it is being used. Why do they still use it when it’s so old - so common and people should recognize these things? That’s a very good question …

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I’m sorry, I couldn’t help but laugh.

One blessing coming out of all this china plague madness has been a relative paucity of illness amongst the folks I know: I’ve been flu-less for the past two winter 🤞 (despite having 3 bouts of the china plague), none that I know has complained about having influenza, AND there’s been very little coughing during church service 😃.

I also get an influenza shot every year (different tech, save your breath) which has, over the years, proven itself only moderately successful in preventing sickness -yet this healthcare facility exempts the flu jabbed.

Knowledge comes hard.

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Good News...But RESISTANCE must continue until the last Authoritarian crawls back into the f..King hole they emerged from two years ago.

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masks dont stop viruses

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But Dr. Fauci said two masks will work.

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Nice to see "mask theater" as Alex terms it is going away. We should all give thanks to The State of the Union Miracle for banishing masks. Oh praise the Lord.

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I knew they were worthless when governments moved from persuasion to coercion.

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It's mysteriously disappearing!

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Along with Brandon’s brain

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Dementia is no mystery

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War can do that !

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I'm an ICU nurse at the VA. Covid unit ICU nurse that is. They are following through with getting rid of us unvaxxed. I have a religious exemption filed. They are forcing me out of the bedside by offering "reasonable accomodations" via non bed side jobs. Could be in anything and any field. I am highly specialized. They could offer me a position in laundry and a 70k/year paycut and if I don't accept I'm fired. Thanks Brandon.

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I am a Registered Nurse in California with 40 years experience including ICU/CCU.

I back you 100%.

If you can, move to Florida and take those credentials and experience with you!

DeSantis will welcome you just like he did all the fired cops because they didn’t want to risk their lives with experimental jabs that are unsafe and ineffective.

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I hope the true marginalization of the Covid jab is beginning! I don’t have much hope because of the American people!

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As a physician,Ithink there is more to this…they realize THEY are NOT indemnified as are drug makers so,if they force vaccines,THEYcan be sued. Also, out local chain in Lee County Florida just released ITS preferred therapeutics.They include Remdesivir,Paxlovid and it’s sister drug whose name I can’t recall. I pointed out in a return email that Paxlovid has NO real clinical record and apparently is very similar to Ivermectin( the “horse pill” according to CNN.)

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No REAL clinical value (Ivermectin)? Have to spoke with Dr. Kory of flccc.net and Dr. McCullough of www.earlycovidcare.org ?

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Paxlovid is to be taken with Ritonavir which is an HIV drug.

Ritonavir - Side Effects, Uses, Dosage, Overdose, Pregnancy, Alcohol | RxWiki


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It won't take long for people to forget about this whole hoax and be ripe for any new tyranny Democrats cook up.

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If they do they deserve it all!

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