Glad to see this. But it woulda been nice if you had disagreed with Dr. Malone with similar grace and courtesy. We need Team Reality to be united and mutually supportive, and to model for Team Apocalypse how to disagree and still have constructive and meaningful dialog.

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I consider his review to be pretty good. A lot of it was comparing the American approach to coronavirus hysteria vs. that seen in european countries.

I bought the book, but haven't read it yet. I have to be honest, however. Since subscribing to your substack channel, I've been somewhat disappointed at some of the cheap-shots you've taken at Mallone, and commenters on Eugyppius' substack (I'm a subscriber there as well) highlight that you've also been less than gracious towards him.

Sounds like a personal characteristic that you should work on. I noted in Eugyppius' comment area specific mention of several people having unsubscribed from you for this characteristic of yours.

I don't know you, but care enough to point out where you're really rubbing people the wrong way in certain areas. Perhaps less time tearing down other people for personal traits or popularity, and stick to addressing any comments of theirs you might have a difference with by using facts/science. We're all entitled to our own opinions, but publicly tearing down others is just tacky.

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I've been following Eugyppius for months now. I think he's right about the war and your book.

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Like many others, I disagree with your attacks on Robert Malone and your dismissal of early treatment with Ivermectin. But your analyses are still generally astute and your voice is necessary in the fight for freedom. So, to me, you're still an ally.

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Mar 17, 2022·edited Mar 17, 2022

Exchange—not suppression—of ideas is how we learn.

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Glad he likes it, Alex. Personally, I can't bring myself to purchase it. You lost me when you started endorsing randomized controlled trials as the only means of assessing Ivermectin for Covid, even when those trials included fewer than 500 patients, which as Yale epidemiologist Dr. Harvey Risch notes are "worthless" in terms of randomization (way too small). Meanwhile, you were feeding right into the hands of the drug industry by dismissing every other type of Ivermectin study. They want you to dismiss all non-randomized trials because the drug companies are the only ones who can afford to do large, randomized trials.

Ivermectin was killed by Gate and Pfizer execs, who knew the drug's efficacy against Covid would make the experimental injections far less appealing. Merck helped them kill it, because Ivermectin is off patent and can no longer make money for them. You played right into their hands, Alex. That makes you not nearly as bright as you would all like us to believe.

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Just came from Lowe’s. They’re continuing to loop over the PA system “ remember to 6’ social distance, wash your hands, cough in your elbow “….

It’s still March 2020 there.

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My tweenager is devouring the book. Thank you Alex!

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Bravo. I like both Pandemia and Eugyppius.

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"We don’t have to agree on everything. We DO have to be able to speak to each other, openly and without censorship."

Some of the best words I've read during the madness of the last 2 years. They are true all the time.

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Loved the book. I had forgotten much of the narrative arc of 2020, and I do not consider myself someone who loses track easily.

We need stories like Pandemia because you had better believe all the COVID tyrants are desperate to allow/cause the people to forget.

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More than ever I think we all need to recognize that 2 seemingly contradictory things can be true at the same time. I personally think Putin is a butcher but I don’t trust much of anything I hear from the USG or their media mouthpieces. I also think we’re dealing with the law of unintended consequences. He’s using the fact that we no doubt have an offensive bio-weapons program that we farm out to other countries and collaborate on the research (I’m sure the CIA lawyers would beg to differ so that’s really all we need to know). I have no idea what was or wasn’t being done in Ukraine but Putin is using all of this as a justification for his brutality. I tend to think that he was left out of the globalist germ games and is none too happy.

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When people appear to agree on everything, that's when I start tuning them out. Because that kind of consensus-- every single journalist, every single media outlet, every person on social media-- just doesn't occur naturally.

The review by Eugyppius is one that Pandemia deserves-- and it was written by someone who is not a sycophant. That matters. Just like it matters that many of us who subscribe to this Substack aren't about to get Alex Berenson bobblehead dolls, but we consider the work he's doing invaluable. As Eugyppius wrote, "Probably nobody important in his lifetime will acknowledge it, but Berenson’s calm, rational, and diligent reporting has been crucial to breaking the spell of Corona in the West. "

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Weird! A nihilist who writes good book reviews!

It is like he owned you without even engaging with your argument. 😂

I like this obscure German guy.

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Pandemia is at the top of corona books along with RFK, Jr's The Truth About Anthony Fauci" and also Scott Atlas' A Plague on our Nation. All good reads and if you think they would be boring, you would be wrong. Thanks to all 3 authors.

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This will be the book historians refer to.

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Cancel culture and censorship are a scourge on our lives.

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You all need to lay off Alex. How many of you put yourselves out there in the beginning and spoke out publicly against the covid insanity? It's easier to do now, but Alex was one of the lone early voices and we should all be VERY grateful.

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Mar 17, 2022·edited Mar 17, 2022

Everybody should go to Eugyppius' substack and read his posts of Ukraine. He nails it all. As bad as Alex is on Ukraine, Eugyppius is good.

"Lockdowns weren’t a one-off; the vaccinators don’t just vaccinate. The enemies who have oppressed us these past two years are appendages of a much broader system. Climatism, anti-racism, transgender lunacy, Corona, and now the Ukraine: They are all of them expressions of the same malign force; they are all of them the same thing."

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Eugyppius… kindness all the way .🌞

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“He had a way of pointing out simple facts that nobody in the press wanted to talk about, and – more importantly – that you didn’t realise nobody was talking about.” 💯 👏

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Alex Berenson is brilliant but he undermines himself by attacking others with no basis. Luckily, many of us who are awake to the Covid etc. nonsense are also intelligent and kind enough not to cancel people outright. So we take Berenson's brilliant output and forgive the mistakes. But Berenson would do well to read other investigative journalists who outshine him in research--Whitney Webb is one.

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Maybe he just doesn’t take your views on Russia/Ukraine seriously 😃

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So he isn't a mouth breathing, Trump supporting idiot, like the rest of us who disagree with you on the war?

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I finished the book and it was great. Surreal to relive the last two years through your book. Well done, Alex! I do agree with Eugyppius on one point - the crazy has just begun…


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I first became aware of eugyppius when you (Alex) shared a piece he had written. I now subscribe to both Substacks. I don't read everything eugyppius writes (I did like the antique watch article!) but his wisdom on covid madness gives me hope that bs flags are flying world-wide, not just here in the US. We can only hope that truth will eventually prevail.

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Just read Eugyppius's comment "If you had to give one book on the pandemic to an English-reading normie, in the hopes of convincing him that masks, lockdowns and vaccines are not the way, Pandemia would be it" to my other half who instantly proceeded to the online seller we should not name and bought it for me!

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Have your book and Kennedy's. Love both of them!

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Your take on the war in Ukraine is interesting. I was born in 1955, my entire life dominated by governmental lies. JFKs murder. The Vietnam war. And I wonder if that explains your acceptance of the Russians are Bad perspective. You’re younger. Not as much water under the bridge.

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First, that's a great review... congratulations. It is not easy to write a best-selling analysis in real time and AB has done so. It is a wonderful accomplishment. Second, it is outrageous that in America, of all places, journalists and journals are pursuing censorship of intelligent discourse on the pandemic... of the professions that should be standing for free speech, I would have thought journalism would be front and centre. Third, AB's attack on early treatment (ivermectin) and his attacks on Malone are at best ill-mannered and at worst ignorant. It takes a certain bull-headedness to take on the might of Big Pharma and Big Data and indeed Big Government, but it is also important to temper that necessary pugnacity with humility. My view, for what it is worth, is that AB has let himself down in these matters. It would not hurt for him to admit so. Does he have the stature to do so? We will see.

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Just read this today????DID NEW HAMPSHIRE legislature really app Ivermectin as treatment for C?

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One correction in his otherwise, excellent review...

"Berenson reads like a reporter from the late 1990s, before the overt politicisation of the American media"

should read...

Berenson reads like a reporter from the late 1990s, before SOCIAL MEDIA displaced American media.

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Alex’s sign off says it all. We have to be able to dialogue on stuff and respect differences of opinion and not shout the opposition down. One of my favorite sayings is ‘people what are you going to do with them’ but what are we going to do without’em.

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Alex, after reading your vax book early in 2021, I decided to hold off on getting jabbed. Just want to say thank you for that. Reading Pandemia now.

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The book is phenomenal‼️. It’s in my Kindle download and I read it to “friends” often (LOL).

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I’ll raise a glass to this post Alex. This is the world I’d very much like to return to. The fact that we have to keep qualifying convos by saying “I don’t agree with everything so-and-so says, but.....” is so idiotic it makes me want to tear all my hair out (and there’s a lot). Again, would any of us ever end up or stay married if we had to be on the same page down to the last opinion or feeling on a topic? Would we have any friends? We sure as heck would never never have children! Let’s be better than the “other side” and embrace some diversity of thought (even when we disagree), and ditch the “Borg-like” hive mind mentality. On this topic, I’d bet a fair amount Alex is very aware, by now, of everyone’s opinion on Ivermectin. Remember guys - all Ivermectin talk and no play makes the comment section a dull place ;)

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Alex seems surprised that Eugyppius respects his work even though they don't agree on Russia. Intelligent people can admit when others have done amazing work without having to be in total agreement with them on every subject.

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Differences should never stop discussion. Our society has closed itself off to exploration of ideas in pursuit of truth. Personal attacks are used to shut down honest debate of facts. These tactics demonstrate that"progressivism" is truly regressive. In the last 2 years, and then some, we have seen a decay of intellectual honesty and general morality that is alarming. "Educated adults" are anything but educated or adult. I'm glad you and Eugyppius can put your differences aside to work toward solutions to the problem of this debacle of a response to COVID, in hopes of opening the eyes of those who blindly followed off a cliff to avoid such a tragedy again. I disagree with your assessments of ivermectin but I value a great deal of what you write about. I would miss a lot of important information if I cancelled you based on that one difference of opinion.

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Checking the card catalogue In the San Diego public library, I happened to see Pandemia. A surprise, actually, since this is Newsom's California. But the library needs to give a copy to every patron. Separately from Newsom's order, the School Board in San Diego has unanimously voted to mandate vaxxing all kids once the jab gets regular approval from the FDA. This fight is far from over. My guess is the FDA won't even call an advisory committee on this one but just force it through. During the hearing on the EUA the ad-com was a little to uppity for this FDA.

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I agree with eugyppius. That's why I wrote my own glowing review of Alex' Pandemia when it was published. https://www.lifesitenews.com/blogs/the-pandemic-within-the-pandemic-is-a-pandemic-of-fear-says-journalist-alex-berenson/. Buy a copy.

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Just wrapped up Pandemia this week Alex. Well done!!! But more importantly thank you for your relentless pursuit of the truth about C and the jabs, and for posting about it every day. For many of us, You, Bad Cat, Eugyppius, Igor, Steve and Jeff Childers (there is room for all of you!) played an enormous role in validating what our intuition was whispering. I am not alone in saying that you saved some (maybe many depending on how this plays out) lives by creating a community around your stack, which helped with the isolation and loneliness, but also for exposing the big pharma truth. Fellow substack subscribers, if you haven’t read Pandemia, get a copy for yourself AND the Karens down the street!

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I discovered Eugyppius thanks to you.

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If you truly want to understand Covid mania, the media, & the Cult of Fauci, you must read “Inventing the AIDS Virus” by Peter Duesberg.

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Eugyppius review just convinced me to buy your book (yep, I know, the Convincer got convinced... a-ha). Even though I've been your follower since twitter, I never had the intention to buy any book about these 2 past years. I was (and am) sick of this dystopia.

But the idea to keep at home the record of an accurate description of all the 2020 events, mostly described in real time, even in english (not my mother tongue) seems to be the best way to remember the nonsense of this period and to contradict whenever it's possible all the charlatans who will probably distort what they did during the pandemic.

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I don't even agree with myself on everything; I certainly don't hold others to a higher standard than that.

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Oh so sweet all this mutal brofest Substack loving....[Eugyppius...Alex] you guys about done yet? Everyone gets a trophy, your all valid human beings and yes...👏👏👏👏 [90s golf clap] you are both very good boys!!!

Can we get back on with the hard work of overthrowing tyrants now? Now that we all feel validated. Pretty please with sugar on top?


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Well, I have to say that I am also in Germany. I follow eugyppius as well. In addition, I promoted your book on my Facebook site (Oh, and I bought it at the FULL price when it came out.) I also promote it in many links on my own (lame) Blog at shakeyourfist.com. However, I am still waiting for you to apologise to Robert Malone.

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Eugyppius, Bad cattitude, Unacceptable Jessica and you Alex—Best content on the internet today.

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Huh. Adults gonna adult. Imagine that.

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Alex trashed Eugyppius and Malone. I wonder who is next on his hit list?

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