Why. in heaven's name, would anyone vote for Phil Murphy again? Fool me once shame on you...fool me twice, you're basically asking for it. It's masks + vaccines from the word go if he wins. Plus so much more authoritarianism.

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Some of these people are addicts for authoritarian measures. If I hadn't been living through this, I would have never admitted/realized that there are humans that crave having choices taken away. I guess it's too scary to live in freedom?

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This country really needs to break apart. Authoritarians will not rest until everyone complies, and to my amazement - the aspiring tyrants have a support base of people that love being commanded. Blind, unquestioning compliance is virtue for these people. Anyone that loves covid tyranny and wants more - move to a blue state and good luck! Anyone that has had enough - move to a red state and FFS don't ever vote again for what you ran away from.

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Just be thankful you have red states. Here in Australia we get communism no matter if we vote conservative or socialist.

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There should be global condemnation of what's happening in Australia - similar to the global response to apartheid in the 80s. Oz deserves pariah status, but politicians/media give it cover since it's the model they aspire to. I like Avi Yemini and the Aussie cossack for updates. Politicians are becoming so awful - it reminds me of Eric Weinstein's kayfabe - they're fully embracing the heel role. Like Jacinda in NZ smiling as she expresses her desire to make life awful for the unvaxxed.

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I have to tell you - I am just shocked by the Australian government. I had no idea that they were totalitarians.

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Every government is just waiting until enough people let them rule as dictators and will gladly destroy the minority with the applause of the useful idiots who will then get what they deserve

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I am in!

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More and more, I think you are right.

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There's a saying I once heard...."The Solution is One Working Person, One Vote". The rest of the people voting is a conflict of interest. There are too many voters on the dole and no one votes against the hand that feeds them.

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Persons drawing a government paycheck--AKA, those with their snouts in the trough--should not be voting.

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If a person receives any government assistance they should be disqualified from voting. That would keep it real.

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If this continues and we can't coup our way out of it, red states need to secede and we do our own thing.

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I live in Montclair. If you step one toe outside the left narrative you are a white supremacist trump supporter. They don’t care who he is or what he’s done, he’s a democrat and voting for him makes you a good person. Kinda like wearing a mask outside alone.

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I went to Montclair last month from South Jersey for my son's youth sports event. We were laughing because there were BLM signs in the yards of houses that had to be more than $500K. LOL!

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I was in Vermont back when BLM first reared it’s ugly head back in like 2017. Same thing, BLM signs everywhere, not an actual black person to be seen anywhere.

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It is hilarious! Clearly they only want to support black people from afar. Because they don’t deal with POC, they assume everyone is racist. In reality, people in the real world deal with all kinds of people every day with dignity and respect which is why we resent their assumptions, preaching and virtue signaling so much.

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There is one BLM yard sign on my street. This from the family that routinely walks their dog into my yard to do its business. Apparently their virtue doesn't extend as far as respecting their neighbors.

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White saviors. 🤣

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good grief, would never find that in my yard. Why? Because ALL lives matter.

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same when I visited a friend in Boston LOL.... $500K+ house one after another with BLM signs.

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$500K house in Boston? You must've been in the low-income area. In the near suburbs, a chicken coop costs $750K.

As soon as the first BLM sign sprouted in my neighborhood, I began flying my Gadsden ("Don't tread on me") flag.

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I saw the same BLM signs in Boston the summer of 2020. It was shocking for me even as a resident of a blue state.

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Funny thing my friend had a giant Trump flag up 🤣

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It's the workers of the world unite sign. Havel has a good essay on what these signs actually represent.

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I love that u said that, it is so true. I work on that area, its a lot of rich white people that do this and feel like there such good people 🤮

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The rich elites use it like currency.

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No black people living in Montclair. These people are such incredible hypocrites.

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Good old Montclair, was raised in Highland Park… ran away awhile ago, but we can’t run anymore…it will be everywhere slowly but surely… thats why it’s called the plandemic. We have to support each other and continue to speak out. 🤞

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Yes we do. And you are correct. It is spreading since Biden stoke his office. I live in NW Jersey, in the sticks, and they’re eating their way out here. Imagine a BLM sign next to a dairy sign. 😳

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darn right and we will

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voting for him makes you a large anus.

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You don't get more Lib than Montclair. While Fascist Phil has a good chance of re-election all of South Jersey is Red. And, he'll cheat.

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Not "lib." Left.

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Montclair has to be the most insufferable town in NJ, if not the entire east coast. A place where former Brooklynites compete over who can virtue signal the most from the comfort of their million dollar homes. Meanwhile, the town is horribly run, corrupt, and there is a massive racial and economic division that no one wants to acknowledge. Montclair failed hilariously in their "plan" to reopen their schools last year - probably the biggest failure in NJ outside of Paterson. When they finally opened, with about a month left in the year, they were following the science by doing things like only allowing elementary school children three minutes of time, per child, per day, on the playground equipment so that they could disinfect the equipment after each use. They are STILL using plexiglass shields in the classrooms. And they will vote murphy by 90% margin.

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You couldn’t be more spot on! Do you live here? I haven’t found one like minded person!

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cut them loose and be thankful you are not one of them.

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Sadly, this s what they town planners are turning my beloved Morristown into.

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accurate. Thx for posting

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I hear Montclair is pretty bad....we have a transplant family in our town from Montclair. She moved halfway through the school year last year. She had had it with her kids being out of school so she picked up and moved. I hope she leaves her voting habits in Montclair...we have enough NY transplants in our town and they are screwing us up.

NJ is already in my rearview mirror...counting the days.

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Guess I am a WSTS! Loving it!

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But they’re so “educated,” they tell us.

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It was FrontPage Magazine with its eery precedent website subheadline: "Inside Every Progressive Is A Totalitarian Screaming To Get Out." We've learned how true this is.

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I think we need to flip the table on them. WE need to become totalitarian. Follow them home. Tell their employer. Get them cancelled.

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Idk. People live for authoritarianism here. I live outside Princeton and figure the only people not wearing masks are the unvaccinated people (like me). I still see people riding bikes with a mask (and no helmet). I hope Jack wins. Murphy can kiss it.

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My niece is trying to protect her 4 school age kids from the masks and after-election vax mandates. She says it's astounding how many parents WANT their kids masked and vaxed. She and those who think like she does are in the minority in this Northern NJ town.

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get them the hell out of there. those gene therapy jabs are lethal. she just can't give them to her kids.

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It's a minority in a lot of places as the majority has been fooled. And the majority is so terrified that they can't let anyone deviate. It doesn't matter that the vax rate climbs up to 85%, 90%, 95%...those last five unvaxxed people will be scapegoated until they are driven out or stomped out.

If the NYC cops won't hold the line (and it looks like they just caved) then who will? No one. We will have to flee to deep red states, or get the shot.

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havent heard nyc cops caved, what happened?

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"Only a few dozen NYPD members were placed on unpaid leave" https://nypost.com/2021/11/01/heres-how-many-nypd-cops-are-on-unpaid-leave-over-vaccine-mandate/

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:{ at least some heroes held out.

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"...but thousands of unvaccinated employees remain on the job with pending exemption requests..."

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This is so infuriating!! Criminal to force young and healthy people to get the toxic jabs.

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I don't get. If my kids were minors I would be homeschooling them. No masks and no experimental vax, ever.

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Absolutely Caitie.

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Having lived for a couple of years just outside Charlotte, in Huntersville NC, that young families with children live quite well in NC. Most communities are structured to support them. Tons of amenities geared to the young family and kids. Real Estate prices and property taxes are so much lower, most Moms can stay home. I know, for myself, if I was raising young children today, I would live there. NOT New Jersey.

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People did not vote to recall Newsom and he used all his money and power to make sure of it, like he continues to rule his kingdom with all the horrible policies that have made Californians leave this state in droves. No common sense voters kept him in, supposedly he got the independents. The deck is stacked anyway against Republicans, but it is clear that tricks that are now legit make me wonder if any election will be fair. That is why I wonder why anyone would NOT question the results of the 2020 election. So I fear more of that tomorrow.

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The fact that newsom won so easily in California was pretty much affirmation to me that machine politics, If not destroyed can not be beaten. California is lost to 1 party tyranny and I’m not sure there is anything that could change it at this point. They have an unbreakable 60% majority of people that are totally gonzo, and perfectly content being serfs.

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Yes you are correct I believe. We moved here over 40 years ago and loved the unbelievable beauty and open spaces. The politics got worse and worse and they have made sure no republicans can do anything with their supermajority. So although we want to stay we are probably going to leave and end back where we started, the Midwest in a red state where they have common sense, old fashioned values and where people actually talk to and help their neighbors.

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Same here in New Jersey

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It's hard to stomach that "apparently" Californians voted to keep Newsom. But I can detect almost on sight who the Dems are. And when they gripe about something that is an outcome of Newsom/lib Dem policies, my first response to them is "Who did you vote for??" These morons trash the cities where they live and then flee to other locales that are still good, and proceed to vote in a way that will ruin their new areas. AND...they never seems to connect their voting with the consequences of it. How stupid are they?

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Pretty dang stupid. Same thing happening here in Washington state, and it's the people who continue to vote the morons into office who are fleeing the corrupt cities for the rural-and-still-livable areas.

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There is another possibility, and that is the combination of Dominion electronic voting machines and Smartmatic SW, used across most of the USA, has rendered elections superfluous.

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Coupled with George Soros and his tentacles.

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It would explain a lot.

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I found it unimaginable that Gavin was able to stay in office.

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I suspect that Trump won California during the last election. The algorithm for preselecting the winners is quite sophisticated but several data analysts have figured it out using the actual NYT’s election data. Apparently the original SW was developed in a notorious partnership between Hugo Chavez and the CIA back in the 90’s. The four developers relocated to Spain- Barcelona if I recall correctly- which offers some interesting connections to the last presidential election…

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Try living in the People's Republic of Massachusetts, where the Dems have a death-grip on virtually every elective office--federal and state.

Oh, the Massachusetts governor is a Republican, you say? HA!!! He was elected because the Dems eat their own. So he ran on the Republican ticket.

The voters in this over-regulated, over-taxed place keep electing people who promote over-regulation and over-taxation.

How did Albert Einstein define insanity?

When I observe the mindless compliance--examples of which I see daily--I think Sam Adams, John Adams, and John Hancock are rolling over in their graves.

THAT could explain New Jersey.

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Oh, let me mention that I avoided filling out last year's census form. I thought of it as doing my part to cause Massachusetts to lose a congressional seat. Alas. Andrew Cuomo killed off enough old people, so New York lost a seat.

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I didn't fill out the census in NJ either.

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We no longer have a two party system of government. There is only one party in DC now- the Globalist Party. They each take turns playing good cop/bad cop with identical results. Usually there’s a good deal of sound and fury running in the background via investigative commissions but, as the bard noted, signifying nothing. Trump set the stage, and Biden is taking the bows.

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“So long as the people do not care to exercise their freedom, those who wish to tyrannize will do so; for tyrant are active and ardent, and will devote themselves in the name of any number of gods, religious or otherwise, to put shackels upon sleeping men.” Voltaire

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Murphy provided one of the best laughs I've had in the last two years. He was dining in NYC with his family, and was recognized by a constituent.

It ran on Twitter for a short time, and then, like anything embarrassing to Democrats, was disappeared. Here's how it went:

Frustrated residents confronted New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy (D), as captured by a viral video posted Sunday, calling him a “dick” upon noticing him dining out with his maskless family — a public dinner that occurred after he opted to tighten coronavirus restrictions and urged people to keep their holiday gatherings “as small as possible.”

“Hey, how ya doing?” a woman in the video asks the governor, who appeared to be startled by the confrontation

“You’re having fun with your family, and in the meantime, you’re having all other kind of bullshit going on,” she said as another muttered, “You’re such a dick” to Murphy in the background.

Someone, presumably in Murphy’s party, could be heard asking the woman to put her mask on, prompting a snappy response.

“You can go f**k yourself. How’s that?” she said.

“You want to know why I don’t need a mask? Because there ain’t nothing wrong with me,” she said.


Any doubters can see the video on Rumble. Unfortunately, the sound is garbled, but you can still see Murphy try with no success to ignore the heckler, and is finally intimidated into putting his mask on.

If I was his opponent in the gubernatorial race, I'd get the video with good sound by hook or crook, and run it non-stop. Maybe that's why I'm not in politics:


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I saw this video. Everything about his behavior - his arrogance and superior attitude told me who he was.

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The sheep love this.

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I agree…he is a monster and does not believe in personal civil liberties. Does anyone think for themselves?

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NJ is known for its lack of corruption. I’m sure the outcome of this election will accurately reflect the will of the people 🤣

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Sarcasm is always welcome :)

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Sadly, I'm not so sure this it outside the will of the people. Apparently they want to be ruled.

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A lot of us want “King” Murphy out!! Especially in South Jersey. Sadly, North Jersey usually determines the outcome.

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north jersey sucks and i hate to say that bc i was raised there. but moron will moron.

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In the northern counties and filthy cities, for sure. Maybe not in South Jersey and shore areas.

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I was so pleasantly surprised when I visited Bay Head what beautiful beaches there are in NJ.

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I heard someone say recently (can't remember who it was) that too many people always value security and safety over freedom.

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I'm Bob Torricelli and I endorse this remark.

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🖕👴, 🇺🇸 is 🔩’ed…

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As is the Commonwealth of Virginia......

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I hope that’s joke !🤪

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I have zero confidence in the outcomes of these elections.

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Until election integrity is assured, it's all political theatre. The more they fight against integrity efforts, the more rigged the elections. And it's both sides. Mitch McConnell is perhaps even more illigitimate than Biden.

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Nobody could be more illigitimate than Biden. But Mitch helped make him possible.

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If Youngkin loses the fix is in. I don't much follow elections anymore. I just wait for the tyrants to tell me who they picked.

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A judge just ruled against a case for lack of standing brought by an organization due to the mail-in voting in VA...and they are saying it may take up to a week to count the mail-in votes due to a USPS delay....the fix is in.

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Secured when the dems promised not to force the vax mandate on the USPS. Science!

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I figured...

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i sadly have to agree with you.

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All of this presumes free and fair elections, which we no longer have.

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I don't think Alex has jumped on-board with that unavoidable truth yet.

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I guess Republicans just need to start cheating in significant and robust ways. If the Republicans get caught doing it, I’m sure it will finally come to a halt

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Agreed. The Dems are gutter fighters, and we are at the point where the Republicans simply MUST stoop to their level for a period of time in order to squash them. The Dems will stop at absolutely nothing to achieve their ends, and we can no longer be doormats if we want to get our country back.

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Knowing what we know about fraud, I think it's kind of foolhardy to assume that any election will be won by the non-deep-state candidate.

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Yes, NJ is traditionally blue but no D Governor has been been re-elected since 1977….So…🙏🏻

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We all know what will happen at 10 pm when they halt counting the votes in NJ and VA. While we sleep, Dems cheat.

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Youngkin was CEO of the Carlyle Group up until last year (very, very deep state), which means Youngkin is likely more aligned with neocons than he is with populist Republicans. It doesn't seem like there's a reason they'd need to employ any fraud in this election. The bad guys win either way.

As a reminder, George W. Bush sounded an awful lot like Ron Paul when he was campaigning for President in 2000. We all know how that turned out.

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McAulliffe needs to lose no matter what you think of Youngkin.

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If he keeps insane political garbage out of schools one way or another and makes this an issue that Rs can repeatedly use to skewer Ds, it's *some* kind of win. As a lifelong team blue voter prior to 2020, I am shocked at how delusional people are about the state of race relations in this country (while effectively ignoring everything about class/wealth!).

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I have always said both Parties are wings of the same Bird. That's why little changes (most of the time- The Progressives have a voodoo Biden Doll this time).

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Nothing good happens after midnight!

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Your honesty, integrity and desire for the truth is what has caused many of us to follow you for many months. Unlike most journalists (politicians & bureaucrats as well), you are willing to admit when you are unsure and/or in error.

You are a credit to the journalistic profession, even though I am sure it has been very difficult at many times.

As Churchill once said : " The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is."

Thanks for all you do.

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Well within the margin of fraud; both Rs will probably lose.

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The dems are well known to have stolen elections and they will keep doing it as long as Republican law makers keep letting them get away with it.

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That's cute. Like they won't just print all the votes they need after the first count is done, should Murphy look like he might come up short.

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If you are voting in New Jersey and see voting fraud, or anything that seems out of the ordinary, don’t hesitate to let Project Veritas know.

You can email them directly at VeritasTips@protonmail.com or visit their website: https://www.projectveritas.com/brave-insider/

A Veritas Investigative Journalist will certainly be evaluating your messages as they come in.

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The problem is the fraud won’t be seen. It will happen through the mail in voting and absentee voting, maybe drop boxes are allowed, or whatever other ridiculous type of voting is allowed in NJ, I’m not sure exactly. So they’ll be able to say “this was a secure and fair election” while they do whatever’s needed under the dark of the night to get there guy in there.

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One can only hope either Virginia or NJ is flipped and a signal will be sent we've had enough and are not going to take it anymore.

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Will be at my polling place first thing in the am. hoping to disappoint McAregressive tomorrow and all the other regressives on the ballot.... :)

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We can beat the totalitarian Regressives in Virginia tomorrow. NJ is a steeper climb.

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Tell them SARS Cov-2 has been found on ballots! Every one of them, and in polling booths too! And it's a new variant!

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in hopes that the urban npc's program hiccups and they can be players for a few hours... einough time to vote for a few non- tyrants.

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I'm shocked so many are buying on to this nonsense. I hope the Jersy folk reap the lifestyle about to almost certainly be thrust upon them. Don't come to Florida when you had enough totalitarianism, we're closed to fools.

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exactly, dont bring your full of shit personages to any red states, i dont want to support you or clean up your shit.

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Florida is Tidy Bowl blue by 2026…

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“Democrats in Florida have managed to maintain their edge in the number of registered voters. But that lead is now down to about 24,000, according to data from the Florida Department of State — far from the 558,000-voter-advantage Democrats had nearly a decade ago.”

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Not a chance , Miami is blue but not the Cubans or South Americans they left to come here and they know the rhetoric! They voted for Trump , not Brandon !

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please god....get Murphy out 🙏

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After the past election that taste has not gone away .

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Last week on the NYC Guns show (on Rumble as YouTube... you know) NJ was discussed and said that 4-5 points is a "win." In this strange climate, there's always a chance as a low turnout could produce some weird outcome to make up the difference.... or not. Tomorrow, I will vote to see Murphy face the music. Then I'll cross my fingers.

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When JC loses, NJ will become unlivable for those of us who are unsullied.

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come to a red state and get out of that shithole, esp if jc does not win.

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That's the plan.

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get your butt in gear, the sooner the better for your sanity and bank account.

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If Murphy wins, I will have to move out of NJ cuz it will become a NYC hellhole.

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People who support vaxx mandates shouldn't be allowed to access the services of cops, firefighters, and health care workers. Their support is to blame for this dangerous situation. Let them hire their own private life-saving services; they can afford it.

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Nothing a midnight stoppage won't magically fix!

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This, like so many things lately, gives me hope that people are waking up- especially to hypocrite governors. I've had this same type of hope for mandates and jabs for kids and been let down. Going to keep having hope because it is the only way to stay sane right now.

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Yes/ evil is empowered by fear and

The only way is hope and love and light

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Why would anyone vote for this guy? He stated that the constitution was above his pay grade. Nothing worse than a MORON with power.

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Agree, but America has elected and re-elected a LOT of morons lately.

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I've lived in Jersey most of my life and I'm not sure I can stay here much longer. I hate that I'm being chased away from the only home I've ever known because of these Northern idiots. South Jersey is very different from North Jersey. Down at the shore last summer the pandemic was over. No one was wearing masks or social distancing and everyone was fine. You can tell the politics of the town based on the percentage of people wearing masks inside stores. The mask mandates and capacity limits were removed by Murphy right around Memorial Day so there is no need for anyone to wear the face diapers, but the closer you get to NYC, the more ridiculous people are. Murphy's "leniency" was for election purposes only. It is so obvious (even without the Project Veritas expose) that the moment he's re-elected he's going to impose vaccine mandates on private businesses, restaurants, and schools. He's got some catching up to do with his fellow Commie, DiBlasio. And, BTW, the only signs I've seen are for Jack. Today is the first day I've seen a single sign for Murphy. Doesn't matter though - there will never be an honest election in NJ or America ever again.

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Could not agree more with your thoughts, Mai. Fellow life long South Jerseyian here equally terrified by what will be the impending loss of Liberty that will ensue once "King Murphy" gets re-throned. Personally, I am employed in Philly and my company hasn't spoken a peep about vax mandates, but I am quite concerned about the State of NJ forcing me to vax my school age child. I will resist as long as I can (for me and my child) but I'm limited when it comes to educational options. I'm just praying daily that people in our state wake up and vote against tyranny.

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Please resist as long as you can. Homeschool if you need to or move like I am seriously considering because the health and well-being of your child is absolutely worth protecting. There is absolutely no benefit for children to be jabbed by this experimental gene therapy. We cannot possibly know the long term effects of "hacking the software of life" (Moderna CEO's words not mine) on our most precious children. Once they are jabbed it cannot be undone. Best of luck to you!

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I wonder if the person will keep displaying their sign after Murphy’s election fraud and then vax mandates kick in. Especially if vax mandates for kids - how do people think parents are going to react if something awful happens to their kid that they didn’t want to vax?

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I must finally disagree with you Mr. Berenson. Jets cost me my survivor pool. If poll has R only down by 4 that means actually up by 5 and when "votes" are counted we lose by 10. Gotta get out and vote Jerseyites.

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Anyway, the pilot actually said "Let's go Braniff".

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Or "Let's go flyin'!"

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From Dallas , loved those planes colors !!

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John Corzine. Phil Murphy. What's with these massively wealthy bankers who want to rule and ruin NJ? More to the point, why do liberal leftist voters think they give a rat's tail about human beings? Murphy permanently killed over a third of the medium and small businesses in NJ, even arresting business owners who tried to make a living during his lockdowns, and is utterly tone deaf about the massive impact on the people. He's setting aside taxpayer $ for Afghans and illegal border crossers. NJ citizens can go eat cake.

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I hate to say it, but many of us do not trust the system, ESPECIALLY in a deep blue state. I'd be surprised if an R wins in NY or VA

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Worried too , they cheat !

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The New Jersey Libtards deserve another 4 years of Murphy...I feel bad for the Conservatives but they chose to live in the most corrupt state in the union.

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Choose is a strong word. There are often circumstances that you don't know about. I, for one, is a single mom sharing custody with an ex-husband and am trapped in hellhole NYC b/c my ex refuses to budge. I would have moved to a red state already but legally cannot.

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Until there's voter ID there is no fair election. A ton of NJ is truly red.

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What I can’t understand is all thru 2020 Murphy was one of the first tyrants to really go all out in crushing citizens rights ! He was insane and there were tons of complaints from the citizens!! The poor gym owners that he harassed nonstop were amazing patriots , fighting for their property and their right to prosper … Safely ! I fear NJ will vote him in as they seem to do in the Northeast… no good , but let’s do it again! Free in Florida!

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Not to mention taking a page out of Cuomo's book with the nursing home debacle. Why doesn't anyone hammer this guy for that gigantic error??

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exactly, not a peep while grandma and grandpa passed, vile beyond the pale.

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I forgot he is a nursing home executioner also ! What a POS !

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Don't forget orchestration of all the nursing home deaths. You're killing grandma by not getting the shot. But NJ officials were trying to save grandma by forcing nursing homes to accept covid positive patients in March and April 2020.

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Cue Kevin Bacon in Animal House, on his knees in his underwear:

“Please sir, may I have another…”

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they must get off on it. get ready ignorant leftist jersey people, time to get spanked...again and again.

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Perfect !

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Jack could win. I live in New Jersey and I do not see any Murphy yard signs. I see Jack signs everywhere. My wife used to be a Democrat and is now an Independent. Jack was the first Republican that she ever voted for and she is 43. That is how much Murphy is despised.

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Absentee ballots will again threaten the true winner. When nothing is fixed, it stays broken. Our Republic is in the guillotine and unless we vote for common sense and freedom, our future is bleak.

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I don't know. My sister left NJ, so there is one less Dem to vote....LOL

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I hope she didn't move to a red state.

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How could anyone want murphy? he actually said if high taxes are not for you, this is not your state. what a dipshit. NJ has drank the kool aid and if their inhabitants are so stupid, then let them pay high taxes, be ruled by a blowhard and if we are lucky, I hope one of the floods they are known for sweeps through jersey and sends it all out to sea never to be seen again. Their ignorance deserves no oxygen.

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Who cares. The republican response to the mandates are pathetic with the exception of only a few. Sad!!!

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Romney, Cheney, graham and McConnell are as trustworthy as Pelosi, Schumer, Kamala and Biden. Fake elections for fake differences.

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There are reports that Murphy will implement vaccine mandates if elected and he's staying quiet on that so nobody knows until it is too late.

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Project Veritas has an undercover video proving exactly that. Not surprising at all. He followed New York's protocol of killing Grandma and Grandpa by putting Covid positive patients in nursing homes despite begging the federal government to share the hospital ships with NY.

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Even Geno Smith won yesterday.

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I will say that because the conservatives can't seem to ever anticipate/derail the cheating efforts, they do end up looking like Luddites. We need more smarty-pants computer whizzes fending off cheaters.

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The elections are rigged and always have been. In 2004 and 2008 I and my friends and fam voted for Ralph Nader for President. After the votes were counted i asked the polling station how many people voted for Nader. They said nobody voted for Nader.

Comedian Dick Gregory once reported that he found the entire nation's election results posted online state by state the day before the election. He saved them on his computer and found that indeed, the next day, the results were the same.

Stalin and Napoleon both knew this truth. It matters not how people vote. It matters only how the votes are counted.

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Remember the major difference between the sociopath and the narcissist is the audience interaction.

Narcissists crave and play up to the crowd, but, the sociopath shuns and avoids attention and spotlights overall.

Sociopaths don’t want people to know the intent is harm chaos and death…

Then the audience could become a mob… and sociopaths never offer their own heads…but yours, yeah, a given!

Hence the flagrant difference between “Look at me” Donnie, and “Get the F away” Joey!…….


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Great observation! Creepy Joe is definitely a sociopath- that’s the reason he’s the leader of the sociopathic democrat party!

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Forget all those polls, the betting markets are the best predictors. checkout https://www.predictit.org/markets/17/US-Elections ; Youngkin is 58% in VA ; Murphy is 93% in NJ

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Those odds get manipulated when volume is low. Do we really think that Youngkins odds went up 40 points in a week?

Or did the race just pick up a lot of interest and campaign operatives couldn't afford to keep the Youngkin price low on super high volume.

The Dems manipulate everything.

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Great site. Thanks for the link

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No chance a Rep will win in NJ as long as election fraud is now legal. Blue state, blue legislature, doubtful any election reforms. No point in hoping. Only God can allow wins in VA and NJ this year.

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You'll be proven wrong with Virginia tomorrow. Frankly, I'm past tired of the white flag-waving crowd. Enough of the surrender monkeys telling us to surrender. I will not.

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Gosh, I sure hope you're right, and I'm wrong! Would love to eat crow on this one. Agree with you, don't surrender.

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Too many vaccinated creating more insanity, as if we needed it!! (via the NIH website - Can new onset psychosis occur after mRNA based COVID-19 vaccine administration? A case report : https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8349391/

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Isn’t Crude Jerky the home place of The Sopranos? Murphy is yet another Demoncrap Sociopathic shill for leftists, Project Veritas exposed last week Murphy will further crush his pitiful pathetic morons of Jerkoff residents with Co\/id tyranny after he WINS…

The public sucks, F hope.

The fact 2021 Demoncraps get over 45% of votes in states being destroyed by leftist agendas says to me, not only is masochism embraced, but sadism is widely enjoyed by crushing the elderly children and disabled.

Sociopaths hate dependency, and their ONLY recourse is kill any and all who need help and compassion, concepts that agitate and enrage sociopaths…

Virginia tomorrow, Youngkin wins the vote but McAuliffe is declared the winner…

And everyone goes home to cower and kneel. 🖕👴 , 🇺🇸 is 🔩’ed…

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Let jersey rot if they are so stupid. take nyc and cali with it. i am so hoping youngkin wins but i honestly cant trust the votes will be counted correctly and mcauliffe will continue his crazy.

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I guess I’m a contrarian here. I have followed Alex Berenson from the beginning and very much appreciate his research, fact gathering and common sense approach. I do not like him getting into political dialogue.

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Do you understand that Murphy is a member of "Covid Commie Lockdown Mafia"? This whole thing is about politics at this point.

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I thought about trying to stick it out in CA but the mandates for kids crossed my line. This mafia won’t go quietly and CA has lots it’s value proposition at this point. My new home in Florida will be ready in April.

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Back to ya bubble, boy!!!

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I think in Alex’s defense we are talking about totally ignorant govs and any politician that ignores any science! They are into the power that they never had before Covid and they like it !! We are understanding from all of Alex’s writings and others that the MSM and newspaper have lied and lied to us !! It’s the Plandemic , Reset , whatever you want to call it . Our country is at stake !🇺🇸

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What Alex said: Trafalgar leans right but has generally been better than other pollsters in the last two cycles."

What It Means: "Trafalgar generally been better than other pollsters, which tend to lean left, in the last two cycles."

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not sure how anyone could vote for murphy. course ca didn't recall grusome so who knows how smart the population is or honest any election is.

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NJ elected Cory Booker. That should tell you a lot!

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Deep Blue? Wasn’t Gov Chris Christie a 2-term republican? C’mon Alex, give NJ some credit. If the FJB chants at MetLife Stadium yesterday tell us anything, NJ is indeed sick of lying corrupt Murphy. Even NJ teachers have had enough of him. As with Virginia, Ciatterelli has a great chance to bring a better future to the Garden State. NY will be next and CA will soon see the folly of their Newsome vote.

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Fingers crossed, everything else crossed as well! But I know better so won't get my hopes up. I don't know how anyone can vote for that clown. He's been as awful as all of the other democrat governors in the region, including mine, Wolf. And Wolf's health secretary, who is now deputy US health secretary and "female" admiral, managed to put the mother in a hotel and put off the nursing home she had been living in before the PA policies changed. They're all awful and should all face charges.

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California is a cesspool politically and the state is a disaster, yet over half the CA voters voted NOT to recall him. Astounding. Then these brain dead voters turn around and bemoan the rising crime in the cities, the homeless encampments everywhere, the violence, the gas prices that are far more than just about anywhere else in the nation, and yet they don't connect any of that to the D's who control the state year after year.

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I spoke with a campaign manager of a candidate in California. Said they went to bed thinking their candidate won only to lose the next morning. Like Alex didn’t want to believe this is possible but seems that it is

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