I don’t know what these people are practicing, but it’s not medicine.

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It’s a religion to them.

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And they’re surgeons!!! That’s really scary!!!

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Yes, a religion indeed - but one where they worship themselves as God. And since God is inerrant, so are they. (I am not sure if this is a polytheistic religion, or if each believes he or she is the one true God.)

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I wonder if Duke requires Covid shots for sex change operations . . .

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Anyone opting for a sex change operation is living in the cult…. So I’m sure they are jabbed too.

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Great question!

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What a sickening response to a child in extremis. These are not physicians. They are charlatans practicing evil.

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This both infuriates and saddens me more than I can say. In my opinion, situations like this are the result of too many (not all, but too many) physicians: 1) abandoning critical thinking 2) refusing to admit error 3) lacking moral courage and/or 4) valuing money over personal integrity. Of course, some of these same issues plague humanity in general....

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And this is WHY humans need to answer to something higher. Bc left to our own devices, we are overcome by greed for power, pride and sloth …three of the seven deadly sins. I have never seen so clearly how people are so incredibly lost.

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These physicians should have their licenses investigated by medical boards for spreading misinformation.

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That is maybe the most appalling, hideous thing yet. Just when I think I've heard the worst.

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Plenty more cases of this, I know of many.

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According to their own website, "Duke University Health System receives more than $130 million in federal research grants each year to fund the basic, clinical and translational research activities of our faculty." That money comes from NIH and NIAID, agencies that are controlled by Science Itself, a.k.a., Dr, Anthony Fauci. So no, Ms. Hicks, they aren't going to "come around." They never are.

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This is absolutely disgusting. I pray this family can get Yulia the help and care she deserves. I’m so over this continued worshiping of the vaccines. The truth is out. But yet we’re still being gaslit into submission.

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If they refuse a Covid vaccine and she were to die are the parents responsible or Duke University?

I hope someone will take her case but at some point these institutions have to be held liable for this behavior.

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How about if they concede and allow her to be vaccinated and she, God forbid, were to die from a side effect?

I agree with you, a whole lot of people need to be held liable for these atrocities. Why am I not hearing about lawyers having more of a field day with some of these situations? They always smell blood in the water, and there's a whole lot of blood these days.

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Dec 7, 2022·edited Dec 7, 2022

For the moment most judges, and the kangaroo court system in general, are still believers in the Narrative pushed by the global Covid regime. However as perceptions of the situation change in society at large - from "duh pandemic" to "the Atrocities" - we should expect judges to becomes likewise more receptive legal appeals.

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F em. May they go straight to Hell!

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As I say, what goes ard , comes ard. Maybe not soon enough for such "humans" though.

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These doctors should lose their licenses over this.

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The doctors at big healthcare systems must be under gag order to comply with Big brotha or be terminated?

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Dr. McCullough has an article today on his substack about the funding to push vaccines -- that every major medical association received substantial funds (totaling $13B) to promote the vaccines in 2021 and 2022.

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Who funded that effort, Pfize, Moderna, and J&J along with help from the Biden administration?

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Good question -- per McCullough it was funded by the CDC but where did they get the money?

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Us, they got the money from us.

That is the joke of it and why the Evil Elitists are laughing at us. We funded our own deaths. Can't say B. Hates didn't warn us, he did. Most have heard his video on depop agenda by now. The other Evils warned us too. KS Book. Covid 19- The Great Reset. Kill the useless eaters is what they said.

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Don't know but would like to.

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And the marketing firm integrated into CDC to push the mandate campaign ! They got paid big bucks for pushing the Fauci, FDA,CDC BullShxx

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Big pharma essentially controls the major hospital systems through grants. As always, follow the money.

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Old journalism gospel that journalists today won’t have anything to do with in the Covid realm. Because that would lift the veil.

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Has one professional fallen from grace more than physicians these past three years? The majority are craven, petty little tyrants incapable of thinking for themselves.

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I can not believe this is still going on. This has got to be for the almighty dollar because these doctors surely are not that freaking ignorant.

Money truly is the root of all evil!

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"For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs." 1 Timothy 6:10. Money itself is morally neutral. It's our relationship to it that warps us.

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Amen. The greed for money is disgusting.

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Money is a big motivator, but power, well that's the real drug of choice for these bastards.

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The arrogance of these “Physicians” is stunning.

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Arrogance and ignorance

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"mostly peaceful coercion"

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She is from Ukraine. How about we take some of that money for Ukraine and send it her way. Come on, Blue and Yellow flag wavers. Demand this!

And, maybe we sensible people can come up with a medical system that is dedicated to health instead of government money.

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