I get it but if Trump had fired any of these govt scientists, the media would have screamed DICTATOR and Pelosi would have started another impeachment.
As it was, these swamp creatures stopped him trying to relax the measures. They tried to destroy Atlas, who had enough, left, and went to advise DeSantis.
With a state with more senior citizens than any others, the results were better than New York's
But they did that anyway. A real leader shouldn't care or be influenced by such things, and I agree, I was saying back in May 2020 that he should have fired Fauci. And a couple months later, I was saying it about Birx.
And just watch boots. At the very worst Fauci fades into a well "we the people" funded pension when its all said and done. None of us will know a more corrupt individual in our lifetimes either who had such a devastating effect on humanity and the animal world with the likes of the beagle research etc. 45 years+ WE paid this elf fraud to do this. I have a hard time accepting I helped fund this evil with my tax $$$ and will continue to until his last days on earth. Just sayin
I agree... but whether people liked Trump or not, the fact of the matter is that from the day he was elected , a mammoth machine was put in place to work against him. There are people he knew not to trust but I don’t think he grasped ( part ego, part assumed trust) how many people in the Oval Office and West Wing would be actively working against his success. Sadly, even if it meant, jeopardizing the health of Americans with lying out COVID. First Sec of State , Rex Tillerson... no loyalty to Trump. My husband has a relative who is a high level atty in the State Department... she would post on social media that “ Pompeo and Trump are not welcome here”.. I was like “ say what?” Segue, I know, but that’s why if he runs again it will be “ deja vu allover again “ with all the players....
"Default to truth" is a cognitive bias we all carry and is VERY difficult to overcome. Trusting people is human nature. Distrust must be learned. Trump learned it the hard way, but it was already much too late. They won the battle... we'll see who wins the war
I agree. Let's find a younger man with a spine and without Trump's ego. Maybe that's DeSantis? I don't know yet, and I'm pretty skeptical of any and all politicians. But it's time to move on from both Trump and, God help us, Biden.
I agree, except that no other President has ever been subjected to the pressure, scrutiny, criticism, character defamation to which Trump was subjected. “C’mom man!’ Let’s just take the media….. 94% of the coverage was negative and much of it fiction or based on anonymous sources. Now we have a demented, incompetent, incontinent Alzheimer’s patient in the White House, the world is laughing at our naked Emperor and the liberal media says next to nothing. They have just now finally started to question his “ age”… oh wow….but yes, I wrote Trump asking him to please not run because it will just be another four years of juvenile group histrionics. Basically, the media and corrupt Democrats have won… and imo, far too,many people are fine with that.
I’m a result guy. Trump got results. Here and others immaturity and focusing on trumps personality quirks indicate you’re too young to understand whotrue leader ship is. Never worn a uniform before? Ever been in a war? They didn’t like Patton but he won. Grow up.
Well, after the FBI just riffled through his wife's closet over things the Fed Archivist (librarian) wanted, they just gave him juice to run. They broke locks, threw out the lawyers (illegal) and took personal letters.
I absolutely agree that the democrats intent is to make Trump a martyr with the hope that republicans will be stupid enough to nominate him again. Trump would be far easier to beat than DeSantis.
Thank you for your comments. There are a lot of dumbasses on this thread who don’t understand what leaders do. Their psychology 101 course in college made them believe the Trump can’t possibly be a president. So he has personality quirks? But men like him win wars and these little jerks don’t get it that we are at war.
The ONE aspect T can never escape now is his insistence even today the medical experiment was a GOOD thing. We all know that is not true. Spin that reality all you want, but just talk to a few people who have had a family member maimed or killed off by the experiment. I say this having voted for the man 2x and feel his policies were the best I have seen in my lifetime. That ONE aspect though I cannot look past however. He is not GOD...he is just a man and bleeds red like you and I...
If that is considered a mistake…. How sad when a POTUS cannot trust his health advisors. I want a lot of answers, but most of all, why Fauci etc basically banned HCQ…. FDA approved in 1934, used safely worldwide for Malaria , used daily in much stronger doses by Lupus and Rheumatoid Arthritis patients… it made NO sense. The Lancet Study was instantly discredited… this is where my “ conspiracy paranoia” sets in…. The CDC, National and State Medical boards became militant overnight about it not working….. Infectious Disease doctors quietly wen5 about treating their patients with it and Zithromax. I bought a “supply” in Mexico ( where many of our meds are manufactured)… ten day treatment of HCQ and Zithro? $110.
It was awful the way they made it impossible for most to get therapeutics.
Trump was all for getting it to people but the swamp creatures went after him for that.
As for Fauci, this allSounds very familiar to me.
During the most horrible days of AIDs, doctors were using an already existing drug to battle one of the opportunistic cancers. They were saving lives, at least keeping them from dying of that cancer.
Fauci disapproved of that and did his best to stop use of it.
People were begging him to please let their loved ones get the medication but he was heartless.
This is the way I remember it. This was a while ago and I was young and naive so it could be worse or better than I remember.
I am on my way out the door, so forgive no citations or references (citations are racist anyway).
As an interior designer, in the late 80s through the 90s, I went into NYC a lot to showrooms... I got to know several gay designers, we’d meet up after work,,,, the tales they told of their friends dying and they’re inability to get life saving treatment. They hated Fauci.
Well, would Trump have been worse (on the vax) than Biden?
Biden's team is still recommending the vax. To everyone.
I am hopeful that Scott Atlas or someone like that would have talked Trump out of the vax. He might never admit he was wrong, but it would stop being recommended.
Would Fauci have been "retired"? I certainly believe so. But uncertain.
On EVERYTHING else, Trump would have been better. Well, almost.
SARCASM ALERT: Trump's sons are not nearly so entertaining as Biden's "idiot" son. So, maybe not everything.
I'm fantastic at reading between the lines, but this one is tough cuz I have limited information and my thinking cap is on the fritz, I'm gonna take it to the mechanic on Tuesday at 3 pm... but if I'm not mistaken you're not a Trump fan?
Love trump. Disappointed that he let fear of the media and political repercussions cloud his judgment. The best part about trump is that he DGAF. The consequences of letting Birx and Fauci run the show are monumental.
Uh, Trump is not a doctor. How was he to know that the governments top medical scientists were not being honest with him? You know there are people in this country who think Fauci should be “ sainted” for saving the country. Presented with a Pandemic that could kill millions, for Trump to disagree with Fauci etc would have been proof positive to invoke the 25th. The corruption and collusion was tantric. Trump had top ID Docs saying HCQ would cure it… and they were right. Look how quickly that all was discredited as quackery.
I told my friends Fauci was a quack in April of 2020. It wasn’t difficult to see.
You should perhaps read Scott Atlas’s book for a better picture about what was going on. Trump delegated the task force to Pence and then ignored it, despite the fact that they were making all policy decisions re: Covid. It was a huge mistake.
The fact that Trump was an amateur was his biggest problem, as well as his greatest asset. He knew what had to be done and had a plan for getting it done, he just underestimated the degree and intensity of the opposition.
A lot of these nay sayers about Trump don’t have the balls to lead anyone. Trump was under tremendous pressure from the media, the corporate goons, the leftist Democrats including Barry Obama And rhino traitorous dimwits like mittens Romney.
They still run the show after two years of Biden and knowing everything we know about the fake Covid death stats, FOIA releases, testing fails, withholding of treatments, remdisivir and intubation, mandates, rolling military firings, failed blue (some red) state quarantines, lock downs, passports, school and college closures, endless masking, massive covid protocol-free illegal immigration, and all the train wreck stats and epic fails since the vaccine roll out and all subsequent epic deadly hysteria. Trump did great considering even I was scared of Covid at first, and I didn't start to despise Fauci until he pushed lockdowns (and now lies that he didn't)
PS, I didn't mean "even I was scared of Covid..." as if it matters what I think, I just mean that this "novel virus" fell in Trump's lap when nobody really knew what was going on, and Trump did fairly well, considering. When he stopped flights from China he was "Xenophobic" (Jesus H Christ) and Pelosi
was all "Ignore Trump, come to Chinatown!" (Jesus H Christ), so if Trump had fired Fauci there would've been a coup. Even I would've thought he lost his mind, whereas these days my hatred of Fauci is unhealthy, and I'd mortgage my house if I could have a word with him.
Sound like a totally disconnected nut job by daring to/firing the top medical scientists in the country?? It really was quite genius of whoever lunatic came up with that scenario!!
That Trump didn’t fire her? When did Trump get his medical degree? I’m a physician retired; I expected to be held accountable for the decisions I made regarding my patients. But to blame Trump? You’re just an anti-Trumper; go away.
The other problem tRUMP had in this is the FACT he is a notorious germaphobe ... He bought off on the super-deadly, world ending virus theory way too easily
Our Country has been primed for years for some Apocalyptic Germ event. Hollywood has been writing scripts and the "Actors" in Hollywood have done their "duty" to warn the public. The movie "Contagion" had Gwyneth Paltrow frothing at the mouth and dying violently in 2011 after a visit to China....Sanjay Gupta, M.D. was "reporting" this IN the movie....then miraculously Sanjay Gupta, M.D. is reporting in Real Life on The Rona.......Something smells really FISHY.
Again you immature commentators were worried about the fact that he was a bit worried about germs. So what? You you would never win a real debate because you focus on inconsequential variables. My guess is you’ve never led people in anything of consequence.
Not to mention the fact he continues to tout the shots as being safe and effective despite vast accumulation of information to the contrary. Trump needs to be honest about the problems but he keeps glossing over the truth. I don’t think his ego will let him admit the shots are a flaming failure.
We'll never know what he would've done if he was president and saw Operation Warp Speed produce 3 vaccines that were EUA'd and rolled out in January 2021, when he was busy fighting domestic enemies who banned him off Twitter for life while shredding American election laws to commit 100 times more fraud than Kennedy vs. Nixon to install a feeble brain dead fuck whose teleprompter is packed with breathtaking lies and totally manufactured an "insurrection" after winking at nearly 600 deadly riots ostensibly mourning the passing of a violent repeat felon with meth, weed, oxy, and Covid in his system who resisted arrest for nearly an hour while corrupt power mad Dems staged a second impeachment trial that even the weak kneed Roberts wouldn't corronate while Trump suffered the ongoing indignity of a geriatric Pelosi orchestrated clown trial with a weak collection of low IQ Dems and pasty Rinos spewing inanities and spittle while literally the dumbest man ever to grace the oval office demanded ordinary Americans to slam chemicals into their bodies with a soup ladle cuz his "patience is wearing thin" for people like me who are unvaccinated cuz of my distrust of Pharma and that tiny gnat Fauci and other bureaucrats receiving royalties and side deals, and not once did I think "Oh, Trump is the one who screwed the pooch on this shit, not Pfizer or Francis Collins!!? Get real or get over your TDS.
When Covid hit, Trump had just beat the impeachment hoax (the 1st) a few weeks before. Matter of fact, when Covid-19 was spreading, the Democrats were focused on "getting Trump". To blame Trump for the federeal bureaucracy shows your true colors - you are a NeverTrump RINO or a Leftist Democrat, nice try.
LOL .... You didn't address the germaphobe issue --- look it up
Now about your accusation. how about a [person who voted for tRUMP twice, the first time for the Supreme Court appointments and the second time because the alternative was so bad. ... Does that make me a Never Trump RINO?
Trump is a narcissistic psycho with absolutely ZERO core values other than himself, he always has been that way. Many of us knew his shtick. He found a base and marketing plan to get him elected (Manafort).
Funny thing is Manafort did the same thing with Yanukovitch in Ukraine, who pretended to be pro europe and then, after getting elected, YanukoBitch turned towards russia which is what caused Maidan in 2014.
Manafort was very good at reading the electorate in both situations.
Now if you are questioning my personal opinion of tRUMP, that would not be appropriate to call me a liar. You might disagree with my opinion of the narcissistic psychopath who cares more about his ego than the country, but that doesn't make me a liar.
Far from it. We all have our political issues of priority. My top issue is ending the vaccine mandates which are 100% Biden's fault BUT it blows my mind that Trump cannot admit that Project Warp Speed lead to faulty products that are not safe or effective. He did a lot of great things and I would love to see him back in the Oval Office...but he's not facing the facts on this particular issue and that is disappointing to me.
Reality ended vaccine mandates and Trump vocally championed, for right or for wrong, the jab, but he never advocated for mandates - in fact he was opposed to mandates.
No question there. And that is the biggest thing too. Mandates mean that people who have natural immunity have been and CONTINUE to be coerced to get the shots when there is no scientifically rational reason to do so. The left has ignored 100 years of virology and immunology to ensure this "sacrament" is taken by everyone in our military and working in our hospitals. It's beyond shameful. I wasn't implicating Trump in any of that. BTW my 18 year old son is enlisting in the military and my girlfriend works in a hospital. So this stuff is near and dear. I just hoped Trump would take another look at the shots because if he did, I think he could shine a light on the problem that would wake more people up to the risks and lack of any value they provide.
Who of any note has asked Trump for an explanation or an "apology"? Seriously! Trump is fighting these evil actors, yes evil, while you sit in safety and play Monday morning quarterback. Scoundrel-like behavior on your part - just saying.
totally agree!!!! Trump and Desantis are only hope to save this country, but thats one of my beefs with him also! they were all so afraid to rock the boat because of the election year, but look what it cost us! If he and even Pence had the courage to just come out and be strong and tell the truth and stand up to her and Fauci is ridiculous unfounded, on scientific protocols I believe less lives would have been lost.
...and unfortunately, it's too often true that "Those who can, do. Those who can't, teach." Which taints all the truly great teachers who are out there.
E.g., the four members of a Claremont Institute panel I heard last night - all of them teach at Hillsdale, which is getting more and more online, almost on a daily basis.
So many people think government and medical professionals are infallible. “Science” has replaced religion and these officials and doctors are the new priests telling you they’re not abusing your kids.
What surprises me is the lack of outrage from everyone who took the shot finding out she knew the shots were ineffective. That’s what really surprises me.
Bingo! I learned almost all the basic science I needed in HS, and continue to review and build on that foundation by reading journals and watching presentations on Youtube. I can more than hold my own when I argue with MDs (especially my primary care physician) regarding the efficacy of masks, lockdowns, vaccination, etc. in the spread of respiratory viruses.
Yes, she’s completely incompetent. And, yes, I will forever hold it against Trump that he didn’t fire her.
I get it but if Trump had fired any of these govt scientists, the media would have screamed DICTATOR and Pelosi would have started another impeachment.
As it was, these swamp creatures stopped him trying to relax the measures. They tried to destroy Atlas, who had enough, left, and went to advise DeSantis.
With a state with more senior citizens than any others, the results were better than New York's
But they did that anyway. A real leader shouldn't care or be influenced by such things, and I agree, I was saying back in May 2020 that he should have fired Fauci. And a couple months later, I was saying it about Birx.
You were so right.
People were saying that about Fauci in the 80s. LOTS of people. and here we are!
The swamp is real.
And just watch boots. At the very worst Fauci fades into a well "we the people" funded pension when its all said and done. None of us will know a more corrupt individual in our lifetimes either who had such a devastating effect on humanity and the animal world with the likes of the beagle research etc. 45 years+ WE paid this elf fraud to do this. I have a hard time accepting I helped fund this evil with my tax $$$ and will continue to until his last days on earth. Just sayin
I agree, especially with the horrible feeling I helped pay for it.
(Like). I just won’t let me
I agree... but whether people liked Trump or not, the fact of the matter is that from the day he was elected , a mammoth machine was put in place to work against him. There are people he knew not to trust but I don’t think he grasped ( part ego, part assumed trust) how many people in the Oval Office and West Wing would be actively working against his success. Sadly, even if it meant, jeopardizing the health of Americans with lying out COVID. First Sec of State , Rex Tillerson... no loyalty to Trump. My husband has a relative who is a high level atty in the State Department... she would post on social media that “ Pompeo and Trump are not welcome here”.. I was like “ say what?” Segue, I know, but that’s why if he runs again it will be “ deja vu allover again “ with all the players....
If anyone who isn't part of the machine gets in the Oval Office, they will probably purposely kill people again...
Yep, there has been and continues to be a lot of arcane chicanery. And I suspect that Lady McHillary has her fingers in that pot.
I like that. Seems more apropos than even Killary
"Default to truth" is a cognitive bias we all carry and is VERY difficult to overcome. Trusting people is human nature. Distrust must be learned. Trump learned it the hard way, but it was already much too late. They won the battle... we'll see who wins the war
Wow! Extreme TDS.
That’s why Trump shouldn’t run again. He has proven that he can’t stand the pressure.
I agree. Let's find a younger man with a spine and without Trump's ego. Maybe that's DeSantis? I don't know yet, and I'm pretty skeptical of any and all politicians. But it's time to move on from both Trump and, God help us, Biden.
Yeah I think DeSantis would be the best candidate.
I agree, except that no other President has ever been subjected to the pressure, scrutiny, criticism, character defamation to which Trump was subjected. “C’mom man!’ Let’s just take the media….. 94% of the coverage was negative and much of it fiction or based on anonymous sources. Now we have a demented, incompetent, incontinent Alzheimer’s patient in the White House, the world is laughing at our naked Emperor and the liberal media says next to nothing. They have just now finally started to question his “ age”… oh wow….but yes, I wrote Trump asking him to please not run because it will just be another four years of juvenile group histrionics. Basically, the media and corrupt Democrats have won… and imo, far too,many people are fine with that.
I’m a result guy. Trump got results. Here and others immaturity and focusing on trumps personality quirks indicate you’re too young to understand whotrue leader ship is. Never worn a uniform before? Ever been in a war? They didn’t like Patton but he won. Grow up.
Biden was stupid and corrupt all the past 50 years.
Well, after the FBI just riffled through his wife's closet over things the Fed Archivist (librarian) wanted, they just gave him juice to run. They broke locks, threw out the lawyers (illegal) and took personal letters.
people are mad. Maybe that's the intent
I absolutely agree that the democrats intent is to make Trump a martyr with the hope that republicans will be stupid enough to nominate him again. Trump would be far easier to beat than DeSantis.
He has to run again. The man has unfinished business and has earned the right to finish it. MAGA 2024 OR B424.
Thank you for your comments. There are a lot of dumbasses on this thread who don’t understand what leaders do. Their psychology 101 course in college made them believe the Trump can’t possibly be a president. So he has personality quirks? But men like him win wars and these little jerks don’t get it that we are at war.
If he runs, 50,000 extra IRS agents will be armed and controlling the votes
Nor can you think straight.
He never was God. He was the best President in terms of policy and results in decades. But not perfect.
I am hopeful that he has destroyed the liberal media elite. Good riddance to them.
I never trusted that he had all the right answers on Covid. In the fight with the Public Health swamp, he didn’t bring the right stuff.
Maybe no one could have. There maybe were reasons that that was gonna be to tough a nut to crack in 2020. Maybe the election made it hard.
He was good in many ways. Respect that. Better than everyone for decades. But, not perfect.
Well put!
I wouldn't want a perfect president.
The first "perfect" president would be AI, no human foibles but heartless
Well you're right. I recall reading how Truman fired McArthur. Bet he took a hell of a lot of bad press for that.
The ONE aspect T can never escape now is his insistence even today the medical experiment was a GOOD thing. We all know that is not true. Spin that reality all you want, but just talk to a few people who have had a family member maimed or killed off by the experiment. I say this having voted for the man 2x and feel his policies were the best I have seen in my lifetime. That ONE aspect though I cannot look past however. He is not GOD...he is just a man and bleeds red like you and I...
and he made a mistake in trusting the Medical Industrial Complex in this country.
If that is considered a mistake…. How sad when a POTUS cannot trust his health advisors. I want a lot of answers, but most of all, why Fauci etc basically banned HCQ…. FDA approved in 1934, used safely worldwide for Malaria , used daily in much stronger doses by Lupus and Rheumatoid Arthritis patients… it made NO sense. The Lancet Study was instantly discredited… this is where my “ conspiracy paranoia” sets in…. The CDC, National and State Medical boards became militant overnight about it not working….. Infectious Disease doctors quietly wen5 about treating their patients with it and Zithromax. I bought a “supply” in Mexico ( where many of our meds are manufactured)… ten day treatment of HCQ and Zithro? $110.
"why Fauci etc basically banned HCQ…."? look up 'regulatory capture.' May as well have Albert Bourla running NIAID.
It was awful the way they made it impossible for most to get therapeutics.
Trump was all for getting it to people but the swamp creatures went after him for that.
As for Fauci, this allSounds very familiar to me.
During the most horrible days of AIDs, doctors were using an already existing drug to battle one of the opportunistic cancers. They were saving lives, at least keeping them from dying of that cancer.
Fauci disapproved of that and did his best to stop use of it.
People were begging him to please let their loved ones get the medication but he was heartless.
This is the way I remember it. This was a while ago and I was young and naive so it could be worse or better than I remember.
I am on my way out the door, so forgive no citations or references (citations are racist anyway).
I just couldn't resist.
As an interior designer, in the late 80s through the 90s, I went into NYC a lot to showrooms... I got to know several gay designers, we’d meet up after work,,,, the tales they told of their friends dying and they’re inability to get life saving treatment. They hated Fauci.
Well, would Trump have been worse (on the vax) than Biden?
Biden's team is still recommending the vax. To everyone.
I am hopeful that Scott Atlas or someone like that would have talked Trump out of the vax. He might never admit he was wrong, but it would stop being recommended.
Would Fauci have been "retired"? I certainly believe so. But uncertain.
On EVERYTHING else, Trump would have been better. Well, almost.
SARCASM ALERT: Trump's sons are not nearly so entertaining as Biden's "idiot" son. So, maybe not everything.
At least she wrote a book proving her incompetence.
She should've named it "Birx Quirks."
Her and that little incompetent dweeb Fauci.
I'm fantastic at reading between the lines, but this one is tough cuz I have limited information and my thinking cap is on the fritz, I'm gonna take it to the mechanic on Tuesday at 3 pm... but if I'm not mistaken you're not a Trump fan?
Love trump. Disappointed that he let fear of the media and political repercussions cloud his judgment. The best part about trump is that he DGAF. The consequences of letting Birx and Fauci run the show are monumental.
Uh, Trump is not a doctor. How was he to know that the governments top medical scientists were not being honest with him? You know there are people in this country who think Fauci should be “ sainted” for saving the country. Presented with a Pandemic that could kill millions, for Trump to disagree with Fauci etc would have been proof positive to invoke the 25th. The corruption and collusion was tantric. Trump had top ID Docs saying HCQ would cure it… and they were right. Look how quickly that all was discredited as quackery.
I told my friends Fauci was a quack in April of 2020. It wasn’t difficult to see.
You should perhaps read Scott Atlas’s book for a better picture about what was going on. Trump delegated the task force to Pence and then ignored it, despite the fact that they were making all policy decisions re: Covid. It was a huge mistake.
I witnessed Fauci mishandle AIDS in NYC in the late 80s.. he would not listen to what the gay population was telling him. They hated him.
see also: Dallas Buyers Club & RFK Jr book
The fact that Trump was an amateur was his biggest problem, as well as his greatest asset. He knew what had to be done and had a plan for getting it done, he just underestimated the degree and intensity of the opposition.
A lot of these nay sayers about Trump don’t have the balls to lead anyone. Trump was under tremendous pressure from the media, the corporate goons, the leftist Democrats including Barry Obama And rhino traitorous dimwits like mittens Romney.
They still run the show after two years of Biden and knowing everything we know about the fake Covid death stats, FOIA releases, testing fails, withholding of treatments, remdisivir and intubation, mandates, rolling military firings, failed blue (some red) state quarantines, lock downs, passports, school and college closures, endless masking, massive covid protocol-free illegal immigration, and all the train wreck stats and epic fails since the vaccine roll out and all subsequent epic deadly hysteria. Trump did great considering even I was scared of Covid at first, and I didn't start to despise Fauci until he pushed lockdowns (and now lies that he didn't)
PS, I didn't mean "even I was scared of Covid..." as if it matters what I think, I just mean that this "novel virus" fell in Trump's lap when nobody really knew what was going on, and Trump did fairly well, considering. When he stopped flights from China he was "Xenophobic" (Jesus H Christ) and Pelosi
was all "Ignore Trump, come to Chinatown!" (Jesus H Christ), so if Trump had fired Fauci there would've been a coup. Even I would've thought he lost his mind, whereas these days my hatred of Fauci is unhealthy, and I'd mortgage my house if I could have a word with him.
You can only shake up so much at a time. Fauci and Birx were the 'experts'...what could he do, honestly?
Sound like a totally disconnected nut job by daring to/firing the top medical scientists in the country?? It really was quite genius of whoever lunatic came up with that scenario!!
Say what you want about Trump, he will always have the power to get people squabbling over him. There's a niche for that skill somewhere.
That Trump didn’t fire her? When did Trump get his medical degree? I’m a physician retired; I expected to be held accountable for the decisions I made regarding my patients. But to blame Trump? You’re just an anti-Trumper; go away.
I’m not an anti-Trumper. Voted for him twice and I’d vote for him again. But this was a mistake and he deserves this criticism.
He is responsible for his advisors. Whether he is an MD or not is irrelevant.
The other problem tRUMP had in this is the FACT he is a notorious germaphobe ... He bought off on the super-deadly, world ending virus theory way too easily
As did every other Western leader, germaphobe or not.
But for a germaphobe, why was he still criticized roundly for not masking everyone up enough?
Our Country has been primed for years for some Apocalyptic Germ event. Hollywood has been writing scripts and the "Actors" in Hollywood have done their "duty" to warn the public. The movie "Contagion" had Gwyneth Paltrow frothing at the mouth and dying violently in 2011 after a visit to China....Sanjay Gupta, M.D. was "reporting" this IN the movie....then miraculously Sanjay Gupta, M.D. is reporting in Real Life on The Rona.......Something smells really FISHY.
I guess if we get hit with an astroid we will know for sure
Won't let me like but I like!
You may have to re-authenticate to like...
Not Anders Tegnell, the public health director of Sweden.
yes. but I can't think of any others
Again you immature commentators were worried about the fact that he was a bit worried about germs. So what? You you would never win a real debate because you focus on inconsequential variables. My guess is you’ve never led people in anything of consequence.
We all make mistakes. Trump is the only one fighting for us at the federal level.
Not to mention the fact he continues to tout the shots as being safe and effective despite vast accumulation of information to the contrary. Trump needs to be honest about the problems but he keeps glossing over the truth. I don’t think his ego will let him admit the shots are a flaming failure.
We'll never know what he would've done if he was president and saw Operation Warp Speed produce 3 vaccines that were EUA'd and rolled out in January 2021, when he was busy fighting domestic enemies who banned him off Twitter for life while shredding American election laws to commit 100 times more fraud than Kennedy vs. Nixon to install a feeble brain dead fuck whose teleprompter is packed with breathtaking lies and totally manufactured an "insurrection" after winking at nearly 600 deadly riots ostensibly mourning the passing of a violent repeat felon with meth, weed, oxy, and Covid in his system who resisted arrest for nearly an hour while corrupt power mad Dems staged a second impeachment trial that even the weak kneed Roberts wouldn't corronate while Trump suffered the ongoing indignity of a geriatric Pelosi orchestrated clown trial with a weak collection of low IQ Dems and pasty Rinos spewing inanities and spittle while literally the dumbest man ever to grace the oval office demanded ordinary Americans to slam chemicals into their bodies with a soup ladle cuz his "patience is wearing thin" for people like me who are unvaccinated cuz of my distrust of Pharma and that tiny gnat Fauci and other bureaucrats receiving royalties and side deals, and not once did I think "Oh, Trump is the one who screwed the pooch on this shit, not Pfizer or Francis Collins!!? Get real or get over your TDS.
I'm breathless from reading that but was with you every syllable.
No TDS here. I just wish Trump had the capacity to admit the shots failed instead of continuing to act like they are a miracle cure.
Maybe the ones MANDATING the clot shots should admit it FIRST before one more toddler gets damaged or a pilot strokes out mid-flight?
When Covid hit, Trump had just beat the impeachment hoax (the 1st) a few weeks before. Matter of fact, when Covid-19 was spreading, the Democrats were focused on "getting Trump". To blame Trump for the federeal bureaucracy shows your true colors - you are a NeverTrump RINO or a Leftist Democrat, nice try.
LOL .... You didn't address the germaphobe issue --- look it up
Now about your accusation. how about a [person who voted for tRUMP twice, the first time for the Supreme Court appointments and the second time because the alternative was so bad. ... Does that make me a Never Trump RINO?
Trump is a narcissistic psycho with absolutely ZERO core values other than himself, he always has been that way. Many of us knew his shtick. He found a base and marketing plan to get him elected (Manafort).
Funny thing is Manafort did the same thing with Yanukovitch in Ukraine, who pretended to be pro europe and then, after getting elected, YanukoBitch turned towards russia which is what caused Maidan in 2014.
Manafort was very good at reading the electorate in both situations.
You are a liar.
really ...? https://time.com/5003623/paul-manafort-mueller-indictment-ukraine-russia/ https://www.rferl.org/a/on-eve-of-trial-a-deeper-glimpse-into-how-paul-manafort-elected-ukraine-s-president/29394601.html https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2018/apr/05/ex-trump-aide-paul-manafort-approved-black-ops-to-help-ukraine-president
Now if you are questioning my personal opinion of tRUMP, that would not be appropriate to call me a liar. You might disagree with my opinion of the narcissistic psychopath who cares more about his ego than the country, but that doesn't make me a liar.
Far from it. We all have our political issues of priority. My top issue is ending the vaccine mandates which are 100% Biden's fault BUT it blows my mind that Trump cannot admit that Project Warp Speed lead to faulty products that are not safe or effective. He did a lot of great things and I would love to see him back in the Oval Office...but he's not facing the facts on this particular issue and that is disappointing to me.
Reality ended vaccine mandates and Trump vocally championed, for right or for wrong, the jab, but he never advocated for mandates - in fact he was opposed to mandates.
No question there. And that is the biggest thing too. Mandates mean that people who have natural immunity have been and CONTINUE to be coerced to get the shots when there is no scientifically rational reason to do so. The left has ignored 100 years of virology and immunology to ensure this "sacrament" is taken by everyone in our military and working in our hospitals. It's beyond shameful. I wasn't implicating Trump in any of that. BTW my 18 year old son is enlisting in the military and my girlfriend works in a hospital. So this stuff is near and dear. I just hoped Trump would take another look at the shots because if he did, I think he could shine a light on the problem that would wake more people up to the risks and lack of any value they provide.
There are so many other demons to slay.
Who of any note has asked Trump for an explanation or an "apology"? Seriously! Trump is fighting these evil actors, yes evil, while you sit in safety and play Monday morning quarterback. Scoundrel-like behavior on your part - just saying.
totally agree!!!! Trump and Desantis are only hope to save this country, but thats one of my beefs with him also! they were all so afraid to rock the boat because of the election year, but look what it cost us! If he and even Pence had the courage to just come out and be strong and tell the truth and stand up to her and Fauci is ridiculous unfounded, on scientific protocols I believe less lives would have been lost.
The rest of the world was against anyone who didn't do the lockdown masking foolishness.
Pence is a dunce. And you say he is courageous? He betrayed the man who brought him to high position he will never have again.
you read my comment wrong, I said he LACKED courage. And I agree he betrayed Trump
Yes. Instead, he tried to overrule and get around her BS
The best doctors and scientists do not work in government - in fact it’s a bastion for the worst who can’t find success elsewhere.
This is so true in just about any part of government, not only doctors and scientists! How often are government economists correct about anything?
Exactly. Haven for the incompetent.
...and unfortunately, it's too often true that "Those who can, do. Those who can't, teach." Which taints all the truly great teachers who are out there.
There are very few truly great teachers. But now their lectures are publicly available via the internet which is a very good thing.
Agreed x 2.
E.g., the four members of a Claremont Institute panel I heard last night - all of them teach at Hillsdale, which is getting more and more online, almost on a daily basis.
A Pandemic of Those Who Were Denied Early Treatment.
Test test test was just for fear fear fear and money money money
Yep. "Test and Trace" was always an idea SO STUPID that only government would do it.
Thanks for reading it for us ;-) I am happy in the knowledge I don't have to.
Horrifying to think that we had morons like this, and worse, running these programs. Beyond belief.
Our entire government- the entire administrative state.
Alex read Birx's book so we don't have to. Thank you.
Taking one for the team!
So many people think government and medical professionals are infallible. “Science” has replaced religion and these officials and doctors are the new priests telling you they’re not abusing your kids.
Dr Scott Atlas did say she seemed to not know what she was doing, even with charts.
What surprises me is the lack of outrage from everyone who took the shot finding out she knew the shots were ineffective. That’s what really surprises me.
The liberal media has not a knowledges this.
idk if she's really that concerned with asymptomatic transmission
she told all the little people to stay home & promptly took her family to delaware for thanksgiving in 2020 & then told weird lies about it
I've got a high school general education on health/ science. Sounds like I could've been the White House Response Coordinator to the Ro-Ro.
I've gone to college. Neither high school or college time is what it should be. But you're right: "self- taught" is taught by the best.
Bingo! I learned almost all the basic science I needed in HS, and continue to review and build on that foundation by reading journals and watching presentations on Youtube. I can more than hold my own when I argue with MDs (especially my primary care physician) regarding the efficacy of masks, lockdowns, vaccination, etc. in the spread of respiratory viruses.