I worked in harm reduction efforts with HIV positive people between 1996-2005. Fauci was hated by the activists initially until he started throwing tons of $$$ for HIV prevention and intervention. Harm reduction was the exception to most human service organizations. It paid well, was even over funded, and had political will behind it. That’s what changed their tune about Fauci. Dallas Buyers Club movie/book was about people vs the Fauci machine, trying to save their own lives and the govt fighting for pharma, much like people fighting to use Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine during Covid. Before you believe Fauci do research. He was reviled before he bought his way to a whitewashed reputation.

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Alex praises Fauci for his handling of AIDS/HIV and works in a dig at RFK, Jr., who argues Fauci’s true colors were fully revealed in that healthcare crisis.

I think RFK was right on point. If you read The Real Anthony Fauci, you’ll see Kennedy is not just sharing his own opinion, he cites numerous scientists and journalists (like Substack author Celia Farber) who reached the same conclusion about this man.

History repeated when Fauci recycled and promoted a deadly toxic drug (remdesivir) just like he did with AZT. There’s no telling how many people, now deceased, would be alive today just because of these two egregious policies/decisions.

He also helped politicize “science” during the AIDS scare, effectively killing real science.

Fauci should have been fired and disgraced four decades ago. Kary Mullis, the inventor of the PCR technique, also had Fauci pegged.

“Teflon Tony” fooled almost everyone who matters and promoted and enriched people, colleges and companies that gave us our Covid Scamdemic.

… And that’s all I’ve got to say about that man.

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The SCOPE of this ONE individual's wrath on humanity the past 45 years + is surreal, and it's all just been "allowed". All we the people ever get from the GOP is a verbal scolding of the elf fraud at best year after year, and WE get to pay to be told over and over what we KNOW with our tax dollars. This is the swamp after all. It's a G damn disgrace...

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My understanding is that Fauci stiffed the AIDS patients by promoting the dangerous and ineffective drug AZT (as a favor to Big Pharma) and opposing the use of Septra to treat Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia, a frequent cause of death in AIDS patients.

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Thank you. could not agree more.

Fauci has disqualified himself from receiving the benefit of the doubt but Berenson gives it to him anyway.

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He's a full-on narcissist. A narcissist never sees a narcissist in the mirror.

They reveal their colors when challenged - there's nothing more they hate. That's exactly what we're seeing.

It's clear there's a evil gnome under his human suit.

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Jun 20
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Their children are probably a cross between Damien and Linda Blair

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I can't believe you could stomach 464 pages....wow impressive!

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Alex really took one for the team. Egads!!

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How many pages of footnotes did the book have (citations of key medical studies)?

The Real Anthony Fauci had at least 2,200. The Wuhan Cover-Up has 100 pages (!) of end notes.

Deborah Birx's book had zero footnotes.

... So much for citing your science.

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A real horror story! I can't get past the photo on the cover.

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Hahaha! I responded earlier but honestly, even though 464 is a lot lol, we should realize that Fauci would get a book. From the public narrative perspective, he’s the great savior of HIV and the Pandemic.

Unless it becomes mainstream that Fauci had more destruction than good, he’ll probably get another book, movie played by Brad Pitt, and will live on in folklore: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/why-it-does-matter

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I can't believe his lawyers let him write it ... as this puts him further on the record regarding countless lies, spin, obfuscation, etc.

I assume he just knew nobody in the MSM or any officials would bother to parse any of his contradictory anecdotes. And his massive ego made it impossible to NOT write such a book. Plus, his advance must have been huge. The rich get richer ... from perpetrating "crimes against humanity."

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There's 464 pages!! WOW!

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This is man who said he did not need religion because he had his own self created moral authority. He is his own God. Wow.

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This is the classic trap that Lucifer fell into when he attempted to raise himself to God's level, failed, and now suffers for eternity.

It's how he ensnared Adam and Eve with original sin by convincing them to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and become on par with God.

My guess is that it's Lucifer's favorite design for the son of man judging by how many clickbait posts and atheistic and/or political screeds I see encouraging people to worship themselves on a daily basis.


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A true member of the Church of Self.

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"...until the archives open."

Unless the archives have been carefully cultivated to leave the "correct" impression.

"I always try to communicate over gmail because my NIH email is FOIA’d constantly."

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Ironic! I literally saw a kids' shirt the other day at Goodwill that said, "Dr. Fauci is My Hero." The audacity. I wanted to buy it just to burn it.

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Doesn’t the fact that it was at Goodwill say it all !!


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Shoulda been in the TRASH.

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I'd have to stitch a "D" right after that. As in Herod (The Great). You know, the guy who had all the Jewish baby boy age 2 or less murdered because he thought Jesus was going to be an insurrectionist? HA! Fraudski will still have to face the consequences.

Funny you saw that shirt at Goodwill. Somebody had the sense to ditch it.

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Imagine that child's parents

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Yeah, yikes! I mean, I get the weirdos who would want to boldly proclaim their own insanity, but to put that on a CHILD. I didn't waste my money. Some psychopath wearing a mask and pumping their kids full of unknown toxic shit is going to buy it...let them. Someday there will be a reckoning, and it's not my job to carry it out.

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This supports my read of Fauci: A guy with Short Man's Disease and a God Complex as big as they come. He wants his life story and reputation to match that of Jonas Salk - he going to be known for a famous vaccine, come hell or high-water. And he's managed to make the lives of untold millions Hell. Congrats, Tony - you are the Man of the Hour.

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Salk was similar. He did not save the world from polio & caused cancer in millions! See: https://dissolvingillusions.com/

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You are right, but no one remembers that - only that he came up with the vaccine for Polio. Fauci is the same ilk. Reputation uber alles.

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Just watch the propaganda back in the day, it could be the bird flu of today. amplified the threat before it was serious, prime everyone that a disaster is coming.

DDT could very well be the culprit of polio that they started using in 1945. It’s very strange how polio goes up and back down along with the use of DDT, but we are led to believe the introduction of the polio vaccine saved the day when it was introduced when DDT use was rolled back. These guys have been masters of causing a problem that they then claim to solve. Problem, reaction, solution, classic snake oil salesmen’s tactic.


Check out the current bird flu propaganda, could they possibly hype it any more?

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BTW, just bought the book Dissolving Illusions. Already hooked on it.

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The 8 episode series at remedy.film goes into the historical contexts well too

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He's managed to make the lives of millions shorter and less meaningful.

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Varian, the “Little Man” in this 2017-2020 Disney series, warned us all. Their town was named “Corona”??


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Five Times August is awesome:


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Maybe Fauci can treat his own dislocated shoulder from him patting himself on the back.

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Dr. Fauci, the little shit!! What a crap lidden book!! I wouldn't buy it if his life depended on it. ON CALL, he never had to cover the ER in his life.

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I find it interesting that you can pick and choose what is true and false amongst all the crap that Fauci throws in this book. If he was really an HIV hero, why doesn't he sue RFK for his book? Maybe because he is not an HIV hero?

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Mikovits worked along side the fraud in the Aids era and exposed what was going on too. Look what they tried doing to her. therealdrjudy.com

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The discovery part of a trial would bury him.

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I’m not particularly interested. I couldn’t finish RFK’s book either.

Old doctors retired from clinical practice have a tendency to wax nostalgic about their medical acumen. In most cases they’re like amateur tennis players. Their best matches probably weren’t as good as they remember them. And I know because I do the same thing.

Although he didn’t confess to killing a 14 month old bird-dog there are beagles whose last minutes alive must have been horrific.

Thanks for reading so I can do something useful with what little time I have left.

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How a guy with an ancient medical degree who spent forty years as a bureaucrat could be considered some kind of medical expert is beyond me.

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You hit the nail on the head.

This is the stuff of bad TV Scripts - Fauci lives in a fantasy world if he actually believes he’s a practicing physician.

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I'm much more inclined to believe RFK on Fauci than I am Fauci on Fauci.

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But. He was a bureaucrat and not an “ on call” doctor driving in at midnight.

He wasn’t a friendly and available “ real doctor” but the Don Corleone of medical research. Kennedy’s description of Fauci and his tyrannical power is a more accurate story.

Don’t duck with Fauci.

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Is the cover a mirror or him blowing himself?

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the emperor has no clothes and everyone can see he has a micro-tallywacker.

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Hahahahaha. Full of Tiny *D* Energy!

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it's an "inverted"...er...inverse relationship between size and "energy"

sorry couldn't help myself.

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Jun 20
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You're killin' me over here. This is amazing and explains so much... :'D

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Make sure he gets his booster shots regularly

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He needs a booster everytime he comes to a podium.

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He has probably had zero shots. He knew better! I know a man at my gym who has had 7 shots so far...3 plus 4 boosters. I'd say Fauci should be forced to get 7 shots like that....all at once. See what happens to the little weasel.

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Fauci is a sociopath and for anyone willing to investigate has demonstrated as such since AIDS 40 years ago. He and his crony Robert Gallo decided that HIV was the cause of AIDS and therefore able to wrest it from the National Cancer Institute bring it under the auspices of the fledgling NIAID, thus began his tyrannical reign. Peter Duesberg at UC Berkeley, the most prominent retrovirologist in the world, dared to opine in an article that HIV may not be the cause of AIDS—or maybe not the sole cause, but merely a commensal virus—a thought also expressed by Nobel laureate Luc Montagnier, who isolated HIV, and his career was destroyed. Because of Fauci, thousands of asymptomatic people, including children who tested positive for HIV, were treated with toxic drugs (sound familiar?).

He is the personification of evil.

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