In other words, what Geert Vanden Bossche predicted would happen at the start of the roll-out has pretty much happened. Let's all hope that the rest of his predictions don't become real.

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GVB predicted strains with increased virulence due to ADE will emerge soon, so buckle your seatbelts..

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Another scenario has been put forth by Igor Chudov. He thinks that instead of a dramatic wave of death due to a new variant, it may be that there is a relentless wearing away of the vaccinated person's immune system, so that ultimately he or she isn't even able to handle influenza. Neither scenario is good!

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The dysfunction to the immune system is my gut feeling. Inability to fight common viruses, higher incidences of cancers, allergies and autoimmune disorders. People sick frequently and more dependent on Big Pharma just to get through the day.

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Yup, that’s been gut feeling as well.

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My thoughts exactly!

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Geert has talked about that a few months back.

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Jun 17, 2022
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I would agree. Pfizer said shot would stay in deltoid. It did not. Did the contents travel for everybody? I do not know. One thing for sure, repeated jabs make the traveling much more likely.

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Right, what's being described here is OAS. ORIGINAL ANTIGENIC SIN.

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Exactly. Which is the problem they've had for a while and were never able to develop a product that could be approved until now.

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But that's just it...it shouldn't and wouldn't have approved without fraudulent trials.

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"Equally" possible is that complications from vaccination effects will begin to appear" such as may be considered the "monkeypox" analogue, weird things found by embalmers in blood vessels (if that ever gets taken up), athletes dropping dead in action, etc., etc.

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BREAKING: Fifth largest life insurance company in the US paid out 163% more for deaths of working people ages 18-64 in 2021 - Total claims/benefits up $6 BILLION


We need to keep an eye on excess mortality...

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This is in-line with what Karl Denninger predicted late last year.

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Life insurance data is hard data. Difficult to undie from the vaccines! But I am sure the excess deaths will be unexplainable and unexpected according to the CDC. "It is a mystery" they will say.

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Too late for a short play?

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look at the pfizer stock chart. i'd say it has plenty of room to downside. would take cast iron cajones but once the dike springs a leak, it will be the tobacco company fiasco all over. they are going to lose their liability protection as their lies and cheating are revealed. for once i like the style of ambulance chasing lawyers. you know they are waiting to pounce. (fwiw-i am not short or longer pfe.)

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I also wonder who the scapegoat will be this time? Previous examples from the mortgage meltdown: mom and pop mortgage brokers who were "breaking the rules", irresponsible homeowners, LPS committing fraud.

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And if you know what it's like to be right "too soon"...

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It has been happening. They call it SADS, sudden adult death syndrome. Not to mention that they are trying to convince people that it is normal for young, healthy people to have strokes and heart issues.

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I hope GVB is wrong on his deathstar scenario but hes been right about virtually everything so.......

The real travesty is that our "betters" who run the worldwide shit show have created enough shiny crises' across the planet.....inflation, energy prices, the war in Ukraine, supply chain calamity, our drooling fool of a president, social upheaval of every sort imaginable and the fact that there is no more cannalloni left in the whole world....ok that ones not true...yet....that the study mentioned above and the potential catastrophic threat to the vaxxaholics is barely even a blip on the radar. Wicked times we live in. There is a special place in the sw corner of hell for this filth.

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Not sure I agree that moronic, Luciferian sociopaths are our “betters”. They are skilled at manipulating, lying & conning ... nothing more. We have been asleep at the wheel and given people who aren’t fit to be dog catcher power that no bureaucrat should have under our Constitution.

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I meant "betters" as sarcasm. If team reality aint better than those piles of human debris, which we are, then we are truly screwed. Sorry if that wasnt clear....jd

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Don’t forget the rollout of 5G. Something that is harmful to all life forms! I wonder if that’s going to be the nail in the coffin, when they ramp it up? There’s an enormous 5G tower in front of the high-rise where I live. They put it up during lockdown. Isn’t that special?

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That’s all bad! MOVE!

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Looking to buy land and get out of the city! The crew that was putting it up told me that it was a Tower for EMT emergencies!

And I thought, what kind of emergencies? People dropping dead in the street from the 💉💉and 5G?

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And what effect will all these immune compromised people have on the HEALTHY, NON-JABBED?! They are the “unclean ones”, not the other way around. TRUTH

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Look after yourself Renee, its winter here in Australia and almost everyone is sick. Half of my sons class was home the other day. All that sickness around us isn't good for anyone!

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I’m so sorry Dell, truly. But, also remember that people still get sick, regardless of CONvid. My bf and I were sick a couple days-big deal. We refuse to get tested-ridiculous (💰)! Now people are scared of sniffles. I hadn’t been sick in about 15 years. Just a cold! Although I’d like to know the difference between jabbed and non. Keep God close!

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Tend to your microbiome like your life depends on it, because it does! Take care of your health.

Nobody is unclean -That’s a Nazi ploy. That’s a terrible way to look at it in my opinion, and that’s exactly what they want from both sides.

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Oh I know. That’s why I put it in quotes.👍

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Great point

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I was going to write almost word for word what you already did.

His next prediction is absolutely dire.

It will be interesting to see what happens when the jabbed start asking for horse paste and fluvoximine.

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It’s not nice to fool Mother Nature.

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and nature always trumps the EGO of man...

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I remember those ads!

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Me too! We’re showing our age🤣

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Lol at least the commercials back then were good enough to catch our attention enough to remember 🤣😂🤣

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Geert knew!

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It is truly remarkable how prescient was GVB from the outset. His track record and recent musings do not bode well for vaccinee's in particular. The criminals simply ignored him.

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Now Dr. Peter McCollough is being threatened by his medical association! Absolute INSANITY! He saved people’s lives! So evil!

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Thinking Galileo

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And other doctors said the same thing. Rolling out a vaccine in the middle of an outbreak is madness, and could not work. The saddest part is a vaccine is totally unnecessary for this virus anyway. This entire scamdemic is the biggest con ever pulled on humanity. Not sure what the end game is, but all the new world order stuff is really the only thing that makes sense at this point.

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and like Yeadon said in an excellent article at theepochtimes.com site "I knew it was wrong the moment I heard that they were developing a vaccine. We would never have sought to suppress or end a pandemic through running alongside creating a novel vaccine and then intervening with it, " said Yeadon. "why? Because-this is really important-the elapsed time taken to get an adequate amount of safety data is always longer than the feasible length of any pandemic in history."

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He also said in an interview that it is beyond belief that all four major vaccine manufacturers would choose the spike protein as their choice for inducing antibody production. It was the worst choice because of its pathogenicity and its mutability, yet all four companies chose it.

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They’ll soon sell the vax injured a new mRNA shot to restore their damaged immune systems, a star bellied sneetch star removal machine..

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First they killed off the elderly, now they’re going for the children and babies. They already got to most everyone in between also. It’s called Depopulation 101.

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Even Fauchi admitted that as a possibility back in Nov. 2020, but the almighty $$ took precedence over "Science".

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I'm embarrassed to admit I've never heard of Vanden Bossche until now. And I considered myself a fairly well-read COVID skeptic. Thank you!

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His interview on Darkhorse with Brett from like a year ago is worth watching.

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He did another interview with him the other day.

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The entire "establishment" is actively trying to suppress the voices of dissent so it isn't surprising that many people haven't heard of GVB

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Watch his recent interview on The Highwire for his latest truly dire predictions

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Yikes! I'm unvaxxed so I'm more worried about more lockdowns than a damned virus.

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God Bless this man, Geert Vanden Bossche. I am so grateful that I was privileged to watch his video over a year ago. Yes it is all happening as he said it would with these jabs. Towards the end of his video one could see how visibly shaken he himself was when he spoke about the children, his worry for them. It was so genuine, it brought tears to my eyes. Blessings to this great honest, knowledgeable man.

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And he also made it quite clear how the naive, untrained immune systems of ALL of these children were vital to achieving herd immunity, and that jabbing them with this "vaccine-but-really-transfection" was going to render herd immunity impossible.


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No. It could just be stupidity and group think. The entire drive to push childhood vaccines beyond the traditional vaccine schedule of the 1970's since the late 80's was unleashed by the 1986 act that gave liability indemnity to vaccine manufacturers. Ever since then, a group think has taken over that if some vaccines are good, more must be better, and they have continued to crank out more and more. I believe the childhood vaccine schedule consists of something like 75 dose equivalents today. This is why the kids are so messed up today. The covid-19 vaccine thing is just more grist for the mill.

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All the above I think Kurt. Intentional and group think stupidity. You are correct on all you mention with the 86 act and with the average doses accumulation by age 7 being 75. In some states its over 100. How does a fragile organic developing life deal with such man made toxic exposure and be healthy? Just surreal to me how parents allow this with their children. Hearing the pet injection schedule and harm is even worse...

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You are absolutely correct about pets. They are given routine vaccinations every year or so which imo is not good, especially if they still have immunity.

My two German Shepherds are titered to check their immunity before any vaccines. My nine year old received her puppy vaccines and never needed another (except rabies by law) until she was almost seven. My three year old still has his immunity from his puppy shots. The only expense I incur is for the titers and they are pretty cheap. At worst, I pay for the titers and then need to vaccinate but as you can see it doesn’t happen often.

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How could it be anything other than intentional and those who orchestrated all of it knew full well what they have did and continue doing. Just WHEN will the prosecutions for legitimate crimes against humanity begin!

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My understanding is that Geert's horror scenario requires that antibodies be present in the bodies of the vaccinated in order to facilitate the ADE reaction. Since we know these antibodies fade over a 4-6 month period, it seems unlikely his scenario will come true. Please correct me if I have this wrong.

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Geert has mentioned that those who keep inducing high levels of the vaccinal ABs will fare the worst, since these ABs are no non-neutralizing (given mutations to the spike w/ Omicron variants, they attach at a different site that doesn't prevent cellular infection). He emphasizes that these non-neutralizing vaccinal ABs will still outcompete innate immunity (IgM/NK cells in particular) due to higher affinity for the spike. He has also stated those whose innate response had sufficient training via infection prior to vaccination may fare better, though only if they stop boosting and re-upping levels of vaccinal ABs. He says that the non-neutralizing vaccinal ABs, while now enhancing viral replication in the upper respiratory tract, are currently blocking trans-infection in the lungs. And his fear is that, given the massive, singular selective pressure in vaccinated on virulence - specifically on blocking trans-infection in the lungs and other organs - it is inevitable that the virus will mutate so as to evade this obstacle, at which point we would have ADE+higher virulence in those whose immune systems have been retrained by the inoculations.

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He also said in his latest interview that every time a vaccinated individual is exposed to a strain in the wild it reboosts their vax induced non-neutralizing antibodies regardless of whether they get booster shots, a doom loop we can only beat by putting everyone on antivirals for 6 weeks, chemoprophylaxis

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Chemo? That’s the worst poison ever created!

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Not chemo, antivirals

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Then what is chemoprophylaxis?

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OK that explains something he said in his latest SS post. Does he specifically state which antivirals? Evusheld or Paxlovid or what?

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That is how I understand it as well. You did good job explaining a very complex situation. Geert is getting better at explaining as well.

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I have read some of his predictions, but it appears the future of the unjabbed is also uncertain? Any major effects to consider in your opinion. Thanks for the summary, by the way.

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That is what I am counting on. I was double vaxxed in December 2020 and Jan 21 with other HCW. I wish I knew then what I know now. I got a very mild case in Jan 22. No boosters for me.

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A question from a vaccinated friend got me thinking. She asked, "How did you know?" That is precisely the point. I didn't. Now I could say I read a lot by smart people. I could say I know from experience how to read study results, even when I don't understand all the chemistry or biology involved. Both are true, but in reality I made the decision not to be vaccinated before then. I came wired as a skeptic and had a gut feeling (informed intuition?) that things just didn't add up. I also come wired to be stubborn which has required me to accept the consequences of my decisions whether I am right or wrong. I didn't KNOW anything that any American adult couldn't have known. I was just stubborn enough to trust my own common sense and got lucky this time.

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Intuition, the 2nd brain’s innate intelligence. A gut feeling. There were so many red flags that I don’t know how anybody fell for it.

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“Imagine a vaccine so safe you have to be forced to take it for a disease so deadly you have to be tested to know you have it! “

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That is quote of the year so far: I could'nt have put it better myself! Bravo.

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Book ‘em, Danno!

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Now I have H-FIVE-O song stuck in my head :)

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Straight over the heads of anyone younger than say, 45?

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Who loves ya baby!

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Love that tune!

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LOL...so true Danno!

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Says it all.

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Critical thinking. A GOD given thing available to all IF they choose to use it

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Anyone with a high-school level knowledge of biology, and history (to recognize propaganda) should have been suspicious. Critical thinking is the key to unlocking that knowledge.

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The ability to use this gift is in every child. I remember resisting big time when young when I felt conned or deceived. Like all things it must be practiced and utilized always and often

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Agree 100%- this ability is innate in every child. I've wondered for a long time- how has our education system managed to suppress it? So many people seem completely lacking in common sense, or the ability to question what they are told. How have they done this?

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VER Y good question! For sure some of it is the manipulation of young minds to make them believe they are a bad person-kid if they think a certain way which offends another. No diff then than the commiecRAT strategy of trying to ostracize the non injected as some sort of Leper in the scamdemic OR pitting neighbor against neighbor. Just thinking out loud with your questioning. Thoughts?

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I think critical thinking is acquired. Intuition is God-given for sure.

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since nature is by nature intuitive is it not? I mean all life probably has an intuition in it's own way whether plant or animal

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I like that notion...makes intuitive sense :)

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I’m afraid some don’t even know what it is! Sad!

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It’s been programmed out of them, on purpose.

“Don’t trust your gut instincts, trust us…blah, blah, blah”

by the Biggest vehicle of propaganda, the boob tube!!

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Yup! (SMH)

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I didn’t become a sceptic until it was mandated. And I wanted to protect my elderly relatives. The Happy Vaccine valley was pushed so hard. Will never get boosted.

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There’s a way to edit by clicking on the … next to Collapse ☺️I dictate my comments and they always come out wrong so I have to end up editing them and then sometimes I add extra sentences. Lol!

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yes, the protecting my elderly mom was a consideration but that turned out to be a lie also.

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🙏🏼🙏🏼You did the best with what you knew and now you know better, Gwen.

I think we’ve been lied to on most things since the day we were born!

Time for a New World to be birthed, not a new world order!

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Thanks! I am grateful that my husband, my daughter and her boyfriend all didn't submit based on info that I provided.

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For me, it was obvious everyone - - from public health leaders to the general population - - was behaving irrationally.

No way I was going to trust them on the jabs.

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My favorite was, walk into a restaurant with a mask on, then sit down and take it off. Same with swimming pools. Absurd! My family members all bought into it, including my highly educated M&A attorney, former husband. We all went out to dinner for one of my daughter’s birthday and I almost imploded. I refused to wear the mask to walk outdoors and sit at an outdoor table to take it off 😂🤣

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I recall seeing that paddle boarder off the coast of California, out in the ocean all alone, arrested for violating the lockdowns. Pure insanity.

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Amazing how many people lost their sanity or rather their ability to think!!!!

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It was a psychological operation. A military level mind control, imho. I haven’t watched TV in 17 years. It’s a propaganda machine, just like in the communist countries. I think we’re a communist country now.

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They spent obscene amounts of our 💰 using it against us in an *unprecedented*, highly sophisticated psy-op/propaganda campaign.

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I don’t think it was that sophisticated. Many of us didn’t buy into it.

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They can make fearful people do anything. Faith over fear.

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I think it was on Joe Rogan (?) that the British confession of deploying psy-ops was discussed. All I could think was “how crazy I would sound” if I mentioned this “in polite company” so to speak.

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UK Govt awarded a massive covid messaging contract to a giant public relations or advertising firm. I’ll try to dig up the name and amount. As I remember, it was somewhat early days and seemed a bit “peculiar.”

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Thank you!

I think we all have to stop following these stupid rules.

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That was and still is the most bizarre thing I’ve witnessed - or wearing it under your nose. Really???!!! Lol

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A vaccine so effective they had to force people to take it.

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I started with the thought "let's just wait and see what happens, this vaccine is so new". Then I started reading more information and the same - even though I didn't understand all the technical information, it didn't sound good. Good for you for holding out! Us too - you are not alone!

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That's exactly what happened to me. My husband got the first shot, but I said I'm waiting. Then I heard Peter McCullough, Ivor Cummins, Bret Weinstein, Robert Malone, Steve Kirsch, Pierre Kory, and others and started reading Alex, RFK, Igor Chudov, eugyppius, Jessica Rose etc. . . . I'm so thankful for all those brave and very intelligent dissenters. (He didn't get the second shot!)

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Bret Weinstein's assessment of the "safety" of the shots was right on the money. I remember him saying that there was no way for "them" to know that the shots were safe because the shots simply hadn't been around long enough to know that. It was literally impossible. He said "if you walk into a room with a gun on the table and you fire the gun at your head and nothing happens, there is no bullet in the chamber, you may be alive but what you did wasn't safe." There was no way that putting novel shots into the arms of every human being on the planet after less than 1 year of testing was ever safe. It could have worked out okay. But that never made it safe.

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Prof. Weinstein's appearance of Joe Rogan was important & valuable for sorting through the nonsense that was spewed during this "pandemic." His podcast, with his wife, is now one of my favorites.

Most recently Prof. Heying is speaking common sense about this "transgenderism" nonsense.

The only good that has come from this "pandemic" is the Intellectual Dark Web.

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Ok, I’m always a day late and a dollar short BUT, what is the Intellectual Dark Web. I have a stupid stamp on my forehead.

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The Intellectual Dark Web is an unofficial collection of public intellectuals. Eric Weinstein (Bret's brother--and another genius) essentially christened this group of amazing people into this group. Joe Rogan is one; along with the Weinstein Brothers and Bret's wife Heather Heying.

I think Jordan Peterson, too.

Bari Weiss wrote a feature story about them--search on her name + IDW, and it should come up.

Funny thing: I started reading commentaries/interviews with these folks, and then--months later--I 'discovered' they comprise the IDW.

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It's the NYTimes--so there's a limited number of no-charge views.

See if that works.

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I started on Darkhorse because I never believed for a minute that the Wuhan lab wasn’t implicated. And BW and HH were some of the only people publicly dissenting … and the rest is history, as they say.

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And their podcast has been "defunded" for their trouble.

That's criminal--but they are heroes, IMO.

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Yes, the suppression of lab leak was an early clue.

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And let's not forget that nearly everyone who was healthy and under 80 was recovering from COVID. Who's going to take an experimental jab with unknown consequences to prevent something with a 99.95% recovery rate?

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So many of the people who got the jabs had no clue what the actual mortality rate was. I asked a friend of mine at one point what she thought the fatality rate was for a healthy 65 year old (about her age) who got Covid. She said 30%. Of course, she got 4 jabs. And got Covid twice.

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Crimes against humanity. A lot of unsuspecting people, who wanted to do the right thing, took those shots.

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I blame mostly msm for this. They were not reporting the actual mortality rate. They were having you believe you’d most surely die if you caught Covid and reported mostly on positive cases and we all know now that many of the deaths weren’t from Covid but with Covid and some most likely not at all.

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How about whispering Biden? Shushhhhh “Get the vaccine.”

There were so many red flags that should’ve warned people that this was a Psyop. Everyone needs to take responsibility for their decisions and their own health and well-being. Maybe that’s the biggest lesson from this catastrophe.

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Whenever I mentioned the 99+% recovery rate to defend my unvaxxed status, few believed me. Some asked me where I was getting my information. When I said the CDC they were in disbelief. Instead of going to the CDC website (where the numbers were hard to find) most relied on 'fact checking' sites, which twisted the statistics fit the narrative. Arguing with such people is a waste of time.

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Same here. I got off Facebook and Instagram because I couldn’t stand the level of stupidity anymore and I was tired of being fact checked and put in Facebook jail. People were in a mind control trance!

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"Got Covid twice" so far

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I was initially skeptical because the COVID playbook was so similar to the Climate Change playbook. The authorities proclaimed the vaccines "safe and effective" and all other treatments were suppressed and banned. With Climate Change, the authorities proclaimed human CO2 emissions to be the cause of catastrophic warming and all arguments to the contrary were suppressed.

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Same here. I’m really glad, now, that a deep dive into “global warming” opened my eyes circa 2012 to all the suppression and banning of critical divergent views when a narrative is being promoted. But ha, don’t forget the models that predicated MASSIVE deaths (just as the temperature models hugely overshoot) — so I was dismissive of those, as well. And the earlier temperature data manipulations by NOAA and NASA opened my eyes to the gross manipulation of data by government institutions.

Now, I’ve done a deep dive into vaccinations in general... oh my god. There’s no way I will EVER be injected again. SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) and now SADS... the gaslighting continues.

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And with infant jabs now, SIDs will go through the roof

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That’s one of my worries. It may seem callous, but I think there’s now enough data out there to show jabbing these young kids for Covid is not wise. IMO, it’s just child abuse.

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They didn’t count on people having an immune system!

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By the time the jabs were rolled out, I had already had Covid, so I figured I’d just wait and see how this will all go. Early on tho, I was listening to a radio show when a guy called in to say that both he and his wife had had Covid. She, because she worked in a lab, went on to be vaccinated while he didn’t. They then checked their antibodies. Her natural ones were gone, all she had were the antibodies from the vaccine; his natural antibodies remained. That one call answered a question I had: if I get vaccinated, will my natural immunity be overwritten by something else? It seems the answer is yes. I did have Omicron as well. Both times were mild and gave me an excuse to binge watch TV.

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I watched Plandemic and followed the Disinformation Dozen in May 2020. I knew they were telling the truth. Two friends of mine, both Harvard grads thought I was crazy. They both took the shots. I started learning about the adverse effects of childhood vaccines 30 years ago when I had my second daughter. I’ve never taken a flu shot, I don’t take any medications. I do not buy into the system.

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Jun 16, 2022
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I gave birth to my last three daughters without a doctor! Last two were born at home.

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Your last sentence……..chuckle.

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I remember hearing about a study, many years ago, about "problem" hospital patients, and how they seemed to fare better with better outcomes and recovery, then those "well-mannered" patients that blindly followed whatever protocol was offered. I can't find anything about it online and I think this was decades ago, but basically, the more a patient questions treatment and takes personal responsibility for their own health and well-being, the better off they are.

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There's a few studies describing this general phenomenon. And I see it all the time with friends and family. The passive ones accept everything told to them, never get a second opinion, never ask for better tests that might be available, passively wait for a referral which might take a long time, don't bother to find out if a specialist is any good, etc. I'd almost say that they seem happy to pretty much know nothing about their condition other than it's name. No wonder they do worse overall.

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I remember that long-ago study! Don’t remember the details... but I do remember the overall finding that the grouchy/ mean/ problem patients fared better.

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I personally was scolded by a neurosurgeon wannabe (she could not afford the education so she worked for one) and listened to her do the same to the patient in the room next to me the following night...we questioned WTH was given to us to make us sweat like we never have before. Well, amongst other things we both complained about. Disgusting. I had already learned the only person who will advocate for me is me. Maybe an authentic nurse who actually does her/his job well and has an actual beside manner. Thus, I am a thorn in the side of medical people who could truly give two sh!ts about me.

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Probably removed along with a ron of other important health information when a certain someone was in charge for eight years and believed in another four. It's amazing how well all those trojans worked.

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My first clue was when they closed the parks, beaches, playgrounds and even took off the basketball hoops. Meanwhile liquor stores and pot shops were open. Immediately I lost any trust in these people. After they shut down early treatment, that was it.

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Gotta respect the honesty of this assessment. I would like to think that as I listened to various sources of information, I was better able to assess which were the most credible than most people. All of us here obviously have that in common. It really helped to be skeptical by nature.

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Yes! me too!

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I'm coming from exactly the same place. The whole COVID lockdown mania, and subsequent mask mania, had a surreal feel to it. I smelled BS watching the media and nearly every institution march in goose-step with the "experts", while ignoring real science and suppressing legitimate objections. The sudden EUA vaccine rollout was equally suspicious. Uh uh, YOU go ahead and be the guinea pigs, I'll trust my immune system, thank you. A billion years of evolution wasn't for naught.

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Well said.

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I wrote about this a while back, trying to figure out why some people seemed to be immune to the BS. I think it's a healthy distrust of authority (typically for good reason), along with a desire to see the information yourself. In the case of covid, the official information from official sources contradicted the official narrative.


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Agree! Your Substack commenters mention childhood and formative years experiences. The gaslighting and emotional manipulation was the red flag for me. If you've ever experienced either/both, you recognize it immediately. Then the blacklisting of highly credentialed experts, word-for-word fear announcements on the same MSM channels, jabbing of the "control group", and other miscellaneous illogical theatrical contradictions just served to cement my opinion this was/is an advancement of mind control.

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The Iraq war did it for me. When 9/11 happened I was reading a book about the Middle East. It didn't take that deep of dive to realize the war was bullocks. You could tell Colin Powell was lying, in both his body movements and voice. Whatever happened to "Question Everything?" For some reason today that makes you a heretic.

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Same for me.... I had just come back from the Middle East in the Spring of 2001. The whole WMD crap was so obvious. With both COVID and Iraq, both sides of the aisle had to work together to push this BS through.... They may act like they disagree, but the swamp is real...

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Yep! I often say that the 'experts' called me unpatriotic for opposing Iraq, and I haven't cared what they've said about me since. If anything, they've given me MORE reason to distrust them since!

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The mind control they rolled out to push the war in Iraq was small potatoes compared to what they've got going now. Millions of people voluntarily put Ukrainian flags all over their social media and blindly accepted the war propaganda. Insane.

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It's insane. Somebody merged the Ukraine flag with LBGTQ+ rainbow flag. This is waaay beyond "out of control". Or is it? Hmmmm....

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I homeschooled my kids thirty years ago, so I had mostly skepticism or disdain for the educational "experts." That has carried me through these last two years, as I realized the public health and medical "experts" were no better, and perhaps even worse.

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There are many things we did not know, but we did know that the so-called authorities did not know what they claimed.

"Safe and effective" for whom and for how long? With no testing of many risk groups (the pregnant and nursing among them), and a few weeks to a few months follow-up at most?

Also, it used to be that "safe and effective" could only be applied to fully FDA approved drugs and vaccines. An EUA, by definition, is (or used to be) only issued for something that has not been shown to be safe and effective.

So much corruption, so little time.

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Truer words…………..

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Me? Personal, lifelong fear of needles and, catching a video of my Pandemic Hero, Mike Yeadon. He was warning us from the start.

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This is where it’s ok to answer a question with a question: “Why did you NOT know?”

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Oooooh, thought provoking. This calls for an aspirin.

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It's impossible to know if a vaccine is safe with no long term studies. That's a major reason I initially decided to put off getting it. As the pressure began to mount at my hospital last year I would always say, "if the long term safety data comes back looking good in five years, let me know and I might be interested".

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(context: in this part of the world the guinea pig is raised carefully to provide a tasty and nutritious element of diet, and it's one of the safest forms of meat on the planet)

Our brother(-in-law) asked why we weren't vaxed & my dearest told him we're waiting to see how the clinical trials pan out: so he says, "so I'm the guinea pig then?" and she goes, "Yup".

I had in mind that the mountain people of South America had a bit more sense than the results of the vax propaganda seem to indicate. (Of course, the Ministry of Health data base administrators may be funding their new beach condos, but that's probably a slur.. were I still a DBA and working there, I guess I'd have walked, got a bit of a track record for that).

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So true. I feel like I am smart and discerning but at the end of the day, nothing smelled right.

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Oooooh……I like your way of thinking. I call what you’re describing, Native Intelligence , and your good judgement based on a whole lot of common sense. In other words, if you don’t follow your gut, you’ll pay the price. You were probably born that way and that’s a good thing.

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Love your work, Alex! However, this is not correct:

"While antibodies are the first line of defense against infection and try to clear the virus from the bloodstream, T-cells are the crucial second line. "

Antibodies are thought by many immunologists and virologists to be a last-line of defence, immature and incomplete response of the body to infection - only after either all other options have proven ineffective or a person's immune system is so suppressed and dysfunctional, only antibodies are left.

This is why NO vaccine has ever been able to prevent or control an infectious disease and why those who are vaccinated against any infection are still not only able to be infected but in many cases, are more susceptible. Did you think this only happened with the COVID non-vaccine jabs? It might be time to look at the chequered and shameful history of vaccination since the late 1770s - you will see a very different picture of the history of this 'lifesaving' procedure.

We have known since the ground-breaking research of Dr Merrill Chase in the 1940s that the presence of antibodies - even at very high levels - does not indicate immunity since those with antibodies can still be infected and those without can have active virus and bacteria in their nose and throat and yet display no symptoms of infection at all.

Vaccines are an ancient and ineffective answer to an even more ancient problem of infectious disease that, at the time they were developed, had already been answered by improved hygeine, better nutrition and increased living standards.

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You are so right. I read a wonderful essay on how improved sanitation and more attention to hygiene was actually the reason for lower rates, and even eradications, of many infectious diseases. The medical establishment including Pharma have intentionally deceived the public in so many ways for decades. My trust in medicine is completely shattered after the Covid farce.

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That is the silver lining in the COVID cloud - that it has woken up so many people - including many doctors and scientists - to the lies they have believed about how medicine has been a saviour. There are two books that I would highly recommend to anyone wanting to look at the history of how vaccination and medicine have taken credit for good they did not participate in and have literally caused a holocaust with their poisonous and ineffective treatments for over 200 years.

Dissolving Illusions by Dr Suzanne Humphries and Roman Bystrianyk

and Bodily Matters: The Anti-Vaccination Movement in England, 1853-1907 by Nadja Durbach

Both of these show a clear and irrefutable picture of how we have been so fooled for so long and why we have forgotten the past, leading to increasingly sick and weak children and adults today.

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So here I am reading along this thread and minding my own business when what should pop up on my phone but this garbage:

Texas Children's Pediatrics now has appointments available beginning Friday, June 24 to provide COVID-19 vaccines for children 6 months and older. Schedule today:

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Criminals and child abusers. That what popped into my mind when I read this. If only parents would do their own research and not fall for this medical lies! 😭

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Mine as well. Not sure I will ever get a vaccine again, especially the yearly flu.

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I will never get a flu shot again. I am angry that i let my kids get their routine vaccines and flu. Hell no from start to covid vaxx. It never made sense, the more i tried to understand, the more obvious the lies became.

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"improved hygeine, better nutrition and increased living standards."

Indeed. Public Health and Hygiene.

The First Line!

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Engineers are the real heroes in the fight against death from infections - doctors played no role in this at all - except to increase our risk of harm, sadly.

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So glad to see you on Substack, Meryl. You have known the above for decades. I also gently corrected Alex on this topic, but that comment is buried deep in the 300+ comments here. Yes, antibodies may not show up for weeks, long after the innate immune system has been quite busy defeating viral infection. Subscribing to your Informed Choice page now.

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I agree with your criticism of Alex's statement. I'm not so sure they are a "last line of defense".

My suspicion -- and this is a layman's suspicion -- is that innate immunity is always the first line of defense, whether one has been infected before or not. If not, it is innate immunity that saves your life or makes you well. There isn't anything else on first exposure.

I think antibodies are a memory of an encounter and provide for a more efficient response upon future encounters. I think the innate and adaptive immune systems are far more integrated than the "academic" distinction between them suggests. And it is now recognized innate immunity is "trainable" as well. The whole system is built with a bias toward flexibility.

I've been strongly influenced by Christine Stabell Benn's thinking on "non-specific effects" of vaccination. (See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_d8PNlXHJ48). And unsurprisingly, live attenuated vaccines do better at enhancing health than inactivated vaccinations. They more closely mimic a real-life encounter (and hence hold some level of risk).

Just my 2 cents.

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All vaccines, are an assault on the immune system, is what I learned 30 years ago. A baby’s immune system is not even allowed to develop before they start injecting it with neurotoxic, chemical vaccines. And we wonder why we have the sickest population in a developed nation? It is not by accident. It is by design, and not the Creator’s!

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Hi there, @LA_Bob. Now, another 'good' thing about the whole COVID situation is the fact that for the first time in many, many years, I was forced to stay home and during that time, I actually did an incredible amount of reading and thinking - life sort of stopped so research took over :-) And I came to understand something that people have been pushing at me forever! and I was resisting: Namely what I consider to be the fact that though viruses and exosomes exist, they have never been shown to be pathogenic. Nor have bacteria when they are kept in balance. In fact, our bodies consist of more viruses, bacteria, fungi and other so-called pathogens then human cells (read the book 10% human - mind blowing!)

So though I do believe that there might be a body that can be seen under an electron microscope that we call COVID-19, it has never been shown - even remotely - to be the cause of any condition, infection or symptoms. Never. Nor has what we call the measles virus or HIV or any of these other things we vaccinate against. We have been sold a bill of goods and we have fallen for it.

I have researched this issue for over 30 years and have only just - in the last 2 years - finally gotten it through my thick skull that I needed to let go of my prejudices towards this subject and start examining them with an open mind. Listening to Dr Andy Kaufman and Dr Tom Cowan and reading their information has been really helpful.

So the whole idea of antibodies, innate immunity, etc takes on a different light to me than it would have in the past. And though I still catch myself talking about these things as though they cause disease, I actually believe that all infections and all symptoms are actually the result of toxicity. And since all drugs and vaccines are toxic, rather than curing or treating - they simply suppress or further poison. It took a long time to get here. I don't expect anyone to agree with me. Just putting it out there for discussion :-)

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Terrain Theory. My grandmother proved this for me in hindsight. She was 58 when I was born. She looked after my siblings and I when we emigrated from Cuba. In her 60s and 70s she was my main caretaker and never caught anything I had. I had chronic tonsillitis and Upper respiratory infections as a young child and later in my teens, I had mono, strep and lots of illness. She never once got sick. She had a healthy terrain/microbiome, probably little to no vaccinations. She never took a flu shot, never had invasive diagnostics or bloodwork done and she didn’t take any medications. She lived a vibrant life until her mid-90’s, died at 99 1/2. She was married to an Orthopedic Surgeon and understood the human body.

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I love reading experiences like this, Myriam! Thank you for sharing and yes, if we look after our terrain, only good things will grow. What was it Pasteur supposedly said on his deathbed - pasteur ce n'est pas la graine c'est le sol - it's not the seed, it's the soil. If we had listened back then and relegated the germ theory to the graveyard, many other people might have had long, healthy lives like your grandmother did.

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I read that about Pasteur. Of course they covered it up. I first learned about the microbiome in 2013 I believe at an integrative physician’s symposium that I found my way into. It blew my mind wide open!

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My pleasure, Meryl. She was the first love of my life. I love writing about her.

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The immune system is complex and brilliant! I’m not an Immunologist either, but I studied Functional Nutrition where we learned about every system in the body in depth and I did a training in Integrative Oncology. When given the right conditions, the body can heal. Psychoneuroimmunology also comes in to play. Your mind can be a powerful ally!

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Thanks for some fresh air.

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Jun 16, 2022
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I love your comment, John. Some of the least-informed and most brainwashed people I know hold a PhD or an MD. You don't need a degree to be able to understand science. In fact, in many cases, that degree makes it very difficult for you to question the orthodoxy. And questioning orthodoxy is the basis and backbone of REAL science. You might want to try it some time.

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Poppycock! Everyone knows these vaccines are the most safest and effective in the history of man kind. They’re so safe and effective that all dissenting data and opinions have been buried and banned (for your safety).

Thank you big tech, big pharma, and big government for caring so much about us little people. How would us simpletons be able to process information and make our own choices without your mandated guidance.


Average Joe Blow America

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Yes, it’s pure balderdash! After hearing “safe and effective” a thousand times, it became very clear these injections were most assuredly “safe and effective.”

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My favorite was a commercial with a couple high-ranking AZ officials:

1: "Get the vaccine, it's safe and effective!"

2: "And if it's been 6 months since your last vaccine, get a booster!"

Literally back to back lines stating the jab was effective and then claiming you needed another one after six months.

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How about the commercial "Thank you Mom, for caring for me and loving me and getting me vaccinated ". Puhleeze.

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I didn't hear that one, but I did hear the one where a guy's friends convinced him that it was safe because they all got it.

I'm old enough to remember when public ads were ANTI peer-pressure.

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This grotesque bit of scientific illiteracy and lies is running constantly on TV in Pennsylvania. Sickening. I think the number of people buying it is falling daily. At my hospital almost all of my high fear, CNN watching, vax fans have fallen silent and are retuning to normalcy. Most have had covid following shot 3 or 4. Reality slowly settling in.


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Or maybe the "docile gene" is setting in. Nobody wants to admit they are wrong.

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Just when will the average GP wake up and show real courage in fighting this CON? I know some are, but not most and understand the "pressure" they are under from Hospital admin and Pharma, buttttt

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How the media and those responsible for such deception are NOT held accountable is surreal considering the ramifications on life itself

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All must be held accountable!! Including the advertising companies!!

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and 'we are all in this together" BS we are!

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That propaganda BS infuriates me almost as much as “wear a mask to save grandma.” We definitely are not in this together. Always remember that while small businesses were forced to shut down, large corporations like Walmart and Home Depot thrived. Apparently Covid couldn’t be spread or caught at large businesses or social justice riots, I mean peaceful protests.

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There are problems, sure, but nothing a 5th dose and a round of Paxlovid can't handle.

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"As long as it does not mutate to become more dangerous, vaccine advocates can continue to pretend that the billion-person clinical trial of 2021 is not ending catastropically." Sounds I like should short smug futures.

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How does something lifeless mutate?

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It does so via a mysterious and little-known process which can only be discovered using PCR tests with a cycle threshold of 45 or more.

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Warp Speed was a red flag for me...

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I still remember that DAY in May of 2020 when Trump announced it. I literally was screaming at the TV WTF!

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I was a couple months ahead of you. I was doing the WTF scream at the TV the day in March when he announced the country was essentially CLOSING for two weeks "to flatten the curve." I knew in that moment that no matter what happened with the virus, the USA was entering a dark and dangerous time.

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yeah right...TWO weeks "to flatten the curve" Now this morning the brazen Teflon coated Fauci asking for $$$billions$$$ more from congress 2.5 year later. That is a bit more than two weeks.

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Being older has many advantages. Really. When they rolled the whole thing out with such an incredibly backwards approach to best health practices, my guard went up. They trashed good doctors. They laughed and scorned early on at the Great Barrington Declaration which seemed to at least be aiming, for the most part, in the right direction. Hmmm. They cajoled and sweetened the jab offers with all kinds of ridiculous things. And then they pressured and then they mandated all over the whole world. For a survivable virus for most people, even a good number of elderly. You could almost sense the evil and hate behind it early on. Too weird. Too different in the way it was all handled. From the start, my husband and I (ages 70) determined we would not jump on that train.

Finally got a medium case of Omricon in Jan of this year. After mixing and mingling and traveling and shopping etc, we were glad to have developed some natural antibodies and T cells. As many would say, guess we’re in the control group.

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My husband and I are right there with you. From the beginning, things just did not feel right/make sense. It’s been the strangest time of my life.

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Same here. Smelled a rat from the get-go. When they threw a great doc under the bus for reporting the low infection fatality rate I realized the con was on. What shocked me the most was that most people bought it - despite the fact that there is ample evidence (historically) of our government lying to us. And I thought everyone knew the CDC was extremely corrupt. (even pre-Covid) Don't get me started on Big Pharma. I am still banned from attending work in person.

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I (along with my entire live in family) got Covid when they all returned from Oahu.

I was the last and finally on Mother’s Day I came down with it. No respiratory. Skin super sensitive. Felt like a bad acid trip for a week. Pos. on the at home tests. Took IVM and Hydroxychloroquine plus zinc etc.

Have no idea if it was Omicron or Alpha or Delta😱.

Just hope I have immunity now.

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When your friend who stopped talking to you asks you to resend the data you sent 2 yrs ago. 🤓

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"BREAKING NEWS: CDC launches sneak attack; the ACIP will meet TOMORROW (Friday, June 17) and Saturday, June 18 to extend the mRNA Final Solution to little kids"


The url contains the email addresses of everyone we need to contact about this "surprise" meeting.

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Can see why they want injections in kids as soon as possible don't we

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It is biologically extremely difficult for viruses to mutate in live hosts to become more dangerous. The fight or flight reality of biology means that viruses are either strong enough to kill off their hosts and therefore fight (and don't spread), or they aren't, and they flight very quickly, thus viruses become less dangerous as the evolve. That said, mutations of the original Sars-CoV-2 coronavirus strand are almost certainly entirely extinct at this point. "Omicron" is much more likely to be a mutation of a of an entirely different originating strand of coronavirus given how different they are structurally. Given this, it is highly unsurprising that the "vaccine" offers no protection, but that makes it more concerning that unrelated "vaccine" immunity is biasing future immunity, though that is the premise of original antigenemic sin, even for completely different families, and classes, of viruses, so probably should have been expected. This isn't the first medicine we've given that didn't help, and it isn't the first medicine we've given that made things worse, and it won't be the last. We can't save everyone from themselves, but continuing to educate and challenge people to actually read the studies and understand the impact their medical decisions may have is extremely important to giving people that care the knowledge they need to make more informed decisions.

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You make virus, a lifeless residue, sound like it can suddenly become alive.

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Great article on the characteristics of viruses - https://www.sciencenews.org/article/viruses-alive-coronavirus-definition - and how they mutate and evolve. “They have the potential for action and that potential can extinguished.” In essence, they are alive while in living cells and dead once outside a living cell…

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Wow, the amazing fact for me is that most Brits are vaxxed and boosted. What a shame! Why did they just robotically line up and not question the way-too-rapid roll out of these supposed vaccines? I just don’t get it. Is it because it’s socialized medicine so let’s be the first to get a vax before they run out? I’m not an anti vaxxer (well, becoming one but haven’t been one up until the last 10 months) but still questioned getting something shot into my body that I had no info on. I felt that after the over 70 group were the ones dying of COVID infection initially (due to some reckless handling of nursing homes), the virus was probably not as bad as indicated with a 98.8% survival rate for many. It makes me sick how many people became vulnerable to their government’s byline. These people must pay at some point for beguiling the public.

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It was so sad to watch the "Collective" EU (and Brexit!) folks line up like docile cattle for their jabs. There were outspoken outliers but the unelected bureaucrats at the EU system have quietly smothered that kind of thought process for decades (generations). Apart from GB and EU, Australia, China, Japan, Singapore, Canada many did the same. Not a full list. Common denominator: a scary trust in bureaucracy which controls the news. Or just scared of the ramifications of bureaucracy. If you hand over your freedom to the Gubmint, you pay a price. Benjamin Franklin once said: "Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." The Founding Fathers foresaw times like this, or they experienced it and history repeats itself.

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I suspect it's because the PsyOps were run better in the UK. The UK government invests a lot of money in that kind of stuff. In other countries, like Spain, the population had a great trust for the health care officials and got vaccinated because these people said so.

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Makes sense!

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Not sure this is true. Originally media said 5m Brit’s we’re unvaxxed but it turns out it’s actually close to 20m.

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So sorry🙏🏼🙏🏼

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Jun 16, 2022
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What I do appreciate about Israel is that they have continued to publish valid and truthful information on their Covid experience, despite their huge push to get everyone jabbed. The Israelis and Scandinavians are the only ones I trust to do this anymore.

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This is why they need a 'new' version of the vax for Omi -- and also why they stopped rolling through the alphabet and now everything is a subvariant of Omi: They don't want you to know that the shots they're going to roll out are already worthless because Omi was 25 variants ago.

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Unvaccinated and had Delta June of 2021. My 2x Pfizer vaxxed wife caught Omnicron in Jan of 2022. We shared same bedroom 4 days until covid confirmed and I was fine. No sickness at all. Most people I know who had Omnicron were double and triple vaccinated.

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I had the wild or Alpha version in early February 2021. My wife got her first Moderna shot about 10 days before I became symptomatic (never boosted). We actually slept together two nights even though we knew I possibly had covid. After I tested positive she slept in the third bedroom. I stayed in our bedroom for the next 10 days or so. She would bring me food, always masked, during this time and she never got sick. Neither of us tested positive for Omicron even though we both felt sick this past December. After I got well I started asking questions about when/if I should get vaxxed. I was told by my pharmacist to wait at least six months even though the recommendation was I should have gotten it 90 days later. Fortunately, I did a lot of reading during those 6 months, including learning about Alex. I have not gotten the vax and as research has shown my immunity is clearly superior to the vaxed. The point here is that while this jab has a pretty bad profile not everyone who has received it will necessarily suffer these consequences. Everything in life is a risk-benefit analysis. The problem was, in the early days of the rollout, finding those credible contrary voices was damn near impossible. On a humorous note, the other day I walked past a house with a high flag pole topped by the Stars and Stripes and underneath a flag that said "ARREST FAUCI For Crimes Against Humanity". Made my day.

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Same scenario for me. My wife is vaxxed and boosted . Similar things happened. This scenario seems common, unvaxxed husband but vaxxed wife. Why?

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For the record, I'm an unjabbed wife who leaned hard (successfully, thankfully) on husband not to take the shots. We both got Omicron in January this year, and jumped on my ivermectin stash immediately. Illness lasted about 4 days for him, about 7 for me, though I did feel unusually tired for about a month. All was back to normal by mid-February, with no lingering symptoms, and so far, no re-infection.

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good thing the fauc has 4 clot shots. wonder what wrecking the immune system means with regards to other diseases, and cancer?

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I don’t believe he’s had any shots. If you lie about one thing, you can lie about everything, imho.

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Highly doubt he has ever taken any injections...especially the mRNA. Just virtue signal as "most" all commiecRATS like to do..

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i'm going to assume from this point forward that all public announcements of covid are, in fact, actually monkeypox

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Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi stated all of this was a huge possibility in a you tube video with Dr. Mercola, in early 2021. There is a video of him going into the details of the T-cells and B-Cells and more. Here's the link:


Dr. Bhakdi is one smart guy... check out his resume.

Second point. Studies vaccine, unvaxxed and covid need to be divided into may columns: 1. Unvaxxed, never covid 2. unvaxxed, then covid positive, 3.Vaxxed 1, then covid +, 4. Vaxxed 2, then covid, etc, etc. You could continue with this multiple timesfor one person!: vaxxed, vaxxed, covid, boosted, covid, boosted, covid again!

A very interesting study would be of UnVaxxed, covid negative when they have lived with our been around covid positive people for a long period of time. Why - what is it that prevented covid from taking hold? My husband tested positive... I never got it. My neighbor's husband tested positive, wife & 3 daughters never got it.

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So many peeps "in the know" called this out long ago didn't they. All conspiracy theories...yeah right!

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