This ukraine thing is politics. Politics are the mind control that the elites have successfully wielded to greatly weaken us by turning us against one another. No one in Washington is on our side - they've made this abundantly clear. Rather, they all want us at each others throats so they may conquer us.

The vaccine agenda is a control system being implement world-wide by Davos, and this is what we need to be aware of and fight back against, not one another. Not vaxx vs anti-vaxx or Republican vs. Democrat, no—together we need to fight the WEF who have made no secret of the fact that they want to enslave us.

These forces we are up against cannot be overcome if we keep allowing them to divide and conquer us. Yes we were wronged by our families and friends, but this was by the elite's malicious design. We MUST let go of our pride and resentments and unite together or we stand no chance.

Our adversaries know this, which is why they've been fighting tooth and nail to poison the wells we share of comradery, fellowship, and family--they've been doing anything and everything they can to decimate the ties that bind us together.

I will not let them get away with this. I will not turn against my friends and family and let these evil creatures have their way. No one else should fall for this obvious cheap trick, either.

"We must learn to live together as brothers or we will perish together as fools." -Martin Luther King Jr.

United we will stand. Divided we will fall.

Please share this EVERYWHERE, time is not on our side:


A some work has gone into this project, I implore you to share it.

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Ukraine is the Hill the NWO / WEF have chosen to make their next stand. Anything short of Nuclear War will upset the Globalists plan. Let's hope the globalists lose this one.

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Where are the Globalists going to hide in a nuclear holocaust? Just asking cause I'm making vacation plans...

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Musk is working on a Mars rocket, maybe he can hurry it along. . .

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He’s too busy making EV’s for our new climate controlled world

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Apparently on the eastern side of the Southern Alps in NZ. So you should watch for private jets into Christchurch or Queenstown or possibly other airfields here. Some rumours (only one source not sure if reliable) that they've built an underground hospital here at Omarama.

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THIS ^^^^^^

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You say that when Russia is trying to impose NWO Russian-Chinese style .

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I wholeheartedly agree about divide and conquer. I have been talking up and actively building community the past 16 months. Any chance I get I emphasize community and togetherness. It's the only way out.

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I agree. If Russia’s economy looked like China’s, all these woke companies leaving Russia would be saying what’s a Ukraine?

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Yes, don’t say gay politicians funded by Disney lobbyist. Woke is PR.

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How about we keep an open mind on this one? It's not like the US Deep State has told us the truth in the past. Why should it start now?

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Seriously. The immediate dismissal and censorship regarding these labs remind me of how the lab leak "theory" was treated.

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Indeed! We can't trust the Deep State-Media Complex. Not. One. Bit.

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Can’t trust Alex either. His ridiculous stance on Ivermectin, now this. His credibility is about as good as is the State Department’s.

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You forgot to include the 2020 rigged election!

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Ivermectin?? This cheap drug has helped and cured at least 8 people in my small circle of friends. You sound like a Phizer employee. I would suggest you read some legitimate studies but doubt you would.

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That fringe group disappeared like a fart in the wind.

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Don’t forget that the lab expose was by Alex’s newly chosen nemesis, none other than Dr. Robert Malone. Alex will now fight tooth and claw to discredit it.

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Alex, at least look into the US’s involvement in the 2014 coup which led to the hostile Russia-Ukraine tensions we have today. If that’s possible and at the time reported as a “democratic revolution”, couldn’t there be more to see here?

Coup documented well here with reliable sources:


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One would think that LIBTARDS here in US would be against the most WHITE SUPPREMACY and NEOFASHISM government in the world right now

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Exactly. Alex is probably going to spin the neo Nazi’s too. Just unbelievable how bad his takes are. At this point I read his sub stack for the laughs.

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Alex hasn’t gotten to the chapter on the Azov Battalion yet.

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No different from them supporting the most extreme Muslim groups as long as they help achieve their goals.

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Actually muslims are their buddies (remember islam is peaceful religion). White supremacy on the other hand is the thing they are condemning all the time, yet it's ok in Ukraine

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"they" are a very confused breed, that's for sure

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They believe it's fake news/russian propaganda. Even when I showed some people I know clips of what's happening to African, Asian and Caribbean students there, they think it's staged.

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Like the moon landing...

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One of the parties is National-Socialist, yes. It’s not explicitly who the US elevated to prime minister but we certainly increased their power.

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They took this down, but it's over on rumble. Why did they take it down?


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Our government has lied so much they are like the boy who cried "Wet Market".

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I’m like the Covidiots who are still wearing masks.....I just can’t seem to trust the media on this one .....or likely the next one.🤷‍♀️ 😷

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Too bad Russians found out ... we still can use the 'chemical weapon' card as we did in Syria though (since nothing else worked so far)

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Poor take, Alex.

A State Department official just confirmed that we are, indeed, funding "biological research" in Ukraine. She also made sure to note that it would be "very dangerous" if Russia gets hold of those specimen because they would surely release a chemical attack.

Tell me. If this was just a way to bribe ex-soviet scientists and it's a simple bio-research lab, why would a SD official claim that Russia would use those materials to stage an attack?

Apparently, when the US is involved, it's a benign research lab, but if Russia takes control all of a sudden, that benign lab turns into bioweapons.

Like, really.

Even a "useful idiot" could put two and two together from that brief exchange.

Glad you decided to leave the comments open. I hope you read this one. 😒

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While I don't want to be too tempted to fall for tin-foil hat theories, your point is the most important one. If Victoria Nuland, virtually unprompted, says these labs can be very dangerous in Russian hands, well, who else knows better? I'd also add that the Soviet Union fell in 1991. Why exactly do we have to keep these scientists employed for 32 years? Of course, not a one of them would have jumped at the chance to immigrate to either the USA or Western Europe. And of course, most, if not all, want to keep working well into retirement. Obviously we couldn't have just guaranteed pensions for the older ones, either. Nope, that wouldn't have worked.

Now it's possible that Alex is more-or-less on track, but here we are. Western institutions have spent the past few years destroying their credibility, most notably around biological research, and now they wonder why possibly crazy speculation runs rampant.

Still, there's a ton of unanswered questions, especially why Nuland is so worried about Russians capturing these officially innocuous facilities.

It's not unreasonable to speculate.

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Well... I have family who work in (mechnical) weapons labs funded by the DoD, so it's not out of the ordinary that we have hubs in other countries.

Even so, I assumed that the "Putin invaded to fight Nazis and destroy bioweapons labs because US was going to blame a new virus on them" was q-anon nonsense as well. But then, the Nazi bit turned out to be true.

So, I dug around newspaper archives and the State Department website announcements. There, I noticed that the links that would confirm or deny recent funding are dead. Some have been recovered, but the language is so vague and familiar (I've done gas research for the DoE) that I figured that yes, we are funding some shady sh*t.

Then came the carefully worded Nuland admission. Ugh.

And today, new evidence that US has been funding the Wuhan lab since at least 2017 and we actually trained some of their technicians were released as part of a FOIA request. So it's looking like the US has got some explaining to do...

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The fact that the posted an EXTREMELY vague tweet denying allegations of biological weapons labs in Ukraine didn't help the cause of credibility either.

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Exactly. It's a case of "methinks they doth protest too much".

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Today's conspiracy theories are tomorrow's truths. That's one thing I've learned over the past 6 years.

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yes they scrubbed everything but there are archives

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Exactly Why did Nuland say what she said? Misdirection? It would seem unlikely. How do we know that these labs were benign. I don't want to fall for tin-foil theories but own own government has not been forthcoming. How do we, or Alex, know what is being done in these labs. Even if benign, how do we know they cannot be turned into laboratories to develop bioweapons? The Nuland comment is not meaningless.

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Marco Rubio leading Nuland to confirm that only Russia would use biological weapons, oh I mean research, insulting our intelligence once again. We’ve all witnessed the Dems already having done whatever it is they accuse others of perpetrating.

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Read many comments about how Nuland looked truly worried or scared ... That's not how I saw it; I thought the Rubio-Nuland exchange looked staged.

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I thought the question was staged (to debunk the Russian propaganda). I thought the answer was unexpected, and Marco tried to cover for her. Now I want to know more.

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And if Russia has to develop bioweapons - they have a LOT of space within Russia to do so. They don't need to rent their neighbor's home to do it. Listen to yourself.

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Alex has no explanation for that. Keep digging Alex! You are a good reporter but wrong on this issue.

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I seriously doubt whatever research that is going on at these labs was a secret to the Russians. Using them as an excuse to attack is BS, but it doesn’t mean that there is benign work going on there. There have been a whole lotta “dual purpose” labs around like in Wuhan, despite a moratorium on certain types of research issued by the Obama administration and the introduction of the P3 framework for reviewing virus research project approval.

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Yes. So we should intervene in Ukraine with FULL force to protect these labs and stopping these things from ending up in enemy hands. Right?

Which would be the dream of the warmongers.....and which is why people like you are the ones that Alex is addressing in his post.

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Let me get this straight, the US *does* have bio weapons labs doing illegal research in Ukraine, but to avoid being a useful idiot we should pretend that they don't because if we raise an objection to it, the neocons will use that as a pretext to gin up an invasion and/or false flag in Ukraine. Sorry, I'm not limber enough for this mental gymnastics.

How about this simpler idea: the state dept, by saying they didn't want these labs to fall into Russian hands (which they certainly already have btw), are admitting that they were supporting illegal weapons research in Ukraine.

That's not a pretext for starting WW3, that's a pretext for bringing charges against whoever was setting up these labs.

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Could she have been implying that now that the Russians have uncovered the labs, and they have the bio weapons, that they will now use them?

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Excellent comment and the one I had in mind to write but find no need as you expressed my thoughts perfectly.

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It is not unreasonable to demand further information about these biolabs. It is unreasonable to state nothing to see here based upon what we know today.

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yup. If something remains unknown it's usually being covered up for some nefarious reason.

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Wondering why Newman, I mean Nuland, who could not possibly be in the position she holds without being a congenital liar somehow got caught telling the truth about this one. Spontaneous religious conversion?

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Actually, Nuland is an expert on all things Ukraine. She has been involved there for many years. If she's worried we should be too!

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Mar 11, 2022
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Good point. Alex is sometimes intellectually arrogant and condescending. I think it is a carry over from the influence of NYTimes. They know everything and are never wrong. so you are not only wrong but ignorant and probably stupid. Sometimes the other guy is right.

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Well said!

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Well obviously, Russia is anxious to get its hands on 20 or 30 year old bioweapon tech that they themselves already developed. That's why these labs can't fall into the hands of the Russians. Makes sense to me!

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Why would anyone have a 30 year old lab they kept preserved without using? I don't think that makes any sense. I think it's likely that they are still in use for people to get all worked up about them.

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Right. This makes no sense.

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And I'm sorry but if you're believing what a SD official states publicly and repeating that, then you ARE being a useful idiot.

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Somebody did not watch the Rubio/Nuland exchange

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I did not and I don't care.

Simply stated - this war is AWFUL. It was however not unprovoked due to 2014 and NATO enlargement. And the US govt can end this tomorrow if they negotiate with Russia on key terms. Which includes pledging no NATO enlargement.

But they will not. Similar to how with COVID, the idea of focused protection was always there. But never implemented because it was 'too hard' so let's fucking shut down EVERYTHING.

All these so called 'exchanges' are nothing but Grandstanding.

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"I did and I do not care."

Well, there's that.

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So you don't care enough about the topic to educate yourself on the entirety of information being debated, but you do care enough about it to voice your opinion in the comments?

The Rubio/Nuland exchange is important and relevant.

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The idiocy is coming from inside the house!!

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It is which State Dept. Official that is causing my consternation.

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Yeah, I was disappointed, but I can't say surprised, to see that ugly troll back in power. Though TBH I don't track this - maybe she never left.

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Exactly. The entire exchange doesn't even make sense. Russia doesn't need our research from Ukraine to launch a bio attack if they want to.


But Nuland’s testimony spurred the establishment into action like smashing an anthill with a baseball bat. The labs that didn’t exist just weeks ago were old news! The US doesn’t OWN the labs, so they aren’t REALLY US labs, the fact-checkers furiously report!

Take a look at the files for yourself and decide if this is simply maintenance on old labs, or if the lying liars are still lying.

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"why would a SD official claim that Russia would use those materials to stage an attack"

Well - maybe to make the threat of a Russian takeover of Ukraine all the more ominous, driving up support for US intervention and thereby full scale war.

If these are indeed dangerous - there are other ways, quieter ways, to take care of these labs and the bioweapons in there - failsafes always exist - without making a huge press release out of it.

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Also, if the point was a combination of sequestering dangerous materials and adult daycare for aging weapons designers, wouldn't destroying the materials be a good idea?

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I agree. Nuland's admission that we have bioweapon research labs in Ukraine was for a reason. She didn't make a mistake. Wasn't her last line something to the effect that if there's a biological attack it will be the Russians? So the set up is: US had dangerous bioweapon research going on in Ukraine. We are afraid of the Russians getting access to this research. (Of course we knew the minute they invaded, or that we failed at diplomacy, that the Russians would discover the labs by and by). So now the Russians have the goods. And if there is a bioweapon leak, who will be to blame? Anyone want to take a guess?

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But, couldn't they make the same blame argument without admitting the existence of US funded biolabs? They did in Syria.

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I guess so. Maybe this makes it more believable?

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Thank goodness, I cancelled my sub. Imagine paying for NYT like vibe on a substack 🤡🤡🤡

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David Frum, you said the same thing in Iraq, and I remember being told that there were "Weapons of

Mass Destruction" in Iraq, so we just had to invade. We know how that turned out.

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Is it possible that a responsible gun owner could own a whole arsenal, but if someone broke in and stole them, there would be concern?

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Alex, I have multiple degrees and am a full time partner at one of the most prestigious law firms in the world (on Wall Street). I don't know why you have to be so patronizing of those who disagree with you. It's comes off as very insecure.

We now know, as a fact, that Ukraine has 'biological research facilities' as confirmed by WEF spook Victoria Nuland.

You are very confident about what is done there. I look at the same evidence you present, and wonder how you can be so confident. You rely on regular, official sources and extrapolate from there (and make some assumptions that require the assumption of benevolence).

I am starting to tire of being insulted by someone I so actively support. I have bought multiple copies of your book and used them as gifts. I am perfectly fine with disagreement (I'm a lawyer after all). But I'm not fine with someone who insults while he opines; made more risible by the fact that you are clearly out of your area of expertise here.

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The pompous arrogance of your first sentence kind of negates the rest of your post...

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The point is that s/he isn't an idiot. Many, if not most of us, are highly educated, but with the way Alex speaks to his readers, it seems to suggest that he assumes that his audience is comprised of "useful idiots" because they support Trump and/or may be a Q-anon believers.

Alex constantly displays his liberal bias against Trump supporters and Republicans and it's not cute.

-signed a research chemist who is also liberal, living in NYC

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Exactly. Did Alex get the latest DC talk points? Mr. Expert NoItAll AB. Insulting, pompous, and cowardly. Free Speech?, freedom of thought?...yeah right Al

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I think the point of stating his (or her) credentials is to establish that this person isn't some basement dwelling incel or a Q believer. Arrogance is in the eye of the beholder.

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No, that was full-blown puffery by Perry Mason. Say it in a Thurston Howell III voice - you'll understand what I mean...

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To each his own, I guess.

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I agree with you NAB. Just don't think that it will do what he intended it to with the audience that he had in mind.

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He's just pointing out to Alex that he's not a pleb. Alex still thinks he is though.

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Haha. Ouch, Allen. You wrote what some of us were thinking. I understand the desire to establish one's bona fides. I have it too. But reading your comment will keep me in check. For that I thank you. No disrespect intended to Perry Mason. I look forward to keeping an eye out for your comments, Allen.

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I know you love smarmy sarc, but I could do with a LOT less patronizing projection. It's a big turnoff. The fact that you admit you considered disabling comments is revealing... and a good first step to admitting and correcting the problem. *face palm* Sigh... Looking forward to seeing your understanding "evolve" like Fauci's "science" when additional facts are clawed out of the dark underbelly of the deep state archives to shed more light on this issue. The only thing we agree on here is that *all* the actors involved have done horrible, evil, inexcusable acts in the name of securing power.

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"I know you love smarmy sarc, but I could do with a LOT less patronizing projections. It's a big turnoff. The fact that you admit you considered disabling comments is revealing...."

^ this. I have no idea who is lying, and I have not yet formed my own opinion on Ukraine. BUT, I don't enjoy being patronized by one of my favorite bloggers.

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If we had a functioning media, one that hadn't spent five years screaming about Russia, Russia, Russia and urinating prostitutes, and otherwise lying about "mostly peaceful protests," etc, etc., maybe we'd know that there were 300? or 30? bioweapons labs outside the U.S. funded by the U.S., or that there weren't. Or maybe we'd have known we were headed to an ugly confrontation because of the U.S. push for a growing NATO and ignoring what Russia was saying.

But who knows anymore what the truth is? Because of such tremendous media failure, there's unlimited space for speculation and "conspiracy theories." It takes deep pockets to research and report the big stories. But what do we get? Henpecked Joe and Mika sitting around spouting nonsense; Don Lemon and Fredo stroking each other, etc, etc. ... that's what all the "news" has become.

Without a functioning Fourth Estate, there's no Democracy.

So media has been destroyed; our politicians are either not serious, corrupt or incompetent; corporations and nonprofits have gone woke, and our educational institutions have lost their way. It's going to be extremely difficult to claw back our country.

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Alex, stay away from this thing. You know zilch. I am from Ukraine and I have had personal experience with the US deep state types and their handlers in Ukraine and the US. There is absolutely nothing the US would abstain from doing anything untoward in Ukraine. Ukraine is effectively a US satellite. No senior US state department representative would be concerned about anything in Ukraine unless there is a skin in the game. Nuland's statements are not errant, they relate to something directly related to the US activities with respect to these labs. Your hospital bombing statement is also directly from the Kuwaiti, Syria etc. playbook. The Russians made official statements about that facility being a military and not a civilian target two days BEFORE not AFTER the alleged incident. Russians are criminal, but they are not stupid. https://www.amazon.ca/Ukraine-Battlefield-Memories-Alex-Posoukh-ebook/dp/B071F4556G

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Cheers hopefully the dude listens. I'm learning so much elsewhere about this topic and this shit from Alex is insufferable.

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Search this stack for any mention of Nuland. Nothing found. This makes your argument totally incomplete. You can be 100% opposed to the invasion and also wonder what in the hell we have going on in Ukraine, it's totally possible.

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I’m trying to keep an open mind about the bio lab/bio weapon? topic. Alex makes some great points, thus my mind remains open (while my trust in most govt officials rn remains at around 5%). There are facts which to me are undeniable: Putin is committing war crimes and for anyone to deny that is in the category of Holocaust deniers. It doesn’t matter if poor Putin got threatened blah blah blah. I’m even willing to grant that some of his paranoia may have had some basis in fact, but that doesn’t excuse what he’s doing to innocent Ukrainian people nor his own people.

The reason I’m commenting on your post is that you brought up Nuland. Thank you for that. Based on her (awful) history, who she’s married to, and how she plays like she’s someone perpetually on the ‘ludes, I’d say there’s at least a 50% chance she dropped that little bio lab “bomb” during her testimony ON AND WITH A PURPOSE. Someone THAT “experienced” yet often incompetent is proof of the Deep State’s ability to always promote up the least worthy but most LOYAL. Hmmmm. Did she say they are so worried about those labs bc she wants to lay the basis for eventual US “boots on the ground”? Bc by saying what she said in open hearing rather than classified setting had to have had some purpose….And been green lit by higher ups. I’m leaving the door open for her to actually be just as dumb as she always appears to be & for this to be an “innocent slip up” but remember this is a lady who has had her dirty hands in the Democrat moneypit aka Ukraine for a long time. She may have her own reasons for wanting a scorched “earthed” Ukraine (like a document burn bag only with humans inside?). One has to ask oneself why would Nuland hand Putin a talking point for war and his war crimes? Oh wait… isn’t this the same Nuland who was an integral part of the WMD Iraq debacle? As Arsenio Hall use to say, things that make you say hmmmmm. Also as Scott Adams and Greg Gutfeld often say, let’s be careful not to be trapped in the “prison of two ideas”. There could be truth in many aspects of this topic, but that IMO does not excuse what Putin is doing to innocent human beings.

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I agree with everything you said. I have stopped trusting the US government without a second thought since the Iraq war. I have stopped adding the caveat of "I hate Putin, he is a monster, etc etc" because that is obvious and takes too much time to type over and over. The idea that we would fund the lab in Wuhan makes it clear to me that it is totally possible that we would fund biolabs elsewhere. Not saying it's true, but her testimony is what made me raise an eyebrow, not the Russians or Chinese.

Being horrified by the invasion is a separate issue from Nuland's testimony.

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War is a crime in itself. It means that elected officials choose their own bravado, ego, need for victory, political/wealth ambitions, etc over the security and prosperity of their people. I agree with you that Nuland didn't let that info on 'biological research facilities' slip. 1) she doesn't think there is anything wrong with US bioweapons research in Ukraine and 2) more importantly, she wanted to plant, yet again, the nugget that Russia plans to use biological/chemical warfare in Ukraine. This happened repeatedly with Syria and at least the last time, in Douma, the US backed 'moderate rebels' (aka Al Quaeda) were caught red-handed staging a false-flag. Of course our media covered it up and blamed Assad. You asked why would Nuland 'hand Putin a talking point for war and his war crimes'? Because she and lot of people in the Biden administration, and likely Alex it seems, want Putin removed from power in Russia so bad that they are willing to risk starting WW3. I actually think Nuland and some others just plain want WW3. I'm one of these people that you would call a 'Putin apologist', because I have tried to point out a more balanced context of this war that started 8 years ago, not 2 weeks ago. There are atrocities being committed on both sides because that is the reality of war. We are trying to balance the completely biased coverage of this ongoing war, because the lopsided version manufactures consent for US direct involvement which is WW3. People saying things out of the mainstream largely aren't Putin apologists. They just want to keep this from escalating into WW3.

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Useful idiot? One has to be an idiot to believe anything anti-Russian pro-Ukraine at the moment. I have lost track of the BS, lies and untruths. From snake island, the ghost of kyiv, Russian troops want another Chernobyl etc etc etc.

Go have a look at the lead over at https://www.revolver.news/

Truth is dead and I don't believe a word out of the US govt. They don't deserve our trust, they have ruined it.

(edit) Prepare for a chemical attack. The maternity ward story didn't get the no-fly zone. The attack on the Nuke plant did not either. If not chemical then next is bio or nuke. Zelinksi is playing his part all right.

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"Zelinksi is playing his part all right." for the NWO / WEF criminals.

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Do you know the ENTIRE Ukrainian cabinet are actors from the TV station Zelinksi owned/worked at?

Paid actors to play a gov't. You can't make this shit up.

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I didnt know that but not surprised, and look at what forms the US cabinet

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Zelenski acted a role of Ukraine president on TV. I'm not sure who's on that cabinet but it's likely others who acted as part of the cabinet are.


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Yes apparently he was paid 40 million. They must have secret bank accounts that are not investigated where all the bribed money goes

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Heard one of the Ukrainian oligarchs bought him a 8 million + mansion in FL?

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I did not know the exact figure. What is depressing is that is literal pocket change to the oligarch in question... :(

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yep - https://streamfortyseven.substack.com/p/its-complicated-zelenskyy-turns-out - The saving grace for that oligarch may be that the roads in Ukraine are so substandard that they provided substantial hindrance to Russian armored columns, because said oligarch stole the money intended for road maintenance and improvements...

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The war is real but it doesn't mean there aren't biolabs (there are). Russia may be using it as propaganda but it doesn't mean they don't exist.


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Yes, Alex, everything the US wrote in these public reports about the “welfare for Ukraine’s bio researchers” should be believed on face value. Right. Got it.

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He probably didn't read the documents the Russians put out

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I must admit, it was hard times in the USA when all the sanctions were imposed on us because of the illegal invasion of Iraq. But it was worth it since they found all those WMDs..

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I was thinking exactly the same thing. And all those millions of Iraqis that we "liberated" from their bodies (see Orb study finding up to a million excess deaths in Iraq from 2003 to 2006 alone). Where are the accolades now for Bush's generosity?

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Putin is definitely a bad man.

Let's review recent history. Putin funded GOF research at the Wuhan Lab. Then Putin lied about it. Then Putin pretended there weren't any early treatments. Hundreds of thousands died. Putin locked the country down, impoverishing small business, transferring wealth to his Oligarch buddies, while causing "lockdown deaths." Then Putin force-vaccinated most of the US, and his buddies in the Oligarchy got even richer, causing even more Americans to die.

I totally agree. Putin is definitely the central problem we face today. He's killed hundreds of thousands - maybe even a million Americans.

We should do something about Putin.

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He’s really omnipotent isn’t he?

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Putin also invaded Iraq and caused the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people over lies about them having WMD. Putin also invaded Libya, killed their leader with a knife up the butt, and left the country a steaming pile of crap that is being used for human trafficking.

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Alex, why do you keep insulting your readers?? No one is saying the Russians (read that Putin) are good guys or blameless or aren't invading Ukraine. Everyone i have heard is pretty much saying the same thing as you...there are no good guys. After dealing with this COVID BS, do you really think our government doesn't lie to us about pretty much everything?

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This is the crux of the real truth here too. They KNOW we know. The past 2 years has revealed it all with the so called agencies in America of "we the people" servants.

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All just your opinion Alex, which is fine it's your Substack. I don't know the truth either.

But to indicate "yes the media/gov't was lying about Wuhan (and basically all things Covid) but now they are telling the truth becasue....Russia" doesn't accomplish much.

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