Folks if you want to keep the 1st Amendment there is only one choice. Both Harris and Walz have attacked the 1st Amendment and will not defend it. Trump/Vance 2024

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The corporate press - and their backers - HAVE to have total control over all the organizations that set and then protect the "authorized narratives."

They despise - and fear - genuine free speech. Also, they are not going to wake up one day and say, "Never mind" when it comes to growing the Censorship Industrial Complex. The worst is still to come ... unless Trump wins. Also, if Trump puts RFK, Jr. in a key position in his administration, we know this is also one of RFK Jr's strongest and most heart-felt issues.

Here's hoping that Mr. Trump keeps singing from this hymnal ... even if the MSM doesn't quote him.

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Well said Bill. Beware the corporate press and their backers. Harris & Walz will compromise free speech - and once lost it’s almost impossible to reclaim.

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Without free speech we are slaves.

Nobody wants to be a slave, right?

It really is that simple.

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You've again hit on a "bottom line," Ryan. The First Amendment was first for a good reason.

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Thanks Bill. The choices seem pretty straightforward to me.

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And the Second Amendment is there to enforce the First.

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In any NORMAL universe Trump wins this pending election in the greatest landslide in the history of America based on the past 3.7 years, but as we KNOW this in NOT a normal universe. The choice has never been more obvious for those who pay the slightest attention.

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Alex. Sounds like you are beginning to understand why so many of us get beyond his personality and verbage to understand what he stands for. I think it is called freedom and democracy. Time for you to get on the Trump/Republican(Non RINO) train.

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Yes, Alex. C'mon - ENDORSE TRUMP. It won't hurt. My wife doesn't necessarily like my personality, but it's 46 years today!


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Bahahahaha. That’s funny as shit.

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Happy Anniversary!

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There is no way Alex votes for a Harris-Walz ticket at this point...absolutely no way lol. 46 years wow. Few can make that claim these days!

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Congratulations Dom; Yay for the long run!

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Congratulations! 🎉

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Actually there is a downside to him endorsing Trump publicly— esp as he is suing the other guy.

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Personally I don't even mind his personality and verbage, but I totally agree with your point. You do have to look past it and not misunderstand and get triggered. The media excells at training the public to get triggered by his verbage and often literally reverses his messaging for the mainstream audience. Trump is in a narcissistic relationship with the media.

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Indeed! Check out a sampling of what the mainstream media does (or might be capable of) in today's Babylon Bee!! https://babylonbee.com/news/10-famous-quotes-from-history-as-reported-by-the-associated-press?

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Don't pay attention to the nonsensical crap he says and just have faith that he'll do the right thing when confronted with a decision, right? Like he did in 2020. Oh brother.

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Opposite- pay attention to what he says & not any attention to propaganda from msm that take things out of context & outright lie about him. Just ask the Afghanistan Gold Star families.

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Curious what specifically you're referring to. Rushing the Covid vaccines? Election denial?

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Election questioning is a part of the 1st amendment. If a person believes it was not done fairly they have that right! To use phrases like "election denial" or "anti vaxxer" or "vaccine hesitant" etc are simply Marxist in coercive under-tone. As far as OWS with injections...it sits badly with me too. Not sure I can ever get past it having family who was devastated by the injections as so many other families experienced as well with literally ZERO accountability of ANY of it. I wonder how Trump and RFK speak about the injection realities

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You might want to check out Mike Stone here on Substack or at X or at viroLIEgy.com. Outstanding researcher and writer regarding the history and fraudulent methodology used in the psuedoscience we call "virology". Let alone the vaccine issue. The roots of all of this are (shocker) historical and not understanding the corruption involved in "germ theory" means one cannot understand the fraud of the plandemic we all suffered through. This is a deep rabbit hole but absolutely fascinating and I think many readers here will respect the work of many doctors and scientists and solid researchers who have proven the virology itself is a psuedoscience and not valid. More importantly, this fraud has been used politically for decades. This isn't anti-science it's pro real science. The scientific method is ASSUMED to be followed by virologists but it absolutely IS NOT.

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I will check it out! I've followed Judy Mikovits for years and have all her books therealdrjudy.com remedy.film is good on historical context with the church of vaccinology historically. An 8 episode series worth watching. 100% correct on NONE of what we have seen since 2020 in NEW!

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Great! I know Mike Stone personally (through working with him on this issue for years) and he is a GREAT person. Just love him. All those who know him love him. But the important thing is that he is absolutely brilliant and a rigorous and very honest researcher. Happy you will look into his work. Be prepared for 🤯🤯🤯🤯🙂

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I could do without the language lecture. Trump does still claim to have won in 2020. There are virtually no conservatives who take that position, let alone anyone else.

From what I have seen, Trump is still quite proud of his rushed 2020 vaccine, and seems surprised when people boo it at his rallies.

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Let him make that claim...its a FREE country dude

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How about the wholesale attack of on our first amendment right to associate, gather and worship?

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Covid made me quit any and all corporate media, including Fox. The jab stance, which followed the climate being shoved down our throats, was the final nail.

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Yes. It's a strategy; when these talking points (narrative) "spontaneously" emerge from thin air, and is immediately everywhere at the same time, you can bet its orchestrated.

It's not a coincidence; it's planned and exist to simply manufacture consent.

Sound familiar?...

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It's a big, coordinated move on the war chess board. But every move "they" make creates a massive learning experience for everyone. Millions wake up. ,🤯😎

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If you stick your head out the window you can just smell the panic seeping out of their anxiety riddled brains!

The gigs up.

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With this caveat .... When a bear or pit bull feels threatened ... watch out. Enough of us probably don't realize it, but this is life or death for our adversaries. If they are exposed as the sociopaths/psychopaths and serial liars many of us know they are, they are finished. And one assumes they want to stay in control and not be exposed.

I know this: They don't fight fair. They haven't in the past; they won't in the future.

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It's true, they will not ever give up control. There is no limit to their psychopathic behavior. Look at history. The wicked witch didn't give up power. She was dowsed with water by Dorothy, who had awakened. It's all about the heroes journey. It's all phycological at root. It's scary as F though and nothing is predetermined imo. Each individual must do their own awakening. Free speech is a must for this to happen. Water represents knowledge. and creativity and power. "They' cannot survive in a mental environment where TRUE AND FULL free speech and free thought and free exchange of ideas flourishes. The vibrational frequency is too high for "evil" to survive. Actually, fear is what fuels evil acts and as we shift to a frequency where fear is not the main ingredient (as it is now and has been for millennia) then the true GOOD nature of humanity will flourish. So says I. 😁

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Yeah they're dangerous in the sense they're an impotent caged animal.

I'm positive. But, for that reason i expect them to become even more deranged...and detached from reality.

The good news is, reality bats last.

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Yeah, when I get into panic mode myself and depressed and doubtful I just remember (my opinion) that this is already a done deal. Humanity WILL survive and thrive. Linear time is just a human construct and in the deepest terms the "win" has already happened and we are just catching up with our selves. The gig is up and has been. We are just watching the downfall. BUT the trauma is still real and the more awareness the less trauma.

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Again, well said Bill! The desperation they have will manifest in all sorts of unhealthy and destructive ways.

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Thanks, Mark. I'm even more scared because I can sense how scared the most powerful and evil forces on the earth must be. But, still, we've got to come at them from every angle while we still can.

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We need a better work-around to get around the captured "gatekeepers of the news." Substack is important and a much-needed improvement, but it's probably not enough to reach enough people to debunk all the bogus narratives that must be shown to be colossal and intentional lies.

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Yeah we need soooooo many more platforms and STRONG ones.

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Me too.

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Not only is the media not covering Trump's commitment to protect free speech, they aren't covering Harris's commitment to stifle free speech under the guise of protecting us from "misinformation." And I am so tired of hearing those on the left talk about "Trumps" project 2025, or that he's going to ban abortion or that he thinks Nazi's are "very fine people." The media has not called her or Biden out for the constant lying and "misinformation". I know why -- the media absolutely wants Trump to lose. But it just makes me distrust and dislike them even more than I already did. And then the whole JD Vance "fact of life" debacle. The media changed the headline after being called out on X for their blatant misrepresentation of what he said, but Harris and her people keep repeating it -- and showing the original headline.

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The media exists to manufacture consent.

They are simply there to tell the D's and our overlords what is acceptable to think. Trust is immaterial because the elite and those benefited from government largesse, corporate interests and higher educational system- are still getting the messages (narrative) from the media.

Why else would they not be concerned about the lowest historical levels of trust with the public? Perhaps it's because this actually reinforces the message to the elites and power brokers in D.C. that the FAR- FAR-FAR Right is a threat to democracy?

Maybe it's just to keep them all in alignment, ergo "consensus"; aka; groupthink - if not they may be excommunicated from the tribe....which overrides curiosity or the desire to seek The Truth. To do otherwise they risk careers and sinecures.

The ventriloquist (MSM) are simply telling "the blob" (sprawling government/bureaucrats) and other decision makers (corporate influence/lobbyists) what is safe to think in order for all these robber barons to take bed with the government, at the expense of our individual sovereignty, penalty free, for the mutual benefit of those three parties to feast on a middle class carcass

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When we start The Great Purge, somehow we need to start in the newsrooms ... although I think the MSM is already "Dead Man Walking." They probably know this. Which means they can stick around a little longer if their Democratic friends control Washington D.C.

What few people seem willing to admit is that the masses might say, "Enough already" if enough people are convinced another election was brazenly stolen.

This isn't some game. The consequences of Big Brother becoming Too Big To Stop are dystopian.

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Nailed it.

Don't worry these fools might as well be driving around in buggys a hundred years ago in denial about the Tin Lizzies.

They don't realize quite yet that they are about to go the way of the dodo.

It's actually hilarious watching them look like a bride jilted at the alter. They are used to being able to punch without any punch back. Those days are over....and not a minute too soon.

They have nobody to blame but themselves.

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Did you read my last story on the demise of The Charlotte Observer? That story had some jaw-dropping circulation and subscription statistics.

I ended that article with your point: "They have nobody to blame but themselves."


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Unfortunately, that might push the Observer further left. The New York Times is a perfect example and former editor James Bennett illustrates the decline perfectly in an Economist piece from the December 14, 2023, issue titled When the New York Times Lost Its Way.

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I did. Just nuts

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I've been saying for at least 15 years (not that I'm unique in this respect) that the real cancer among us is the alphabet legacy media. That if they just reported news down the middle without bias and without lying, the Democrat Party would be at most a fringe player in national politics.

They are the cancer among us. They need to be burned to the ground (including all the J schools), the earth salted where they stood, and rebuilt from scratch with all new players.

It is clear from the fact that, thanks to the media and the media alone, Harris went from universal ridicule as Biden's impeachment insurance because of how stupid and incompetent she is, to the greatest woman on the planet, in like 15 minutes, removes any remaining doubt anyone had about whether they're pure propagandists for the Democrat Party.

You can start AND finish in the newsrooms. Burn 'em down. Save America.

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It seems to be so easy to create one of these new accepted "narratives." I think one of the key generals for the Deep State must be a "Mad Man" executive at the biggest and most important ad/PR agencies. These Mad Men create short and long-term narratives (campaigns) for a living. There's no doubt these messages are coordinated and widely disseminated.

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Good post- but you still can't write am article about Trump without a little NY Times entering in. Seems you're just as obsessed with the crowd size as Trump and the msm.

By the way- the msm has been lying about crowd size for years. In 1989, my whole Bible College went to a pro-life rally. 1,400 students went in busses and cars. There were also hundreds of others who were already there when we arrived.

The Dallas Morning News referenced it, said around 200 people were there. When the schools had all the students who attended sign a paper saying we were in attendance, the DMN put a retraction in the back of the news section.

Left tactic, minimize conservatives or Christians, maximize the left.

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I agree , the crowd size thing is important. Trump isn't obsessed with it, he knows it's a tactic they have used for decades in the media. It's lying.

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Thank you Alex, it is what I have seen from Trump from the beginning. The destruction of this country in the last 31/2 years has been difficult to watch. We will not survive 4 years of a Harris Administration. The main stream media is corrupt and is doing their best to get her elected. May God Bless America 🙏

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You are trying to counter hatred with reason. The general media's disdain for Trump renders them immune to such rational arguments.

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This is spot on. It also describes our federal government's attitude about citizens. Their arrogance renders them genuinely ignorant. They assume they know better, so they don't bother to comprehend the reasons for dissent (edited: corrected spelling). It's a weakness that needs to be exploited, I'm just not sure how.

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They do this because they CAN. THEY know no one will actually hold them accountable in any meaningful way. A rapist will rape until IT is not allowed too. This has never been rocket science. Its all just "allowed"

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Yeah but people (not the media) who read the rational argument DO change their minds. Sometimes. If they so choose. And I think we have an ethical imperative to present the rational argument. The media has given up that role and become and emotional propaganda machine, obviously.

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You counter irrational hatred with comedy.

They counter comedy with censorship.

You counter censorship by winning elections, getting elected and firing every single last one of them

They counter elections by instituting mail-in voting; instilling doubt and distrust of the system as well as out and out cheating and rigging

Once they have reasonable doubt of their pronouncements of who won elections and make it illegal to even ask questions about elections…the game is over.


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Wow! You’re catching on! Good job!

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That there alone is a reason to vote for Trump. Harris obviously believes the opposite.

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The censors are never the good guys.

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Yes, Trump is trying to protect real Americans and the traditional American way. All the posts prior to mine are spot on. Get on the bus and quit beating around the bush and admit that you and EVERYONE will be better off if Trump is elected and not cheated out it this time.

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Appreciate this article Alex but I think you have it backwards. The reporters and most Democrats want speech censored. They are ignoring Trump's statement because they do not want to give any traction to the 1st Amendment. They are anti-free speech and do not believe in the 1st Amendment. (Yes, I know some will reply to my comment that they do believe in free speech as long as it is their own. That, my friends, is not free speech.)

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I really don’t understand why anyone who didn’t like or agree with the Biden/Harris’ administration handling of the COVID times would ever vote for Harris. As RFK, Jr so eloquently put it- fighting censorship, ending regime change wars, and doing whatever we can to make America healthy again- should be at top of mind when voting in this election. Several other key issues too, but that’s a great place to begin. Thank you, Alex!

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Sep 9Edited

It isn't just social media that censors speech. Legacy mainstream news outlets, including print, televised, and government funded media companies are engaged in censorship based on extreme political bias and corporate nepotism and allegiance to a single political party. This has been going on for 70 years. My parents complained about political bias by icons Chet Huntley and David Brinkley back in the '50's and '60's. For a country that prides itself on free speech, most media outlets disregard their journalistic integrity to espouse a predetermined political point of view.

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you're getting closer, I can feel it

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The problem with censorship is that it blocks any attempt to find truth. Harris showed that she valued perception more than facts and truth when she badgered the head of the Border patrol in a Senate hearing a few years ago. Censorship is a necessity for those trying to create a perception whether it is truth or fabrication. Most of the time it is a fabrication. Like Harris's policies have totally changed and are like Trump's in many cases and she will close the border. Garbage is garbage and begins to smell like garbage given time without censorship.

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Yep creating perception is the name of the game! Always has been. We create our reality through perception. Nothing is more powerful than a story believed.

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