Even worse: The lies about how great Kamala is.

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The Watergate conspiracy involved about 1/500th of the number of conspirators who conspired to hide Biden's dementia.

And Nixon never lost his faculties.

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Jul 24·edited Jul 24

Nixon should have just come on out and said, “Yes, and this is what we discovered.” But Nixon had been in on revealing communists during the McCarthy days. He was never forgiven for it.

And Agnew would have never played ball with the Deep State, so they had to get rid of him before going after Nixon. Gerald Ford was an easy puppet. Nixon should have understood more than he apparently did.

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Just going to throw this out there, not because I disagree with you - nor do I think you are shitposting, but I think every eligible voter in the US who does NOT want to see the Dems take office needs to hear this:

Before y’all get cocky, remember they elected Fetterman 1.0 and Basement Biden. Focus. Shitposting doesn’t turn out the vote. Shoe leather does.

It's a tweet from Harmeet Dhilion (https://x.com/pnjaban/status/1815840215707341235) - whatever you may think of Harmeet, she is correct. Get out there and vote. If you have relatives, friends, etc. that don't think they need to vote this election because it's a slam dunk, tell them to think again.

And don't debate whether or not Kamala should be president based on her questionable career ascendency (trying to put that politely), HIDEOUS laughter, questionable claims about her race/ethnicity or how she polled during the 2020 primaries (a lot has changed since 2020). There's a lot to convince people NOT to vote for her based on her actions in California, her statements made throughout her VP tenure, and her positions on key issues.

This is NOT a slam dunk - if the last couple of weeks have proven anything, it's that this is a bloodsport, and nothing is guaranteed.

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Absolutely right HC. There are democrats like union teachers, union govt workers, and trade unions that vote in lockstep with the D's (or at least get their dues stolen to give to D's). The emotional woman vote for the first woman president adds to the single issue vote no matter the damage to the country. It is going to be an uphill battle that I believe will be thwarted by a massive steal ... again.

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Jul 24·edited Jul 24

Steal or not - it's going to be a major climb up the mountain.

No one on team Trump seems to want to admit to that.

Someone on their team did put something out there that said "Well, this bump in her popularity is only short-term, we expect that and it will go away!"

No, I don't think it will. Only if Team Trump comes up with policy and professional reasons why she is a horrible candidate and make that clear to the public. There's a lot of fertile ground there, but dealing with reality is essential.

And shitposting about her sexual history, her cackle, etc. etc. isn't going to help.

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And there are a LOT of women out there with pent up energy.

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Most of the people I know personally, I'm sorry to say, will vote for her. They are still in the grip of TDS.

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I couldn't agree more. This is not over.

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Not at all. And pretending that it's an easy win is a sure way to losing. I'm not impressed with Trump's team because they seem to think the assassination attempt is seen universally in this country as a bad thing - it isn't (sickeningly enough) and it's nowhere near enough now that Kamala is running.

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It was Kamala's duty as VP to invoke the 25th Amendment if she thought the President was impaired and not fit to serve the country. She knew he wasn't. She pretended that Joe was the paragon of health when she was asked if his age was affecting his ability to do the job. She did not uphold her oath of office.

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Or she was told to - not defending her - but just saying that she doesn't have a lot of cognitive capacity.

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@HC- or any empathy to notice

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spot on!

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The narrative combination of "the commendable list of Bidens accomplishments as commander in chief" and the "sharp mind and energy" of Kamala is.....enough to make one wonder about the mental gymnastics a media/Democrat activist must do to sleep at night....they are exhausting me just listening..."childless cat lady is so perfect.

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"the mental gymnastics a media/Democrat activist must do to sleep at night."

Look at the mental gymnastics these people have pushed upon the American public in the last years: Covid, masking, social distancing, the vaccine, the LUDICROUS notion that children can be "trans" as babies, there's no PHYSICAL difference between men and women, the border is "secure", wanting a safe neighbourhood is white supremacy, etc. etc. etc.

They've prepped their target audience (the American people) to accept whatever mental gymnastics they're going to shove down our throats in the election cycle. And Americans are so damned used to it now, many accept it.

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You are correct.

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The entire media apparatus is kicking into high gear, telling us how "transformational" and "transcendent" Kamala is. It's going to be a long few months.

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What is most difficult for me to take is that he was forced out not due to his horrendous covid mandates, or his horrible handling of foreign policy, or his abuse of executive orders, or his censorship and complete disregard for principles of free speech, or his corruption (ukraine, etc)... no he only gets forced out b/c nature got him.

What is wrong with America?

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I don't think he was forced out because of his mental incapacities. They forced him out because they got caught in the cover up. The only thing they care about is their power and they'll turn on their own the first chance they get in order to preserve that power.

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The thing is it was always in clear view every day for years!

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Yes, and they knew he couldn’t win. His mental incapacity was a great cover to get rid of him.

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Why do people support so much corruption and believe so many lies?

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Been thinking about that every day. In polling those liberal friends that still speak to me, it seems to fall into 2 buckets: 1) they don't know 2) they don't care

As for bucket 2, there is a strong reversal when it affects them. Eg. former BLM supporters now anti-crime since their house got robbed... etc etc

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Their bucket has so many holes in it that every ounce has poured out and yet they still don't see. However, even more troubling is their inability to listen and or have any conversation because they believe their intellectualism and labels designed by their captors are the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

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They’ve been flattered into believing things about themselves that no one in their lives ever recognized before—probably because they aren’t true—and they’re not willing to go back to the days when they felt like a “nobody”.

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The worst are the ones who think they DO know because they learned it from TikTok or the MSM.

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The bucket: Emotionally charged propaganda targeted at a naive, indoctrinated and gullible public by a highly coordinated fake news mafia. This reality is too upsetting to acknowledge. It is more comfortable to embrace the propaganda.

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Removal from cause and effect - when the effect hurts, suddenly revelation begins.

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They also put out an anti Kamala statement re how she got the nomination—will wonders ever cease?

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Because they are afraid to disagree with the accepted "truth" within their tribe. They have no courage, no willingness to think for themselves. Every thought is ruled by the need to be accepted.

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The BORG mind or collective has no room for GOD or independent (critical) thought...

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They are severely brain-damaged by vaccines. Brain damage is normal in today's population. Their intellectual, emotional, and spiritual capacities have been ruined. That's also why there is so much psychopathy today.

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Prior to the vaccines they were brain-damaged by government propaganda centers and its progressive teachers. It's been a long slow decline hastened by the midwits at the universities giving them 16 years to teach our children not to think. And then Tik-Tok!

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One reason is we now live in a "Clone Culture." If you don't endorse the Current Thing, you are going to be kicked out of the herd.

This sycophant culture really explains our New Abnormal.


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I am a paid Bill Rice Substack subscriber.

It’s articles like this (on clone culture) that keep me reading and maintaining my subscription.

If we want better ideas, let’s read the writers who give them to us — and, if possible, also pay them for their contributions.

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Now that is very nice. Thank you, Gemma Star - Bill.

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Because they have no idea how to fight back. What interventions to take? It is a very dark time.

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Complacency is the root of all evils.

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Sincere question, what actions to take? We have done the simple part, preparation for if we survive an apocalypse, but it seems it will be an information war? Psy-op to create fear? We read, study, pray? I've written my representatives....

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We need to start holding everyone accountable that doesn't take action and do the right thing. I don't care if they don't do something because they would'nt get enough votes... lets see the votes! That right there will tell us who needs to go in the next election. The problem is most people don't care and won't hold them accountable... most people probably aren't paying attention to 95% of what is happening. I can't fix other people, but I can pray that they see the light. We do the right thing by writing our reps, doing the research on the issues, volunteering to spread the word, etc. But as long as complacency reigns supreme, the power-hungry will take advantage.

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Jul 24·edited Jul 24

Because it's more palatable to support the easier thing than to be unpopular and ask brutal questions.

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I suggested to my wife and BIL (who helps me solve all of the world's problems) in 2020, that Biden was either in some sort of mental decline (I chose Alzheimer's as I cared for my father for eight years with the malady) or an alcoholic. Either of those would explain why he shied from interviews, and preferred to run a basement campaign with very controlled access.

It was apparent to anyone who was curious, and not married to a partisan belief, that something was wrong, but only Fox, NYP and non leftist podcasts explored it.

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Actually the polls forced him out.

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this happened with andrew cuomo too. he got pushed out, not because he forced elderly covid patients back into their nursing homes where they were a match to kindling, but because he did what strong handsome men in positions of power have been doing for years.

and his replacement was truly loony tunes, much like harris is to biden

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The media lied for him, his staff lied for him, and his family lied for him

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And so did Kamala Harris.

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And the question is why did all these people lie for him (Joe)? Because he was a cash cow, at one time. They all had something to lose if he was taken out. Sadly, they have no shame, no embarrassment about it and certainly aided in elder abuse. Still he was a bad bad man.

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yet they feel NO remorse

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That’s not surprising, they want everything to come apart so they can have their authoritarian utopia

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Bingo! They want total power over everyone.

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No need to feel remorse or shame when they will never be called out for their corruption. They act with impunity.

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Right. That's because they are sociopaths.

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The media lied about Biden because that is what they do. They lie about Trump to paint him in a negative light. They have done this for 9 yrs. The Democrats have taken him to court over faked and trumped charges trying to financially bankrupt him and steal his business from him. They manufacture a fake criminal crime tried him in front of a corrupt judge in front of a jury in a community that hates him and convicted him of this fake crime He stood up after the deep state attempted to kill him live on TV. Brandon couldn’t take 3 weeks of bad press. This shows us who can lead this country.

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I don't know anyone who's buying the Biden-As-American-Hero bullshit.

He's never had a real job. He's a grifter and the head of a dysfunctional family, with some very disturbed/damaged offspring.

He destroyed businesses with his abusive covid policy.

And let's not forget the 13 dead soldiers from Abbeygate.

Biden's dementia could be the closest he'll ever come to justice.

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Jul 24·edited Jul 24

50 years + marinating in the deepest end of that slimy swamp, and all of IT on the "we the people's" dime!

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It is a distraction to help Ding a ling!

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Alex Berenson's opinions are priceless. His bibliography speaks for itself. My only fear is that average Americans and Canadians lack the literacy skills to grasp what he's telling us. Keep up the good and honourable fight Mr. Berenson! Don't forget, 'You think you just fell out of a coconut tree? You exist in the context of all in which you live and what came before you."🤣🤪🤡

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Deep thoughts from Kamala 😂

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I concur

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I would love for you to dig into James O'Keefe's reporting of fraud in the ActBlue contributions. The MSM will never pick up on it or even look at it, but it's very suspicious and likely criminal. He's been doing it for a few months -- i.e. noting that individuals who legitimately donated to ActBlue in the past have donated small dollar amounts daily for years, totally tens of thousands of dollars from people who don't have that kind of money. (And who donates $15 every single day?) He's interviewed several people who said they haven't donated this much. It appears to be money laundering to bring in money that the campaigns can't legally accept. Someone needs to report on it. Really, it's between you, Shellenberger, or Bari Weiss to pick up the story to document it.

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It seems like AI could sift through names and addresses and donations pretty quickly to identify trends and patterns.

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Yes, and that's what O'Keefe has been doing, but his following is pretty much average people on the right. The mainstream media is never going to expose the Democrats (at least not until after the election.) There needs to be a deep investigation into this and possible criminal charges. It's money laundering but more, it's a major campaign finance violation. (FYI -- this has hit me since I learned about it because I literally wrote about this exact scheme as fiction, but it was drug money being laundered through nonprofit environmental groups -- exactly like this, individuals posting multiple small "contributions" to the group, which is legally reported, in order to clean where the money came from. It's ingenious.)

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Where did you write your story? Sounds to be worth a read.

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I write mystery/thrillers. The book referenced here is one of my older titles called NOTORIOUS.

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Now that the Democrat Elite have moved in one Obama sycophant for another, the biggest problem they face is they'll have to redo all the illegal immigrant ballots already marked for Joe Biden to the Horizontal Horror...that's a lot of work in such a short time

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good one Horizontal Horror - I came up with Kacklamala

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my new name for her is Kamabama...Joebama is about to be retired so onto the next lackey

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The media will lie about both Joe and Kamala. They’ve been lying for statists for centuries to obtain and keep power.

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The debate was a purposeful take down. As I watched it, I instantly wondered why the CNN moderators were being so fair. Then, in lockstep, the entire media changed their narrative about Biden's cognitive decline. As if on purpose, his campaign committee let him do one fumbled appearance after another. He wasn't going to beat Trump, so he needed to be left in the dust. A convenient case of Covid saved him from further humiliation. He supposedly had a medical event on AF-1, leaving Vegas last week. Then he posts his resignation on X (which he doesn't use) on non White House stationary with a different signature. I heard his "phonecall" last night and it sounded like AI to me. If Kamala said "I love you Joe" one more time, I was going to hurl.

If he's still president, we need proof of life.

Harris can't be president because she's an anchor baby. How did she "earn" all those delagates? Today she's campaigning in West Allis, Wisconsin instead of meeting with Prime Minister Netanyahu.

What a hot, holy mess this country is in. I have a feeling that it's going to get much worse very quickly. God help us!

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Yes I think so too...happened in late June for the 1st time for a REASON

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The letter he likely didn’t write says it all: party before country.

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Alex. When will you be endorsing President Trump?

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He just did!

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They lie about everything. None of them are heroes. They are all villians. They all need to go... with a big dose of karma.

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Yup- they are trying to fool all of us all of the time with this stuff. Watch out for the summer of Sonya Massey. Ben Crump, Old Joe, and Kamala are already on the case. And we have "the prosecutor vs the felon" teed up as well as some registered voter polls showing Harris neck and neck or in the lead! The "production" is already coming together. Amazing what can be done when we are "unburdened by what has been..."

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They haven't got the memo I guess. Prosecutors aren't exactly held in high regard lately.

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Right, but that is magically forgotten in this case. I guarantee it. There will be exactly 0 people who will not vote for Kamala Harris because she was a prosecutor (and one who put many people in jail for minor drug offenses no less). That is "yesterday's news" in much the same way as anything else that is no longer helpful to the agenda of the powers that be. Notice no one wearing masks any more even though Biden allegedly had COVID. We were "dangerous lunatics" for questioning mask efficacy at any time for the last 3 years pretty much. This guy has COVID but has no reason to keep up the facade because he is not running so "bye bye stupid mask!" To quote the President..."anyway..."

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he does not have covid and there is word going around he got rushed to a hospital and we haven't seen him and the letter has a signature that doesn't look like his and he may be in a coma or dead at this point so they paraded out the 'horizontal horror' and are all over the moon about her reading prepared speeches and paying her extra for not cackling so the American people won't get all upset when they find out she is actually now president

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"To quote the president... "anyway"...:

Literally sums up his entire farce of a career and the entire dem elite agenda.

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Jul 24·edited Jul 24

unburdened by what has been? you mean unburdened by

the thousands of black men incarcerated in CA for minor weed offenses? by the scandal in CA where she withheld information and a 1000 cases had to be thrown out? by keeping people incarcerated in CA to use their prison labor? by being for defunding the police? by sending money to bail out the criminals in MN who burned down federal buildings and destroyed property and people during the George Floyd riots while she was VP? you mean by saying dumb stuff about yellow buses and the passage of time and being unburdened etc? by being pro Palestinian and anti Israel? We need to come up with a complete list, type it all up and keep it on hand for whenever we are asked why we don't think she is qualified to be potus......please fellow writers, add whatever comes to your minds so we can get ready to avalanche anyone who asks us why she is a HORRIBLE person and HORRIBLE candidate

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Yes! Exactly what I have been saying! I have heard Bill O'Reilly is putting together an article with a list of her "accomplishments". These lists need to be complete and published over and over again. We certainly have a lot of material from which to work. In some ways, she reminds me of Dan Quayle. Remember him? She is a disaster of a politician with no principles of her own that we know of, deplorable speaking skills, poor leadership skills (apparently she cannot keep a staff), a spinning moral compass that latches on to whatever is popular and convenient at the time, and a complete lack of integrity. I am saddened when I see intelligent, successful friends on social media post that they are excited to work on her campaign. Makes me sick to my stomach. Where have these people been the past several years? Kevin Kiley, representative from CA, has taken on Newsom and has done a pretty good job highlighting his failed policies. He is now going to focus on Kamala, and I am hopeful that he will be instrumental in spreading the word about her failings. I think many may know that both Kamala and Newsom were Willie Brown's acolytes in CA. Corruption at its finest learned from one of the best.

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Thank you Michelle. I was exhausted when I wrote my rambling rant - but I was dead serious about creating a clear list of her failings. The left hammers lies over and over and democrats have been successful convincing millions of people to continue voting for them by doing that. Our job is to hammer truth, aka facts, about this unprincipled opportunist and to get others to do the same.

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by faking their way thru primary season using their Weekend at Bernie's playbook Brandon and the democratic party have disenfranchised voters. where is the democracy in the (current) SELECTION of Harris?

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I suspect the disenfranchised voters won't be all that upset. They will just shift over to Kamala because they support the party decisions no matter what. Useful idiots.

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President Biden did not issue the letter posted on X on Sunday. He did not write it, sign it, or authorize it. When he speaks to the nation tomorrow night, as the most consequential President of our lifetime, he will expose the coup and make clear he is seeking reelection. He will explain he wanted to be safely in the White House before exposing this to the Nation. (Conspiracy fun.)

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While I think this was definitely a coup, he'll go along with it. He has to. They have too much on him. However, Bret Weinstein posted a very interesting hypothesis on X about the Biden withdrawal being a perfect psych-ops operation in order to discredit those who are questioning the narrative around the failed assassination of Trump. It's worth listening to.

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That's a whole 'nother can-o-worms!

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It really is -- but it's interesting how Bret laid it out. And I'll admit, I sort of bought into some of it because the fact that the withdrawal letter was released on social media and NOT through the mainstream media (no press release to MSNBC, for example) AND Harris was able to take over all the funds and change the FEC forms within 24 hours was what convinced me something was fishy. Thinking that it was intentionally made to look fishy has my head spinning, but it makes sense.

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She finished DEAD last in the Iowa caucus...not one likes her, and yet here she is. Can't make this S up!

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Did you watch Scamala by Ben Shapiro? I don't think there's a paywall. It's really good. I'm originally from California and I remember when she was dating Willie Brown (Yes, I'm getting old. I worked in the Legislature back then, it was not a secret.) I knew a lot of what he reported, some of it was new, but the one truth is that she will throw nearly anyone under the bus to get ahead. But the one thing people don't realize -- Willie Brown said to never underestimate her. He's right. Anyway, it's a short 3 episode series worth watching.

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Jul 24·edited Jul 24

Right! it's what makes her a threat in one sense...she is the consummate polished CA politician, as dense as she is. She does have that slimy way about her only those like her in the swamp can have, and why many like her end up in this so called servitude of "we the people" A paradox in an awkward way since they are suppose to be the best of humanity to serve the USA

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That would be a sight to behold. It certainly would bolster his lackluster legacy.

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IF Biden did this, select RFK Jr. as his VP, he would be (gasp) heroic in exposing democrat deviancy.

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His clone will be ok with it.

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