I can't figure out why ANY parent would EVER enroll a child, who has no ability to provide informed consent, in a clinical trial for a vaccine or other pharmaceutical. Is there a large payment attached? What is the motivation for this?

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I don't understand either. It has to be related to blind ideology.

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It's pure virtue-signaling. Decades of "anti-vaxxers are bad people" propaganda from Pharma makes them feel virtuous and unselfish to put blind trust into a vaccine.

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Money. The parents are paid for 'volunteering' their child as a guinea pig. While this sounds awful where experimental injections are concerned, sometimes it can be a very good thing, especially in cases of experimental treatments where a child is severely handicapped, conventional measures have been ineffective, and the treatment is non-invasive and shows great promise in exchange for little or no risk.

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They were frightened. They had been manipulated into being terrified of Coivd. I've seen it.

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Weak people. They don't deserve sympathy but the children do. Oh by the way where was child protective services?

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I am aware of an adult death that occurred a couple of years after the trials. Maybe related to the vax, maybe not.

An acquaintance, Jim I'll call him, died a few months ago from a rare, soft-tissue cancer. Before he died, he told me he had participated in a vax trial (Moderna I think but I'm not sure), and his tumor was in his arm, IN THE EXACT SPOT he received the injection.

He was unsuccessfully treated at MD Anderson. One of the oncologists told him the size of the tumor, the number of cancer cells, and the time from his taking the vax to the the time of his treatment made it unlikely the shot was the cause.

May be. But I'm skeptical. The recent articles on turbo cancers associated with the vax make me wonder if Jim's cancer wasn't unusually aggressive, compared w/ the experience of the oncologist.

Plus, these days, can the doctor be counted on to tell the truth?

Anybody heard any stories like this before?

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I was a Big Sister to a little whose mom was in breast cancer remission before Covid. Yes, the mom got the jabs and yes the mom died of cancer in Dec 2022. Did her cancer come back with a vengeance after the shots? I don't know. The timing was suspicious to me.

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That's why Gates and Fauci went to Africa to orphanages to do their drug trials on kids. Don't you think both should be taken to The Hague and charged with crimes against humanity? Oh, recently I heard that Fauci was active in NYC.

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Maddie de Garay's mom did it for altruistic reasons and now she has a permanently disabled child. The story is tragic as hell.

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For at least sixty years, The US Government willingly used us as Lab Rats. Rolling over and playing "dead" is one of our finest tricks.

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Would the parents have signed a NDA effectively gagging them from saying anything about the death?

I want to know where all these parents of children that died are hiding, because if I know a vaccine killed one of my children, you can bet I would not sit silent regardless of the NDA I signed before the trial started.

What a shame on the parents by the way... imagine a perfectly healthy kid getting ushered into a clinic by their parents saying don't worry honey it's only a little prick. Then Dead, how do they even live with themselves, honestly.

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Shortly after the shots were approved for children, a six-year-old girl in our small town died of cardiac arrest while riding her bike. No one was allowed to attend the funeral unless masked and vaccinated. Though it is not known for sure the child had the shot, sudden cardiac arrest in young children is extremely unusual. If these companies hid deaths in their trials, a flood of lawsuits will ensue. And we will know exactly how many have died. This is tragic beyond description.

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I'm afraid we're finding that since 2021, cardiac arrest in young children is becoming more frequent. But don't be drawing any of your own conclusions, folks. The mainstream media has a team of highly qualified experts who will tell you what to think.

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The BAFFLING will continue

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We have the heart foundation here in the uk putting out ads with young children collapsing on the football pitch. Not normal. Also ads on the bus stop saying cancer doesn’t cover young people but crossed out the doesn’t.

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We do have Maddie de Garay, whose mom went public after she participated in the Pfizer clinical trial, the 12-year old now confined to a wheelchair & feeding tubes. Del Bigtree has covered her story extensively & here's a Substack from 2022 that outlines what she's gone through: https://kellikieley.substack.com/p/who-is-maddie-de-garay-why-the-world

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And parents continued to get the shots for their children. I am flummoxed.

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I’ll bet a lot of those parents have never heard of the injured girl, Alex, or Vinay Prasad for that matter. They’re totally operating on irrational fear, not any actual facts.

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@Nancy- yup.

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They're not hiding, it's just that the mainstream media's not reporting on it. That's why it's important for us to keep up our Substack subscriptions, and tell our friends.

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And supposedly we're nuts for caring!

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They call us nuts for questioning the authorities and their 'experts'. I've noticed that it bothers them the most when we're right.

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Alex, thank you for pursuing this extremely important matter. RFK,Jr. cannot be confirmed quickly enough. And the FDA should be abolished and a new agency formed. The well has been poisoned. We need to drill a new one.

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"And the FDA should be abolished and a new agency formed."

No, the house needs to be cleaned. Most of the SES's and some GS-15/14's should be swept out, RIFed or outright dismissed.

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Their mission as Alex stated is a good one. I’m all for a back to basics approach to include major housecleaning and firing of a lot of staff, moving the headquarters, and a return to work directive for at least 3 days per week for most positions. Anyone whose name appears as collaborators on these projects like the EUA for the vaccine should be out immediately. January 20 can’t come soon enough, along with the confirmation hearings. Dr. J, Makary, and RFK, Jr have lots of good work ahead.

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If you're unfamiliar with Bri Dressen, take a listen...https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/166-the-untold-side-of-vaccine-trials-w-brianne-dressen/id1557557205?i=1000668161557

The pharma companies are very good at hiding information that should be included. They are good at evading. They are good at being evil.

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They are "allowed" to HIDE. They own far too many individuals we call servants in the swamp. These servants will huff and puff and pretend they are seeking actual justice for crimes committed, but in the end all we ever see is political theatre, and at best a verbal lashing from the likes of Paul or Comer and other GOP, but never "actual" accountability with teeth we the people demand. Just ask Hunter, Hilary, Gates, Soros or the elf fraud Fauci. Just endless political theater and WE get to FUND it all!

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Sad and true

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Bravo! Of all my paid subscriptions, yours is the one that is most carefully aimed at the heart of the beast.

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@Graham- heart being the operative word. Well played, even if unintentional.

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Let's get through today (certifiying the election). Jan 20 can't come soon enough. We're stocked up on the popcorn b/c this is going to be a spectacle. I'm still waiting for Fauci to be stripped of his pension and locked up (with masks of course) in an 8 x12 cell...

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"Did, If, So, What"...round and round and round we go. My guess is these posed questions will be the headlines 1, 3, 10 years from now, and NO ONE will have been held accountable. Just redundant "allowed" criminality, fraud and lies. Just sayin...

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I actually think Trump has a deal with RFK et al to expose everything. But in exchange he'll be able to wash his hands from it.

There's no way he's bringing on all the c19 skeptics without having a plan.

Seems obvious to me.

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The optimistic viewpoint: I like it.

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I realize it won't happen...just call it OUT. The swamp will always swamp. Just want to make sure America KNOWS justice is what it is, and not what we deserve as "we the people" A sad reality in the living years

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Exposure is one thing. I feel most of us HERE are sick and tired beyond sick and tired of EXPOSURE. We KNOW what and who. What we get NOTHING of is accountability! Real accountability, and not the redundant political theatre with public verbal scolding's or a loss of a job or resignation. Considering what was done to humanity exposure means NOTHING without accountability. Just sayin.

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I agree. I just don't think we should get our hopes up like your basically saying

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What we've seen so far is Congressional investigations and some good independent journalism. It seems like nothing, but the result was the election of Donald Trump and this time he's bringing a team of bright, powerful, committed reformers. Wait a few months to see how this plays out.

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Sure Danno...lets SEE just what is done to those who literally perpetrated crimes upon humanity! I'm NOT holding my breath on much beyond MORE taxpayer funded verbal scolding's by the GOP and a few firings and resignations with full pensions as typical in the swamp. Big Pharma won't skip a beat either. Sure lets give it a few months. This swamp redundancy is deafening

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Whoever gave the statement should be fired. Whoever drafted the statement should be fired. Whoever approved the statement should be fired. And, that should just be the beginning...

This relates to people's health, being fully informed and being able to make an informed decision. There is no excuse. It is a breach of both a moral duty and a legal duty. Careful wordsmithing should not spare one from the latter.

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Exactly! Those are some of the employees who need to go on day one-

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Yes. Exactly. Its simply a breach of being a decent human being imo

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Regulatory capture is a thing. Reforming it may not be a priority with Donald Trump. (Lord knows, the man has enough 'priorities' staring him in the face, including Congress' confirmation of the Electoral College results.) But it WILL be a priority for RFK, Jr. This is why it was great that he teamed up with Kennedy, Musk, and Gabbard. The incoming administration will appreciate the work of Alex and others in uncovering crimes, misdemeanors, and unethical fraud rampant in nearly every federal government agency.

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How much did the Gates Foundation or Bill Gates invest in Moderna?

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I think that the bigger question is how much $$$ did Fauci make from Moderna.

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And Pfizer, and the Gain of Function lab in Wuhan. Don’t forget Fauci’s wife who is up to her eyeballs in the muck as well but has remained relatively unscathed so far…

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Sadly the horse is out of the barn already on these jabs. Will ANYONE pay the price? I seriously doubt it. The Federal Death Administration (FDA) is owned by big pharma. Maybe Kennedy can clear the dump out.

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Thank you Alex! Thank you.

The truth is going to come and these bastards are going to pay. What a disgraceful legacy.

Were they filled with sanctimony or greed,? I guess we will never know....

However, they deserve 10X the public shame they inflicted on America when people like you pushed back.

I still see people wearing obedience masks and its makes me cringe.

This is exactly the type of compliance that ushered in authoritarian regimes.

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No surprise - the FDA works for Big Pharma and Big Ag, not the public.

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Currently- hoping that will end soon

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Whether it’s not supposed to be the job of the FDA to encourage the use of certain drugs, the FDA certainly behaves as if its job is to promote vaccines no matter the cost. This is probably multi factorial: 1. Relationships between FDA officials and pharmaceutical companies. 2. Propaganda that vaccines are always good all the time, and we would all die if any vaccines were broadly rejected.

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Thanks for what you do.

Did you see the recent Associated Press article "5 things we know - and still don't know - about COVID?"

The lead thing was "Where did the SARS-COV-2 virus come from?"

The answer:

"We don't know, Scientists think the most likely scenario is that it circulated in bats."

The bat virus struck first in Wuhan where there was research on this type of virus going on but that had nothing to do with it.

Any thoughts?

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