I’m praying Jack holds onto the lead! This was personal for me. My father passed in April 2020. Only ten family members were allowed to attend a graveside service. Nothing in the church. A few weeks later, Murphy marched arm and arm with thousands for BLM. Well, my dads life mattered too😞

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Barbamuffin: YES your dad's life mattered too!

So did mine, Dad died in December 2020 - not from the Cvd bug, but from the Cvd panic-driven forced isolation (quarantined "solitary confinement" in his retirement apartment), missed doctors appointments (a cell phone held at arm's length by a nurse is NOT a substitute for a doctor's appointment!) and extremely limited visits from family and friends.

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I am so sorry for both of you. I know that Struggle Randy, I am taking care of my dad, the televisits were not good. Baraba, I am so sorry for your loss.

My heart breaks for both of you

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Rosemary B: thanks. Sincerely thanks. You have been blessed with the opportunity to help take care of your own dad. I helped dad take care of mom until she passed in January 2019 before covid. I wasn't her caregiver, I only helped the caregiver give care - if that makes sense. Caregiving is wonderful and rewarding. It is also incredibly exhausting. I hope YOU have help dealing with it all too.

Dad was just beginning to recover from losing his wife in Jan 2020 as Covid hit. Starting in March that year, I was mostly blocked from in person visits. In hindsight, I should have tried harder. Much harder.

May God bless you with His strength, wisdom, perseverance and with YOUR health too.

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Clarification: Dad was recovering in Jan 2020 - *one year after* Mom died in Jan 2019. He suffered tremendously throughout 2019 and was just beginning to break through the mourning and all of his own resulting health issues.

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Thank you Randy. I understand and appreciate your words more than you know. I moved my parents from Annapolis MD to Loudoun County Virginia in 2013 after mom had a stroke in March of that year and spent 6 months in a rehab center that was a fiasco to say the least. They are now 4 miles from me. In 2013, I traveled the Beltway to and back for many many many weeks. it as expensive. I have a sister and brother who have not lifted a finger to help.... much.

okay, so long story short, My life is focused on my dad now. Mom passed away in 2016. I have a very supportive loving hubby, and daughters sons in law and grand babies. I am blessed, and exhausted.

I am the quiet type, but nursing school many years ago forced me to be more assertive and decisive. So, now, I push. I am my father's advocate. I did threaten to remove him from his independent living fancy community, but I went to the top. I remained calm and dug my heels in. I did not want to put my dad in danger and I took very good care of him during all of these hideous lock downs.

People do not realize this but 60+ years ago, people were not obsessing about germs and coughing and viruses. My dad is doing just fine. He is 97 and his heart is failing but I believe he has many good months ahead, maybe years

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Rosemary: You're about the 60+ years ago absence of obsessing about germs. We were aware and careful, but NOT germophobic. I can't imagine what our youngest generation will be like in forty or sixty years.

My dad had just passed his 97th birthday when he passed. After mom died, he caught a head cold at her funeral and started falling fairly often, eventually collapsing his T-6 vertebrae. he went through a series of high-level pain relief that made him completely loopy -- and then weened himself off of that by sheer willpower. I wish I'd inherited that trait.

He was fully cognizant (better than I am, for sure!) all the way up to the end. He had breathing difficulties for many years and when he went to the hospital after his last fall, "they" claimed it was covid related and prevented family and friends to visit (and this was in a far more relaxed state -- NOT on either coast or the north!). So, he passed away in the hospital with a nurse at his side, but no family members. He and mom were both very strong Christians, so I'm comfortable with his going "home."

He is one of thousands. Apparently, I'm still struggling with the mindset that brought us to this point.

Barbamuffin's comment reminds me that this "condition" persists to this day and the floodgates to my fingertips and keyboard open back up again. I did NOT mean to hijack the thread away from her!!!

Rosemary, you and Barbamuffin and all others in the same boat have my utter sympathy. It's difficult to avoid wishing for revenge (that's better left to the Lord!), but I *definitely* want justice and for this horror-show to end.

God bless both you and Barbamuffin and may He ease the pain.

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I am not a licensed Medical professional, but come from a medical family. As we each turned 13, my parents required us to take responsibility for our own health and well-being by putting our yearly pediatrician and dental visits on our chore lists and requiring us to make our own appointments via the kitchen phone - which was, in those days, attached to the wall with a 15 ft cord to the handset!

I am consistently horrified at the extent to which the US public fails to take responsibility for the state of their health and will being.

Most have no idea whether the doctors and specialists they were their insurance pay or even qualified to treat them, or egoless enough to collaborate with them and their medical team.

Out of eight children in my family, ranging in age from late 30s to 64, I am the only one who has consistently spent 29 years studying, networking, and emailing the most credible doctors, specialists, researchers and scientists around the world. I have amassed close to 1,040 continuing CME credits over the last 29 years. Sick and tired of being forced to interview and assess an average of 17 doctors to replace each ONE qualified to treat me as doctors and specialists retire or stop accepting insurance.

Pre-pandemic, most doctors and specialists and even most nurses, for that matter take only the minimum CME credits required to keep their licenses current every other year.

Now, I understand with younger ones, they have student loans to pay off, perhaps young children to feed and clothe or college kids to pay tuition for.

And I understand some maybe in the sandwich generation and are caring for minor children and older parents at the same time.

This creates both financial pressure and time pressure.

I am also cognizant that most practices, especially if they are big like Kaiser permanente, northwell health, Mount Sinai health, etc, always cheap out when it comes to budgeting more than the minimum CME credits required to maintain licenses.

But I also know many doctors, nurses, NP's, PA's, surgeons, respiratory therapists etc, who skip or skimp on vacations and other extras to take more than required credits so they have a better understanding of how to treat patients they see everyday.

The medical industrial complex has seriously restricted decent medical professionals ability to adequately treat patients for adequate duration of treatment.

For The last 10 or 20 years, off label prescriptions have been approximately 20% of all prescriptions written in the US.

No pharmacist ever gave a hoot or inquired of the doctor what the patient's diagnosis was, nor is it any of their business unless prescriptions are suspect because they are badly written or in dosages far exceeding the norm.

All during the 80s and 90s, into the mid-2000s, I was prescribed enough various opiates to run a successful drug dealing business had I been so inclined.

Because some of those years I was working two and three jobs as a single parent, each prescription would easily last me a year or 14 months and was adequate to treat recurring symptoms caused by inadequately treated persistent infections.

When I moved in 2017 I was shocked to find a box containing 17 at least half full bottles of opiates ranging from Tylenol #3 to the Giant 750 mg vicodin pills, which I used to have to lop off a quarter of a tablet, so I wouldn't get stoned.

Even so, I could not take them when driving, at work, or at home if I was budgeting, writing or helping my kid with his homework.

I can remember being in excruciating pain, snapping at family members, rushing my son through his homework, praying for his bedtime to arrive so I could take a vicodin, get some relief and rest a bit before going to bed and waking up the next morning with excruciating pain.

So whether it's limiting opiate prescriptions or delaying and denying writing or feeling prescriptions for cheap generics like Ivermectin to fight covid-19 at every stage of disease, I am furious at doctors who practice "media medicine" (pet Dr @PierreKory) or "lawyers medicine" per the Hon It's J Raab, retired Supreme Court Justice, 10th judicial district, NYS.

Over-reliance on lab results and poor training at medical school and during presidencies has dumbed our population of doctors down to the point where they couldn't make a clinical diagnosis even were they so inclined.

My standards are admittedly higher, because of my age. I can recall as a child and young adult, doctors making house calls to examine, treat and write a prescription if necessary.

But back in the '50s, 60s and early '70s, doctors routinely discussed with their patients diet, nutrition and exercise. Some of the older ones even used the phrase that our grandparents used to use: "I'd rather pay the grocer and the doctor."

You don't have to be a free love, hippy dippy, peace, love and granola type to respect your body enough to nourish and care for it properly.

My licensed medical professional parents taught us to think of our bodies as a piece of equipment or a car - proper care.

We can all tailor our diets and with judicious use of herbs, spices, mushrooms, teas and nutritional agents, manage most common symptoms more efficaciously, cheaper, and more effectively than Pharmaceuticals, many of which have harmful or at least noticeable side effects.

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This is heartbreaking. These people will have to pay! They are worse than the nazis!

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We saw the injustice then, and we see it now in many more ways....and those of us on the other side let it continue.

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Never ever give in to telemedicine… it’s an insult. Again, follow the money

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telemedicine is different than Primary doctor televisits.

The televisits were difficult, especially for caregivers, set up, and oh gosh, did I mention my dad has the best hearing aids ever made and he is still hard of hearing? Anyway, I am grateful that I was able to help my dad connect with his doctor.

The whole covid circus was a disaster.

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I’m so sorry. My adoptive dad died right before all this craziness started. And we are so thankful for that. He died at home with all his family by him. I’m tearing up writing about it because it’s so disgustingly wrong for anyone who didn’t get that. I often think about all the people that weren’t able to be together at a time like that and I get so angry.

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These politicians belong in jail.

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This was not by accident. They allowed the virus to spread in those nursing homes. Staffing at NHs is subpar. There is no way they could have handled a virus easily spread. I spent a lot of time daily visiting my parents the last years of their lives in nursing homes. It requires much vigilance. The hospice people were super. Saints. The staff, two different states, were awful. Much turnover. Low pay, exhausting work, with few family members coming to visit. Nina tweaked that virus to knock off the elderly. Democrat governors took their cues.

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Because grannies vote conservatively but dead grannies vote democrat.

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I'm so sorry. Same happened with my grandma. No memorial service, died in April and we had an "illegal" ash spreading in October. No one had been able to visit with her before she died.

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heart breaking Sasha. I am so sorry. This is something that is just unforgivable.

I pray for your heart

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Horrible! My heart goes out to you!

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Yes, the isolation during the last couple of years has been horrific and tortuous for our older folks. Mum lived with me for past several years. Before C19 we had been preparing for a move to a lovely care home should her health suffer and I could not continue to provide the quality of care while still working shifts; my sister and I alternated and Mum could still get about alright with us chaufeuring. THEN C19 RESTRICTIONS. Wham. At firt the grandkids and great grandkids were hesitant to visit but eventually ok that we brought Mum to them, more or less, in various ways. We had our porch time, too. But the isolation, my God, the isolation for her. As much as possible we shield her from the worse of the constant covidmania noise on tellie and radio. But she was alert to it anyway. She knew what was what right up to the end. Had a fall. Busted hip. Surgery was too much for her. BUT WE BURIED HER properly without restricting ourselves. The funeral director had rules to follow but we navigated very well because he was empathetic and honoruable. We did not cover our faces and did normal ordinary human interaction throughout. My sister had a lovely get together after the burial and for a brief time the family was normal again -- but without Mum. The covidmania has done so much harm and caused so much suffering especially for those the bloody govt says this nonsense is meant to protect. This is too plainly seen now. Time to shrug off the wackos and live life with our elderly close and dear. And don't get me started on the absurd masking and testing at hospitals -- we did not comply and we ensured Mum was not coerced either.

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Bless you!

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Sorry about that. Pretty much every single thing that has happened since March 2020 is diabolical. Murphy is Peak Scum.

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The Great Awakening is spreading fast. Never underestimate the power of people who just wanted to be left alone.

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The most terrifying force of death, comes from the hands of "Men who wanted to be left Alone".

They try, so very hard, to mind their own business and provide for themselves and those they love.

They resist every impulse to fight back, knowing the forced and permanent change of life that will come from it.

They know, that the moment they fight back, their lives as they have lived them, are over.

The moment the "Men who wanted to be left Alone" are forced to fight back, it is a form of suicide.

They are literally killing off who they used to be.

Which is why, when forced to take up violence, these "Men who wanted to be left Alone", fight with unholy vengeance against those who murdered their former lives.

They fight with raw hate, and a drive that cannot be fathomed by those who are merely play-acting at politics and terror.

TRUE TERROR will arrive at these people's door, and they will cry, scream, and beg for mercy... but it will fall upon the deaf ears of the "Men who just wanted to be left alone."

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And you're really going to fear the "women who just wanted to be left alone". Because if it gets to that point, you won't fear death, you'll fear US.

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Don't walk on me!

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I believe, people like the idea of "being able to do anything they want!"

This is not to be confused with UNALIENABLE RIGHTS Endowed by our CREATOR.

And because people want to do creepy, bent, sadistic things to others, they confuse an indulgence or license as Liberty.

But Liberty is a Discipline that requires trained and experienced guards. It demands vigilance and like a garden or machine, it needs care and maintenance.

And this needs to come from an internal sense of urgency.

No, the more I think about Freedom and the work, blood and sacrifice it requires. The less surprised I am at the desire for self enslavement.


People want A Boss, Leader, Pastor, Commander, Chief and King.

Like any Christian will tell you.

They thank God they can be the animated bags of facial matter most men are and let Jesus take the heat.

But it's something to think about when you feel the need to band together.

Remember "A man's enemies are they of own household!" Jesus.

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You have described my marriage.

Women love convenience!

And she's constantly changing her mind.

I've been noticing a lot of women in Washington.

"Cildren are their oppressors and women rule over them!"


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"In any case this is not the Pennsylvania situation from last year, where Trump’s Wednesday morning lead was clearly in great jeopardy because so many mail-in votes remained to be counted."

Either stick to COVID Alex or actually investigate what happened last year, rather than talking the popular narrative. Trump blitzed Biden in PA, and they took 3 days to fake ballots to crawl back. It couldn't be more obvious.

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Trump was up by 700K when PA stopped counting that night. He barely got another vote after. Seems completely logical...

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Exactly what I was thinking... It's just a completely incorrect take. Whether or not it was fraud, the fact remains that Trump was up several hundred thousand votes going into the middle of the night. He didn't have a "early morning lead," it was a complete and utter drubbing the likes of which no one anticipated. He wasn't just winning pennsylvania, he was completely owning it.

I get Alex's point about not worrying about the past, I guess we have to move forward. I also think it's important to take lessons from history, and the fact is everyone watching knew something was not right, and no one has really given us any legitimate answers.

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Alex really needs to spend some of his time checking on the numbers from 2020. The more you look the dirtier they get. It wasn’t just fortified it was stolen.

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It's not "the popular narrative" at all. It's the same fact-free coverup narrative from the same lying media complex that Alex can apparently see right through on the COVID issues.

Double standard, cognitive dissonance. But if he were to look the election fraud square in the face, and maybe even see the obvious connections to the plandemic and the Great Reset.... well, he'd never be allowed back on Twitter. 🤷‍♂️

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Yep, keep tolerating and being polite and civil with these folks, I can’t wait to see the video of where a voter gets smashed in the face because someone outside found out he/ she/ it didn’t vote the “right, way, which meant really, “left“…

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I'm a lifelong democrat healthcare worker from a very blue state rooting for republican governors to win due to the terrifying and draconic vaccine mandates. My friend tells me I've been "red-pilled". :-)

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I was a life long Democrat, but I’m married to a man with relatives still in Cuba. I got red-pulled during Trump. I’m glad I took the red pill.

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Same here...lifelong lefty hoping everything turns red. I'm done with the alphabet people too. Pharma has taken control of governments with the use of public health emergency powers and Democrats helped them.

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That should say "draconian", by the way. Go Jack!

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I was heavily "leans Democrat," but usually voted for 3rd party Presidential candidates. (I deeply regret voting for Kerry in 2004.) The Democrats have infuriated me ever since Nov, 2016. I am now #walkaway, because "progressives" don't change the Democratic Party, rather the Democratic Party changes "progressives."

I still consider myself a "left-libertarian," but I now question my previous support of Medicare for All because CMS has been pushing the CDC Covid-19 treatment protocol. I don't want a single authority dictating treatment protocols. I still support state-by-state single payer as in Canada, but not a nationwide system, at least not if protocols are dictated by the payer. I'm also much more suspicious of vaccines than I ever was before. I don't think ANY childhood vaccination is appropriate. Wait until they can give their own informed consent, when they're 18.

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"I hope the Democrats will see that. Immediately" - Hope and reality are two different beasts my friend. The Dems will learn nothing constructive from the elections yesterday, only how to cheat more stealthily. And considering how obvious it was in 2020, that will take some work.

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They NEVER go AWAY...They'll BE BACK !

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Dems and rinos

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Alex, the %reporting drops to make room for the extra ballots that will be found later this week, breaking Murphy 90-10. Dems don't lose close races. Dems must be pummeled beyond cheat capacity. This is not new.

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Don't forget the Military ballots 'lost' didn't arrive on time. We went through 20 yrs of that when hub was at Sea.

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And this year those votes went to Biden. Who believes that?

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This won't cause the Dems to moderate. It will cause them to double down. Like a cornered and wounded animal, expect them to fight harder than ever to ram through as much of their fascist agenda as possible in the one year of power they have left.

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They're pretty craven. They may act all conciliatory for a bit, in hopes that next fall not every single one of their ugly asses gets bounced.

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I am a Jersey girl. I am sick how my birth state has fallen into a fiscal and social mess. Democrats destroy everything. Alex it boggles the mind how you cannot see this. Everything they touch turns to crap. While I think many are beginning to wake up to the fact that democrats want to rule like CCP, it is a fragile awakening. I voted in the past both parties. It was different back then. While their policies were often too liberal for me, overall I felt they wanted a happy country. I am positive that is no longer the case. We employed hundreds of young democrats. All college grads. Miserable people. Never ever satisfied. Their personal relationships are awful. They quit each other by text. Suicides. They do not want to work. They dislike their families. It was so bad an older man that is a Vietnam vet that always voted democrat, big anti war protester, admitted to me these young democrats are mean, depressing, and he cannot reach then. Moved red. He had no choice. He could see they want to ruin everything. The blame lies squarely with our communist educational system. They teach kids to hate themselves and to hate their country. Really it is just awful.

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Alex really has a bad case of Trump Derangement Syndrome. I am hoping that he'll see who his follows are on here and that might cause him to step back and do his excellent journalism into a topic like the stolen 2020 election.

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It is for Alex a class thing. I have asked many educated why their hatred of him. It is never his policies. It is his lack of political messaging. He is a bull in a China shop. Too crude. No filters.

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You hit it exactly. Cultural libs like Alex had their delicate sensibilities rattled for years by the "vulgar" Trump runaway train in NY. Their social circle wouldn't tolerate any dissension on things Trump. I remember listening to a 2016 claptrap CSPAN interview of former National Review editor and New Yorker, now historian, Richard Brookhiser. The critique of Trump was completely social, not substantive. The gist of the Trump hatred of these NY cultural libs,of which Alex is definitely one, comes from the fact that Trump assaulted their sensibilities on almost a daily basis from the front page of the vulgar NY Post!

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National Review lost me with their pussy stance on Trump. And I was overjoyed when Weekly Standard bought it. Both were just too damned sophisticated to back Trump, and were ready to throw it to that monster Hillary.

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Trump was hated by establishment republicans. They voted for Hillary and Biden. So their personal dislike of Trump voted in Biden the senile child groomer. Hillary maybe the most corrupt politician ever. Paul Ryan, the big backstabber, really hated Trump. Ryan fawned over Biden and deliberately lost his debate to that dumbbell. There are a lot of enemies in the republican party. We need to let them know we know who they are. They will keep working against the party, but at least Republican members can stop making excuses for these turncoats.

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Same reason they hated William Randolph Hearst.

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NY is a very class divided city. Manhattan vs Queens as example. Trump was Queens. No matter his education it would never appease the Manhattan bunch. His personality is not for many. I would not pal around with him, too much glitz for a common gal, but I respect all those different from me. His biggest fault is that he does not drink. The elite hate that. Washington is all about drinking. For years I was invited to Washington parties. I have no idea why. I think many hoped to blue pill me. I like debate. Sad it is not allowed anymore.

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Washington can be a very phony place.

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I don't trust slick politicians, with those plastic looking damned hairdos. You meet one and know not one sincere word is going to come out of his face. I loved Trump because he was unpolished.

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With no filters, it was always certain the listener would hear his truth. Like it or not. I appreciate cutting to the chase.

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Spontaneous and good humoured. I really miss him. What a contrast with the zombie that's in the White House now. I could cry

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I grew up in NYC and always heard people talking around me, rapid fire exchanges, big groups of teens sitting on Little Italy stoops, chattering away. One learns to instantly recognize the exaggerators, the humble, the braggarts, and the justifiably proud, among many other categories. Nothing Trump ever said confused me. I heard it loud and clear. I understood it and loved it. However, I wanted to see if he'd deliver, unlike many before. Wow, he delivered. Despite thousands pulling on his coat tails and a non stop media barrage of hysterical hand ringing, vitriol, and hatred, he accomplished so much, and if one were to substitute Obama's name for Trump's, there'd be not a peep. For instance, he negotiated Remain In Place with Mexico. This allowed refugee seekers to remain in Mexico while their claims were vetted, instead of hanging out in American neighborhoods and missing court dates, etc. Which Biden (his handlers) halted the moment his handlers showed him to his office and handed him a pen. Which became one more thing (besides things like Biden saying during the primaries "Surge the border!" and his handlers telling him to halt border wall construction (even as the DC Capitol itself was surrounded by walls of razor wire in response to a crowd surging the Capitol border in January (Can you imagine the hysteria if month after month more and more crowds waited under bridges and marched towards DC demanding entry? DC would quintuple the National Guard and fortify the razor wire with walls and gates and security cameras and guard shacks and Army helicopters and armored vehicles, and much much more), that contributed to the current flood of illegals storming our borders and making life miserable for the poor by, among other things, infecting many of the vaccinated with Covid (luckily those with natural immunity are spared another round). Anyway, here we are. Missing somebody who actually does make sense when they speak.

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I agree with everything you say and the Vietnam vet as well. Yes, it starts with the schools teaching them to hate their country. However there is more to it than that.

Many of these disaffected have taken on a massive amount of student debt pushed on them by Obama and lefties in general who act like any job not requiring a college education can only be filled by a moron. They are so class conscious. I live in the liberal town and I know parents who would die if their son became a plumber and made 150K a year. They would rather he have $150K of student debt and work at Starbucks. I kid you not; that is the mentality.

And they deliberately no longer teach history. Of course slavery is bad but do they know that slavery was pervasive throughout the history of humankind and that white people served as slaves all over the world including as slaves to Native Americans who also enslaved members of opposing tribes?

“Who Knows Only His Own Generation Remains Always A Child” inscribed above the library of the college I attended. They are forever children and children act spoiled if you spoil them.

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I swear I didn’t plagiarize your post...it only seems that way.

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Agreed. And “higher education” is pushing $300K for four years. Imagine taking on that debt load to be fed that bullshit? Even if you graduate to a six figure salary, you are chasing that debt for an enormous amount of time. And that’s why you hate the system, even though it was pushed on you since middle school. The libs just keep pushing the narrative that higher education is a right....so they can saddle every graduate with numbing debt.

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The Republican Party needs cleaning out too. People like Romney that instead of influencing Trump to do better, decided to make him the number one enemy. So much damage done because elites like Romney stabbed their own party instead of helping to guide.

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Romney is such a scumbag. Pierre Delecto. Total douche.

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If it helps, it's been a HUGE wakeup call for Republicans who have had to realize that our party has become the uni party. We're working very hard right now to get the R party on track as the party of the working class, we're sick of the elites, we just had no idea what was happening until it was too late.

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Unfortunately Youngkin might turnout to be Uniparty. His past points in that direction.

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"The 88% reported number is wrong, too. It’s much closer to 100%"

Yeah, but about 112% of the vote will eventually be counted, so we aren't ready to project a winner yet.

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I expect that whoever ends up with the short end of the stick will demand a recount. We might not know the true results until December. Nonetheless, to all of you who did not vote for a democrat, you have support from around the country and we appreciate your efforts to put down the rabid dog of Communism.

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The rule of thumb is that if its close, the Dems will find the votes one way or another to manufacture a win. An upset in a blue state requires 'beyond the margin of fraud'...but one can always hope...

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Alex, since you seem to believe that all mail-in ballots are real and that there's no reason to question them, I wonder why most western countries don't allow them. What do they know that we don't. Your thoughts?

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"The forest was shrinking, but the trees kept voting for the Axe, for the Axe was clever and convinced the Trees that because his handle was made of wood, he was one of them." ~Turkish proverb

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That is excellent.

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Joe Rohan tweeted it about a week ago

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Here’s the formula- the Republican has a big lead throughout the day and press attributes the lead to “rural” votes. Then the cities come in and the lead shrinks but is still significant. Late into the night the lead shrinks to the point of statistical irrelevance. The press states that it’s too close to call as long as they possibly can while the votes are discovered in various places like suitcases, ditches, etc. Votes are also re-scanned during this time. Then in about two days the race is called for the Democrat.

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Does anyone else remember a few years ago when they seemed to test the waters of vaccine hesitancy with the measles? I swear that had to of been a test. The coincidence is just too uncanny. Listen to Joe Rogan talk about it back in 2019 with Lex Fridman #1292 at about or just before 1:39:30. I heard it and was like, “shiiiit” Seriously go listen to it! They literally were predicting this whole shit and didn’t realize it. I don’t think either one remembers talking about it now and someone should point it out to them. How social media companies profit off of this vaccine kind of conflict (back before the pandemic).


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They had a lot of serious even deadly side effects, not just measles which is a 3 shot MMJ. Add in Polio. Bill Gates gave a lot of that in Africa, that was a disaster, just as his Gardasil was in India. The truth about vaccines that the CDC doesn't want you to know https://trialsitenews.com/vaccine-truth-cdc/. Ask yourself why the mostly Linkedin professional/research site was hacked, and only COVID accounts deleted?

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I am so glad I never got my kids vaccinated with Gardasil. They haven't had a shot since they were four or so, but I'm hating myself for giving them the ones they had before that, which were a metric ton.

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Steve Kirsch and Trialsitenews are amazing. I support Trialsitenews too. Thanks for posting.

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Steve Kirsch is on substack now too FYI

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Yes! I subscribed this week. Thanks.

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I’ve been saying this too. I was greatly affected by that whole measles scam. My kids were kicked out of public school (blessing in disguise). At the time, I was really upset. There was a vote in Albany, NY. The video circulated. It was a tie vote, which normally means the bill is dead. But then one guy’s boss comes over to him and whispers in his ear. Next thing you know he’s raising his hand and asking to change his vote. Supposedly the FBI was investigating it. It went no where. There were tons of lawsuits to keep the 28k NY kids in school and they went no where. My point is, it was a big deal in NY. A year later and this new virus and “vaccine” comes out and everyone needs to take it. The measles was the trial run!

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I'm a homeschooler, never been so glad that my kids have never been in public school, but this COVID thing has changed me in ways I never thought possible. After reading Alex's stuff and digging deep on the vaccine industry I am very glad my kids are grown because, if I had babies all over again, they would not be vaccinated for one.single.thing. NOT ONE! The mythology of vaccination is not about health. I do not think there is a net benefit to ANY of the vaccines we give our kids. This COVID stuff has created things it never intended, and I am willing to be that doctors see a lot of parents becoming the true anti vaxxers we've been painted to be these past months.

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Right! THE driver of health and longevity has been sanitation and nutrition. An aside into the weeds - in 2018 a deadlier measles strain appeared in Afghanistan and then traveled to Ukraine. I learned yesterday the US had a BS3/4 lab in Afghanistan, and has two or three in Ukraine.

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I had been thinking the same thing about the measles manufactured panic in NYS

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I remember. It was a test. So was Ebola. Social engineers working their beta test magic on conditioning upon the humble serfs.

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I uploaded the conversation to YouTube: https://youtu.be/dfbXfyUn3jI

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Yes. I’ve been an antivaxxer since before COVID. I’m used to sociopaths accusing my (perfectly healthy completely unvaccinated children) of killing some hypothetical “immunodiverse” kid with imaginary measles

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I don't know you, but please take this with all the sincerity possible over the internet. As someone who was not a fan of anti-vaxx parents in the past, I AM SO SORRY! I am sorry for my ignorance, I am sorry for my pride, I am sorry for believing the BS and not listening to what parents who chose not to vaccinate were saying. I AM SORRY! I wish like heck I could go back right now and unvaccinate my kids, I'd take it all back in a heartbeat, every single shot they were injected with as babies, I wish I hadn't done it.

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Thank you. If it wasn’t for the mothers of vaccine injured children telling their story I never would have made the decision not to vaccinate. So you can still make a difference!

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Watching CDC lie and distort the facts of the covid vaccines ... Like nothing I'd have thought possible in a western country.

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Yes, exactly. I know all to well what you mean. Things changed quickly in regards to vaccines. My oldest is 16 and when he was younger all it took was a note from the doctor saying that he was not going to get any vaccines. Then around 5/6 years ago the school called and said they we’re getting pressured and I needed a legitimate medical exemption or religious exemption. Medical exemptions were impossible to get since the government started monitoring each one a doctor wrote. 2019 no more religious exemption. It’s all been leading up to this.

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I got yelled at too over and over by drs and others (even by an Apple “Genius”) after cutting back on vaccines after my child was hurt by one.

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Excellent. Keep up the good work!

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You can find references going back to the late 1800's which enforce the idea that populations can be controlled with vaccines and other medical interventions. In other words, what we have seen the last 2 years in real time it not necessarily new. The entire medical mafia is now controlled by big pharma and the desire to have every person on the planet ingesting big pharma poisons from drugs to vaccines to mRNA injections. This road has been traveled over the last 130 years at least or even since the end of the Civil War.

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Earlier. they forced unneeded calomel on the Mormon Militia.

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A Spotify interview with Joe Rogan Alex Berenson posted worked. This doesn't. Requires a Spotify account.

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Still baffles me that it’s even close. Half the populace is clearly masochistic.

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By "outlier" do you mean "used massive mail-in voting to cheat"?

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Biden won't change his policies. Maybe congress will go against him but that would be the only change. The whole point of Biden is he takes all the slings and arrows while other woke people behind the scenes burn the country to the ground. None of the people making decisions have to take credit or be held accountable. They have no reason to stop. They will destroy the country and the democrat party to further their agenda.

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Republicants also do it; at least in Hatu.

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No doubt but I feel like what’s going on with Biden is something that hasn’t happened before. You would be hard pressed to convince we he’s making decisions. When have we ever had a president who wasn’t really president.

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Obama. The same elites ruled through him as through Biden.

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Slings and arrows and tons of cash from China and others

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I have an extremely difficult time believing in election integrity. Out here in Calif, in 2018 Gov Newsom won 61.9-38.1%. Fast forward a couple of years where Newsom allows PG&E to burn down large parts of Northern Calif, plunges parts of the state into week-long blackouts, manages an unemployment fund that gives away over 30 BILLION in fraudulent claims, dines out unmasked while telling people to stay home, allows kids to be locked out of school for over a year (9 million kids in Calif, a total of 37 have died from COVID, there is no risk) while his children attend private school maskless, allows riots and looting to rage unchecked, essentially declares himself king with never-ending emergency powers, unilaterally issues mandates requiring vaccinations for arbitrary industries destroying families and careers, and wins an anger-fueled recall with the same 61.9-38.1% vote. Sure he did.

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The Democrats are probably furiously creating mail in and early voting ballots to pull Murphy over the finish line. Easy since they now know how many votes that is. Notice how it is always the blue counties that can't get their counting done. This stuff has been going on for decades. Way back in time the Republican candidate for governor lost in Maryland when a couple of precincts in Baltimore had "machine mechanical problems." Back then it was the old machines where you pulled levers for your vote and when you opened the curtain for your booth the vote was automatically added to that machines tabulation. When they got those machines "fixed" and restarted allowing people to vote in them, at least one hour AFTER polls everywhere else in the state had closed and a count to that point was known, they magically FOUND over 5,000 votes which put the Democrat ahead and in the win. I think the Republican who lost was Ellen Sauerbry (sp). She appealed to the elections commission, which chose that time to take their vacations. When they returned they judged it was too many days after the election to challenge it. Seriously.

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Alex, hoping the Dems will learn not to be totalitarians is to misunderstand the Dems. Inside every one of their cognoscenti is a little Lenin. And the rest are Lenin's useful idiots.

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Can someone give a reasonable explanation why the late vote in elections ALWAYS breaks Dem?

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Because Democrats cheat.

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Also, can someone give an explanation why the outcome is never known the night of, in blue states when it's remotely close?

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Mail-in ballots. In PA, at least, the ballots are counted at the polling place so numbers are available within 1/2 hour or so of polls closing but the mail-in ballots are added in at voter services for the county. Our county has not finished yet. Prior to 2020 the mail-ins were counted at the polling places and the totals were know by 11 pm or so that night.

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Praying for my former home state. I’ve left NY NJ CA and now live in a supposedly Red state. No place is safe if we don’t stand up. Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of happiness. For all…

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I live in a Red state with 4 of our largest counties Blue, which includes our capitol. And the WOKE/CRT GARBAGE IS SEEN IN EVEN SMALL TOWNS, our Sec of Ed is pro this crap. Our governor ran as a conservative turns out he plays both sides.

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Our Governor talks big. Not as bad as our senior super-RINO US Senator but would be nice if actions followed words. Take note Republican politicians - if you don’t step up now we can stay home a year from now.

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I think we live in the same state. I don't believe our governor will win next year.

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Anecdotally: spoke to my 24 year old who works for a big bank in NYC, (Son 27 is med student there, youngest in college in Syracuse - how all my kids got in that insane state is beyond me ) and she was telling me that all her work peers and social peers are clamoring to get the booster. None of them are sick or have been sick. They think NOTHING of having to show proof of health cards to live life. The smart city- urban prison experiment is working among the Gen Z population in NYC. Its horrendous. They don’t watch news. They have no idea sanitation workers or crops or firefighters are pushing back. They think this S—t is normal and Ok. I reminded her that the bubble of NYC is NOT the way the rest of the world is… but these lemmings haven’t a clue.

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I take it she’s smart and won’t be getting the booster.

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Virginia has been a statement on the social justice/woke issues; New Jersey on the lockdowns/mandates. Thank you, 11-2-21!

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The only thing the Democrats will learn is that they need to censor more, to cancel more people, to persecute more people, to terrorize their adversaries even more, to be more violent, more agressive, to turn up the fear and the lies more.

They won't stop until We, the People, stop them.

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NJ is lost. Close races go to Dems. They will find the votes. CA recall was stolen too. Full forensic audits must be done for all 50 states.

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they'll find the votes to make up the difference, probably on the side of I95 or in a UPS truck....

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Someone has got to pop the delusional northeastern covid compliance bubble. I’m praying Citarellelli wins. No idea if it will make any difference in the long haul but I am open to any temporary reprieve.

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Murphy wants mandated vaccines if that isn’t enough to kick him to the curb, I don’t know what is.

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They thought that about Newsom yet he was not recalled. Cheated.

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I hope they DON"T see it. They need to continue this nonsense until 2022. But then, I live in Tennessee so I'm good in any event.

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I’m going to Tennessee in 3 weeks for a breat of free air… if the airline doesn’t cancel.

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Soros contributed millions to Newsom’s campaign. Everything is for sale in California.

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Hopefully this is just the beginning.

In our school district in suburban Columbus, Ohio - over 100 motivated parents drove 3 patriot parents to victory...flipping a mask-mandating, CRT defending School board from a 4-1 Leftist/RINO majority to a 3-2 conservative control of the Board. And those parents aren't stopping there, but turning to the other 2 seats.

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Never underestimate the Dems. They are busy stuffing ballot boxes even now.

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Checking every trunk. Always able to find ballots under tables as needed chanting the mantra “count every vote” no matter how fraudulent

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I hope they double down again! More blue state voters will take note that way. The progressive elites are tone deaf. I hope they all talk as silly as Joy Reid, Vann Johnson and that ridiculous Nicole Wallace.

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If the Dems take this as a warning, turn down the heat a little bit and allow "the frog in the pot" on the stove to cool off for a bit, that frog will never jump out of the pot!

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98% in now, difference of 1200 votes. NJ has spoken. 👍🇱🇷

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Only the semi-legitimate votes have spoken. Do you really believe the Dems are not going to find the necessary votes to steal the victory within the next few days? By Friday at the latest.

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Why do you want the Democrats to see it? Any conservative would want them to continue running on their Marxism or socialism ideology. It will be a blood bath for Dems in the midterms. I know you are a Democrat (I don't care) however you are a little out of touch with why Independents rejected Dems last night. It's SO much more than just Covid, masks and mandates. Please take a drive to Conshohocken PA and see how the blue collar and middle class are suffering under a Biden administration. You need to get out of NYC, a Democrat bubble and see how the real world lives. I'm a native New Yorker and I was a Democrat and it wasn't until I moved to PA did I see how the REAL world lives. It's a far cry from a doorman building on Park Avenue.

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If Murphy wins and like his aide said to Project veritas he decides to mandate everyone get a vaccine then it should be a crime to vote Democrat. Change the name of the party for all I care and keep the people the same but that word needs to become the same as the word Nazi if that happens

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The Dems should learn from the election results, but they won't. Last night will probably make them double down on their tyrannical ways.

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Good. Let them dig their own holes to fall into

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You have a serious case of TDS, Alex. That you could say things like "Where Trumps lead was clearly in great jeopardy." Look it up. Go talk to a pollster like Rich Baris, have a real conversation with him. If you come away thinking "Yeah, PA was on the up and up!" then great, at the very least you'll learn about Rich's track record with races, where he gets his data, and how the PA win was mathematically impossible.

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Yes indeed FloydPinkus. I'm in CA, I remember going to bed at just before midnight on Election night and Trump was ahead in PA by 760,000 votes. I woke up at 7 AM and Biden was ahead by 160,000 in PA. Mathematically impossible!

I love you Alex, but sorry, you are not correct on this one.

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Alex is a Never Trumper who needs to stick to Covid info on his substack. Once Alex shows his anti Republican and anti Trump hatred he is going to lose followers. Remember when Alex bragged on Clay and Buck's show that he was told he was safe on Twitter only because he is an anti Trumper? In the end he got what he deserved being divisive. Dems are full of hatred, they can't help it because deep down inside they are unhappy people.

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So would that mean he voted for.... Brandon??! And before that.. Hillary!!?

Holy crap

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Interesting that you weren't linking this potential upset to the Veritas report that showed a top Murphy aide who said that Murphy planned to implement vaccine mandates if he won reelection.

You know, the "public health emergency" that is polite enough to wait for the political winds to be favorable.

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"It is not clear if they are all mail-in, in which case Murphy will probably pull ahead"

Isn't it strange how taken-for-granted it is that mail-in votes go to the Democrat? As though its' the law of gravity or something. If the numbers were flipped and Murphy has a .1% lead with mail-ins left to be counted, you can bet he'd already be declared the winner.

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It shows 88% of expected vote. The Dems expect to cheat so there’s the answer

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As a Californian I'm pretty sure it wasn't so much an 'OUTLIER' as much as it was a well oiled voter fraud machine. It is after all Piglosi's Nephew so the tentacles of corruption run run as deep as DC.

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One of the things that bothered me in California was the number of Republicans that showed up to vote and were told they already had voted. That seemed a little fishy to me.

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Alex - it will probably be the opposite. Dems will consider 2022 a lost cause and just try to ram through any totalitarian bullshit that they can while they still hold power. Literally their playbook from Obama's first term when they burned their party to the ground over Obamacare.

The only small ray of hope for NJ is that the relatively strong showing by Jack lets everyone who isn't for masks or vaccine mandates that they aren't alone. It's easy to think that you're one of a very small number of people in that group because our opinions are censored on social media. But now I think a lot more people are going to just ignore Murphy's more outrageous executive orders. You don't get to win by <1% and continue to rule through EO. And I think the more moderate Democrats in the legislature are now shitting bricks and will work to pull him to the right.

Last I checked, this was America and we don't allow 51% of the population to completely rule over the other 49% with an iron fist. We'll see how this goes.

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If you do follow Rich Baris, you'll know that NJ wasn't really ever in play, those late ballot dumps from heavy blue areas were expected, as Rich explained, because he's not partisan, he's just a great pollster. And he was a great pollster in 2020 when the election was....wait for it...stolen. If you can even look at all of the "Anomalies" that happened in the exact right states, the problem lies with you.

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I believe that there would have been massive election fraud in Virginia but Youngkin was so far ahead they couldn’t stop it. I think they’re saying Youngkin won by around 2%? it was probably 10% and the fraud reduced it to 2%....

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Bergen county went from 100% reporting around midnight with Ciattarelli ahead by 10K votes, to 100% reporting and Murphy ahead by 10K votes at 3AM. I really don't like to believe election fraud theories but something was clearly wrong with the reporting.

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Funny story: I’m in NJ. Poll workers are not allowed to ask for voter ID. Murphy thought yesterday would be a good day to introduce new digital log books. There were problems statewide with wi-fi issues as well as people not being found in the system. My husband went to vote last night and he said he saw several instances of people having to show their ID to help the poll workers look up their names or to be given provisional ballots. Ironic. Only in NJ.

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It’s sad to me that so many voting Democrats fail to see truth and reality. They are so tethered to a Party and a failing ideology that it makes it impossible for them to live in reality. A man I work with has an 85 year old father, a retired pastor, who does not believe ANYTHING about Joe Biden’s corruption or Hunter’s laptop or the debacle in Afghanistan. How the incredible mind that God gave us can be so warped and so easily manipulated is astounding to me.

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