In my almost 67 years of life, I am still angered by the Covid insanity from our government, and the “tattle tale” mentality of some of my fellow citizens who reported people to the “authorities.” When I remember what Gretchen Whitmer enforced to keep people locked down, and Tim Walz’s “Brown Shirts” who fired painful, paint balls at people standing on their own front porches, or in their own yards, I am reminded just how thrilled I am that Harris lost the presidential election.

This election restored my faith in believing that American citizens can be awakened and roused to vote for leaders who would, hopefully, never allow this insanity to ever happen again!!

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It was a coordinated effort and the democrats stated it. Five days before the quotation Alex referenced, former Obama Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel had an opinion piece in the WaPo speaking for a lot of democrats. On March 25, 2020 - just as Emanuel et al said in 2008, they wanted to use the crisis. It is good to see Alex awake to this, but it isn't isolated to covid:

"Never allow a good crisis go to waste. It’s an opportunity to do the things you once thought were impossible.

… All of this is to say, again, that Washington needs to make sure this crisis doesn’t go to waste. "


It was coordinated and advocated by the left both in 2008 (I can send the reference if needed) and here and other times. It is about seizing power. And they stated it 5 days before they tried it as you point out.

Happy Thanksgiving!

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Pretty sure my fellow-citizens gave me a new disease called Terminal Disillusionment Syndrome. November 5th helped...but i fear I'm scarred for life.

Its like Americans completely lost the ability to think in net negative/positive terms....with no ability for abstract thinking...or understanding the law of unintended consequences. And the flipside of the same coin; the more obvious something was, the more illusory it became.

And let's NEVER forget what was done to CHILDREN.

For example this can't be good (and this is just one of many studies - with more to come):


Terrible reflection of our society. One that is DOOMED if we don't learn a lesson about putting children last.

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Amen. I was shocked and horrified by the pathetic response of my fellow citizens. I never would have imagined that we would allow ourselves to be shuttered in our own homes and snitching on each other over something such as this rather mild virus.

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My wife STILL gets on my ass because I bring up old shit. But I’m scarred too and I was one of the ones who didn’t stand for it. And until my neighbors ask for forgiveness it will never be granted.

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Exactly. Because they'll do it all over again. Never Again.

If they want forgiveness they should seek it.The burden is on them to seek forgiveness, if they can prove their contrition and, by the integrity of their future actions, their sincerity. Otherwise, walk away.

Personally I'm just indifferent to them at this point They no longer exist for me. It's healthier that way.

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What do you want expect from motherless career women drinking Chardonnay? Same ones usually married to neuter less he/it.

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no one has yet to explain what happened to infection from previous immunity. Or where are the RCT's that should have been eventually done?

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Or why was it suddenly the rat juice no longer needed to be chilled to minus 70 degrees.....on and on.

Anyone paying attention would've caught dozens of lies in the first couple of weeks.

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Yeah the two of them were the real Fascists. So much so that I still fear calling her what I want to call her. She wore a lot of red and black and was pretty totalitarian. Walz is more like the other guy we remember from history- a bumbling blowhard who was less an ally and more a nuisance to Kamala in the end. BTW, remember the nonsense about how George Floyd riots were medically necessary gatherings?

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When they let the enormous crowds of George Floyd rioters destroy cities with NO masks on, that's when I knew that covid was total BS.

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Yes, the riots were a very necessary response to the greatest public health danger of all, racism!!! Even worse than Covid!!! OMG, panic now everyone!!!!!!

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Well its still close call seeing as how they are stealing the down ballots.

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And no one seems to care. Why?

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I was also struck, for the first time, how easily people could be scared into viewing fellow humans as "other". I never understood how Nazis became Nazis. Clearly, we all are capable of it. Scary stuff.

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There are sheep and then there are wolves. No in between in that regard.

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yet the same number of people voted for Trump in 2024 as 2020?

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I would posit that no ventilators were needed. When you went on a ventilator you died.

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As happened to the brother of a good friend of mine.

In good shape during a hospital stay (sounded fine during a phone call), put on a ventilator the next day, died two days later.

The hospital reported it, of course, as a Covid death.

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Oh, man. So sorry. Gives me the heaviest of hearts...STILL.


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so sorry for his loss... and he probably couldn't even be with him, because "Covid"

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No one was put on a ventilator capriciously. What was his respiratory rate, O2 level, and CO2 level? Circling the drain. Make believe that everything is fine and then the patient stops breathing? And dies?

I have had enough of all The amateurs who think anyone was intubated without solid and traditional parameters.

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Ventilators and remdesivir killed a lot of people needlessly in my opinion

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Urban myth.

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tell that to the grieving relatives of those who were killed

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Obviously I disagree with you assessment. But what makes you think that?

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that is completely untrue. people were put on ventilators to protect hospital staff from "dangerous" circulating air, not because it was the right choice for the patients. C-PAP and Bi-PAP machines would have been better choices. the virologists on TWIV said it was too bad the the old iron lungs from polio days had been scrapped as they would have done the job without killing people. i'm sure the bonus paid to hospitals for diagnosing covid and using vents also swayed the decision. covid was, if nothing else, a massive money laundering scheme for the hospitals.

cuomo would, in his daily press briefings, rail against the president for not providing him the 40,000 ventilators he needed instantly! in the next breath he would admit that at least 80 - 90% of patients on ventilators would never make it off alive. who would take those odds? maybe if covid had a 100% fatality rate...

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Like everything else Covid we knew most of the answers in early to mid 2020. At the very beginning of the pandemic I recall watching a British man in a hospital that had contracted covid on a cruise ship. I believe he worked in the medical field in some capacity because he had knowledge of respiratory illnesses and he understood ventilators and what that means in terms of likely outcome. He was told that his oxygen levels were getting to a critical level and a ventilator might be next. He started doing breathing exercises, got his oxygen levels up and never went on a ventilator. Right after this the US was sounding the alarms about ventilator shortages.

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Clinical evidence showed, after a relatively short period of time, that ventilation drove the virus deeper into the lungs, making recovery slower or impossible. People who returned to cardio exercise too soon during recovery also experienced the ill effects of pushing the virus deeper. However, the $39,000 support from the government for ventilated patients lasted beyond the recognition of the clinical evidence, and people were capriciously ventilated, even capriciously diagnosed, for the financial incentive. i'm sure Arizona was not the only place this happened.

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so true! my best friend in NYC had a fever but was otherwise feeling ok. she just wanted a covid test. now i ask you, when did you ever get a test to see exactly what kind of flu you had? if you had sniffles but no fever, you said you had a cold. if you had a fever and body aches, you said "i have the flu." you NEVER fretted over what variant of cold or flu you had.

but there it was, a virus with the greatest PR campaign the world has ever known behind it and so my friend- instead of resting, taking a hot bath and drinking bone broth- went in search of a covid test. her lung doctor didn't have any, the walk-in clinic near her apartment didn't have any but her local hospital, columbia presbyterian, did. they also had a ventilator with her name on it once the test results came back positive. she was 68 at the time and had an interstitial fibrotic lung disease. in a few years, unless she abandoned conventional medical treatments and went out on an alternative limb, she would need a double lung transplant.

she would regularly text me photos of her pulse oximeter readings which were generally in the 80's (but sometimes would be up in the high 90's which said to me that her lungs still had the potential to work).

anyway, she walked to the hospital, passed her covid test and was put on her ventilator. she had oxygen tanks at home that she could have used if she got in trouble. but she wanted to know if she had covid and that wanting sealed her fate.

i had gone to bed early that night and turned my phone off. the next morning i saw what turned out to be her last ever text to me, letting me know that she'd be on a vent for a few days.

two weeks later, they took her off the ventilator and tossed her bagged remains onto a freezer truck. some time after that, she had a lonely funeral attended only by the rabbi who officiated. she did not die of covid; she was murdered by procedure, 4/1/2020.

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Horrifying…I’m so sorry.

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Our former next door neighbor, older but neither overweight nor ill, was full vaxxed but got COVID. They put her on a ventilator and about two weeks later she was dead. I'm not saying ventilators didn't save some lives but they ought to be a last-ditch choice.

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Remember the awestruck headline stories when China built "an entire hospital" in just a week in Wuhan? (Which for some odd reason had bars on all the windows.) There were no headlines when it turned out that the "hospital" was a pre-exiting prefabricated prison that they had relocated from a different site. Hospital, prison, whatever. Just lock people up and claim to have "solved the problem." That's what now passes for "public health."

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I thank God every day that I don't live in China. Don't even want to visit.

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Personally I think the lockdowns were far more dangerous (and did more long lasting damage; economically and health wise) than the non-vaxx vaxx. That may not be popular here, but i think time might support that assertion.

They wanted us to feel hopeless...otherwise there wouldn't be a need for the propaganda, censorship and the moral trickboxes

The good news is, they are on a terminal glide slope - out of altitude, out of airspeed, and out of ideas.

I'm calling it now; covid, or otherwise:

For the first time in decades Team Sanity is WINNING.

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I am completely with you on lockdowns. The vax is just standard pharmaceutical profiteering. People should have been questioning the pharmaceutical industry long before now. The lockdowns were the largest loss of global civil liberties in my lifetime and fractured society. The panic is the pandemic as far as I’m concerned. We really need a reckoning.

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Couldn't say it better myself.

100% how i feel.

Histories only perfect "proof of concept" exercise.

Validated wholesale.

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Worse, our government continued to lie to us after they knew that what they feared was not in fact happening. Why? Because they luxuriated in their new-found emergency powers, civil liberties be damned. Oh, and also the suitcases full of money they received in ‘campaign donations’ from Big Pharma after each new COVID spending bill.

And they continue to lie today. Media: nothing to see here, peasants, move along. And the peasants waited for November 5th.

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It was very obvious within 2 weeks of the beginning of covid hysteria in March 2020 that most of the deaths were occurring in two groups: the obese & those 85 years old & up. Here in NYC the two auxiliary hospitals (on a ship & one in Central Park) were virtually unused. I passed that ship on the way home from work every day. Instead of being surrounded by ambulances it was surrounded by food trucks - with service members lined up in front of them getting coffee, etc.

By the second week in April 2020, according to nurse friends of mine (I am an RN/NP) who were working in hospitals there was more staff in the ERs than patients.

As to ventilators: anyone who has worked in a critical care area (I worked in a NICU) knows that it is imperative to keep the patients on a ventilator for as short a time as possible because ventilators are ultimately very damaging to the airways & lungs. Prolonged ventilation leads to a condition called bronchopulmonary dysplasia which can lead to death.

The only way, especially as a healthcare professional, that I can describe what went on from 2020-2023 (& is still lurking in the shadows) is pure EVIL, COWARDICE & STUPIDITY. When I can bear to think back on it I think I feel similarly to the way some people in the 1920s felt about the abysmal uselessness, destruction & waste of World War I.

I am not at all in a forgiving mood towards those who foisted lockdowns, masks, distancing, etc.

on people in this country. I want revenge in the form of prosecutions, jail time, loss of pensions and other assets (I'm looking at you - Fauci, Cuomo, DiBlasio et. al.).

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Justice demands much more than just jail time or loss of assets. There is only one thing that would be justice for the crimes that were committed against Humanity. Not only Fauci, Collins for the funding of the research that became COVID-19 but leading to the people behind the push for the MRNA Shots which have killed many more than COVID did

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I was just being polite. I would actually like them to get the same treatment as Benito Mussolini & his mistress.

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Yeah, sometimes you talk about criminal prosecution, delicensing and jail and people say "well, that's extreme". As Matt Walsh said about a different issue, "oh no, that's the *compromise* solution".

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Cowardice, panic, stupidity, and pure evil. You got that exactly right!

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So well said. It was frustrating to watch the carnage due to the response not the virus and nothing was done to stop the madness.

Cuomo got pulled down but not because he killed grandmas and grandpas but because he grabbed some woman’s behind. Priorities don’t you know.

Jail wouldn’t be enough for some of these miscreants

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Very well said.

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How much, Alex, do you think the panic was driven by them fearing their lab work had created a monster? Because they obviously knew it was their virus that got out.

Did we get lucky because these "scientists" were inept at GoF research?

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This seems like the most logical explanation to me... Fauci and his cronies knew what they were funding, and they recognized they were complicit in creating a virus that might sacrifice millions of lives. (Why they were funding this work at all, much less in a country that is our enemy is still unclear to me.) So there was panic at the top and the covid madness was the result. It is unfortunate that no one will ever be held responsible.

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But we didn't get lucky. Look at excess deaths. Look at fertility rates. Look at so-called turbo cancers in young(er) people. Are these results due to the virus or the vaccine?

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My wife and I had Covid very early and listening to people like you and Jay B believed we had immunity. We got the first couple shots then relaxed and went out to our favorite shops and restaurants. Our church unfortunately went Zoom. Our blue State went full lockdown with kids wearing masks for a year. But do our lefty friends now admit it was a scam? Of course not. They still buy the wet market story.

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Well, I have been wanting to tell everyone in 2024. We are at COVID-19 #6 shot. And in Massachusetts, some healthcare facilities still require employees to get the required mRNA SHOT. Unknown why after the 2nd mRNA SHOT but it's a lot of paperwork to fill out to get your patient from having to receive it. In my personal opinion, our government leaders are nuts and money-hungry and don't care about people. There are so many bad things our cadaver named Uncle Joe Robinhood Biden has done in a really bad way to millions of people.

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The most dangerous moment was when all these jokers from the WHO, the CDC and the NIH got involved and totally blew everything out of proportion. They pretended that Covid was a new reincarnation of the Black Death that killed one third of Europe in the 14th century. Instead, it was just like a very bad flu season. And why did they blow it out of proportion? Power and money (the usual suspects when corrupt individuals are involved). If they had integrity and a tiny bit of humility, they would have called a brief time out to see if Covid was going to kill 2 or 3 people out of every 10,000 or 3,000 or 4000 out of every 10,000. It quickly would have become apparent that 99.7 percent were going to survive Covid, so all the draconian BS such as lockdowns and masking could have been jettisoned (actually, never implemented in the first place).

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My cousin, who’s a retired anesthesiologist said from the start ventilators were killing people. They should have been on CPacks! He was proven factual! He asked asked for a grant to prove it but was denied it because they knew he was right!

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I think you mean CPAP.

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I think she might have meant Z packs, aka azithromycin

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First, as I have said, I would love to know what really happened in China. I would love to see an expose on that. China is totalitarian. China has a problem with too many old people. The fact that COVID killed old people is a feature, not a bug to the Politburo. I would love to see the evidence that China effectively contained the virus. At this point, it seems we are largely taking their word for it. But my larger point is that COVID was "not letting a good crisis go to waste" as Rahm Emmanuel is famous for saying (hey didn't his crazy doctor brother emerge as a force during COVID, makes you go hmmm). I still think part of it (not the release of the virus I suppose but who knows... but the response) was to get rid of Trump. Remember the economy was humming along and presidents rarely lose reelection when the economy is humming. So, they used COVID to tank the economy. Remember how Biden and Harris both had talking points in the 2024 cycle about how Trump lost the most jobs in history, hoping we'd ignore our own memories which included a rapid bounce back from like 21% unemployment to only 6.4 as red states reopened in the summer and early fall of 2020. But COVID was global you say. Yes, but the Davos/UN/Global Government elites crowd wanted to get rid of Trump too. And remember this is the same crowd that shut down people like Alex and is currently trying to shut down all kinds of people questioning the wisdom of so many other things- the Ukraine war, Brexit, anyone who says sunshine and windmills will not save us from climate change (and may not have to) and how many other things? So yeah, this was not letting a crisis go to waste.

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I’ve been saying this for a while. The vaccine mandates were one thing, but the other police’s were just as deadly.

Ventilators, masks, etc. Remember we also had had new physicians practicing as well: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/how-covid-19-protocols-killed-millions

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Almost as if it was part of a Plan. One add to your comment of the fear being a year or more. We are in 2024 soon to be 2025. The panic still exists in the United States and Europe to this very day 🙄

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This can’t be emphasized enough. If we don’t make it clear this won’t be tolerated, they will regroup and try it again. WHO is looking for even more control over people in the event of a “pandemic”, and governments are falling all over themselves to sign up.

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Unfortunately, you are right.

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This whole assumption of said virus was leaked in an accidental way must be re-visited. Considering just what was done AFTER said leak just WHY is the intentional release of said virus never discussed in any serious discussion?

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I'm glad you said it first bc it sounds a little crazy. But after witnessing the Biden administration ("Deep State" ?) willing to risk a dangerous escalation in the Ukraine/Russia war for no other reason that I can discern but to undermine the incoming Trump administration, I started to wonder.....was Covid released (not accidentally) in order to undermine the 2020 reelection of Trump? A few months ago, I would have thought that is a crazy hypothesis, now, I am not so sure it's that crazy.

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That crossed my mind at the time. The Chinese economy was in deep trouble by late 2019 thanks to Trump’s tariffs and it looked like he would easily be re-elected. Xi may have thought that if China was going down, he would bring Trump and the US down with him. I thought of Covid as Xi’s revenge

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I think it was a confluence of all things that were directed at Trump...including Xi's motives

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Well with what we have seen occur there is nothing which should not be considered YES!

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That could be said to be ONE very plausible reason, and some would say the most obvious yes

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Yes. And it's fucking disgusting that much damage and untold despair was caused just for political expediency.

At a minimum it was an excuse.

You have to remember the backdrop of the peasant rebellion of 2016 with Trump and Brexit when evaluating this.

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Good point on larger perspective! TRUMP was "in the way" on multiple fronts wasn't he and still IS

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