Good summary, Alex. The ship was sinking but they had to hold on until the vaccine rescue ship arrived. But the only way to survive was to ... scare the pants off everyone. That's what government is great at - scaring the hell out of people.

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And they are still trying. Biden and his ilk have still not let this go. It’s unbelievable after so much has come out there are still very strong Covidians out there unable to wrap their heads around this being over.

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Ask Novak Djokovic about Woke prescient powers // ObamaDrama 🎬

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Read the letter DeSantis sent to Biden to try to let Novak play in the Miami tournament. It's a service winner for the Florida governor.

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Prolly Susan Rice is trying to craft a 🚢titanic winning reply 🔜

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…and spending taxpayer’s money like a drunken sailor on leave

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Once again the conspiracy theories turned out to be conspiracy fact. Scamdemic all the way. When they make a movie of this affair maybe Hugh Grant can play Hancock

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GREAT writing! Again. Now we have these What’s App texts in addition to the Twitter files. And, still people I know live and trust their Gov’t and Health ‘experts’?! I propose that we require Curiosity classes into the curricula of schools ASAP. Perhaps kids will trigger their parents to buy a clue and get curious and PISSED too. I am so underwhelmed in my fellow man and their inability to see evil intent when it’s so clear. Argh!! Thanks so much for what you do Alex. 👏🙏

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Some of it, I believe, truly was/is evil (Fauci, for example), but with Hancock, it seems to be pure opportunistic narcissism by a government official with mediocre intelligence.

And yes, thanks again for my laugh of the day, Alex!

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You know it’s a lie when your government is selling panic. If there is really something to panic about everyone would see it and they would be telling us to calm down.

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I have no words severe enough for that Brit POS and his literal minions. I hope they all burn in hell and are admitted there posthaste.

And double that for our Yankee overlords over here. 👿

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This shit was over before it started. And they knew that.

And I knew it as well. But, me and my bf still lost our jobs. I still got kicked out of stores. I still got berated by idiots. Pure insanity...

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At least those people will have to live with the negative health consequences of getting jabbed.

A small consolation but it is something at least.

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I feel horrible for people that truly thought they were doing the right thing, left others alone, and were lied to by their doctors, the media…nearly EVERYONE! It’s probably the most despicable, wide scale, global lie I’ve ever witnessed in my lifetime.

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Consider this: 9 out 10 people you meet you probably would not want as a friend. However those 9 out of 10 have friends. So selecting friends is a personal thing.

I consider that anyone who can't be polite to other people is not worth having as a friend. I hope you have many good friends already. When you do find new good friends then remember to treat them well. My wife's BFF's husband is in the hospital right now and luckily everyone in her circle are rallying to help her hubby offering rides, money, support, medical supplies (wheel chair, walker, etc), medical advise (one friend is a doctor who is orchestrating his care). When you reach that stage then you are golden. If I remember correctly you were a waitress. It can be a good profession however if you want to pandemic proof your life then look to adding skills in another recession proof endeavour like selling on ebay, writing, the list is endless. I know it sounds like I am preaching, I am not. I just look around me at the good and bad and offer what I have seen of the good. Oh and Florida is probably a good state for waitressing as they have pulled the mandates.

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You’re precious! I was a waitress when I was MUCH younger. I retired (forced) as a deputy sheriff of 23 years, 3 years ago. Or, I’d still be working. God bless you!✝️💜

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A thought, I read Florida is paying a bonus to law enforcement personnel willing to relocate to Florida. I always found Florida to be a very friendly place to visit. Even when Dave pulled a "Uee" and a cop pulled us over but let us go because we were tourists.

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If I was younger I would! 😉

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Dr. Michael Yeadon: Every Single Thing We Were Told Is a LIE

'The “Vaccines”Have Killed Millions... Personally I No Longer Believe There Was Any Novel Respiratory Virus... If we can’t persuade people of that, humanity is going down'


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The Nordstream Pipeline explosion. but give it time.

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Didn't that explosion create great damage to the environment, which will eventually harm the health of some people. The fish are damaged and people are going to end up eating some of those fish!

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Seymour Hersh pins the blame on Biden and his Navy Seals in concert with Norway.

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Yes he does. But who knows? There's much skepticism about this.

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It is another conspiracy theory today however so many conspiracy theories of the past 3 years have come true lately that he might be onto the truth. I am waiting for him or someone else to come out with confirmation.

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Excellent report and spectacular example of 21st century FAILURE OF LEADERSHIP. It is difficult to see how humankind will bounce back from this betrayal.

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It will be a tremendous undertaking but I do hold out hope. Every conceivable institution has been corrupted. And yet some are beginning to see the writing in the wall. Vanguard and ESG is a start.

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If this is all true, then why the Millions of doses of Midazolam and Morphine bought and used by the Medical System in the UK? Why the slow Euthanasia of the Elderly in Care Homes? This is NOT explained at all by these messages. Was someone else in control of the PROTOCOLS used to MURDER people in Hospitals and Care HOMES? What excuse does he have for that? Fauci wasn't there,....who was it??????????????????????

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As another poster has noted, Hancock is just a simple minded mid-level bureaucrat with no moral compass. That is, he was not one of the high level planners and perps like Fauci, Gates or Tedros. His texts revealed he was going along with the program controlled by others.

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I have posted on this elsewhere. My theory is that offing the elderly reduces pension plan payouts and elderly health care payouts so the governments can balance their deficits and avoid default as interest rates rise.

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Not to mention, getting rid of legitimate history! Kids born now will not know some truth…it’s like starting over! As they say, 1984 isn’t suppose to be an instruction manual.

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Yes Wikipedia has been rewriting history. Sad to see.

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Jeremy Farrar — of the Wellcome Trust (the erstwhile GlaxoSmithKline) that essentially controls UK health policy, according to Whitney Webb’s reporting.

Farrar is the newly appointed chief scientist for WHO and has some very bad ideas for humanity around health surveillance, but he has a fair amount of skill to “Benign-Wash” (TM) them.

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To be honest, I don't know about the ethics of violating an NDA, but if the UK doesn't have a FOIA, which I assume it does not, I applaud her backbone to rat out a government official.

The pandemic wasn't so much a virus as it was rampant, highly contagious dishonesty & ego infection.

Now, if someone would just rat out Justin Castreau...

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UK does have something like FOIA but they have often just refused to answer.

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Laura Dodsworth was ahead of the game with "State of Fear" published in May 2021 - how the British government weaponised fear during the C-19 so-called pandemic. If you haven't read it, it's well worth it.

Now that we know who was behind the guns - not that anyone who kept an eye on the UK during this period didn't have a damn good idea that Hancock was front and centre. And was never seen without a pink tie. That has to have meaning but I'm not sure what that is. However, there is another theory that these Whats Apps were released as a distraction to take people's attention away from his exploits with Midazolam in the seniors homes and the ongoing efforts of the WHO to change the international health regulations and bring in mandatory vaccine passports and/or a global digital health certificate. See here, James Roguski substack: http://StopTheWHO.com

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Yep. There’s always a deeper, bigger story.

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How he thought his mug could sell a book is beyond me!

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I still await Fauci's book, which I'm sure will be atop the NY Times Best Seller list for weeks and bring in a record advance. Then again, Does Fauci really want to go on the record for 350 pages? Is he going to emulate his nemesis RFK, Jr. and include 2,200 footnotes backing his positions?

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What will the title be? “I Am Science!!” “My Life Ruining Public Health”.

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Truly is an excellent title. I can’t top it. But for 2nd place:

“Rand Paul, Suck my Balls

My Road to Revenge on the Post Retirement Speaking Tour. Cha Ching”

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Good title suggestion!

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Believe it or not he is 'very popular' in the UK. At least by the fans of TV reality shows. Sheep really is that stupid and they really would flock to buy his vomit.

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I'll believe anything now. Things I'd once never have believed, I now know WILL happen.

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Well said. Better than Rodgers and Hart.

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Is there any wonder why most people have little confidence in their Government Health Officials (I use that term loosely) or the entire Government? To quote, "lies, damn lies and stories of intrigue". Looks like we have a dead heat between Hancock and Fauci as to who can grossly mislead the public the most about Covid.

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Unbelievable. If it wasn't so damaging to, well everything, it would be hilarious.

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To much drama seems like another Fauci who is in love with himself. No wonder the entire world is messed up people are more concerned about themselves then anyone else. These people don't care or realize people are suffering.

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The British Fauci. The difference, this dude was a complete idiot, Fauci is completely evil.

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