
The early leader is Scranton Syndrome, which works both as a reference to The Office and Biden and sounds vaguely like a real medical condition - "He's got Scranton Syndrome, I'm prescribing rest and a complete block of all Eric Topol tweets!"

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Long skepticism

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We have a name for this, it's called "default to truth" and it was coined by Daniel Kahneman during his incredible work on heuristics. People naturally believe what they hear. So, if you want to influence opinion, you just give the largest microphone to the people most willing to say the thing you most desire for them to say. Default to truth, especially in the Big Media era, is probably our most detrimental bias. Add to it the sunk cost fallacy which leads people to double down on their beliefs even when they know they're wrong for fear of the "cost" of admitting they were wrong, and, well, you get exactly what we have today...

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Competency Deficiency Realization Syndrome

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It is disconcerting, to say the least. The older I get the more I realize how much BS there is in everything. The most dangerous people are the ones who believe their own BS, or the BS of others.

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Sudden Awareness Disorder... It even has a great acronym that describes our general mood due to this knowledge - SAD.

That acronym hasn't been used recently, has it? oh, i dunno, for something like unexplained deaths in adults?

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I have a question—- How many of us had a pit in our stomach the minute we thought (we knew) we were being lied to? I kept silent, seeing the way people were maligning those speaking out. Every day lately, I’ve been yelling, “ I KNEW IT!” & I’m so mad at myself for cowering.

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Don't give it a name! If there's a name then we can code it for billing. Next they'll be handing out pills to shut us up ;)

Ok, I'll play along. Awake-itis?

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The anxiety is really caused by the realization that those that are in charge do know how to read data and that they do know what they are doing. It is the realization that they are trying to harm us on purpose. The so called conspiracy theorists are right and were always right. The cat is out of the bag and has been out of the bag for many. Please wake up. They know what they are doing. The goal of depopulation is real. They get away with it because we are in denial. The rabbit hole is deep and wide. And it shows you the truth. Listen to the people you are told you should not like. That is how they get away with it. They divide us so we will not hear the truth from those they say are bad. Bad is Good. Good is bad. Up is down and down is up. They trick us through confusing us, so you have to dig deep, even deeper than Alex, if you really want to know the truth. And the truth is quite disheartening. But things will never change unless more of us wake up and know the truth.

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Sheep in Search of Wolf Syndrome (SISOWS)

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Try Libertarian. A tremendously weakened bureaucracy and drastically reduced government apparatus is our greatest protection from incompetence or worse.

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i thought grownups knew what they were doing until i became a grownup

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Lol you nailed it. I feel like I live with a pit in my stomach knowing that the very experts and leaders we are supposed to trust are driving fast on the wrong side of the highway or are ignoring massive elephants in the room. I would go with the "The emperor has no clothes" syndrome or "awake" anxiety or something along those lines....or "get me off this bus" anxiety....

Its like a weird weird feeling of impending doom.

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Disillusionment Syndrome Disorder. (DSD) Its real and spreading throughout the land.

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Dread pilled

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Conspiracy realist

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TTES. Trust The Experts Syndrome

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It's called being a small government conservative, Alex.

We've been here all along. It's just that smarty pants liberals assumed our opinions were because we were stupid or ignorant or misanthropic.

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Fiduciaphrenia - trust disorder. Seriously this is real and while I was a healthy skeptic pre-covid now I question EVERYTHING. It hurts a little

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Another one - Elite Psychosis.

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A person told me during crazy time with Wuflu he'd tell people that scolded him about not wearing a mask that he couldn't because he has CS. Nobody ever asked him what it was. He told me it meant "Common Sense".

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Acute reality fatigue.

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Lying dog face pony soldier syndrome

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"Emperor Syndrome"?

As in the Emperor's new clothes. Everyone pretends to acknowledge the "rightness" of the "experts" (including them; see: Fauci), while seeing with their own eyes the nakedness (see: quad-jabbed catching Covid)

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EDD - Expert Disillusionment Disorder

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Now imagine you watched your child suffer because of it. That it wrecked your family. That you spent a year of your life recovering from it. That it altered the course of your life in some way profoundly. That you werell seriously victimized by the same inept bureaucracy. This IS red-pilling. It’s not an event, it’s a process.

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Kakistocracy fatigue

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Sudden Heightened Ineptocracy Trauma

(S. H. I. T. )

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"Nous, or Greek νοῦς (UK: /naʊs/,[1] US: /nuːs/), sometimes equated to intellect or intelligence, is a concept from classical philosophy for the faculty of the human mind necessary for understanding what is true or real."

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For me, it's a lot more than just anxiety and it's realizing EVERYTHING I thought to be true, probably isn't. It includes that a huge number of my fellow Americans wanted to take everything from me because I didn't want to take an experimental vaccine. Worse, in late 2021 I took the foul shot because my employer decided to mandate it. I should have lied to get a religious exemption. Even my own husband is a Vax enthusiast and now we cannot talk about anything related to Covid. I'm lonely and depressed

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I am actually relieved there is a subset of the population in this category. Too many people continue to blindly obey and rationalize oppressive and deceitful conduct by government and state actors because, in my view, it is unbearable for them to recognize they have been had in the worst way.

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Just got off a cruise to Alaska. One passenger was very vocal about how the CDC saved his life. Vaccinated and double boosted. Covid x2. When I pointed out the current Covid is mild and the vaccine has a very short window of efficacy he went ballistic. Started insisting it was false information unless released by the CDC. Another kool-aide drinker.

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expertia nervosa

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Trust misplacement disorder

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Emperor’s Syndrome

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Delusion Deniers

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Simple but… halfpilled??

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Oslo Syndrome? Simposter Syndrome? Kruger-Dunning (see what I did there?).

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I hope they’re just stupid.

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Post Reality Distress Order

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Narcissistic authoritarianism. Always wrong, but never in doubt.

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Ver(itas)tigo- a sensation of whirling and loss of balance, associated particularly with listening to officialdom's circular logic and truthiness, or caused by exposure to a pathological need of the expert class to cover their own backsides

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Aug 19, 2022·edited Aug 19, 2022

realization hesitancy or RH

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Elite Fogism.

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Aug 19, 2022·edited Aug 19, 2022

I haven't read deep into the comments, so this may have been proposed quite early (if so, I apologize), but "Berenson's Syndrome" has a nice "professional medical" ring to it. Rare diseases are usually named for those who identify them.

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Malaise. This is real, not a joke, and very discouraging.

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Ah Alex, nothing is new under the sun. This is the mental disease that millions of people have suffered under dictatorships including communism, fascism and all the others.

When you see that irrationality is loudly condoned and vigorously pushed by seemingly normal people regardless of horrible consequences, you have no choice but go crazy to some degree. You can only choose your mental illness. A few stick to rational thinking in exchange for the anxiety you describe. The vast majority choose to embrace the prevailing irrationaility and descend into outright insanity.

Someone once compared communism to a neutron bomb that leaves the external shell of a person intact but pulverizes everything inside. People who lived through that may look normal but their feelings and thoughts are forever altered.

COVID did not last as long and was not as murderous as communism or fascism, but it's an expression of the same disease of human society. If you want a name, look at Orwell and others that described it many times before

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