To read these paragraphs - from Dr. D.A. Henderson, the man more responsible for eradicating smallpox than anyone else - is to see that advocates of mRNA Covid vaccines were far past optimistic.
I wonder if there are people here who are too young to know the reference. All these months I've figured we're all a bunch of old farts who don't trust anyone in authority.
(The youngster are the ones wearing masks--and would probably believe Sally Field could fly.)
I actually had a "friend" of 18 years call me an extremist and told me to go die because I said I didn't want anyone else having a say over what goes in my body. The tolerance of some people is astounding.
That is astounding. It's amazing how many people are totally and completely closed off to competing viewpoints and arguments, ESPECIALLY compelling arguments that cannot be easily dismissed.
Wait - *that's* why they're closed off. It's on a par with, "Shut up!", he explained.
This is exactly how Twitter and other social media platforms are doing. If you believe something that is not true Twitter will banish you for life! This is not America and don't deserve to be treated like that by anyone.
I have resigned myself to the fact that these people are insecure, and wish ill on you to prove themselves right. If you are right, it could be disastrous for them.
smallpox VACCINE is a REAL vaccine. It fits the textbook definition. The c19 jab is a flu shot. I don't care how many times Fraudci rewrites the definition of "vaccine", it's still a flu shot.
There's no such thing as a real vaccine. Not unless we change the definition of vaccine to 'a medical procedure designed to take out the lower class non-workers in a way that is safe and effective for the upper class non workers'.
Everytime some numbskull uses smallpox to defend mass covid vaccinations, I cringe inwardly. Vaccines, by themselves, are not what eliminated smallpox. It went away due to a unique set of factors (slow genetic drift, lack of animal reservoirs etc) that clearly do not apply to respiratory viruses including COVID.
If we have to vaccinate livestock for coronaviruses every year then what made them think it would be any different with humans?
The UK challenge trial says really healthy people never even get ill from exposure to the virus. After intentional infection they don't even develop antibodies indicating the virus was unable to replicate. If we only knew how to tell the really healthy from the not so healthy.
This is an interesting angle I had not heard of previously, although I had some awareness of Duesberg's dissent. Where would you suggest learning more about MCAS. Are there differences between men and women? What about racial descent: European, Asian, African?
Basically, it shows that historically almost all communicable disease deaths were reduced (on the order of 98%) prior to vaccination being deployed on the general population. Measles, Flu, Scarlet Fever and Smallpox are examined closely. Improved sanitation, food supply, nutrition, clean drinking water and shelter are cited as by far the main reasons for the dramatic reduction of diseases throughout the 1800s and early 1900s, not vaccination.
An excellent book on the subject , "Dissolving Illusions-Disease, Vaccines, and the Forgotten History" by Suzanne Humphries, MD and Roman Bystrianyk, outlines just that, that mass vaccinations came after the disease was in decline.
This video demonstrates that history does, indeed, "repeat itself." It was fascinating to learn that the UK had mandated smallpox vaccination with sanctions for noncompliance & that doctors have historically been very pro-vaccination (wayyy predating the influence of big pharma.) What is it about the mindset in that profession?? THANKS for posting link!
I think, basically, people get deluded into thinking the vaccine “works” when they see fewer people per capita with serious illness - of which the vaccine was alleged to protect against - among the vaccinated vs the unvaccinated. What they don’t realize is that there’s a large inherent bias in this analysis. That is, the main distinguishing factor between vaccinated and unvaccinated in a population is obedience.
Now, obedient people rate to be much healthier, on average, *before they took the vaccine* than those that didn’t take the vaccine - and who are thereby disobedient. This is because obedient people tend to be employed and have more time, energy, money and future orientation than disobedient people.
Interestingly, disobedient people can be separated into 3 groups:
1) Those on the lowest end of the socio-economic spectrum, or with cognitive difficulties, homeless or in prison. These are the vast majority of disobedient people, and they tend to have less time, energy, money, and future orientation than obedient people. They also rate to be generally below average in health.
2) Those extremely near end of life. These people know they’re extremely frail and they rationally refuse vaccination because they know the adverse events from the vaccine could kill them. Unfortunately, these people are also highly vulnerable to any illness - including the one which the vaccine is alleged to protect them against.
3) Those who have worked out that *for them* the vaccine rates to be vastly unfavourable compared to their own probability of acquiring serious illness from the disease that the vaccine was alleged to protect against. This is the smallest group of disobedient people - far less than 1% of the general population.
If you consider these groups of disobedient people in aggregate, you’ll realize that even when people quite reasonably are in group 3 *they’re vastly outweighed statistically by the effects of many more - and severely impacted - people in groups 1 and 2*. That is, even though smart people make the right decision in avoiding vaccination, many more people rate to be in poor health *who tend to refuse vaccination*.
So, vaccination isn’t the main factor in health outcomes after vaccination - the main factor is people’s generally good health *just before vaccination*, compared to the generally poor *pre-existing health* of those who tend to refuse vaccination.
Many other interventions exhibit this property. For example, if you give groups of people different diets to compare health outcome efficacy to the default (standard American diet), at first you’ll discover that every diet outperforms the standard. However, after further analysis, you’ll realize that many diets didn’t outperform the standard. What happened is that people are self-selecting. That is, those with more time, energy, money and future orientation tend to volunteer for special diets - and thereby provide the illusion of all alternative diets being healthier than the standard.
This is a helpful behavioral analysis. Regarding "Group One" homeless folks certainly provided early evidence that the virus did not effectively transmit outdoors. (Protesters and rioters provided later evidence and should have, in a rational world, ended all outdoor masking and "social distancing.")
I think one missed opportunity in the pandemic would have been to run volunteer, controlled studies on inmates allowing them to choose to be vaxxed or not. Control for the typical variables (age, pre-existing conditions etc) and measure the outcome. (This, instead of using politicized fear-mongering to say they were under a "death sentence" if they stayed incarcerated.)
I thought of your very suggestion about a volunteer study of the prison population months ago. They could have even used 2 identical building specs and had duplicated occupancy and distancing in cell blocks to control for other factors. Ultimately, I concluded that it would be so easy to do, ethically, in a state like Florida where everyone is offered a vaccine choice -regardless of whether they’re in a study - that it probably *was done*. As is typically the case when the proposed intervention doesn’t work, the study is ended and the results are never published. It’s rare that results are published in a study of a proposed intervention which fails. Any sponsor would likely have been aligned with the government narrative. They probably did the same thing with studying masks in prison.
The Covid vax Nazis always forget that not only does Covid have a reservoir in nature, it has a shocking number of animal reservoirs. It is found in a majority of the white tail deer in America, for instance. It is almost as if it is a brand new pathogen released from a laboratory and few wild animals have any natural immunity. Almost.
….. either a mask or a positive d-dimer test :) assuming team apocalypse has been transfected in order to wear those masks with the appropriate virtue.
I believe that this decline to stupidity began with the importation of the Frankfurt School. Thank you FDR. With the emphasis upon emotional grievance being the primary indicator of oppression. Ergo, what a snowflake "feels" is of primary importance. So public policy is created to protect certain citizens from having bad feelings. Which of course has nothing to do with anything happening in the frontal lobes. It's the worst way to govern. A mountain of lies are created that can never be untangled.
Wow. Clearly written. You don't have to be an expert to understand just how much deception was involved in the campaign to vaccinate against Covid. You could, in fact, be an illiterate villager.
The real smallpox story is interesting and worth looking into. The vaccine was just as controversial and was around for circa 100 years. Authorities in the UK went through various levels of mandating. After these failed efforts - by fail I mean the more they vaccinated, the worse the outbreaks became then rinse and repeat. In 1885 in Leicester the people had had enough and protested peacefully. Eventually the Council accepted the peoples solution which involved improving sanitation practices etc. All these measures were vehemently opposed by the medical establishment but did lead to eradication
According to my historical study of 19th century smallpox management, I confirm your affirmation, Willie White. Also, in France, testing on children was open to any kind of abuse, in some places parents had to have a "vaccination certificate" to send their children at school or to get social services. From the start, Jenner (who hadn't scientifically studied the illness) "decreed" that generalized vaccination would eradicate smallpox. 80 years later Leicester and army statistics proved in England that sanitation could be enough (also see Wallace's writings of the time). And, before changing their narrative, even the WHO admitted that smallpox eradication was not due to vaccination alone. Looking at it historically, the vaccine was pretty bad, in fact, and I would hypothesize that the ideologically religious political position in favor of it very likely resulted in 200 years wasted as to research a real proper treatment for the illness.
I would suspect it is a stretch to give the vaccine any credit at all for small pox. Seems a ridiculously long period to persist before one day magically achieving herd immunity
I had a bad reaction to the Smallpox shot. My arm swelled up, the injection site oozed fluid, I ran a fever and was literally in bed for about a week alone in my parents bedroom away from the rest of the family. The only person I saw was my mother who took care of me. The rest of the family was instructed to stay away because my Pediatrician said I might be contagious. Didn't breakout into any pox and felt better in a few days, just tired & slept a lot. Went back to school a week after the shot but my arm was sore for a long time. That was the last vaccine I ever had.
But why is this? I am not medically trained yet I knew from the beginning that what were being told was a bunch of bunk. “OMG, it’s untreatable, don’t you get it!?” Yes, that is the nature of ALL viral diseases. For all other disease, a “case” must present to hospital with symptoms, in other words, they first must be sick. Then testing requires more than one, usually 3, positive results using more than one type of test. The list is long. I learned all of this in elementary school, reenforced through news stories on epidemics and pandemics through out my life. I remain amazed how the whole world seems to have thrown out all they knew prior to 2020.
That certainly seems to be true. A little while ago I saw a one panel cartoon of a blind man with a cane helping a non blind man who was walking as he looked at his idiot phone to cross the street.
"If only Henderson had been alive in 2020 to speak out against this insanity."
Yeah, if only. He would've been deplatformed.
And discredited as "fringe."
At least he'd be in good company with the Great Barrington doctors.
I finally got a "Top First" post!
You like me! You really really like me! (jump to 3:33 if you're too young to recognize the reference)
I wonder if there are people here who are too young to know the reference. All these months I've figured we're all a bunch of old farts who don't trust anyone in authority.
(The youngster are the ones wearing masks--and would probably believe Sally Field could fly.)
I know a lot of younger people who buck the masks and other idiocies.
Obviously well brought up by sensible parents.
schools don’t help the kids to question information.competing to be the biggest victims
They certainly aren't in Colorado.
LOL, and, who probably think her name is Sally Fields.
I was also de-platformed, by Medium.
A badge of honor.
And misquote.
I actually had a "friend" of 18 years call me an extremist and told me to go die because I said I didn't want anyone else having a say over what goes in my body. The tolerance of some people is astounding.
That is astounding. It's amazing how many people are totally and completely closed off to competing viewpoints and arguments, ESPECIALLY compelling arguments that cannot be easily dismissed.
Wait - *that's* why they're closed off. It's on a par with, "Shut up!", he explained.
This is exactly how Twitter and other social media platforms are doing. If you believe something that is not true Twitter will banish you for life! This is not America and don't deserve to be treated like that by anyone.
Or if you believe something that is completely true but politically inconvenient.
I have resigned myself to the fact that these people are insecure, and wish ill on you to prove themselves right. If you are right, it could be disastrous for them.
He better hope that he wants the next shot the govt mandates. And the next. And the next.
My guess is he could tell you what a woman is
...and THEN he would've been deplatformed. ;-)
Speaking of deplatforming, I highly recommend JRE #1792 with Minds founder Bill Ottman. If you don't have 2 hrs here is a good summary of the exchange on the topic:
I was going to say the same.
That's coz Covid ain't natural
Man-made, like all great current disasters.
Compare this to "You have to test to know if you're sick."
smallpox VACCINE is a REAL vaccine. It fits the textbook definition. The c19 jab is a flu shot. I don't care how many times Fraudci rewrites the definition of "vaccine", it's still a flu shot.
There's no such thing as a real vaccine. Not unless we change the definition of vaccine to 'a medical procedure designed to take out the lower class non-workers in a way that is safe and effective for the upper class non workers'.
I suggest that the definition has been changed to "a mass injectable creating huge profits for Big pHARMa"
Everytime some numbskull uses smallpox to defend mass covid vaccinations, I cringe inwardly. Vaccines, by themselves, are not what eliminated smallpox. It went away due to a unique set of factors (slow genetic drift, lack of animal reservoirs etc) that clearly do not apply to respiratory viruses including COVID.
If we have to vaccinate livestock for coronaviruses every year then what made them think it would be any different with humans?
We used to literally make jokes about how you can't cure the common cold......
Covid doesn't kill healthy people.
The UK challenge trial says really healthy people never even get ill from exposure to the virus. After intentional infection they don't even develop antibodies indicating the virus was unable to replicate. If we only knew how to tell the really healthy from the not so healthy.
This is an interesting angle I had not heard of previously, although I had some awareness of Duesberg's dissent. Where would you suggest learning more about MCAS. Are there differences between men and women? What about racial descent: European, Asian, African?
I sounds like you have a tremendous calling. I will reach out to you by email after looking through your site. Thanks!
Hi Alex,
Have you seen this excellent video on the history of diseases and vaccination?
Basically, it shows that historically almost all communicable disease deaths were reduced (on the order of 98%) prior to vaccination being deployed on the general population. Measles, Flu, Scarlet Fever and Smallpox are examined closely. Improved sanitation, food supply, nutrition, clean drinking water and shelter are cited as by far the main reasons for the dramatic reduction of diseases throughout the 1800s and early 1900s, not vaccination.
An excellent book on the subject , "Dissolving Illusions-Disease, Vaccines, and the Forgotten History" by Suzanne Humphries, MD and Roman Bystrianyk, outlines just that, that mass vaccinations came after the disease was in decline.
The video is by Bystrianyk.
This video demonstrates that history does, indeed, "repeat itself." It was fascinating to learn that the UK had mandated smallpox vaccination with sanctions for noncompliance & that doctors have historically been very pro-vaccination (wayyy predating the influence of big pharma.) What is it about the mindset in that profession?? THANKS for posting link!
I think, basically, people get deluded into thinking the vaccine “works” when they see fewer people per capita with serious illness - of which the vaccine was alleged to protect against - among the vaccinated vs the unvaccinated. What they don’t realize is that there’s a large inherent bias in this analysis. That is, the main distinguishing factor between vaccinated and unvaccinated in a population is obedience.
Now, obedient people rate to be much healthier, on average, *before they took the vaccine* than those that didn’t take the vaccine - and who are thereby disobedient. This is because obedient people tend to be employed and have more time, energy, money and future orientation than disobedient people.
Interestingly, disobedient people can be separated into 3 groups:
1) Those on the lowest end of the socio-economic spectrum, or with cognitive difficulties, homeless or in prison. These are the vast majority of disobedient people, and they tend to have less time, energy, money, and future orientation than obedient people. They also rate to be generally below average in health.
2) Those extremely near end of life. These people know they’re extremely frail and they rationally refuse vaccination because they know the adverse events from the vaccine could kill them. Unfortunately, these people are also highly vulnerable to any illness - including the one which the vaccine is alleged to protect them against.
3) Those who have worked out that *for them* the vaccine rates to be vastly unfavourable compared to their own probability of acquiring serious illness from the disease that the vaccine was alleged to protect against. This is the smallest group of disobedient people - far less than 1% of the general population.
If you consider these groups of disobedient people in aggregate, you’ll realize that even when people quite reasonably are in group 3 *they’re vastly outweighed statistically by the effects of many more - and severely impacted - people in groups 1 and 2*. That is, even though smart people make the right decision in avoiding vaccination, many more people rate to be in poor health *who tend to refuse vaccination*.
So, vaccination isn’t the main factor in health outcomes after vaccination - the main factor is people’s generally good health *just before vaccination*, compared to the generally poor *pre-existing health* of those who tend to refuse vaccination.
Many other interventions exhibit this property. For example, if you give groups of people different diets to compare health outcome efficacy to the default (standard American diet), at first you’ll discover that every diet outperforms the standard. However, after further analysis, you’ll realize that many diets didn’t outperform the standard. What happened is that people are self-selecting. That is, those with more time, energy, money and future orientation tend to volunteer for special diets - and thereby provide the illusion of all alternative diets being healthier than the standard.
This is a helpful behavioral analysis. Regarding "Group One" homeless folks certainly provided early evidence that the virus did not effectively transmit outdoors. (Protesters and rioters provided later evidence and should have, in a rational world, ended all outdoor masking and "social distancing.")
I think one missed opportunity in the pandemic would have been to run volunteer, controlled studies on inmates allowing them to choose to be vaxxed or not. Control for the typical variables (age, pre-existing conditions etc) and measure the outcome. (This, instead of using politicized fear-mongering to say they were under a "death sentence" if they stayed incarcerated.)
I thought of your very suggestion about a volunteer study of the prison population months ago. They could have even used 2 identical building specs and had duplicated occupancy and distancing in cell blocks to control for other factors. Ultimately, I concluded that it would be so easy to do, ethically, in a state like Florida where everyone is offered a vaccine choice -regardless of whether they’re in a study - that it probably *was done*. As is typically the case when the proposed intervention doesn’t work, the study is ended and the results are never published. It’s rare that results are published in a study of a proposed intervention which fails. Any sponsor would likely have been aligned with the government narrative. They probably did the same thing with studying masks in prison.
The good old days when vaccines were vaccines.
...and men were men
"Safe and effective" in the 1950s....
And yet, not a single reporter asked Fauci a question with this information as a guide.
The key words in that paragraph - “there was no reservoir in nature”.
The Covid vax Nazis always forget that not only does Covid have a reservoir in nature, it has a shocking number of animal reservoirs. It is found in a majority of the white tail deer in America, for instance. It is almost as if it is a brand new pathogen released from a laboratory and few wild animals have any natural immunity. Almost.
If only people would stop cuddling the deer then this would all go away.
at least mask them and follow the science...
Yet, the Covidians refuse to accept that animals get and spread it.
I don't think that they get and spread it. And I'm not a covidian.
I also don't think that humans get and spread it.
I just had it. It was mild but still unlike any illness I've had before. It was spread to me by my kids who got it at school.
Do you have proof for either of those claims?
But how did they end up in the Wuhan meat market?
its ubiquitous...
They weren't delusional. They were political. It was a money and power grab.
“…each person who was infected exhibited a rash that could be identified by illiterate villagers..”
so today we have:
… each person who is on team apocalypse exhibited a mask on their face that could be identified by illiterate villagers..
….. either a mask or a positive d-dimer test :) assuming team apocalypse has been transfected in order to wear those masks with the appropriate virtue.
Does all this blow up the theory that we are progressing and getting smarter as times goes on? Examples:
1. This Covid vaccine idiocy. Would not have happened even 30 years ago given how well we understood vaccine development. How did we get so stupid?
2. We don’t know the difference between a man and a woman.
3. We believe a person can be born into the wrong body.
4. We inject substances into our asses to make them bigger and wonder why something could go wrong.
I could go on, but how can a people get so dumb so fast? Makes you question the theory of civilizations progressing.
the issue is that our society has become more decadent and nearer collapse
Injections and more injections, year after year!
I believe that this decline to stupidity began with the importation of the Frankfurt School. Thank you FDR. With the emphasis upon emotional grievance being the primary indicator of oppression. Ergo, what a snowflake "feels" is of primary importance. So public policy is created to protect certain citizens from having bad feelings. Which of course has nothing to do with anything happening in the frontal lobes. It's the worst way to govern. A mountain of lies are created that can never be untangled.
IQ is dropping steadily. The smartest women have the fewest kids.
Wow. Clearly written. You don't have to be an expert to understand just how much deception was involved in the campaign to vaccinate against Covid. You could, in fact, be an illiterate villager.
I'm afraid Bourla and his colleagues saw this opportunity coming on a silver platter.
The real smallpox story is interesting and worth looking into. The vaccine was just as controversial and was around for circa 100 years. Authorities in the UK went through various levels of mandating. After these failed efforts - by fail I mean the more they vaccinated, the worse the outbreaks became then rinse and repeat. In 1885 in Leicester the people had had enough and protested peacefully. Eventually the Council accepted the peoples solution which involved improving sanitation practices etc. All these measures were vehemently opposed by the medical establishment but did lead to eradication
Malone actually had a decent substack article on the risks of the smallpox vaccine.
The twits I know keep reminding everyone if the polio vaccine.
According to my historical study of 19th century smallpox management, I confirm your affirmation, Willie White. Also, in France, testing on children was open to any kind of abuse, in some places parents had to have a "vaccination certificate" to send their children at school or to get social services. From the start, Jenner (who hadn't scientifically studied the illness) "decreed" that generalized vaccination would eradicate smallpox. 80 years later Leicester and army statistics proved in England that sanitation could be enough (also see Wallace's writings of the time). And, before changing their narrative, even the WHO admitted that smallpox eradication was not due to vaccination alone. Looking at it historically, the vaccine was pretty bad, in fact, and I would hypothesize that the ideologically religious political position in favor of it very likely resulted in 200 years wasted as to research a real proper treatment for the illness.
I would suspect it is a stretch to give the vaccine any credit at all for small pox. Seems a ridiculously long period to persist before one day magically achieving herd immunity
I agree with you
It seems to be a weapon of the elites of Empire. Passed by the Romans to the Ottomans to the Europeans and then from the same to the British.
I had a bad reaction to the Smallpox shot. My arm swelled up, the injection site oozed fluid, I ran a fever and was literally in bed for about a week alone in my parents bedroom away from the rest of the family. The only person I saw was my mother who took care of me. The rest of the family was instructed to stay away because my Pediatrician said I might be contagious. Didn't breakout into any pox and felt better in a few days, just tired & slept a lot. Went back to school a week after the shot but my arm was sore for a long time. That was the last vaccine I ever had.
If we (the whole population) knew then (2020) what we know now... I think the predators knew we were all utterly virus-illiterate. Not any more.
Locking down, etc. was all an obvious scam from Day 1.
No "we did the best we could" bullshit, please.
But why is this? I am not medically trained yet I knew from the beginning that what were being told was a bunch of bunk. “OMG, it’s untreatable, don’t you get it!?” Yes, that is the nature of ALL viral diseases. For all other disease, a “case” must present to hospital with symptoms, in other words, they first must be sick. Then testing requires more than one, usually 3, positive results using more than one type of test. The list is long. I learned all of this in elementary school, reenforced through news stories on epidemics and pandemics through out my life. I remain amazed how the whole world seems to have thrown out all they knew prior to 2020.
The vast majority surrendered their critical thinking potential to their iPhones and Google.
That certainly seems to be true. A little while ago I saw a one panel cartoon of a blind man with a cane helping a non blind man who was walking as he looked at his idiot phone to cross the street.
Like the lady said, "I'm not a vet but I know a dog when I see one".