My 85-yo un"vaccinated" Mom was recently in the hospital and received a pacemaker. While there, she tested positive for COVID. She had very mild lung congestion for a few days but that was about it. She's home now and doing fine. What's really galling is that if she had been vaxxed and somehow survived the vax, everybody would be saying "thanks to the vaccine, she only experienced mild symptoms".

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Wonderful to hear that our natural immune systems are superior-- as we in the medical community who aren't afraid to speak up are saying. Glad to hear you mother is doing well.

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Thank you for that. She's a little peeved to have to quit smoking, but she's adapting.

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Settled Science: smoking cures COVID!!!

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Yes, my 78 yr old uncle smoked like a chimney since he was a teenager. He had no lungs left by the time he was in his late 60's and went on oxygen, then finally went into the nursing home in my Iowa farm town-hometown. He got Covid along with others in the nursing home in September 2020 and we were all worried. But were amazed when he survived! And never even hospitalized. Then just four months after surviving Covid, they gave everyone in the nursing home the Moderna vax. He died shortly after the second jab along with his best friend in the place.

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Son of a gun. I am sorry.

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I’m so sorry!!! Trust the science though.

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Probably another victim of poor injection technique. Vaccine refusers are right, but for the wrong reason.

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Does it matter? If it's that easy to kill someone with a "poor injection technique" then maybe the vaccines simply aren't safe enough.

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That injection technique came straight from the CDC. Aspiration causes a little more pain, & they didn’t want to scare ppl so they don’t recommend it. And since it’s the deltoid being injected, it’s believed very little reaches the bloodstream. Highly doubt that, along w the wisdom of using a cytotoxic, neurotoxic protein w/ 3 prion-like regions, and 2 ADE mechanisms- for immunogenicity. But that’s another subject.

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Oct 18, 2021
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Aw, i am sorry to hear that. :(

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My brother very unhealthy smoker... got it last fall and said he had worse colds.

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So many stories like your brother's; surely people are realizing we really don't have definitive answers to this virus "pandemic". So puzzling with all the politics, commercial gain, and frankly, unknown scientific and medical details of a previously unknown virus. So much to be cautious about and so little dependable information... seems even what we know for SURE (such as a "mask" made from the cute quilting fabrics of a favorite team) are of no value at all in "protecting" people against such a formidable "enemy", but, they do ( I believe) have some value psychologically, in keeping the kind of outright panic under control, and give people a feeling that they have SOME measure of control. On the other hand, a false sense of doing something to "protect" can also be very destructive. I suspect, that allowing people to think they can do "something" is probably the best of two evils. It gives some people comfort. I must add that I had a relative ( who is at a resort on vacation) who just TODAY told me this a.m., in the resort gym, he was lifting weights (it's a daily routine for him for years), he was politely informed by the resort gym & spa employee that lifting weights without a mask was NOT allowed... but the polite employee, wanting to do his best toward guests, told him, as an alternative, he was welcome to go to the treadmill area, 8 ft. from the weight station, and could run on the treadmill mask-less for as long as he wished ! ? How can even the most brilliant mind make sense of that kind of thing ? This is 100% true story and it happened today to someone I know personally... not a second hand story !

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Nicotine fights against covid.

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Actually there’s evidence for this.

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Doesn’t it have something to do with anti inflammatory help from nicotine???

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Yes - nicotine converts to nicotinic acid which is actually a form of vitamin B3.

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That’s what I heard, smokers and drinkers seem to have more protection. And there is a medical/physiological explanation for this, I can’t remember where I read it though.

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Hooray for all us wine drinkers! 😀

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Soooo, are you saying that the "shots" I should take should be vodka or Jack Daniels, and the air and saliva I ingest should be laced with nicotine? Now that's the kind of "second opinion" that will surely catch on. :-)

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Nicotine appears to block the spike from attaching to ACE-2 receptors on cells. I remember a Jamaican research team also found inhalation of menthol did something similar. Red wine drinkers probably have pretty good blood viscosity (due to antioxidants) which counters any SCV-2 related coagulation.

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Oct 18, 2021
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Or gum. But you’d better be sitting down when you start chewing it!

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Interestingly - some pose nicotine has a paradoxical effect. Not to promote smoking - but Interesting info on protective effects of Nicotine:

Nicotine & COVID


"Nicotine may bind with the ACE2 receptor, particularly in people with COVID-19, and thus could interfere with further SARS-CoV-2-ACE2 binding (pre-print in silico study) Nicotine and cigarette smoke decrease levels of ACE2 in multiple organs. "

Nicotine and cigarette smoke decrease levels of ACE2 in multiple organs

Cytokine storms could be prevented or suppressed by nicotine through its impact on the cholinergic anti-inflammatory system; nicotine may inhibit hyperinflammation and platelet reactivity

Poor COVID-19 outcomes in people who smoke could be driven by nicotine withdrawal when acutely ill, thus nicotine patches “should be urgently considered and discussed”

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I’m glad your mother is doing well. I feel a tiny bit of joy every time I hear that someone gave up smoking, depriving government of tax revenue is always a win.

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Thank you for bringing me back to sanity. 🤣 Not paying extra taxes is always a good thing.

I quit smoking back in 2018 and still miss it like a limb on occasion. I had quit in 1991 after college and picked it up, again, starting in 2010. Oy. 🤦🏻‍♀️

But agreed. Glad the poster's mom is doing well. Even if she's a little grumpy.

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I was a social smoker during college and most of my 30s. Still enjoy the aroma whenever walking by anyone smoking. My teenage kids roll their eyes when they hear me saying: "hmmm, cigarette aroma!". He he he I also enjoy the aroma of pipes and cigars.

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I do too, MLL !! I was never a smoker, but the smell of cigarettes brings back great memories of the 70's and all the good times, good music, good whiskey, et. etc. That was back when we were free !!

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From modernity on, medicine itself has increasingly become our religion. It's a main, essential ritual (in many forms) of the majority of people over the age of 65 and functions as a repository for most of their fears. The vaxx is the apex that we have been building towards for a long time, imo. This demand for vaxx communion didn't happen in a year.

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Boomers are in denial they will someday die. The masses think people in nursing homes are retired in good health getting plenty of outside exercise. Of course they think this as few actually have been in a nursing home. Where did I read how bad things have gotten in nursing homes due to decreased staffing that have quit and not been replaced. I guess the issue is Medicaid reimbursement vs Medicare, the later that pays a lot more. Well the Medicare patients only have dried up. So NH having trouble paying bills. So is that why patients transferred from hospital with virus to NH so they could bill huge for Covid? So many questions. Hard to follow all the corruption.

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Can't speak for us all but I'm really clear that I have an expiration date, not quite sure when, but definitely have one. My goal is to live till then. When dealing with my cohort that is terrified by the "virus" I assure them they are going to die, though odds are good that it won't be of covid, and ask how much more time they are going to give to this ridiculous charade? I don't know anyone who thinks nursing homes are full of people in good health, probably a poor option to "recover" from the virus. I'm quite sure staffing is bad these days in NHs. Medicare does not pay for a nursing home except for short stays post hospitalization. Either die promptly, not always easy to control, or buy some long-term care insurance. Medicaid will pay for nursing home care but it is the last ditch option of poverty and most often you would prefer the ditch as oppose to a Medicaid nursing home.

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I am a tail end boomer, aged 60. I’ve sold health plans, life insurance and LTC. My husband has his masters in healthcare administration. Nearly 40 years of running hospitals, practices and managing an insurance product. I guided my mother through Altzheimers and the assisted living experience. I am VERY clear on the reality. The system is collapsing and healthcare is now a for profit “whore”. My goal is to N E V E R end up in that situation.

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The oldest Boomers are 78, the youngest 57, so Boomers are below the average age those who die of Covid.

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Of your comment,I can only quote Ronaldus Magnus:”It’s not what you don’t know that troubles me;it’s what you know that isn’t so…

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In case anyone is wondering how we got here...we have always been here.....nothing has changed !


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A repeat of what I wrote on substack about your article: Excellent article. Brilliantly written and factually spot on. I was blessed to have read it as it confirms the decision the five in my immediate family made to never get the vax - no matter the consequences that might befall us.

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thank you so much for this link; that article was GREAT ^ and I would have not heard of it without this link.

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Reminds me of one of my Czech aunts, age 89, who took a taxi home from the hospital and had the driver stop at the butcher shop so she could pick up 5 Kilos of pig fat. She had barely survived the hospital food, according to her. It had no pig fat at all in it. No wonder the patients felt bad. Did your Mom survive on bacon?

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love her

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That is hilarious

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I am sorry that you will never meet her. She was a tower of strength, indestructible, until she died with covid. So I guess she was destructible, but just barely. One amazing skill she had is that it really did not matter what language(s) you spoke, she spoke thé one and only real language, which is Czech, and she had no problem making you understand what she said. You probably thought you didn’t understand Czech. That would be wrong. If she wanted you to understand, you would. Now please get over any idea you might have entertained that pig fat is not healthy and basic to living well. Should be in all hospitals, according to this woman anyway.

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Oh man, sorry to hear it. I spent some time in CR (& longer in Poland) I love that part of the world- the ppl are kind, have a great sense of humor & are of hardy stock. Felt like home. I hope the rest of your fam has faired better & the grip of authoritarianism won’t hold there. And I happen to agree w her about pig fat, I’m from the south :)

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sorry I won't meet her. She sounds so cool

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Start her on Niacin...25 mg only...several times a day. Nicotine addiction can be partly a niacin deficiency!

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Good side effect 😊 smoking is not great especially as you age 😊

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She'll save a lot of money as well.

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maybe tell her about the huge tax about to be added to cigs on top of the others.

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It’s a shame so many details aren’t being released to the public about all that’s in this Bill they are trying to pass and like Jesse Waters said the other night, why are the Republicans just talking about $$ amounts, why are they not letting their constituents know what’s in this porkulous bill (not exact words)? I think most American would be appalled if they knew and it’s their job to read the darn thing and let the people know what’s in it.

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Remember early on when Gauloises reported that tobacco smoke kills the COVID? The sinister midget probably sent CDC hit men to kill that story. LOL.

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oh. Love that! So hard to quit, I know, but she'll live longer.

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Lol, she sounds like a rebel.

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Oct 18, 2021
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That thick coating of tar inside the lungs is protective like varnish!

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Oct 18, 2021
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My sons friend vapes and he got covid pretty bad. Only 16 years old

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I read a study that showed smokers had less inflammation so therefore less which gave them less symptoms related to inflammation

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Yes...nicotine can work like niacin, which is protective, in the body.

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I read somewhere a while back that smokers are less likely to get Alzheimer's Disease. Not sure what the connection might be.

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I have antibodies since March 2020...19 Months and a number of 585 in a semi QN test done recently. I wish they would start recognizing natural immunity!!

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They do all through Europe but not here in Canada or the US or Australia or NZ.

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Politics...too much money in the vaccine!!

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My 92 year old mother just tested positive and had two vaccines in April...Her aide also got it and he just got vaccinated in September. I was around her and haven't gotten anything! Amazing!!

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Instead of a heroic vax story she is part of the pandemic of Unvaccinated. Despite only getting tested because of being in the hospital for a separate reason. I hope we can get our sanity back. Happy to hear she is doing fine.

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The test is not accurate. She may not even have had the covid.

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That inaccuracy is quite profitable for the hospitals.

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Yes it sure is!

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My first thought. But she's got some blood-clotting issues that fits what I've heard about COVID. Might even explain the heartbeat irregularities that led to the pacemaker. She was admitted because she was fainting and didn't look good.

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Even better, she never caught covid while being unvaccinated. Best proof for her own immunity.

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How about the pandemic of the logical minded SANE people? Stop blaming those who have not vaxxed for the covid spread...makes zero sense! Vaxxed get covid but they might not even know it as well! They have the same viral load and spread it too! This “pandemic of the unvaxxed” is just stupid.

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Btw, I agree with you, I was just commenting on the zero sum narrative that has been established.

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Sorry, I missed your sarcasm😄. “Why do the protected need to be protected from the unprotected by forcing the unprotected to use the protection that did not protect the protected in the first place?”

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You Win!!! I love what you said.

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That is like "Who's on First"? I loved the way you succinctly phrased the idiocy of the control freaks and the fear mongers.

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Thank you...I quoted the words from a retired nurse in an American Thinker article..,

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The bottom line is some in the population are susceptible to complications from the spike protein in the virus (vaccinated or unvaccinated) and many are not. If I understand what I am reading and studying, the virus itself kills no one. The danger is the spike protein the virus carries (inserted by Fauci and his Chinese researchers) causes a cytokine storm in certain people's immune system and the body (cytokines) begins attacking the vital organs while it is attacking the virus. The real mystery to me is why the medical community is not working on this problem to save lives instead of shaming and berating people to get the vaccine. Also, many doctors are not telling people about the monoclonal antibodies or other therapeutic treatments (and, yes I would include ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine and vitamin supplements as therapeutics). I had a friend's husband die about a month ago. He asked his doctor about ivermectin. His doctor told him there were no "clinical studies" showing ivermectin had any effect on treating Covid-19. Instead the doctor said "the only thing that helps is the vaccine (knowing this man was unvaccinated). I asked my friend if they tried monoclonal antibodies. She said they didn't know anything about monoclonal antibodies until after her husband died. This sorry excuse for a doctor was not willing to try ivermectin and did not tell her patient about monoclonal antibodies, but instead berated her patient for being unvaccinated! I didn't say anything to my friend because she was still grieving, but I wanted to say she should be looking for another doctor (and a good attorney).

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When my husband & I got covid (both 50 yrs old in very good health) the tester said ck with your Dr maybe...but probably not, they would prescribe Ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine.

My husband sent an email to his Dr inquiring about the drugs, he received a very rude & dismissive email in reply copied here :

------------------- Thank you for your interest in the efficacy of ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine in the treatment of COVID 19 infection. As for ivermectin, randomized control studies on this drug in the use of treating COVID 19 are not robust. The risks of using this very specific medication far outweighs any perceived benefit. Ivermectin is an antiparasitic used to treat intestinal worms in humans and, at different dosages, in animals. It, in no way, has any affect on viruses. Hydroxychloroquine has been proven to have no benefit in preventing or improving outcomes associated with COVID 19. The studies in this case are more robust. Hydroxychloroquine, when not used for its designated purpose, may increase the risk of heart rhythm problems and other organ failure.

I would direct you to the CDC and WHO websites for the most up to date and well documented and vetted information.

I would also kindly caution you in suggesting that your health care providers are negligent in not prescribing unproven treatments.-----------------

The last line especially was rude as he had simply inquired & this is his regular physician he never insinuated anything about the practice? It was very rude and he let the office know it! So we linger sick thinking we really have no options for treatments, however we got worse. My husband was coughing a little nothing I would have been alarmed about. A friend referred me to her doctors she said they WILL TREAT covid! We drove an hour they did alot of bloodwork & Xrays found out my husband had pneumonia! I was shocked it was just a mild cough. The nurse asked me if we had been vaccinated, I felt somewhat guilty & answered no...& replied -How do you feel about the vaccine? The nurse said well I gave my father (68) his 1st shot & he was fine then I gave him the 2nd shot & he ended up in ER that night. He went into sepsis shock & spent 21 days in hospital...he nearly died. After that response I didn't feel the guilt anymore. They gave us IV's got all the taboo treatments. Ivermectin, Regeneron (antibodies), vitamin regimen...I believe it saved my husbands life & kept me from getting pneumonia. They told him had he waited one more day he would have been in hospital. Yet our own Dr left us to wither away!!! We have lost many people in our community to covid pneumonia because covid its not being treated where pneumonia is prevented! My friend lost her father cardiac arrest at home with covid pneumonia. AFTER they had begged his Dr to prescribe Ivermectin to no avail! The same week her husband lost his best friend (45) & now HIS father (69) is in ICU w/covid pneumonia most likely wont make it! My sons 20 yr old healthy friend in Colorado suddenly died of bloodclot in his sleep weeks after vaccine. My nieces co worker nurse (35) posted her vaccine profile pic to FB encouraging others to get vaccinated as she had just done, She had a cardiac arrest hours later & died that night. I know another young women (26) who was mandated to get vaccine at work, she did & had a ministroke hours later, she lived. I still wonder if vaccine killed Hank Aaron and Marvelous Marvin Hagler? They say natural causes of course... Both my parents, my nephew & niece have received the vaccine & have been ok so far, I pray it stays that way!

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I’m a physician. In my opinion, for what it’s worth, you need a new physician. I can tell from his response that you are not being served well.

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Thanks for speaking out!! I know it takes courage in light of the threats by medical boards. Here in Oregon, my ND told me (with deep regret) that she could not prescribe Ivermectin for fear of losing her license. I love her and she has never pushed vaccines on me nor my teens (she founded an Integrative Medicine practice). Oregon has been as tyrannical as WA and CA in many ways. Again, thanks for being a voice of reason.

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My son just text’d me that ivermectin got an EUA for C-19. Have not verified but I trust him.

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Here's a link about ivermectin

https://covid19criticalcare.com/ivermectin-in-covid-19/faq-on-ivermectin/ Also, go to pushhealth.com You can get a prescription for it but the problem is finding a pharmacy to fill it. An easier, but slower way is Internationaldrugmart. com. It'll take about 3 weeks to get to you from India and it IS expensive, but we should all order it to have on hand in case we need it later. Good luck !

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I did order some ivermectin from India. $2/12

mg tablet. Took 3 weeks. An article on Gateway Pundit said shipments of ivm from ‘overseas’ were being confiscated. Mine made it :)

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Does anyone know a doctor in the San Diego or in California that would treat Covid the proper way? My husband and I are not vaccinated, we do have Covid kits at home, but I still am searching for a Doctor that will really care about treating it properly. In California, it is hard to find and I have been looking. Thank you!!!

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Dr Jeffrey Barke in Newport Beach

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Thank you so very much!!!!

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Thank you for chiming in, Dr. Hopkins. So many people simply believe what their doctor says and don't think to get a second opinion.

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PS: The Dr that treated us posted a long rant on FB calling out all Doctors as well as Biden & Gov Kemp to do something! Stating that there are readily available lifesaving treatments that are being ignored...he said we need to be shouting from the rooftops because this is outrageous! that took guts...

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When I raised questions about the vaccines my doctor told me if everyone felt that way we'd still have polio but I shot back that polio only infected humans and furthermore the polio vaccine is sterilizing and not leaky like the COVID vaccines. He had no answer.

I believe adverse reactions to the vaccines are being underreported and covered up by the media.

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I love that line. The polio vaccine was actually meant to save lives and act as a long term solution, and I'd bet was thoroughly tested before being released to the general public. Not like the global vaccine trial they have going on. Everyone is a Guinea Pig. I bet the people that created the Polio vaccine are spinning in their graves at the recklessness of all this.

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Wrong. Check Cutter incident. Even google has it

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I stand corrected. While I didn't look up the Cutter Incident, I did look up the history of the polio vaccine and it's a long and fairly gruesome one.

If a person wants to take one of the available Covid shots and be part of the global trial, I'm not going to stop them. It's their risk to take. Just don't ask me to join in.

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I've read that the original polio vaccine that was given to the populous caused death and disease, so they pulled it back and reformulated.

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This is not a pandemic. It's a culling. All part of the green new deal. Figure any doctor trying to save you is an enemy of the current state. Long term it's easier to just let you die as there will be more patients when those doctors that cared enough to try all lose their licenses.

I WISH this was just about medicine. If it was there would have been a lockdown in the first place.

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would have NEVER been a lockdown.....

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I hope you never return to your original physician. These people need to feel some consequences for their actions.

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You can go to America's Frontline Doctors and get an appt, to get these other treatments (through a tele-appointment). Also FLCCC. It's a shame that these people didn't realize this.

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There are people in the medical community working on this. Look up Dr. Peter McCullough. He's testified in front of Congress.

The problem is all politics. People are basically being murdered for questioning authority by having life saving treatment withheld on the basis that it's not promoted by the CDC or would be off label if used to treat covid, which is perfectly legal and a doctor's freaking job.

I'm lucky. My Doctor is also a researcher, so he does all kinds of "off label" stuff as part of his research. He sold me a bottle of stuff that just happened to have all of the immune boosting stuff used to prophylactically fight covid except Ivermectin, and was thrilled to sell it. He definitely believes in it. I haven't come out and asked, but I'm sure he would hook me up with anything and everything if I ever come down with C19.

A treating physician that doesn't try everything imaginable should be sued and lose their license.

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My doctor too is ignorant. Last January he told HCQ was down in "a study" to benot effective. This summer I called and asked if he would prescribe IVM should we get sick. He looked it up on the FDA website and said certainly not. But is not just ignorance

It is fear of losing license to practice or payments from Medicare/Medicaid or employment

This kind of global suppression of approved drugs has never happened before

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How long will the “ignorance” excuse hold? The good Germans always fell back on that, but they knew, they knew.

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It's my understanding that the inflammatory response is what kills, not the virus. I've found that most doctors are intellectual lazy asses and just go with the CDC and FDA flow and rarely apply any independent thought to COVID treatments.

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Lazy and scared. Many doctors have been threatened with fines and losing their medical license if they prescribe anything other than the inflated cost drugs and vaccines approved by the totalitarians. For example, they prescribe Remdesevir, which is a dangerous and expensive drug, but they tell you hydroxychloroquine, which has been used for over 60 years is a dangerous drug to take for Covid. My question is, since we all know hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin are safe drugs, what is the harm in trying them? The way some doctors react, you would think you were asking for battery acid. "Get the shot and you will not get sick", "Oops, I meant get the shot and you "will not" get as sick or die", "Oops, I meant get the shot and you "might not" get as sick or die"

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Last year, I messaged my internist at Mayo asking if he would prescribe hydroxychloroquine or Ivermectin. After delaying several days, he dodged the question. I have since learned that Mayo is using Remdesevir. I credit May with saving my life at least two, possibly three times since 2007, but have now lost a great deal of trust in them. Very sad.

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Check the CDC website and the notes on the Ebola virus when Fauci used Remdesivir to treat the virus. They eventually pulled Remdesivir from the study due to such poor results. Yet this is the protocol now for Covid.

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I was aware of that, and the reason I mentioned Mayo is using it. I figured most people here were aware that Remdesevir is dangerous to the kidneys and other organs. Mayo is not the only institutional user of that poison, as there's an EUA for it issued by the FDA.

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It annoys me how much my Gov in FL gets pummeled for promoting therapeutics, btw he also promoted vaccines but not enough for the fools on Twitter and in DC. I got the vax (long story) but should I get COVID I live very close to a monoclonal antibodies site my Gov set up and I am now taking vitamins and supplements which I think is the key but just in case I got Ivermectin and something else a doctor prescribed so I have everything I need without going to a corporate doctor or hospital. I am prepared thanks to sites like this. The info is out there you just have to do the research and read comment sections every where.

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Good for you. Vaccinated people need to be aware and up to date on treatment options just like unvaccinated and they also need to be aware of the risks of pretending that the vaccines are a silver bullet. I wish more vaccinated people were still engaged and still conducting their own research but I'm afraid too many of them have checked out and moved on not realizing how important it is.

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Thank you for your kind words. i don't post much about being vaxxed because there is so much negativity surrounding it and I let myself be talked into it. Peer pressure, friends co-workers and I am mad at myself for caving but it is too late now. My friend at work got both shots and at one point she stopped taking her vitamins ( she has always taken them, I never did until the last month) and at the time she stopped she got COVID, it was a mild case a 24 hour thing and she just took her vitamins and some kind of cough medicine and then she was fine. She told me she felt it was because she stopped taking the vitamins that COVID got through. So now I take C, D3, Zinc and al the protocols you can find online. I had read early on that vitamin D was good at keeping COVID at bay so every weekend, during the summer, I went to the pool for a couple hours and soaked up the sun and it was very relaxing. Anyway, thanks again. :)

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Just be sure you don't get a "booster." There's some reason to think that if the chamber was empty the first or second time (ie, no AE within a couple months of injection) that you may have lucked out. It's dose dependent, so if you got an intramuscular injection you might be OK. But the next one could hit a vein by accident if the technician doesn't aspirate the syringe. Also, indications are the dangers of the vaccine are not just cumulative, but multiplicative: https://doctors4covidethics.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/Vaccine-immune-interactions-and-booster-shots_Sep-2021.pdf

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I will not be taking the booster or letting anyone talk me into it either. I am done with the vaccine and stopped wearing the mask months ago except at work because masks are required in communal areas. What is AE? It has been 5 months, I scheduled an anti body test for a couple weeks from now to see where I am at with that. I think I am more scared of what the vaccine will ultimately do to me then getting COVID, sad right?

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Sorry. AE as in VAERS = Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System. I posted the link because it doesn't burden the vaxed with inevitable gloom and doom but still explains the risks of further jabs.

The main thing is to not put the gun to your head a third time, but beyond that make sure you're getting plenty of vitamin D. If I hadn't been tested a couple years ago and reported a 25(OH)D in the 40s, I might take up to 10,000 IUs/day, but with an already decent level I'm just taking 6000 IUs/day, which is what demon Fauci takes. You really want it to be well over 50. That's not medical advice, just what I do.

I also take about 25 mg of zinc gluconate and 500 mg quercetin every morning in my smoothie. Quercetin is available on Amazon or possibly some health food stores.

You will be vulnerable to a variant this winter probably even if you get the booster, so try to get some Ivermectin ahead of time so you can start it early. If your doctor won't prescribe, there are telemedicine doctors available at both AFLDS and FLCCC websites. I went that route at first, but when I tried to get a refill the doc was too busy so I ordered Ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine and doxycycline from a foreign country where it's OTC. HCQ is cheaper, so I'm using it long term for prophylaxis, a 200 mg tab once a week. I got 60 tabs to carry through this winter and next if necessary. I got just enough IVM to follow the FLCCC or AAPS (Association of American Physicians and Surgeons) treatment guide in case I get sick this winter.

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Thanks, I am taking vitamin D (5,000 IUs/day), C, Zinc, Quercetin and some other supplements. I have Ivermectin already, found a link to a doctor on here actually a couple weeks ago and got my prescription filled quickly. I am in FL so if I get sick I live close to a monoclonal antibodies site so I have a plan :) I am waiting for test results to see where my vitamin D level is at so I can adjust accordingly.

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that's positively horrifying!

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I am surprised she was treated for her condition at all. These days, if you cut your finger and ask for a band aid at a hospital, the first thing out of their mouths is whether you have been fully vaccinated. I know this to be true because my neighbor was questioned like this in connection with a routine matter. My guess is that eventually unvaccinated people will not be treated at all at hospitals. Already they are being denied employment, public transportation and access to visit sick relatives in hospitals. At some point they may also be denied food. This beat will be going on for some time.

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I am grateful to report that not all hospitals are restricting care to vaxxed only. I tripped and fell down my stairs. The emts put me on a back board and to the ER. I remember being asked to to sign a consent form. I said DO NOT GIVE ME the SHOT. Answer: we don't do that here. After CT scan revealed a brain bleed I was again transported by ambulance to a trauma center in the next state. I was given excellent care and appropriate testing. Discharged home after 13 hours. At no time was I asked about my vax status. When I was put in a wheel chair to go to my daughters car. the transport person said "wear your mask". That was the extent of covid idiocy I had. No one was concerned about it when the focus was on saving my brain.

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Hope you are well. Happy to hear they treated you well. May I ask what states/cities?

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Glad to hear you got good care. If you will, in which state(s)?

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So good to hear! I hope you are now doing well and recovering.

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one day at a time

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Just lie to protect yourself from discrimination. Here in Utah you can get yourself totally deleted from the USIIS state vaccine registry so that nobody can violate your personal health information by looking you up and checking your vaccination status.

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What about employers?

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I had my washing machine repaired last month. The person from the company (not the one from the repair center) asked if I was fully vaccinated.

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I think from now on I will answer truthfully, yes, I am vaccinated. I won't elaborate that I only had smallpox and polio vaccinations, the last of which 58 years ago--they usually don't mention what vaccine, do they?

Or as a countermeasure, maybe you could ask what their vitamin D status is, or if they have a supply of ivermectin on hand, or if they're overweight or have diabetes.

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