6 hrs ago·edited 5 hrs ago

I don't believe the 'most comforting' explanation for one second. The fact that they are playing "hide the data" is evidence that the shots caused most of the excess deaths.

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So the headline is:

Don't give sick kids poison. Whodathunk...

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But were their public school teachers ok?

Seriously, thank you and bless you for continuing to beat this drum.

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Guys, I have a secret for everyone: THEY WANT US TO TAKE THE SHOTS SO THAT WE GET HARMED AND THEY MAKE MONEY! This is Democide: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/democide-and-menticide

From the pandemic policies to the mandates of the shots, it was never for our benefit.

The sooner we realize this, the sooner this whole thing and our society begins to make sense. This is the world of the rulers: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/wow-everything-we-know-about-democracy

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A lot of these questions could be cleared up by repealing the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act!

If the vaxx manufacturers had to prove safety or else lose money for their shareholders, we would have far safer and far fewer products.

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I suspect someone called the CIA and asked them for help getting rid of Trump. Hillary got more votes than he did, just in the wrong places. They made sure that didn't happen again, and the best way to do it, was to make a case for mail-in ballots. "Get Wuhan on the line. Done." I will be surprised if Trump can pull off a win this time around. Joe won from the basement, and not enough people give credence to the fact that he stole the election. I don't know why that outcome won't repeat itself. If you think people dying, even kids, will convince anyone to change their mind, all you have to do is look at the abortion issue. They want what they want, and you better get out of the way.

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4 hrs ago·edited 3 hrs ago

62 lawsuits filed post 2020 election with all ending in "lacking standing" Then the official narrative was 2020 was the most secure election ever. Just as with the great plandemic the deep state got away scot free with the narrative of the 2020 election. Now we look back at the 3.7 years since puppet 1.0 was placed into the WH and see the multiple wars, increasing crime, open borders, crippling inflation. Puppet 1.0 is forced out and replaced with puppet 2.0 in the most non democratic process in American history and now we are 33 ish days away from 2024 election. From a birds eye view, and normal universe considering the past 3.7 years Trump wins this election in the greatest landslide in America's history, but this is no normal universe is IT! By the way, it is astonishing the EUA gene therapy experiment on humanity is nowhere as an election issue. Look at the aftermath and with info like this article still revealing and yet no candidate outside of DeSantis remotely considered it as an issue. Just astonishing knowing what we all know occurred!

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The question at this point is this: By what landslide amount does Trump need to win to make it impossible for them to cheat again? As Hugh Hewitt said, "If it's not close they can't cheat."

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That is exactly right. There was ample evidence to prove that millions of fraudulent votes were cast and tallied. However, like the fake pandemic, there were no consequences. If I rob a bank with no consequences and get away with the loot, I am going to do it again.

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I'm sure you saw that the Marburg virus is back. And we can count on a new variant or 2 or 3 of covid. Add in multi-state destruction from Helene and we are back on track for lots of drop boxes and mail-in ballots.

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Great reporting. This paper (and follow up Q&A by Alex) will continue to be ignored, and I'll bet the authors are being pressured to redact it. The current establishment refuses to do vaccinated versus unvaccinated studies because they know their sacred vaccines will fail their safe and effective decades old lie.

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Remember John Kerry wants to suppress "misinformation" that leads to vaccine hesitancy. It's for our own good. Horseface wouldn't lie.

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See no evil, hear no evil. That seems to be the left's MO.

Just pretend bad news doesn't exist and if does blame the author as a Putin lover, racist,

or a spreader of disinformation. BTW Alex, which one is it? Are you a Putin lover? Racist?

Disinformation source? Homophobic? Transphobic? Or best of all weird?

We truly live in an anti-intellectual age. As Anne Lamot said "the opposite of faith isn't doubt,

its certainty"

To that end, what's the point in reporting about COVID side effects and their fallout? We already decided that COVID vaccinations and jabs are righteous. There is not point in any conversation after that. Case closed.

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Yes, sicker kids are more likely to get the shots, but the opposite may be true. Really sick kids probably weren't given the shots -because any reaction to such intervention might cause them harm.

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No, that goes against the medical guidance doctors were getting. Those with preexisting conditions (and the elderly) were clearly more likely to die from Covid, so the jab was pushed on them more, not less.

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Alex the death rate is roughly 1 out of 800 for the worldwide population from the MRNA poison. You know it’s a poison too especially for kids. This is a seminal event you can be right with history or you can hide and pretend there isn’t any connection. Time to stand up and make a stand up

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RE: Part, and possibly all, of the gap comes from the fact that jabbed kids were notably sicker than the unvaccinated when the study began. They had higher rates of diabetes, psychiatric disorders, and other conditions.

Considering the rates of sick kids is increasing at an alarming rate, we'll continue to see this trend.

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2 hrs ago·edited 2 hrs ago

And as this trend continues the injections will still be "allowed" to be injected, and there will be zero accountability for any of what is known nor for the articles to be written on the many deaths and maiming in the coming years. All of this is just ALLOWED

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We need to change the rules/laws. If the companies producing the vaccines had liability for injuries then complete studies would be done and there would be less uncertainty about safety and efficacy. This relatively untested mRNA model will be used more and more for therapeutics since little testing is required. In my tiny little world I was able to keep my granddaughters, 13 and 15, unvaccinated for Covid.

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I guess I am partly at fault for all of this. In the fall of 1957, I was finishing my six-month Army Reserve active duty. Asian Flu came along, and a vaccine had been quickly developed. I got the shot* and did not get the flu so I helped prove quicky vaccines work.

* In those days there was none of this nonsense that military people had a choice about their medical treatments. The rule was, "You raised your hand, took the oath, your body belongs to Uncle Sam. Shut Up."

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The military didn't think spraying Agent Orange would hurt the troops in Vietnam, either.

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Or burn pits in the sand boxes.

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I want to let you know that school started here in Massachusetts a public school I am friends with an RN school nurse elementary-level school and she tells me on a slow day she has a minimum of 20 students and 2 staff members per day. I thought this was odd twenty children in a school day she said yes and some students come to the nurse to ask her to lay down for an hour or two because they are stressed out. I was thinking when I was in school I don't remember even having a full time RN I think it was more like a grandmother for a band aid. Children today are on all kinds of medications for all kinds of issues and some who have mental health issues as well. And she is in contact with family and doctors office all times of day. Things have changed and I thought it would be good for people who have children if they care have a idea of what is happening in 2024.

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Anyone want to explain the column in Table S2 titled HR (95% CI)? CI = Confidence Interval; the values in parenthesis are the endpoints of the interval. But what is HR?

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Hazard ratio - the estimate of excess risk. If the lower bound is below 1, the finding is not statistically significant (unless both bounds are below 1).

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Shame on the parents for blindly following the crap data at CDC. There was more than enough data out there proving reasonably healthy kids were at a statistical zero risk. This was all to further enrichen the drug companies and fill the campaign coffers of the uniparty.

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I agree basically but I am going to give a little push back on this point of view. I think many people took the jab pragmatically and had their kids take it just to "get on with life" -- including (the much revered among many here) Dr R Malone who wanted "to travel." If anything, if you were healthy or had a healthy kid the thinking might well have been, "hey it won't do any harm, they're healthy after all."

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They...followed the science as hive minded citizens do. God given independent or critical thought is lost on far too many now. Hopefully they will wake up one day.

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