This stunning video seems like a deepfake but it’s all too real:
In an interview on Thursday morning at Washington University in St. Louis, Dr. Rochelle Walensky, the director of the Centers for Disease Control, told the world that she did not know that variants might reduce the effectiveness of mRNA vaccines. Or that their protection might wane with time.
Here’s the quote, verbatim:
I can tell you where I was when the CNN feed came that it was 95 percent effective, the vaccine. So many of us wanted to be hopeful, so many of us wanted to say, okay, this is our ticket out, right, now we’re done. So I think we had perhaps too little caution and too much optimism for some good things that came our way. I really do. I think all of us wanted this to be done.
Nobody said waning, when when you know, oh this vaccine’s going to work. Oh well, maybe it’ll work - (laughs) it’ll wear off.
Nobody said what if the next variant doesn’t, it doesn’t, it’s not as potent against the next variant.
She’s right.
Nobody could possibly have known variants might be a problem -
The vaccines probably don’t work against at least one new variant and they’re going to want you to get vaccinated against next fall.
They came with their Doctors and their lockdowns. Torched our economies, suffocated our lungs with masks, destroyed the minds of our children, killed and maimed us for life with poison filled needles…
And now they want us to be thankful to the CDC for being saved…
from a cold with a 99.85% survival rating.
Once the psychopaths responsible for this are swinging from lampposts, we must never forget this tyranny, and never allow it occur again.
Wouldn’t this be the data that the Wall Street Joirnal reported they haven’t released because “it’s not yet ready for prime time” and there is concern that it “might be misinterpreted as showing less vaccine effectiveness”?
And Covid Tyranny is hardly over. ‘Truly Frightening:’ Feds Give Tech Companies Until May 2 to ‘Turn Over COVID-19 Misinformation’
Two U.S. Senators this week introduced a bill that could criminalize First Amendment rights, while the U.S. Surgeon General formally demanded tech companies turn over data on organizations and individuals who post “COVID-19 misinformation” on social media platforms.
Yup, they are lying to you. Now we know even the data from Israel we can not trust. MoH was in it with Pfizer from the beginning. and covered it up. German researchers published data that one in 780 or some kids are having adverse effect from the jab. All sorts of dirty laundry is coming out. We just need to prove Pfizer committed fraud. Then, all those legal shield will fall off.. and one battle is right now in the court.
She’s disgusting - my husband almost lost his job because of her vaccine mandates and now she says “she didn’t know the effectiveness” especially against other variants! There’s a special place in hell for these people.
These very "unknowns" were addressed in the vaccine EUA request documents from December 2020, Pfizer example:
"2.5. Safety and Effectiveness Information Needed to Support an EUA
Phase 3 Follow-up
...From the perspective of vaccine efficacy, it is important to assess whether protection mediated by early responses has not started to wane."
And here:
"8.2. Unknown Benefits/Data Gaps
Duration of protection
As the interim and final analyses have a limited length of follow-up, it is not possible to assess sustained efficacy over a period longer than 2 months.
Future vaccine effectiveness as influenced by characteristics of the pandemic, changes in the virus, and/or potential effects of co-infections
The study enrollment and follow-up occurred during the period of July 27 to November 14, 2020, in various geographical locations. The evolution of the pandemic characteristics, such as increased attack rates, increased exposure of subpopulations, as well as potential CHANGES IN THE VIRUS INFECTIVITY, ANTIGENICALLY SIGNIFICANT MUTATION TO THE S PROTEIN, and/or the effect of coinfections MAY POTENTIALLY LIMIT THE GENERALIZABILITY OF THE EFFICACY conclusions over time." <caps emphasis added>
Even if these "unknowns" weren't among basic vaccine research and development questions (which they ARE and thereby certainly are known possibilities that CNN didn't need to bring to her attention), they're plain as day in these documents.
It's interesting to me that my anger is just now starting to build, after TWO years of bs from these people. They have caused so much m.i.s.e.r.y in people's lives. Significant, authentic, real m.i.s.e.r.y. for people: men, women, children, babies. I don't see how they can stand themselves.
Exactly! She supported the suppression of fundamental rights of bodily autonomy and informed consent, and was paid well for it. Her offenses are not easily swept away with a smile and a giggle
Sara--me too! I am newly incensed that my now-14-year-old missed two years of her life. No lacrosse. No Girl Scouts. No playing with friends. Music lessons (and performances) on Zoom. I regret every meal I ate in a tent under a heat lamp. We cancelled a summer in Italy in 2020. I feel duped and embarrassed and beyond angry. 😔
I hear you. Your daughter will be okay, especially it would be "redemptive" if she was noticing the corrupt and inept political process that was causing all this. It could be invaluable to her as she lives on into the next decades. Well, there's probably some deeper darker mischief [not strong enough word, but I'll leave it at "mischief"] at play, but our f__king leadership went right along with the program. It was a highjack. Democracy takes work, lots of work and vigilance, like a big ole' garden. It doesn't do well if left untended. Life is a bunch of trials and tribulations, isn't it?? And it is also quite an adventure. Let's get our rest, put our masks in the garbage can, and act with as much maturity on all fronts as we can manage.
Imagine how maniacal I am 2 years past getting wildly angry about the initial 2 weeks to "flatten the curve" (which any idiot knew would go a long way to flatten the economy at the same time), and then the sight of my fellow citizens marching about like compliant Chinese (no disrespect intended, but the USA ain't China) with masks covering their faces. Then came the deadlly "vaccines" and all the absolutely stunning corruption surrounding them. I may never "settle down" again in this lifetime. Thank God I'm old.
ChristyE, crazy as it seems, I am STILL losing my job (termination date in hand). No, I am not in healthcare. I haven't set foot in the office in almost two years and performed at a high level. The people I work with are devastated, and they will likely have to hire two people to replace me. It is non-sensical. It is also part of God's plan and I have made peace with it. Clearly, I no longer needed to be with that employer. They technically have some time and could rescind but emotionally I left them when they announced the policy. God has a plan and has given me strength through this challenge.
Nope she was placed and keeps her place acting on others behalf. She is far from stupid and never believe people are stupid. Evil maybe. But with purpose
No, she was the chief of infectious diseases at MGH. An actual scientist would have read the report. Someone who is not a partisan hack might have said “when the news came out”. A right winger might have said “when I heard on Fox News.” But no, she is signaling that she cares more about the politics than the science.
Honestly she may be a total idiot or she is playing an idiot so she doesn't look evil.
Either way she should not be in charge of a small schools nursing station never mind the CDC.
Although what am I thinking. The US does not need a CDC. What America needs is a healthy diet that is free from seed oils, low in sugar and low in fructose (Unless the person is free of diabetes and getting it from fruit)
That alone would fix 90% of the chronic snd autoimmune diseases in the population.
And we need an economic re-set to fund "Real Health Care" that prevents these problems rather than our current system which rewards fixing problems. #BigFood and #BigPharma suck.
It is seed oils that are the problem although you *could* eat enough flaxs seeds to cause problems it would be very hard to do. One teaspoon of oil is probably equal to something crazy like a thousand handfuls of seeds.
I would recommend eating nuts and seeds that are lower in Omega 6...depending on if you are eating them every so often or handfuls every meal every day.
If you want more info on seed oils look up Tucker Goodrich and watch a couple of his interviews then read bunch of articles on his site. He makes a very good case for excess omega 6 being a big problem.
Just to be clear I'm concerned about Canola oil, Corn oil, Soybean oil, Rapeseed oil. Things like that.
I still eat some whole foods like nuts and seeds every so often but as small snacks once or twice a week and that works for me. Seeds and nuts do have vitamins and minerals, while the oils MAYBE have some vitamin E and thats it.
And the mainstream media is silent. The war in Ukraine couldn't have happened at a better time to keep all the attention away from the failing vaccines, the serious side effects, the masking backtracking. It's all "going away" while our attention is diverted, and by the time we re-focus, people will think we're crazy for being angry that toddlers were masked, kids were kept out of school, vaccines made some people very sick or dead, and people were fired for not getting vaccinated with a leaky vaccine.
I am still working through The Real Anthony Fauci. I got the audible version, so its taking a while. Its mind blowing to me. AIDS is the run thru for all this. AIDS is a subject very close to me. As a GenXer, we where the first generation to enter puberty knowing sex could kill you. As a traumatized youth, I belonged to the highest risk group, injection drug users and other very risky behaviors. I know many who died, and I was shocked I escaped it. In 1994, I tested while in a long term rehab and I fully expected to be positive. I later went on to work in harm reduction , not knowing I was promulgating Fauci’s propaganda. What I did notice was how well funded Harm Reduction Centers were. It was THE social service industry to work for, if not run, in terms of funding and pay. While I was in college still, prepping for graduate school so I could get a license in my field, harm redux work was the best paying by a long shot. We had money to burn. Every year, at the end of the calendar year, we had to run out and spend money because if we had a surplus, we’d get our grants reduced. Sometimes absurd things happened, like 1 department bought 10 microwave ovens (for incentives- to induce attendance at groups, we offered food). It was like a shopping spree- everyone scrambling to spend money fast! No other social service type agency in NYC lived like that, trust me. It also made it easy for dysfunctional directors to succeed and enabled toxic workplaces. You got money without needing to be competent. What a deal for Axis 2/ personality disordered persons. Perfect conditions for them to rise to the top. I had no idea this was all Fauci largesse. I also didn’t know what he did to Dr. Peter Deusberg, among others. Its all been propaganda. I can’t get over how this giant elephant in the center of my life story was a smokescreen. I didn’t know how much “AIDS in Africa” is an even bigger smokescreen than that!! Its truly mind blowing. Everyone needs to read the book to see how the ground for the past 2 years was laid in the 80s. Amazing.
Professor Duesberg’s book ‘Inventing the AIDS virus’ is mind blowing. Definitely my red pill moment. There’s also a Joe Rogan podcast he did in 2012, still up on Spotify. Joe Rogan knows.
We’d joke about it. To be clear, there is no world in which we had so many group members that 1 microwave wouldn’t suffice. So the surplus microwaves would go in a closet. So many things like that I can’t even remember. At the time, I couldn’t see the big picture. It felt perfectly justified because payback. It took almost a decade for any response to AIDS, by the time it did, nobody questioned it. ACT-UP activists thought , “We won”. Though it was common knowledge AZT killed more people than AIDS. But everyone was happy the govt responded at all.
No no no it’s the A students who go into teaching and become bureaucrats. They are the ones who follow orders, and lack critical thinking skills. The A students are easily controlled. C students are typically smart but bored with our form of education. Have you heard the saying the B’s work for the C’s and the A’s teach? Well it’s a cliche for a reason.
Noah... I had not heard that concept expressed in the manner of A, B and C grades, but I've witnessed it in action.
The version I heard was something like "those who can, do; those who can't do, teach; those who can't teach, teach the teachers." Pretty much the same thing.
Nslamp -- there ARE exceptions. We need more like you, but caution against losing the practical aspect of "things." Theory is fine, but without practical application, it's just theory.
I was being sarcastic. Well, sort of, because I’m an Educational Psychologist that’s never practiced psychology (because I’m not *that* kind of psychologist) and I do sometimes teach teachers. So there’s that. 😁
I think it depends on who is doing the grading and who is being graded. I ‘d say there is a lot of A=average, which is why colleges offer remedial math and English.
You know how they would have known? Proper testing. People were still short-sighted enough to get jabbed with a totally new technology that had been tested a mere 90 days. Turns out the most effective thing the CDC put out was the term 'safe and effective' to dupe zombies into taking the shot.
Well gee whiz! Why did anyone believe that a "vaccine" developed in what? a year? with virtually no clinical trials, would be the miracle to End the Pandemic?
I guess we should take some small comfort in her acknowledgement that the government medical know-it-alls did NOT know it all.
Now, will they FINALLY admit the lies? The attacks on other medical professionals--especially the Great Barrington doctors?
How about apologizing for the threats to doctors and nurses who questioned all this bullshit? The lack of support for developing therapeutics?
Give me a few days. Maybe I'll find that small comfort. (Don't hold your breath.)
It wasn’t developed in a year. It has been in the works for a very long time. Military vets in 1st Iraq war have said they were given an unknown vax and were pretty sure now it was early MRNA being worked on by our government. They were the 1st generation guinea pigs so to speak and have posted about the problems they’ve had for 20 years. All hidden by the Military Industrial Complex. And people today trust their government. Fool me once...
They will never admit how wrong they were. Unfortunately, most of the people jabbed who shunned the rest of us, will never admit we were right, either!
Still waiting for apologies for being banned from my 50th high school reunion, banned from my barbershop chorus, and being banned from my church praise band. I am not making this up. I think I'm gonna stop waiting so I can continue to be in the smart group.
I hear you. My two sisters-in-law have cut us off, & one only live 20 minutes away. We had Covid in Nov. so figured she'd see us now that we have natural immunity. Wrong! Only when we are totally jabbed with booster, will she see us. Well, he told her that will be a cold day in h*ll. Fortunately, we have a wonderful church, & there are those with & without the jab. No one puts anyone down. It's a choice, but we sure didn't want that poison in us. We are in the group that should be worried: 73 & 74. Proud to have natural immunity, & praying it lasts a long time. So sorry ur church was like that.
Thanks for sharing, Alex. But unfortunately, this is the second time I have had to throw up today.
First was this cheery message from the LA Times Online (exact verbiage):
"Congratulations, Los Angeles County! In just a week, we went from the the highest tier in the federal government’s new COVID-19 risk-assessment system to its lowest."
"To reward us for our progress, the county Department of Public Health has revised its health order to say that it no longer requires anyone to wear a mask indoors in places like restaurants, offices, stores, gyms and movie theaters."
(ME - my lame but cathartic attempt to respond in Alex mode)
"So how amazingly wonderful is this? The SCIENCE has gotten more BETTER and even more SCIENCE-Y!! Going from high risk to low risk in 7 days!! Who would have believed this?"
"And ... we are being REWARDED for being good little minions by our overlords in the county health department!! Let's keep up the good work, comrades."
Drivel - oh yes. I am sorry to report that after 2 years of fear-fear-fear all the time, way too many people think this commentary is just fine. Unaware that it is also code for "what has been given can be taken away."
I think I can brag because MY State has been the safest! We STILL have indoor mask mandates in place, AND, most people here are so compliant they still wear them outdoors AND in their cars! And tonight I'm going to a "Gala" for an independent think tank here, and the mandates by our Governor Ige end tomorrow, and the venue will still require vax passes and negative tests, TONIGHT. We really care about others' health here in Hawaii! We are so good!!
This interview makes me want to scream. Lots of people were warning about this. Many people they had silenced and censored cautioned about waning efficacy and new variants (like our Alex Berenson). This is so so maddening. Like Alex says, why would we now trust these people with anything of importance in the future?
As a reminder:
They came with their Doctors and their lockdowns. Torched our economies, suffocated our lungs with masks, destroyed the minds of our children, killed and maimed us for life with poison filled needles…
And now they want us to be thankful to the CDC for being saved…
from a cold with a 99.85% survival rating.
Once the psychopaths responsible for this are swinging from lampposts, we must never forget this tyranny, and never allow it occur again.
Always remember (click link for image):
Just watching the full video. Walensky says (around the 27 minute mark) that now the CDC has, for 2/3rd of US population ...
... the data for vaccine, linked to testing, linked to death. Alex, can you FOIA that data? Be sure and ask for dates of each event.
... we can now look at this data within 4 weeks. Tell me they do not know what's really going on!!!!
That would be interesting indeed!!
Honestly, the terrifying thing about our government isn't the evil; it's the sheer stupidity.
Wouldn’t this be the data that the Wall Street Joirnal reported they haven’t released because “it’s not yet ready for prime time” and there is concern that it “might be misinterpreted as showing less vaccine effectiveness”?
Not sure. I do not subscribe to MSM. Do you have a link to the article? thanks
And Covid Tyranny is hardly over. ‘Truly Frightening:’ Feds Give Tech Companies Until May 2 to ‘Turn Over COVID-19 Misinformation’
Two U.S. Senators this week introduced a bill that could criminalize First Amendment rights, while the U.S. Surgeon General formally demanded tech companies turn over data on organizations and individuals who post “COVID-19 misinformation” on social media platforms.
This is horrendous. With the tech virtue signalers I know, you can be sure the lists are already a work in progress.
Absolutely disgusting
Great to see you here, Coleen Rowley. I remember the great work you did after 9-11.
Great image! Thank you!
Maimed for life? What am I missing.
According to data from the UK Health security Agency you are wildly more likely to catch COVID with vaccination than without.
This is because - as Dr. Nathan explains here - the injection turns off your innate immune system causing an auto-immune disorder:
Here is the latest data about the vaccine causing an auto immune disorder in the victim here:
Great links... thanks!
Thanks tritorch!
Examples of how the vaccines can negatively impact the immune system.... interview starts around 19:30 Gives you an idea what tritorch means.
Yup, they are lying to you. Now we know even the data from Israel we can not trust. MoH was in it with Pfizer from the beginning. and covered it up. German researchers published data that one in 780 or some kids are having adverse effect from the jab. All sorts of dirty laundry is coming out. We just need to prove Pfizer committed fraud. Then, all those legal shield will fall off.. and one battle is right now in the court.
She’s disgusting - my husband almost lost his job because of her vaccine mandates and now she says “she didn’t know the effectiveness” especially against other variants! There’s a special place in hell for these people.
They “didn’t know” because the CDC, FDA and Fauchi made sure to shut down and demonize ANYONE who tried to tell them…
Obviously even these low level intellects knew ; the swing seems right
All part of the big equation - depopulate and NWO perhaps.
Or, just as bad, they did not care to look and their colleagues told them there is “nothing to see here”
These very "unknowns" were addressed in the vaccine EUA request documents from December 2020, Pfizer example:
"2.5. Safety and Effectiveness Information Needed to Support an EUA
Phase 3 Follow-up
...From the perspective of vaccine efficacy, it is important to assess whether protection mediated by early responses has not started to wane."
And here:
"8.2. Unknown Benefits/Data Gaps
Duration of protection
As the interim and final analyses have a limited length of follow-up, it is not possible to assess sustained efficacy over a period longer than 2 months.
Future vaccine effectiveness as influenced by characteristics of the pandemic, changes in the virus, and/or potential effects of co-infections
The study enrollment and follow-up occurred during the period of July 27 to November 14, 2020, in various geographical locations. The evolution of the pandemic characteristics, such as increased attack rates, increased exposure of subpopulations, as well as potential CHANGES IN THE VIRUS INFECTIVITY, ANTIGENICALLY SIGNIFICANT MUTATION TO THE S PROTEIN, and/or the effect of coinfections MAY POTENTIALLY LIMIT THE GENERALIZABILITY OF THE EFFICACY conclusions over time." <caps emphasis added>
Even if these "unknowns" weren't among basic vaccine research and development questions (which they ARE and thereby certainly are known possibilities that CNN didn't need to bring to her attention), they're plain as day in these documents.
It's interesting to me that my anger is just now starting to build, after TWO years of bs from these people. They have caused so much m.i.s.e.r.y in people's lives. Significant, authentic, real m.i.s.e.r.y. for people: men, women, children, babies. I don't see how they can stand themselves.
Exactly! She supported the suppression of fundamental rights of bodily autonomy and informed consent, and was paid well for it. Her offenses are not easily swept away with a smile and a giggle
a smile and a giggle and a rope
I'll never forgive them.
Sara--me too! I am newly incensed that my now-14-year-old missed two years of her life. No lacrosse. No Girl Scouts. No playing with friends. Music lessons (and performances) on Zoom. I regret every meal I ate in a tent under a heat lamp. We cancelled a summer in Italy in 2020. I feel duped and embarrassed and beyond angry. 😔
I hear you. Your daughter will be okay, especially it would be "redemptive" if she was noticing the corrupt and inept political process that was causing all this. It could be invaluable to her as she lives on into the next decades. Well, there's probably some deeper darker mischief [not strong enough word, but I'll leave it at "mischief"] at play, but our f__king leadership went right along with the program. It was a highjack. Democracy takes work, lots of work and vigilance, like a big ole' garden. It doesn't do well if left untended. Life is a bunch of trials and tribulations, isn't it?? And it is also quite an adventure. Let's get our rest, put our masks in the garbage can, and act with as much maturity on all fronts as we can manage.
Life is hard enough without artificial challenges.
With good reason.
Imagine how maniacal I am 2 years past getting wildly angry about the initial 2 weeks to "flatten the curve" (which any idiot knew would go a long way to flatten the economy at the same time), and then the sight of my fellow citizens marching about like compliant Chinese (no disrespect intended, but the USA ain't China) with masks covering their faces. Then came the deadlly "vaccines" and all the absolutely stunning corruption surrounding them. I may never "settle down" again in this lifetime. Thank God I'm old.
Their arrogant conduct is unforgivable.
Has everybody seen Naomi Wolf on bit chute interview Edward Dowd??? w.o.w.
Edward Dowd works in the Wall Street investment/investor world, and he has
very loudly and effectively called "fraud" on Pfizer, big time. He has just about
convinced me that justice is gonna prevail, and it's due to the internal dynamics of
our capitalist system. Investors don't like FRAUD. Thank God!
They're successful - deep pockets and fewer humanoids/deaths to come.
Well, with all due respect, the director of the CDC needed to wait for CNN to tell her what's what. Don't we all??....
I found that to be quite disturbing. An unintended honest moment for her I'm sure
Still listening to the whole video. She referenced CNN multiple times. That alone makes me disgusted!!!
In fairness to her (and believe me, I reserve no charity for her), she was not CDC director at the time these announcements were made.
She's been carrying the water for them, so they knew that she had no moral compass.
Pretty soon the MSM will start denigrating Fauci. I think he’s about to get sold down the road.
I'm OK with it. Just so long as he gets the same amount of pain back as he has caused literally around the world.
We sold our home preparing for my husband to lose his.
ChristyE, crazy as it seems, I am STILL losing my job (termination date in hand). No, I am not in healthcare. I haven't set foot in the office in almost two years and performed at a high level. The people I work with are devastated, and they will likely have to hire two people to replace me. It is non-sensical. It is also part of God's plan and I have made peace with it. Clearly, I no longer needed to be with that employer. They technically have some time and could rescind but emotionally I left them when they announced the policy. God has a plan and has given me strength through this challenge.
I’m so sorry - we can never forgive or forget what they’ve done to millions of people. Praying for you and wishing you well 🙏
I can't ascertain whether she is a dimwit or a poor communicator. I think dimwit. Who paid off Biden to get her appointed?
Nope she was placed and keeps her place acting on others behalf. She is far from stupid and never believe people are stupid. Evil maybe. But with purpose
This is why I will never forgive the Coronmaniacs.
The key to the statement is “the CNN feed”. This is a CDC basing its recommendations on CNN headlines.
I thought the same thing. Clown world.
"We've investigated ourselves and found we did nothing wrong".
If there ever was a candidate for a neurolink, this functioning CDC idiot would be it.
I've always thought Walensky was in way over her head. A complete buffoon.
The damage she caused...she's F.....g clueless.
I mean you are right to point out this absurdity, but, in fairness, she was not CDC director at the time.
No, she was the chief of infectious diseases at MGH. An actual scientist would have read the report. Someone who is not a partisan hack might have said “when the news came out”. A right winger might have said “when I heard on Fox News.” But no, she is signaling that she cares more about the politics than the science.
So RW has selected "We had no idea." The other option, of course, is "we were just following orders."
Honestly she may be a total idiot or she is playing an idiot so she doesn't look evil.
Either way she should not be in charge of a small schools nursing station never mind the CDC.
Although what am I thinking. The US does not need a CDC. What America needs is a healthy diet that is free from seed oils, low in sugar and low in fructose (Unless the person is free of diabetes and getting it from fruit)
That alone would fix 90% of the chronic snd autoimmune diseases in the population.
At 69 I skated through vaxless and maskless (as much as possible) on my keto diet without so much as a sniffle.
And we need an economic re-set to fund "Real Health Care" that prevents these problems rather than our current system which rewards fixing problems. #BigFood and #BigPharma suck.
What about flax/chia seeds?
It is seed oils that are the problem although you *could* eat enough flaxs seeds to cause problems it would be very hard to do. One teaspoon of oil is probably equal to something crazy like a thousand handfuls of seeds.
I would recommend eating nuts and seeds that are lower in Omega 6...depending on if you are eating them every so often or handfuls every meal every day.
If you want more info on seed oils look up Tucker Goodrich and watch a couple of his interviews then read bunch of articles on his site. He makes a very good case for excess omega 6 being a big problem.
Just to be clear I'm concerned about Canola oil, Corn oil, Soybean oil, Rapeseed oil. Things like that.
I still eat some whole foods like nuts and seeds every so often but as small snacks once or twice a week and that works for me. Seeds and nuts do have vitamins and minerals, while the oils MAYBE have some vitamin E and thats it.
And the mainstream media is silent. The war in Ukraine couldn't have happened at a better time to keep all the attention away from the failing vaccines, the serious side effects, the masking backtracking. It's all "going away" while our attention is diverted, and by the time we re-focus, people will think we're crazy for being angry that toddlers were masked, kids were kept out of school, vaccines made some people very sick or dead, and people were fired for not getting vaccinated with a leaky vaccine.
Timing was planned.
It sure was!
I'm never forgetting.
I am still working through The Real Anthony Fauci. I got the audible version, so its taking a while. Its mind blowing to me. AIDS is the run thru for all this. AIDS is a subject very close to me. As a GenXer, we where the first generation to enter puberty knowing sex could kill you. As a traumatized youth, I belonged to the highest risk group, injection drug users and other very risky behaviors. I know many who died, and I was shocked I escaped it. In 1994, I tested while in a long term rehab and I fully expected to be positive. I later went on to work in harm reduction , not knowing I was promulgating Fauci’s propaganda. What I did notice was how well funded Harm Reduction Centers were. It was THE social service industry to work for, if not run, in terms of funding and pay. While I was in college still, prepping for graduate school so I could get a license in my field, harm redux work was the best paying by a long shot. We had money to burn. Every year, at the end of the calendar year, we had to run out and spend money because if we had a surplus, we’d get our grants reduced. Sometimes absurd things happened, like 1 department bought 10 microwave ovens (for incentives- to induce attendance at groups, we offered food). It was like a shopping spree- everyone scrambling to spend money fast! No other social service type agency in NYC lived like that, trust me. It also made it easy for dysfunctional directors to succeed and enabled toxic workplaces. You got money without needing to be competent. What a deal for Axis 2/ personality disordered persons. Perfect conditions for them to rise to the top. I had no idea this was all Fauci largesse. I also didn’t know what he did to Dr. Peter Deusberg, among others. Its all been propaganda. I can’t get over how this giant elephant in the center of my life story was a smokescreen. I didn’t know how much “AIDS in Africa” is an even bigger smokescreen than that!! Its truly mind blowing. Everyone needs to read the book to see how the ground for the past 2 years was laid in the 80s. Amazing.
Professor Duesberg’s book ‘Inventing the AIDS virus’ is mind blowing. Definitely my red pill moment. There’s also a Joe Rogan podcast he did in 2012, still up on Spotify. Joe Rogan knows.
Please. Tell everybody you know. Your experience is unique and important!!
Thank you for writing about your realizations. Very helpful. xoxox
The USPHS ran the same way. Spend it or lose it. That was in 1969…thousands not millions, but spend, spend, spend no matter what 💲💲💸💵
We’d joke about it. To be clear, there is no world in which we had so many group members that 1 microwave wouldn’t suffice. So the surplus microwaves would go in a closet. So many things like that I can’t even remember. At the time, I couldn’t see the big picture. It felt perfectly justified because payback. It took almost a decade for any response to AIDS, by the time it did, nobody questioned it. ACT-UP activists thought , “We won”. Though it was common knowledge AZT killed more people than AIDS. But everyone was happy the govt responded at all.
When an agency does not use zero based budgeting, this is the result. It is one reason why government spending always increases.
Other STDs can kill.
“ I can tell you where I was when the CNN feed came that it was 95 percent effective, the vaccine.”
The Director of the CDC first got her vaccine information from CNN.
No words.
When the 'C' students are creating policy and start running the country.WOW!
No no no it’s the A students who go into teaching and become bureaucrats. They are the ones who follow orders, and lack critical thinking skills. The A students are easily controlled. C students are typically smart but bored with our form of education. Have you heard the saying the B’s work for the C’s and the A’s teach? Well it’s a cliche for a reason.
Noah... I had not heard that concept expressed in the manner of A, B and C grades, but I've witnessed it in action.
The version I heard was something like "those who can, do; those who can't do, teach; those who can't teach, teach the teachers." Pretty much the same thing.
Yes exact same concept 🙌
Hey, wait a minute. I got all As and got into teaching…
There are always exceptions to a rule. It’s a generalization. Please don’t take offense.
Nslamp -- there ARE exceptions. We need more like you, but caution against losing the practical aspect of "things." Theory is fine, but without practical application, it's just theory.
I was being sarcastic. Well, sort of, because I’m an Educational Psychologist that’s never practiced psychology (because I’m not *that* kind of psychologist) and I do sometimes teach teachers. So there’s that. 😁
That's the point!
Always remember C is average and average is normal anything on either side Tips the balance
I think it depends on who is doing the grading and who is being graded. I ‘d say there is a lot of A=average, which is why colleges offer remedial math and English.
Exactamundo! 🎯
These are the same people some of my good friends listened to, and were convinced by, to take the experimental gene therapy shots. SMDH
You know how they would have known? Proper testing. People were still short-sighted enough to get jabbed with a totally new technology that had been tested a mere 90 days. Turns out the most effective thing the CDC put out was the term 'safe and effective' to dupe zombies into taking the shot.
Well gee whiz! Why did anyone believe that a "vaccine" developed in what? a year? with virtually no clinical trials, would be the miracle to End the Pandemic?
I guess we should take some small comfort in her acknowledgement that the government medical know-it-alls did NOT know it all.
Now, will they FINALLY admit the lies? The attacks on other medical professionals--especially the Great Barrington doctors?
How about apologizing for the threats to doctors and nurses who questioned all this bullshit? The lack of support for developing therapeutics?
Give me a few days. Maybe I'll find that small comfort. (Don't hold your breath.)
It wasn’t developed in a year. It has been in the works for a very long time. Military vets in 1st Iraq war have said they were given an unknown vax and were pretty sure now it was early MRNA being worked on by our government. They were the 1st generation guinea pigs so to speak and have posted about the problems they’ve had for 20 years. All hidden by the Military Industrial Complex. And people today trust their government. Fool me once...
They will never admit how wrong they were. Unfortunately, most of the people jabbed who shunned the rest of us, will never admit we were right, either!
Still waiting for apologies for being banned from my 50th high school reunion, banned from my barbershop chorus, and being banned from my church praise band. I am not making this up. I think I'm gonna stop waiting so I can continue to be in the smart group.
I hear you. My two sisters-in-law have cut us off, & one only live 20 minutes away. We had Covid in Nov. so figured she'd see us now that we have natural immunity. Wrong! Only when we are totally jabbed with booster, will she see us. Well, he told her that will be a cold day in h*ll. Fortunately, we have a wonderful church, & there are those with & without the jab. No one puts anyone down. It's a choice, but we sure didn't want that poison in us. We are in the group that should be worried: 73 & 74. Proud to have natural immunity, & praying it lasts a long time. So sorry ur church was like that.
Phone won’t let me ♥️ your post. Our church was similar to yours.
I'm just fine with continuing to be shunned by these people. Their proximity endangers me and mine.
Thanks for sharing, Alex. But unfortunately, this is the second time I have had to throw up today.
First was this cheery message from the LA Times Online (exact verbiage):
"Congratulations, Los Angeles County! In just a week, we went from the the highest tier in the federal government’s new COVID-19 risk-assessment system to its lowest."
"To reward us for our progress, the county Department of Public Health has revised its health order to say that it no longer requires anyone to wear a mask indoors in places like restaurants, offices, stores, gyms and movie theaters."
(ME - my lame but cathartic attempt to respond in Alex mode)
"So how amazingly wonderful is this? The SCIENCE has gotten more BETTER and even more SCIENCE-Y!! Going from high risk to low risk in 7 days!! Who would have believed this?"
"And ... we are being REWARDED for being good little minions by our overlords in the county health department!! Let's keep up the good work, comrades."
I'm throwing up now, too
Oh my gosh, & people actually believe this drivel?
Drivel - oh yes. I am sorry to report that after 2 years of fear-fear-fear all the time, way too many people think this commentary is just fine. Unaware that it is also code for "what has been given can be taken away."
It literally hurts being smarter than most people.
I think I can brag because MY State has been the safest! We STILL have indoor mask mandates in place, AND, most people here are so compliant they still wear them outdoors AND in their cars! And tonight I'm going to a "Gala" for an independent think tank here, and the mandates by our Governor Ige end tomorrow, and the venue will still require vax passes and negative tests, TONIGHT. We really care about others' health here in Hawaii! We are so good!!
It kind of sounds as bad as Washington State.
This interview makes me want to scream. Lots of people were warning about this. Many people they had silenced and censored cautioned about waning efficacy and new variants (like our Alex Berenson). This is so so maddening. Like Alex says, why would we now trust these people with anything of importance in the future?
Unbelievable. She’s dumb as a tree stump, like seemingly everyone in the Harris Administration. Except, of course, for Harris herself…
The vice president is the standard by which stupid is judged.
Only people more stupid are the people who vote for them.