Yes, a company that has sold upwards of $15 billion in mRNA Covid vaccines this year won’t participate in a conference in San Francisco next month.
Apparently too many people will be going, or some such.
Now that’s confidence in your product!
Per Stat, a Website that covers the healthcare industry: Moderna “has pulled out over the health risks of sending employees to the crowded hallways of J.P. Morgan’s cramped venue, the Westin St. Francis Hotel.”
Back in the days before Stat was an actual investigative news organization instead of a propaganda arm for Pfizer and Moderna, this news might have prompted some questions. No longer. Now Stat writes articles like the one this morning headlined “Will we always need Covid-19 boosters?” discussing “bullish [emphasis added] talk from manufacturers about a need for even more vaccine shots.”
Yes, by this logic, failing vaccines equals more vaccines. Which means more money for the companies that make them. And that’s bullish. For Pfizer, if not for the people getting jabbed.
Honestly, if I don't see about 10-12 California license plates a day, it's a slow day. Can't blame 'em, I sure wouldn't want to live in Commiefornia either.
My stupid brother did! He loves him. It’s why I almost never talk to him and glad he’s so fearful of travel, they haven’t asked to come stay here to visit which I won’t let them cause I don’t want to be couped up with vaccinated people in my house! I’m flipping the table on these ding dongs!
me too- in the Bay Area. we got four ballots. there are only two of us able to vote. this happened with the presidential election in Nov 2020; in both cases we walked our butts into the voting place and voted red. its frustrating and i'm done. we're targeted for our more conservative opinions by people who literally think face diapers will save the world, the mandates are scientific and our freedom is all in our heads and should be taken away because we don't want us or our kids to take the shot, and frankly i'm tired of jumping over potholes only to land in poo while paying 5$ for a gallon of gas. we're leaving as soon as we can
We never got our ballots for either election! Wonder who used them? I called after I voted and wanted to confirm my vote went through for who I voted for and I was told there is no way to confirm who you voted for. They can only tell you that u voted!! Really?? Maybe because u need no ID to vote in CA. But you need ID to get into a concert or any event and prove your vax card is really yours!! Does this make any sense at all??? That’s CA for ya. I’m out of here. Only lived here 2 1/2 years and I can’t handle the liberal zombies living here.
They're correct as far as being unable to know how you voted. The secret ballot is constitutionally protected. It prevents someone using your vote to threaten or coerce you. All that can be seen is if you voted, and if you have a party registration, which one.
born and raised in San Diego, moved to East Tennessee 4 months before the plandemic began, literally closed on a home the month it started. I would be losing my mind if I was still in California. we run into refugees from California all the time.. we have a pact to remind the move ins that they came here for a reason, don't turn around and try to remake this amazingly free state. Imagine a state where the folks that work at the dmv our friendly, efficient and helpful. blew my mind but I found that nirvana
He’s fairly popular, state is 2/3 or more Democratic, no need to cheat imho. You only need a million signatures to get a recall to be voted on. Newsom was way ahead in polls shortly before the recall election, he pulled out all the stops to scare people and demonze Elder. I voted for the recall, but the people I know supported Newscum and can’t even understand what’s bad about him.
Agreed about the Newsom followers. Like so many voters, there are plenty who know absolutely nothing about who they’re voting for and why. (I was one of them for 40 years, sadly. But, that red pill went down very smoothly, thankfully. 😉)
“The polls” are very dependent upon who’s running them and other important details, like who’s reporting them.
As someone who worked on the recall effort, I can say that it was extremely hard getting the word out. We needed closer to two million signatures to make up for any disqualifications (and you better believe they were disqualifying sigs for every little thing). Up until the last week, I found plenty of people who didn’t know about it. So we were up against the, “Well, the LA Times says Newsom is going to win, so I’ll just vote for him.” Then there were the Kevin Kiley supporters who refused to believe that Kevin didn’t stand a chance once Elder announced his campaign. They also couldn’t get their heads around splitting votes. Kiley was the best candidate, and I hope he campaigns for November.
We also had to fight against the idea of it being a Republican-led effort. People didn’t realize, nor did they believe, that it was bipartisan and we had a lot of Dems and Independents involved and signing. Newsom’s side really played the Republican angle up, as we all saw.
It’s hard for me to say there wasn’t cheating. They tried so hard to disqualify Elder. Newsom kept the state of emergency going and took full advantage by milking the mail-in ballots. If a person put their ballot into the envelope a certain way, you could see if their vote was a “yes” or “no” on that very important first question, should he be recalled.
All of this to say that under all of those circumstances, we really didn’t stand a chance. But it was a worthwhile effort, because he will never be able to wipe that recall stain from his record.
They'll line up to buy his new book probably, too. The one he had so much time to write during this "unprecedented state emergency" that had him taking 2 weeks off to *ahem* take his kids trick-or-treating.
I'm still stuck here in Californication. Yes, they cheated. We need Seth Kechel to bring his forensic auditing out here. Don't forget, in the 2020 election, which state had the most new voters for Trump? Cali. There are more conservative patriots here, than people are aware of. The vote has always been fixed with fraud, for decades. We'll remain and fight, til it's an obvious loss. Many will choose this hill to die on. Me? I'd rather bring my conservative and America-loving ideals to another state, where we're more appreciated. The 2022 elections will be the determining factor.
I’m in AZ and things are still decent here but 2022 will be the deciding factor for my husband and I too. We will explore a few states over the course of the coming year.
Despite a huge population, Californians don't vote in large enough numbers, so a great many are hugely apathetic and uninformed as well as not bothering to vote. Chesa Boudin (DA in SF who is allowing all the criminals to go free) was elected by a very very small number of people, and I'd bet those who were too lazy to vote are now very sorry. There are a lot of conservatives in CA, especially in N. CA and they tend to vote, but it's not enough to overcome the massive cheating in a 100% Dem controlled state. Hopefully things will change. In my county, there is now an effort to recall the entire board of supervisors. Stated reason: "They neglected constituent warnings about danger of excessive government, especially concerning the county public health officer who imposed restrictions during the pandemic and a failure to re-open the county when the virus began to diminish." So this is a hint of a good sign at people pushing back on a local level.
Do you think there's also an effect among non-Dem voters (Republicans, independents, and otherwise) along the lines of "we're so grossly outnumbered there's just no point"?
Absolutely. I've often felt that way myself, although I never miss a vote. But I should have added above that a great many Republicans and other conservative fail to vote as well (especially in non-presidential and local elections), so they are partly to blame for the Dems taking over as well. One interesting thing I keep hearing about in CA now is that a lot of Latino voters are no longer supporting Dems, they are mad. How many feel this way remains to be seen in 2022.
Everyone here in Houston died the summer of 2020, just as the UK Imperial College predicted. Just can't figure out why we have so much traffic and people going out everywhere. Maybe zombie survivors? Fugitive New Yorkers?
I actually had a couple people tell me one of two stories. One, they didn’t feel like voting and two they didn’t know anything about the other candidates (gee, I wonder why?) so they voted to keep him till his term is over. All stupid answers but there ya go!
Janti, the Dims had complete control over the vote counting and new the day of the election how many votes Governor Nonsense needed to "harvest" to stay in office.
California has legalized vote fraud. It’s called ballot harvesting, since that become legal democrats will never lose another election in California, unless the republicans start thinking like democrats and create a bunch of bullshit “get out the vote” or finalization a and start filling out people’s like ballots like the democrats have been doing for decades.
California is not stupid they are psychotic with sociopaths killing people is their sport. But if you wear mask your safe but must take the shot to complete the planned genocide.
More may move out but most are stupid they bring their destruction and democratic marxist votes with them stay put don’t need ya.
I believe Nancy Pelosi bought a 22 million dollar home there! Not sure of that price so dont quote me on the price but it was a lot! Is that like her fifth home? Even she wants to be in Florida. Good. U guys can have her. She is a piece of shit
Yes, it is $22M. She and her nephew Newsom both have mansions in Red states (his is in MT) where they go to escape the crime and homelessness they have caused, and to be free of the mandates and lockdowns Newsom has imposed on the State. While this state is mandated to wear masks indoors from 12-15 until 1-15, they can dine, shop, go to gyms, etc., and enjoy the holidays.
The crazy mandates are simply not evident in N. Cal where I live. Our county board of supervisors went along (supposedly) with all the stupid mandates, but everyone pretty much ignored them. They even said they would fine people, but they didn't. And the local police quietly didn't enforce anything at all and told local merchants they wouldn't. Except for an occasional place such as the doctor's office, in my county and the neighboring one as well, we have been able to mostly forget the stupidity for close to a year now. It was crazy in the beginning of 2020, with places like Whole Foods and Costco requiring masks and guarding the doors to make sure you had one on (and handing them out if you didn't), but for a long time WF and Costco haven't required masks and I've been walking into all stores, restaurants, going to my gym (which has been open since Spring 2020) etc. with no mask and no problem. You still see the fraidy cats here and there, and even driving in their cars with masks on, but for quite a long time at least this part of California is fairly close to normal despite what is going on in the big cities. And best of all, as I commented above, the heavy-handed board of supes in our area are facing recall for the crime of excessive government. What is BAD BAD BAD about California is of course the gas prices, high state sales taxes, and a pathetic power grid that is always failing.
Also scary that some of the major decision makers are around 80 or older: McConnell, Biden, Schumer, Pelosi, and then there is peanut brain Harris, who couldn't run a lemonade stand. How did our government come to this?
I heard the same as you. It hasn’t been totally confirmed yet but I think it’s true and I’m sure it’s not just because she ruined her part of CA but there’s an ulterior motive.
We live in Vermont and we're all alive and showing off our winter collection of mask fashion. We look down upon the rest of "you guns and bibles people" with distain. The unvaxxed are as rare as Republicans around here. Changing my name to "Spike".
While in Sweden the death rate is too lame, only two (2) reported last week (of 10 million inhabitants).
But the politicians are gaining power and encouraged by the good results from the more sophisticated states in the EU, would very much want to emulate that by introducing vaxx passports for real, like in mandatory (there are some kinds already floating around, if you really want it).
Vaccinated means you have successfully complied and are safe from open vilification, coercion, and later persecution. You are not protected from a virus.
I work in healthcare, and was told by the people I worked with that I should definitely do it (they apparently were lied to and didnt have all the data either). These are people I worked with and were not strangers. I also took it (as Jordan B Peterson describes) to say, ok I took your two shots, now leave me the F alone. But apparently that didnt make some people enough blood money. I might not be able to visit some of my clients if I don't become "fully vaccinated" again which means the booster, and because I am NOT taking the booster shot - if they implement that as "fully" I will lose business. At least I wont have a heart condition.
Don’t come to Florida we’re all dead here. I’m the only one left.
Nobody left here in Texas either.
My friends are moving to Texas from California bc there is no covid there since everybody died
Honestly, if I don't see about 10-12 California license plates a day, it's a slow day. Can't blame 'em, I sure wouldn't want to live in Commiefornia either.
Tell them to leave there blue politics behind.
He’s gonna change his plate as soon as he gets there and don’t worry , he’s voting red
I've been voting red for the last 2-3 years, and I'm still in Oregon. Used to vote blue.
Im just glad WV is kind off their radar. Meanwhile my life hasn't changed besides international travel.
I live in California, don’t know anyone person who voted for Newsom. They cheated.
My stupid brother did! He loves him. It’s why I almost never talk to him and glad he’s so fearful of travel, they haven’t asked to come stay here to visit which I won’t let them cause I don’t want to be couped up with vaccinated people in my house! I’m flipping the table on these ding dongs!
They are delusional. A great book on this: United States of Fear: How America Fell Victim to a Mass Delusional Psychosis by McDonald (a psychiatrist)
Thanks, I’m writing this down and will check it out. Good article about Menticide or Mass Psychosis. There is a video on youtube explains it well too.
I was invited to a 10 person "vax only" Christmas showed up. Two were the hosts.
Oh my god! Lol unreal! I’m All for parallel everything at this point!
Got such a chuckle out of this, thanks!
🤣😂🤣 I’ve just so had it with Stupid! Lol
I think we all have one of “those “ relatives 😳
I think we all have one of “those “ relatives 😳
For sure!
me too- in the Bay Area. we got four ballots. there are only two of us able to vote. this happened with the presidential election in Nov 2020; in both cases we walked our butts into the voting place and voted red. its frustrating and i'm done. we're targeted for our more conservative opinions by people who literally think face diapers will save the world, the mandates are scientific and our freedom is all in our heads and should be taken away because we don't want us or our kids to take the shot, and frankly i'm tired of jumping over potholes only to land in poo while paying 5$ for a gallon of gas. we're leaving as soon as we can
"i'm tired of jumping over potholes only to land in poo". Says it all about blue city living.
California version of out of the frying pan into the fire! Out of the pothole into the poo.
That relief you find when it turns out to be just a dogs poo.
We never got our ballots for either election! Wonder who used them? I called after I voted and wanted to confirm my vote went through for who I voted for and I was told there is no way to confirm who you voted for. They can only tell you that u voted!! Really?? Maybe because u need no ID to vote in CA. But you need ID to get into a concert or any event and prove your vax card is really yours!! Does this make any sense at all??? That’s CA for ya. I’m out of here. Only lived here 2 1/2 years and I can’t handle the liberal zombies living here.
They're correct as far as being unable to know how you voted. The secret ballot is constitutionally protected. It prevents someone using your vote to threaten or coerce you. All that can be seen is if you voted, and if you have a party registration, which one.
We just left California. Come join us in Tennessee!
I love Tennessee and we plan to explore it a little further next Fall.
born and raised in San Diego, moved to East Tennessee 4 months before the plandemic began, literally closed on a home the month it started. I would be losing my mind if I was still in California. we run into refugees from California all the time.. we have a pact to remind the move ins that they came here for a reason, don't turn around and try to remake this amazingly free state. Imagine a state where the folks that work at the dmv our friendly, efficient and helpful. blew my mind but I found that nirvana
Same. Everyone I know either didn’t vote or voted yes on recall.
I'm so surprised....🤣
I know right!! 🤪
Welfare losers did
He’s fairly popular, state is 2/3 or more Democratic, no need to cheat imho. You only need a million signatures to get a recall to be voted on. Newsom was way ahead in polls shortly before the recall election, he pulled out all the stops to scare people and demonze Elder. I voted for the recall, but the people I know supported Newscum and can’t even understand what’s bad about him.
Agreed about the Newsom followers. Like so many voters, there are plenty who know absolutely nothing about who they’re voting for and why. (I was one of them for 40 years, sadly. But, that red pill went down very smoothly, thankfully. 😉)
“The polls” are very dependent upon who’s running them and other important details, like who’s reporting them.
As someone who worked on the recall effort, I can say that it was extremely hard getting the word out. We needed closer to two million signatures to make up for any disqualifications (and you better believe they were disqualifying sigs for every little thing). Up until the last week, I found plenty of people who didn’t know about it. So we were up against the, “Well, the LA Times says Newsom is going to win, so I’ll just vote for him.” Then there were the Kevin Kiley supporters who refused to believe that Kevin didn’t stand a chance once Elder announced his campaign. They also couldn’t get their heads around splitting votes. Kiley was the best candidate, and I hope he campaigns for November.
We also had to fight against the idea of it being a Republican-led effort. People didn’t realize, nor did they believe, that it was bipartisan and we had a lot of Dems and Independents involved and signing. Newsom’s side really played the Republican angle up, as we all saw.
It’s hard for me to say there wasn’t cheating. They tried so hard to disqualify Elder. Newsom kept the state of emergency going and took full advantage by milking the mail-in ballots. If a person put their ballot into the envelope a certain way, you could see if their vote was a “yes” or “no” on that very important first question, should he be recalled.
All of this to say that under all of those circumstances, we really didn’t stand a chance. But it was a worthwhile effort, because he will never be able to wipe that recall stain from his record.
They'll line up to buy his new book probably, too. The one he had so much time to write during this "unprecedented state emergency" that had him taking 2 weeks off to *ahem* take his kids trick-or-treating.
I'm still stuck here in Californication. Yes, they cheated. We need Seth Kechel to bring his forensic auditing out here. Don't forget, in the 2020 election, which state had the most new voters for Trump? Cali. There are more conservative patriots here, than people are aware of. The vote has always been fixed with fraud, for decades. We'll remain and fight, til it's an obvious loss. Many will choose this hill to die on. Me? I'd rather bring my conservative and America-loving ideals to another state, where we're more appreciated. The 2022 elections will be the determining factor.
House up for sale now. Hopefully get out before this state is in total lockdown.
I can’t leave. I’m a farmer here in California so this IS my hill.
I am on the hill too. We are with you. We form a multitude
Find others equally as motivated for change!
Plenty of like-minded farmers to be sure!
I’m in AZ and things are still decent here but 2022 will be the deciding factor for my husband and I too. We will explore a few states over the course of the coming year.
I am in NM and considering norther AZ as a possible place to move. I'd love to hear more about your concerns vis a vis AZ.
>> Either they cheated on the vote count or Californians really are that stupid.
Por que no los dos?
Despite a huge population, Californians don't vote in large enough numbers, so a great many are hugely apathetic and uninformed as well as not bothering to vote. Chesa Boudin (DA in SF who is allowing all the criminals to go free) was elected by a very very small number of people, and I'd bet those who were too lazy to vote are now very sorry. There are a lot of conservatives in CA, especially in N. CA and they tend to vote, but it's not enough to overcome the massive cheating in a 100% Dem controlled state. Hopefully things will change. In my county, there is now an effort to recall the entire board of supervisors. Stated reason: "They neglected constituent warnings about danger of excessive government, especially concerning the county public health officer who imposed restrictions during the pandemic and a failure to re-open the county when the virus began to diminish." So this is a hint of a good sign at people pushing back on a local level.
Do you think there's also an effect among non-Dem voters (Republicans, independents, and otherwise) along the lines of "we're so grossly outnumbered there's just no point"?
Absolutely. I've often felt that way myself, although I never miss a vote. But I should have added above that a great many Republicans and other conservative fail to vote as well (especially in non-presidential and local elections), so they are partly to blame for the Dems taking over as well. One interesting thing I keep hearing about in CA now is that a lot of Latino voters are no longer supporting Dems, they are mad. How many feel this way remains to be seen in 2022.
I love the inexplicably weird things that become memes, and it really does sound great in Spanish.
Everyone here in Houston died the summer of 2020, just as the UK Imperial College predicted. Just can't figure out why we have so much traffic and people going out everywhere. Maybe zombie survivors? Fugitive New Yorkers?
New Yorkers go to Florida. They wouldn't stand a chance in Texas. (Yee-haw!)
Love it! (And I remember it.)
I actually had a couple people tell me one of two stories. One, they didn’t feel like voting and two they didn’t know anything about the other candidates (gee, I wonder why?) so they voted to keep him till his term is over. All stupid answers but there ya go!
Another excuse is "I forgot to vote."
Yep and California lost a congressional seat.
Quite dead here in New Jersey. We all died after Florida.
They rigged the vote
Janti, the Dims had complete control over the vote counting and new the day of the election how many votes Governor Nonsense needed to "harvest" to stay in office.
California has legalized vote fraud. It’s called ballot harvesting, since that become legal democrats will never lose another election in California, unless the republicans start thinking like democrats and create a bunch of bullshit “get out the vote” or finalization a and start filling out people’s like ballots like the democrats have been doing for decades.
Embrace the power of "and".
: )
California is not stupid they are psychotic with sociopaths killing people is their sport. But if you wear mask your safe but must take the shot to complete the planned genocide.
More may move out but most are stupid they bring their destruction and democratic marxist votes with them stay put don’t need ya.
He cheated!
Moderna is probably afraid gangs will smash and grab their vax vials and they'll lose money so they're skipping SF !
They might have to answer questions about all their lies.
I believe Nancy Pelosi bought a 22 million dollar home there! Not sure of that price so dont quote me on the price but it was a lot! Is that like her fifth home? Even she wants to be in Florida. Good. U guys can have her. She is a piece of shit
Yes, it is $22M. She and her nephew Newsom both have mansions in Red states (his is in MT) where they go to escape the crime and homelessness they have caused, and to be free of the mandates and lockdowns Newsom has imposed on the State. While this state is mandated to wear masks indoors from 12-15 until 1-15, they can dine, shop, go to gyms, etc., and enjoy the holidays.
We DO NOT want Pelosi anywhere near Free Florida! Don’t know where she bought her lot but maybe a nor’easter or tropical storm can swallow it up.
You should all find out where it is and get people to go there and peacefully protest her presence.
Exactamundo! Weekly protests.
Pray for global warming upon her home
Being a radical leftist Democrat means never having to say you're sorry. And never being held accountable for your crimes.
The crazy mandates are simply not evident in N. Cal where I live. Our county board of supervisors went along (supposedly) with all the stupid mandates, but everyone pretty much ignored them. They even said they would fine people, but they didn't. And the local police quietly didn't enforce anything at all and told local merchants they wouldn't. Except for an occasional place such as the doctor's office, in my county and the neighboring one as well, we have been able to mostly forget the stupidity for close to a year now. It was crazy in the beginning of 2020, with places like Whole Foods and Costco requiring masks and guarding the doors to make sure you had one on (and handing them out if you didn't), but for a long time WF and Costco haven't required masks and I've been walking into all stores, restaurants, going to my gym (which has been open since Spring 2020) etc. with no mask and no problem. You still see the fraidy cats here and there, and even driving in their cars with masks on, but for quite a long time at least this part of California is fairly close to normal despite what is going on in the big cities. And best of all, as I commented above, the heavy-handed board of supes in our area are facing recall for the crime of excessive government. What is BAD BAD BAD about California is of course the gas prices, high state sales taxes, and a pathetic power grid that is always failing.
Has anyone noticed her throat being raspy lately? I think the jab is doing its thing
Yes! I've been noticing that for several days now. Something is going on. On top of that, she has started to sound a bit senile.
Pretty scary that the order of possible presidents is Biden, Kamala & Pelosi!😫
Also scary that some of the major decision makers are around 80 or older: McConnell, Biden, Schumer, Pelosi, and then there is peanut brain Harris, who couldn't run a lemonade stand. How did our government come to this?
Supposedly Jupiter FL...(source:
I heard the same as you. It hasn’t been totally confirmed yet but I think it’s true and I’m sure it’s not just because she ruined her part of CA but there’s an ulterior motive.
I want to move there...
Then there will be two 😊
Our winters in Florida are the only way we tolerate temporarily living in Chicago.
Me too! I love our awesome Govenor!
Can you tell me where you are in Florida? I’m considering a move there. Looking for peace and quiet and freedom.
I visited last November and can't wait to go back for some well-deserved beach time with my 19 y.o.
visited FLORIDA
Visiting and living in Cali, is two very different things.
Florida not CA
We live in Vermont and we're all alive and showing off our winter collection of mask fashion. We look down upon the rest of "you guns and bibles people" with distain. The unvaxxed are as rare as Republicans around here. Changing my name to "Spike".
Florida Man=Omega Man
Cool, then there's tons of room and property values are low! *moves immediately to Florida*
no there is one
Land of Sink Holes. We are in Earthquake/Tornado alley, Quake ins is separate and as expensive as house ins.
I was trying to find someone to give me an update. Thanks for that. I'll come now. The fewer the better, more beach for me.
While in Sweden the death rate is too lame, only two (2) reported last week (of 10 million inhabitants).
But the politicians are gaining power and encouraged by the good results from the more sophisticated states in the EU, would very much want to emulate that by introducing vaxx passports for real, like in mandatory (there are some kinds already floating around, if you really want it).
Just spit balling here.
If the "vaccines" aren't vaccinating then isn't everyone "unvaccinated"?
Vaccinated means you have successfully complied and are safe from open vilification, coercion, and later persecution. You are not protected from a virus.
Vaccinated until the next booster that is.
Yes. Belgium is doing a third jab, and the government already states in the news, a fourth jab is coming and will be 'offered' (read forced).
Or the widespread Snowflake Syndrome
Apparently that doesn't include not wearing a face diaper anymore either. That would also mean less control of some unscientific tyrant.
Love this post! May I use it? I’ll credit “Mostly disagreeable” 😃
Your comment on the definition of vaccination went to spam (imagine that!) and I just saw it. Yes, by all means, use it and you do not have to credit.
I liked it myself.
you summed it up perfectly
We all have one thing in common....We will never be fully vaccinated....Jabbed or Not!!
Another conundrum!
Lol, excellent critical thinking Steve. 💉💉💉💊💊💊💊
not really. the vaccinated have been poisoned. the unvaccinated have not
I work in healthcare, and was told by the people I worked with that I should definitely do it (they apparently were lied to and didnt have all the data either). These are people I worked with and were not strangers. I also took it (as Jordan B Peterson describes) to say, ok I took your two shots, now leave me the F alone. But apparently that didnt make some people enough blood money. I might not be able to visit some of my clients if I don't become "fully vaccinated" again which means the booster, and because I am NOT taking the booster shot - if they implement that as "fully" I will lose business. At least I wont have a heart condition.
If they called them obedience passports it would suddenly make sense what the real difference is lol
Wait until the criminals figure this out and rip open your skin to get the credit card chip out. I’ll take my chances with a purse.
Spit balling* sry for my phones stupidity!
Hahahaha 🤣🤣...what a conundrum for them!!
Whoa, whoa, whoa. That's logic and that's not allowed anymore.
Thats like having air bags in your car without wearing a seatbelt. Airbags do not work on their own to save your life.