So why a disinformation board?

The reason it is so vital and necessary for the combined monolithic apparatus of government, corporations, and NGOs, to brute force censor everyone while decimating the careers and reputations of the dissenters is because we've been infiltrated by our adversaries who've built our world on a foundation of government and media lies. In order to keep this house of cards standing it must kill the first amendment so no one can point out that the emperor has no clothes:

The First Amendment is prime directive order 1 because it is the most important freedom we have for the same reason it is the first thing an adversary subverts, disrupts, and destroys during a crime, a war, or a takeover--preventing a target from assembling, communicating, and organizing a response to an assault grans an enormous advantage to the aggressors.

This is and has been occurring all across the globe since the minute this COVID-19 fraud was propagated to every corner of the earth.

The Second Amendment is second because it is the remedy for anyone trying to subvert the First.

The fog of this war is purposefully thick - a massive labyrinth filled with wrong turns, dead ends, and long, interesting paths to nowhere--relentless discombobulation are important tentpoles of demoralization and destabilization.

Arm yourself with information here, and let's take this country back: tritorch.com/takeover

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"The Second Amendment is second because it is the remedy for anyone trying to subvert the First" - THIS needs to be on a T-shirt!!!! TRUTH.

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It will come back. Perhaps not this week, but liberty is lost in small steps and the left has been grabbing little pieces at a time for the last few centuries in the US (longer around the world). They won't rest until everyone is enslaved under fascism, socialism, communism or some other form of authoritarianism.

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Just a rebranding pause

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I agree...I in no way think they aren't going to continue to do this, just perhaps more covertly.

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Particularly after Lord Obama's speech at Stanford

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more covertly----like they have for decades and at least the centuty and 3/4 since Horace Mann came back from Prussia.

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Or may be they want the room to quieten down so that they can reveal their upcoming features. Then it will be back to the show, perhaps?

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Keen observation, that is also another of their techniques.

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Exactly... Follow where Nina goes...

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That is one of their techniques they do employ.

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Yes, it's a hybrid of fascism, socialism, communism..... one term to explain it is "Technologial Feudalism/Techno-Feudualism."

Later Edit: changed "word" to "term."

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Whatever the name - authoritarianism, totalitarianism etc - it is evil and immoral and will result in an enslaved planet if imposed everywhere.

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Of course i can not disagree. But one thing, most of the earth is already enslaved to the man of sin.

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If anyone has any interest any more in the future of our country, take a CLOSE look at Venezuela, STUDY the time line, the political climate, note the result of simply "not caring" who is elected to political office. Then ask yourself how such a beautiful, wealthy democracy, once a cruise ship mecca and tourist paradise, a country with excellent food, restaurants, libraries, educational programs, medical facilities and medical schools, a nation blessed with natural resources, energy (oil), a true "gem" in the southern hemisphere, a very stable country much like the USA once was, could slide so quickly into (according to those who escape) "hell on earth", where food is scarce, where people ate the animals in the once beautiful public zoos and parks, and medicine, medical care, and the very basics of life are very difficult to obtain. How did this happen so (relatively) quickly ? Study it people, look at the time line, note the economic, social, and political events that preceded the downfall of this beautiful, once economically sound, country.... do you see a pattern ? Do the preceding events seem uncomfortably familiar to those U.S. citizens are experiencing in their government's poor decisions ? The sound familiar because we are WELL DOWN THE SAME PATH as Venezuela, and in less than two decades ! Now, 76% of the population say they recognize our country is heading over the cliff, but WHO is actually lifting a hand to stop it ? Who are those most active in establishing local voting laws ? Certainly not the 75% who are so concerned that our country is going the wrong direction ! No, not at all, those with the loudest voices shaping LOCAL election laws are the same individuals who personally believe it is absolutely ridiculous to have to PROVE, with a photo I.D., legitimate voter status ! Yet, they think nothing of presenting such identification for all manner of much less critical circumstances such as getting a library card ! Think about that for a moment or two ! Then think of the Russian revolution, what it "promised, and then the results: collectivization. followed by starvation, Bolsheviks, the state is ALL, the individual is NOTHING. Go to Utube and look up the history of communism. WATCH all episodes. Is that REALLY what you want ? ? ? Really think about how EMOTIONS are used to "herd" people any direction the puppet masters desire. They find "hot buttons", such as hunger, dissatisfaction with working conditions, low pay, and poor housing, to ignite the emotions of the masses. They use tactics such as labeling and name calling of both groups and businesses (white "supremacy", "wet back", slant eyes, "big oil", "greedy companies", evil utility companies" etc. etc. to accomplish their ends. ANY derogatory term or slur is fair game to separate a population, build fear, dissatisfaction, and suspicion/distrust which helps them gain even more power. And WE, the masses, being used as the pawns in this elite game of chess, what of us ? Why we NEVER catch on of course ! Our emotions rule all it seems, not our brains and natural intellect. Need MORE proof ? Keep an eye out for how with NO objections, we will allow our president to sign away virtually all our medical rights to the World Health Organization (likely in a week or two). Does anyone care enough to go READ this Document, or care enough to read up on the leader of WHO, and then STILL say "yes", that is exactly who I want my president assigning my medical rights to during a "pandemic". But guess who gets to define what is considered a "pandemic"; that's right, the W.H.O.. My friends in G.B. tell me that their citizens are at near riot stage over any consideration of signing this agreement our president wants so much, and in the USA ? NOT a single peep of an objection ! ! READ the entire history of the WHO leader, the man Dr. Fauci calls "a fine man".

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I watched Joe Bloggs on YT yesterday on the collapse of Sri Lanka, another tropical paradise, and apparently Iran is not far behind. Countries are on the cusp of systemic failure all over!

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Yes, it really makes one wonder how everyone can be so absorbed in daily living/survival that they have NO interest at all in how quickly all these things are happening. It's amazing ! Of course there will always be those who simply don't care, or (as some of my neighbors remark) say things like "why are you even interested in all this silly political dirt ?". How can one even begin to answer an individual who says such a thing ? It seems to me that even those with a minimum fifth grade education could not miss so many exceptional events at one time ! ! Now, the stock market ! Have you ever had someone say "who cares, that stock market stuff is for those rich people" ? Do these folks have NO IDEA where the money taken from their pay checks each week is invested for their pensions ?? If that is the case, I'd say we definitely need to reevaluate our PUBLIC SCHOOL CURRICULUM(s) and DEMAND that students be taught such BASIC knowledge ! ! To have money YOU earned by hard work, taken forcefully from you every week, and NEVER bothering to ask or find out WHERE it goes.... yes, we definitely need to revamp public schools. You can bet your last dollar that those who attend private preparatory schools ARE taught where pension money goes, and that the stock market is a great deal more than some vague "thing" for "rich people" ! Wake up folks. You pay for public schools, you set the curriculum, make sure your children are taught life's important constructs.. they can pick up all the subtle social and cultural issues later, or at home in their own families. Teach forms of government, history, rules of 8's (so they can see and understand how saving money multiplies through compounding... ask an 8th grader what "compounding" means to them... you will be shocked), teach the subtle tactics used in advertising, in books like Rules for Radicals, TEACH students how easily they can be led by playing on pure emotion.

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Hi Ann Marie, Well I'd vote for you! You're SO right. Most people have NO IDEA of the real world they live in. Clueless!

Mind you, there is that old saying that 'ignorance is bliss'. I wish I didn't know even half of what I know 'cause it frightens me to death!

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Wouldn't that be something, if ignorance really was "bliss" rather than a return to serfdom, which is definitely the road we are traveling !

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Well the road to serfdom is paved with ignorance, and our students, in public schools at least, are most definitely NOT being taught what individuals need to know in order to preserve a democratic "REPUBLIC" (certainly greatly more desirable than a democracy), and definitely are not equipped with the skills needed to recognize emotionalism, scapegoating, and racial gaslighting.

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The left has lost the war of ideas and will be flushed down the sewer hole of history over the next decade.

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It is not a war of ideas.

Every leftist idea has been instantly and totally refuted as soon as it emerged. Every single one. They don't have ideas, but holistic shibboleths, emotionally saturated mental templates that imprint themselves on the subconscious minds of those who are susceptible, bypassing and subverting the rational consciousness, transforming them into rabid leftist drones, like an evil spirit taking possession.

It is a mistake to engage the left with reason. They are the people that Aristotle said simply cannot be influenced by facts and logic. You cannot reach them that way, and attempting to do so is like playing chess with someone who aggressively and persistently cheats. If you blind yourself to the cheating then you will lose each encounter and have no idea why. The power of reason should instead be used defensively, to keep one's own intellectual and moral integrity intact.

The left can only be defeated by people who are intellectually and morally sure of their cause, and prepared to follow through with the courage of their convictions. This can be as simple as just saying 'No' in the face of all the demoralizing, subversive, manipulative, and dehumanizing tactics that they throw at you.

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This is such a good comment. It makes me realize (or reminds me, at least) that we need to call them out. To shame them. To embarrass and humiliate them for their evil acts. Thank you for crystallizing my thoughts on this.

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Well said. We need to have the courage of our convictions in the face of scorn. Here,here.

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I am going to adopt the description of the liberal mindset as operating from "emotionally saturated mental templates" (with due attribution of course). And I agree with the proposed tactic to defeat such thinking, solid belief in your own convictions and the strength to say 'No'. There are more of us than of them. We just need to start acting that way.

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may I quote you?

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Of course!

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Could you write something about Biden's HHS proposal to the WHO that they take on oversight of health/agricultural issues in our country (and 47 others)? This seems to be happening under cover of darkness. I heard about it first from Peter and Ginger Breggins a few days ago. This is happening May 22-26 so why exactly isn't this on the front page of every newspaper and the first breaking news story on every TV station? This is Great Reset - One World Order level action right under our noses - and nobody cares????

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taken from Peter Breggin's recent newsletter (paid subscription so hope its ok to share this)

Biden About to Give Over U.S. Sovereignty to WHO

The U.S. has proposed amendments to the World Health Organization’s International Health Regulations (IHR). The changes will empower Director-General Tedros to declare a health emergency in any nation regardless of its wishes and without any evidence—and to mount every possible action against that nation to control its alleged health emergency.

These amendments will be voted on by the WHO governing body, the World Health Assembly (WHA), on May 22-28, 2022. Unless they are faced with a groundswell of opposition, the amendments will be passed because they are backed by the United States, the entire European Union including Germany and France, Great Britain, India, Japan and others, totaling 27 nations.

This is NOT about treaties or pandemics. This about the whole broad arena of “health emergencies.” The rules are being amended to break all existing restraints on WHO’s capacity to unilaterally interfere on an undefined whim into the affairs of sovereign nations throughout the world.

The United States government is the spearhead. It’s a Biden going-out-of-business sale—the U.S. is the business, it’s been bankrupted and its powers are being given away to WHO and its parent organization the U.N. But ultimately the power goes to the global predators who control these very corrupt organizations, including the Chinese Communist Party, the U.S. progressive leadership, and globalists like Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab—the group we describe in detail in our book, COVID-19 and the Global Predators: We Are the Prey, available at https://wearetheprey.com.

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Nah...Trump will pull us out from the WHO like he did before. Whole thing needs to be disbanded.

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How do we stop this?

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By not cooperating. This resident cannot give up the sovereignty of an entire nation. The WHOever cannot lead if no one will follow. It has only the power we will allow it to have.

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This president (Joe Biden) cannot legally give up the sovereignty of our country to the WHO. But he can do this illegally, and it seems he will do so. Judging by how so much of the population of the US acquiesced to the entire covid scam, they'll accept this too.

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100% right

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abbykadi: Here's a petition to sign...it's something. https://lifepetitions.com/petition/stop-tedros-who-pandemic-treaty

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>This is NOT about treaties or pandemics. This about the whole broad arena of >“health emergencies.”

That means they can declare anything to be a "health emergency," from "climate change" to "white supremacy." It is a blank check for total, arbitrary, power.

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THIS!!!!!! RIGHT HERE! it's coming and they will ram it thru before midterm elections. Coming this fall to all countries near you, including you.

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I will certainly look into that KFH. I know they have something similar going on here, with the WHO usurping the sovereignty of nations in the case of a plandemic:


The media is owned by the same club, so the revolution will not be televised:


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Why did Prime minister of Greece and minister of finance were at the White House this past Monday?

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Good question, ostensibly trade, Russian War, stability, energy security...


But it's likely just more coordination on the Great Reset. I don't have any other info on it though, sorry BB.

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May 18, 2022
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Bush shipped jobs to China?

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kind of outdated info - lots of old, not active or even dead people

maybe post world economic forum young leaders list or something more current

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“The farther back you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see.” -Winston Churchill

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YES...I've been following Tess Lawrie from the UK and Jessica Rose in Canada for this info.

They've been talking about it since Jan '22. It was finally on OAN last night but NOBODY else is talking about it!!

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this seems the sort of thing Russell Brand is good at taking up

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Russell Brand did a video 3 days ago talking about the WHO power grab. Eva Vlaardingerbroek is where I first heard about it just a week ago.

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Tucker Carlson is now reporting on it as of today too.

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Neil Oliver has also picked up on the WHO power grab.


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I agree and sent Fox an email last week asking them to cover this topic that no one is talking about except Dr. Mercola!!

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Again (sorry but it's the perfect example), I say VENEZUELA, can anyone SEE where we are heading ??

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link evidence, please (not that I am doubting the possibility)

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Well observed, thought, worded and expressed. You must be having one of those on-point days. Nothing wrong with that with how you have conveyed what you have in such a way as to really paint well the picture in one's mind about what you have brought to the forefront of what the dire situation is at hand in this area of the world and for it's greater implications and ramifications on a international scale. Thanks.

After-Edit: I checked out your link... wow.. i've been 20+ years indagating the NWO/OWO/JWO/SWO - Great Reset / WEF etc [ultimately, the diabolisation of society = the rise and realisation of the Antichrist kingdom = anarchy, bedlam, confusion, delusion, illusion, lawlessness, mal-conclusion, mayhem and thus unrestrained chaos] and that link has so much of what i know about and some more insight so thanks again for that link.

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That's TriTorch for you. He has been gone for awhile, I am glad he is back!

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Didn't know he was gone for a while so glad he's back also.

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Well said!

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Everything horrible they said would happen to you under Orange Man has actually happened to you under Potato Man.

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Classic commiecRAT101. Deny and project. Commie and Marxists playbook. Accuse you of what they are in fact doing and then make you fund their destruction of the country

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Sounds like BLM.

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same genetics

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Must be Moose and Squirrel...

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May 18, 2022
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Under Bill Clinton and Obama. EVERYTHING bad.

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So it fizzled. You can even say it bombed.

They take a long view, and they'll be back at it. Maybe years from now, but they'll be back.

In the meantime, don't expect the Rino Repubs to undo any of what the Dems have done. If we're going to reverse course, they need to be cleaned out too. That may take a few election cycles to accomplish. But let's try to make it happen at every opportunity.

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Exactly. Like we are still stuck with the commerce clause cases which gutted the constitution. Eg wickard. The only ones who’ve been bound by stare decisis are some subset of judges. So every encroachment on liberty has been locked in, but protections for liberty have been eroded by the extremist left wing.

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well said!

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It's almost as if the CCP was in charge of America now. Wait...perhaps they are. How ALL do not see the more than obvious similarities is the astonishing aspect and has been obvious for awhile now. Gates and Fauci often refer to the CCP as the perfect model

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May 18, 2022
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Right! Good to see the old RINO brigade fading into history. Still some left obviously, but those who pay attention know who they are and their time in the swamp is running out...

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May 18, 2022
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no one worried about Bushes. They are history

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Clinton (s) speaks for itself. Totally exposed and not relevant anymore

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I had this discussion just this morning. It is essential to understand the difference between DIS- and MIS-Information. MISinformation is wrong; DISinformation is simply counter to the approved narrative. There was a lot of COVID DISinformation according to the authorities, because it was information that could create "vaccine hesitancy". The MISinformation was that we needed (and would ever want) everyone vaccinated in the first place.

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I don’t care whether it’s dis or mis , it’s all propaganda bullshit.

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May 18, 2022
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Austin and Houston Dallas have been ruined

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vaccine hesitancy (VH) always struck me as condescending. I mean who with a smidgen of critical thinking ability would ever hesitate knowing these OWS "gene therapy medicines were NOT a wise consideration. VH sounds like it came right out of the CCP handbook. Same playbook where "we are all in this together", "be a good citizen", "variant" and "we are the government and here to help"

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Completely agree. I wasn't "hesitant." I flat-out wasn't going to take it. No fucking way. My mind was made up.

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Don't want to get into an argument about definitions. But can't help myself. 😀

Agree on misinformation. It's wrong. Maybe b/c the person spreading it misunderstood. IOW, an innocent mistake.

DISinformation is knowingly wrong. It's deliberate. Or you want to give some benefit of the doubt (I don't), the spreader of disinformation doesn't care if it's factual, so long as they can use it as a baseball bat to beat their political adversaries over the head with it. A tell we see all the time - if the disinfo spreader is called on wrong information and doesn't show any embarrassment for having been caught, it's disinformation.

98% of what we get from the woke progressives is disinformation.

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Jeremy Elliot , iconic podcast was excellent. Thanks Tritorch

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May 18, 2022
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Getting chemo treatments???

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Very well stated!

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To disinformation.

Just as drugs are enforced.

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Gotta love substack, it’s better than my 4 years of college.

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The Patriot Act was (a) not patriotic, (b) should've at worst been sunsetted after a few years, and (c) at best, not passed at all.

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Lol. No wonder it is so bad

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The oxymorons by outright morons are myriad.

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This is great news. Hopefully she will make a return to the karaoke circuit. Very enjoyable, and a real talent.

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scary poppins

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LOL! Good one!

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i got it from zerohedge

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now I got that stupid song in my head

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You're killing me Throg! Almost spit my coffee out with that one.

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You are joking, of course! Her so called “singing” was a joke, although she obviously has a very high opinion of herself!!

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Cats fighting is more melodious.

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She also likes to sing erotic Harry Potter songs, just what I want from my minister of "truth":


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A grown adult sings about seducing a schoolboy in the school lavatory - serious pedo vibes from this one!

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Indeed. When she was singing the Scary Poppins song someone identified a book on her bookshelf.

It was, Lolita.

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I here she is auditioning as we speak for the lead role in the sequel to the classic Mary Poppins film!

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Somewhere, George Orwell is smiling.

And we are laughing. 🤣

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CNN+ lasted longer!

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Was it Washington Post owner, Jeff Bezos, who dealt with Ministry of Truth its final death blow by openly mocking it. Was Bezos part of the vast right-wing conspiracy?

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Jeff's crooked eye and bald head reminds me of Dr. Evil..

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His new squeeze didn’t mind … she followed the money 💰

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Dr. Bozo knows the difference between a Million and a Billion though.

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This administration can't even do the BAD stuff effectively, I guess we should be thankful that they're so profoundly incompetent.

Amusing spin by WaPo ... in effect; "censorship is a wonderful concept, but those evil people fighting for free-speech derailed it" ... this, from a newspaper.

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I think of this all the time. Seeing Biden's new press secretary stammer her way through a response yesterday gave me hope that their sheer incompetence will derail the crazies.

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Evidently she hasn't mastered the teleprompter yet. Reads from prepared notes.

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it was agonizing to watch! I actually kind of felt bad for her.

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She knew what she was getting herself into.

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I don't feel bad for her at all. She is a woke Critical Race Theory fanatic, who slanders people as 'racists,' 'white supremacists,' 'homophobes,' 'misogynists,' etc. I hope she has a full meltdown in front of the cameras.

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That’s called enabling Jasmine

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She looks like Macy Gray

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But she is the first black lesbian midget retard to hold the position.

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Well.. such spin from the Bezos post is all part of their ongoing "reality control."

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Excellent news! A win for the people and the US Constitution.

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Yes, of course they "say" they are pausing it.

But can you really trust that it is not working in the background?

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As long as the Democrats have to sneak around to snoop and silence, there's hope.

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You see, THAT's the trick! We have to out people sneaking around and doing these things, and making it MORE difficult, painful and expensive to try to push their agenda. Sunlight IS the best disinfectant, and, might I add, roach repellent. If THEY don't know who to trust, it slows down their effort to staff up, spin or propagate their agenda.

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True.. and yes.. sunlight and roach repellent which is indisputable supra heavy and raw truth that emanates from the eternal absolute most sublime and transcendent only foundation and fountain of it = the Alpha and Omega.

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It will be back under a different name with a lower profile after the midterms.

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If they can't control your reality, the next step is an authoritarian govt. Power-hungry, controlling types, never give up.

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Transferred to the FBI.

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or the CIA

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I think they will come up with something catchy like "The Department of Really Well Intentioned Good People to Protect Stoopid People from Bad Words".

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You just might be right.

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Lorenz never stops banging the same drum: Everyone in her privileged and protected circle is entitled to censor, attack and smear anyone they like. Then if anyone pushes back her and her protected class friends are the "victims". She'll keep selling this BS as long as people are buying it.

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the ONLY thing that will work for this ilk is to SHUN THEM! When you act like a turd and you are a narcissist, the only thing that might work is for you to go to your own corner and play alone until hopefully you realize you are causing your own misery. But, look at the poster children for narcissism: gates/biden/fauxci/obama/clinton/bush/newsome/pelosi/etal and you'll see that THEY NEVER GIVE UP and find true life for themselves. They just keep ruining lives of their children and everyone around them by spewing their lies and hatred (stems from self-hatred projected out). They curse themselves and they curse others with their evil mouths. Jesus showed us the way out and he steered clear of these ppl.

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Amen to that last line. You make good observational points which obviously with your last sentence showing it's being rightly filtered through the what would Jesus teach filter.

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This was Obama’s dream. He pushed for this. If you voted for Obama you hired a commie. Even top engineer at Twitter admits they are all communists. The only freedom of speech is theirs.

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Yup---0bama the fraud has been in near total control of the entire USG since 2008.

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Obama is the face …..not the brains…..he takes orders

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And he effectively uses race as his shield.

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Kate.. exactly

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The most evil one.

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Nah there are far worse.. Soros for example.

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Also Soro son. Obama is really all about the $$$, pretending like he is the people’s president. He is the biggest con.

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Let's not forget Bill Gates.

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We already have a disinformation board. It's made up of government, the media, big pharma, big tech and a host of outside actors whose only claim to existing is that they are expert liars and propagandists.

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Exactly.. well observed and stated.

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She acted like a partisan nut job. I wonder why people expressed themselves? Not withstanding the obvious 1st Ammendment violation by the USG.

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can we please get over the left/right dualism? divide and conquer is the name of our opponents game and they seem to be succeeding splendidly. We only have one enemy and that is the global cabal that is making its final move.

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Nail meet head! Thanks nancylee

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Alex, now that Dinesh D’sousa has completely destroyed the Washington Post in a debate on the merits of his film, you can find time in your busy schedule to stop ignoring 2000 Mules.

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Dinesh agreed with Tucker Carlson to put this movie behind them and move forward. Dinesh should have been willing to forego Fox contributor spots. Ugh...

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That's really disappointing. Can you provide a source? Thanks

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I can't believe it. Super disappointed.

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Great news. We now need to focus on killing the WHO treaty!

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The treaty needs 66 US Senators to approve it. Not likely. Relax.

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Monkeypox incoming.

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Yea i heard about monkey pox today on propaganda talk radio here in Toronto which i analyse daily, and when i heard it i stated to myself "oh here we go.. next cycle of fear mongering profound fraud to continue to usher in NWO agenda.."

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Nothing to worry about as long as you aren't having sex with monkeys (consensual or otherwise).

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Cases are suddenly popping up in many countries at the same time, with no connections to africa. Calling that highly unusual is an understatement. Unless there’s a sudden worldwide epidemic of monkey sex

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And Mary Poppins disappeared on a spring breeze, as suddenly as she came.

May the dark desires of this initiative never threaten Americans again.

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Taylor Lorenz and Nina Jankowicz are from the same mold of over-educated privileged left wing nut jobs that have zero, none, nada clues about the real world. Neither ever did a real days work or had to figure out a real problem for themselves. But guess what? They will soon. The shit storm this country is headed into will leave helpless lib-tards like these two lost like bunnies in a wolf pack. It won't be pretty. Those of us deplorables that have spent our lives working in the real world will make up the bulk of survivors and we will not look kindly on the Taylor and Nina's of the world. Nor should we. Until then, pray, plan, prepare and RESIST.

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Correct, the overeducated, useless people flock to positions like this because they wouldn't last 2 weeks at a real job. (I don't really count the major newspapers/media outlets as a private sector job either.)

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Thank you to Darren J. Beattie and Revolver News for their REAL journalism which was the catalyst for her "resignation". There's no other outlet like Revolver News in America today. God Bless them.

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If you really think that this Dis-information Board is going away, think again. The Democrats never give up, they may recede for a moment, but they never give back anything. Most likely this board will just go dark and you'll never hear from them directly again, but you will still see the results of their work in your day to day life.

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True, hence why we must always be diligent in being vigilant resisting the NWO agenda.

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I guess it’s still December 1983

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You are right. December 31, 1983 in fact. Liberty is lost in small steps, just because they caved here doesn't mean it won't come back.

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But we have to chip away at every single thing they throw at us immediately. Part of the past problem has been complacency and letting the little things go. No more.

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Yes. Everyone needs to stand up and call them out on their anti-freedom agenda whenever it happens.

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Well if it doesn't affect me, why should I care? So say way too many people in this country.

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It'll be back with a whole other theme name. Just like with CRT...schools & corps. continue to try to rename that.

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They lost the war for slavery, but it came back with the policies today that they advocate, they just use more flowery language to describe it: "fair share", "socialism light" etc. Liberty is what matters and they are out to destroy it for themselves, us, and everyone's progeny.

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Quite true.. i agree with you and others on this thread more so than not.

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Come back? The enabling legislation for all this and much, much more was signed into law by Obama in the Defense budget, just before he left office. Many billions allocated for unconstitutional censorship, mostly unchallenged up to now.

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Don't worry, they will bring the "Department of Truth" back, just not with all the fanfare that got them exposed so badly the first time they tried. The left has to control the conversation since the truth is not on their side, and they know it.

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"Disinformation Efforts" - unintentionally accurate headline.

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The WAPO headline and sub headline are disgusting…

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The headline is actually quite funny. Re-read it. Biden's admin's disinformation efforts have been derailed. Too funny.

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The current administration is such a bad joke I dont know whether to laugh or cry. I think its cry.

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Like watching an ancient episode of Keystone Cops

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HMM...from the article:

-->"influencers attempt to identify a target, present a narrative and then repeat..."

I wonder where that idea came from??

"Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it. "

--Alinsky's rule #13.

It's so unfair!!!!!!!!!

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Wow thanks for that Forbes. Alinksky's praising Lucifer as the first rebel really sums him up and who he serves.

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May 18, 2022
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Turnabout is fair play--but not according to regime media writing The Narrative. Hypocrisy and double-standards are a feature, not a bug for Democrats.

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WHO pandemic treaty. Has Alex talked about it yet? This is rattling!!!!

If you aren't aware of it, check out the comedic breakdown with Jimmy Dore https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ditOYd4F5IA

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Between now and election 22 it's not gonna be pretty. WHO issue, massive food shortages and even higher gas, energy and day to day costs. Just as WEF wishes

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You win. We're not going to have a ministry of truth department anymore. We're just going to continue suppressing information and getting rid of truth tellers the way we did before and I swear that wasn't the plan all along

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They'll just use the "coordinated attacks" charge against "the right wing" in the future in some other way. It feels like they're building a huge case in every domain for some kind of ultimate knock-out punch. I mean I'm happy about it, but not for what comes after.

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Amazing title Taylor you fraud.

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This evil empire will simply re-organize and resurface QUIETLY, rather than publicly. Don't be fooled people, don't be asleep. Tyranny NEVER stops, it must BE stopped!

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True.. but ultimately it only stops when our Creator comes back and His fiery wrath will be incomprehensible to mankind.

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The latest disinformation:

The Disinformation Board is disbanding!!

Bro, they printed letterhead, those yahoos aren't going anywhere but being dispersed to the eidtorial boards of the newspapers.

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Where better to learn about White Supremacy than a Swiss boarding school?

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They are not ‘pausing’ the Ministry of Truth. They are saying they are but they are just burying it in the DHS so they can hide their activities. The ditz that they put in charge of the Ministry was told to fall on her sword to give it an appearance that their rouse is real. She will be given another bureaucratic position as a reward. They got caught using more faulty polling data that was dead wrong like they did with the Ultra MAGA moniker…

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I should have read the posts before writing my response. I basically wrote what you wrote. Except instead of caller her a ditz, I called her a moron.

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I was being nice by using the term ‘ditz’…

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The wapo article is strange. While admitting that the rollout was botched by not clearly explaining what the disinformation board would do and wouldn't do, the wapo still has to condemn the right for just not going along. The left never just goes along. The lack of self awareness is disturbing.

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Oh poor deluded Tetti-Tatti (look him up). They haven’t paused or disbanded. They simply reorganized and renamed it.

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Giving it a smidgen of further thought, this one was a front. The real ones abide.

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Well, of course they’ll try again but thank God we’ve at least been relieved of Jankowicz. The woman is a complete loon, a creature created expressly to haunt the nightmares of sane people.

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Just a spoonful of "right wing attacks" helps the disinformation czar go down!

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It would seem that the idiocracy is finally realizing what 98% of us already know -- that these are dumbest, most incapable people to ever hold positions of authority. When your only useful skills are manipulating, conning, lying, stealing and evading reality, you eventually implode in on yourself.

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The fact that someone in the Brandon administration even as so much thought of creating this "board" is beyond belief.

The Brandon and Harris show is officially toast.

Ya' just can't fix stupid.

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Potassium chloride

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"In May 2022, Lorenz tweeted that she had been "relentlessly" harassed by an editor of the Drudge Report, who had threatened to ruin her career. After Matt Drudge personally contacted Lorenz and told her no editor of the Drudge Report had been in contact with her, Lorenz deleted the tweets and said that she was joking. A spokesperson for The Washington Post stated: "Taylor was repeatedly contacted by someone who claimed to be a Drudge editor. As soon as she learned the person had no connection to the Drudge Report, she deleted the original tweet and wrote a tweet apologizing for her comment".[53]"

I know, I shouldn't read wikipedia but TL is pathetic from the sounds of this page.

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One of the many distractions that this government has unleashed on the people, to keep you occupied with what they want you to fear in order to control you. That way when you finally see what’s truly happening in this country and world, it will be to late to resist and they have control.

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Obama and HRC have invested a lot of political capital in this. Obama is not done with treating disinformation as the number one threat to democracy. This must have polled so badly that the Biden WH didn't care who they threw under the bus.

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Exactly. If anything this will be off-loaded to somebody like Gates, who is already down with 'combatting misinformation', then they can say 'private company, bro!'

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Interesting plausibility.

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He's already establishing a 3,000-person group to do this.


"Gates said he plans to set up a 3,000-person social media unit to help propagate accurate vaccine information in the future. He stressed that “good messages” need to be carried forward by people of trust in the community, such as political and ethnic leaders."

Remind anybody of Correct the Record? I especially like the part where Gates claims that political leaders are people of trust in the community. Good one, Bill.

Of course, Gates has good reason to get behind censorship — he might be the private citizen with the most to lose if everything comes out. From the bad covid models to the failed covid protocols to the covid vaccine companies — Gates has been in the background the whole time, giddy at his chance to run a real-life event 201 and treat people like interchangeable lines on a spreadsheet.

This is the guy who’s trying to re-write history surrounding covid while peddling his book (I refuse to link) AND setting up the NEXT ‘pandemic’ response with GERM. He wants even MORE control in the hands of unaccountable (and unelected) puppets who are paid to advance his agenda.

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Del Mar Beach has sharks

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I have a feeling something was revealed about Nina Jankowicz and she had to step down.

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What ?? Pray tell ….

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It's just a guess. I've heard that there are a lot of whistleblowers coming forward about what's going on in our government.

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OMG I'm going to die laughing at that headline!

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Thank God, no JankoWITCH!

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It was yet another jump the shark moment in progressive history. Way too weird, and progressives are way to insulated from reality, for this to have ever worked out in their favor.

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Lasted almost as long as CNN +

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She's the weird al of disinformation and i for one will miss her

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