A rather wealthy gentleman I work for thinks that since they called the mRNA therapy a "vaccine" it has to be good. He said to me, "How can anyone be so foolish is to not be vaccinated?"
I replied, "Maybe they do not trust the government."
"Well, don't they trust their doctors?"
Nope, not anymore.
I've seen five year old little girls who put up more of a fight than the medical profession has in the last 2 years.
On the other extreme, I know of doctors that volunteered their children for the original vax studies. Fundamentalist covidians.
I believe most doctors are so deep because they consider themselves not qualified enough to question the guidance or information coming out of the CDC or health authorities. They accept the authoritativeness of these institutions. So imagine how offensive it is to them when their patients aren't buying it.
I had one doctor for thirty years and when he retired I had to hire ten to take his place. We used to ‘negotiate’ my medical treatments. My new docs are appalled when I disagree with their advice; AND can give them legitimate reasons to disagree.
Google functional medicine doctors or integrative doctors. I also believe the functional medicine docs have an association, you could check their website.
As a family doc, I have been skeptical about specific vaccines since they started to use aborted human fetal lung tissue to make varivax (chicken pox) and MMR-II. This new not fully tested technology using an mRNA injection (which is not a vaccine) should not be used since it is too dangerous. BTW the Hippocratic Oath is pro-life.
I replied above before I saw your comment. I'm pasting my previous comment here.
My doctor argued with me for 10 minutes during my wellness visit last summer. I almost walked out and probably should have. She brought politics into the mix, saying she was tired of conservatives following conspiracy websites, and following Hannity and Rush Limbaugh (I should have informed her that Rush is no longer with us). I told her I do not follow conspiracy websites. Then the argument went on to several other subjects. One of my arguments is that the jabs are all related to aborted fetal cells in one way or another. She said, "no! Only the J&J." I said, "the others use them in testing." Then she finally said, "I don't know why they can't make these ethically." So she admitted it! And then, accusatorially, told me that I had received the original shingles vaccine years ago, and that was an unethical vaccine too (let's put a guilt trip on the old Christian lady). I said I didn't know that at the time but since then I did my own research and discovered it. (And, of course, that vaccine didn't work either, and now I'm supposed to get a different one.) I'm so disgusted with her that I'm now looking for a new doctor.
This is a little off-subject but the Michigan legislature last year passed a law. I've emailed my representative twice, a senator once, and the speaker of the Michigan House one time, asking how this law is being implemented. Not one will respond to my question, period. They don't even acknowledge my email. Here's the law:
Michigan HOUSE BILL No. 4047, Sec. 259, passed January 2021 states:
A recipient of a COVID-19 vaccine administered from the funds appropriated in part 1 for federal COVID immunization and vaccine grant reserve fund shall be provided with information or informed if and in what manner the development of the vaccine utilized aborted fetal tissue or human embryonic stem cell derivation lines.
I, too, unknowlingly took the Hep A vaccine which has is made with aborted human fetal tissue culture. I only found out later. I had thought is was just the MMR and the Chicken Pox vaccines. I was wrong. I am now very careful.
"and following Hannity and Rush Limbaugh (I should have informed her that Rush is no longer with us)"
You could've told her that "Rush got hooked on OxyContin thanks in large part to the dishonest, corrupt profitmeisters in Big Pharma who knew it was highly addictive but hid the data for years. He got hooked, didn't die from it, but thousands and thousands of other people did. Thanks, Big Pharma. Thanks, Doc, for carrying their water with your knee-jerk ignorant political talking points."
I’m in Michigan too. Sounds like we have the same unproven drug pushing doctor. I just told her I wasn’t interested in altering my DNA or risking blood clots. It’s not easy to find one that’s not part of a large medical cartel. Or a holistic/popular doc that’s taking new patients. I’m still looking.
Don't take the new shingles vaccine. Warning label. My now ex-doctor pushed it, but it cost (at that time) over $300, so I declined as I've had the other Shingles vaccine.
The first one, Zostrix, is the same as the present varivax which most children have had 2. It is not an ethical vaccine. The new shingles shot, Shingrix, is ethical and does not use human unborn's tissue, supposedly, and works much better. Presently I have the opinion that it should be okay, if you can trust the companies anymore... Today it is so hard to know who to trust. The fact that they still recommend the less effective unethical vaccine for our children and have not switched to the ethical more effective vaccine tells a lot. Clearly ethics are not a part of the decision making process.
The vaccine may be ethically made. But a known side effect of Shinrix is Guilian Barre. Label warning so states. Regulators say reward outweighs risk. Where have we heard that before? I have not had shingles; my sister-in-law suffered greatly. I' m suspicious of the "one in three" claim in the ad
John, thanks for your comment on the Shingrix vaccine. I'm still trying to decide if I should get it. The commercials say "1 in 3 will get shingles." I'm old and so far I only know of 2 people who've had shingles. My husband is 80 (refuses Covid vaccine too) and only knows of one, maybe two relatives who've had it. Should we believe the commercials? I'd like to see real stats on it. Any thoughts on that, John?
That is another thing about the first shingles vaccine, (not the Shingrix) the first one was a live attenuated. You can pass chicken pox to someone and you can get shingles from it.
Sunburn, partying, staying up late, jet lag, can stimulate a case of shingles...
what about the covid mRNA vaccine triggering other viral outbreaks? I think I've seen a paper or two suggesting that. I don't think it was Shingrix. That has been around and stable for quite some time (at least 5 or 6 years).
Never heard of painless shingles. The main reason to consider the vaccine is how painful attacks are. Glad your episode wasn't worse, but sorry you were afflicted.
Glad to have a free thinker like you as a colleague. My concern is the 5 prime synthetic caps in the mRNA designed to spew out protein. We all know molecules don't just go away they get reused in cells. What other genes are becoming protein factories?
and with no control groups we will not be able to give any good answers. It will be mostly speculation of the "experts" or retrospective analysis, both of which are very poor evidence.
I took a conscientious objection (as they used to be called) when our county required Varivax for school children. It was the first vaccine I was aware of using fetal cells in its production. It was pushed purely for the convenience of working moms who didn't want to stay home with kids in quarantine.
Thank you for your skepticism and honesty [edited to add the "y"], John!
Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe very few medical doctors are pharmacists. Pharmacists tend to know the chemical nature of the drugs better than their counter-part medical doctors (at least imo). Rather, they tend to administrate of a wide variety of treatments *including* pharmaceuticals --> in short, they are related, but different, disciplines.
The few medical doctors I've gotten to know generally rely upon "the industry," published articles and peers to guide them. However, they, themselves, have little practical experience in the real science behind the studies and are subject, as we all are, to potential deception.
I mean no offense; I merely seek correction if my perception is wrong. To my delight, I HAVE known some very pleasant exceptions to my "rule."
Doctors formerly relied a lot of the "Ethical Drug Companies," the CDC, the NIH, and in general they were reliable. This is no longer the case and now we really don't know who to trust. Enjoy some music from Bob: https://youtu.be/pjEYu2WRhYc
Doctors are, or should be, better positioned to sort fact and fiction in the medical profession, but the misleading information and outright lies and deceptions slung prolifically about by the CDC and NIH, parroted by the MSM, pushed in a one-sided direction by the Big Tech while aggressively censoring the other side, and "seemingly" enforced with substantial "legal" threats by our government has been enough to confuse the best informed, positioned and sober minded folks. I tip my hat, with many, many thanks, to those with the resources, experience and courage to sort this out for the rest of us! And that includes Alex B ... and you, John.
We're finally winning some of the battles, but the war isn't over yet and won't be until certain parties (a LOT of them) are held accountable. Personally, I am Christian and I know that, ultimately, the perpetrators of this panic WILL be held accountable, but I'm also human in the here and now and patience isn't always easy. So, until then, please continue helping to hold the line and know you're appreciated.
Interesting piece of music too! Bob Marley indeed. :)
The Bible will continue to be Trustworthy. I read it more in the last 2 years then any previous 2 year period. One's hunger for truth will be satisfied there and hardly anywhere else.
I don't think the pharmacists really know the drugs. I can't count the number that have tried to tell me that generic drugs are "exactly" the same as brand drugs, which is simply not true.
They don't legally have to be, not even close. And the FDA has been quite relaxed with demanding proof of safety with a few that have come to light.
I must admit that I used to believe they were. While I have known long before the panic that what you are saying is true, I did not learn of it until my wife worked in the division that handled such things. As her companies patients approached their expiry date, she had to give the list of ingredients to any and all generic drug makers who asked for them. What was not given was the amounts of each. One would hope that the generic drug makers have enough expertise to get the portions close to correct but who knows. And we do not know if the swap out ingredients or not. But what we can know, and it seems most do not, is as you say, they are not the same.
Ditto, TS. I'll add that even the boys and girls in the long white coats that invented the drugs (or, more accurately, developed them) barely understand them and, in today's world, hardly even test them appropriately.
It's far, far, *far* worse now that we've farmed out the fabrication of our nation's pharmacology to a hostile foreign power that cares little for quality control ... or for human life. That's enough right there to scare the eebie jeebies out of me. God help us all!
I can tell you from experience that generics are often very different from brand. I can't take generic thyroid, only brand or have terrible side effects. Probably the inactive ingredients are problematic.
Hi Bootsorourke - I really can't disagree with you at all, but my comments were intended as more of a relativity, a comparison between the two. I am, or was, a Chemical Engineer. That did/does NOT make me a Chemist, though the two disciplines are related and have some cross over. Like Chemistry, pharmacology and human physiology are incredibly complex. Even the best pharmacist or medical doctor cannot possibly be intimately familiar with each and every one of them or how all the various components may or may not interact with each and every person's personal chemistry.
I'll add that, like doctors, pharmacists tend to be overworked and spread thin. I'm certain there is a temptation to gloss over many nuances in order to simplify things for plebes like myself.
With my caveats here, I absolutely agree with you.
Right but Satan directs the content of the books you were forced to study because the research and practices were funded by the pharmaceutical companies. I am scared to death of hospitals and doctors. The hospitals are killing people with therapies and drugs that are meant to do just that. AND the hospital is paid for those COVID deaths. I can't believe anyone with a conscious can call themselves a doctor today. And I can't believe further YOU and other doctors like you don't stand up. This is what you signed up for. Not to tell us on a message board. Protect people from sickness. Not kill them.
Up to a point in time most people in this country lived by Christian principles. For more than 100 years our schools had Christian prayers to begin them. They studied the Bible and people were trustworthy. Our colleges were founded to train preachers. That has changed in this generation and now formerly trustworthy institutions have flipped and that has been hard for some to accept. Satan didn't direct the content of books until evil people were allowed into leadership. Everyone who knows what is going on and has a voice, needs to let their voice be heard, including YOU. Here are some links that you may find interesting:
Absolutely, John. We need to return prayer life to America. "Man" cannot fix what's wrong with the USA or the world. Only God can do that. I don't mean that to imply that we should sit idly by while waiting for God to fix things, we need to be active and willing partners
2nd Chronicles 7:14 "if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land." That sounds pretty key to me.
RLM - I agree that Satan influences those that he can and only those filled with the Holy Spirit can truly resist. Undermining our trust in doctors, hospitals, pharmaceutical companies ... and each other ... has always been one of Satan's primary goals and doubt has always been his most powerful tool ["Did God really say" asked the Serpent of Eve in the garden of Eden - Genesis 3:1].
Our doctor wanted us to get jabbed which we will not. But he also believes in the cures and scripted us Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine snd Budesonide!
It’s so illogical. My doctor is so good in so many ways, but unfortunately listens only to his colleagues who all push the vaccine without any indication of knowledge of the VAERS or the truth about the vaccines from renown experts like Dr. Malone, Dr. McCullough and others. Pitiful how in the dark the mainstream docs remain in spite of so much evidence against having this potential poison ripping apart your immune system.
Sad that people have to educate their doctor on vaccine info. They should have learned in school, but did not because the school is sponsored by bigharma, and they should have read the info on the stuff itself, but obviously did not.
Internal medicine and family practice revolves almost entirely around big pharma and the pre packaged "studies" and incentives they provide. Not to mention the lovely sales force that brings all the latest stuff right to their offices each day. Tons of Free Samples! Between running the business of their offices, raising their kids and making sure they see 90 patients a day, they don't have time to do any independent reading or research. Consequently, most docs fell right in with Pfizer's line on Covid.
I believe that science has been corrupted and is failing society because of financial interests in three broad areas. First is heart disease. They are so deep in the tank now with the lipid hypothesis and statin remedy that they can't back out. The USDA food pyramid is crushing the country in insulin resistance and Type II diabetes cuz that's healthy eating. Low fat!! Second is the climate change crock. Based upon computer modeling and anecdotal evidence. Same kind of modeling that brought you the lockdowns. Third is the global pandemic response with the single remedy. And we see where that has brought us. Anytime someone invokes "science" to try and shut you up or end a conversation, tell them to fu** off. All three of these mistakes continue to be fueled with billions of dollars.
My kid’s pediatrician told me that no one getting the vax had died of covid and there had been no serious side effects… uh, I declined anyway. This was August 2021.
I personally know a doctor who practices 2 miles from our house. His 70-something father (not jabbed) asked him about VAERS. He'd never heard of VAERS!
Neither, died of covid after vax and no death from vax. I knew both were false based on VAERS. She was greatly misinformed and pushing the vax for my kids.
There are, apparently, a whole lot of doctors out there who are wholly misinformed about the "vaccine". I'd bet that they can't even tell you the mechanism by which this vaccine works and how it differs from other common vaccines. If anyone has this conversation with their doctor, you can start with those questions.
A few simple questions should suffice to demonstrate how educated your doctor is:
"What happens to the lipid nano particles once they are injected into the body?"
"Has it ever been proven safe to inject nano particles into the human body?"
"Why are circulating antibodies considered important in destroying a viral infection that occurs in the lungs and airways?"
For the people who say VAERS is unreliable, I say "Okay". Let's presume that VAERS is entirely incapable of giving us safety signals on the "vaccines."
So which safety signal would you like to use? If you don't accept VAERS as a legitimate safety signal then you have to admit that we have NO IDEA whether these vaccines are safe or not. No idea whatsoever.
I'm going to need some proof of safety before I inject something into my body. I'm not a test subject.
I know that it is huge number. As few as 15 have gotten drugs pulled. I have seen the effects a single, possible adverse effect being reported. It’s like the whole company gasped and held their breath until the results of the autopsy was reported. Covid has tens of thousands of adverse effects reported and it remains “safe and effective”. We need to ask “safe and effective” for whom and for what purposes.
My doctor argued with me for 10 minutes during my wellness visit last summer. I almost walked out and probably should have. She brought politics into the mix, saying she was tired of conservatives following conspiracy websites, and following Hannity and Rush Limbaugh (I should have informed her that Rush is no longer with us). I told her I do not follow conspiracy websites. Then the argument went on to several other subjects. One of my arguments is that the jabs are all related to aborted fetal cells in one way or another. She said, "no! Only the J&J." I said, "the others use them in testing." Then she finally said, "I don't know why they can't make these ethically." So she admitted it! And then, accusatorially, told me that I had received the original shingles vaccine years ago, and that was an unethical vaccine too (let's put a guilt trip on the old Christian lady). I said I didn't know that at the time but since then I did my own research and discovered it. (And, of course, that vaccine didn't work either, and now I'm supposed to get a different one.) I'm so disgusted with her that I'm now looking for a new doctor.
This is a little off-subject but the Michigan legislature last year passed a law. I've emailed my representative twice, a senator once, and the speaker of the Michigan House one time, asking how this law is being implemented. Not one will respond to my question, period. They don't even acknowledge my email. Here's the law:
Michigan HOUSE BILL No. 4047, Sec. 259, passed January 2021 states:
A recipient of a COVID-19 vaccine administered from the funds appropriated in part 1 for federal COVID immunization and vaccine grant reserve fund shall be provided with information or informed if and in what manner the development of the vaccine utilized aborted fetal tissue or human embryonic stem cell derivation lines.
I have saying much the same for over 20 years. I often have students wearing masks in class because they do not want to “catch a cold” or they have “a cold” and do not want to get others sick. I’ve been certified to use respirators and know that they do not stop visuals and until recently, have never been said to be able to do so in the west. Japan, where I live and other Asian countries have long had the habit of wearing masks against colds and flu and allergies with no measurable affect against viruses.
I’d say worse. Not only do they lead to a false sense of security, they also act as bacteria and fungi incubators to be breathed through. Masks were never intended to be worn all day.
It goes way beyond not trusting the government. It's not trusting the government, the media, big tech, and most of the medical community. It's kind of funny that the very policies that most of these people support helped many of us slow down enough to actually see what's happening with the vaccines. If they didn't implement lockdowns, promote masks without evidence, try to suppress lab leak theories, change definitions of words, censor discussion, discredit HcQ and then Ivermectin before knowing if they worked then I'm not sure so many people would have realized what was happening and how widespread. It's possible that we'd all be happily getting vaccinated and getting Covid without questioning the "vaccines".
I agree with almost everything you're saying, except the happily taking covid shots part. It just seemed so wrong to me right away: new technology never tested on humans; injecting the spike protein to create more spikes in one's body, the very thing that causes the disease. The more I researched the more confused and hesitant - then adamantly opposed - I became. My trust in doctors, public health, pharma, etc., has been destroyed...no burning embers, just ash.
It's not just that; it's also groupthink. My husband is a doctor, and he can't believe what his profession has become. A semi-retired partner of his (who has no monetary interest in pushing the vaccines) told my husband that the vaccine provides better protection than natural immunity because it gives you better protection to the spike protein. This is a guy who is very, very smart! When I started finding information about ivermectin, he was skeptical because the Society of Infectious Disease didn't have any information about ivermectin use for COVID. Now he understands that all the medical societies in the US are captured by Big Pharma through their funding from NIH. (RFK does a good job explaining this.)
Don’t disagree with the groupthink part. Much however is based on financial incentives by CMS, third party payers and Big Pharma as well as your hospital employer(probably the worst).
BTW, that physician who you said is very smart must have flunked Immunology 101. How can an antibody against one epitope of the virus be as effective as antibodies to all epitopes of the virus? Pretty stupid if you ask me as a retired vascular surgeon.
So what gives, do you think. I'm not an MD and the first time I read how the mRNA vaccines were supposed to work it triggered warning bells. Let's see, have an unknown number of my own cells hijacked to make the same protein that's killing people. Got it.
HK and Aja, I am not a doctor but was able to quickly grasp that everything was off from the very beginning. From trusting the Chinese government to testing the healthy to including those dying WITH covid with those who died OF covid to masking, double masking, lockdowns, all of it. I know from history that none of that works. Why/how is it that “medicine” the world over have just marched lockstep along with all this madness? I teach, very soon to be “taught” English at med schools in Japan and the madness that is going on there is literally sickening.
Two things. 1) World wide medicine has been corporatized with private sector money flowing to every countries' public health institutions. Remember all governments are broke. From there, the spoils flow to each special interest intermediary (academic institutions who do the medical research, private hospitals who nowadays own doctors and get higher financial incentives for diagnosing Covid patients to health insurance companies that make their private-public deals under emergency circumstances.) Now not every countries' health system is structured like I described . But the flow of Big Pharma money remains the same.
2) Mass formation psychosis and GroupThink .
World wide medicine is completely broken and quite corrupted.
I agree with his stupidity. This was in the context of my husband asking him to give him a letter for the medical exemption. For Christmas, my husband left his ex-partner a copy of RFK's book The Real Anthony Fauci. No comment from the doc!
I have MDs too in the family. One is very critical the other one considers merely asking questions as heretical and evil anti vaxx. Not a bad or stupid person but blindly follows whatever the authorities say as they must be right. Doesn’t read studies etc. if AMA CDC say it’s cool it’s cool. End of story. 🤦♀️
Same here. I am an engineer but most of my family are medical professionals, MDs included. What I notice with MDs is that they generally don’t like to question authority in their sector i.e. pharmaceutical companies, CDC etc. I speculate that they have attained their degree and income by being the best test takers and always getting the right result that was expected of them, not by challenging the status quo. I am just so disappointed in the lot of them for not challenging the status quo of the vaccines when the problems started to surface.
Talk about challenging the status quo. This past August I was not feeling well so I decided to get tested at one of the local walk-in places. I had covid in Feb of 2021 but reliable info on reinfections was not easy to come by. However, I had read the Emory University paper on the strength of natural immunity and other reports about severe side effects of getting the vax post infection. So when I was at the walk-in the doc who came to give me the test maybe shaved twice a week and started to lecture me about getting the vax. I started telling him about the Emory study and ones by the Cleveland Clinic and the one out of Israel and brand new one from the University of Michigan all stating that immunity from infection was robust and probably better than from the jab. he had not heard of any of these studies and said that the CDC recommends getting the vax post infection. Could not help my self and blurted out "Who listens to the CDC anymore." This poor young doctor said he follows all if the CDC guidelines. Unless and until doctors start to think for themselves we are all doomed.
Even most older ones are the same. I used to think it was a time thing and maybe they had to much to do. But now I believe most of them just want to go along to get along. After all we have seen what happens to the docs that question the status quo.
Yes. I feel he was taught to obey and not to think for himself. When I presented emerging data and studies (from legit sources) he replied it’s not clinically significant. Not only was he taught to obey and follow, but to put on blinders.
Yes, same with masks. I have provided numerous studies going back to the after action reports looking into what worked and did in’t with the Spanish Flu up to 2019. Most discounted because they had “expired”, were older than 5 years. They have as many excuses for ignoring them as there are studies.
What I meant is that he went to the "best schools" and is very well read. Obviously, his education left him incapable of critical thinking. Also, the person who questioned the Society of Infectious Disease is my husband. He's been so disillusioned with his profession.
My relative who thinks like your husband feels the same way. This person has however friends from med school who think the same! But they’re all afraid to speak up for the fear of losing their jobs. The least they do is not to hand out those shots. But everything else can lose them their livelihoods
One of the smartest doctors I have known, who knows a lot about medicine, (and I too am an M.D. ) sincerely thought Trump was a Russian agent. I laughed in his face when he mentioned that, as I thought he was joking but he was dead serious. Intelligence doesn't make one wise or foolproof. Adam and Eve were likely very intelligent...
The most intelligent person I know personally is a flaming idiot about almost everything to do with Covid, not to mention our current culture and political climate. She happens to be my eldest sister!
She refuses to discuss these matters with me at this point. In our final conversation about anything Covid related she told me I needed to "get better sources of information".
I asked her to give me some examples of "better sources", and she offered the following list of her go-to 3....
- The New York Times
- The Washington Post
- and as a so-called "conservative counterbalance", The Wall Street Journal
I replied, "Does a lie become the truth if three different liars repeat it?"
My sister, is a doctor (hospitalist) at Kaiser Permanente in Los Angeles. She told me if we didn’t get vaccinated, “You don't give a shit about anyone but your own selfish selves. As far as I am concerned you are dead to me and I do not want to hear from you again. GO FUCK YOURSELVES.” Her poor patients. Pathetic.
Sounds like she is experiencing mass formation psychosis rather than practicing medicine . Ask her how a single antibody from a jab can effectively protect against a virus that has over forty epitopes? That will send her to the moon!
Boosters would never have happened had HCQ or IVM been widely adopted at the beginning; It's way too little , too late to be celebrating the "end of boosters". The damage is Done !
Had HCQ or IVM been widely adopted at the beginning the "vaccines" never would have happened. For one thing, they could not legally obtain EUA if effective treatments were available. And, with their absolutely horrendous safety profiles (see VAERS), they NEVER would have been approved through the conventional process.
Yup. Trust your doctor? Well it depends on what he knows. So saw ER doc when I had accident this summer. Actually saw 2 there since I had head trauma as well. After getting PA to put me back together to get me out the door, they recommended I see an orthopedic person ASAP. So after 2nd necessary trip to ER to drain a now infected arm, I saw orthopedic person. Super guy. Said I needed to see wound doctor. If he could not help, to come back and he would open up my arm and check infection nearing my elbow. So off to wound doctor. Saw 2. Both unsure what to do. Both worried infection gaining ground. Count the doctors and still things are bad for me. Trust my doctor? You can see doctors have areas of expertise and even then not sure. Weeks went by seeing doctors a few times a week. Also saw a community doctor from the beginning that was orthopedic doctor out of NYC.
My point here is that few GP doctors would know much about vaccines. Do you think a GP knows a damn thing about cancer? Nope. They refer. Your everyday doctor is first line of defense. In this case, recommending EAU vaccines that may kill or alter your life is a trust misplaced. Doctors listening to orders given by government, that decided to jump off cliff in a panic. Doctors not about to think independently. Those that have have been severely punished. Maybe all doctors should have stood up against tyranny. They could have moved the needle.
My husband had heart trouble and a stroke right after the second dose of Moderna. His Primary Doc said “well then get the Pfizer booster.” Disgusting…….
Do no harm.
I am enraged beyond belief. He’s 50, healthy, fit and never needs to go to the doctor. Now he sees a cardiologist who is at least open to the vax injury hypothesis.
I'm so sorry. That is awful. Glad you seem to have found a decent cardiologist, but it doesn't erase what happened. Sadly I think you're right about many docs not working in our best interest. This has really opened up my eyes about the medical field.
The sheer COWARDICE is REAL. Several long term nurses I know have shared this very thing with medical personnel they work with. Gag orders, intimidation of lost positions and being ostracized.
Alex doesn't need to apologize to Dr. Malone. And the repeated requests to do so is weird - it seems of the same "I have the truth and others don't" authoritarianism all of us on this substack are running away from. Judge him as you want, but the incessant requests are creepy.
You miss the point. Malone and Alex were set to appear on a Fox segment that night to talk about censorship. Perfect. Alex went off the reservation with "Malone does us no favors...." That followed with a worse analogy about Ivermectin to the "vax."
This is not about any authoritarianism. It's about the thought process that led to the above.
No, it's not weird. I have followed Alex since he started speaking up (paid subscriber and purchased book in multiple formats). Until the attack on Malone I believed him to be diligent in his research and a dispassionate teller of truths few were brave enough to research or speak of publicly.
To me the on-air, off-subject attack on inarguably one of the top COVID medical experts, as well as his dismissal of Ivermectin was: 1. A cheap shot; 2. Out of character; 3. Either making knowingly false statements or having done little to no research on the matters.
He then doubled-down by refusing to respond to requests for explanation from thousands of his readers, only doing so days later when the highly-partisan Daily Beast requested comment on a story where they too attacked Malone.
So I no longer trust Alex and his motivations (as COVID winds down, trying to get back in the good graces of the left?). But I would like to trust him again, and that deserves -- if not an apology -- at least a detailed explanation of how he came to his conclusions re Malone and Ivermectin, and why he chose to launch his ad-hominin ambush attack rather than discuss the matters intelligently in an appropriate forum.
If an explanation is not forthcoming, I will no longer frequent this Substack after my paid subscription expires. Good luck to the rest of you...
Why he chose to launch an ad hominem ambush attack? Because Alex is a liberal trying to get back into the good graces of social media and he has maximized his use of substack for financial gain especially to plug his book. He is an intelligent journalist but like any brain dead liberal he doesn’t have the frontal cortex ability to shut off his limbic system
It was FOX. I remember Hannity apoplectic about "illegal immigrants" getting voting rights about 40 minutes earlier. Except in reality it was not "illegal immigrants" but "legal immigrants". Just another stretch of the Truth....Laura ....loves to wind you up. I don't know what went on in the Green Room. It's like a House of Mirrors. The Monster is in the mirror. Yes I watch all channels and they are all spouting digested tripe.
I want to stay out of this argument, but Laura was not the host last Thursday when Dr. Malone and Alex appeared. I found the episode after the controversy commenced.
Thanks Susan G - keeping you out but you are correct. Laura was subbed that evening. I appreciate the correction! Watched it the next day but brain must have inserted Laura. I do remember Hannity! And there is no argument. You corrected a Falsie. Thank you :)
Can you believe these nags? The same types that in commie Russia would run you to ground for speaking against Stalin. I think if they could get Alex jailed for this they'd try. Sheesh.
The communists are those who would subvert truth. You are diverting from the point. No one is attacking him as a person, we are attacking the lies he propogated and are simply asking why. Only a communist sympathizer would call that "nagging". A more appropriate term for you would be collaborator.
He doesn’t need to but he should. I think it’s reasonable to conclude that he won’t. I don’t place any pundit/journalist/commentator on a pedestal & never have. I will listen if on balance I find them credible. Berenson displayed a pettiness that I now have to factor in when I read him. The late Gene McCarthy once said one of the biggest crimes you could commit growing up in his Irish American family was to say something “uncalled for.” What Berenson said was uncalled for—in the extreme.
Except for FACTS. Berenson lied. It’s very simple. The segment was about censorship and he made up two PROVABLE lies about Dr Malone. It was uncalled for and sullied his reputation BIG TIME. I’m very sad about it actually. He MUST say something.
I liked your comment before watching the clip. Mostly because I don’t think that anyone has the right to demand someone else to apologize. After watching clip I 💯 still agree.
well based on the posts over the last several days - it's about 500:1 in favor of Alex explaining himself and apologizing for the inappropriate place/way he raised the issue.
Try to think about it this way - what if the reverse had happened to Alex in the same situation - how would you feel? I suspect 100% opposite.
I’ve been for the underdog my entire life. I hold true to form. And I stand by my statements. Suspect is like assume. You don’t know me. Don’t tell me how I would feel.
If Alex sincerely believes Malone exaggerates his credentials, he has nothing to apologize for. But he does need to explain to his readers why he believes this, and why he was prompted to launch an unprovoked attack on someone who nominally would be an ally.
Look at Malone's patents and the list of co-inventors. If I were one of his co-inventors would I appreciate hearing him describe himself as THE inventor of mRNA technology? Not really. Not much to explain there.
No sir. Berenson made two statements to Dr Malone that were plainly FALSE.
1) Malone did not invent the MRNA vaccine…FALSE
2) He asked Dr Malone to stop saying Ivermectin was an effective early treatment option for treating CoVid…FALSE.
No one is saying: ‘I pledge allegiance to Dr Malone’ and he’s our authoritarian master, instead we are asking whether Berenson is controlled opposition based on the lies he propagated out of the clear blue sky in a segment with Dr Malone.
I emailed Berenson (who up to this point I have admired for his tenacity and thoroughness) and have not received a response.
Agree! I don't know one single person on the face of the earth that I agree with on 100% of the issues, 100% of the time. Alex isn't some crusader we have all hired to prove a specific point. I appreciate his work and opinions, but I don't take them as gospel. I also appreciate the work and opinions of Dr. Malone, but also not gospel. Both are just part of a large circle of information which form the basis for my own conclusions..
Right. And I have no doubt Alex can be an ass, but that is probably the only kind of person who has the courage today to get out there and speak like he does. I definitely do not agree with everything he says, but I appreciate his saying it!!
I appreciate Dr. Malone also. I want everyone to be able to speak their mind without being forced to retract or apologize. They can both have opinions. We do not have to agree with them.
Alex picked a fight; Alex got a fight. Alex didn't just attack Dr. Malone; Alex attacked an entire movement -- one of which he is not a part. I'm game; bring it on!
What are you, like in kindergarten or something? I spend hundreds of hours a month, and have spent many thousands of dollars of my own money, helping people facing losing their jobs (or already lost it) and parents fighting leftist, liberal socialstist facist school boards. Berenson is just your run-of-the-mill leftist, liberal socialst who happened to post an article about face masks and found he could make money off of people who oppose the government overreach -- on principle. Alex is a new-comer. I bet dollars-to-donuts, you are too. I bet you fall into the same camp as Alex (which is the only thing that could possibly explain your rush to defend the leftist, liberal socialist. Maybe you're too cheap to subscribe for a full year, or lifetime, I wasn't. So why don't you do Alex a big favor and you issue my refund. I'll gladly tell you how to transfer the funds. Otherwise, go defend your LGBTQ, gay marriage, global warming agenda.
Maybe you cracked the motivation code! Alex missed Twitter so much and knew his Malone/IVM attack would turn his readers into a substitute Twitter mob...
I was actually thinking the opposite. Commenters on here are very reasonable and understanding and are not resorting to name calling and anger. I have no anger towards Alex.
For a journalist to be so motivated to attack both Malone and Ivermectin he forgets to talk about censorship (aren't journalists ALWAYS complaining about censorship?) - he must have had extremely compelling reasons. And I'll bet we will never be privvy to them. And I also doubt any apology will be forthcoming.
I think framing this as "sides" is counterproductive. There is a group of doctors insisting that Fauci's blocking early treatments, particularly Ivermectin, has cost hundreds of thousands of lives. Berenson flippantly cast this aside without context, badly damaging the fight for medical freedom and self determination. Every time someone gets filmed, it's an opportunity for a clip to be used to further an agenda, and Berenson certainly knows this. And that segment he did will bolster Post Office confiscation of Ivermectin and the scrubbing of Dr. Malone's cv from the internet.
He has nothing to apologize for. His example was appropriate. We can think the other person is crazy and still not want them to be deplatformed. That was his point and the point of the segment.
And if you go read Malone's substacks on Berenson's two points, he proves Berenson right. Malone is not *the inventor* of mRNA technology nor does some random province in India prove Ivermectin works by throwing it in with a bunch of other stuff, including doxycycline, vitamin D, and zinc. On neither point was Berenson off.
Misleading. If you've followed Dr. Malone at all, he has been very clear about EXACTLY what his role was in the development of mRNA technology, along with specifics of the 9 relevant patents he holds. And he hasn't cited just some anecdote about India in support of Ivermectin, but literally hundreds of studies. The Indian province was just one of the more recent success stories and, due to the population, one of the largest. IVM has been used successfully all over the world.
It has not been used "successfully" all over the world. The studies are mixed, just like they were for hydroxychloroquine. And even in those studies that show "success" there are confounding factors that are never taken into account, such as in India. There were so many other things that went with it, there's no way to actually separate it out as the *one* thing that made the difference. People should be free to try it, but we need science right now, not hero worship, and this whole Malone thing is crossing the border on hero worship. And no he was not clear about his role. He let the claim stand three times that he was "the inventor of mRNA technology," which is a laughable claim, given the amount of mRNA technology and the fact that even with his contribution he was not along and he was working for a large corporation. He's not Edison and the lightbulb or Graham Bell and the telephone. The best he could say is he was intimately connected with early research on mRNA delivery systems.
Ok I need to apologize to Velea (of whom I said was the most ill informed person in the entire comment section), I now crown you Lillia: controlled opposition Queen.
Berenson lied. Why? Answer the question. I can quote the lies if you like…
I just told you why Berenson did not lie. You can take issue with him bringing it up, if you like, but in no way was what he said a lie. I read Malone's substacks. They both backed up Berenson more than they did him. I explained why. If you don't want to acknowledge it because you need a next-to-divine leader to get you through all this, that's your problem.
Alex, I wonder if there will be more than "usual" number of heart attack deaths shoveling snow this winter due to the wide uptake of the Covid " Vaccines" , ie, Clot Shots.
He got covid and suffered (suffers?) from long covid. Early on, there were reports it could help with long covid so he took it. From what he has said since, I doubt (but don't know for sure) if he had it to do over again, he would take it. But now, his concern seems to focus on children - who have virtually no risk from covid, but do have risks from taking the vaccine.
None the less, there were reports early on to that effect. I remember reading a few. And now we have reports insisting long covid doesn't even exist. And yet there are articles detailing the people theoretically suffering from it. The details are too conflicted - I wait for the things that seem indisputable. Like they said the vaccine would stop the pandemic, that you wouldn't get sick or die if you took it, you wouldn't pass it on to others - and now we're left with the claim you won't get as sick as you would have if you hadn't taken it. All of it has been a lie, so the last, which is in the process of being refuted, I figure is probably a lie as well.
And now, as a result, we have students striking, insisting on remote learning until their schools are safe. I wonder if the people who orchestrated this could have expected such a messed up world after a number of months.
Post the whole comment. Malone posted facts and truth. I don't disagree with a single thing he said. Plus, you're talking about what Malone posted on his own blog, vs what Alex's childish and unprofessional conduct on a national TV program, where he blind-sided Malone for no good reason.
"But beyond that, I think we can all assume CONTROLLED OPPOSITION.
"So, for Alex, who evidently doesn’t know how to do an internet search, find a patent and read it - I will make it easy for him.
"First - a couple of proof of principle experiments conducted in 1989 -from the patents with the priority date of 1989 (issued later, but the ideas/experiments date to March 21, 1989 as decided by the United States Patent Office)
My step father (unvaxxed) spent the day at Kaiser Hosp. in Woodland Hills CA. They have a vaxxed unit and an unvaxxed unit staffed with healthcare workers appropriate for each unit.
He was told by numerous unvaxxed nurses who had been ceremoniously fired following the mandates, were quietly rehired.
Additionally, he was told by unvaxxed nurses that the buzz around the Hospital is that post vaxxed 18 to 40 year olds are being admitted will all kinds of usual medical conditions NEVER SEEN in that age group.
At some point, the truth is going to be undeniable. Most people are probably already seeing it in their own lives with friends and family who got these jabs.
You don't know anything about industrial-strength denial if you think at some point the truth is going to be undeniable. I come from a family who practice this kind of psychotic denial. I know what it's like. They are typical, "well-educated" liberals. They consider themselves very intelligent and highly informed. Nothing can get through the kind of denial they practice.
There are always going to be some who cannot be persuaded. There are people who still think the Earth is flat and it doesn't matter if you show them pictures of the Earth from space, they believe what they believe. But there are those in the middle who will be persuaded by the facts.
By “regressive” I am referring to the leftist desire to regress back to all the failed systems which have proven to be disastrous: socialism, communism, collectivism. In addition to supporting overt racism.
Ignore reality, past history, human nature and empiric evidence.
MSM made a big deal about firing health-care workers who defy the vax mandates. Will we hear anything about rehiring nurses, proving that the threat was a toothless tiger?
I’m glad I have my ivermectin. My sister snd her husband. 70. Both fully vaxxed got covid. No surprise there. Started on ivermectin right away and better in a day or two. My other sister 67. Same thing. I’m sure there are thousands snd thousands of stories out there like this and not to mention all the studies by various. Respectable practicing doctors all over the world. Not sure how anyone can discount Ivermectin is working. mSM discounts it. fDA discounts it. CDC discounts it. Alex discounts it. Hmmm. Interesting.
Alex has a pretty impressive track record when we look at how he's gone to the mat with "qualified experts" in the past. He's wrong sometimes. I'm skeptical of his take on ivermectin and eager to hear him out. Facts and logic ought to determine what we believe though, not whether the speaker of certain word is a "qualified expert".
He said he was going to address it. Who knows when that will be. Maybe he's working on it, maybe not. But you seem angry that he isn't addressing it on YOUR timeline -- which is NOW. Only infants and narcissists become angry when they don't get instant gratification fornsomething they want. Grow the fuck up.
I'm not an infant, nor am I angry. I won't deny being a narcissist. I am interested in what he has to say on ivermectin, and since Alex is a busy guy I gave him a reminder. He teased it, not us.
You seem very angry that you're not getting your way. Alex said he was going to address it -- why can't you just accept that instead of demanding he do so on YOUR timeline like a 4 year-old?
I don't know what lens you are reading Al's comments through but I decect not a HINT of anger... you must be carrying over something from other posts you have read. Al (I don't know him) was very calm with his observations and is SPOT ON.
Meanwhile, Hawaii is going to require that people have 3 shots before they can enter the state. No booster, no entering Hawaii. The more the shots fail, the more governments love to require them.
In a cruel twist of irony our Prime Minister is the former head of Tourism Australia. He has undone decades of great work by deporting Novak and making us look mean and unwelcoming.
I still hold out hope of visiting Hawaii again at some point. It is such a beautiful place. But I'm not putting those poison shots into my body. If I never get to go to Hawaii or DC or NYC or LA ever again then so be it.
Everyone needs to have a negative test to fly there - vaxxed or not. The only difference is that if you are unvaxxed, you have to quarantine for 5 days. And then, of course, you can't go anywhere that requires a vax passport. Given these requirements, I'd like someone to explain to me how they got Omicron on the islands at all?
I should clarify, these are the rules for Americans traveling to Hawaii. If you're a foreigner, you need to be vaxxed, no exceptions. And you still need a negative test as well.
I took my daughter last summer and it was already weird with the safe travels thing but at least you could go eat without a vaccination card and booster. Maui has gone uber restrictive. Can't imagine the hippies on Kaui putting up with that.
exactly. The hippies have confounded me more than anyone thru all of this. Guess at their age they are now more afraid of death than of the government.
Tourism in Australia will never recover from this. I would go back to Hawaii if they erased vaccine passports but I would never go to Australia now. No matter what Australia does, they have shown themselves to really, deep down, want to be North Korea. I would never feel safe going there.
yep I will never go there. Funny tho - relatives I have living there (Australia - vaccinated) think that everything is normal and fine. Guess they don't notice those protests or the unvaxxed being turned away at the door everywhere. Caste system...
You paid $5 to read the dude's blog. He doesn't owe you jack shit other than regular interesting posts. If you don't like the content, or are personally offended on Malone's behalf, just take your $5 and go. Where is this sense of entitlement coming from?
I think they don't like the thought that many of us who paid ( and , no, cannot get even a partial refund)feel like they deserve some customer service. Best guess on my part.
Customer service? You signed up for a blog. Authors can shut the comments off if they feel like it. I don't remember seeing Alex say anywhere "hey, sign up for some really cool back and forth with me". And no one was bitching about Alex not interacting until bullshit artist malone (who took the clot shot) got his panties in a bunch because he got his feelings hurt on TV.
This wouldn't even apply if my money had been a donation. I have a few charities I give to, because I support their work. If , as the case has once been, they do something I either do not understand or find questionable? I expect some explanation.
It's rational, unlike yourself , who now , in a fit of pique, resort to name calling. It's unfortunate, but what I've come to expect. Good day to you.
I thought the Israelis mantra was never again. Then they do it to themselves. It really is unbelievable that their government would buy the pandemic and the vaccine false narrative hook line and sinker. It’s either psychopathic corruption or the general brain fog that seems to have gripped a significant percentage of humanity. Of course that is helped along by a cast of petty and pathetic tyrants that are in power in a significant number of western nations.
Just spoke to a friend who works for an ENORMOUS tech company. Tens of thousands of employees, many have been working from home for the last two years.
He was just contacted by the corporate HR department with instructions to scan his vax card and email it to them.
There are no plans to reopen offices. BUT they want vax cards on file.
He said he's going to ignore the email. If pressed, he'll pretend that the message landed in the spam folder.
He figures it'll be months before HR realizes it doesn't have his vax card, and perhaps by then the corporation will realize it doesn't need it.
Tell him to print out his company's code of business ethics and polices on harassment and keep them on hand. He will need that for the inevitable lawsuits. Also tell him to start looking into an accommodation either medical or religious.
He's probably already on top of that stuff but they aren't done with us by a long shot. I'm not sure how private companies get away with forcing you to take an experimental drug against your will when it was not a condition of employment when you got hired. But nothing makes sense any more.
In fact, I would think it would be OSHA's responsibility to protect workers from employers that try to do that.
I am near retirement and did get vaxed/boosted - will not do that any more... the company I work for (for a little while longer) also required all employees to be vaxed (at first in response to the coming mandates)... as of November they terminated all who did not comply, and now the mandate is gone - but the company has not relented... I suppose they can't now since they already fired people for not complying.
I have always been proud of the company I work for and it's owner (a privately held software company) - but I think he has been captured by the woke HR department and I have to say that I am totally disappointed with him and the company.
In my experience, HR departments are up the butts of the company's lawyers. And lawyers determine the company (their client) could be sued for anything and/or everything. Ergo we get "mandates."
I've advised people to never quit and document everything. Keep a journal with dates & times. But no matter how badly you're treated, DO NOT QUIT. Make 'em fire you...and then sue the company.
Invariably the companies have always settled because it's cheaper than paying the legal fees.
I wouldn’t be shocked to see immune system devastation occurring in people with 4 shots. Didn’t the head of EU parliament just die of an unspecified immune disorder?
The Italian EU man had some serious illness prior to the ChiCom virus pandemic. So, that's not one we'd include on our suspects list. As to your concern about immune system problems, it seems that the powers that be on the globalist stage know more about that than they are saying. Three may be bad enough but four sends its victims over the rainbow, sooner than later.
As an unvaxxed immune physician, I have enjoyed your work, and your voice of reason. But your attack on Dr. Malone was uncalled for and completely unsupported. You should apologize promptly and offer to rectify. You do not understand what you don't understand because you are, at base, not in the same galaxy of understanding science as is Dr. Malone. Very disappointing. Please cancel my subscription.
You can cancel your subscription at anytime....it's like Netflix and Amazon, you just cancel without asking if you don't like what they offer. Just saying...putting it a comment, that will likely never be read, might have a "dramatic flare", but it won't leave the "mark" you're striving for...
Alex, please reconsider your approach and address your substack subscribers. You are losing substack subscribers. Some who are still hanging on are waiting for you to embrace the mea culpa (rather than doubling down) for your bushwhacking of Dr Malone on live TV. This has more to do with credibility of methods leading up to public statements and the way you treat fellow researchers than whatever conclusion you come to. Questions have been raised asking whether you have some alternative agenda that might get in the way of your work.
Ouch Alex, I thought journalists reached out to people to get their responses before making public claims or publishing their pieces. I’m waiting for your apology about the bushwacking of Dr. Malone on live TV. At least he was a gentleman in the moment. While you’re writing your apology, there is some reading waiting for you on another substack (Dr. Malone’s). And maybe you haven’t seen the totality of evidence published on the FLCCC web site. Go check it out. I’m very appreciative of the work you do and have done, but this incident doesn’t do your work any favors.
A rather wealthy gentleman I work for thinks that since they called the mRNA therapy a "vaccine" it has to be good. He said to me, "How can anyone be so foolish is to not be vaccinated?"
I replied, "Maybe they do not trust the government."
"Well, don't they trust their doctors?"
Nope, not anymore.
I've seen five year old little girls who put up more of a fight than the medical profession has in the last 2 years.
I used to trust my doctor. Now I don't have a doctor because he tried to push the "vaccine" on me.
Us unvaccinated MDs are a rare breed but we're out there!
God bless you!! You will get more business than you can handle!
Exactly! Can you share your details?!
RARE? I know DOZENS OF UNVAXXED DOCS! That fact alone helped my decision
On the other extreme, I know of doctors that volunteered their children for the original vax studies. Fundamentalist covidians.
I believe most doctors are so deep because they consider themselves not qualified enough to question the guidance or information coming out of the CDC or health authorities. They accept the authoritativeness of these institutions. So imagine how offensive it is to them when their patients aren't buying it.
I had one doctor for thirty years and when he retired I had to hire ten to take his place. We used to ‘negotiate’ my medical treatments. My new docs are appalled when I disagree with their advice; AND can give them legitimate reasons to disagree.
I need one in Montreal.
HOW DO WE FIND YOU??? Mine actually signed up for the early Moderna trials...
Frontlinedoctors.com ( maybe .org )
Google functional medicine doctors or integrative doctors. I also believe the functional medicine docs have an association, you could check their website.
I hope you're educating your patients about the risks of these shots.
I know two docs that are not jabbed, neither works in NY.
Yes we are! Salute!
As a family doc, I have been skeptical about specific vaccines since they started to use aborted human fetal lung tissue to make varivax (chicken pox) and MMR-II. This new not fully tested technology using an mRNA injection (which is not a vaccine) should not be used since it is too dangerous. BTW the Hippocratic Oath is pro-life.
I replied above before I saw your comment. I'm pasting my previous comment here.
My doctor argued with me for 10 minutes during my wellness visit last summer. I almost walked out and probably should have. She brought politics into the mix, saying she was tired of conservatives following conspiracy websites, and following Hannity and Rush Limbaugh (I should have informed her that Rush is no longer with us). I told her I do not follow conspiracy websites. Then the argument went on to several other subjects. One of my arguments is that the jabs are all related to aborted fetal cells in one way or another. She said, "no! Only the J&J." I said, "the others use them in testing." Then she finally said, "I don't know why they can't make these ethically." So she admitted it! And then, accusatorially, told me that I had received the original shingles vaccine years ago, and that was an unethical vaccine too (let's put a guilt trip on the old Christian lady). I said I didn't know that at the time but since then I did my own research and discovered it. (And, of course, that vaccine didn't work either, and now I'm supposed to get a different one.) I'm so disgusted with her that I'm now looking for a new doctor.
This is a little off-subject but the Michigan legislature last year passed a law. I've emailed my representative twice, a senator once, and the speaker of the Michigan House one time, asking how this law is being implemented. Not one will respond to my question, period. They don't even acknowledge my email. Here's the law:
Michigan HOUSE BILL No. 4047, Sec. 259, passed January 2021 states:
A recipient of a COVID-19 vaccine administered from the funds appropriated in part 1 for federal COVID immunization and vaccine grant reserve fund shall be provided with information or informed if and in what manner the development of the vaccine utilized aborted fetal tissue or human embryonic stem cell derivation lines.
I, too, unknowlingly took the Hep A vaccine which has is made with aborted human fetal tissue culture. I only found out later. I had thought is was just the MMR and the Chicken Pox vaccines. I was wrong. I am now very careful.
Lifesite News has lists of immoral vaccines.
When did they start using in in the MMR shots? My kids got it in the 90s.
It was around 1990 and forward, but they did not return the original MMR vaccines, but used up existing stock. It wasn't one certain day.
"and following Hannity and Rush Limbaugh (I should have informed her that Rush is no longer with us)"
You could've told her that "Rush got hooked on OxyContin thanks in large part to the dishonest, corrupt profitmeisters in Big Pharma who knew it was highly addictive but hid the data for years. He got hooked, didn't die from it, but thousands and thousands of other people did. Thanks, Big Pharma. Thanks, Doc, for carrying their water with your knee-jerk ignorant political talking points."
I’m in Michigan too. Sounds like we have the same unproven drug pushing doctor. I just told her I wasn’t interested in altering my DNA or risking blood clots. It’s not easy to find one that’s not part of a large medical cartel. Or a holistic/popular doc that’s taking new patients. I’m still looking.
Don't take the new shingles vaccine. Warning label. My now ex-doctor pushed it, but it cost (at that time) over $300, so I declined as I've had the other Shingles vaccine.
The first one, Zostrix, is the same as the present varivax which most children have had 2. It is not an ethical vaccine. The new shingles shot, Shingrix, is ethical and does not use human unborn's tissue, supposedly, and works much better. Presently I have the opinion that it should be okay, if you can trust the companies anymore... Today it is so hard to know who to trust. The fact that they still recommend the less effective unethical vaccine for our children and have not switched to the ethical more effective vaccine tells a lot. Clearly ethics are not a part of the decision making process.
The vaccine may be ethically made. But a known side effect of Shinrix is Guilian Barre. Label warning so states. Regulators say reward outweighs risk. Where have we heard that before? I have not had shingles; my sister-in-law suffered greatly. I' m suspicious of the "one in three" claim in the ad
Thank You, Doc. Your advice is very helpful about Shingrix.
John, thanks for your comment on the Shingrix vaccine. I'm still trying to decide if I should get it. The commercials say "1 in 3 will get shingles." I'm old and so far I only know of 2 people who've had shingles. My husband is 80 (refuses Covid vaccine too) and only knows of one, maybe two relatives who've had it. Should we believe the commercials? I'd like to see real stats on it. Any thoughts on that, John?
A friend of mine got the shingles vaccine recently and both arms are paralyzed.
That is another thing about the first shingles vaccine, (not the Shingrix) the first one was a live attenuated. You can pass chicken pox to someone and you can get shingles from it.
Sunburn, partying, staying up late, jet lag, can stimulate a case of shingles...
what about the covid mRNA vaccine triggering other viral outbreaks? I think I've seen a paper or two suggesting that. I don't think it was Shingrix. That has been around and stable for quite some time (at least 5 or 6 years).
Never heard of painless shingles. The main reason to consider the vaccine is how painful attacks are. Glad your episode wasn't worse, but sorry you were afflicted.
Depending where you are in Michigan. Here's a doc with some sense. https://www.drjoelkahn.com/
Thanks! I just took a look. Sorry to say, I'm way over on Michigan's west coast.
Where do you practice? I am looking for trustworthy doctors and they are hard to come by!
Glad to have a free thinker like you as a colleague. My concern is the 5 prime synthetic caps in the mRNA designed to spew out protein. We all know molecules don't just go away they get reused in cells. What other genes are becoming protein factories?
and zero long term studies. They simply plan to find out and if it goes bad you know they will censor anyone trying to see that data.
and with no control groups we will not be able to give any good answers. It will be mostly speculation of the "experts" or retrospective analysis, both of which are very poor evidence.
I took a conscientious objection (as they used to be called) when our county required Varivax for school children. It was the first vaccine I was aware of using fetal cells in its production. It was pushed purely for the convenience of working moms who didn't want to stay home with kids in quarantine.
Thank you for your skepticism and honesty [edited to add the "y"], John!
Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe very few medical doctors are pharmacists. Pharmacists tend to know the chemical nature of the drugs better than their counter-part medical doctors (at least imo). Rather, they tend to administrate of a wide variety of treatments *including* pharmaceuticals --> in short, they are related, but different, disciplines.
The few medical doctors I've gotten to know generally rely upon "the industry," published articles and peers to guide them. However, they, themselves, have little practical experience in the real science behind the studies and are subject, as we all are, to potential deception.
I mean no offense; I merely seek correction if my perception is wrong. To my delight, I HAVE known some very pleasant exceptions to my "rule."
Doctors formerly relied a lot of the "Ethical Drug Companies," the CDC, the NIH, and in general they were reliable. This is no longer the case and now we really don't know who to trust. Enjoy some music from Bob: https://youtu.be/pjEYu2WRhYc
Thanks, again, John.
Doctors are, or should be, better positioned to sort fact and fiction in the medical profession, but the misleading information and outright lies and deceptions slung prolifically about by the CDC and NIH, parroted by the MSM, pushed in a one-sided direction by the Big Tech while aggressively censoring the other side, and "seemingly" enforced with substantial "legal" threats by our government has been enough to confuse the best informed, positioned and sober minded folks. I tip my hat, with many, many thanks, to those with the resources, experience and courage to sort this out for the rest of us! And that includes Alex B ... and you, John.
We're finally winning some of the battles, but the war isn't over yet and won't be until certain parties (a LOT of them) are held accountable. Personally, I am Christian and I know that, ultimately, the perpetrators of this panic WILL be held accountable, but I'm also human in the here and now and patience isn't always easy. So, until then, please continue helping to hold the line and know you're appreciated.
Interesting piece of music too! Bob Marley indeed. :)
The Bible will continue to be Trustworthy. I read it more in the last 2 years then any previous 2 year period. One's hunger for truth will be satisfied there and hardly anywhere else.
I don't think the pharmacists really know the drugs. I can't count the number that have tried to tell me that generic drugs are "exactly" the same as brand drugs, which is simply not true.
They don't legally have to be, not even close. And the FDA has been quite relaxed with demanding proof of safety with a few that have come to light.
I must admit that I used to believe they were. While I have known long before the panic that what you are saying is true, I did not learn of it until my wife worked in the division that handled such things. As her companies patients approached their expiry date, she had to give the list of ingredients to any and all generic drug makers who asked for them. What was not given was the amounts of each. One would hope that the generic drug makers have enough expertise to get the portions close to correct but who knows. And we do not know if the swap out ingredients or not. But what we can know, and it seems most do not, is as you say, they are not the same.
Ditto, TS. I'll add that even the boys and girls in the long white coats that invented the drugs (or, more accurately, developed them) barely understand them and, in today's world, hardly even test them appropriately.
It's far, far, *far* worse now that we've farmed out the fabrication of our nation's pharmacology to a hostile foreign power that cares little for quality control ... or for human life. That's enough right there to scare the eebie jeebies out of me. God help us all!
I can tell you from experience that generics are often very different from brand. I can't take generic thyroid, only brand or have terrible side effects. Probably the inactive ingredients are problematic.
Hi Bootsorourke - I really can't disagree with you at all, but my comments were intended as more of a relativity, a comparison between the two. I am, or was, a Chemical Engineer. That did/does NOT make me a Chemist, though the two disciplines are related and have some cross over. Like Chemistry, pharmacology and human physiology are incredibly complex. Even the best pharmacist or medical doctor cannot possibly be intimately familiar with each and every one of them or how all the various components may or may not interact with each and every person's personal chemistry.
I'll add that, like doctors, pharmacists tend to be overworked and spread thin. I'm certain there is a temptation to gloss over many nuances in order to simplify things for plebes like myself.
With my caveats here, I absolutely agree with you.
Right but Satan directs the content of the books you were forced to study because the research and practices were funded by the pharmaceutical companies. I am scared to death of hospitals and doctors. The hospitals are killing people with therapies and drugs that are meant to do just that. AND the hospital is paid for those COVID deaths. I can't believe anyone with a conscious can call themselves a doctor today. And I can't believe further YOU and other doctors like you don't stand up. This is what you signed up for. Not to tell us on a message board. Protect people from sickness. Not kill them.
Up to a point in time most people in this country lived by Christian principles. For more than 100 years our schools had Christian prayers to begin them. They studied the Bible and people were trustworthy. Our colleges were founded to train preachers. That has changed in this generation and now formerly trustworthy institutions have flipped and that has been hard for some to accept. Satan didn't direct the content of books until evil people were allowed into leadership. Everyone who knows what is going on and has a voice, needs to let their voice be heard, including YOU. Here are some links that you may find interesting:
Absolutely, John. We need to return prayer life to America. "Man" cannot fix what's wrong with the USA or the world. Only God can do that. I don't mean that to imply that we should sit idly by while waiting for God to fix things, we need to be active and willing partners
2nd Chronicles 7:14 "if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land." That sounds pretty key to me.
RLM - I agree that Satan influences those that he can and only those filled with the Holy Spirit can truly resist. Undermining our trust in doctors, hospitals, pharmaceutical companies ... and each other ... has always been one of Satan's primary goals and doubt has always been his most powerful tool ["Did God really say" asked the Serpent of Eve in the garden of Eden - Genesis 3:1].
God bless you. God sees everything.
Our doctor wanted us to get jabbed which we will not. But he also believes in the cures and scripted us Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine snd Budesonide!
A keeper.
Aren’t you lucky! Is he in an independent practice or part of a health/hospital system? The latter essentially controls the practice.
It’s so illogical. My doctor is so good in so many ways, but unfortunately listens only to his colleagues who all push the vaccine without any indication of knowledge of the VAERS or the truth about the vaccines from renown experts like Dr. Malone, Dr. McCullough and others. Pitiful how in the dark the mainstream docs remain in spite of so much evidence against having this potential poison ripping apart your immune system.
Sad that people have to educate their doctor on vaccine info. They should have learned in school, but did not because the school is sponsored by bigharma, and they should have read the info on the stuff itself, but obviously did not.
Internal medicine and family practice revolves almost entirely around big pharma and the pre packaged "studies" and incentives they provide. Not to mention the lovely sales force that brings all the latest stuff right to their offices each day. Tons of Free Samples! Between running the business of their offices, raising their kids and making sure they see 90 patients a day, they don't have time to do any independent reading or research. Consequently, most docs fell right in with Pfizer's line on Covid.
Most internists and FPs are nothing but glorified drug reps. Their use of statins exemplifies my opinion.
ah yes. not taking those statins. nuh uh
I believe that science has been corrupted and is failing society because of financial interests in three broad areas. First is heart disease. They are so deep in the tank now with the lipid hypothesis and statin remedy that they can't back out. The USDA food pyramid is crushing the country in insulin resistance and Type II diabetes cuz that's healthy eating. Low fat!! Second is the climate change crock. Based upon computer modeling and anecdotal evidence. Same kind of modeling that brought you the lockdowns. Third is the global pandemic response with the single remedy. And we see where that has brought us. Anytime someone invokes "science" to try and shut you up or end a conversation, tell them to fu** off. All three of these mistakes continue to be fueled with billions of dollars.
This is common. Doctors just want to get along. I imagine the fear of lawsuits keeps them silent.
The mental damage will be with us for a very long time.
My kid’s pediatrician told me that no one getting the vax had died of covid and there had been no serious side effects… uh, I declined anyway. This was August 2021.
Died of Covid or died from the vaccine? (look at VAERS)
I personally know a doctor who practices 2 miles from our house. His 70-something father (not jabbed) asked him about VAERS. He'd never heard of VAERS!
Neither, died of covid after vax and no death from vax. I knew both were false based on VAERS. She was greatly misinformed and pushing the vax for my kids.
There are, apparently, a whole lot of doctors out there who are wholly misinformed about the "vaccine". I'd bet that they can't even tell you the mechanism by which this vaccine works and how it differs from other common vaccines. If anyone has this conversation with their doctor, you can start with those questions.
A few simple questions should suffice to demonstrate how educated your doctor is:
"What happens to the lipid nano particles once they are injected into the body?"
"Has it ever been proven safe to inject nano particles into the human body?"
"Why are circulating antibodies considered important in destroying a viral infection that occurs in the lungs and airways?"
According to Dr McCullough it's illegal for a doctor to recommend a vaccine with an EUA. They are supposed to provide balanced information only.
It’s funny that after some 30 years or so, suddenly VAERS is unreliable and probably has lots of fake reports, so say those I bring it up with.
For the people who say VAERS is unreliable, I say "Okay". Let's presume that VAERS is entirely incapable of giving us safety signals on the "vaccines."
So which safety signal would you like to use? If you don't accept VAERS as a legitimate safety signal then you have to admit that we have NO IDEA whether these vaccines are safe or not. No idea whatsoever.
I'm going to need some proof of safety before I inject something into my body. I'm not a test subject.
They just reply with, “It’s been tested, you idiot!”. At least in my experience.
The reporting has grown something like 500 fold according to Alex in Pandemia
I know that it is huge number. As few as 15 have gotten drugs pulled. I have seen the effects a single, possible adverse effect being reported. It’s like the whole company gasped and held their breath until the results of the autopsy was reported. Covid has tens of thousands of adverse effects reported and it remains “safe and effective”. We need to ask “safe and effective” for whom and for what purposes.
My doctor argued with me for 10 minutes during my wellness visit last summer. I almost walked out and probably should have. She brought politics into the mix, saying she was tired of conservatives following conspiracy websites, and following Hannity and Rush Limbaugh (I should have informed her that Rush is no longer with us). I told her I do not follow conspiracy websites. Then the argument went on to several other subjects. One of my arguments is that the jabs are all related to aborted fetal cells in one way or another. She said, "no! Only the J&J." I said, "the others use them in testing." Then she finally said, "I don't know why they can't make these ethically." So she admitted it! And then, accusatorially, told me that I had received the original shingles vaccine years ago, and that was an unethical vaccine too (let's put a guilt trip on the old Christian lady). I said I didn't know that at the time but since then I did my own research and discovered it. (And, of course, that vaccine didn't work either, and now I'm supposed to get a different one.) I'm so disgusted with her that I'm now looking for a new doctor.
This is a little off-subject but the Michigan legislature last year passed a law. I've emailed my representative twice, a senator once, and the speaker of the Michigan House one time, asking how this law is being implemented. Not one will respond to my question, period. They don't even acknowledge my email. Here's the law:
Michigan HOUSE BILL No. 4047, Sec. 259, passed January 2021 states:
A recipient of a COVID-19 vaccine administered from the funds appropriated in part 1 for federal COVID immunization and vaccine grant reserve fund shall be provided with information or informed if and in what manner the development of the vaccine utilized aborted fetal tissue or human embryonic stem cell derivation lines.
These same docs follow same sources Sotomayor does it seems
Yes you need a better doctor and not a woke one.
Any doctor who tells me to wear a mask loses all creditability to me. Add every single one of them in Japan are at least wearing them…..
If you don't watch it all, go about 4-5 min in. That is really all you need to know. https://rumble.com/veb9ep-discerning-truth-covid-19-part-2.html
I have saying much the same for over 20 years. I often have students wearing masks in class because they do not want to “catch a cold” or they have “a cold” and do not want to get others sick. I’ve been certified to use respirators and know that they do not stop visuals and until recently, have never been said to be able to do so in the west. Japan, where I live and other Asian countries have long had the habit of wearing masks against colds and flu and allergies with no measurable affect against viruses.
So, basically a talisman.
I’d say worse. Not only do they lead to a false sense of security, they also act as bacteria and fungi incubators to be breathed through. Masks were never intended to be worn all day.
It goes way beyond not trusting the government. It's not trusting the government, the media, big tech, and most of the medical community. It's kind of funny that the very policies that most of these people support helped many of us slow down enough to actually see what's happening with the vaccines. If they didn't implement lockdowns, promote masks without evidence, try to suppress lab leak theories, change definitions of words, censor discussion, discredit HcQ and then Ivermectin before knowing if they worked then I'm not sure so many people would have realized what was happening and how widespread. It's possible that we'd all be happily getting vaccinated and getting Covid without questioning the "vaccines".
I agree with almost everything you're saying, except the happily taking covid shots part. It just seemed so wrong to me right away: new technology never tested on humans; injecting the spike protein to create more spikes in one's body, the very thing that causes the disease. The more I researched the more confused and hesitant - then adamantly opposed - I became. My trust in doctors, public health, pharma, etc., has been destroyed...no burning embers, just ash.
One of the great ironies of the current panic.
Doctors can’t understand when there income depends on them not understanding.
It's not just that; it's also groupthink. My husband is a doctor, and he can't believe what his profession has become. A semi-retired partner of his (who has no monetary interest in pushing the vaccines) told my husband that the vaccine provides better protection than natural immunity because it gives you better protection to the spike protein. This is a guy who is very, very smart! When I started finding information about ivermectin, he was skeptical because the Society of Infectious Disease didn't have any information about ivermectin use for COVID. Now he understands that all the medical societies in the US are captured by Big Pharma through their funding from NIH. (RFK does a good job explaining this.)
Don’t disagree with the groupthink part. Much however is based on financial incentives by CMS, third party payers and Big Pharma as well as your hospital employer(probably the worst).
BTW, that physician who you said is very smart must have flunked Immunology 101. How can an antibody against one epitope of the virus be as effective as antibodies to all epitopes of the virus? Pretty stupid if you ask me as a retired vascular surgeon.
I'm a doc too and I am also puzzled by the lack of critical thinking around these spike protein vaccines.
So what gives, do you think. I'm not an MD and the first time I read how the mRNA vaccines were supposed to work it triggered warning bells. Let's see, have an unknown number of my own cells hijacked to make the same protein that's killing people. Got it.
HK and Aja, I am not a doctor but was able to quickly grasp that everything was off from the very beginning. From trusting the Chinese government to testing the healthy to including those dying WITH covid with those who died OF covid to masking, double masking, lockdowns, all of it. I know from history that none of that works. Why/how is it that “medicine” the world over have just marched lockstep along with all this madness? I teach, very soon to be “taught” English at med schools in Japan and the madness that is going on there is literally sickening.
Two things. 1) World wide medicine has been corporatized with private sector money flowing to every countries' public health institutions. Remember all governments are broke. From there, the spoils flow to each special interest intermediary (academic institutions who do the medical research, private hospitals who nowadays own doctors and get higher financial incentives for diagnosing Covid patients to health insurance companies that make their private-public deals under emergency circumstances.) Now not every countries' health system is structured like I described . But the flow of Big Pharma money remains the same.
2) Mass formation psychosis and GroupThink .
World wide medicine is completely broken and quite corrupted.
I agree with his stupidity. This was in the context of my husband asking him to give him a letter for the medical exemption. For Christmas, my husband left his ex-partner a copy of RFK's book The Real Anthony Fauci. No comment from the doc!
The md I know says well Fauci and CdC say it protects against omicron so it must be true. When challenged he gets very upset. 😬
He's an ass. So many doctors are pompous asses. They cannot bear to be questioned. It makes me enjoy needling them wherever possible
When did medical doctors become so uncritical?
I was thinking the same thing and I didn't got to medical school. You seem to be dr who paid attention.
When you are retired, its much easier to see the clarity above the tree line of the forest.
I have MDs too in the family. One is very critical the other one considers merely asking questions as heretical and evil anti vaxx. Not a bad or stupid person but blindly follows whatever the authorities say as they must be right. Doesn’t read studies etc. if AMA CDC say it’s cool it’s cool. End of story. 🤦♀️
Same here. I am an engineer but most of my family are medical professionals, MDs included. What I notice with MDs is that they generally don’t like to question authority in their sector i.e. pharmaceutical companies, CDC etc. I speculate that they have attained their degree and income by being the best test takers and always getting the right result that was expected of them, not by challenging the status quo. I am just so disappointed in the lot of them for not challenging the status quo of the vaccines when the problems started to surface.
Talk about challenging the status quo. This past August I was not feeling well so I decided to get tested at one of the local walk-in places. I had covid in Feb of 2021 but reliable info on reinfections was not easy to come by. However, I had read the Emory University paper on the strength of natural immunity and other reports about severe side effects of getting the vax post infection. So when I was at the walk-in the doc who came to give me the test maybe shaved twice a week and started to lecture me about getting the vax. I started telling him about the Emory study and ones by the Cleveland Clinic and the one out of Israel and brand new one from the University of Michigan all stating that immunity from infection was robust and probably better than from the jab. he had not heard of any of these studies and said that the CDC recommends getting the vax post infection. Could not help my self and blurted out "Who listens to the CDC anymore." This poor young doctor said he follows all if the CDC guidelines. Unless and until doctors start to think for themselves we are all doomed.
Even most older ones are the same. I used to think it was a time thing and maybe they had to much to do. But now I believe most of them just want to go along to get along. After all we have seen what happens to the docs that question the status quo.
Holy shit! Is it really that bad. All robots just following signals from a central controller? Answers for a lot though. My word.
Those are their info gods. Whatever they say, as they’ve been trained to follow since med school, well that’s the truth.
Yes. I feel he was taught to obey and not to think for himself. When I presented emerging data and studies (from legit sources) he replied it’s not clinically significant. Not only was he taught to obey and follow, but to put on blinders.
Yes, same with masks. I have provided numerous studies going back to the after action reports looking into what worked and did in’t with the Spanish Flu up to 2019. Most discounted because they had “expired”, were older than 5 years. They have as many excuses for ignoring them as there are studies.
“This is a guy who is very, very smart! “
1. What makes him smart?
2. If he is, then what reasons might he have for the obvious nonsense?
What I meant is that he went to the "best schools" and is very well read. Obviously, his education left him incapable of critical thinking. Also, the person who questioned the Society of Infectious Disease is my husband. He's been so disillusioned with his profession.
My relative who thinks like your husband feels the same way. This person has however friends from med school who think the same! But they’re all afraid to speak up for the fear of losing their jobs. The least they do is not to hand out those shots. But everything else can lose them their livelihoods
One of the smartest doctors I have known, who knows a lot about medicine, (and I too am an M.D. ) sincerely thought Trump was a Russian agent. I laughed in his face when he mentioned that, as I thought he was joking but he was dead serious. Intelligence doesn't make one wise or foolproof. Adam and Eve were likely very intelligent...
The most intelligent person I know personally is a flaming idiot about almost everything to do with Covid, not to mention our current culture and political climate. She happens to be my eldest sister!
She refuses to discuss these matters with me at this point. In our final conversation about anything Covid related she told me I needed to "get better sources of information".
I asked her to give me some examples of "better sources", and she offered the following list of her go-to 3....
- The New York Times
- The Washington Post
- and as a so-called "conservative counterbalance", The Wall Street Journal
I replied, "Does a lie become the truth if three different liars repeat it?"
That didn't help us get past our differences.
My sister, is a doctor (hospitalist) at Kaiser Permanente in Los Angeles. She told me if we didn’t get vaccinated, “You don't give a shit about anyone but your own selfish selves. As far as I am concerned you are dead to me and I do not want to hear from you again. GO FUCK YOURSELVES.” Her poor patients. Pathetic.
Sounds like she is experiencing mass formation psychosis rather than practicing medicine . Ask her how a single antibody from a jab can effectively protect against a virus that has over forty epitopes? That will send her to the moon!
Boosters would never have happened had HCQ or IVM been widely adopted at the beginning; It's way too little , too late to be celebrating the "end of boosters". The damage is Done !
Had HCQ or IVM been widely adopted at the beginning the "vaccines" never would have happened. For one thing, they could not legally obtain EUA if effective treatments were available. And, with their absolutely horrendous safety profiles (see VAERS), they NEVER would have been approved through the conventional process.
Yup. Trust your doctor? Well it depends on what he knows. So saw ER doc when I had accident this summer. Actually saw 2 there since I had head trauma as well. After getting PA to put me back together to get me out the door, they recommended I see an orthopedic person ASAP. So after 2nd necessary trip to ER to drain a now infected arm, I saw orthopedic person. Super guy. Said I needed to see wound doctor. If he could not help, to come back and he would open up my arm and check infection nearing my elbow. So off to wound doctor. Saw 2. Both unsure what to do. Both worried infection gaining ground. Count the doctors and still things are bad for me. Trust my doctor? You can see doctors have areas of expertise and even then not sure. Weeks went by seeing doctors a few times a week. Also saw a community doctor from the beginning that was orthopedic doctor out of NYC.
My point here is that few GP doctors would know much about vaccines. Do you think a GP knows a damn thing about cancer? Nope. They refer. Your everyday doctor is first line of defense. In this case, recommending EAU vaccines that may kill or alter your life is a trust misplaced. Doctors listening to orders given by government, that decided to jump off cliff in a panic. Doctors not about to think independently. Those that have have been severely punished. Maybe all doctors should have stood up against tyranny. They could have moved the needle.
My husband had heart trouble and a stroke right after the second dose of Moderna. His Primary Doc said “well then get the Pfizer booster.” Disgusting…….
Do no harm.
I am enraged beyond belief. He’s 50, healthy, fit and never needs to go to the doctor. Now he sees a cardiologist who is at least open to the vax injury hypothesis.
Most docs are not working in your best interests.
I'm so sorry. That is awful. Glad you seem to have found a decent cardiologist, but it doesn't erase what happened. Sadly I think you're right about many docs not working in our best interest. This has really opened up my eyes about the medical field.
OMG this Dr. who responded as he did is beyond words!
So sorry. Most docs were never working in your best interests. This vaccine has revealed so much.
The Medical Industrial Complex is overrated.
Love reading your articles Mark!
They do trust their doctors and that is why they are not taking the vaccine.
The sheer COWARDICE is REAL. Several long term nurses I know have shared this very thing with medical personnel they work with. Gag orders, intimidation of lost positions and being ostracized.
Appologize to Dr. Malone
Alex doesn't need to apologize to Dr. Malone. And the repeated requests to do so is weird - it seems of the same "I have the truth and others don't" authoritarianism all of us on this substack are running away from. Judge him as you want, but the incessant requests are creepy.
You miss the point. Malone and Alex were set to appear on a Fox segment that night to talk about censorship. Perfect. Alex went off the reservation with "Malone does us no favors...." That followed with a worse analogy about Ivermectin to the "vax."
This is not about any authoritarianism. It's about the thought process that led to the above.
I think perhaps Alex thinks Malone is trying to steal his thunder. Same team guys!
No, it's not weird. I have followed Alex since he started speaking up (paid subscriber and purchased book in multiple formats). Until the attack on Malone I believed him to be diligent in his research and a dispassionate teller of truths few were brave enough to research or speak of publicly.
To me the on-air, off-subject attack on inarguably one of the top COVID medical experts, as well as his dismissal of Ivermectin was: 1. A cheap shot; 2. Out of character; 3. Either making knowingly false statements or having done little to no research on the matters.
He then doubled-down by refusing to respond to requests for explanation from thousands of his readers, only doing so days later when the highly-partisan Daily Beast requested comment on a story where they too attacked Malone.
So I no longer trust Alex and his motivations (as COVID winds down, trying to get back in the good graces of the left?). But I would like to trust him again, and that deserves -- if not an apology -- at least a detailed explanation of how he came to his conclusions re Malone and Ivermectin, and why he chose to launch his ad-hominin ambush attack rather than discuss the matters intelligently in an appropriate forum.
If an explanation is not forthcoming, I will no longer frequent this Substack after my paid subscription expires. Good luck to the rest of you...
Why he chose to launch an ad hominem ambush attack? Because Alex is a liberal trying to get back into the good graces of social media and he has maximized his use of substack for financial gain especially to plug his book. He is an intelligent journalist but like any brain dead liberal he doesn’t have the frontal cortex ability to shut off his limbic system
After your subscription expires, feel free to join us:
It was FOX. I remember Hannity apoplectic about "illegal immigrants" getting voting rights about 40 minutes earlier. Except in reality it was not "illegal immigrants" but "legal immigrants". Just another stretch of the Truth....Laura ....loves to wind you up. I don't know what went on in the Green Room. It's like a House of Mirrors. The Monster is in the mirror. Yes I watch all channels and they are all spouting digested tripe.
I want to stay out of this argument, but Laura was not the host last Thursday when Dr. Malone and Alex appeared. I found the episode after the controversy commenced.
Thanks Susan G - keeping you out but you are correct. Laura was subbed that evening. I appreciate the correction! Watched it the next day but brain must have inserted Laura. I do remember Hannity! And there is no argument. You corrected a Falsie. Thank you :)
Thanks for your kindness. Trying subtly to suggest Laura couldn't have wound anyone up. Just should have said it. Wasn't trying to nit pick.
Ok, this formerly unsullied beacon of truth (Berenson substack) is now gathering up with partisan lefties.
Can you believe these nags? The same types that in commie Russia would run you to ground for speaking against Stalin. I think if they could get Alex jailed for this they'd try. Sheesh.
Stop diverting. What about what he said? He lied. Why?
The communists are those who would subvert truth. You are diverting from the point. No one is attacking him as a person, we are attacking the lies he propogated and are simply asking why. Only a communist sympathizer would call that "nagging". A more appropriate term for you would be collaborator.
OK, then at least explain his thinking to readers.
Alex Berenson thinks Pfizer is the savior of humanity.
And why do you say that?
No answer. Starting to think these are Malone's flying monkeys. Tell you what, you pests have made me despise Malone for being a cry baby. Nice work
Please go away. Why are you people here? I think this site is compromised.
Doesn't take much to flip the liberal snowflakes.
now THAT is such a valid reason to "despise Malone" ... shake my damn head!!!
Ask him.
I have missed something. Why should Alex apologize or explain? I do not know what happened. Sincere question.
Velea - https://www.unz.com/aanglin/i-dont-know-why-alex-berenson-attacked-robert-malone-on-fox-news-but-it-was-sure-weird/
Thank you.
He doesn’t need to but he should. I think it’s reasonable to conclude that he won’t. I don’t place any pundit/journalist/commentator on a pedestal & never have. I will listen if on balance I find them credible. Berenson displayed a pettiness that I now have to factor in when I read him. The late Gene McCarthy once said one of the biggest crimes you could commit growing up in his Irish American family was to say something “uncalled for.” What Berenson said was uncalled for—in the extreme.
Except for….what if it wasn’t uncalled for.
Except for FACTS. Berenson lied. It’s very simple. The segment was about censorship and he made up two PROVABLE lies about Dr Malone. It was uncalled for and sullied his reputation BIG TIME. I’m very sad about it actually. He MUST say something.
Alex was an ass, plain and simple. I cancelled my subscription, as I don't want to fund that type of behavior.
If you'd like to have a place to communicate with former subscribers instead of staying here, here's a free Substack with that purpose:
I liked your comment before watching the clip. Mostly because I don’t think that anyone has the right to demand someone else to apologize. After watching clip I 💯 still agree.
Alex should Not apologize.
People need to leave it!
well based on the posts over the last several days - it's about 500:1 in favor of Alex explaining himself and apologizing for the inappropriate place/way he raised the issue.
Try to think about it this way - what if the reverse had happened to Alex in the same situation - how would you feel? I suspect 100% opposite.
Outstanding point ☝🏻
I’ve been for the underdog my entire life. I hold true to form. And I stand by my statements. Suspect is like assume. You don’t know me. Don’t tell me how I would feel.
If Alex sincerely believes Malone exaggerates his credentials, he has nothing to apologize for. But he does need to explain to his readers why he believes this, and why he was prompted to launch an unprovoked attack on someone who nominally would be an ally.
I thought Alex's comments were in very bad taste.
Look at Malone's patents and the list of co-inventors. If I were one of his co-inventors would I appreciate hearing him describe himself as THE inventor of mRNA technology? Not really. Not much to explain there.
Oh wow…terrible terrible take.
No sir. Berenson made two statements to Dr Malone that were plainly FALSE.
1) Malone did not invent the MRNA vaccine…FALSE
2) He asked Dr Malone to stop saying Ivermectin was an effective early treatment option for treating CoVid…FALSE.
No one is saying: ‘I pledge allegiance to Dr Malone’ and he’s our authoritarian master, instead we are asking whether Berenson is controlled opposition based on the lies he propagated out of the clear blue sky in a segment with Dr Malone.
I emailed Berenson (who up to this point I have admired for his tenacity and thoroughness) and have not received a response.
Did he ever respond? If not, you're welcome here:
D from Midwest, you are awesome.
He needs to back up his claims with facts.
The purity demand destroys.
It's like this Substack comments section is now some anti-vaxxer equivalent of a Twitter woke mob.
Agree! I don't know one single person on the face of the earth that I agree with on 100% of the issues, 100% of the time. Alex isn't some crusader we have all hired to prove a specific point. I appreciate his work and opinions, but I don't take them as gospel. I also appreciate the work and opinions of Dr. Malone, but also not gospel. Both are just part of a large circle of information which form the basis for my own conclusions..
Exactly !! Idolatry is not healthy for the open mind !
Not idolatry. I just don’t like liars. Berenson lied.
Right. And I have no doubt Alex can be an ass, but that is probably the only kind of person who has the courage today to get out there and speak like he does. I definitely do not agree with everything he says, but I appreciate his saying it!!
You obviously have not listened to Dr. Malone speak. He is the opposite of you describe, and what Alex proved himself to be. Get enlightened.
I appreciate Dr. Malone also. I want everyone to be able to speak their mind without being forced to retract or apologize. They can both have opinions. We do not have to agree with them.
I agree. That's why I'm posting mine here. After all, that's why I paid for a subscription.
We went from 1984 to Lord of The Flies just like that.
Haven't canceled yet Keith
Alex picked a fight; Alex got a fight. Alex didn't just attack Dr. Malone; Alex attacked an entire movement -- one of which he is not a part. I'm game; bring it on!
You though like Randy.
Do you always make baseless assumptions, then act on them? You thought wrong.
What are you, like in kindergarten or something? I spend hundreds of hours a month, and have spent many thousands of dollars of my own money, helping people facing losing their jobs (or already lost it) and parents fighting leftist, liberal socialstist facist school boards. Berenson is just your run-of-the-mill leftist, liberal socialst who happened to post an article about face masks and found he could make money off of people who oppose the government overreach -- on principle. Alex is a new-comer. I bet dollars-to-donuts, you are too. I bet you fall into the same camp as Alex (which is the only thing that could possibly explain your rush to defend the leftist, liberal socialist. Maybe you're too cheap to subscribe for a full year, or lifetime, I wasn't. So why don't you do Alex a big favor and you issue my refund. I'll gladly tell you how to transfer the funds. Otherwise, go defend your LGBTQ, gay marriage, global warming agenda.
Maybe you cracked the motivation code! Alex missed Twitter so much and knew his Malone/IVM attack would turn his readers into a substitute Twitter mob...
That is funny Keith. I was thinking the same thing. "Jeez, it's nice to see vitriol and anger in the Substack comments too" lol.
I was actually thinking the opposite. Commenters on here are very reasonable and understanding and are not resorting to name calling and anger. I have no anger towards Alex.
For a journalist to be so motivated to attack both Malone and Ivermectin he forgets to talk about censorship (aren't journalists ALWAYS complaining about censorship?) - he must have had extremely compelling reasons. And I'll bet we will never be privvy to them. And I also doubt any apology will be forthcoming.
He talked about censorship.
I’ve scanned this entire comment section and you have the least informed opinions. What is wrong with you?
You got yourself so worked up Chris that you are now attacking others for their opinions.
Calm down. Calm down.
Can we stop demanding perfection from people?
I think the belief in germ theory is utter lunacy and I've been fighting all of these poisonous vaccines for 20 years.
I'm the purest of the pure on this issue and I'm very happy to have Alex on our side.
I think framing this as "sides" is counterproductive. There is a group of doctors insisting that Fauci's blocking early treatments, particularly Ivermectin, has cost hundreds of thousands of lives. Berenson flippantly cast this aside without context, badly damaging the fight for medical freedom and self determination. Every time someone gets filmed, it's an opportunity for a clip to be used to further an agenda, and Berenson certainly knows this. And that segment he did will bolster Post Office confiscation of Ivermectin and the scrubbing of Dr. Malone's cv from the internet.
Agree. But people need to stop pretending to be perfect and admit their mistakes and can then be forgiven. Asking for forgiveness is a powerful thing.
He has nothing to apologize for. His example was appropriate. We can think the other person is crazy and still not want them to be deplatformed. That was his point and the point of the segment.
And if you go read Malone's substacks on Berenson's two points, he proves Berenson right. Malone is not *the inventor* of mRNA technology nor does some random province in India prove Ivermectin works by throwing it in with a bunch of other stuff, including doxycycline, vitamin D, and zinc. On neither point was Berenson off.
Misleading. If you've followed Dr. Malone at all, he has been very clear about EXACTLY what his role was in the development of mRNA technology, along with specifics of the 9 relevant patents he holds. And he hasn't cited just some anecdote about India in support of Ivermectin, but literally hundreds of studies. The Indian province was just one of the more recent success stories and, due to the population, one of the largest. IVM has been used successfully all over the world.
It has not been used "successfully" all over the world. The studies are mixed, just like they were for hydroxychloroquine. And even in those studies that show "success" there are confounding factors that are never taken into account, such as in India. There were so many other things that went with it, there's no way to actually separate it out as the *one* thing that made the difference. People should be free to try it, but we need science right now, not hero worship, and this whole Malone thing is crossing the border on hero worship. And no he was not clear about his role. He let the claim stand three times that he was "the inventor of mRNA technology," which is a laughable claim, given the amount of mRNA technology and the fact that even with his contribution he was not along and he was working for a large corporation. He's not Edison and the lightbulb or Graham Bell and the telephone. The best he could say is he was intimately connected with early research on mRNA delivery systems.
Ok I need to apologize to Velea (of whom I said was the most ill informed person in the entire comment section), I now crown you Lillia: controlled opposition Queen.
Berenson lied. Why? Answer the question. I can quote the lies if you like…
I just told you why Berenson did not lie. You can take issue with him bringing it up, if you like, but in no way was what he said a lie. I read Malone's substacks. They both backed up Berenson more than they did him. I explained why. If you don't want to acknowledge it because you need a next-to-divine leader to get you through all this, that's your problem.
Move on Already.........
Lets Debate this......
Alex, I wonder if there will be more than "usual" number of heart attack deaths shoveling snow this winter due to the wide uptake of the Covid " Vaccines" , ie, Clot Shots.
Give it up already. They both said what they said and have moved on.
Let’s just focus on the data and let them work it out between themselves.
Yes, a harmless 'Alex is controlled opposition', said in a friendly way, can't hurt that much.
Why did Malone take the vaccine?
He got covid and suffered (suffers?) from long covid. Early on, there were reports it could help with long covid so he took it. From what he has said since, I doubt (but don't know for sure) if he had it to do over again, he would take it. But now, his concern seems to focus on children - who have virtually no risk from covid, but do have risks from taking the vaccine.
With all due respect, that sounds crazy to take the vaccine thinking it will help you with post symptoms.
It was still early; not all the data was in.
I thought he is THE INVENTOR of mRNA and, being such an expert. would be hesitant to take the jab?
None the less, there were reports early on to that effect. I remember reading a few. And now we have reports insisting long covid doesn't even exist. And yet there are articles detailing the people theoretically suffering from it. The details are too conflicted - I wait for the things that seem indisputable. Like they said the vaccine would stop the pandemic, that you wouldn't get sick or die if you took it, you wouldn't pass it on to others - and now we're left with the claim you won't get as sick as you would have if you hadn't taken it. All of it has been a lie, so the last, which is in the process of being refuted, I figure is probably a lie as well.
And now, as a result, we have students striking, insisting on remote learning until their schools are safe. I wonder if the people who orchestrated this could have expected such a messed up world after a number of months.
I heard he understood the jab would be required to travel internationally
Go away
Maybe Malone needs to grow up.
Malone handled his response with grace. Berenson lied and we all now know it.
That is one option. But, Dr. Malone has been professional about the whole thing so, not likely he would personally resort to such measures.
I dunno if I'd call his response professional, personally. But I don't work in a pub or a comedy club.
"Professional jealousy is an ugly thing", "arsehole", "CONTROLLED OPPOSITION"
Post the whole comment. Malone posted facts and truth. I don't disagree with a single thing he said. Plus, you're talking about what Malone posted on his own blog, vs what Alex's childish and unprofessional conduct on a national TV program, where he blind-sided Malone for no good reason.
"Alex Berenson goes on Fox News and directly calls me a liar to my face and says I didn’t invent RNA vaccines. https://www.bitchute.com/video/DaNgNhGbe1UP/
"Unprofessional, rude and an arsehole to boot.
"But beyond that, I think we can all assume CONTROLLED OPPOSITION.
"So, for Alex, who evidently doesn’t know how to do an internet search, find a patent and read it - I will make it easy for him.
"First - a couple of proof of principle experiments conducted in 1989 -from the patents with the priority date of 1989 (issued later, but the ideas/experiments date to March 21, 1989 as decided by the United States Patent Office)
And claiming to be in the role of Socrates. Judas priest! Just glad he didn't claim he was being crucified.
He's moved on... he posted those two responses to Alex and he's on to other things.
Alex has too - but he started this mess, and needs badly to do something to settle it down. I don't think it will on its own
I love that movie.
That works. Alex? Alex? Alex? Bueller?
My step father (unvaxxed) spent the day at Kaiser Hosp. in Woodland Hills CA. They have a vaxxed unit and an unvaxxed unit staffed with healthcare workers appropriate for each unit.
He was told by numerous unvaxxed nurses who had been ceremoniously fired following the mandates, were quietly rehired.
Additionally, he was told by unvaxxed nurses that the buzz around the Hospital is that post vaxxed 18 to 40 year olds are being admitted will all kinds of usual medical conditions NEVER SEEN in that age group.
At some point, the truth is going to be undeniable. Most people are probably already seeing it in their own lives with friends and family who got these jabs.
You don't know anything about industrial-strength denial if you think at some point the truth is going to be undeniable. I come from a family who practice this kind of psychotic denial. I know what it's like. They are typical, "well-educated" liberals. They consider themselves very intelligent and highly informed. Nothing can get through the kind of denial they practice.
There are always going to be some who cannot be persuaded. There are people who still think the Earth is flat and it doesn't matter if you show them pictures of the Earth from space, they believe what they believe. But there are those in the middle who will be persuaded by the facts.
Woo Hoo! Sounds like some of my family members. LOL
Liberals certainly have a WAY easier time adopting world views which deny reality. It is the Liberal “regressive” ethos.
Phil, I'm not familiar with what you mean by the liberal regressive ethos. Explain?
By “regressive” I am referring to the leftist desire to regress back to all the failed systems which have proven to be disastrous: socialism, communism, collectivism. In addition to supporting overt racism.
Ignore reality, past history, human nature and empiric evidence.
MSM made a big deal about firing health-care workers who defy the vax mandates. Will we hear anything about rehiring nurses, proving that the threat was a toothless tiger?
No, we won't hear anything in the news about the rehiring of the nurses because that could discourage some people from getting their 15th booster.
That is good news - that they are rehiring nurses. Thank you. Hope your step father is doing well.
And there are likely other hospitals doing the same. . .
At this juncture I'm more interested in hearing what you have to say about ivermectin, or did you forget?
"I’ll have more to say about ivermectin soon."
I’m glad I have my ivermectin. My sister snd her husband. 70. Both fully vaxxed got covid. No surprise there. Started on ivermectin right away and better in a day or two. My other sister 67. Same thing. I’m sure there are thousands snd thousands of stories out there like this and not to mention all the studies by various. Respectable practicing doctors all over the world. Not sure how anyone can discount Ivermectin is working. mSM discounts it. fDA discounts it. CDC discounts it. Alex discounts it. Hmmm. Interesting.
Alex has a pretty impressive track record when we look at how he's gone to the mat with "qualified experts" in the past. He's wrong sometimes. I'm skeptical of his take on ivermectin and eager to hear him out. Facts and logic ought to determine what we believe though, not whether the speaker of certain word is a "qualified expert".
He said he was going to address it. Who knows when that will be. Maybe he's working on it, maybe not. But you seem angry that he isn't addressing it on YOUR timeline -- which is NOW. Only infants and narcissists become angry when they don't get instant gratification fornsomething they want. Grow the fuck up.
I'm not an infant, nor am I angry. I won't deny being a narcissist. I am interested in what he has to say on ivermectin, and since Alex is a busy guy I gave him a reminder. He teased it, not us.
Only infants and narcissists become angry when they don’t get instant gratification?
You don’t get out much do you.
You seem very angry that you're not getting your way. Alex said he was going to address it -- why can't you just accept that instead of demanding he do so on YOUR timeline like a 4 year-old?
I don't know what lens you are reading Al's comments through but I decect not a HINT of anger... you must be carrying over something from other posts you have read. Al (I don't know him) was very calm with his observations and is SPOT ON.
For what it's worth, I didn't see any anger in your comment. :)
5 days after his fourth dose, doesn't that actually count as an unvaccinated infection?
Meanwhile, Hawaii is going to require that people have 3 shots before they can enter the state. No booster, no entering Hawaii. The more the shots fail, the more governments love to require them.
Isn't their major industry tourism? Will be fun to see how that takes a hit.
In a cruel twist of irony our Prime Minister is the former head of Tourism Australia. He has undone decades of great work by deporting Novak and making us look mean and unwelcoming.
It won't matter. Too many people are vxed, and some proportion just did it so they COULD travel.
right. spineless
I really wanted to go to Hawaii to celebrate our 30th anniversary. Hawaii is dead to me now. That state lost out on a lot of $$$.
I still hold out hope of visiting Hawaii again at some point. It is such a beautiful place. But I'm not putting those poison shots into my body. If I never get to go to Hawaii or DC or NYC or LA ever again then so be it.
Yikes. I thought you can use a test to fly but you can’t go to eat anywhere without vax pass. I’ll avoid Hawaii.
Everyone needs to have a negative test to fly there - vaxxed or not. The only difference is that if you are unvaxxed, you have to quarantine for 5 days. And then, of course, you can't go anywhere that requires a vax passport. Given these requirements, I'd like someone to explain to me how they got Omicron on the islands at all?
I should clarify, these are the rules for Americans traveling to Hawaii. If you're a foreigner, you need to be vaxxed, no exceptions. And you still need a negative test as well.
Like Anartica.
Have had the same unanswered question for a while now.
Glad I went to Hawaii when the state was still sane. Buh-bye.....
I took my daughter last summer and it was already weird with the safe travels thing but at least you could go eat without a vaccination card and booster. Maui has gone uber restrictive. Can't imagine the hippies on Kaui putting up with that.
exactly. The hippies have confounded me more than anyone thru all of this. Guess at their age they are now more afraid of death than of the government.
We've clearly managed the same in Australia.
Tourism in Australia will never recover from this. I would go back to Hawaii if they erased vaccine passports but I would never go to Australia now. No matter what Australia does, they have shown themselves to really, deep down, want to be North Korea. I would never feel safe going there.
yep I will never go there. Funny tho - relatives I have living there (Australia - vaccinated) think that everything is normal and fine. Guess they don't notice those protests or the unvaxxed being turned away at the door everywhere. Caste system...
Virus gonna virus. Data gonna data. Berenson to Malone,” you are a fraud!”
Liberal gonna project.
Alex are you going to explain what made you attack Dr. Malone. I think your loyal audience deserves to know.
Agreed. It was a bit strange and certainly contrary to basic idea of achieving some semblance of common cause against the Borg.
You paid $5 to read the dude's blog. He doesn't owe you jack shit other than regular interesting posts. If you don't like the content, or are personally offended on Malone's behalf, just take your $5 and go. Where is this sense of entitlement coming from?
I think they don't like the thought that many of us who paid ( and , no, cannot get even a partial refund)feel like they deserve some customer service. Best guess on my part.
Customer service? You signed up for a blog. Authors can shut the comments off if they feel like it. I don't remember seeing Alex say anywhere "hey, sign up for some really cool back and forth with me". And no one was bitching about Alex not interacting until bullshit artist malone (who took the clot shot) got his panties in a bunch because he got his feelings hurt on TV.
This wouldn't even apply if my money had been a donation. I have a few charities I give to, because I support their work. If , as the case has once been, they do something I either do not understand or find questionable? I expect some explanation.
It's rational, unlike yourself , who now , in a fit of pique, resort to name calling. It's unfortunate, but what I've come to expect. Good day to you.
Doesn't this just mean that we need more boosters, even quicker? Daily boosters might do it?
I am taking a daily booster. It’s called vitamin d :)
Hopefully everyone here is taking Vitamin D and C, Zinc and quercetin daily
LOVE my yummy Vitamin D 'gummies.'
Yay-er! Thanks for bringing that up.
I get my booster every day from the sun ;)
I thought the Israelis mantra was never again. Then they do it to themselves. It really is unbelievable that their government would buy the pandemic and the vaccine false narrative hook line and sinker. It’s either psychopathic corruption or the general brain fog that seems to have gripped a significant percentage of humanity. Of course that is helped along by a cast of petty and pathetic tyrants that are in power in a significant number of western nations.
There is going to be some real soul searching to do in Israel when the full damage of these jabs is understood.
Not just in the west. Things are nuts here in Japan too.
Listen to this:
Just spoke to a friend who works for an ENORMOUS tech company. Tens of thousands of employees, many have been working from home for the last two years.
He was just contacted by the corporate HR department with instructions to scan his vax card and email it to them.
There are no plans to reopen offices. BUT they want vax cards on file.
He said he's going to ignore the email. If pressed, he'll pretend that the message landed in the spam folder.
He figures it'll be months before HR realizes it doesn't have his vax card, and perhaps by then the corporation will realize it doesn't need it.
Tell him to print out his company's code of business ethics and polices on harassment and keep them on hand. He will need that for the inevitable lawsuits. Also tell him to start looking into an accommodation either medical or religious.
He's probably already on top of that stuff but they aren't done with us by a long shot. I'm not sure how private companies get away with forcing you to take an experimental drug against your will when it was not a condition of employment when you got hired. But nothing makes sense any more.
In fact, I would think it would be OSHA's responsibility to protect workers from employers that try to do that.
He's two years from retirement & already has a hefty 401K. Financially, he'll be fine no matter what.
I am near retirement and did get vaxed/boosted - will not do that any more... the company I work for (for a little while longer) also required all employees to be vaxed (at first in response to the coming mandates)... as of November they terminated all who did not comply, and now the mandate is gone - but the company has not relented... I suppose they can't now since they already fired people for not complying.
I have always been proud of the company I work for and it's owner (a privately held software company) - but I think he has been captured by the woke HR department and I have to say that I am totally disappointed with him and the company.
In my experience, HR departments are up the butts of the company's lawyers. And lawyers determine the company (their client) could be sued for anything and/or everything. Ergo we get "mandates."
I've advised people to never quit and document everything. Keep a journal with dates & times. But no matter how badly you're treated, DO NOT QUIT. Make 'em fire you...and then sue the company.
Invariably the companies have always settled because it's cheaper than paying the legal fees.
google I bet. at least he'll have a grace period with pay before they axe him. I'd love to know who, exactly, there makes those decisions.
Nope. Not Google.
That’s actually a very good approach.
Bye-bye Alex’s credibility. You sealed its untimely death with your ignoring our requests to substantiate your baseless attack on Malone or apologize.
Bye-bye credibility means bye-bye my support. And thank you for the lesson.
A place to communicate with former subscribers:
I wouldn’t be shocked to see immune system devastation occurring in people with 4 shots. Didn’t the head of EU parliament just die of an unspecified immune disorder?
The Italian EU man had some serious illness prior to the ChiCom virus pandemic. So, that's not one we'd include on our suspects list. As to your concern about immune system problems, it seems that the powers that be on the globalist stage know more about that than they are saying. Three may be bad enough but four sends its victims over the rainbow, sooner than later.
As an unvaxxed immune physician, I have enjoyed your work, and your voice of reason. But your attack on Dr. Malone was uncalled for and completely unsupported. You should apologize promptly and offer to rectify. You do not understand what you don't understand because you are, at base, not in the same galaxy of understanding science as is Dr. Malone. Very disappointing. Please cancel my subscription.
You can cancel your subscription at anytime....it's like Netflix and Amazon, you just cancel without asking if you don't like what they offer. Just saying...putting it a comment, that will likely never be read, might have a "dramatic flare", but it won't leave the "mark" you're striving for...
A place for former subscribers:
What did he say that concerns you?
Wonder what deal Bibi made with his close friend, Albert Bourla to send Israel down the river of human destruction.
Alex, please reconsider your approach and address your substack subscribers. You are losing substack subscribers. Some who are still hanging on are waiting for you to embrace the mea culpa (rather than doubling down) for your bushwhacking of Dr Malone on live TV. This has more to do with credibility of methods leading up to public statements and the way you treat fellow researchers than whatever conclusion you come to. Questions have been raised asking whether you have some alternative agenda that might get in the way of your work.
Ouch Alex, I thought journalists reached out to people to get their responses before making public claims or publishing their pieces. I’m waiting for your apology about the bushwacking of Dr. Malone on live TV. At least he was a gentleman in the moment. While you’re writing your apology, there is some reading waiting for you on another substack (Dr. Malone’s). And maybe you haven’t seen the totality of evidence published on the FLCCC web site. Go check it out. I’m very appreciative of the work you do and have done, but this incident doesn’t do your work any favors.
FFS is Alex's bank account or sub numbers meaningful in your life?
Go whine elsewhere.
There are other smaller substacks with the same wonderful people. Let me know if I'm missing any.
If you'd like to have a place to communicate with former subscribers, here's a free Substack with that purpose: