Don't worry, last night's results ensured nobody will ever be held accountable for any of this.

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Regardless of party only a few republicans believe the vaccines have done harm to many. It may be because they took jab and cannot face facts. Funeral homes netting much higher than normal profits due to excess deaths. Conversely the insurance industry is seeing losses due to unanticipated deaths. Always a winner and loser.

I noticed today that now that colder weather upon us, many are masking inside again like that ever helped. People I know who took the jab all got Covid at least once if not twice. All believe had they not been vaccinated they would have died. Vaccines have become a religion. I never in my life thought it would be so easy to con the public. The data is out. Vaccines do not stop Covid nor transmission. However those vaccinated are clinging to the notion vaccines reduced severity of Covid. These folks voted for democrats.

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I'm not sure repubs aren't worried about the safety of the vax...Although I have been a registered Independent for years, I have never voted for a democrat (wasted votes for too many Libertarians). However, I did feel forced to take the initial c-v jabs (just the first 2). I can face facts--and was skeptical from the beginning, and waited for 7 months before getting jabbed. I tell anyone who'll listen it was a mistake.

However, 2 of my daughters were first in line to get the jabs due to their jobs in pediatric hospitals. They were front-line workers. The family applauded them and in some cases were jealous that they were able to get the jabs so early. They are now both skeptical. One was forced to get the 1st booster, but she will get no more. The other was not forced by the hospital, but decided to take a leave of absence for the time being. She refuses to have any of her 4 children get the vax. Her family has all had c-v--her husband twice. It was a head cold. (they are all under age 36). Hubby and I (both mid 60's) have had it post-vax--it was a head cold. His parents--both in their late 80s, dad, overweight and with diabetes type 2, both had it, post 1st booster. It was a head cold. They refuse to get any boosters. Both life long republicans, mom a former nurse.

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It really is each person for themselves now...

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Disagree. This is when we build our networks and expand them offline. Cooperation will be key.


(apologies for broken video links, Vimeo banned my account today -- no reason given)

Edit: Video links have been repaired, though they now pop up in a new window :( Hopefully Rumble gets Substack embedding codes done quickly!

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I’m hopeful Sen Johnson will be the one to shed light on these evildoers.

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Rand Paul is another ally.

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True, and it makes me sick.

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These elections have sickened me. I do appriciate Trumps endorsements of candidates but right now I wonder if they weren't counter productive. I still support Trump in his efforts to save the country but maybe he needs to be the silent partner for a while. George Soros has quietly become the master of f..king our country perhaps Trump should take a page from his book. Each of these reports that are slowly getting out about these side effects from these vaccines chills me to the bone. We are only two years into this mess with no end in sight. I totally agree that we must band together and expand the network. It will, in all probability, be the only way to counter the lies projected by word and by omition. And I wonder what "unwatched" mode of communication that we must use to accomplish that. And to the idiot who mocked my comments about the ineffective nature of masks and shots, get another shot genius and put on a couple more masks. Maybe chase it with another glass of koolaid from the other idiot in the white house.

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The goal of the deep state was to wear the public out on Trump. They have succeeded. So his endorsement of Oz was probably damaging. PA has a long history of voting democrat even though it hurt the state. My sister lived there. A teacher. She was liberal and even she saw how destructive the voting was. Philadelphia is so corrupt and pulls the state blue every time. Some years ago, a black mayor in Philly tried to reduce crime and talk to kids. Do you remember him criticizing youth looking for jobs dressed like bums? Democrats turned on him. PA is a lot like Illinois. I grew up in NJ, another state ruined by democrats, and lived outside of Chicago for years. Democrats love to point out that change with the times. So they see all changes in society as a step forward. Nope. If once a family could leave their car and home unlocked and now are dodging bullets that is not progress.

Just to depress you more, a family member talked with college students yesterday that thought the election was to vote for president. They had no clue what house and senate meant. What do they do? When Putin took over Crimea, I was working at that time with many college students. Not one single student knew who Putin was. Never heard of him. Yesterday on national news they showed the university in that city with kids lined up to vote. They are told who to voted for. That university is proud to display board with not one single conservative invited to speak. Our population is ignorant because our public schools want it that way so they can be manipulated.

As a kid, I wrote to my elected officials several times. I am 70 now and still have those replies. At a school function, my rep in NJ came over to talk with me. What I was protesting did get fixed. Kids today have little guidance about the important stuff.

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I was born in Pennsylvania, about 20 miles north of Pittsburgh. Deep into the rust belt where the Steel Workers, Teamsters, and Steamfitter Unions reigned. So part of the problem is that this older voting block still believes that Demcrates stand up for working people. If that group alone would take off the blinders and vote against people dedicated to our country's destruction, Pennsylvania would be a red state. But I fear the coruption runs so deep the Keystone State may be doomed.

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Agreed. The bigger a city or even group the easier to hide corruption. Everybody is on the take. Speaking against corruption means being banned from group which includes family, friends, co-workers as well. Most people are not brave enough to take a stand. As a whistleblower myself I can assure people it is very lonely. In my case, friends, neighbors, really everybody shunned me. What did lift my spirits is that 2 city workers helped me reveal the truth, but sadly lost their jobs doing so. They knew the risk. They had courage. I have been honored to see courage a few times when it really mattered and that is what keeps me going. A young man with a violent history saved me when it mattered. Goodness during that awful event prevailed. I saw it in his eyes. I can still see it. The struggle between evil and goodness, and he chose goodness. It was really hard for him because he would pay a price. I have been very lucky several times when strangers stepped up and saved me. It is why my faith in God is so strong.

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Apparently well over 100 of those he backed won their elections/ 9 lost their races. Not sure as of this morning what’s transpiring in the AZ elections. Georgia will have a runoff! So it seems that the rallies have helped keep some enthusiasm going as most republicans & independent voters cannot stand the McConnell cabal!

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I don’t know Alex. You convinced me in your previous post that everything that comes from the officials is true. Like election results. Then, the shot is safe and effective for sure.

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Which post??

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The one about how the elections are fair.

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Brain inflammation adversely effects mood and cognition, so I would expect societal madness to get worse. Poor brain health does not lead to sane or happy people.

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I think societal madness is on display by the simple fact that Fetterman was elected to the Senate.

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And the fact that Kathy "Jabs for Jesus" Hochul won, too.

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God help New York!

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Yes. And are you ready to make the following leap: brain inflammation ==> transgenderism in teens

The increase in childhood vaccine schedule (amongst other environmental pro-inflammatory factors!) is a strong contributor to the increased neurological fckery we are seeing in the younger generation, which is strong contributor to the gender dysmorphia craze in teens today.

Almost ALL of the teens undergoing gender surgery are somewhere on the milder end of the autism spectrum - aspergers, adhd, bipolar etc. Being lost in space/low locus of control/inability to anchor/lack-of-peer-group/identity crisis is one of the hallmarks of (mild) autism ie neurologically disturbed child.

Brain inflammation in the early childhood, even very mild, will almost inevitably impair normal brain development and lead to lifelong neurological consequences.

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“ Some patients in the case reports have had complete recovery after treatment with with steroids or other immunosuppressants.”

Guys, guys, calm down. The brain inflammation is *mild* and *transient.* just like myocarditis and inflation!

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As someone who has suffered a permanent nerve injury from a vaccine, the fact that this exists at all should be exclusionary from "mandating" these poisons on anyone, especially without liability.

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I seriously want to know if this is contributing to mental illness in younger people. Depression, anxiety, suicidal ideation all through the roof.

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I'm sure covering kids faces for two years didn't help either.

I'm still astonished that people don't understand that.

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“None is so blind as he who will NOT see”

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several books relate the multiple jabs for children to all kinds of diseases. It is the highest time for parents to wake up and stop jabbing their children like crazy, and first wait and see. Very little illnesses are deadly to children, and some of the jabs ARE.

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https://www.integrativepsychiatry.net/health-condition/brain-inflammation/ Apparently the answer is yes.

Dr Been had a guest in months ago who was predicting a dementia pandemic soon. This might explain that hypothesis.

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It’s more likely due to isolation during the pandemic and increase in social media use.

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And the constant mental health messaging. High school and college campuses are covered in flyers and other communication about mental health. I fear it is increasing both physical and mental hypochondria. Many kids now identify physical or mental conditions as a badge of honor. Victimhood gives them status.

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Depends on the age imo.

Couldn't helped that's for sure.

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I suspect that it is a contributing factor, but would wager that it is primarily due to loneliness and isolation related to the lockdowns, masking, and other COVID hysteria. Our social/relational, and spiritual needs are more important than our physical needs.

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Agreed at the lesser affected end of the spectrum. I guess I’m speaking about the other end. It’s quite alarming there.

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Yes, def. Also to gender dysmorphia in teens. See my comment above.

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As someone who experienced this first hand, officially diagnosed 14 months later with “autoimmune encephalitis” I can tell you this is real and it is dangerous.

Imagine losing your mind while consciously knowing it’s happening, but you can’t control or stop it. Then have no doctors believe you or your family that it could be related to the jab and that you’ve never suffered from a psychiatric illness before.

My life was flipped on its head, literally. I’m lucky to be alive and battled through the darkest days to get back to normal. Very thankful and also very angry this isn’t broadly covered.

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Prayers for you & hope for recovery!

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Sorry you have to endure this. WE believe you.

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On top of this, Peter McCullough, MD-reknowned cardiologist and epidemiologist who DARED to question the actions taken due to the "pandemic" ,the safety and efficacy of the "vaccines", as well as advocating for early Tx is now being PUNISHED. He has been removed as Editor of two medical journals and is having his medical license revoked! Think you still live in The US with a Constitution?See LifeSite News Nov 8th.

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Just rather perplexed why reporting on these things matters anymore. Will we be reading reports like this 1, 3, 5 years from now? To date Nov 9, 2022 approaching 3 years post Fauci funded gain of function wuh-flu lab release in CHINA not ONE person responsible (they are known) has remotely been held accountable. Not ONE! Sure these articles are entertaining and we all enjoy throwing comments at them, but what is the fricken POINT! Look at was has been allowed to happen to humanity in totality and is still allowed unabated and especially with children. Just sayin...

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And Birx even admitted publicly that the vax was ineffective, yet all we hear are crickets. They get away Scott free

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Jab. Bad. Period.

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It is not just the mRNA inducing an immune response, but a current paper based on autopsy results shows that the spike protein from the "vaccines" crosses the blood-brain barrier and is deposited in endothelial cells (blood vessels) and to a lesser extent in neurons. The spike protein by itself is pathogenic. Although not a target of this study in that it is a chronic or subacute disease is the very real likelihood of the vaxed developing prion (CJD) disease from brain deposits of mRNA, spike protein, or a combination....present and future disaster.

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I have a friend that was fully jabbed and 3 weeks ago had a stroke that was diagnosed and went into rehab as his system shut down. When the rehab started, the first day, he had another (Stroke?) and was posted to the IC, where he stayed for 10 days under extreme care. He has been taken out of IC and is still in a guarded condition. I doubt if his attending physicians has considered mRNA as a suspect. I fully expect many bizarre episodes will be false identified as the symptoms presented mimic many other diagnoses and the American Public is at extreme risk. The absence of studies of mRNA exposer is certainly criminal behavior, and Congress has okayed a free pass.

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Hard to believe people are still jabbing themselves with this “medicine.”

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I have 4 highly intelligent friends (allegedly--now I wonder!) who were super stoked to get their new omicron boosters plus flu shots. Two of them promptly got so sick they isolated for 10 days.

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"tHaT mEaNs ItS wOrKiNg!"

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Nov 9, 2022Edited
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Tons of kids are sick in my area right now, and probably 98% got omicron boosters and flu shots at the same visit. I know because their moms brag on Facebook about it. My own unjabbers had a cold last week. No bigs.

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My 5 times jabbed MIL and aunt just got over horrific bouts of Covid (they aren’t related so completely separate cases.) I’m certain they are praising the jabs because certainly they saved their lives. 😑

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Maybe they really needed the time off?

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Not if you don't see the facts as presented by Alex. I have republican friends who see through the climate alarmism but have faith that their 5 shots kept them from serious disease and will dutifully line up for shot #6. When even Fox is running public service ads for the COVID vaccines, you see how much information is not getting through. As a mom of two college age kids, I resent the lack of testing on these vaccines and am fearful of what they did and will do to my kids and potential grandkids. And the lack of facts on vaccines and the harm of mandates in the mainstream media and social media is why lockdown/mandate happy governors like the Democrats in Minnesota, Michigan, Wisconsin and New York were reelected.

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Brain inflammation on the part of the voters? Hence, John Fetterman.

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F elected pretty much SUMS all up doesn't it in America

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People get the government they voted for. The problem with lurch getting into the Senate is that I had no say, being from NY, and his presence will have a negative effect on my life. Not that Oz was such a great candidate but how could any sane person vote for Fetterman. Oh, right, I just answered my own question.

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So much for saying it is safe and effective!?

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I have friends who have bellied up for their fifth jabs after getting their it-could-have-been-worse Covid infections.

Really smart people, too.

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Welcome to Seattle

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And Northern Virginia

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I understand Brain Inflammation causes denial of voter fraud and Ivermectin efficacy. Wait, Alex, did you take the vaxx???

Ok, just kidding, I hope...

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