Well, I’m a physician, and even though I don’t take care of infectious disease issues, I know enough from medical school and my time in internship/ residency to know that this virus didn’t follow true biological standards, which strongly suggested it was Weaponized, and then the treatment process has been absolutely vile and despicable!

Do you know what folks, I don’t care who is offended or outraged, we need a full scale riot, we need to drag disruptive uncaring cruel people out of their offices and put them in stockades and shame and humiliate them to a point that they flee this country.

People, in my opinion, in positions of entrenched leadership, authority, and influence, are abject failures and need to be completely ostracized and marginalized out of at least the American existence, if not to the fringe of humanity!

Sorry Mr. Berenson, I call it the way I see it, this is the end of civilization as we know it, until proven otherwise…

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Why are so many doctors SILENT??? Many are saying they are seeing patient after patient with jab adverse events. I don't believe for one minute that they don't know what's happening.

So are some of them incentivized by Big pharma? I know that was the case for the opiate crisis.

When people really figure this out and what that death shot is truly meant to do, politicians heads will roll and the medical community will never be trusted again.

Thank you for speaking out.

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the reason we are not speaking out because we are all employed by large healthcare organizations that get the majority of their funding from the government. if we say one thing that goes against what leadership says -- we get fired. believe me - I watched in the pandemic - if people saw what was going on ...the loss of independent physicians in America is a serious problem.

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Gee, I wonder what’s going to happen to all these lovely doctors/ colleagues of mine who abandoned their principles and Hippocratic Oath and basically turned their backs on the public strictly for a political agenda.

As I wrote here previously, watch what happens when you rob people of hope and faith, that’s why you see murder/ suicides until proven otherwise, and frankly, you’re going to see more doctors be killed because of their complete loss of responsibility and agreeing to be a provider to “first do no harm”…

Denying people access to ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine these past 12 months, I don’t pray for any physician, or pharmacist who actively refused to provide a patient that intervention once Covid was genuinely suspected in place the first few days of symptoms.

Wow, and we’re not talking about a very small minority of doctors, my money is close to half of my colleagues basically said by their actions, “Forget you, your death is more important than your life, I have agendas and narratives to maintain!“

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My last meeting with my GP was pretty awkward. I think we both know the score here, and it's dismal.

There's still time for the profession to show some spine, but whatever happens, people are not going to forget it for a long time.

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It would be nice to see some spine. I’m a dermatologist and I’ve had to step up and treat COVID patients because they couldn’t get help elsewhere. I feel competent to do this but it shouldn’t be happening. The funny thing is that a not insignificant number of dermatologists are doing the same thing. I heard secondhand about an incident which took place at a colleague’s office. A patient arrived for her appointment without a mask during the period of time when a mask mandate was in place. The doctor’s nurse informed him of this and asked what should be done. The doctor responded “I don’t know what you’re going to do but I’m going to see the patient.” Love it!

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that's especially brave because any Karen in the office who thinks she "got Covid again" because of this will make trouble. They should have put litigation caps on healthcare long ago but too many ambulance chasers are in Congress.

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A long time…

To me equals one’s lifetime?

Trust is earned , not taken for granted, as many health care providers these days think being labeled “heroes” gives them Carte Blanche to be insensitive uncaring cretins.

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lol here’s a supposed doctor claiming we should round up the politicians for crimes against humanity as the doctors and nurses stood silent and watched everyone die and never acted or tried to save a life for fear of losing their job.

Following an unlawful order makes you just as guilty as the ones giving the unlawful orders.

Sounds like he gets to go to Nuremberg 2.0 also.

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You can also blame the pharmacists who refused to fill prescriptions for ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine and the pharmacy boards that backed this behavior. The situation is not as black and white as you suggest.

Dr. Marik, a pulmonologist and pioneer in the treatment of COVID, has recently been forbidden to treat patients in the ICU he runs with Ivermectin. The guilty party here is the hospital administration. Other hospital administrators have prevented hospitalized patients from being treated with ivermectin even after an order to do so was ordered by a judge.

So you’ve got the dummies who believe the CDC and practice medicine accordingly and you have physicians who are trying to save lives but are prevented from prescribing, fired for prescribing (Dr. Simone Gold) attacked and vilified.

I’m going to suggest that those of you hating on ALL physicians get off your fannies and help those physicians who are trying to save lives. Contact your legislators. Protest. Picket pharmacies and hospitals obstructing physicians from saving lives. Send a donation to AmericasFrontlineDoctors.org. One of the founders of this group, Dr. Simone Gold, was fired because she prescribed hydroxychloroquine to her COVID patients. She’s since been slandered, libeled and generally vilified all over creation. This group is doing some heavy lifting and could use your support. There’s also a petition you can sign supporting Dr. Marik. I’ll find it and post it below. I think that unless you’re involved in the fight it’s a little hypocritical to attack physicians. There are about 800,000 physicians in the U.S.. We have no political clout and we can’t fight this fight alone.

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Can’t print the link. Go to RallyCall. #StandWithMarik.

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Mike what have you done?

I’m distressed that many of my colleagues still trust the CDC , the FDA etc... but I don’t believe that most are acting out of self interest. I think that most genuinely believe that they are acting in good faith and practicing good medicine. They’re wrong in my opinion but they aren’t evil or malevolent. On the other hand politicians pushing this are supporting an evil agenda for population control. You’re hating on the wrong group.

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Being naïve or clueless is not an excuse to be given a pass…

Lots of physicians are not providing immediate interventions that could avoid hospitalizations, and if you don’t know that, then if that rock is too heavy, shriek for some help to pull it up

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>Mike what have you done?

Not listening to the FDA/CDC and watching people die while not trying anything new to save them because my marching orders came from hospital administrators and I was more concerned about money then my conscience.

If you’re only speaking out now you were part of the problem and should be treated as one. As soon as the money stopped flowing into your bank account you finally spoke up.

I’ve helped numerous people obtain religious exemptions snd new employment that don’t require the vax. I’ve helped people acquire ivermectin and they’ve saved family members instead of taking them to the death camps you worked at.

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Gee, MIKE here is so funny, I forgot to take a shit in his honor…

Probably a diehard dedicated leftist or conservative shit bag who just goes to the polls and looks for the letter to vote for…

What’s in a name, right, MIKE…

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What are you taking about?

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The same thing that will happen to you, you left after almost two years once the paychecks stopped, you’re just as guilty as your colleagues.

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Oh come on. They’re brain dead and stupid. They’re not malicious.

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So you weren’t brain dead and stupid, you did it for the money until it was gone, pick a lane?

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No. I’m not brain dead or stupid. I’m thinking that you might be stupid though. Heck maybe you’re just a troll. You can’t have read any of my comments. I’ve never denied a patient treatment. I don’t work for an entity and I don’t let anyone dictate to me about how to practice medicine. I’m sorry that you think that physicians shouldn’t be compensated for their services but the income I make from providing those services is still rolling in. Suck on that dummy.

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Well, grow a spine and stop doing evil!

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I don’t know to whom you’re directing this but my spine is in great shape and I’m absolutely being a force for good. What are you doing to help?

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TPTB don’t want physicians in private practice. That makes them harder to control. They’ve been able to more or less force family practitioners and internists to become employees because insurance reimbursement pays nothing for an hourlong visit with a patient who has hypertension, diabetes and cardiac disease.

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and the reason so many doctors are part of large healthcare organizations is because ACA rules were anti-independent drs. Obamacare sucks still.

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So you’re an accomplice by stating quiet? You let people die for money? Sounds like a great person.

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No Mike - I spoke out and was terminated. Now I can't treat anyone. You see how it works? There is a thing called contracts and restrictive covenants.

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I meant to reply to crc not you.

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And when was that?

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I’m sorry that happened. Mike is an idiot.

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Yes, I’m an idiot. You claim the ones that stayed are brain dead and it’s not malicious, you also blame pharmacists. It seems like it’s everyone else except you.

If they’re this brain dead after almost two years they should consider a new career. I know what comes down from the administrators and they follow along, guilty.

You have no idea who or what I know.

You knew but kept collecting a paycheck until you wouldn’t take a jab, now you think you’re a hero.

You’re just as guilty as the rest, probably even more so since supposedly you were in the 20% that weren’t “brain dead” and should’ve known better.

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Because they are being fired if they are in a group practice.

They are being denied admitting privileges at hospitals where they once had them,\. They are losing their medical license.

You spend untold years in school becoming an MD, racking up hundreds of thousand$$$ in school debt, then throw it all away by taking a stand, only to find you're standing alone The bullies are out to wreck them.

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Following unlawful orders makes you just as guilty as giving them. They stood down as told and have killed 100,000’s because they were worried of losing their jobs while people in the private sector are being forced to be vaccinated or lose their job.

They are just as guilty as every politician. If they all would’ve stood up and treated people the government wouldn’t have been able to stop them.

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So why are you not supporting physicians who are speaking out? They need your help. There are being attacked and marginalized.

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I have supported doctors, researchers and any healthcare worker who’s spoken out since everyone realized it’s been a scam but not the ones who were recently fired after states mandated the jab for healthcare workers. There’s 1000’s of them who now all of a sudden have a conscious and are outraged about what’s been going on in the hospitals that they’ve witnessed and never did a thing until their money got cut off.

You can’t go anywhere online without reading an article with their sob story of losing their job and how hospitals are testing patients and they’re outraged but chose to remain silent.

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Coz, their medical licenses are at stake

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Kay, most docs are more interested in protecting their guild, and their income and praise, than in protecting their patients. Look up McCullough on Rumble for a startling indictment of the medical industry. 90% of docs fell in line with the prohibitions against HCQ, ivermectin and other unannointed solutions despite tons of evidence of effectiveness preventing hospitalization. It’s ironic that NIH cares so little for health. Not profitable. Follow the money.

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Define “most”, and back it up with irrefutable facts.

Let’s reflect it back for impact:

Most people named David Watson are irresponsible self serving jerks.

Get the point, over generalizing cretin?!

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As an addendum, I’ll give you this, Mr. Watson, most Americans don’t deserve the right to freedom autonomy choice and independence, because if responsible caring concerned Americans really paid attention, the left’s fragrant agenda to crush hope and faith and irrevocably enslave if not kill anyone who dares to dissent the sociopathic Leftist agenda, these scum would be rejected and sent to exile or death faster than they could finish the hideous lying Co\/id comments.

How’s that for a generalization…

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They have meds for that. If you have a coherent question or comment, let us know.

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Nice little snide arrogant leftist retort, this David Watson representing that self serving jerk majority. I am onto you, the others who want to be civil and tolerant to a jerk saying most physicians are only interested in their own guild income and praise is precursor to coming accusations we are racists…

You are transparent, Xe Watson…

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Truth! Threw my television out in 2012.

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Well David I’m not one of them. I’m risking my license and therefore my career and livelihood. I think that that gives me the right to ask you what you are doing to fight government overreach and medical totalitarianism. If your answer is nothing I think that you should stop attacking other people, get up off your behind and join the fight. You’re also wrong in thinking that most physicians refused to right for off-label drugs to treat COVID. (I don’t actually have a figure on the number of my colleagues who are brainwashed. I think that most of these even think they are practicing good medicine. They’ve even been vaccinated poor things.) For the first time in the history of my career in medicine physicians have actually been prevented from prescribing an FDA approved drug off-label. Unheard off!

Pharmacies wouldn’t fill prescriptions.

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I wasn't attacking, just reporting the assessment of Dr McCollough, who seems to have pretty good visibility of the industry. There are no real numbers, and for every doctor there are degrees of concern. I'm not in the industry, so I can't do anything directly, but I expect the most effective actions will be in the courts. So I contribute to legal funds such as adflegal.org that are fighting the corrupt tyrants. I also contribute to politicians who have a shot at replacing the corrupt tyrants.

I won't ask you to discuss in public what you're doing to "risk your license" but I'm pleased to hear you're trying. Some docs are risking more than others, but every effort helps, so we're rooting for you.

It will be interesting to see how the medical industry adjusts to this disaster. The industry reputation, and that of a lot of individual members, has been seriously damaged. It will take a lot of work for them to regain it.

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You’re right. No one has those stats. What am I doing? I speak out against the mask fetish, the futility of lockdowns to “stop the spread”. I provide vaccine mandate exemption letters and I am providing prescriptions to patients for ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine. I’m discussing risk vs benefit of vaccination with this crap with my patients. That’s alienated some folk but you can’t please everyone. Any physician doing the above is placing his or her medical license at risk. This is a decision that I’ve made. I don’t blame other physicians for being unwilling to do this. As I’ve said previously I think that many physicians think that they are behaving responsibly and providing what’s available in the way of care to their patients.

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Coz, their medical licenses are at stake

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I’m also a physician. I spoke out against mask use and I was reported to my medical board. (They couldn’t actually do anything to me but it was annoying.) I now speak out against the vaccines currently available my main concern being safety especially as they seem to be ineffective. I think that employed physician who do this risk being fired. I’m in solo private practice so I have more leeway to express an opinion running counter to the official narrative. I don’t believe that there is any kickback coming from Big Pharma. In fact I’m sure of that. I think that many physicians are herd animals when it comes to following directives. Blind obedience to authority has never been my thing.

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Western medical training was corrupted by Rockefeller and Big Pharma. Garbage in . Garbage out. What do you expect?

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Be careful, my friend! I don't disagree with your thoughts on where we are headed, but right now, physicians are being targeted. Speaking out may very well cost a license--not to say that it won't come to that, but for now, have your ducks in a row to protect yourself.


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This reminds me of a famous movie quote. Alex Berenson is a frequent guest on the Steve Deace Show. Deace often quotes this scene from "The Untouchables," starring Kevin Costner as Eliot Ness and Sean Connery as Jim Malone.

Malone to Ness: "What are you prepared to do?"

Ness: "Everything within the law."

Malone: "And THEN what are you prepared to do?"

I'm not advocating law-breaking.

But every adult needs to be asking themselves right now: "What am I prepared to do?"

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Everyone is a target if not on their knees pleasing diseased Leftist pelvis…

Yeah, a hypocrite for further reply, but compelled to reply…

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Oh, I don't disagree. I'm just saying be ready to lose your license over this. You will absolutely be "disciplined" for speaking out. But, we all know there is a point in time where our conscience dictates we do what we must. I'm on the verge of walking away from my clinic. After all the years of education and residency and clinical practice... it's a shame.

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Hypocritical Oath…

Doctors are just a few points higher in public trust over politicians, Lame Scream propaganda machine media, and…teachers!

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But I will also say this: there are still some good docs out there. While I am greatly concerned about the suppression of dialogue and any critical evaluation of COVID and the vaccine, I have found that there are still a number of physicians who are practicing thoughtful and individualized care, and who haven't drunk the Kool-aid. Let's not eat our own and become as intolerant as many of our colleagues. Fostering dialogue will change some minds, and being humble and compassionate in our dealings with patients is still possible. I'm not going to let this vitriol and division change who I am, though I will stand confidently and proudly for truth and freedom.

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But you will have a LOT of new patients who will consult with you via telemedicine who will not care whether you are licensed!

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That will land us in a prison cell thank you very much. That’s something I’m not willing to do for you all! Practicing without a license is a felony in most states and it comes with jail time. Sentences range from one to eight years.

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I feel the same way. I’ll probably retire soon.

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Start on the repulsive governor of Oregon.

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Let me known when and where to show up!

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THANK YOU sir. Please keep offending. It absolutely has to be said. You said everything that needs to be screamed from the rooftops. It is the end of civilization as we know it.

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Thanks Doc for your unfiltered laser shot. But there's no actual mechanism on this board to filter out covert PsyOps agents. Sorry, but you seem to be either a 1) glowie, or 2) a leftist working for a failed media .org. Just calling it the way it is.

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Yeah, well, beats being a loser or obnoxious jerk, pal!…..

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Talk to Dr. Bright. He was a decision maker. Poor Dr. Zelenko was run out of town. https://www.bitchute.com/video/WHIktyjGEPcF/

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Have you ever been a whistleblower of a medical situation? I was, I took on the local hospital and two colleagues in my field who basically ignored the poor and the developmentally disabled, and I was run out of town…

So, it’s true, you’ve got to walk in the F’ing shoes before you bitch about the steps…

Doctors, they are zeros, not heroes, just like teachers, who are equally as disgusting despicable disdainful and deserving of being ostracized into nonexistence…

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Funny that you should ask. As a matter of fact I am a whistleblower. I was the relator in a qui tam suit that went to the SCOTUS. It took six years but I got a compliance plan in place, money back for the government and I declined any bounty. What did you say your specialty was again?

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Good for you, I’m sure your ticket to heaven was punched…

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If you’ll read my comments you’ll see that I have zero things to apologize for. I’m disappointed and angry but I think I’ll pass on being self-righteous or suggesting that physicians be tried in Nuremberg tribunals. Now Fauci and the criminals running the scamdemic are another matter.

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You’re one of those physicians I went to med school with who embraced the fraternity attitude, that you protect your buddies even when they fuck up so relentlessly, because they are doctors, and who else can judge us!

The Hippocratic oath transcends this fraternity bullshit attitude, that’s why people like you who are apologetic for the hideous partisan MDs who are killing people, you frat brother mentality are as disgusting and pathetic as those blatantly practicing malfeasance and abandonment!

And I don’t expect you to suddenly have a responsible realization, because your writings in this entire thread are basically saying to me, “hey man, we can’t control the people who set policy, so shut the fuck up everybody else!”

Chinese Terrorism Gone Viral, has revealed who is selfish and uncaring and unwilling to set appropriate boundaries, and doctors are exhibit A…

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I don’t think so. I’m not a team player at all. Quite the reverse in fact. I’m also not male.

Also that’s not at all what I’m saying. I’m saying that we should go after the people who set policy. I’ve also got to say that you sound a little “ cra cra when you talk about “killing physicians” or trying them for crimes against humanity.

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I don’t think we need to know what your gender is. But, keep holding onto your perspectives as tightly as possible, I’m sure it will serve you and your colleagues well.

If people don’t rise up to genuinely take the Hippocratic oath seriously and shut down the scumbags we work with, whether those “in the trenches” or people who run hospitals and bureaucratic agencies run amok…, your words are empty, deeds not words are what define us…

And you sound just like Drew Pinsky on the Adam Carolla/ Drew Pinsky show, keep bemoaning what is wrong, and yet, continues to defend the idiocy and violation of principle by the likes of bastard Fauci and the CDC bitch…

Deflecting, minimizing, and pathological rationalization are just immature pathological defense mechanisms, and they only benefit evil and sociopathy, which is basically the same thing.

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Okie dokie. I don’t have the power to shut anyone down. If you do have at it.

I’m sorry. I find it really really hard to believe that you’re a physician. What did you say your specialty is?

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Wholeheartedly agree

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I applaud your comment. Would that every medical professional and citizen call it like this. My Twitter handle is @EyesonCensors. I’d like to connect with you. You can follow and dm me if you would like. Thanks.

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As an update to this comment 3 1/2 months later, read this from a doctor at americanthinker.com, and then I’ll give you the highlights underneath in quotes:


“ The American Federation of Medical Specialists makes it clear, “Physicians who generate and spread COVID-19 vaccine misinformation or disinformation are risking disciplinary action by state medical boards, including the suspension or revocation of their medical license.””

“Hopefully asking thoughtful questions and observing how the medical authorities like Dr. Anthony Fauci have changed their own positions on vaccines is not considered “misinformation.” Or that citing the CDC and major news organizations won’t be considered “disinformation.” In the 1950s, x-raying pregnant women was standard practice, and questioning that harmful procedure, were such a thing to be done in the 1950s with today’s climate now might be considered mis- or disinformation.”

This person CRC keeps challenging me as to why I speak the way I do and don’t cut colleagues a break. Well, if state and federal organizations are going to lie to us and then punish us for calling them on the lies, and all people do is just stay silent and go along with it, yeah, that’s Nuremberg consequences, and the CRCs who just want our colleagues to skate and have no consequences for apathy and indifference, fuck you all!

People who stand for nothing fall for anything, and as far as I’m concerned , colleagues who abandon their responsibilities, they can fall on a pile of stakes facing up…

Preferably in a deep pit of more than 6 feet, so we can just cover their bodies without much effort.

Co\/id is two things to me:

We have seen who is selfless and who is selfish, and even worse, who is soulless shameless and sociopathic; and second, Chinese Terrorism gone Viral will crush humanity, and much of it because people are kneeling and waiting to be run over…

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Calm down doctor. How about getting some of your colleagues to say something? I'm having trouble with mine. The two broad categories I've experienced are the brainwashed and the cowardly silenced. I've called Sirius doctors show and got to talk to a virologist. But I've never heard any other doctors call and criticize.

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You haven’t made the effort to look then. They’re being dragged through the mud all over the Internet. How about the public starts to act. You cannot expect physicians to do all the heavy lifting. If we had any clout Obamacare wouldn’t exist.

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What is the opposite of progress?


How does sociopathy metastasize so easily? People who should speak and act in defiance and dissent are instead silent and inactive...

Sorry, I commented after above finish, now done, good luck with the thread.

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Yeah, well, I guess how many hundreds of thousands of avoidable deaths need to be felt and seen before Americans realize, the elites of this culture, regardless of the party affiliation these cretins have with politics, are useless as potential caring, concerned, committed to American principles, humans.

Wait for it folks, these Leftist scum will be talking about "internment Camps", which is code for concentration camps, with brutality and murder soon to follow...

But, hey, why do you think the Left wants to eradicate History from public school curriculums, eh?!?!

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Deprogramming camps. Katie, Couric, Mika Brzezinski, and others have said Trump supporters need to be deprogrammed. It's an accepted idea. Nobody says it's ridiculous.

Look for them to start loading us into cattle cars to send us to deprogramming camps.

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Lead will fly like the world has never seen. 75+ million of us have the resources to make sure not one American is ever put in a cattle car.

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Why do you think they want to take our guns.

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EO 9066

Check it out!

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Thank you for posting this... so few people know.

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What many do not realize is that the US today is currently in a Pearl Harbor moment. What we decide to do today in responding to the madness will determine whether or not freedoms survive and we get to keep our republic.

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Dr. Paul has engaged in impassioned debate. I have yet to see any meaningful action. More theater from our overlords in D.C.. I don’t remember Dr. Paul speaking out about a stolen election.

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I have never understood how vax efficacy (at least in terms of preventing death) could be demonstrated at all for a virus with an IFR of .05% for people under 70 (according to Ioannidis). How big would the sample size have to be, in order to prove a statistically significant reduction? What - you show a decrease in IFR from .05 to .025%?? Boosting the insanity indeed. (And thank you, Sir, for your amazing work.)

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This is why using absolute instead of relative efficacy is so deeply flawed. When people say "the vaccines are 95% effective at preventing" what you have to realize is the human body is anywhere from 90-99.9% effective without the vaccines. For many people, the vaccine effect is literally zero. It does nothing to prevent serious outcome or death for many young people. For most people, you're better off staying diligent via social distancing and proper hygiene, and staying healthy via exercise, sunlight, and good diet, than taking the vaccine.

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this is spot on. Just think about the advice "experts" have given us in regard to this virus. It is all counter to naturally boosting your immune system. Instead of telling people to get outdoors and take some walks, supplement your diat with zinc, vitamin c and other healthy immune boosters. They told you stay indoors and order uber eats while you watch TV. If you do venture out wear a mask at all times and stay as far away from people as you can. The fact people still trust these liars is scary.

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Shouldn't it be "with using relative instead of absolute"? But I dislike statistics too much to figure out the official definitions.

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Everything is relative. It’s a question of what you want to compare to. CJ is right that the rational comparison is to natural immune function. Also remember the statistics are an average. A vax that works for 95% of people is 100% effective for that 95% and 0% effective for the rest. Although, as CJ notes, no vax is effective for most of us, who enjoy healthy immune function. This virus seems to be easy prey for normal immune health. Those with compromised immune health have varying degrees of dysfunction, resulting in the wide range of outcomes we have observed, so it’s never absolute. Your mileage may vary. You can learn to protect yourself. Bottom line — hysteria is unnecessary.

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Also, we're being told that the vax reduces symptoms. But most covid infections produce zero symptoms. You can't go lower than zero symptoms. And the currently predominant Delta variant produces milder symptoms already, so the effect of the vax is irrelevant.

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Immunity is not binary, but varies with the health of each individual. Vaccines give people a head start fighting infections, as does acquired immunity from prior infection. Symptoms are the body's reaction to infection, so quicker response gives milder symptoms. The vax doesn't make much improvement for people with strong immune health. Everyone should try to develop strong immune system. Most dont.

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This is not logic.

Coerced boosters for all ages are certainly a weird, irresponsible, scary idea. But it does not at all follow that, because biology is messy, nothing can be measured and the effect of everything is irrelevant.

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I’ve seen nothing to support that statement. It’s just the latest talking point.

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I had the same thought. Relative efficacy can be so misleading.

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Agree! That is what we are doing, not vaccinated. We are careful changed our diet to not include any processed food, sugar, less carbs overall. Take a D and zinc supplement daily . Also oregano oil the taste is awful, I only use it when I feel a scratchy throat or stuffy nose. 3 drops cut with organic coconut oil 2-3 times a day until symptoms are gone. Been doing this for 6 + years and no colds!

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I have not had a head cold in 35 years. Besides the D3 and Zinc I also take Vitamin C and Garlic supplements. I eat a reasonably healthy diet and take walks for exercise. I reached 69 years of age without requiring any prescription drugs. There is lots of information now available on healthy eating and making simple lifestyle changes to strengthen your immune system. I am the one responsible for my own health. No Jab for me and no prescription drugs.

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Excellent points. Thanks. You state it so clearly.

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I’ve been saying this ad nauseum but vaccine enthusiasts look at me as though I have taken crazy- pills. Thanks for affirming what I see to be a crucial and obvious point.

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Isn't that the truth? Nail meet head. That look like you NOT lining up like a dead zombie for that Mengele inspired shot is nuts.

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Yes. I feel I cannot even discuss it with some of my friends. They have watched so much fear porn on the news about covid they lose sight of reality. If someone we know gets it then it is all the buzz buzz buzz and then I remind people of the high likelihood of survivability and advanced therapeutic treatment it’s like they think I just landed on the planet. Even after countless examples of people we know who had it and recovered🤷🏻‍♀️

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Yes, they think catching Covid is a death sentence, even though they know a lot of people who recovered and few who died from it.

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CNN's business is mass hysteria and they're good at it.

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Some of those pratfalls were pretty pathetic.

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Recall a year ago, all the pundits were mocking Sweden for their no-lockdown approach.

This story from an obscure media source gives us an update: Daily COVID Deaths in Sweden Hit Zero, as Other Nations Brace for More Lockdowns https://fee.org/articles/daily-covid-deaths-in-sweden-hit-zero-as-other-nations-brace-for-more-lockdowns/

An excerpt: Sweden, of course, was maligned in 2020 for foregoing a strict lockdown. The Guardian called its approach “a catastrophe” in the making, while CBS News said Sweden had become “an example of how not to handle COVID-19.”

A year ago Sweden did indeed look pretty scary - 8th worst of all countries. The only developed countries with worse numbers were Italy, UK, and Spain, which were only slightly worse.

Six months ago, Sweden had dropped to 23rd place.

Today, Sweden is in 42nd place.

Sweden's situation has improved. Many of the nations that moved ahead of Sweden on the bad list (France , Portugal, Spain, US, UK, Poland, Italy, Belgium, and Hungary) have had extreme lockdowns. What was their pay-off?

There's an argument to be made the lockdowns killed a lot of people. If the countries that were behind Sweden a year ago had just stayed even, and not surpassed Sweden, tens of thousands of people who died would still be alive.

This is the source data for the above rankings: https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/rate-confirmed-cases-vs-rate-confirmed-deaths?tab=table&time=2021-08-02

Another update on Sweden: https://welovetrump.com/2021/08/08/heres-your-sweden-update-the-mainstream-media-refuses-to-talk-about/

Explain it to me again - why do the brilliant people making government policy think more lockdowns are the solution?

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I never understood the attacks on Sweden. Their policy made sense - yet they were treated like some kind of pariah state.

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Had to strangle the infant in the crib. If they could.

Couldn't permit it.

Now they're trying to disappear Sweden by ignoring it- pretending it doesn't exist.

Part of the playbook.

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Sweden was the world’s “control group.” Recall that Pfizer and Moderna destroyed their own control groups by contaminating them: ultimately all participants were given the vaccine, so we will never know just how much more effective the vaccine was for the vaxxed vs the unvaxxed:


I suspect this is what really lies at the heart of the desperate and relentless push to get 100% of the population vaccinated. They are trying to destroy the “control” groups so that if anyone gets sick, disabled or dies in the future, it can always be blamed on a “variant.”

The one thing I’ve learned in the last 18 months is that if you think like a sociopath, and you will always be able to anticipate the next moves these clowns will make.

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Nailed it. Gates didn't buy a testing company cause he loves math.

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Thank you for bringing up the control group issue. I’m no science whiz, but I know enough to understand what a control group is for. If TPTB got their wish and 100% of the population took the jab, what would they measure the results against? Themselves, maybe? (I can’t help but wonder what, if any, shot THEY got?)

If TPTB will lie about the efficacy/safety of widespread, daily masking (see https://www.city-journal.org/do-masks-work-a-review-of-the-evidence), what ELSE will they lie about?

The hubris is appalling.

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brilliant analysis. Thanks for pointing me to this. Im wondering: how vaxxed exactly was/is Sweden's population?Also, considering the wide ranging antibodies produced by those who have had covid: is that more of a path toward herd immunity, as opposed to having the vax.

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Sweden is supposedly 46% vaxxed: https://ourworldindata.org/covid-vaccinations?country=OWID_WRL

It's difficult to find any studies that focus on natural immunity because there's really no interest (not surprisingly) in funding those studies. Practically speaking, if the government or other deep pocket isn't paying for research, it's not going to happen.

That said, everything we've been "told" suggests that antibodies that are created from naturally acquiring the virus fade in a matter of months. I'm not sure if I believe that, but even if it is the case, we're now seeing that vaccine efficacy also fades very quickly.

Moreover, my understanding is that in addition to creating antibodies, being infected by the virus naturally allows the body to develop "killer"/T-cells, which appear to become part of the body's native immune system and are much more resistant to pathogens than antibodies (or vaccines) on a long-term basis. I have no way of confirming this, of course, but it seems logical that the more people who develop T-cells in response to COVID, the greater the likelihood of achieving herd immunity.

Again, thinking like a sociopath, if I wanted to put a population at the greatest possible risk, I would make sure they are NOT naturally exposed to the virus so that they cannot develop the antibodies and T-cells that will protect them on a long-term basis from COVID-19. Lockdowns for extended periods of time would be an "ideal" way of accomplishing this, no?


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The point of treatment is the benefits should profoundly outweigh the risks if worth accepting.

We now see the benefits barely outweigh risks. The morbidity and mortality aren’t much lower than having Co\/id…

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Back of the envelop math with lots of assumptions:

If probability of death is 0.5% and if you want to estimate it within 5% relative error (i.e. 0.475% to 0.525%) with 95% confidence, then you need a sample of about 300,000. If you want to estimate that vaccine reduces that 0.5% to 0.25%, then the sample size is approximately double of previous estimate: 600,000.

Sample size of the order thousands or even 10's of thousands generate error margins that are too large to be useful.

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Statistical power depends on sample size, alpha level, and effect size. Since it looks like the effect size may be limited for this treatment and you can't change the alpha level (there is widespread consensus that it should be .05 to balance type I and type II error) a large sample would be needed. At the end of the day, it is an estimate. If you want to dig into it this is a good article: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7745163/ which after reading if you want to try some calculations for yourself this looks like a helpful site: http://powerandsamplesize.com/Calculators/

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Exactly my question. And never seen anyone else put it this well. Anywhere. Nobody even thinks to ask.

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The study has already been done. It's called the Pfizer phase III trial. There were a bit over 20000 in each arm. The vaccine dramatically reduced cases. It also reduced severe cases, although, as you expect, the numbers is these arms are small. However, it's a good bet that if you never have symptoms, you are less likely to suffer morbidity and mortality.

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I would hardly call the results dramatic. The ARR (absolute risk reduction) in ages 16-55 was 2.05%.

More important to this discussion: This study's cutoff date was March 13. The so-called Delta variant was in ascendancy. Furthermore, this study does not differentiate between Alpha and Delta. The efficacy - relative or absolute - for this most prevalent variant is 100% effin' meaningless.

Let's look at the data - real world-style - out of the UK. Between June 21 and July 19, the ARR between vaxxed and unvaxxed for an overnight hospital stay due to c19 was 0.5% using the most vaxx friendly data (meaning that all hospital overnights that were c19 pos are included, which is different than hospital overnights where the patient came in to the hospital due to c19 symptoms. ARR for this = 0.29%). Keep in mind that therapeutics like Regeneron have not been approved for use.

Regeneron, HCQ, Ivermectin, and Dexamethasone show significant promise. The efficacy of each of these varies. Regeneron and HCQ need to be used in the first 2-3 days of symptoms or they demonstrate little effect. Ivermectin (antifungal) and Dex (corticosteroid) work best in conjunction with each other and show effectiveness even if given after D+3, but the benefit diminishes the more time passes.

Just stop pushing these unsupportable conclusions like 'dramatically reduced'. It's not helpful in the search for truth.

Source for Pfizer Data: https://doi.org/10.1101/2021.07.28.21261159

Source for UK Data: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/investigation-of-sars-cov-2-variants-of-



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ARR tells you the conditions in which the trial was done. It doesn't tell you how the vaccine will perform in different conditions such as after schools and offices open. RRR, the number used by MSM, tells you that and is the correct number to guide policy.

Note that Alex never engages with this ARR canard no matter how many times wing nuts throw it at him. ARR is meaningful in a traditional vaccine study over ten years in relatively constant conditions, but isn't meaningful in this case.

It would be meaningful, after this whole thing is over, to calculate ARR of vaccine refuseniks against vaccine maximalists, including all the adverse reactions for all the boosters, all the waves, and the effectiveness of natural immunity. But reading into Pfizer's phase 3 ARR is confidently-wrong nonsense from partisans who rant about "the demon rats" and so on. They have seized on this one number in the adversary's study that they don't really understand but noticed it's smaller. If you see ARR mentioned in a rant, you can be confident the rest of that rant is not grounded on good judgement or actual understanding. Sorry, but that's just how it is.

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I’ll refrain from any ad hominem attack despite the derision dripping from your post. I’ve never called anyone a demon-rat, though I must say millions of possessed rodents running around is not a scenario I wish to encounter.

You mentioned that ARR is a canard, and that if one sees ARR in a post, one can conclude that the entire post should be ignored. Well, it would appear you are nothing if not faithful to your own advice.

Instead of ignoring the corpus of my post because you saw the words Pfizer and ARR at the beginning, you should have read further. You would have noticed that I didn’t perseverate on the Pfizer study. In fact, I quoted the Pfizer study only in response to a post above mine, where it declared the actual results of the Pfizer Trials “dramatically reduced cases”.

My focus was on actual data from the UK which inherently accounts for some of the real-world variables you point out as being necessary for true risk analysis.

Further, you mention using RRR for vaccines to guide policy decisions. I wasn’t advocating for a public policy outcome one way or the other. In fact, I believe public policy has no place in violating the sanctity of an individual’s health. Full Stop.

In that vein, I’m advocating for understanding as much about this situation so an individual can make an informed decision about whether or not they want an EUA vaccine in their body.

At the end of the day, there is no correct answer. I fully acknowledge the limitations of the data.

There are some limitations to both RRR and ARR, and unfortunately, we simply don’t have all the variables that would make both measurements more meaningful. For example, we would be able to draw a more scientific conclusion about how such risk might be applied to an individual if the UK provided the following information:

-More specific age groups


-Whether or not people were taking certain Rx meds

-The number of the unvaxxed that were elderly, frail, or had other conditions such that they didn’t take a vaccine

-etc etc

One major limitation of RRR occurs when the percentage of negative outcomes of the subject set is small. In those cases, RRR may show up as incredibly dramatic. Ex: The death rate for vaxx vs unvaxx in the UK suggests that a vaccinated person has a 36.29% greater chance of death. Dramatic for sure, but less than useful. The ARR for a vaccinated person is 0.08% higher, meaning that slightly less than 4 people out of 5000 vaccinated will die.

Due to the imperfect or incomplete information within the UK data set, it’s impossible to calculate more accurate risk factors. So how does one make a decision?

Critical thinking is like alchemy. By adding available hard data, anecdotal information, other laterally-related information/knowledge, and gut feel into the black box of critical thinking, one arrives at a decision.

For me, the decision to get vaxxed is a cost-benefit analysis. I see what I believe to be my risk of negative outcomes with COVID, and based on my age, my current health, and my prophylactic routine, I’m not overly concerned. Would I like to have a RRR for hospitalization be 0.86% vs 1.15%. Sure, if there was no cost to my health. On the other hand, if I experience debilitating AE, will that have been worth the ARR or 0.29%? I don’t.

The data for real-world COVID is most definitely lacking. However, the data on the vaccines (and specifically the AEs) is exponentially more scarce.

Other relevant info I considered:

1. Based on the UK information for Feb 1-July 19, the death rate for Delta (0.201%) vs Alpha (1.073%). Delta maybe more transmissible but it appears less deadly. Unfortunately, we lack other information that could speak to these numbers. For example, it is possible the unvaxxed group’s negative outcomes are higher because the unvaxxed population includes already high risk people where the vaxx was contraindicated.

2. mRNA vaccines have a very limited track record, and these specific vaccines haven’t been studied long enough to provide good information. That’s why they have an EUA and not full approval. There’s a laundry list of legitimate concerns available from reputable medical studies that you can look up on your own.

3. The risk of antibody dependent enhancement associated with the Pfizer and Moderna mRNA vaccines is unknown, however, the Dengue Fever mRNA vaccine was disastrous. Yes – there are some major differences between Dengue and coronavirus that suggest ADE isn’t likely to happen, but we’re in uncharted waters. This info is also readily available from reputable websites, but here’s the Cliff’s Notes version: Dengue has four known variants – A, B, C, D. A vaxx was developed for one of the variants. I don’t recall which – let’s say Dengue A. When the vaxxed subjects encountered Dengue A in the wild, their outcomes were better than if they hadn’t been vaxxed. However, when they encountered any of the other three variants, their outcomes were significantly more negative than if they hadn’t received the vaxx for Dengue A. The vaccine had primed their immune system to prevent or reduce replication of A, but their immune system actually increased the other variants’ replication. By the time the immune system could mount a response, the barbarians weren’t just at the gates…they were in the piazza. The only response available was to throw everything at the overrunning virus. Cytokine storm = organ damage or worse.

Carton, I would respectfully suggest engaging in honest dialog. You can tell me I’m wrong about the significance of ARR. I may very well be, but your response doesn’t do a very good job proving it. Your premise that I was focusing on Pfizer was completely incorrect, and yet you double-downed by adding vague insults and insinuation. C’mon, man.

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Actually had never heard of Alex Betrnson but saw on reddit conservative you were banned by pravda/Twitter and came here to sign up. So tired of this oppressive speech BS where everyone is supposed to tow the line of the approved narrative of the moment or else get banned for “misinformation”. It is such a crock. The more people the Gov/Tech machine tries to silence the more people I find to support.

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Same. Had never heard of Berenson before this morning before Twitter convinced me to subscribe to his substack. I hope that's the outcome Twitter intended, since that's always my kneejerk reaction when someone gets muzzled for their ideas.

"Wait, what? I better hear this guy's ideas."

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I wish everyone was this smart. I keep telling people to listen to the ones who are censored.

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Pretty much the same. I was a casual follower on Twitter but his suspension led me to subscribing this morning. The more twitter/big tech censor, the deeper I look into the ideas they are trying to hide.

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Same here...I came here and subscribed as a way to fight back against groupthink and anti-free speech trolls. I want to hear what's really going on and I want to help promote free speech and discussion. I pretty much subscribe to "whatever the government or progressives are telling me has got to be a lie" way of thinking. Like Trump said, "Everything woke turns to shit". My trust in government is gone...

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Did not mean to butcher the name Alex Berenson…i cannot type well when angry lol.

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Tweeter creates heros, let's appreciate that and wish them ban more - we all benefit (never heard of Alex but saw him on Tucker)

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What bothers me the most is the level of raw anger that results from even an attempt to raise questions about this therapy's safety or efficacy. People that I respect as thoughtful and intelligent have flown off the handle at me for even bringing up the fact that no one knows what the potential long term effects of these shots could be. For that reason alone, the idea of universal implementation makes absolutely no sense to me. But good luck trying to have a rational conversation about it.

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It's the cognitive dissonance. They're trapped in propaganda streams and can't wake up. Use the Socratic Method and start asking them questions, it'll turn their critical thinking center back on, the propaganda keeps it switched off. Jesus did the same with his disciples during his time of the rise of authoritarianism. Once they have to answer questions based on their own statements, they'll start to wake up by themselves, hopefully. Usually, their natural curiosity will lead them out of the propaganda and they'll start searching for real information. Be gentle, being mean and pushing facts just pushes them deeper into their cognitive dissonance, which you may have noticed, erupts in anger when challenged with facts. Hope this helps.

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If they're just confused, your Socratic method approach might work.

If they're committed progressives, it won't.

I have personal experience, not on the internet (that too), but in face-to-face conversations w/ relatives.

My 20-something niece, bless her heart, is a graduate of William and Mary (Think woke nieces and cranky old uncle at family Thanksgiving. Hilarity did not ensue.). I tried asking some probing questions about her beliefs. She flat-out said, "I don't want to answer those questions."

She doesn't want to answer them b/c she can't.

The Socratic method works on appeals to reason. For her it's not about reason. It's a religion.

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I call these folks Covid Cultists. And it is.

Now I no longer wonder how Jim Jones got 800 to drink kool aid laced cyanide.

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I also think these people, who scrambled to be first in line for the shot, have a vested interest in being right about all of it and need to have their beliefs reinforced by advocating for all others to be forced, in one way or the other, to get the shots.

They cant and wont accept the thought that they may have screwed themselves.

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You put my thoughts exactly into words. This!

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Agreed. Sadly, you cannot save everyone. The youngest scare me most, they're so ideological already and easily receive disinformation just because of such little knowledge and life experience. They also have a natural desire to rebel which can be twisted into blind rage and hate by authoritarians. Hitler took great advantage of those attributes in the youth, as did Mao. I hope your niece can find her way out.

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We don't need to convince everyone and we can't. Find the folks you can persuade.

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Yes - we need to give them a path back to sanity with dignity and respect. We need to lead with love and compassion. When people wake up to this they may feel ashamed and they need support.

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That is a very good suggestion. Thank you for this.

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You are very welcome. Good luck!

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People fell for the con and they are pissed. And they will lash out at convenient scapegoats.

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I've had the conversation about long-term risk, too. The response was that we don't know the long-term risk of COVID either, which kind of made sense, especially if the virus is engineered.

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I think the jab introduces the spike protein more systemically. Many people get mild COVID that never really gets much past the nose.

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Thank you, Alex. Excellent piece. Before I read it, I watched a really creepy interview with Bill Gates smiling at all the ways the interviewer suggested people could be punished for not getting vaccinated. He especially smiled when social security came up. Why is this asshole who made lousy software having any say over my rights?

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Because he is filthy rich, a megalomaniac, and likely a sociopath.

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My friend the wonderful blogger James Kunstler said all these tech monsters are like Bond villains - just need that Persian cat on their lap to stroke.

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Which is why I often wonder if Mark Zuckerberg really runs facebook. He seems like a random guy that was hired as the figurehead of a global social control experiment, lol.

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I love Kunstler

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"Peak Oil" Kunstler?

The guy who beat the drum for years on how we're running out of oil?

That didn't age well, did it?

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I guess James Howard Kunstler has reinvented himself from peak oil hysterical alarmist to technology oligarch critic.

How does that work?

Whatever it takes to draw clicks I guess. A person has to make a living.

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At the time, we were running out of oil. Quickly. Fact. The American miracles of fracking and horizontal drilling extended our reserves a bit longer. We’ll still run out. Kunstler isn’t a fortune teller, just an analyst. When the facts change, his analysis changes. How about you?

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David,you just never tire of being on the wrong side of every issue,do you?Are you old enough to have been alarmed about global cooling in the seventies?

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Those predictions have been made approximately a dozen times since Spindletop in 1903.

Kunstler didn't just do analysis. He wrote about impending doom in apocalyptic terms.

My progressive cousin hectored me for years with links to those dumb "sky is falling" articles by Kunstler. I wrote back, multiple times, those kinds of predictions have been made before. By a lot of people, and at different times. They've always turned out to be wrong.

Similar predictions have been made about many other commodities, like food. Thomas Malthus did it the late 1700's. And then Paul Ehrlich repeated the blunder in the 1960's.

They've always turned out to be wrong. If a dummy like me could see that, why not Kunstler?

I do recognize, petroleum is a limited resource. It won't last forever. It will eventually run out. When that happens, Kunstler can have the last laugh.

In the meantime, Kunstler and others like him need to quit underestimating human ingenuity- not just to find more oil but to find replacements for oil when the time comes.

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I think tech billionaires are self selected via the trait of sociopathy. Many of them stole the original inventors’ work without a shred of decency

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Dr. Robert Malone is reporting that taking the mRNA vaccines reduces one's own natural immunity, meaning if you come down with the D or L variant, you'll be worse off having taken the vaccine than if you don't get vaccinated at all. Makes sense to me. Also, if everyone takes the vaccines, there is NO chance of herd immunity, and breakthrough infections will in fact increase, not decrease. Just what Big Pharma wants: lots of cases, need for booster shots every six months. Can you say: HUGE CONFLICT OF INTEREST?

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I went back to find the Dr. Malone citation on the Internet. It isn't there anymore, but this citation about Dr. Robert Malone being erased from the Internet is:


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Just want to note that Dr. Robert Malone is still on twitter: @RWMaloneMD

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yup - and he joined GAB just in case

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Also, if everyone gets vaxed, the virus mutates around the vax target quicker, assuring more variants, more often. Viruses have been at this game longer than we have.

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https://youtu.be/cjMZvpmuaKY. This is what you are talking about, it's very complicated but made a bit simpler by Chris. Start around 18:30 and listen to the end. Just a hypothesis but it's something that should have at least been studied.

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who quote Dr. Robert Malone on reporting that taking the mRNA lowers own natural immunity, but you don't say what is his scientific proof that taking mRNA lowers our own natural immunity. Do you care to share what is Dr. Malone's scientific proof to such conclusion? Serious question

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The spike protein in the jab is the pathogen. It circulates to all the major organs through the blood stream and causes inflammation

So now what we have with the jabbed getting sick is pathogenic priming.

But I have a feeling that the Delta variant is just a disguise for adverse events.

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I'm more concerned that the Delta evolution is a product of the vaccine in immunocompromised people or ineffective development of vaccine induced antibodies. Vaccinated yet not protected people who carry "huge viral loads" and then transmit even more variants. Awaiting confirmation that Delta reinfections from Bear Week with PCR detection found infectious particles.

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Delta variant hit India where most of their population were NOT vaccinated. Your theory is now debunked.

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Not enough information either way. It's not a theory but an hypothesis. The word 'debunked' is depreciated now from excessive and incorrect usage, now indicates bias. At the moment they have 100M fully vaccinated, 300M with one jab. But that translates into <10% in that country and miniscule in terms of the 8 B world pop. Their vaccinated are concentrated in some areas, but Delta arose in India. Then Delta has swept through peaking at ~400k/day, now receded to 30k/day. (https://fortune.com/2021/08/03/covid-delta-variant-wave-uk-have-already-receded-us/). The Delta infection may prove better immunity than the vaccination given their case decline. They are highly dense in some places but some places are nearly totally isolated. Given 30 k/day in a nation of 1 B+ that's stellar. In terms of deaths, they have dropped considerably https://ourworldindata.org/explorers/coronavirus-data-explorer?zoomToSelection=true&time=2020-03-01..latest&facet=none&pickerSort=desc&pickerMetric=total_cases&hideControls=true&Metric=Confirmed+deaths&Interval=7-day+rolling+average&Relative+to+Population=false&Align+outbreaks=false&country=~IND. Now at 500/day in a nation that big is great news.

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There is no data being generated in the US (for obvious reasons). He is looking at other countries

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"We know they are lying

They know they are lying

We know that they know they are lying

They know that we know that they are lying

And still, they continue to lie."

Alexander Solzhenitsyn

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Human nature. I was in a jury pool, lawyer asked me if I would convict if the only evidence of domestic child abuse was testimony of a child. I said no, everybody lies, including lawyers. They excused me. Never did hear how the trial ended, but gullibility is also human nature, especially the most civilized humans, so probably not well for the defendant. Maybe he deserved it.

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So chilling. Never thought it would happen here. It’s truly very frightening.

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That is horrifying. My parents and sibling have been vaxxed on Pfizer except me and my family. Thank goodness for brave souls like Alex and journalists in Israel willing to tell the truth. What the Govt, Media and Healthcare industry in the USA are doing to push these vaccines without any concern for side effects or efficacy against COVD is truly demonic.

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We'll said!!!!

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It is wonderful that you report what no-one else will. However, for me, I have never needed ‘proof’ via scientific data that these vaccines would be a total fail. In December 2020 I used the following common sense.

1—-> Simple natural law of life that applies to all humans no matter their vocation or wealth :- Rushing anything, always results in the ‘end result’ being substandard. Three simple examples - rush the cooking of the soup, and it will likely not taste so good. Leave exam preparation to the last minute, and rush it in 2 nights, and your exam results will likely be very poor. Go to the gym and rush your workout, by not doing the appropriate stretches before and afterwards, and you will likely end up with a muscle strain or other physical injury.

All other ‘vaccines’ ones that actually make the vaccinated immune, and genuinely DO provide herd immunity have taken between 7 and 20 years to develop. Developing a vaccine is not a ‘swift’ process. However the current vaccines (all of them) have been hurriedly cobbled together in under a year.

2—-> Another simple law of life that applies to all of us, irrespective of job or wealth :- something that is new, is not well understood, because we do not have experience of it. Therefore, when using new technology MORE diligence, patience , and care is required. mRNA while not a new technology for science, has never before been used to deliver a ‘vaccine’.

Thus, the combination of my first to points make a disaster very likely.

3——> Another simple law of life . If someone protects themselves, they think there is a danger. The vaccine makers have protected themselves with legal immunity from prosecution. Ergo - they think their vaccines are potentially dangerous. They think they are NOT safe or effective enough.

I can sue virtually every other producer of goods and services if their service or product damages my health, but I cannot do so for the makers of the vaccine??!! Come on! If that doesn’t make you suspicious and doubtful …….

4—-> SARS and MERS are coronaviruses. After at least 10 years of trying, safe and effective vaccines for SARS and MERS have eluded science. As COVID 19 is also a coronavirus, it is reasonable to conclude that it will not be easy or quick, and maybe impossible, to develop a truly effective and safe vaccine for C19.


If you thoroughly understand these 4 points then you would never gamble with your body’s health by going anywhere near these vaccines.

All anyone needed was 3 common sense rules of life, that I believe virtually all of us know, and the history of previous coronavirus vaccine failures (SARS & MERS).


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Rebecca Spakerjust now

Exactly my thinking a year ago and nothing to make me think different since. If I were high risk I might risk it, but healthy in my fifties, so no way. Plus I hate bullies. And my kids? Never (although they are teens / young adults so all I can do is council them)

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Hi Alex, thanks for the update. A couple of thoughts to keep in mind.

1. People should always start the critique with a reminder that the immune systems of nearly everybody works just fine, no injections were ever needed for nearly everyone. So just stop with the vaxxophilia already (them not you)

2. These injections were not designed to stop infection and transmission, only reduce symptoms. Since they clearly allow infection and transmission, see point #1.

3. Pharma can manipulate trial data 9 ways to Sunday and are very good at releasing data in ways that enhances the image of their products as safe and effective. Peter Doshi argued back in December that they may have manipulated the reporting of the clinical trial data to get those ridiculous efficacy numbers. Since Pharma corps always do this, why should we have given them the benefit of the doubt in this case? (Hint. we should not have)

4. It is my understanding that a stronger immune response is indicated by higher antibody titers. If that is what Pfizer is reporting here (keeping in mind that they can and do manipulate trial data to get the numbers they want) then we can assume that the adverse event profile will be much worse with a 3rd dose (as it is the immune response that produces the inflammation that people experience as symptoms). A lot more people are going to be injured and killed by these injections than in the first round.

5. Oh and regarding point, #4, it will be much much worse for younger healthier adults and teens.

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Can confirm, I’m hearing that ppl are getting sicker with their second dose…Within my own circle a cousin ended up in the ICU with a blood clot after her 2nd jab.

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If you look at the fully vaccinated numbers vs partially vaccinated it suggests a lot of folks are "one and done".

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So... will they qualify for DeBlasio's Vaccine Passport? Asking for a friend...?

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Exactly my thinking a year ago and nothing to make me think different since. If I were high risk I might risk it, but healthy in my fifties, so no way. Plus I hate bullies. And my kids? Never (although they are teens / young adults so all I can do is council them)

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yeah they manipulated the data - it was a 3 month study. Is it a shocker to everyone that they chose that time interval? They knew activity would want significantly (speculative).

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I am a physician and I could have not have said it better. Thank you for posting this!

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This. Is. A. Crime. Against. Humanity!!-


They will quite literally jabbed you until DEATH.

In previous animal testing, animals were vaxxed with MRNA jab against a Corona virus (THE COMMON COLD), and then when exposed to a wild corona virus ALL THE ANIMALS DIED

They tried this again in a clinical trial with 35 childrsn and the exact same thing happened agsin and 2 children DIED and the rest became gravely ill..

This cytokine storm brought on by the jab is called antibody dependent enhancement or pathogenic priming.

THE VAX COMPANIES KNEW THIS. This is why they SKIPPED animal testing and other safety protocols.

The spike protein initially thought to stay in the arm of the vaccinated DOES NOT..It circulates in the blood and reaches all vital organs and causes inflammation, with especially high concentrations in the OBARIES leading to STERILITY.

Why in GODS NAME does thosis shock anyone??? This information is available on the NIH archives regarding the studies. The rest of the massive consequences including DEATH can be found at CDC VAERS, the jab death and injury reporting system.

Many CHILDREN are being killed and maimed by these jabs.

Myocarditis, with 2000+ cases and likely millions more as VAERS only captures 1-10% of all jab deaths and injuries, is just ONE of the adverse events. Multi system inflammatory syndrome has injured 4000 children ajd killed 40 of them.

Until people grow some NUTS this insanity will only escalate.

The very corrupt compromised FDA will approve these jabs and make them mandatory for CHILDREN for school. Very young CHILDREN


What a fucking SAD state of affairs that people are so unbelievably stupid ignorant narcissistic that they can't stop and THINK or research what these jabs really do.

Thanks to eugenicist billionaire elite like vaccine obsessed Bill Gates this is a success beyond their wildest DEPOPULATION DREAMS.

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*Ovaries*. Sorry will spell check better next time.

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You are 100% correct, and many of us have seen all of the original sources that prove it.

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My question is this: What if these vaccines were *designed* to wear off and fail? What incentive does a drug company have to produce a vaccine that provides permanent immunity? Planned obsolescence is far more profitable in the long run.

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And now we have reports that hospitalizations in the UK are actually HIGHER among the vaccinated than the unvaccinated. This, by the way, is also the trend taking shape in Israel. I suspect the only reason we haven't seen a similar phenomenon play out in the U.S. is because we are further behind in vaccination rates; Israel and UK, however, are on the leading edge:

"Public Health England (PHE) released a report on August 6 detailing the spread of the Delta variant of the virus, and includes hospitalizations and deaths where COVID-19 was a factor between February 1, 2021, and August 2, 2021.

Despite claims that the jabs provide upwards of 90 percent protection against illness with COVID-19, the PHE document lists deaths involving the virus in some 0.4 percent of vaccinated individuals died within 28 days of a positive COVID test. Of those hospitalized, the rate stands at 22.7 percent having died. This compares with the unvaccinated category, of which 0.17 percent died within 28 days of a positive COVID test overall, and of those hospitalized 8.5 percent had died.

When analyzed according to the subcategories of vaccination, again the double jabbed stand out as being at increased risk of death if they catch the virus. So-called “fully vaccinated” individuals registered 0.85 percent dead within 28 days of a positive COVID test and among those hospitalized, some 29.7 percent had died.

This pits the double jabbed at an overall increased risk of death from catching the virus as five times more likely than those who did not receive the jab. If the “fully vaccinated” are hospitalized after testing positive for COVID, they stand a statistical chance of dying that is 3.5 times greater than that of unvaccinated individuals."


Also, for any who are interested, I have detailed (as concisely as possible) my path to vaccine "hesitancy" and my reasons for resisting mandates. Please feel free to share as widely as possible with those who are still somewhat open-minded and willing to hear a different perspective. The article has managed to silence quite a few who have attacked me for my hesitance:


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Here is a good summary of the situation from a UK that may interest you:


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Your vaccine hesitancy blog post is excellent. Thank you for putting the link in your comment! I will definitely be sharing.

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Thank you, Jennifer 😊

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I've been reading your other posts... you should have your own substack!

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I’m working on it! Alex and Bari Weiss have been my inspirations!

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So good Monica. I've signed up to read more!

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Beautifully done! Thank you for sharing this. Are you on Instagram?

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Great questions, Alex. This is a mess. With each passing day, it becomes ever more clear that the cure(s) are worse than the disease. Too bad we don't have a referee who could call a do-over and send us back 18 months.

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Also, maybe it is time to “follow the money” with Fauci, Walensky, the head of FDA, all the Big Pharma execs etc. If they are barking off vaccine and mask mandates, “follow the money”.

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A time out would work for me.

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We're not against vaccines, we're against shitty products. These products are not safe, they're not effective, they're not even vaccines. People shouldn't even be allowed to take these terribly harmful drugs, and they definitely shouldn't be forced to take them.

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