I was at my doctor's office today and he shared a text conversation he'd had with a friend from med school. The friend who has a practice dealing mostly with senior citizens, was deeply concerned because he'd had (I think it ) was 7 vaccinated patients in the last month die in the ICU of Covid. Further, in the last several months the vaccinated patients were dying at the same ratio (I suppose that meant sick patients who ultimately died) as his unvaccinated.

This is developing into a scandal of immense proportions. Not only are the vaccines failing, the establishment health care system is doing all it can to suppress both the information about and the actual treatments using cheap and effective drugs that are readily available. Biden has just reduced by half the supply of monoclonal antibody treatments available to Florida and other southern red states. Why? Because he's a petty tyrant. How sick is that?

Our country and much of the western world has simply gone mad with power. It's sobering to realize human nature does not change. Remember those books back in the 1990's speculating that history was over, that we'd become so civilized we need not worry about wars and tyrannical governments any longer? That should have been a sentinel symptom that our civilization was actually in the deepest of trouble.

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They have boxed themselves into a corner. Testing positive for "COVID -19" just means they have a flu. Not only does the PCR NOT test for infection it does not SPECIFICALLY test for COVID-19-- it tests for a piece of the coronavirus that they feel COVID-19 has-- as there is no virus isolation.

And if booster people are coming in symptomatic and not being tested same explanation. There are no unique symptoms to COVID, not the hair loss nor the loss of taste or smell. Bad flu years have had all of those symptoms in the past. Even the "long term COVID" some are touting-- in 2018 I had at least four (that I can remember) patients with lingering symptoms.-- All signs of low immune function.

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Thank you for all the wonderful courageous writing you're doing. My friend Kirsten Mortensen wrote a piece about Fauci and other public health officials. She makes a good case for them having Munchausen by Proxy Syndrome on a Societal Scale. https://kirstenmortensen.com/index.php/munchausen-syndrome-by-proxy-on-a-societal-scale/

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I've read this already, but when we're receiving information daily from a fire hose, it's good to reread the important. (I feel like there ought to be some kind of doctorate degree at some point for all we're learning) : ) Thanks.

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I'd love to be a "flu on the wall" in that meeting. I expect there's a lot of debate. The serial mistakes are becoming more apparent to even corruptocrats with a modicum of self awareness, and they're beginning to realize sticking with a failed solution won't work for them. My guess is the rulers of the decision committee haven't achieved that awareness yet and will coerce the rising rebellion into submission one more time -- because there is no alternative. (That's a well used concept in financial circles, with its own acronym -- TINA.) The markets seem to be predicting disapproval, with vax stocks down a little today.

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So Alex is saying on the show right now, that the vaccinated run the risk of getting infected and becoming super spreaders, in fact with possibly super levels of virus, and then are spreading the virus inadvertently at least.

So, does this really detract from my hypothesis that the vaccine is really geared to kill people, to fake out the vaccinated who will then go around the most susceptible, at least, and infect them and kill more people who we thought we were protecting back in spring?

Underestimate evil folks, they depend on your apathy indifference and carelessness!

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Wondering WHAT ARE THE NUMBERS IN Israel right now as far as hospitalizations and deaths? Vaxed vs non vaxed?

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Maybe there's heroin in those boosters ...

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And now to hear Alex talk on the Clay and Buck show..,

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I probably did read it before, but thank you for the review and summary of this madness. I think at least some of the FDA is starting to remember they should not bend with political winds.

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I would like to point out that we seem to have entered into insanity as we continue to try something that doesn't appear to work and yet we expect given enough doses it will? Research should continue and any and every other available med should be allowed and tried that shows possible efficacy. Patients fought hard for the right to try experimental medications....why is this any different? If I were hospitalized and there was a drug that might make a difference, I want to know and to make that decision. IT IS MY LIFE (literally) - not the governments.

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We are living in a madhouse. It's obvious that the 'variants' are vaccine injury and yet we have to keep posting graphs showing it and be ignored. Madness. Utter madness.

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I found it extremely helpful to re-read this information in view of what has taken place since you were originally wrote it. Thank you!

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Do you know what folks, including Alex, you better read up on the defense mechanism of “projection”, this is what the left does with regularity, they accuse you of the exact thoughts and behaviors that they embrace and think needs to be put on others.

If you’ve ever been the victim of projection, you realize, “why am I being accused of something I’ve never even considered?!”

I’ve had people on the receiving end of this tell me they would love to punch the accuser so hard in the face, they drive their nasal bone into the cerebellum…

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I read this the first time but it bears rereading, just to check in on reality. MRNA ‘vaccine’… “is not Peptobismol” is one by of my favorite reality checks.

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Thank you, Alex, for this important reminder as we hear more and more booster talk from the "mainstream media".

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