Great news, but wait until they discover that 16 white supremacists are on the panel!

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I am not very optimistic. They just want to finish the war on the unvaxxed. Most of them believe that the boosters are not helping in winning the war against the unvaxxed.

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People rejecting boosters would definitely not help them sell doses 1 and 2 to the unvaxxed.

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Exactly. When I say entire I mean the entire roster of employees from the RNs, CNA, Maintenance, etc at my wife's poe are vaxxed, but ALL seen enough and are standing together rejecting the booster.

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I been overthinking this natural immunity defiance from the anti, anti vaxxers. I would think by now surely the great journalists of the CNN, MSNBCs, MSM in general would have at minimal stumble across a non vaxxed person that was infected with covid twice or had the first covid, refused vax, contracted the delta variant, but no. This would certainly validate their push for recovered cases with Tcell and antibody protection, no? With the flaws in testing, surely someone in the world had multiple cases, no? Or is the Cleveland Clinics study correct? Think about it.

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And I think anyone who had a bad time with shots 1 or 2 will likely be very leery about a booster.

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I am in that camp. I was wary of dose one, but didn’t have any effects, but that second dose kicked my ass.

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Same here. My theory is that there's too much unrest and anger about the mandate, so the Biden administration and FDA are just slow walking the third booster. After everyone who can be has been coerced into getting shot number one, they'll admit the boosters will never end.

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Naw, they could have held off on a decision if they wanted. This was a hard no, and the damage is done. Delicious!

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I just watched some of the FDA virtual meeting, and I agree now that it was a delicious vote! I didn't realize how earnest the FDA voting members would be and how unwilling to just give the pharmaceutical industry what they want. I'm pasting the link here (if that's allowed in this thread): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WFph7-6t34M&t=20590s . If you skip ahead to about 6:45, you'll be able to see the vote, hear the names and votes read aloud (only a Dr. Portnoy and Dr. Sawyer voted 'yes'), and hear the commentary afterwards.

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Thank you Rebecca, just keep in mind that the FDA and CDC credibility is in the floor now. Of course, they needed to raise the Credibility first so they let the good guys vote today.

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Not really, holding off on a decision was going to bring more hesitation among govt officials and big corporations on how to enforce mandates of the first dose to citizens and employees. Now they will say: no worries about boosters (we don't need them) and lets mandate the Vax.

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Yes. As I heard about the hesitancy displayed prior to today's meeting, my thought was this:

The mandate is difficult to enforce (by companies who are now being asked lots of questions) if people don't know WHAT is mandated (i.e., how many shots).

Saying no to the booster for now allows the mandate to go forward more easily for large companies. Then they can revisit the issue later and authorize the booster. After all, Moderna has already announced a combined annual COVID/flu shot. So they're clearly expecting approval (perhaps elsewhere, but likely the US, too, I would imagine).

This is just where my mind went, and I own that. No proof, merely conjecture. Interesting others thought so, too... I haven't listened to that video above. It may change my mind!

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I think you are right that the FDA's rejection of the booster allows the mandate to go forward more smoothly. After about the 5:40 mark in the video I linked to above, some FDA members discuss Israel's high case numbers. One doctor from Israel says that the vaccinated play a BIG role in case numbers, hospitalizations, and deaths. It was a refreshing blast of reality after all the pro-Pharma coverage in the US. But after the voting is over, you hear doctors expressing support for getting everyone to accept the first two doses and looking forward to a third dose for older people soon (50+, 60+, or 65+ were all suggested).

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I’m waiting for the mass suicide pact of 16 FDA officials to come to fruition over the weekend.

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Do they have any relationship whatsoever to the Clintons?

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Two scientists are alleged to have suicided themselves not long after a conflict with Fauci years ago. They both used a poison that interfered with mitochondrial function and drowned in their own secretions.

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Job openings at the FDA, I'm sure! (Don't bother applying, they've probably already picked out the replacements)

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Yeah, they will all be from Pharma.

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"The lead opponent to the boosters donated money to the Trump campaign in 2016 and said in an email obtained by the Rachel Maddow show that the Chinese made the virus in a lab, an unsubstantiated claim then conjured up by the ex-president."

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I still have zero clue how anyone is going to unwind this clock from the Damages of what Fauci and Collins , both have done not only to the American people but worldwide equally as bad as the CCP .

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Exactly. Now countries who were acting sane have suddenly done a reversal and are terrorizing their populations/forcing extreme measures and vaxx passes (Sweden, Switzerland). and Italy has fallen to vax pass totalitarianism.

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What happens if you show up to work or a Restaurant and you forget your finger prints .

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Someone should send them both on a Rocket Booster into space until they come back with patient zero .

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They’re still going to blame the unvaccinated for the vaccine failure (same as it ever was). It’s going to be a bumpy ride. Hold the line.

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Blame the people who didn't buy the product for the failure of the product. Hmmm.

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Hold the damned line.

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I saw the vote was 16-2, which means that the original approval vote was completely forced/coerced and political. Nice work sciencytists.

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Project veritas about to announce a whistleblower on Monday regarding the covid vaccines

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Sending good vibes to Project veritas and the whistleblower. Pharma #karmaiscoming

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There can never be pharma karma, though I wish there could be. No way to make these people feel the evil they have unleashed on us all.

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Never say never

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can't get bigger than Hunter's laptop completely censored out of fakestream media. reality is not reality, it's what they write it as.

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Whistle-blower in this case can be a live saving hero at this juncture of insanity.

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So, let's review:

- Booster needed because vax is bogus, and without it you will catch COVID-22, have your testies explode, and die horribly, or

- Booster not needed because even with it you will catch COVID-22, have your testies explode, and die horribly.

Seems fair to me.

Disclaimer: Those who don't identify as having testies will have to find another way to die horribly.

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OK, bad pun coming…

Minaj’s tweets have made the left feeling really testy…

I await the emojis of “uggh“…

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She wasn't wrong about swollen testicles. The VAERS database has 64 cases.

Besides "testicular swelling," the VAERS database showed "testicular pain," "testicular atrophy," "testicular disorder," "testicular failure," "testicular oedema," "testicular torsion," "testicular appendage torsion," "testicular mass" and "testicular cyst."

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I once wrote a business plan for a proposed startup whose service was testing and certifying computer storage devices (which, by the way, pretty much nobody does). I suggested the company/product name "Testy" which likely went a long way toward explaining why nobody wanted to invest in it.

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As one who identifies as a non-testie, ovaries can explode too. The vid is an equal opportunity exploder.

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CNBC:"The panel, however, could still clear the shots for older populations". (The ones they didn't test at all???

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Also it seems the CDC could still issue the go ahead for boosters. I can tell you this, my hospital system is still planning for the booster clinic next week.

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My daughter-in-law got her booster the second week of August. It was ‘suggested’ by her HC provider because she is on a biologic for an auto-immune disease. My heart sank when she told me and I want to throttle her HC provider!

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Hope she’s ok

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Yup. Those very ones.

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The ones they want rid of first. Expensive health care consumers.

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Keep making our day Alex!

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Just checked with my USMC daughter. September 15th was originally the deadline for military mandatory vax. She said, " They don't really have a plan for enforcing deadlines right now so the Sept. 15th thing was little hollow of a mandate."

I feel like there's a race between the tyranny of our government with mandatory vax, and getting all the information out there to stop the insanity.

: (

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How is she holding up? I hear the pressure on military members who are resisting is enormous.

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She has all the information that I do. She understands what it would mean to take the "vaccination". Not everyone will understand what I am about to say, and that is alright, but she, and our family, rely on our Savior - having faith in our Lord means something. It's not just a saying, it is everything. This includes her "vaccination" dilemma. To be honest, I don't know what she will decide. My husband is willing to loose his job. But, he is only 6 years from retirement. We will make it work. But, she has worked hard to get where she is, and I mean hard. She has made many sacrifices. While many people who aren't in her shoes would say that her life is more important than a career, it's important to understand the mindset of the men and women who are willing to die ANY DAY, for this country. They don't think like we do. They are mentally prepared to meet the enemy, even if that enemy is from within.

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I understand. Let her know there are many of us out here praying for her and the other military members. We are deeply grateful for their selfless service and sacrifice and we are doing everything we can to support them in this.

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Thank you. ❤

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This vaccine has gone down in flames just as every mRNA vaccine in history has. We could call it the Vaxinberg. 🔥

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Sadly, this is not where the previous mRNA vax problems ended. The full destruction of what our government has done to us is still over the horizon.

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I’d go with “Hideous-purge”…

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Didn’t the advisory panel recently vote down an Alzheimer’s drug only to have the FDA approve it shortly thereafter? Could happen again because of $$$$$$$$$.

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Sadly, this is a very good point. 😭

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exactly. too much money involved for the FDA not to approve this.

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Fauci and Avenatti should go on tour together.

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Did you mean “ go on whore together”??!!

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I “liked” this info not bc I want more people to get sick but bc you’re absolutely correct with the vax failure becoming more common knowledge. Here in Florida at least 50% of people who got monoclonal antibody treatment were fully vaccinated (2jabs). This is why the vaxxed are running around hair on fire; they were duped, now probably wondering wth was in those jabs, and going into misery-loves-company mode so want to force vaxx the rest of us. We have a big medical freedom rally here in Ft Lauderdale tomorrow 12-4; come and join us if you’re in the neighborhood!!!


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So, I reluctantly got the vax this spring. More so for my spouse and their immune system than me. I am concerned about what was in it, but at least it was my call.

That being said, my advice to friends and family that will listen is to wait. If you are young and healthy or have already had the rona wait.

So not all of us vaxxed are lunatics.

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So many bow down to the religion of covid . I know people who literally will not meet friends and family who have been unvaxxed . So sad that fear causes common sense and decency to be thrown out the window .

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I’d never say anyone who got vaccinated is a lunatic, I just shared the FDA info with my parents (91 yo dad still a practicing MD, 85 yo mom) encouraging them to research; I will respect their decision and everyone’s decision even if I disagree. Your intention was noble 🙏🏻

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so what is with this 98% of all hospitalized patients are unvaxxed stuff I keep hearing?

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It’s also important to look at the hospitalized patients; ~90% or more are obese with/without other co-morbidities. Most of those have diabetes or are “pre diabetic”. Almost NO ONE is talking about this; even in the hospital. I’m a critical care dietitian so very aware and trying to spread this news and encourage ppl to get to a BMI under 30 and get their Vit D level between 55-80. That also plays a huge role in how people will fare if infected

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Obesity is the #1 biggest risk factor for a bad outcome from covid. Losing that fat is a prophylactic measure for sure.

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The general belief system in this country is that it is impossible to control what foods one eats or the quantity of food that one eats, therefore one can’t control

this risk.

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I have lefty neighbors who blame the junk food industry for Americans' having gotten so disgustingly fat. Like people have zero control over what they put in their faces. It's all Big Junk Food's fault.

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Leftists/ Marxist are weak in both body and mind. But they have managed to take over this country without firing a single shot.

Prepare for more bad crap to come

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It is considered judgemental if you note that people are obese, drug addicts etc.

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Well, since it's pretty judgemental of the vax mandate crowd to indict and smear and lie about the unvaxxed, I'd say that line doesn't much matter any more. This is a pandemic of the fat. There, I said it.

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It’s why you virtually never hear covid treating physicians talking about it. Easier to just point a finger and say “non-vaxxed evil super spreader”. They can’t even be intellectually honest; frankly “see something say something”, especially if it deviates from the standard narrative, just puts a target in their backs and they know it :/

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CDC considers you not fully vaccinated if you catch covid before the 14 days after the last shot.

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The statistics are manipulated. For example, if you go to the hospital with a broken ankle they will do a routine covid test on you. If you test positive, even though you have no symptoms you will be logged as a covid admission and it will appear in the statistics as though you were hospitalized for covid.

Look to the UK and Israel for the answer to your question. Virtually everyone in the hospital with Covid is fully vaccinated.

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It was put out by the Ministry of Truth. A small midwestern town had 9 and a half unvaxxed patients in the hospital who had a covid molecule in their nose, and a half of a covid patient who was vaxxed. They did the math and rounded up.

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I just got an email that Oregon Senators filed a Grand Jury Petition to investigate the CDC & FDA!! The tide is turning!! Press release:


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Umm, what, investigate the CDC and FDA that don’t sign off on Biden‘s proclamations?

Details, pay attention to the details, why the F would I trust Oregon?!

The home of Portland, where responsibility accountability and law-abiding respect not only died, but was burned to death!!!

🖕Oregon, 🔥 & 💀!!!

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We actually have some pretty stand-up Senators. Portland is in its own little bubble & not taken seriously. Outside the bigger cities things have been operating as normal since Covid started.

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The CDC is totally pushing for more vaccines. And the FDA is highly compromised. There are still good people fighting for freedom in Oregon.

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Just hope the Oregon judge doesn't "Roberts" their petition.

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It will. Oregon is a slime pit of shifty Lefty scum. (Just ask Andy Ngo, don't take my word.)

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I have no idea how this will play out. The only thing I’m certain of is this, none of the vaccine lunatics nor any of the evil cretins who forced this crap on people will ever admit they were wrong or be held accountable. It’s imperative that all good people ignore all mandates and hold the damned line. Time is on our side, they won’t be able to keep up this deception forever.

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The medical & scientific community can regain their credibility by continuing to push back on the lunatics pushing nonsense. This is a great first step. Will the FDA be banned by the idiots at Facebook & Twitter?

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As a nurse and the wife of a physician, it is horrifying how quickly the medical world has become a tool of the government. Most MDs won't speak out against the medical “machine” because they will lose their jobs and medical licenses. The public should know this and realize that nurses and medical providers are being indoctrinated into socialism at all levels. Research things for yourself and don't assume your provider is able to speak freely.

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Yep, o the irony…

The Hippocratic oath is now the Hypocritical Oafs…

Wait for physicians to bitch and moan for the next few years that they are disrespected and unfollowed, if I can avoid seeing a doctor for now, said as a doctor, I would do it, because, my somatic colleagues are abysmal failures…

And to those who think I’m being a hypocrite, I have insisted patients come to the office for visits apart from obvious exceptions, keeping distance and wearing a mask the whole time, and always appreciating their hesitancy and questioning of my recommendations.

If I could write for ivermectin or HCQ, and the pharmacy refused, I would be at the pharmacy grabbing the pharmacist over the counter…

Yeah, I would, denying care interventions is outward malfeasance…

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Wise words 😊

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No, the 16 will mysteriously vanish by Monday morning…

The Left has merged with communist China behaviors…

Speak out and be hideously ostracized..,

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