Thinker: Why should we get the C-19 vaxx?

Media-Progs: We have to bring the cases down!

Thinker: But the numbers and facts worldwide show the vaxx'd are the ones getting and spreading C-19 now.

Media-Progs: RACIST!

Thinker: The science shows, and Pfizer themselves admit internally, that the vaxx does not provide ANY protection at all from C-19.

Media-Progs: FASCIST!

Thinker: But the vaxx has been proven beyond doubt to have more adverse effects than ALL OTHER VACCINES COMBINED since tracking began.


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VanishingTribe - that's funny because it is so true!

The problem these days is the Politicians are following the science (oops, I mean: NOT the science, but rather the "scientists") and the "scientists" are following the politicians and we should all understand what happens when an automatic computer program gets into an infinite loop.

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Good point. I wish schools taught less leadership and more followership, i.e. how to be a smart non-leader. The leadership question would take care of itself.

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I'm still wrapping my mind around F--ci's role in all this. Who is going to take an administration seriously when the President's COVID advisor helped fund the very researchers whose work probably killed 613,000 Americans? Our position vs. China should be: hand over all the Wuhan data or it's war.

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Hahaha.... perfection!

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Honestly, we should all just leave Twitter. We have all we need from it. Everyone people wants to hear form they can on substack or telegram. Berenson can literaly post to Substack 100 times a day as if he was on Twitter. We dont need it.

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I've never been on Twitter and quit Facebook a decade or so ago. I think (think) there are numerous alternatives, but which is best (uncensored) and where the "good guys" can find a home is beyond me. I'm open to suggestions.

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I go on Twitter and FB mostly to read the increasingly crazed postings by liberal friends and colleagues to keep up with their thinking, anticipate behavior, etc. I never post or contribute.

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Mary M - does Twitter "harvest" and weaponize our information like Facebook is known to do? I always thought so, but, since I've never joined the twitterers, I honestly don't know.

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The ONLY one that is uncensored is Gab.

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I quit both Facebook and Twitter more than an year ago. Right now, I have accounts on Gettr and Gab... also, telegram.

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I left Twitter a long time ago...

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Same here. Left Twitter and never looked back nor missed it!

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I don't watch youtube anymore. Rumble or any other alternatives we use.. Gab tv, Lindelltv etc etc.

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um.... is it irony or something else that you were banished at the very same time the CDC admits vaccines don't appear to be working so well?

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Its ironic agreed but shows you just how incompetent and scattered these big organizations are. Breathtaking that organizations with such (sic) important mandates are so incredibly inept.

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Of course we don't "need" Twitter. But I strongly believe that Twitter NEEDS people like Alex to present important information, and that Twitter needs US to spread that information. For that reason, I'm still compelled to fight that fight.

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Anyone see the latest CDC Report on the Massachusetts outbreak???

74% of cases were fully vaccinated individuals. 4 out of 5 hospitalizations were fully vaccinated individuals.


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I don't know who goes to P-town parties, but if 99% of them were vaccinated, the CDC numbers would still mean that the vaccine is effective.

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It was "Bear Week" in P-Town. It was an orgy of fat gay men.

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I am offended by the word men.

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Is that a high-vaccine community? Seems possible.

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We know who goes to P Town.

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Thanks, David. I'll "read" it when I can focus. But the initial take away is that it sure differs from what the "experts" are telling us!

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Not called experts, they are now referred to as chameleons.

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India has only a 7% vaccination rate and yet, when they instituted widespread use of Ivermectin in May, the deaths and cases plummeted in July. The vaccine was obviously not a factor. If the health “authorities” had any rationality, they would acknowledge the death per million figures; America has six times the death rate of India.

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I'm quite surprised that India is not mentioned much as Delta moves on and out. Today's NYT briefing (https://insider-voice.com/more-covid-mysteries-the-new-york-times/) has even Osterholm bothered by data variability. I await data showing Delta infections declining as fast as they rose. The CDC will make claims but the Reds ignoring them produce evidence that may be telling. Some reporters claim the vaccinated getting re-infected by Delta are dying in huge numbers that I can't seem to find.

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Well, not surprised. A cornered animal is a dangerous one and they are definitely cornered.

I will do what I can to spread the word and will definitely keep supporting your substack. The information you provide is essential, now more than ever.

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The moment I opened your email reporting your banishment for a week, I felt as if I was the little person in China or of Soviet Russia hearing that their samizdat source has been raided, presses smashed, its distributers disappeared. State and semi-private monopolies (and oligarchies) are run like that...no discussion, no impartial judge, no coherent charges.

And as always it does not matter that the reason provided is as absurdly transparent as it is pre-textual - the sin being in referring to a paper's finding of actual deaths (factually uncontested) as "the same thing" as advising people to personally defy CDC advice.

Nope, all that matters is anything you say, anyway you say it will be mangled into something that can get you executed - this is the moral character of the twitter people you must deal with.

Winston, you taught us 2 plus 2 = 4. So thank you for staying resilient in the face of our new cryto-NAZI culture overseers - I will continue to subscribe and encourage others to do so as well. Furthermore, give me the right addressee in Twitter to protest too and it will be done.

Resist oppression and never go quietly.

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Ironically Alex being sanctioned for repeating Pharma literature just shows you how desperate and chaotic their response is. THAT is a good sign, yes it harms horribly what they are doing, but they are falling apart. There are TOO many of us , too many new sites, new blogs etc. and they can't keep up "whacking that mole" even with their automated responses. They need people to update what is "bad" and clearly are screwing up.

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Hey Alex - keep fighting the good fight. I'm sharing your posts and links everywhere.

Can you setup shop on GETTR, Telegram, or Gab, or another platform that won't shut you down? You'll get the traffic from Twitter once word gets out.

Or just create a different handle on twitter and send your followers there.

Either way, your info has a good deal of value and I don't think it's a coincidence everything you posted led to the WaPo article yesterday and your suspension today.

Good luck and God speed.

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This just sad and shows how things are falling apart. When I was a young man liberals would be the first to raise hell over something like this. Right or wrong what you post is reasonable debate. Monopolizing the public square and then squelching debate wasn't legal when dinosaurs roamed the earth and I went to law school.

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Please hang in there !

We'll seek you wherever you find a platform for you voice

and, most likely, those who follow you will be the last men (and women (and others)) standing.

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Amen, Sean. Amen!

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Fear not Alex. Twitter, FakeBook and the like are digging their own graves. After they de-platformed The Highwire, Del and Co. experienced an exponential increase in viewership and donations. When Pierre Kory's congressional testimony on the effectiveness of Ivermectin was scrubbed from YouTube, we all went to Rumble. Platforms like Substack are the future of journalistic integrity. Get your popcorn friends. It's gettin' real!

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Love the Highwire, I wonder if Alex would be game to talk to Del one day

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The problem is that their moderators aren’t just rabid ideologues, they’re stupid too.

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Alex: Saw you on Tucker (are you over 20 appearances yet?); this is obviously an extremely important issue, with regard to censorship, yes, but also on the substantive point. Would you please post a direct link to the Pfizer data you reference? I don't see that data, or a link to it. Thank you.

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Question: what exactly do these clowns thinking they're protecting by acting in this manner?

I don't get it.

Somehow they view what's patently "true" as soooo bad that it has to be suppressed to the extent that these people want to make damn sure the truth doesn't get out.

It's dumbfounding...

The ONLY reasonable answer is that those in power are fully to blame for what's happening and therefore, no questions can be asked as it might reveal the 'truth'....

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I don't have to leave Twitter. I was permanently suspended in January. I could still view Alex's tweets, but that is the only reason I even spent time there. Thank goodness for Substack!

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