For those who want to read the whole response and not just look at a 1 1/2 page snippet, here is the link: https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.cand.389677/gov.uscourts.cand.389677.32.0.pdf

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I so want a win in our column...just one to start the snowball! Here's to AB's snowball fight!

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Getting shit done, Alex. Nice job.

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So glad you are doing this. Twitter needs to be taken down a few notches for sure.

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Or just taken down?

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Thankful I grew up and still live in a world that doesn’t need Twitter or any social media for that matter.

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You've missed the point. Unfortunately, twitter (still) matters.

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Patient: "Doctor, I think I am addicted to Twitter."

Doctor: "I don't follow you ..."

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love it

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Go get ‘em! The Twitter dirt bag censorious socialists need to receive the message that censorship is Un-American and unacceptable.

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May the force be with you, Alex! Our hopes are riding on you. There is no difference between the Vatican giving Galileo house arrest or Twitter putting people in Twitter exile for having divergent opinions.

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Great Job. Of course - it's the Federal Government's job to protect it's citizens from Fascist organizations that censor free speech. Unfortunately, the Democratic Party has not only not done it's job - it's conspired with these Tech oligarchs to erase your rights. Yes, Bird needs to be fined many billions. Yes any "rights" bestowed as a publisher need to be tossed. It's a Democratic Party propaganda vehicle, with a mix of Maoist shaming, and a pinch of CCP citizen spying thrown in.

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Dont be ridiculous I was watching the hearings on Capital Hill via C-Span and those Damn Republicans where there just as savagely demanding censorship as the Democrat Representatives. ITS CALLED A UNIPARTY for a reason!

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Of course we have plenty of RINOs who are not Conservatives but rather power hungry ignorant fools. That doesn't absolve Democrats, who are the impetus of all evil in our Government. There is no Uniparty when it comes to Western Civilization, culture, gender norms, the murder of children, etc etc

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Is there anyone out there who can reasonably claim that Twitter makes the world a better place?

They could if they were compelled to play fair and let’s hope that’s what comes from Alex’s heroic efforts.

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Free speech is at stake. There is no greater prize for America

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Keep your heel on the back of their neck Alex... grind & repeat. Show no mercy.

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would someone please tell me what a Twitter is?

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You, undoubtedly asked in jest. I reply in kind. More or less, though it's actually kinda serious too.

The dictionary I use most often is The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Third Edition © 1996 by Houghton Mifflin Company.

I’ll go with their definition #3 in this case knowing that "a person" can also mean "a company." The definition certainly applies accurately in my opinion.

twit (twît) verb, transitive

twit·ted, twit·ting, twits

To taunt, ridicule, or tease, especially for embarrassing mistakes or faults. See synonyms at ridicule.


1. The act or an instance of twitting.

2. A reproach, gibe, or taunt.

3. Slang. A person regarded as foolishly annoying.

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lol yes in jest. Loved reading the breakdown though! Think maybe I will pull up the "twit of the year" contest on Monty Python :)

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Big grin. I definitely need to look up that skit. I miss the Monty Python stuff and I seriously doubt that humor would be allowed in today's environment. It would be, however, wonderfully hilarious, greatly appreciated and even therapeutic!

I'm off to search the Internet for it.

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While you're at it, look for the Dead Parrot and The Argument Clinic.

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Rio - the Dead Parrot and the Argument Clinic skits are two of my all time favorites. So was The Ministry of Silly Walks.

There were (are) so many of them even buried within their movies: The Holy Hand Grenade, The Knights Who Say "Ni", The Bridge of Death, and many, many more! Maybe I need to buy the whole library of their work! Fond memories of such silliness.

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Years ago, we spent a Saturday night watching "Life of Brian" with our children (9 & 14 years old at the time). The kids LOVED it. Then we realized...oops...the kids were enrolled in parochial school. We had to explain to them, "It's probably not a good idea to mention this at school. There's an 11th Commandment: Thou shalt not laugh."

The kids are now well-adjusted, productive adults.

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A classic!

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I pulled it up and watched last night after mentioning...such funny humans :)

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Once upon a time they were mostly just undercover Leftist loons, (redundant). Then Captain America Again joined the ranks with really really, like really mean (but true) peeps that hurt their feelings and they were revealed to be true evil soulless Twits.

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Took me 3 times, but I finally figured out who Captain America Again is😄

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Please don't settle...take this to the very end.

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Twitter did this to themselves and they are the ones to blame for all the misinformation and letting all the bad actors continue with lies and not you based in team reality.

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