From The American Conservative, Michael Davis:

Best line (and so so true) - "if the CDC tried to bring out a Covid app like South Australia’s, they would be mooned by thousands upon thousands of Americans every 15 minutes."

Full article:

"Last summer, when all this Covid stuff really kicked off, I got a call from a friend in rural Virginia. He told me a bunch of rednecks were going to grocery stores and gas stations, tearing down signs asking patrons to wear facemasks.

My friend was annoyed, and so was I. Hey, it’s private property! If Sal only wants to sell pizza to folks dressed like Little Bo Peep, and you don’t want to dress up as Little Bo Peep, go to a different pizzeria. Better yet, cook for yourself. It’s not that hard.

Now, I thank God every day for those rednecks.

A few weeks ago, a friend in Australia called and told me about the country’s new Covid app. Residents of South Australia are required to prove they’re in quarantine by using face recognition and geolocation on this app. If they fail to check in, the app will notify a bureaucrat with the state’s Health Department. That bureaucrat will then call the police. The police, in turn, will go to the citizen’s home and make sure he’s not taking an unauthorized walk so his dog can take a clandestine whizz.

“We don’t tell them how often or when, on a random basis they have to reply within 15 minutes,” said premier Steven Marshall. Fair warning, I guess.

Meanwhile, in neighboring Victoria, the government has implemented mandatory contact tracing. The state is forcing stores to force customers to “check in” before they shop. According to Victoria’s chief health officer, Professor Brett Sutton, “everyone recognizes that we have to do absolutely everything in our power to be able to chase down every single person who may be exposed because it is that one person who is not found who may be the one who spreads it.”

And you know what? Professor Sutton is right. Since the vaccines aren’t 100 percent effective, the only way we can be absolutely sure we eradicate the virus is by identifying every single carrier before they infect anyone else. If that’s Australia’s objective, they’re going to need a lot more than a smartphone app. I’m sure they’ll exhaust every resource.

I’m sure the Australians will let them, too; you can tell they’re descended from prisoners and prison-guards. Another Aussie friend once described his country as an ongoing experiment with Bentham’s Panopticon. Folks there are so worn down by constant government interference they can’t even imagine what true privacy feels like. It’s like boiling frogs—and when your country starts out as a penal colony, you’re pretty well used to the heat.

On the other hand, you can tell Americans are descended from free settlers and freed slaves. Our policy is, and always has been, “Leave me the hell alone.” It’s looking pretty good right about now, too, considering the alternative.

Look: we can get into those niceties about private property laws, and I’ll probably agree with you. I’m not saying they’re perfect. But I sleep better at night knowing the preppers, truthers, and talk-radio enthusiasts are out there, just waiting for an excuse to make life miserable for the government.

Seriously, imagine if Ron DeSantis did an about-face and required everyone who shops at Publix to sign up for contact tracing. There would be riots. No, actually, there wouldn’t—because the good folks who work for Publix would refuse to comply. And if the CDC tried to bring out a Covid app like South Australia’s, they would be mooned by thousands upon thousands of Americans every 15 minutes.

When it comes to our civil liberties, the first line of defense is an old Marine with a Coors Light in one hand and a Remington 870 in the other. He’s got his mask pulled down over his chin and a Winston Red dangling from his lips. He has eight Trump stickers on the back of his truck and one that says “Booty Hunter” just to mix things up. He’s got the Confederate flag tattooed on his left arm and—of course—he’s wearing a MAGA hat.

This specter haunts Washington: the specter of Middle America. Call him Old Red.

Old Red looms over every meeting of the CDC, the FBI, the DHS, and the ATF. They never speak of him, but they all see him. And the apparatchiks know the moment they overstep their authority they’re going to have to deal with hundreds of thousands of pissed-off rustics. Really, there’s no telling how many Beltway power-grabs were abandoned for fear of the Great White Rube.

As bad as things are getting here in the States, we can’t fathom how much worse things would be without these down-home heroes. Sure, they might carry their paranoid anti-government theories a little too far. But their paranoia is far from unfounded, and even if they sometimes over-react, they keep America from falling into the opposite extreme: creeping tyranny, Aussie style. You can’t boil a frogs if he flips out every time you reach for the knob.

Like them, I’d prefer the burdens of liberty to a warm, sterile despotism. And that seems like an old-fashioned, all-American instinct to me. I can’t see Davey Crockett “sheltering in place” because the Department of Public Health asked him to. I can’t see Teddy Roosevelt triple-masking. I can’t see Johnny Cash stanning Dr. Fauci.

So, my apologies to those anti-maskers in Virginia. I rushed to judge you last summer, and that was wrong. May you continue to resist any whiff of conformism with righteous fury. May you give no quarter to the elite “consensus” of elite “institutions.” And may you never stop being pissed off. It just might save this republic."


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One thing wrong with this story. Im not a redneck. I don't have a MAGA hat, nor will I ever buy one, and I just bought an HK416. 22 to add to my collection. Look it up. Im ready, too. The real resistance. Not the corporate sponsored one.

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I'm comfortable in redneck world, and always have been because I love being in nature and in the woods. I do have a MAGA hat, but I could also be on tape in 2016 saying "Donald Trump will never be the US president." I'm fallible, and still learning in life, and I hope to never stop. I went from thinking Trump was running as joke to donating to his last campaign.

Politics aside, I'm also taking a private conceal carry class tomorrow. I live in a city and look like a stereotypical soccer mom. I once supported limits on gun ownership and gun control (Columbine happened when I was in middle school). I AM grateful to the rednecks who always told me like it was, and held the line while I learned. I think they know they aren't alone, they are just willing to say out loud the cold hard truth sometimes :-)

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P365 SS ^

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Thanks for the suggestion!

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22LR is a sweet little gun for plinking and general use. You might want something a bit heavier if the shit ever really hits the fan. The classic triad: AR-15, Mossberg 12ga, Glock 9mm.

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Was thinking along the same lines. But then again alway reluctant to discuss such things publicly in the current climate.

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Great one. We need black men to keep making fun of this. the Hoteps are doing it. Theyre bigger than the Hollywood limp-wristed bought and paid for liberals that sold us their street cred toughness in the 80s and 90s and now are TRUE sell outs to "the man". Im talkingn LL Cool J. Will Smith. ICE CUBE! Ice T! Snoop! All wimps. Nicki Minaj has bigger balls then all of them combined.

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I don't know that many Black people that are into compliance with this crap. Certainly some are scared to death (as are some everywhere - the percentage varies), but I refuse to believe that people whose ancestors overcame slavery and Jim Crow will simply back down and obey because a bunch of government goons and zoom class woke urbanites tell them to.

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Basketball players threw out some truth bombs to the media this week.

And I 2nd your opinion of Minaj.

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Thank you. Still doesn't take away the fear. This stuff is so scary. How did we get here? I've been railing against it for months and months but it still boggles my mind.

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agree, but I also spend a lot of time outside the city...... it's getting more crowded outside the city than inside for a reason.... humans want to be free. We aren't property.

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I love this. Thank you!

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Excellent article, thank you. But it's not just the rednecks.

Even in bluer than blue, Democrats run-everything NYC, there's a solid tradition of FU and get off my lawn. Back when the scamdemic was getting into full swing, our very own Kaiser thought a tip line for snitching on one's neighbor's failure to social distance was good idea.

Immediately, the tip line was flooded with dick pics and photos of extended middle fingers. The tip line was soon discontinued. This is why I believe that no matter how bleak things look right now, we will win in the end. Americans have a streak of independence other nations seem to lack. This streak is what is going to allow us the tyranny which is trying to get a stranglehold.


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Remember when you thought Glen Greenwald was a paranoid conspiracy theorist? Now everything he warned us about is happening x 10. The people with cameras should stop taking photos and start helping the oppressed escape the tyranny.

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WTF????? That's insane. I don't think even in Australia this can continue.

Democrats beat peaceful (like actually) protestors in the streets here in the 1960's too. It only drove up support for the civil rights movement and laws. Democrats beat women in the streets a few decades early. It resulted in our right to vote.

These draconian and harsh attacks on peaceful humans simply living are hard to watch, and outright freightening. We would be wise to accept it is the nature of what we face and resist peacefull and vote and talk to neighbors to change hearts and minds. We can and should prevail. Activng like Mao's opposition, which mostly just stopped objecting, is the greatest threat.

I think its encouraging how many people ARE sacrificing. Be it getting fired for not wanting a new vaccine whose long term risks are unknowable and short term risk actively hidden. They are quitting jobs to homeschool their kids by the millions.

Please don't be part of the fear mongering, "this is inevitable, its not worth a sacrifice because we've already lost crowd." We ARE winning, Biden's toll numbers are tanking, more are standing up to the insanity. We can win if we stop expecting it to be overnight. We will lose if everyone allows fear to rule them - that's bene the entire goal of Covid - fear and threat of discomfort. BLM is publicly attack the woke zoom crowd (still don't agree with BLM, but at least they aren't being sheep).

If we will reject the fear and accept the discomfort this could be the re-birth of liberty. Maybe lets focus on that some?

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All this for a virus that has a 99.7% survival rate. Unbelievable.

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Well, it's not *really* about the virus. But they sure have convinced a lot of people that it is.

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IKR? I keep saying this as well. It’s like these idiots refuse to look at reality.

And just as scary is the realization that all this is being willingly propagandize by the news media, in their Pravda-like lockstep enthusiasm.

I hate to sound like some kooky QAnon believer (which I’m still sure was an intel psyop) but damn.

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No, that's very reasonable assessment. Its the triangulation of BigTech\Media and .Gov that are surely destroying trust.

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Serious question. I don’t believe that it’s controversial to say that the people who are forcing us to mask up are unwilling to follow the rules they write for us. Having accepted that, why should we believe that they are taking the jab like they are insisting that we do?

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I highly doubt the global elite got the vaccine. I've heard that Pfizer and Moderna don't require their employees to be vaccinated with their own products. Maybe someone could confirm that?

Canada's Trudeau and Fauci were both caught out in what *appears* to be ham-fisted vaccine theater. Trudeau was "injected" on TV by someone who obviously had no clue how to administer a vaccine.

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really? I'll have to look up the Trudeau jab video, because he would've made sure there was one.

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I saw it on tiktok - not sure how to find it again. There was a sizable reaction from nurses on tiktok, so it might have been suppressed by now.

From what I recall, the "nurse" giving Trudeau his shot held the syringe like a dart in a pub, and sort of "threw" it into his arm.

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I know right? Ive been joking with friends saying that Obama and Biden will get the booster shot of sugar and salt on live television. Ouchie! THat hurt.... But hm.mmm...I somehow feel more energized and hydrated all at once. Go figure! People, get the shot! It works wonders! I feel great!

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100% agree. They’re all making personal decisions about their own health yet that’s not something we are “allowed”.

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There's not a single reason to believe a thing they say about anything. Ever.

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It seems so.

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This can happen anywhere including ( It kills me to say this) in USA. I am from blue state and am astonished at the lack of inquiry. APATHY!

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It can happen here because people are lazy and asleep!

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And, like in Australia, too many are cheering it on.

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I would lean toward less likely to happen here (unless in deeply 'blue', obedient areas), due to the per capita rate in the USA of 120 firearms per 100 persons. People played along early and voluntarily locked down. Once the reality became clear and sufficient data were available, that willingness has passed.

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Really? They stand by and nod their heads when my Governor says ‘you MUST be vaccinated to keep your job’. I see no difference.

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Right. To keep their job. As in Australia's case, being kept from earning money would cause the uprising.

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Sorry but that doesn't compute. John's point is that Americans by the millions are submitting to blackmail -- they're getting vaccines because if they refuse they will lose their jobs. This is unprecedented. There is FAR less resistance to these policies than I expected. I just assumed most people desire freedom from such authoritarian tactics, and would fight to retain that freedom.

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My point is only that our gun ownership makes us more likely to not be suppressed to the same degree as a disarmed nation. The fear cycle has been used very effectively and yes, you are correct, the majority are giving in to the mandates. I cannot, at this point (although, I have said this a lot and been proven wrong during the last 19 months), imagine a situation where Americans allow the government to throttle their lives to the point that the Australians are in. Our federalist construct gives way to States' rights, and as long as that remains, we are much more difficult to disable.

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People sure are fleeing to red states.

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Good points. Thanks for clarifying.

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Exactly! It's happening here, too! I still don't understand how an Emergency Use Authorized shot can be mandated. The one that the FDA "approved" isn't even available in the U.S. At least, not widely enough for everyone who is being mandated to get a shot can get that one.

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It can't be. What they're doing is a violation of the Nuremburg Code and a crime against humanity.

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Imagine a citizenry surrenders its weapons and thinks “the government will never hurt me.”

Read a history book. (a real one)

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Matriarchy. Big Government replaced father/husband.


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My love for Australia is gone. I hate the AU government tyrants and I will never set foot there again. May the country see 100 years of no tourist dollars. Fuck Oi Oi Oi!

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As an Australian, and not one of the tyrants, thanks a lot for damning the country for 100 years - let's see what happens in your country!

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But at least people have been protesting against the mandates. Where are the protests in the US?

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Sorry, to Alex and readers, it’s only a matter of time before the public realizes that the police are truly just part of the police state, and you’re going to see cops getting killed, and just claim they’re doing their jobs…

Again, welcome to 1930s Germany, spreading to your locale soon…

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Oh, as an addendum, you’re also going to see the morons who shriek , “be civil, be tolerant, be respectful, we need to negotiate!”…

Watch them be taken down too, because they’re just the people who will stab you in the back while you are trying to keep focused on the sociopaths in front…

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Great analogy. I watched a video about the fascination with Hitler. Man did it remind me of current times. The hate brewing among working class against the elites is same as was in Germany. But this time I fear the outcome may be entirely different.

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Right. In many ways, Antifa is right. Minus the Marxism. Too bad they have been co-opted by the Powers as a divide and conquer militia. they will never join forces with non-Marxists, even though they have the same enemy: an overreaching state power, the enmeshed relationship/arranged marriage of multinational corporations and our political leaders. This is the very definition of fascism, I believe. And in that regard, Antifa would be a good ally simply because the media and the elite institutjions in this country have supported them. They'd have to go against them, but I think they have been too infiltrated to let that happen. Theyve become the controlled opposition and would, sadly, be used instead to go after the "white terrorists" who are against no vax no job, no vax no school, lockdowns, and -- in the future -- climate change lockdowns -- and UFO invasion vacccines and other measures. Thatll happen in our lifetimes.

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The original ANTIFA (Antifaschistische Aktion) was a group of street thugs organized in the 1930s by the German communists (KPD) to do battle with the Nazis. However they were never good guys, nor are they today. Many of them went on to become members of the Stasi and similar. ANTIFA versus Nazis was like fighting between two rival criminal gangs.

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Where do they keep getting these cops from? There seems to be an endless supply of them.

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Same place they come from in every other police state that has ever existed. Sadly there's no shortage of people who will beat and even kill their fellow citizens upon command.

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It's the only job openings allowed right now in Australia.

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Ya' think we might be importing a whole bunch of insane-cop candidates right now right here in the USA?

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Is every other person in Australia a police officer? There sure do seem to be a lot of them in these videos just to chase one "bad guy" around.

I've read that a vast majority of their population supports the tyranny, which is the only way they get away with this stuff. If more people fought back they'd break down pretty quickly.

Very sad.

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As an Australian I'm bewildered by American condemnation of Australians. Saying things like "Well they just gave up their arms so what do you expect?" (as if coming out with a gun is going to stop our massive militarized police force). Or, as you say, the majority agree with the tyranny. Yes there are a certain number who are caught in the mass psychosis but like any rising totalitarianism (at least in the early stages) there is typically 30% totally and visibly against, 40% sitting quietly and invisibly on the fence frightened out of their wits, and 30% who are all for the tyranny. I'd say this is probably right given my experience with people here in Australia.

Yes we could have made smarter choices voting for leadership (just like the USA) but this is a global phenomenon, there's players pulling strings that go way beyond Australian politics. If this can happen in a country like Australia, watch out world!

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We have to be careful not to generalize. I feel the same way when people talk about how Californians are all brain dead Marxists. Well, I'm not and I know a lot of other people who aren't and we are all fighting for our liberty.

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Look up the Solzhenitsyn quote “how we burned in the camps…”

Not so long ago seemed very abstract and unthinkable…


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Absolutely applicable here. This stuff would end very quickly if people weren't afraid to fight back. What we are seeing in these videos are very small groups of very brave people. Most people who disagree are cowering inside while this happens.

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"Not so long ago seemed very abstract and unthinkable…"

This is what happens when societies become so decadent that they lose contact with human nature. There's a reason for the political and legal machinery we erected since the Magna Carta. The reason is that the leftists are wrong. Human beings are not naturally good. We are absolutely *capable* of good, but we quickly degenerate into something worse than animals if we are not continuously vigilant.

We've taken freedom for granted for far too long, and now we're reaping what we've sown. It's never hopeless, but the hour is later than we think.

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Thanks for posting Solzhenitsyn! What insight! — “ but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?... The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin's thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! ”

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"Do you think it can’t happen here? Or everywhere?" In a word... Yes. (Coming from an Australian). Be careful how you judge us. I've read so many Americans talking off the top of their head because they've seen a video or two and suddenly they are an expert on the Australian situation and quickly pass judgment on a people who "obviously" embrace the oppression. Please.

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Agree. It's happening in America, too. We have no room to talk.

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Amazing letter. your link deserves much more attention than it's currently getting.

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