I have been watching Australia and what is happening ‘over there’. It has never been about ‘safety’ or ‘public health’. I am afraid that the dumbed down, virtue signaling, woke, masses that subscribe to American Marxism, will accept The New World Order without so much as a flinch. Some in our circle of friends (we live in Western Washington State, 20 minutes from Portland), are highly educated and seemingly smart people (think PhD, MD’s). To our utter surprise 3 couples whom we have been friends with for 20 years, decided to stop associating with us AT ALL because we were questioning the ‘mask mandates’. We were trying to discuss, ‘the science’ with them or the lack of it and rational thought. It is this type of total compliance that scares me the most. People who question the ‘regime’ are considered dangerous. I believe the fight for freedom and America has just begun. I now call the Democrat Party…the DCP.

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I feel you.

One of my close friends (over 10+ years), is an MD with one of the largest private practices (a mini-hospital) is religiously anchored in Covid vaccine "science." When I share counter arguments and/or data he dismisses them. For example, I'll ask, "Why is India's infection and deaths so low?" And he'll respond, "I'm sure there's something wrong with their data." He is no dummy, is a prolific reader and maintains a vast library of books across disciplines. His one weakness is: he absolutely despises Trump. Like many liberals, he believes he is morally justified in disliking Trump.

Your experience and mine goes to demonstrate how deeply divided our country has become, and education is not an accurate measure of critical thinking. But, I think there's another factor at play here. I'm beginning to think some people prefer - regardless of knowledge/ education/ critical thinking - to be told what to do, and strongly desire it. Perhaps there's comfort in being told what to do bc life is messy and complex.

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You make a interesting point about human nature…so instead of being a sovereign person…with free-will and with it the responsibility of consequences…humans replace that with worship of the State. Save Us they cry as The State places them into bondage and they don’t even realize it.

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Perhaps most perplexing is how this phenomenon is not limited to America. I am in Canada and we have the exact same dynamic here.

I can predict with near perfect accuracy what someone's views on the following unrelated topics will be: Trump, guns, abortion, diversity and inclusion, equity and equality, racism, Covid masks, Covid vaccines, and Ivermectin.

Now, why are these people so loyal to The System, and so opposed to the true liberals? That is the part I still can't figure out.

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how quickly can you predict this? As soon as you see them put their mask on before they get out of the car? lol I can't figure out a lot of things about these people. I thought they were the counterculturalists but they fell right in line with it all. I do wish we could know how our country would have dealt with covid had Trump never been president. They just cannot let go of that hate.

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I am in Toronto and agree . My thoughts are that they are all afraid and so embrace the state- a dad to protect and guide them. What is going to be interesting is when the increasing connections to severe chronic health issues gets clearer how will they respond to “ Dad” ?

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I have noticed that many celebs that are vaccinated are now testing positive. Instead of being mad they were not protected, they support vaccines even more so. It really has become a new religion for millions.

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More like a cult. Norway has just downgraded Covid 19 on a par with seasonal flu and colds:


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I think they are actually not vaccinated. Just pretending to have been.

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Interesting. I grew up in Toronto; my children were all born there.

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Yes, i've long wondered the same. I've simplified it to grapple with the "why", and concluded that some people want to be ruled by the "right" party.

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Because Marxism has infiltrated the educational institutions throughout the West. I’m afraid the the Soviets and the Chinese won in the end. It is beyond the point of no return.

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Covid Derangement Syndrome. We see this with doctors in Australia.

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Hating Trump and loving the jab! Hilarious! These same people whined they wouldn't take "Trump's jab."

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It's the 7th grade lunch table...pandemic style...and I hated 7th grade when I was in 7th grade. Ask your friend why he got the Trump shot. Maybe it will break the cognitive dissonance.

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hates Trump--but loves Trump's eternal 'national declaration of emergency'!! Such incredible stupidity. I could see the nazification taking place in real time, as these new nazis seethed in psychotic rage at everything Trump represented (mind you, I think he was part of the system--but he *represented* the normal, bible-based, 'American' type values that actually are held by most normal, working class Americans, imo).

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My prediction is that it won’t matter who runs in 2024 on the Republican side because Michelle Obama will be the Democrat nominee. The MSM and social media will rig it so the people won’t get the real information. I mean how could anyone give Biden a vote when his dementia was in clear evidence during the primaries?

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Yes, I think it's pre-determined. Not to mention that Biden was a tremendous political re-tread, had been trounced every time he'd run for president. And we're supposed to believe the demented retread actually beat the far more popular candidate. I don't buy it. But I think that our governors and mayors have more free-will than any president.

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I hope so because if America goes down, we're all screwed.

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historically, the Pentagon is big into keeping Americans in a bubble of propaganda and ignorance, while destroying other regions in the world. This is probably more of the same. Fortunately, many Americans have guns, and the US is just 'bigger' and more spread out than many countries. So I'm thinking that life within the US will stay tolerable--but even though I'm in a red state, I just don't have any desire to do international travel or cruising on a cdc police-state style cruise. I kind of feel like 'fun' ended in March, 2020, evidently for good.

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which is why they're trying to reform the gov to be more too down and centralized

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Barack’s 4th term.

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People also like to control other people. Now they get to stand up and say, Put on your mask! Get your vax! Stay home, save lives!

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Anyone remember that not-so-long ago time when certain public figures loudly proclaimed they would never trust the "Trump Vaccine"? What changed?

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The answer is in your question.

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Long TDS is real. Far more real than long COVID.

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"The Dark Side"?

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Beautifully put💕

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As the saying goes...good riddance to bad rubbish. They weren't really friends. I'm sure it's shocking. I've always known exactly which side my friends and relatives would fall on.

I remember having a conversation a year ago (outside, at a family funeral) with one of my brothers and a cousin...who are both very impressed with themselves for reasons that escape me. They believed in the magic force field provided by cloth and paper face coverings. I said they were useless viral theater because the virus was clearly airborne. They believed that children were in grave danger. I pointed out that the data did not support that claim, which was a blessing. They claimed that the immunity provided by natural infection did not last. For a moment, I wondered if they knew something I did not. Did the virus attack the immune system? Was this airborne AIDS? No, they just got their scientific expertise and medical advise from the idiots on CNN and MSNBC. My cousin said that the antibodies disappeared within a few months. Umm, they're supposed to do that. I acknowledged that fact and said the B cells would ramp them back up if a person was re-exposed and the T cells would destroy infected cells.

It was surreal. While I believe their self-opinions are overblown, they're not stupid people and both have an educational background in science. My cousin worked for many years in the medical field and now works for a Gates non-profit.

Their contempt and disdain for me was palpable. I was offended, yes, but mostly angry.

I used to think that their inability to think clearly was a result of TDS, but the insanity continues...so I guess the damage done by TDS is permanent.

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Yes!! Exactly! My brother is a MD, PhD Pediatric Immunologist…one of the top researchers in the country. He treats some of the sickest kids and has been widely published. He actually stated to me a few weeks ago that he was so angry at the ‘idiots’ (people and governors), in the Southern States who refuse to get vaccinated or go without masks. He angrily said, ‘I want my life back’. Unreal. They all blame Trump. I told my brother that it is a personal choice to get vaccinated or not. I also reminded him that it was Harris and other Dem’s who proudly stated, they would not trust nor get a vaccine that Trump was responsible for helping develop. He scoffed. The total meltdown of rational, fact based thought has been achieved…very sad. I hope America starts to wake up.

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you're adding ammunition to my plan of never going to see another doctor.

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Find a doctor you can trust. They should be a resource and a guide but most people (especially in the US) view them as an unquestionable expert. An authority that must be listened to. That's silly - you're a customer and they should be providing a service. When you are both the customer and the product (aka their services will impact YOU) it's imperative to be extremely discerning.

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The informed docs can’t tell you what they really think bc they will lose their license for spreading “misinfo.” This also carries over to publishing anything-opinions, data that breaks from the vaxx narrative. My mother’s chiropractor just told her he’s not going to be able to recommend Ivermectin to his patients anymore bc of these new regulations, despite how strongly he feels about it.

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Agreed with "find a doctor you can trust." They are not all the same. They can be very independent.

I'm lukewarm on the descent into libertarian customer/product "individuals making contracts" ideology. Why does every human relationship have to be shoe-horned into this? And at some point, this "personal responsibility" stuff, when it's infeasible for you to replicate all your doctor's study sufficiently to micro-manage his judgement, is just an excuse for not fixing a bad situation by "finding a doctor you can trust."

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Functional medicine actually treats root causes

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Not sure where they line up behind Covid health? US docs have not stepped to the podium.

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I found a local DO who started up recently. Our town is small with a larger neighboring city where Essentia Health runs the roost. In April 2021 I got CV and asked to be put on Ivermectin and Azithromycin, despite being very sick for 2 weeks 6 moths later my antibodies are through the roof I will get them tested again in another 6 months.

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How/where do you accomplish that test?

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I recommend you show this interview clip to your brother. It may or may not work.

In early August, CDC Director Rochelle Walensky admitted to Wolf Blitzer that the "vaccines" do not stop infection with or transmission of the Delta variant and that the fully vaxxed and unvaxxed have similar viral loads. The fully vaxxed can be infected and transmit. They can even become sick, be hospitalized, and die. There is no greater good. And some experts (Geert Vanden Bossche, who used to work for GAVI) believes this mass vaccination campaign in the middle of a pandemic will actually prolong the outbreak.

FYI, the Delta variant arose in India in December 2020...before the mass vaccinations began. This variant was not caused by the unvaxxed.


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my guess is he will reject any offer of information from her. that's been my experience.

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worth a try tho

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I can try…not very hopeful. But thank you.

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I am really tired of hearing about Geert. His view is not common or even close to a consensus.

On the other hand, the vaccine is not sterilising and thus has no group benefit, only individual benefit, leaving no justification to force it on people when an extremely solid justification is required given the low standards of safety and proven risk reduction in younger folk. There is a strong faction of doctors that believes that, not just one guy on youtube. It would be a total consensus if it were not for these politicized "public health officials."

When you mix the two claims together you undermine yourself. Please do not throw everything at the wall to see what sticks. People will pick your weakest claim then dismiss you.

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Variants arose in the regions holding mass vaccine trials....all of the named early variants came from areas in which large clinical trials were being conducted. UK, South Africa, India. Cowinkadink? I think Not !!!

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Yes, I saw a video by WhatsHerFace that Robert Malone put up on Twitter. He didn't agree with her. I saw a quote by Geert Vanden Bossche a few days ago. He definitely believes the vaxx trials created the variants. If tens of thousands of injections created the variants, what will billions of injections do? Very scary.

If you're interested, Vanden Bossche and Malone are both on Vejon Health tomorrow. Should be very interesting. Not sure if you need a Fakebook account to watch.


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| ‘I want my life back’.

I wonder how much this is a driver. A few months ago a friend, who is a true believer in MSM, was bemoaning people not getting vaccinated or wearing masks etc. and worried about getting sick even those she is vaccinated*. I kept supplying facts to counter each of her complaints. She finally sighed and said! “I just want this to be over so I can go back to my normal life.”

*This was before all the Israel and other data punching a hole in the efficacy of the vaccines. I might have been more sympathetic if I had known that, although I’m not sure that true believers are able to admit or accept this fact.

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I think it’s easier to just blame the unvaccinated, right-wing, Trump supporters than to admit your Government is totally corrupt. It’s so sad because everything my brother feared about Trump is actually TRUE about Biden and company…🤷‍♀️ I friend of mine has hid in her house for 18 months…refuses to even see her grandchildren in person…she is a prisoner and does not even realize it. She now hates me because I refused to ‘comply’…I went about my life…visited friends, hugged my grandchildren, refused to wear a mask…I FINALLY got the J&J vaccine…but will not be getting any boosters. But my ‘friend’ thinks I am horribly evil. It is people like that who will stand by and allow the unvaccinated or those who question the regime to be persecuted. I think America is in for a rough road.

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Time to ask your "leaders" if they've been vax'd. Our city leadership and our LtGov (had cv) are exempt "elected officials and staff." Conveys product doubt, I would venture? iCAN thru Highwire is asking for complete disclosure of product ingredients, since 20% redacted in previous disclosure communication.

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Yep. I am hearing more and more how the ‘elite’ are exempt. I had no idea that Congress is exempt?? Insane.

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Obama "wild abandon" b'day party I don't mind. Think we should all party. It's his arrogance because he knows we're all going to go the way of a Phase 3 trial w/o any compensation, except maybe our health.

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I hear the pentagon is exempt. I know postal workers are exempt.

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Sep 24, 2021
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| What if it isn't about "the virus" but about something much more nefarious as many people are beginning to fear?

I feel like some people are innately unable to fathom a question like this. I live in a blue city in a red state. In conversations with blue people they seem pretty certain that the government and elected officials have the people’s best interest at heart. Such a belief is so antithetical to history and human nature that I don’t know how to respond. It would be fruitless anyway. They also seem pretty fragile when you present them with any facts outside the approved narrative. It’s fascinating (and terrifying). I am starting to see their lashing out as a reflection of their immaturity and lack of inner strength. Whereas before I took it as I was inadequate. It’s like I’m trying to have a logical, fact-based conversation with a toddler prone to tantrums.

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Jennifer, you are not wrong. Those true blue and clueless are terrifying when you take their dogged allegiance to its illogical conclusion. As you say; they are easily identifiable. But, when they are or were friends, or they're family, it is disturbing. You can't help but wonder how long would it take in a worsening COVID-19 paranoia-controlled state before they become brown-shirt snitches and turn you in for the free choices you deemed best for you when the facts do not support the government line.

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Our family had a business. We mostly employed college students. Fairly regularly the new hires would come to us furious that we took out taxes from their wages. They loudly told us to SToP IT. They did not approve these deductions. No matter how many times we would explain payroll taxes, they ultimately believed we alone make the decision to rob them. Our university is full of communists. So many woke. It once was a nice Midwestern system. Tame. Tolerant. Today full of hate.

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1099 Independent Contractor them! Let them be responsible for their own taxes and deductions and Workmen’s Comp contributions! Done and done.

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And their attitudes of being special- we het it , we believe we will get perks everyone else is stupid. Just wait - boy are they in for a big surprise when the shit hits the fan. The economic shit will hit very soon- no staff as many continue to resign. Add that to the fallout out from the ginormous default of Evergrande and the impact on banks around the world- a bad flu will be the least concern of the “ special obedient people/ sociopaths”

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Sep 24, 2021
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Yes, yes. Agree about the fear. I just hope that eventually they can move off of blaming it all on the unvaccinated. But just like some people still think eating fat causes fat despite all the evidence to the contrary, I fear that the unvaccinated will always be the convenient scapegoat.

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My brother, whom I love, and his wife HATE Trump. Before the election I told my brother that I was very concerned about the ‘agenda’ of the Left regarding the lockdowns, masks, and the push toward Socialism. I told him I felt that Biden was compromised by China and could not be trusted. He laughed and said, Biden is a Capitalist. What I have found, even with my brother, is that they are unable to listen to reason or factual data driven thought. They are completely brainwashed. I only hope is that as America goes the way of Australia (because that is what they want here), people like my brother will wake up…before it’s too late. I am glad that American citizens are heavily armed.

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The phrase "now works for a Gates non-profit" may explain much about your cousin's thinking. Here in Seattle we're drowning in that particular poison.

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She was normal before she moved to the Big Apple. LOL.

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we have one of those in the family too! New york brainwashes people

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"they're not stupid people"

IQ is but one dimension for a healthy, effective human. Your friends (and many of mine) are highly intelligent, but *spiritually retarded*. I've had more than one high-IQ savant ask me what spirituality even means. They're afflicted by a scotoma, much as a psychopath simply has "nothing there" when it comes to empathy. That said, I believe that no human being is beyond the reach of God, but many people today are locked within an impenetrable fortress of irrationality with respect to the transcendent.

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Exactly right. These "spirituality retarded" individuals are not even aware that they have indeed become religious (if not spiritual) -- in the "Cult of Covid." One thing I've noticed throughout this is that the more "religious" states take a different approach (more ce la vie?) to COVID than the more atheistic ones (zero covid!) The reasons for such differences could be discussed endlessly, but it seems obvious that for people who currently have no religion, Zero Covid has become their religion, complete with priests, zealots, gospels, prophets, holy books and rituals. On the other hand, for people who already have a spiritual life and a religion, they didn't need another one, and are also psychologically "alert" for competing religions. They know what "religions" are and are careful to not worship "false gods" etc. Atheistic people, on the other hand, may have no such innate awareness of what a religion is, and do not see that they have stumbled into a religious cult; in a sense they possess no natural "immunity" to competing religious beliefs. They're spiritually "unvaccinated."

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They're afraid of death. If this is all there is, then death is the end of their existence. C19...and the unmasked, unvaxxed hordes...are an existential threat. So, yes, their belief in "public health" and "masks" and "the holy jab" have taken on religious meaning. They're protective talismans rather than viral theater and biological experimentation.

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@VeryVer, fascinating comment. Thanks. I’ve definitely been questioning—even more that I always have—the downsides and dangers of “modern” life. In the end, we all will one day not be on this earth. What is a life well lived? What is truly worth spending our time on? How do we make a difference in other people’s lives? These and more are questions science can never answer. There is so much to life outside of what can be quantified and monetized. And these things are being buried by modernity and science and fear.

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My wife and I are in the health field. So many medical people may be intelligent (though I really wonder about some), but they have no ability to objectively evaluate and think beyond their small area of knowledge. Their worldview clouds their ability to use critical thinking. This goes on in many areas like climate change. I know of many who won’t engage in a conversation if you dare to question. You see questioning is not allowed.

The medical profession has a history of selective bias. They did this for many years with the chiropractic profession. Now they are eating their own. Notice how they ridicule any doctor who doesn’t toe the party line i.e. vaccination. That is not science; it is pure and simple dogma, like the church teachings of the Middle Ages.

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Very true. Generally, I don't see a lot of critical thinking going on anywhere. It's not taught in schools after all, and our modern life has substituted technology for thinking. One example is "google-ing the answer to a question." It seems like thinking, but it's not.

"In MY day."..lol....when I had a question, even something as simple as "how far away is Australia from New York City," I had to research to get the answer. Think about where to find the info. I had to, first, ask my family, then judge their answers to determine if they were idiots or not. If my Uncle were to tell me that Australia is only 3 miles away, and then I go tell my fiends at schools such rubbish, at least one of them would point out that the supermarket was also 3 miles away, and then my friends would punish my naivete forever by asking me "when I was going to go over to Australia and get some milk."

So then I would learn that Uncle Joe was unreliable, but I still wouldn't know how far away Australia was. Eventually I'd end up at a library or at a friend's house who had an Encyclopedia.

Today, all of that "research" has been replaced with the quick : "Google says...." And then to check Google, they use Bing. And if a the search results top 10 all show "the same" thing -- that must be true, right?

All of the mental energy and critical thinking that we used to do just by merely "wondering" and trying to think a problem out for ourselves given the lack of "facts," is gone. I'm more and more thinking that the internet is an overall net loss for our society.

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Yes, and many people get their info from sites like Wikipedia which has some accuracy but also a lot of bias which clouds the accuracy. I am 75 so ai know what you mean about the internet. It has also become a mode of modern day book burning and censorship. So much for the “information age”.

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As much as I want to agree with you, hating on "bad rubbish" further divides us. But I understand the frustration. About half the country wants to enforce their rules on the other half. The use of mandates (force) is encouraging hostility, and friends are dividing among two camps: vaxx vs. vaxx hesitant.

I shared earlier that I have a close friend who owns a medical practice (a very large one). He hasn't evicted me yet as a friend, and I use that opportunity to casually share data, and ask questions. It hasn't moved the needle with his thinking, and we're still friends.

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I have friends and family who are vaxxed. None have suffered any ill effects, and I pray the predictions about long-term risks are overblown. I don't have problems with people having a different opinion or making a different choice...as long as they respect my opinion and my choice.

For example, why would your friend want to suppress access to Ivermectin for prevention and early treatment of C19? I don't know if it works, but I'd like the option should I become infected. And the actual doctors who've treated actual C19 patients successfully say it helps. The FLCCC doctors even changed their protocols in response to Delta. You can bet my concern increased when I heard they were concerned about the new variant.

If I prescribed a glass of ketchup with a hot sauce chaser as a potential C19 cure...which would probably cause more harm than Ivermectin...would your friend want to ban ketchup and hot sauce because of dangerous misinformation? Would Fakebook and Twitter censor me? If your friend...or any other vaxx acolyte...doesn't want to take Ivermectin...he doesn't have to take Ivermectin...or HCQ...or mAbs. Does he care if you take Motrin or Tylenol for a headache?

The problem with many on the left is the contempt they have for people who disagree with them. It has nothing to do with science or medicine or reason. It's hate. Visceral hate. I know. I'm related to some of them.

The worst bad people are the bad people who think they are the good people.

They are also the most dangerous.

Ask your friend how he would feel about the jabs if Trump had won.

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Everyone in my immediate family has been vaccinated.

I am the black sheep. My fiance and I refuse the jab. My sister resisted up to the mandated hospital's deadline. She's a frontline.

I have my own business and can evade the tyranny more practically than most. For many vaccine hesitant (including my sister), it comes down to the near last line of defense: economics. Force the decision to eat or starve, and most will choose to eat. It's evil. It's effective.

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^this. in my opinion one of the most dangerous moves from the last 18 months was twitter/fb/other tech platforms deciding what was truth and de-platforming those who had a different opinion. Now on twitter you do NOT have discourse.. you have groupthink. Alex and others forced to substack removes critical challenging of ideas and pushes further division. We have to find common ground with others. Thankfully it's pretty simple.. the common ground is that pretty much everybody wants to do what they think is best for themselves and their family. Thankfully that's a near universal truth.. after that it diverges pretty quickly unfortunately.

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Love your name "Taco" (I chuckled). Humor is an antidote to vaccine madness. yes, agree, the censorship will force further division. This is intentional. On the bright side, I've greatly enjoyed reading about others who share our views on this substack.

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Assumptions reveal themselves with enough questioning.. it's imperative that we keep asking questions. Your curiosity re: "do they know something that you don't" is spot on. Keep digging in there! Masks work/don't work is not an effective talking point.. people have a wide range of definitions when they think of "work". So ask - "what do you mean by masks work".. they'll probably say something like if more people wore them we'd reduce transmission. Then you ask how you can measure a reduction in transmission / how many people need to wear them, etc. Then ask them what they think about places with extremely high mask compliance like Japan (98%, etc.) and why they haven't been able to eradicate covid, etc. el gato malo and ianmsc have good resources here

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At the time of this particular conversation, Japan was doing well. My sister-in-law is from New Zealand, and they were held up as an example of success. And, of course, everything was Trump's fault. My brother even blamed Trump when his 21-year-old son went to a party in defiance of the university rules and caught the virus. Many on the swim team became ill. The season was suspended. Meets were cancelled. The kids got better. It was all Trump's fault. It was so ridiculous it was laughable. My brother wrote this screed to my older brother and me...the implication was that we also were at fault. TBH, I've wondered if something is going wrong in his brain. It was so illogical and over the top.

I'm not sure, but I think two of my brothers aren't speaking to me. I have sent emails containing information about the vaxxine failure in England. Not gloating. I want them to understand that they can be infected and become ill. I'm pretty sure they never read anything I send, but I feel it a moral duty. I have information they don't have...Rachel Madcow isn't going to talk about it on her show. This particular brother asked me to remove him and his wife from the mailing list. I heard from my older brother's wife that his wife was not upset about the emails and was annoyed with him for including her. Whatevs.

This weekend, I plan to create an email with the prevention and early treatment protocols with links to sources. I also have found two sources for Ivermectin. We don't have it yet, but we're in the queue.

I've been following the bad cat for a year now. I'll check out ianmsc. Thanks.

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My wife and I are both in the health field. She despairs of her medical colleagues. Actually many of them are not bright as far as thinking outside the box or using critical thinking to connect the dots. Much of medicine today is diagnosing and treating according to an algorithm. There are a few that stray and use real doctoring skills based on data, research and empirical evidence. People—or their bodies—don’t behave according to an algorithm.

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Diagnose a test result and throw a drug at it, preferably one still on patent that benefits their corporate medical overlords.

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I've been saying exactly the same thing for 19 months. I got it February 2020

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Carolyn, I know your disappointment. There are many, many people in our circle (here in the USA), people who used to be our friends, to whom we are evidently dead because we complained about the lockdowns and masks, and refused to attend their sad, grim "Zoom Cocktail Hours". Happily, we have a core of friends who happily came to stand in our kitchen and drink wine from March, 2020, to the present. But our social circle is much smaller, and those lost friends are unlikely to come back.

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zoom happy hours are the worst.

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“Zoom Happy Hour” is an oxymoron.

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Totally the worst!!!

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Zoom Cocktail Hours? I would rather drink alone lol

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I live in the same area and you're so spot on, I can't really add much to what you're saying here except "Amen." As a buddy of mine has been saying for years, people have deceived themselves about the "average American": after years of indoctrination in our mostly Left-leaning public "education" system, most Americans are happy to embrace totalitarianism as long as its done by their party (in this case, the Dems).

I remember being out and about at times and having old Limbaugh (sigh) on the radio. As much as I loved Rush, each time he'd go on about America being largely "Center Right," I would say (audibly at times) "That's where you're wrong, Rush! That day has long passed!"

We now have two views of what America is in this country--and they are incompatible with one another. The Left has done a superb job at raising good little serfs/drones who don't need chains and internment camps to instill compliance--they are willing participants in their own subjugation.

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Yep…when Trump came out in March of 2020 and said, we have to shut everything down and go home for 15 days…everything in me said…NO, this is not right…but I wanted to be a good citizen…so we stayed home. I was searching for information and answers…so I contacted my MD/PhD brother who is a Pediatric Immunologist…surely he would know. He stated without hesitation…this virus originated from bats in a wet market in China. I just knew in my gut something was very OFF about this. So, I complied…for 15 days. But I have NEVER bought into the mask lie and have fought it at every turn. My brother who is so smart…but has lived in academia his entire life is angry at those who question ‘the science’. He thinks WE are the problem. It’s infuriating and sad. But I agree…the indoctrination is wide and deep and I am not sure at all if we are going to get out of this without a massive civil war in the United States. I am 65 years old…I say ‘bring it on’.

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The truth is that Trump got rolled by the pandemic technocrats. DeSantis did initially too, but he came to his senses. I don't think Trump had any senses to come to.

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They believe that only THEY are smart enough to read a research paper and understand it. Elitists.

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I will never agree with even the 15 days no matter who came up with it.

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It’s all a giant Beta test to see how far they can shove us.

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I have no idea what's going on, but, assuming our "leaders" are NOT trying to kill us or start a war, I figure that our governemnts were "told" or "discovered" that the virus came for a bioweapons lab and had been develeoped to kill, mutate and resist vaccines. They were told they didn't know what it would do or how bad it would be. They were told to under no circumstances, should they tell us, the people, this news as we would, rightly, "panic," and possible be very angry at Fauci and the US Gov't for creating and helping to create this virus. Instead, we would be told, lie children, to hide in our homes etc. etc. The gov't response to this virus have always seemed wildly disproportionate to reality, yet the govt's never change their views to match the reality, but keep plugging away at the nonsense. "It's deadly virus stopped by a thin cloth! It can't travel more than 6 feet, 1 inch! It won't get you in a restaurant if you're sitting down!" And now, "take the vaccine which works great, except you will need it every few months and you'll still get sick."

Now, whether or not this thing came from the lab I don't know, but telling the world leaders it did, and hiding that news from the public, explains to some degree the hysteria we see in governments and the befuddlement we see feel as citizens.

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"The gov't response to this virus have always seemed wildly disproportionate to reality, yet the govt's never change their views to match the reality, but keep plugging away at the nonsense."

I keep coming back to this. The response makes no sense. Why would you want to exaggerate a scenario like that? Why instill fear?

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True. Some smart people don't want to have "the wrong" opinions -- they want to think they are unique among humans to never be misled or tricked, to never change their mind, or even, to never be, simply, just wrong. They watch the media that is preferred in their social class and those are the acceptable ideas.

It takes a lot of metal work to turn a blind eye to inconsistencies and hypocrisy, to keep the blenders on and their fingers in their ears, and that's why they often get so mad when people ask questions. Because the questions have no answers, because what they think is science is actually faith, and faith is about believing without evidence. These same smart people are usually atheists, and believe that religious people are on some level "stupid." It would shatter their self image to realize that they themselves have become religious, and believe in many things without evidence.

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Regarding leftists digging their own graves. Look at it this way:

"Never interrupt your enemy, when he is making a mistake" Napoleon

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If Trump were still president, these people would all be saying exactly the opposite things. In fact, Trump would not have been able to instigate a mass vaccination campaign at all. The massive vaccine push is only possible because a "nice Dem" is in the oval office.

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You are absolutely right, and the evidence is out in public. In October, 2020, both Biden and Harris went on record disparaging the "Trump vaccine." Harris: "If Trump recommends it, I won't take it." Weirdly, ironically, their reasoning was correct… these vaccines hadn't been well-tested, and their efficacy and side-effects were insufficiently understood. As we now find. But having run a campaign based on "We'll crush the Covid!!!" they've bought the problem, and the only tools they know of are masks, lockdowns, and vaccines. Thanks to Federalism, and the general orneriness of Americans, lockdowns aren't an option. Hence the rage directed at the "unvaccinated" and the Governors who refuse to order their citizens to wear masks. The list of those Governors is a roll of honor, IMO.

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Agreed. Ask a liberal why they got the Trump shot and what their head spin. LOL

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I was a dyed-in-the-wool Liberal 20 months ago. My first Presidential vote was for Dukakis. These events have changed everything about how I see the world and my neighbors (about whom I care very much!). I don’t think my values have changed, just how I map them onto politics.

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It's definitely not your grandma's Democrat Party.

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My grandma's democrat party was doing Jim crow. But then my grandma was also a republican

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The same type policies succeeded under Trump b/c it was presented as 'Fauci made him do it'. The left would do anything Trump ordered, as long as they thought 'Fauci made him do it'.

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I'm in Portland, but have friends across the state line in Vancouver.

My partner lost a good friend because she insisted he get vaccinated, or she wouldn't even go for a walk with him, socially distanced, with masks on.

But that's not the worst one:Another friend, let's call her Karen, demanded that a mutual friend, let's call her Sally, take a rapid covid test before hanging out, because Sally had been in our company the week before, and Karen knows we're unvaccinated.

And get this: Karen and Sally were going KAYAKING.

So, Sally shows up at the lake, and Karen has the covid test all ready to go. She THROWS it at Sally, then scampers back into her Subaru, waits for the results. Negative! Whew. Now they can go kayaking. Karen, by the way, is a ridiculously healthy 40-year old woman. Physically anyway. Mentally ... maybe she could use a therapist?

This story has not been exaggerated at all. This is how insane people have become.

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Vernon - I totally get it. The Portland metro area has gone insane. I belong to the Vancouver Bike Club. It’s SO sad to see that the club Board just put in place ‘vaccinated’ only rides. I am a ride leader and and working with another ride lease to have ‘all’ are welcome rides. There are cyclists ride alone with masks on. I wonder have people gone totally mad?

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Yes, people have gone totally mad. I think the vaccination makes them crazy. Not talking tin foil hat stuff just noticing.

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A local car club in upstate NY just announced that only vaccinated people will be allowed to stand around in a field outside and show their cars. Of course, it's open to the public, and the public is not required to be vaccinated, so....COVID only strikes car owners of a certain marque? Science? Bueller?

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This is so sad. How could your friends treat you and your partner like this? Or each other? I'm sure you and your partner worry about their safety after being vaccinated - I'm not sure they worry about your safety, just about how you affect their safety.

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Mass hysteria always passes. The victims wake up and wonder what we're we thinking, apologize, and get back to normal. Don't burn the bridges yet.

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well, true, the craze always passes. I hope it will be in a few months, rather than a few years. The "failure" of the shots to act like real vaccines is real blow for them, and as more and more people get covid, get boosters, still get covid, ad infinitum, the mass hysteria may begin to break. Here's hoping.

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Stephanie Brail has a very good substack where she recently posted a long essay titled message to my doctor or similar. The author of that essay regards public ignorance as a primary cause of this panic. That will take much longer than months to overcome. But there is reasonable hope at least the panic will subside soon, if not the insecurity.

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You don't know my family...but I hope you're right...I hope we get to the other side...soon.

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I sincerely hope you are right, Mr. Watson.

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I really hope you are right about this.

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Wokeness is how they sell CCP style governance to the Western world. The managerial elites and their wandering minstrels, most of them entertainment influencers, "artists" and "journalists", love the economic and the anti-chaos social model of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP, in case you didn't know)...they believe the only problem with the CCP, honestly, is that it doesn't allow for Gay Pride parades. The power structures of the west have co-opted all the progressive left's favorite issues -- BLM, LBGT, non-binary, inclusion, diversity, climate crisis -- and made it their own. How could they possibly be bad? In fact, they are right! Where do I sign...?

And there you have it.

China is not the problem.

The managerial elites of the Anglosphere, to sound academic,...they are the problem. Read Michael Lind's great book on this: The New Class War. Find it on Barnes and Nobel, cuz screw Jeff Bezos.

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Suburban White leftists are the scum of the earth.

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I wouldn't say "the" but they are certainly scum. I can think of some others too...

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Nah, there is nothing more fake than a SWL. Fake intelligence, fake altruism, and their phony lives devoid of meaning. And don't get me started on their hypocrisy.

Now, I grant you that the nihilistic elites are far worse. For they are rabid dogs.

And there's only one thing to do with a rabid dog.

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I'm in the same part of the world so feel free to hit me up for some sane conversation!

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Thanks! That would be wonderful!

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One nice takeaway from all this is finding more people (even if they're far away) who have a similar mindset.. aren't afraid to ask questions and have no desire to govern over others. Wish we had more of that on the central coast of CA but thankfully I've found a handful of people. You can usually guess who they might be by the way they smile at you :) I've been inexplicably drawn to this quote since I first read it ~20 years ago in high school and it's never felt more relevant:

"The only freedom which deserves the name is that of pursuing our own good in our own way, so long as we do not attempt to deprive others of theirs, or impede their efforts to obtain it. Each is the proper guardian of his own health, whether bodily, or mental or spiritual. Mankind are greater gainers by suffering each other to live as seems good to themselves, than by compelling each to live as seems good to the rest."

-John Stuart Mill

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Me too. I'm looking for more rational people around here.

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I am experiencing the same thing. I'm part of a spiritual community with mostly advanced educated professionals. They trust that the government and mainstream media are telling the truth. I think there's a pretty advanced psychological operation/ information control campaign happening against US citizens by the mainstream media. Democrats may be more susceptible to this because these days I think they are more trusting of the government then Republicans generally are. Luckily I've recently found other community of like-minded people, and it feels really good. We don't wear masks, we hug, the whole shebang. 😄💕 Take good care!

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The children of these former friends will be charging their parents with ritual satanic abuse. If the children live through the masking and vaccines their parents give them.

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Sadly the children will likely not have a counter reference point and will grow up with irrational fear of viruses and "others". I worry about the societal impact when you have these ingrained and indoctrinated kids of today making policy in 20-30 years.

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But they will! They'll eventually meet kids who grew up in other states ... and in some cases, other counties in the same state and realize how messed up their lives have been, while these other kids had a lot more fun.

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Yes, amazing how seemingly intelligent people became so utterly brainwashed that they literally stopped critically thinking. We are learning that the letter's MD do not mean what they used to. So shut up and put on your mask, get back to your bubble you right wing radical!

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Exactly! It's truly frightening.

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Our judo move to that double life of the mind situation is to get thee to a red state

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Judo doesn't teach surrender.

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Prohibition of I v m and massive censorship while they continuously lie in the press about it (and plenty of other related issues) being for horses makes it so OBVIOUS their intent to ONLY want vaccination when there are other very safe meds. Then scapegoating the unvaxed bc their shots are leaky and cause great harm to some ppl, is nothing less that CRIMES to HUMANITY.

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I came to Australia 41 years ago. I had all the freedoms that I had anywhere else. I have also lived in the U.S. and Canada. Then came Covid-19. What has transpired is shameful. The dictatorial edicts that have been imposed rival those of any Communist nation. Of course, just like that they banned Ivermectin, fearful that fewer would avail themselves of the jab.

Australia is a now a country that relies on fear, irrational health advice and frankly has tbe maturity level of a 5-year-old.

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Totally agree. The media propaganda is relentless, but so few people here seem to be able to think for themselves. My 3 young adult children are alone amongst all their friends in deciding not to have the jab so far. We are literally being blackmailed that if we don’t have it we can’t come out of lockdown. Some of the rules are so stupid, some are just mean and pernicious. A bin man can spend the week emptying bins all over Sydney, but he can’t take his kids to the beach at the weekend, even though they’re isolating. How many bin men, hospital cleaners, bus drivers etc can afford to live in the wealthy suburbs by the ocean.

I’ll never vote for the Liberals or Labour again. Never. The election will be about a single issue for me, and I’ll be voting for Clive Palmer’s United Party. I want my freedom back.

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I also joinedthe United Australia Party. Libs and Labor are both the same.

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I live here so I know all about it. Luckily where I am we are not currently in a lockdown. But we have had three of them in the last year.

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so I take it there are just pockets of the more severe lockdowns. From what we hear in the u.s. we're led to believe either nothing is wrong and you guys have beaten covid (main stream media) or the whole country is in lockdown and you can't leave your house without being sprayed with pepper spray (alternative media - telegram etc). I wish we could just be told the truth.

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The lockdowns are in the eastern states, Victoria and New South Wales which includes Melbourne and Sydney. Basically half the population of Australia. If we got two new cases of Covid where I am our Premier(Governor) would shut the place down. That’s how hysterical these people are.

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thanks for the first hand info. How hard is it in Perth to avoid getting a covid test? Is it mandatory anywhere? I would guess, with severe lockdowns on the table that people would run like hell from any "voluntary" testing. Here in the states, people seem to love testing, and do it all the time (or did, anyway) as then you can get extra time off work etc.

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Here in Perth there is no mandatory testing, except for certain industries like workers going to mine sites and hospital workers though as of October mandatory vaccinarion kicks in for a number of industries. A number of nurses will be quitting their jobs. We have no. Covid here but if we get one new case you bet we’ll staet with a lockdown. Have had it before. Incidentally our non-Covid status has nothing to do with vaccines. We are just so isolated. No international travel and no travel to other states. I don’t know how long we can stay like this.

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Me too. It's very hard for me to believe that no one there is fighting back. The folks I met there would not take this lying down.

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There’s a few fighting back and they were met with rubber bullets, pepper spray and general police brutality. These are Nazi-like tactics while they destroy people’s livelihood. Crazy world. In the West the governments turn against their own citizens but if you’re an illegal coming from Mexico, they welcome you in.

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Hi Ely I've been tracking global protests against the vaccine passport and noted Brisbane had a huge, yet peaceful march


Can you confirm? Global protests are not being covered by the MSM so hearing directly from an Aussie would be very insightful. Thanks

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Yes, you’re correct. We even had one in Perth though we are not in lockdown. Our state Premier’s response was that the protesters are a bunch of jerks. There is some anger in the community about how politicians haven’t given up their salaries while others suffer. I’m afraid that most Aussies are just happy to go along with these stupid mandates. Meanwhile as vaccination rates go up, cases go up.

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Same story here in Canada. People losing their jobs, vitriol being spewed at neighbors and family members resisting. The compliance is shocking and clearly the inoculation isn't working yet the media rhetoric keeps shaming the unvaxed and any protests that make the news are slighted as idiots who don't know science. I know two people who died post vaccine and if vaccine death and injury was publicized, we might see less compliance. Media propaganda controlling the psyche has been very successful

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This is the most evil thing I have seen in my life time. I saw this coming with Trudeau Snr and came to Australia in which I had many years of freedom…not now.

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There was a rumor of Internet and comms shutdown in and around Melbourne. Obviously since you are here that would seem false? Shutting down all comms would be very "Tienanmen" of the local government if you wanted to crush any rebellion.

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I am in West Australia 2000 miles from Melbourne.

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It infuriates these petty tyrants when their efforts to control nature are shown as futile. Their egomaniacal God complex will simply not allow them to come to the realization they aren’t very powerful at all, and certainly no more special than the plebs they hate so much. I take great joy in ignoring their mandates and upsetting them even more.

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I am 65 years old…and never thought I would be living like this. I now walk in any store or place of business WITHOUT A MASK, and make them confront me. I very politely tell them that Governor Inslee (Washington State) is not a King, and that masks make no difference. When they tell me they are ‘just doing their job’, I reply that I am doing mine as well…‘ standing up to tyranny’.

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that is great! In texas (houston area) most people wear masks but they are not required. It is still uncomfortable to not wear them though. I'm very outnumbered. I try to resist the urge to glare at the masked. It's especially hard if their little toddler has one on.

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Oh I know!! Toddlers with masks make me so angry and sad. We will have a generation of psychologically impaired people. But that is what the government wants…compliance. A fearful, weak compliant population.

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I've enjoyed reading all your comments. My fiance and I don't wear masks in CA, and oh boy the stares we get are priceless. I'm going to plagiarize your "King" response.

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Applies to Climate Change,too !! Covid or Climate Climate, the end results will be the same....loss of liberties and freedoms in the name of safety and security !!

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I have been Karened so many times over the years by Australians fortunate enough to be working and living in Texas- “why do you need a gun?!?!?”

Bet they wish they had guns now

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I now completely understand the 2nd amendment, and yes I wish I had a gun.

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could you help me understand the threat scenario that 'having a firearm' would work for?

I get home defense, I really do. The police will not help you, and might be able to track down the offender.

But am not understanding the threat scenario that involves the state (the local, state or US gov) forcing you to do something that a gun will help against.

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Hi TK Plus. As a (former) Democrat in the USA, but lifelong gun-nut, I have tried to think this through , because it is a good question.

I don’t really plan, and certainly don’t want, to mount a “last stand” against a bunch of cops and FBI agents. I would lose, and die, with my family. Which would be sad for us.

As President Biden said, the Government has F-16s and nuclear weapons.

On the other hand, the USA just surrendered to a bunch of heroin dealers in flip-flops and burnt-out AK-47s from the 1970s.

And every time I watch Schindler’s List, I ask, “If 10% of Jewish households in Poland, in 1940, were known to have a rifle, would the SS have been so enthusiastic about rounding those people up?”

Here in SC the assumption is that any given house or apartment has a pistol, shotgun, or rifle, or perhaps dozens of each. My shooting range is busy all day, with customers from every race and creed.

The atmosphere is always easy and generous.

This fact is a powerful deterrent to any notion of imposing an Australia-style lockdown.

So kind of like “mutual assured destruction”… we don’t need to plan to, or even want to, use our personal weapons to oppose tyranny; but their existence works to that end regardless.

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Beautifully said!

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Thanks! That means a lot!

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The ability to mount guerrilla attacks of attrition on patrols and supply lines is also a powerful factor. The occupying power never knows when they will get shot at. Fighter jets and nuclear weapons don't help that situation.

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Don't forget the "well-regulated militia" aspect. Americans could organize into the same sort of resistance movement that the French used in WWII.

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What they're missing are the equivalent of states (like FL, PA, CA) who can experiment with varying degrees of response

Respectfully, 'wish they had guns' isn't realistic against the state. They have SWAT and other para militaries, and actual militaries

Here in the United States, my gut tells me that this escalation, if it's going to happen, will happen in the fed v the states level. Say Gov DeSantis says 'we're not abiding by a mandate to lock the unvax'd in their houses, and one of the Biden acolytes who are running the administration will escalate with federal force. And DeSantis could call out his national guard. The national guard makes up a LOT of the US military.'

I just don't see the lone person, or even a group, holding out against state force. Civil disobedience? Perhaps.

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This has to be pushed until they break or we do. I’d we break, COVID will fade as Climate Change emergency measures take its place. That’s what this is about - the power of global “monarchs” finally getting their way so they can protect us from ourselves.

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I suspect their approach is really more about protecting themselves and their vast fortunes from the risks associated with the freedoms (and prosperity?) of the great unwashed masses.

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Sure. I think there’s obviously the typical power hungry politician. But there’s a real belief that the earth is gonna burn up amongst the global elites. And they believe that we’re all just to dumb to change. Democrats never works fast enough for the revolutionaries. And there’s a lot, like Al Gore that are using climate change alarmism to create power and personal wealth. But they need the hard core true believers to make it all work, like the individuals that think they’re in the group, or those that want to be in the group - media and Hollywood - are true believers.

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I am currently reading "The Disappearing Act" by Florence de Changy, about MH370 (remember that?)

About one-third through and the shocking detail emerges of how the Australians (who took over the search) cherry-picked and presented ridiculous and misleading "scientific evidence" about where they thought the flight had strayed/ended.

Australian politicians quickly took over the operation and played it on the media, much to the torment of the families of the passengers. It is also quite likely that the politically managed operation could have led to the wreckage never being found, as the politicians were more interested in what looked good on TV, rather than boring stuff that made sense.

The parallels with "The Science" today are clear and painful.

The chief then was Tony Abbot. The chief today is Scott Morrison, who was in the Abbot cabinet at the time of the MH370 mess and very much cut from the same cloth, and to the same measurements.

Your casting of people like Andrews - a cross between a hipster cafe owner and a minor banana republic despot - is perfect. Or, as one British commentator said: "the problem with Australia is not that so many people may have been descended from convicts, but that quite a few are descended from prison guards."

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Australia is the perfect example of fear motivated policies. Their leaders, mostly left leaning, are consumed with empathy and obsessed with the idea of preventing death. Easy to justify the irrationality, anti-data and flat out cruelty when it is 'for the good of everyone'. What truly baffles me is how they are pursuing a zero Covid strategy by insisting on mass vaccinations. Have they not watched Israel, the UK or the USA?

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What's totally insane is Covid also lives in other animals. Deer, cats, probably lots of indigenous Aussie fauna as well. Here's Natgeo on US deer being covid positive and recovered:


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Right. Covid19 is a zoonotic (sp?) virus, so as long as animals can acquire it, it will never die out. Our governments think we are fools.

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So far, they're right.

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Don't let them know that. They'll be culling animals in mass in no time.

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Ummm. Tell 'em trees can get it too and watch the environmentalistic tree huggers fight back when the covidistic nuts start cutting all of them (the trees) down.

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Just as BLM is now threatening to rise up against the vax mandates of "their own people".

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Kudos to Alex for bringing international attention to what's happening in Oz. The Chinese Flu news out of Oz has been v depressing. However, seeing the working class protests over the past weeks has begun to lift my spirits. These (mostly) blokes aren't viral immunologists. Instead, they're the types of guys who build us stuff while we sit at home zooming to and from work. Their kids are the folks who deliver our food and groceries to our front doors while we cower inside. These real Aussies understand that knocking down and pepper-spraying old ladies, martial law, and the arrest of outdoor protestors who pose zero health risk, is the last straw. Without useless university degrees, I'm sure many of them also understand better than the risk aversive credentialed class that trying to prevent a respiratory virus with a survivability rate > 99.8% is epidemiological folly. As a former dyed-in-the-wool Australian liberal supporter now living in the US (17 years and counting) I say to you fellows bravo! Keep up the good fight and stop Comrade Dan from turning the great state of Victoria into a bio-security dystopian hell hole. Aussie, Aussie, Aussie!

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Government gone amuck. Though this is certainly by design in my opinion. And it could be on the way to a government near you!

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Governor Newsom is so jealous. He'd love to do this to us Californians.

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Now that he beat the recall, he probably will.

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Yeah, our only CA hope is for BLM to call him a White Supremacist after he just announced the Vax Police will be going to black CA neighborhoods to jab.

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Fingers crossed!

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From what I can see from afar, the average Aussie has simply had enough. There are still the odd few who think that if they "obey the restrictions" just a bit longer, that Dan The Boy will let them out to play again. They have crucial strength in numbers now, which will (hopefully!) bring out those who were thinking about it, but would never make the first move themselves.

Some of the scenes really have been shocking, like from Burma or one of 'those' places. But it's not, this is a democratic country and the police presence is unreal. I cannot see how Dan The Boy's position is tenable now, he simply must step aside after having street battles take place in his city?!

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the ultimate "cure" for all this covid insanity is to cancel the internet. the internet is enabling all the "social distancing" and it's a very bad thing. without internet none of these "measures" are possible. no zooming. no work from home. no wifi surveillance cameras. no online shopping. no internet banking. no virtual school. without internet everyone will be forced back into the real world to survive and the "very bad cold" will cease to be a problem virtually overnight.

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Yes! I've said this from the beginning. It would all have been over a year ago if people had to stay home and completely stop working. So you can bet they'll never cancel the WHOLE internet

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Alex is absolutely spot on. Sorry to be anecdotal, but I was on the phone with my dear friend in Australia a few nights ago and this is EXACTLY what she told me...so I was actually very surprised when I read this article today at how exactly on point he is. Very insightful.

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The writing on the wall behind Daniel Andrews in the first pic from the Guardian is absolutely Orwellian:


Reminds me of:




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The median age of deaths from covid in Australia 2020 was 87, 5 years above the average life expectancy. Unfortunately 99.97% or Australians are unaware of this fact.

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Sep 24, 2021
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And This Perfect Day - Ira Levin

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I have no doubt the US will be headed in the same direction before too long. Wonder how much our own elites salivate when they hear about Aus' strict control over their compliant masses?

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I will share a hopeful anecdote:

At the local grocer, i wore no mask. A lady behind me in line took her mask off. I smiled.

Our personal behaviors can encourage strength in others to stand up to the madness. We must practice what we believe to make a difference. Small changes can snowball larger.

Everyday, i make it a point to not wear a mask. It took me time to get there, and i did it one day at a time. This is what I can control.

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Sep 24, 2021
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I may have to watch the news again !! Where's the popcorn?

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Sep 24, 2021
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And choose good leaders. We live in South Carolina, and I assure you that our Governor (may he live forever) and our Legislature is not looking on Australia with anything but contempt. We vacationed this summer in Florida and Texas (deliberately chosen as destinations where we would not be oppressed), and it was great. Nothing like arriving at a fancy resort in Texas, going to the check-in desk, and being told, up front, "you can keep your handguns in your room, but rifles and shotguns need to be kept in the hotel's gun-safe until you need them." (We kept the handguns in the room, and put the rifles in the safe until heading to the hotel's shooting range.)

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You're absolutely right

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The new professional class globalist bourgeoisie against the traditional hard-working nativist proletariat. The pandemic only accelerated the conflict that was already in play. The bourgeois pillboxes on the battle beachhead are the entities of the global corporate media and giant social media tech companies. But they are staffed with the reactionary muffin warriors indoctrinated in western education. And western education has its corrupt source in Critical Theory.

Critical Theory hatched from 1960s collectivist French social scientists upset about the failures of Marxism and the beginning of the fall of communism. Unable to accept that their utopia dream had failed (yet again) they put their big myopic brains to work to come up with the excuse... call it cynicism of everything packaged in a new religion of group victimology.

We have a VERY BIG problem in the western world today because the money and the credentials and the education system and the media and big tech and the governments... they are all infested with these crybully clown clones of critical theory. And they are bent on transforming the world to a single entity of totalitarian matriarchal power where THEY (the victims they feel they are) get final retribution for the burning resentment of inferiority they have always felt in the presence of true independent hard working people.

The Pandemic (more likely a planned-demic) was their Tet Offensive. They are milking it for all they can get. They are crushing the independent hard working people. But those people and many more are starting to see behind the curtain. They are recognizing the evil intent of those in charge. They are rising up.

The only remaining question... is it too late?

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"is it too late?"

Even if it is too late, we're damned well going to take as many of them with us as we can. Buy ammo.

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Giap was against the Tet Offensive.

The battle wiped out most of the southern vietcong cadres. So a couple of parallels, obviously there are some sane intellectuals against the MAGA Jabs, while most of your blue state white wokes are the biggest agitators of the jabs. It's gonna wipe them out just like Tet wiped out the vietcong.

Furthermore, a lot of phony math was pushed by the joint chiefs claiming Tet was an American win. And we have an even worse caliber of joint chiefs today.

I got to say I am supremely confident. Once the counter-offensive starts.

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I'm confident, too. But counter offensives are often ugly.

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Creative destruction, is a temporary condition.

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Sep 24, 2021
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I have to admit--this unexpected happening is so delicious, I can't help but smile when I read about it. Nikki Minaj (sp?) inviting "Trump supporters" and "anti-vax mandate" protesters to join in common cause against an overreaching government? Who woulda thunk it?

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This was bound to happen. Leftists devouring leftists. Always has, always will.

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And that’s a fact. I wonder if the police are going to be told to stand down again if they start destroying the city?

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I doubt it. This time they are rebelling against the "wrong" white people. They will be crushed. It may not come to that, but it will be fun watching history repeat: Republicans defending blacks and Democrats going after them with brutal police suppression.

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I may have to watch the news again !! Where's the popcorn?

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Sep 24, 2021
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No offense to the OP. But we really didn't need to go back that far in history. Since these are the class of people that got our country involved in Afghanistan.

Eventually when their security whittle downs to the equivalent of the Afghan army they so confidently built.

We will show them no mercy, and take no prisoners.

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You sound like a Fed :)

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Nah I struggle with what Christ wants me to do though.

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