My husband has tinnitus from the J and J vaccine April 2021 (1st and only dose). He is tortured by it. It started with terrible shoulder pain at injection site, and inability to sleep at night, waking multiple times, for about 1.5-2 months. About 3 weeks in, he noticed that he had this sound in his ear that would not stop. He didn't want to believe that it was from the vaccine, since we believed they were generally safe at the time. Thanks CDC, FDA, NIH and all of our employers! All summer the noise in the ear stayed and didn't go away and frankly made him quite depressed. I finally saw something in the mass media news for the first time in September and showed it to him (link below). He really regrets getting that damn shot. To this day he can pinpoint exactly where the injection went in, because he can feel it in his arm. Here was the news article that really red-pilled him into the realization that these vaccines are not harmless to a large number of people. BTW, he's had covid now too. It wasn't too bad, but quite worse then me (unvaxxed). But he tells me that he still feels like he has congestion from it, two months later. I hope some people who have lied and made secret evil pacts to bring about this calamity go to prison for a very long time. I wouldn't want to be in their shoes on judgement day.
Hubby has had tinnitus for years. He also has hearing loss, and now with hearing aids (which he got at age 49) he can turn on Pink Noise, which he says is super helpful
I am very sorry to hear that. I am actually wondering how many of these problems with tinnitus are related to heart problems. My mother had a terrible tinnitus for several years (completely unrelated to covid), it drove her crazy. It vastly improved after she was diagnosed with heart arrhythmia and received a pacemaker. Apparently, it was one of the symptom. Considering the vaccine can also cause heart problems it may perhaps be something to look into.
I am so sorry for your husband. I had a severe bout of it related to a neglected tooth infection (thanks covid!) I could not listen to anything mediated through a microphone.
I often think to myself “I do not want to be me on Judgment Day, but I sure wouldn’t want to be certain Pharma execs and so-called public health officials.”
Nancy - I'm so sorry to read what happened to your husband. That's terrible. These vaccine injuries make me so upset... it is so wrong what they are doing to make money and how they hurt people and don't care.
I'm sure you are trying different things out. Please ignore this idea if you have already tried it. There are groups on FB for covid long haulers... they have the same symptoms as vaccine long haulers. You can find info and ideas from these FB groups because they aren't shut down like the Vaccine injury groups are. If you go to "Covid-19 long haulers support" and join the group... and then type in "tinnitus" in the search box ... you will see all the discussions of what may have helped. Some people are using steroids or "Ring Relief" medicine, acupuncture, antihistamines... A woman used Hyperbaric Oxygen ..10 sessions.. nutrient IVs and said that helped her, some people swear by Ivermectin etc..
One woman I read had terrible vertigo post-jab... that relates to the inner ear... and she did magnet therapy and got better. There's various ideas out there that may help.
I am guessing you have tried all of these things ...but I just wanted to mention it ... in case it will help. ... I'll pray for your husband Nancy.
My husband has pre-existing, mild tinnitus and it drives him to distraction sometimes. I am so sorry to hear about your husband's experience, Nancy. Totally agree about judgment day.
Thank you so much - especially since PCP told us there was nothing out there to help with tinnitus. Rays of hope are few and far between these days - at least publicly.
There will be more people trying things out with the increase in tinnitus after covid and the jab. There will be more research on this ... more than there ever has been... because of how many people - doctors included- who now have tinnitus. There is definitely hope for a solution... more than any time in history...
Encouraging words are greatly appreciated. The last two plus years have felt like an ever-increasing nightmare - I was naive enough to think that all or at least most doctors took the Hippocratic Oath seriously……… I was wrong.
This is what "Natural Immunity FTW" said on Twitter " It's highly treatable. Many have had success with NR or NMN for tinnitus. They raise NAD--which is Heavily depeleted during Covid."
I've heard brown noise is better than white noise for tinnitus. I have a very gently used Snooz white noise sound machine just sitting in my closet that I would love to send you but not sure how to contact each other.
I have had tinnitus for a couple years in my right ear only, Unrelated to COVID or jab since I've had neither. Normal everyday sounds are painful (running water, high frequency "snapping" noises, etc.) My left ear has no issue. I use this earplug in my right ear and there is no pain from these noises now. My hearing is pretty much gone with the earplug, but it was almost gone with just the tinnitus anyway.
Mine is not so severe that is causes me to lose sleep though.
Is your husband's tinnitus in both ears or just one?
Thanks for sending the link to the pfizer data release last week. I was very busy and with all the other news, I didn't have a chance to really look at it until yesterday.
What I saw made me very angry and I have not taken any shots. I am a peace loving, law abiding angry person so my action will consist of letters/emails to my elected reps in Canada.
PS: here's a very good video of Dr. John Campbell reviewing the data release:
I found that a very moving episode of Dr. Campbell finally coming to the obvious conclusions many of his followers had made from the beginning and making a kind public apology for having been mislead by “senior officials”. My hats off to anyone willing to publicly admit they may have made a mistake. With this and the recent Ivermectin episode, I think we can say he has joined us on team reality.
Most people would recognize that John Campbell was "pulling punches" for a LONG time, and being "supportive" of vaccines in a way so as to keep his program on youtube. Look at where his statements stop short, and alluding to the need for further research. (That's a hint folks!)
Well, I have always been on the fence about that myself...not a real regular watcher but I did often find myself sort of yelling at the screen from time to time for him to come to the obvious conclusions the rest of us saw. Be interested to see how he covers the february UK numbers.
I think this is the first Dr. Campbell video I have seen. But it seems to me he is contrite about his previous take on the vaccine and is trying to come to grips with what he is now thinking was a bad decision and that he may have harmed people. Better he changes his mind than to stand by a decision when the mounting evidence says otherwise. IMHO.
I agree, Dr. Campbell had been telling the truth & the whole truth. On the other hand I’ve noticed that youtubers must be very diplomatic about everything these days.
Wow! Thanks for sharing this. I was so disappointed in his early vaccine coverage that I quit following him. I had covidian friends who hung on his every word. This is big news. 👍🏻
It gets murky because we are all aging. I already had decreasing vision and a very mild tinnitus. I definitely had them both step up after the J&J. But there would be no way for me to demonstrate causally that it was vaccine-driven.
The only way to convince these people it is related would be if the sound people heard was "Pfizer Pfizer Pfizer" instead of a simple ringing. Otherwise, "correlation is not causation"
It should be up to pharma co's to demonstrate that the problem is NOT vaccine driven. They're providing the product, claims were 'safe & effective', mandates, mandates, mandates... We let them off the hook too easily.
Sounds similar to the Texas Roadhouse founder, Kent Taylor. From reading his story, it sounded as if his vaccines made his tinnitus worse and unbearable and he ended his life. So, so sad. Only 65 yrs. old.
Below is a link to a video that prompts the question:
If Covid can be readily treated with Ivermectin, why isn't that treatment heavily promoted INSTEAD of injections? Also: Why did Dr. Hill remain silent if, in fact, he knew (and knows) this?
Wow, I wouldn't want to be Andrew Hill. You can see him squirming as he feebly argues against Dr. Lawrie. Wow. I don't think I've ever seen someone act like that.
I always thought of doctors as Elite but Covid made me change my mind very quickly. There are as many moron doctors as in general population, perhaps even a higher percentage. I finally understood that getting MD does not equate with having wisdom or common sense.
My experience with medical care over the last 30 years (I'm 65), both for myself and for my family members has made me trust God a lot more. Yes, it is a MIRACLE that we survive what we do. Mostly, we've taken that for granted. It also makes me LESS worried about doctors/medical care.
My wife (a nurse) didn't understand why I was witholding the taking of the many drugs being pushed towards me. And she's STILL pushing pills as solutions to my problems with pain and uncritically suggests I should take different pills for mental illness stuff.
But she knows better... suffering from all kinds of maladies and taking pills for them. She's not dumb. Just thinks that pills are the quick fix for her ails.
treating symptoms is not necessarily a good thing. Sometimes it masks warning signs until too late. And the drugs that weaken the immune system on purpose. Who EVER thought that was a good idea?
As H.L Mencken said, “ it is difficult for a man to understand something when his income depends on him not understanding it.”
The government has made it quite easy through positive reinforcement for doctors not to understand the Covid virus and the mRNA jabs. I say that as a retired vascular surgeon with 30 years of dealing with the federal government.
And Francis Collins and NIH getting involved in setting policy did not help. Scientists were silenced because speaking up meant end of their careers. It takes a lot of courage to speak up when your livelihood is on the line.
Clinicians were silenced and not even at the table when the "science" was evolving. So many terrible mistakes. The Medical Profession and Government have really taken a serious integrity blow.
I don't think they are necessarily morons, but I do think there is a HUGE Herd Mentality in the medical community. It seems that a large % of doctors are unwilling to buck the conventional wisdom. Against my own judgement, I caved to my doctor and got the first shot (it was the J&J, so I consider myself fortunate). But I refused to get anything after that, and she is still not pleased with me for that decision. Seriously?
My husband has suffered with tinnitus from the J and J and my sister, a nurse, has told me that I shouldn't be treated at any hospital since I've been unwilling to get vaccinated. BTW, I've had covid twice. That doesn't matter, she still thinks I and people like me should move to the back of the line for getting any medical care for anything. It's downright crazy. We've always had a good relationship, even vacationing together as families, etc. Up til now..
I would ask your Sister, the nurse, to explain Innate Immunity. In fact, I would ask her to write a short 2 page paper and also site the difference of immunity after someone has a SARS-CoV infection versus the Gene Therapy Vax. Also, compare and contrast Gene Therapy to Sterilized Vaccines. Ask her about the difference of SARS-CoV titers. What titer is acceptable immunity. To be honest...She doesn't have a clue. She is a Parrot...Safe and Effective (Squak). Time to dialogue with these idiots. Sorry about your husband...must be terrible.
Again, we are all making our individual judgment days more fraught with anxiety. I know many people who feel the way your sister does. A shocking number, frankly. Judgment day awaits for all of us.
They have a lot on the line -- many years of education and 100s of thousands in debt. Still, it's hard to believe they'd be silent on an issue of such importance.
They must have convinced themselves there's enough uncertainty to assuage their consciences.
Plus don’t underestimate the brain washing in med school. Drugs are good and the answer. Natural stuff is bad and quack. Thinking outside the box is not only discouraged, it’s trained in their brains as bad wrong evil anti science.
Amen to that. I don’t trust doctors much at all. And I’m now completely anti vaccine, and don’t want to get my son his Meningitis booster and have not and will not get him the HPV. I used to get flu vaccine annually but that stopped in 2020. Nope. Never again. And I was never going to get the COVID vax—too new. I didn’t care WHO won the 2020 election
The meningitis and HPV are OK. They are standard vaccines unlike mRNA/DNA. The flu vaccine is hit and miss as to the current variant and I always dodged them in the Air Force and just haven't taken them in private life due to no need. I rarely get sick. I have been around cholera, typhoid, typhus, yellow fever without immunization.
Myocarditis is no bug deal, just ask this good doc, it clears in a few days. And if you get tinnitus, just go to him he’ll give you a hearing test, a booster, and a dum dum pop and send you on your way…
He has a faith-based decision system, at least for some decisions, because he could not have possibly been so wrong. Like Alec Guinness in the final scene in "Bridge on the River Kwai".
"After all, it would be "way too ironic" for a prominent vaccinologist to die of COVID, he said. He also worried about the possibility of contracting COVID and spreading it to his patients." What's even more ironic is a prominent vaccinologist not understanding that his vaccine doesn't stop him from contracting covid or spreading it!
what the F**k it s vaccinologist? Is that what Fauci is (not an epidemiologist)?
it doesn't seem like either of them is interested in the human effects or the humane effects or knowledge of the immune system as it comes to jabbing a bunch of DNA and toxins into a person
I don't think it's "stupid" though. It's religious in a way - an obsession. Classic delusion. Covidian dogma = "Covid-bad, anything that helps mitigate covid (vax, mask) = good."
As crazy as it sounds, I don't think so in this case. I think he really believes getting sick with covid and the small associated risk of death is worth the trouble he's having. He's probably never paid attention to vitamin D, zinc etc. He quite possibly has a poor fitness level as well.
I don't recall the actual drug being tested recently, but there was ONE death in the trial, which was halted by the FDA. So at minimum according to VAERS, 25000 deaths and I think somewhere around a million life altering AEs from the vaccines and somehow it's OK? Criminals.
The tinnitus and eye injuries alone should have shut this program down in February 2021.
My husband has tinnitus from the J and J vaccine April 2021 (1st and only dose). He is tortured by it. It started with terrible shoulder pain at injection site, and inability to sleep at night, waking multiple times, for about 1.5-2 months. About 3 weeks in, he noticed that he had this sound in his ear that would not stop. He didn't want to believe that it was from the vaccine, since we believed they were generally safe at the time. Thanks CDC, FDA, NIH and all of our employers! All summer the noise in the ear stayed and didn't go away and frankly made him quite depressed. I finally saw something in the mass media news for the first time in September and showed it to him (link below). He really regrets getting that damn shot. To this day he can pinpoint exactly where the injection went in, because he can feel it in his arm. Here was the news article that really red-pilled him into the realization that these vaccines are not harmless to a large number of people. BTW, he's had covid now too. It wasn't too bad, but quite worse then me (unvaxxed). But he tells me that he still feels like he has congestion from it, two months later. I hope some people who have lied and made secret evil pacts to bring about this calamity go to prison for a very long time. I wouldn't want to be in their shoes on judgement day.
Has he tried sleeping with white noise? I've used one for years (since 1999 and still going strong) from Yogasleep.
No he hasn't. Thanks for your suggestion Karen, I'll see what he thinks of this.
The sound is adjustable from high to low plus you can adjust the tone of it. It's worth every penny!
Hubby has had tinnitus for years. He also has hearing loss, and now with hearing aids (which he got at age 49) he can turn on Pink Noise, which he says is super helpful
it does help. I know a lot of musicians who use it for relief.
I sleep with the tele on--no politics
Trying to sleep with the news on would be counterproductive!
Ha1 you are so right. Doesn't work. Neither does Green Acres (arrrghh!) maybe there's a similarity
I am very sorry to hear that. I am actually wondering how many of these problems with tinnitus are related to heart problems. My mother had a terrible tinnitus for several years (completely unrelated to covid), it drove her crazy. It vastly improved after she was diagnosed with heart arrhythmia and received a pacemaker. Apparently, it was one of the symptom. Considering the vaccine can also cause heart problems it may perhaps be something to look into.
I am so sorry for your husband. I had a severe bout of it related to a neglected tooth infection (thanks covid!) I could not listen to anything mediated through a microphone.
I often think to myself “I do not want to be me on Judgment Day, but I sure wouldn’t want to be certain Pharma execs and so-called public health officials.”
Nancy - I'm so sorry to read what happened to your husband. That's terrible. These vaccine injuries make me so upset... it is so wrong what they are doing to make money and how they hurt people and don't care.
I'm sure you are trying different things out. Please ignore this idea if you have already tried it. There are groups on FB for covid long haulers... they have the same symptoms as vaccine long haulers. You can find info and ideas from these FB groups because they aren't shut down like the Vaccine injury groups are. If you go to "Covid-19 long haulers support" and join the group... and then type in "tinnitus" in the search box ... you will see all the discussions of what may have helped. Some people are using steroids or "Ring Relief" medicine, acupuncture, antihistamines... A woman used Hyperbaric Oxygen ..10 sessions.. nutrient IVs and said that helped her, some people swear by Ivermectin etc..
One woman I read had terrible vertigo post-jab... that relates to the inner ear... and she did magnet therapy and got better. There's various ideas out there that may help.
I am guessing you have tried all of these things ...but I just wanted to mention it ... in case it will help. ... I'll pray for your husband Nancy.
My husband has pre-existing, mild tinnitus and it drives him to distraction sometimes. I am so sorry to hear about your husband's experience, Nancy. Totally agree about judgment day.
Some drs and people suggest Co-Q10. I can personally tell you it can make it so much worse.
Thank you for that info - appreciate it but sorry to hear of your experience with it.
Nancy, just came across this article about supplement Nicotinamide Riboside that helped someone else with Tinnitus.
Thank you so much - especially since PCP told us there was nothing out there to help with tinnitus. Rays of hope are few and far between these days - at least publicly.
There will be more people trying things out with the increase in tinnitus after covid and the jab. There will be more research on this ... more than there ever has been... because of how many people - doctors included- who now have tinnitus. There is definitely hope for a solution... more than any time in history...
Encouraging words are greatly appreciated. The last two plus years have felt like an ever-increasing nightmare - I was naive enough to think that all or at least most doctors took the Hippocratic Oath seriously……… I was wrong.
another article about the supplement
This is what "Natural Immunity FTW" said on Twitter " It's highly treatable. Many have had success with NR or NMN for tinnitus. They raise NAD--which is Heavily depeleted during Covid."
Sympathies to him. My husband as well has tinnitus from the second Pfizer shot - No booster. It’s infuriating.
I'm so sorry
I've heard brown noise is better than white noise for tinnitus. I have a very gently used Snooz white noise sound machine just sitting in my closet that I would love to send you but not sure how to contact each other.
I have had tinnitus for a couple years in my right ear only, Unrelated to COVID or jab since I've had neither. Normal everyday sounds are painful (running water, high frequency "snapping" noises, etc.) My left ear has no issue. I use this earplug in my right ear and there is no pain from these noises now. My hearing is pretty much gone with the earplug, but it was almost gone with just the tinnitus anyway.
Mine is not so severe that is causes me to lose sleep though.
Is your husband's tinnitus in both ears or just one?
Thanks for sending the link to the pfizer data release last week. I was very busy and with all the other news, I didn't have a chance to really look at it until yesterday.
What I saw made me very angry and I have not taken any shots. I am a peace loving, law abiding angry person so my action will consist of letters/emails to my elected reps in Canada.
PS: here's a very good video of Dr. John Campbell reviewing the data release:
I found that a very moving episode of Dr. Campbell finally coming to the obvious conclusions many of his followers had made from the beginning and making a kind public apology for having been mislead by “senior officials”. My hats off to anyone willing to publicly admit they may have made a mistake. With this and the recent Ivermectin episode, I think we can say he has joined us on team reality.
Most people would recognize that John Campbell was "pulling punches" for a LONG time, and being "supportive" of vaccines in a way so as to keep his program on youtube. Look at where his statements stop short, and alluding to the need for further research. (That's a hint folks!)
Well, I have always been on the fence about that myself...not a real regular watcher but I did often find myself sort of yelling at the screen from time to time for him to come to the obvious conclusions the rest of us saw. Be interested to see how he covers the february UK numbers.
I think this is the first Dr. Campbell video I have seen. But it seems to me he is contrite about his previous take on the vaccine and is trying to come to grips with what he is now thinking was a bad decision and that he may have harmed people. Better he changes his mind than to stand by a decision when the mounting evidence says otherwise. IMHO.
I agree, Dr. Campbell had been telling the truth & the whole truth. On the other hand I’ve noticed that youtubers must be very diplomatic about everything these days.
Wow! Thanks for sharing this. I was so disappointed in his early vaccine coverage that I quit following him. I had covidian friends who hung on his every word. This is big news. 👍🏻
It gets murky because we are all aging. I already had decreasing vision and a very mild tinnitus. I definitely had them both step up after the J&J. But there would be no way for me to demonstrate causally that it was vaccine-driven.
He said he had a "Sudden Onset", shortly after the Vax was administered. No Murky in this statement. This is called an Adverse Reaction.
He’s good with it though, since all we needed was the vaccine and a 25 cent mask.
The only way to convince these people it is related would be if the sound people heard was "Pfizer Pfizer Pfizer" instead of a simple ringing. Otherwise, "correlation is not causation"
It should be up to pharma co's to demonstrate that the problem is NOT vaccine driven. They're providing the product, claims were 'safe & effective', mandates, mandates, mandates... We let them off the hook too easily.
Sounds similar to the Texas Roadhouse founder, Kent Taylor. From reading his story, it sounded as if his vaccines made his tinnitus worse and unbearable and he ended his life. So, so sad. Only 65 yrs. old.
Below is a link to a video that prompts the question:
If Covid can be readily treated with Ivermectin, why isn't that treatment heavily promoted INSTEAD of injections? Also: Why did Dr. Hill remain silent if, in fact, he knew (and knows) this?
If you like the video, share it!
Wow, I wouldn't want to be Andrew Hill. You can see him squirming as he feebly argues against Dr. Lawrie. Wow. I don't think I've ever seen someone act like that.
Yep, a pay-off or bribe of some kind. Someone just sent me this item:
thanks so much for posting, yes I will share.
now, what eye injuries?
“This Kool-Aid is amaaaazing! Try s——“
Reminds me of that Dr that tweeted a picture of his 15year old kid in the ER with myocarditis proclaiming at least he didn't get COVID.
I always thought of doctors as Elite but Covid made me change my mind very quickly. There are as many moron doctors as in general population, perhaps even a higher percentage. I finally understood that getting MD does not equate with having wisdom or common sense.
For real. I am rethinking my entire medical care sphere - it's a miracle half of us are still alive with the incompetence and malpractice,
medical malpractice has been the 3rd leading cause of death in the USA for quite some time
best to avoid doctors & hospitals whenever possible
Cable splicers are like surgeons, they bury their mistakes.
My experience with medical care over the last 30 years (I'm 65), both for myself and for my family members has made me trust God a lot more. Yes, it is a MIRACLE that we survive what we do. Mostly, we've taken that for granted. It also makes me LESS worried about doctors/medical care.
God really HAS developed an AMAZING body for us, that takes care of so much of what hits us. An "amazing machine"!
Well said, Vanda. Thanks.
There 90% fucking quacks, and I already told my wife I ain’t going to a hospital willfully for the rest of my life.
Agree with you 100% Jim.
My wife (a nurse) didn't understand why I was witholding the taking of the many drugs being pushed towards me. And she's STILL pushing pills as solutions to my problems with pain and uncritically suggests I should take different pills for mental illness stuff.
But she knows better... suffering from all kinds of maladies and taking pills for them. She's not dumb. Just thinks that pills are the quick fix for her ails.
treating symptoms is not necessarily a good thing. Sometimes it masks warning signs until too late. And the drugs that weaken the immune system on purpose. Who EVER thought that was a good idea?
As H.L Mencken said, “ it is difficult for a man to understand something when his income depends on him not understanding it.”
The government has made it quite easy through positive reinforcement for doctors not to understand the Covid virus and the mRNA jabs. I say that as a retired vascular surgeon with 30 years of dealing with the federal government.
And Francis Collins and NIH getting involved in setting policy did not help. Scientists were silenced because speaking up meant end of their careers. It takes a lot of courage to speak up when your livelihood is on the line.
Clinicians were silenced and not even at the table when the "science" was evolving. So many terrible mistakes. The Medical Profession and Government have really taken a serious integrity blow.
Crimes against humanity 101!
Crimes against humanity 101....
I don't think they are necessarily morons, but I do think there is a HUGE Herd Mentality in the medical community. It seems that a large % of doctors are unwilling to buck the conventional wisdom. Against my own judgement, I caved to my doctor and got the first shot (it was the J&J, so I consider myself fortunate). But I refused to get anything after that, and she is still not pleased with me for that decision. Seriously?
My husband has suffered with tinnitus from the J and J and my sister, a nurse, has told me that I shouldn't be treated at any hospital since I've been unwilling to get vaccinated. BTW, I've had covid twice. That doesn't matter, she still thinks I and people like me should move to the back of the line for getting any medical care for anything. It's downright crazy. We've always had a good relationship, even vacationing together as families, etc. Up til now..
I would ask your Sister, the nurse, to explain Innate Immunity. In fact, I would ask her to write a short 2 page paper and also site the difference of immunity after someone has a SARS-CoV infection versus the Gene Therapy Vax. Also, compare and contrast Gene Therapy to Sterilized Vaccines. Ask her about the difference of SARS-CoV titers. What titer is acceptable immunity. To be honest...She doesn't have a clue. She is a Parrot...Safe and Effective (Squak). Time to dialogue with these idiots. Sorry about your husband...must be terrible.
Again, we are all making our individual judgment days more fraught with anxiety. I know many people who feel the way your sister does. A shocking number, frankly. Judgment day awaits for all of us.
sorry about your husband. the grey noise machines really help, so does listening to the tele whilst sleeping but not every spouse can deal with that
I wouldn't want to go anywhere with her shedding spikes all over the place
They have a lot on the line -- many years of education and 100s of thousands in debt. Still, it's hard to believe they'd be silent on an issue of such importance.
They must have convinced themselves there's enough uncertainty to assuage their consciences.
Plus don’t underestimate the brain washing in med school. Drugs are good and the answer. Natural stuff is bad and quack. Thinking outside the box is not only discouraged, it’s trained in their brains as bad wrong evil anti science.
I feel the same way about Supreme Court Justices after the vaccine hearings. Bunch of idiots, apparently.
well, a couple of them for sure. To think they each have a minions to do their research for them, and still...
You have to be able to judge people and doctors are included, even more so because they can legally kill people.
and do every day.
Also, they say sociopaths make the best surgeons because they lose sight of the patient and only go for successful surgery.
Amen to that. I don’t trust doctors much at all. And I’m now completely anti vaccine, and don’t want to get my son his Meningitis booster and have not and will not get him the HPV. I used to get flu vaccine annually but that stopped in 2020. Nope. Never again. And I was never going to get the COVID vax—too new. I didn’t care WHO won the 2020 election
Totally agree! I feel exactly the same way! 👍🏻
The meningitis and HPV are OK. They are standard vaccines unlike mRNA/DNA. The flu vaccine is hit and miss as to the current variant and I always dodged them in the Air Force and just haven't taken them in private life due to no need. I rarely get sick. I have been around cholera, typhoid, typhus, yellow fever without immunization.
the Gardisil has a high side effect rate, according to the CDC
as for the HPV, even the CDC says the Guillain Barré rate is much higher than reported. and it only covers a few strains, probably really old ones.
the meningitis booster is for a rare type. the risk benefit ratio says it's not a good one to get
or morals
It's gonna to be tough picking the Darwin Awards Finalists again this year.
I know, too many choices. May have to put names in a hat this year.
Myocarditis is no bug deal, just ask this good doc, it clears in a few days. And if you get tinnitus, just go to him he’ll give you a hearing test, a booster, and a dum dum pop and send you on your way…
I am torn between heartbroken for the human suffering and incredulous at the insanity of this man's thinking.
Incredulous wins.
He is a true believer.
He has a faith-based decision system, at least for some decisions, because he could not have possibly been so wrong. Like Alec Guinness in the final scene in "Bridge on the River Kwai".
"What have I done"
"After all, it would be "way too ironic" for a prominent vaccinologist to die of COVID, he said. He also worried about the possibility of contracting COVID and spreading it to his patients." What's even more ironic is a prominent vaccinologist not understanding that his vaccine doesn't stop him from contracting covid or spreading it!
what the F**k it s vaccinologist? Is that what Fauci is (not an epidemiologist)?
it doesn't seem like either of them is interested in the human effects or the humane effects or knowledge of the immune system as it comes to jabbing a bunch of DNA and toxins into a person
Can't FIX stupid...
I don't think it's "stupid" though. It's religious in a way - an obsession. Classic delusion. Covidian dogma = "Covid-bad, anything that helps mitigate covid (vax, mask) = good."
End of story.
Can't fix a religious obsessive delusional covidian or what some call the RODC syndrome
"Can't fix a religious obsessive delusional covidian"
Yes, agreed!! Well, you *should* be able to fix it, but if they're still Covidian this late into the game, they're beyond hope.
Ha, I've never heard that RODC acronym. Usually I just hear "covidian" or "Branch Covidian."
I just made it up lol. Full disclosure it was not put thru a rigorous randomized controlled trial :)
It's gonna to be tough picking the Darwin Awards Finalists again this year.
I think this is a case of “If I've been fooled and am suffering, others should be fooled and suffer, too.”
As crazy as it sounds, I don't think so in this case. I think he really believes getting sick with covid and the small associated risk of death is worth the trouble he's having. He's probably never paid attention to vitamin D, zinc etc. He quite possibly has a poor fitness level as well.
Yes. The MDs I know think Covid is a death sentence for everyone including young healthy people. Those doctors do not work with Covid patients btw
i like that some people are less cynical than i am
I don't recall the actual drug being tested recently, but there was ONE death in the trial, which was halted by the FDA. So at minimum according to VAERS, 25000 deaths and I think somewhere around a million life altering AEs from the vaccines and somehow it's OK? Criminals.
Unless this class of injectibles is working perfectly.
That’s what I think too, unfortunately. It is working exactly as planned.
Maybe he’s hearing the echo-chamber.